• Published 17th Sep 2018
  • 1,379 Views, 71 Comments

Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Crossover Go! - Dragonfire2lm

The Super Robot Monkey Team travel to Equestria to protect the last remaining members of an alien race from the evils of The Skeleton King.

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Season 1, Episode 1- Fae Hunt Part 1.

Author's Note:

Not all chapters will be as long as this but I hope you enjoy the start of this passion project. 14 episodes are planned for Season 1.

Set after the SRMTHFG! episode "Chiro's Girl"
Set before the MLP FiM episode "Friendship is Magic Part 1"

EDIT- fixed spelling errors, Special thanks to mattchily for pointing them out, changed one line of dialog because I forgot the monkey team use different sayings and expressions wen writing it and edited Nova's description based on mattchilly's suggestion.

EDIT 2- Fixed more spelling errors and put in some missing words, whoops.

Please point out any typos I missed in the comments below.

The planet Magian Prime hung in the void of space, it’s sun and moon orbiting around it and the very fabric of reality around the blue and green sphere shifting and warping as if the very existence of this world spat in the face of everything the greatest minds in the universe knew to be proven facts of reality.

Observing the planet from afar was a large humanoid robot comprised mostly of simple geometric shapes. Its torso was a rectangle with metal tubes for arms, legs and neck. Its hands were blocky with fingers made of interconnecting metal pieces and all connected to a square palm. Its feet were even more simplistic and just large square blocks of metal. The robots head held the most detail, a square head with two round eyes, a rectangular slit for a mouth and an antenna atop its head with an orb on the end. A blue dot of light glowed in each of the robot’s eyes, the simplicity of its design hiding the complex and advanced technology that lay within.

The interior of the robot, an interconnected maze of rooms and halls reinforced with white sheets of metal across every wall and floor were home to the team that piloted the ship sized machinder. The main command room was situated in the heart of the robot, it had six white orb shaped chairs with different coloured seats attached to a lowered circular section of the floor in the centre of the large room with six tubes of six different colours used to transport the crew around the robot off to the far side of the room. Three of the chairs and their owners faced the large command console and screen that took up the majority of the front wall observing the planet.

A young human boy, with bright blue eyes, neatly combed yet still slightly scruffy black hair and dressed in what appeared to be a red jumper over the top of a white button up shirt, grey pants and a pair of scuffed sports shoes that had seen better days sat cross-legged in his orange coloured chair looking curiously at the planet displayed onscreen.

Next to the boy, practically sprawled in his red chair was something that could only be described as a robot monkey. The animal’s arms and the end of its tail were entirely made of metal tubing not unlike the arms and legs of the robot it was inside. The creature wore a red helmet with a white border that protected the front, top and back of its skull, decorated with a white stripe and a shark like fin in the middle. A pair of bulbous black, glass orbs acted as casing for the monkey’s eyes and its ears were replaced with metal, antenna like augments. It’s muzzle, feet and an oval patch of fur on its chest were white and stood out against the short red fur that covered the rest of the monkey.

The red monkey sighed in boredom and sat up straighter as he transformed one of his robotic hands into a large red magnet, pulled out a rag from a hidden compartment within his seat and began to inspect and polish the magnet with his free hand.

On the opposite of the child, another robot monkey, this one with yellow fur and light pink eye casing glared at the red one as he started humming.

“Sparx! We’re supposed to keep an eye on the planet while Antauri and Gibson finish their research.” She scolded and her teammate rolled his eyes.

“Come on Nova we’ve been sitting here for what, three hours? All because Brain Strain wanted to see if Antauri had any old records to, and I quote “Verify the legitimacy of this new information”. I’m dying of boredom over here!” Sparx complained as he shifted his magnet hand back to normal.

“We only knew we even had this new information because Sakko pulled it out the Super Robot’s databank and gave it to the Skeleton King!” Nova retorted.

“Wouldn’t it be easier to just land on the planet and go looking for this Fae thing?” Sparx asked. “You agree with me, right kid?”

The boy seemed to pay his teammates no mind as he looked over at the world below his gaze distant.

“Chiro?” Nova asked. “Are you alright?”

“Huh? Oh, sorry guys I guess I zoned out for a second there.” the boy replied sheepishly.

“Everything alright kid? You looked more than just zoned out to me.” Sparx said.

“I think so, something about that place seem odd,” Chiro explained. “It’s almost like we’re meant to go there.”

The whoosh of a door opening caught everyone’s attention as two more monkey’s, one blue with black eye casing and one black with green eye casing walked into the command centre.

“About time Gibson! You guys find anything?” Sparx asked.

The blue monkey walked up to the command console and brought several text documents onto the screen as he explained.

“To ease your obvious frustration Sparx, we did find something. Whoever planted these documents into the Super Robot’s database knew what they were doing and expected us to find them. They are indeed legitimate and the implications of this information falling into the hands of The Skeleton King are… disturbing to say the least. However, Antauri is more knowledgeable on the subject than I so I’ll let him explain.”

“Thank you, Gibson,” the black furred money said. “The planet we are monitoring is known as Magian Prime, a world formed around a strange space-time anomaly that very few scientists have been able to study due to the unique nature of this world. Time moves faster on the planet’s surface than anywhere else in the cosmos and the world itself has been known to appear and disappear at random.”

Antauri pulled up one of the documents they had unearthed as he continued. “This world harbours the last remaining Psychion Fae, a powerful race whose form varies across the different colonies yet all are known to possess a myriad of psychic abilities. They were thought to be extinct after The Skeleton King destroyed their colonial ships and hunted down every last member of the species.”

“Which means he could come after the one hiding on that planet.” Chiro surmised and Antauri nodded.

“Whether he seeks to once again destroy the Fae or use them for some dark purpose one thing is clear, we must find them before he does.” Antauri stated.

“Ok, so why haven’t we already gone down there and rescued the thing yet?” Sparx asked.

“The anomaly that surrounds Magian Prime would make it impossible to leave the planet’s surface as we are now, The Super Robot just isn’t equipped with the right technology to handle travelling through the chroniton energy the anomaly generates,” Gibson explained. “We would be stranded on Magian Prime with no way to return to Shuggazoom City.”

“Tell that to Skeleton King…” Chiro stated darkly and pointed at the planet.

Looming nearby and rapidly approaching the planet was a jagged, massive ship made of bone. It gave off an aura of evil and dread. Chiro and the monkeys stared at it in horror.

“So, we’re doomed if do and doomed if we don’t,” Sparx stated. “What do we do now?”

Chiro activated the small golden badge pinned to his jumper, in a flash of green light his clothes transformed into a white, long sleeve shirt and pants, black boots, orange gloves and an orange scarf. White face paint adorned the upper half of Chiro’s face with orange lines under his eyes. His hair lost its combed look, his fringe hanging down between his eyes while the rest of his hair shaped itself to mimic the shape of the helmets of his monkey friends.

“We have no choice monkey team,” he explained as he finished his transformation into Hyper Mode. “Everyone on that planet is in danger if The Skeleton King gets his hands on that fae.”

“Great we’ll get stuck on an alien planet trying to find one specific alien! It’ll be like trying to find a needle in a haystack!” Sparx grumbled.

“Well if we had a way of tracking Psychia energy, the power source of the Psychion Fae’s psychic abilities we might just have a chance of succeeding but there’s no way we could possibly build a device to track such a rare energy type in so little time.” Gibson replied.

There was a sound of the transport tubes being used as the last member of their team, a green monkey walked in fiddling with a device in his hands.

“And just where have you been Otto?” Gibson asked.

Proudly, Otto held up the gadget he was working on, it was small, round and covered in flashing lights. He grinned as he explained what it was.

“I got bored waiting around, so I built a Hyper Energy Detector. I thought we could use it to track some of the weird monsters Skeleton King uses.”

The detector beeped and whistled, the lights along its surface blinking a light pink colour.

“Look likes it’s picked up something!” Otto said happily.

“Everyone we’ve got a Fae to rescue, monkeys mobilize!” Chiro commanded and the six of them rushed to their respective transport tubes, each one coloured to match of the five monkeys and an orange tube for their human leader. The tubes carried them to their seats in various places throughout the Super Robot as the group performed the start-up sequence for combat.

“Foot Crusher Cruiser Six, go!” Nova stated as she strapped into her seat and the back of her helmet connected to an interface built into her chair.

“Foot Crusher Cruiser Five, go!” Otto said seconds later.

Gibson perched himself in the cockpit of his section of the robot, hands and feet gripping the controls. “Fist Rocket Four, go.”

Over the comms, Sparx replied not a second later. “Fist Rocket Three, go!”

The groups second-in-command, Antauri, took his place within the Super Robot’s head. “Brain Scrambler Pilot Two, go!”

Finally, Chiro slid into his seat, the seat belts snapping into place as he did. “Torso Tank Driver One, go!”

As a group, they recited their team name, one word after the other, a rallying cry that steeled their nerves and prepared them for a fight.







“Go!” they all exclaimed, rockets blazing to life on the Super Robot’s feet and propelling it towards Magian Prime. As it neared the planet, the robot shuddered, alarms began blaring as systems failed or spiralled off the charts.

“We’re in the grip of the anomaly!” Gibson stated. “It’s pulling us towards the planet’s surface!”

“Foot thrusters are failing! We can’t slow down!” Nova exclaimed.

“Navigations dead!” Otto stated.

“Monkey Team, brace for impact!” Antauri commanded.

The Hyperforce screamed as the Super Robot plummeted to the ground, a dense forest rushing up to meet them.

The Everfree forest oozed malice and hate, every tree, bush and blade of stunted grass screamed at her to leave, to run and never return. The sheer animosity made her nauseas she stumbled over to small pond and caught sight of her reflection on the water’s surface.

A small creature barely larger than a housecat with the general shape of a fennec fox stared back at her. Bright orange fur, large ears, a narrow muzzle and expressive powder blue eyes tiredly looked over her battered form as the two antennae between her ears drooped in exhaustion, the powder blue bulbs at their tips flickering weakly with psychic energy. Her lower jaw, neck and chest were covered in white fur sullied with dirt and dust and the cream coloured fur of her legs fared no better, her fur was mattered and uneven and her legs riddled with holes that smelt of burnt ozone and psychic energy. She shook loose a pebble that had lodged itself in one of her large paws, wincing in pain as the broken blue crystals around her ankle shifted with the movement, her Psychia Nervous System screaming in pain alongside her regular one at the action. She carefully adjusted her pose to get a better look at her deer-like tail and the matching white spots on her flank.

Ok, so my foci crystals are fried, I’ve had three Psychia neural blowouts in the past twenty-four hours and the entire forest is trying to kill me.

I need to get to that castle and soon, there’s only a couple of days left.

The end of her tail was singed and she took solace in the fact that large red gashes in her side had finally stopped bleeding. She stretched like a cat, and flexed the black, tattered scraps of flesh that were her wings before wincing as they tugged on damaged muscle and tissue.

I won’t be moving those anytime soon and just when my wings were starting to grow back too…

Her head throbbed with pain and fatigue and with a whine she drank quickly and continued her trek through the forest. She had wasted enough time, time she couldn’t afford to waste. She walked with purpose despite the pain in her legs at each step or the aching void in her head where her horn once sat, she continued on even as countless eyes followed her every movement as she headed deeper into the forest.

Curse this forest, curse that damn tree and everything to do with it! I’m getting to that castle, I am going to wait for Nightmare moon, I will make things right and nothing on this ancestor damned world will stop me!

Anything that growled at her received a growl in return, the beasts brave enough to lash out were met with her own fangs, claws and snarling fury yet the forest still wanted her gone, the plants sought to halt her progress, blocking her path with branches and even entire trees falling to in her path. She bolted through the undergrowth, leaping over falling logs and sliding under branches as they crashed down around her, screaming their hatred of her all the while.

She only stopped running when something too big to fight blocked her path. The fox-like creature looked up as an Ursa Major peered down at in all it’s ancient rage and fury. She leapt away from it as tried to swipe her and she was caught in the jaws of a timberwolf.


The wooden canine tossed her around like a rag doll, she felt another clamp down om her leg, she roared in pain, her head burned as power flowed from it to the rest of her body, she was encased in an aura of powder blue energy that quickly caught fire as her body simply kept producing it, the timberwolves were disintegrated as her body screamed out in pain, she felt her power erupt from her ankles, reducing the crystals that grew out of her legs to nothing but dust. Her power kept building, it sought a way out and the added pain of having it explode out of legs and making yet another set of holes proved too much for her on top of everything else.

Only the thunderous crash of something falling from the sky to land on top of the ursa major, scattering the constellation beast into stardust, kept her conscious due to the shock. She lay in a tired, painful, bloodstained heap on the forest floor as six figures emerged from whatever had crashed into the Everfree. She was overwhelmed from the sense of strength and safety the group radiated, it was such a stark contrast to the hatred and wrath of the forest surrounding her that she was frozen in shock as they homed in on her and she got clearer look at them.

Help me, please.

Five cybernetically enhanced monkeys and a young boy. She knew who they were, knew more than she was willing to tell them but she hoped, she prayed that perhaps now she could do what she came here to do despite the Everfree’s attempts at thwarting her.

With their help, she could save The Mare in the Moon.

It didn’t take her long to realise that The Hyyperforce’s Super Robot had been the object that crashed into the Everfree from orbit, especially as Antauri carefully carried her into the robot’s medical facility and placed her on a bed. She watched with renewed interest as the rest of the group observed her as Gibson cleaned and bandaged her injuries. She kept quiet despite her pain, though being somewhere relatively safer and in good company certainly helped her ignore her pain and discomfort.

“That’s a Psychion Fae? What the heck happened to it?” Sparx asked.

“She looks like she got into a fight.” Otto noted and the others looked over him curiously.

“How do you know it’s a girl?” Chiro asked.

“I dunno, she just looks like one. Plus, I don’t think guys have a pouch.” Otto stated.

I like him.

“That is… surprisingly observant of you Otto, I just performed a deep medical scan it turns that our fae friend here is indeed female,” Gibson remarked pulling out a scanner from where it sat waiting on a table beside him. “Her biology is very interesting, two nervous systems, microbial filters instead of lungs, a highly efficient digestive system, external egg sac concealed in the chest cavity, presumably for a multi-stage incubation process and yes, a pouch. Psychion Fae appear to be egg laying marsupials, fascinating.”

He’s as clever as Master said he is. She chittered in amusement as his accurate assessments.

“Wait did you just say egg sac?” Sparx asked, looking disgusted and she growled at him.

I’d like to see you try to store hundreds of eggs without one. It’s gross but necessary.

“Guys, I think she can understand us!” Otto exclaimed and beamed when she looked at him and nodded.

“But can we understand her? Communication goes both ways after all.” Antauri stated.

If I wasn’t so worn out you’d hear me just fine but such is life I suppose.

“How can we tell? It doesn’t look like she can talk.” Nova said.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, she’s still wounded and needs time to recover. The long-range scanners detected a settlement nearby so there’s a chance one of the locals know her.” Gibson suggested.

“Alright, Gibson, Otto, you two stay here to look after the fae, the rest of us will ask around and see if anyone knows her.” Chiro decided.

“We’ll have to travel on foot, the Super Robot is still damaged from the crash.” Antauri advised as they made to leave.

“The robot is too large to move around the settlement safely regardless, we can’t run the risk of potentially injuring a civilian.” Gibson added.

“Monkey Team, move out!” Chiro ordered.

She looked around the sparsely furnished room as the Hyperforce split up though she noticed Otto looking at her curiously. He seemed to have gotten an idea because the next minute he had rushed off to some other part of the robot leaving Gibson just as confused as she was.

What on Arcania is he doing?

“What on Shuggazoom is he doing?” Gibson grumbled as he carefully inspected her bandaged legs. “Well no matter, you my friend, are in for a long road to recovery with those holes in your legs, malnourished form and general lack of health but not to worry, as a part of The Super Robot Monkey Team I’ll have you in perfect health in no time at all!”

You have my eternal thanks.

She shuffled around on the bed, her bony form made lying uncomfortable and the pressure of her weight resting on her legs caused no small amount of discomfort. She grimaced and did her best to ignore the pain.

“I’m sorry we can’t do more for you,” Gibson admitted. “As much as I would like to administer pain relief we simply don’t know how your biology might react to it.”

Has it really been that long since Psychion Fae roamed the cosmos? I guess this’ll be a learning experience for both of us then.

She nodded, her tail wagging weakly in gratitude for his efforts. She was still in too much pain to try communicating with him, she huffed in frustration and rolled onto her side to take the weight off her legs.

You must have so many questions yet I can’t answer them in this state.

Stupid crystal tree….

“Just try to rest, I’ll take a closer look at the medical scan and see if I can come up with something to help you.” Gibson stated.

She tilted her head in confusion, hadn’t they already done enough.

I’m pretty sure saving my life is enough for now.

He seemed to pick up on her thoughts from her body language.

“You’re the last Psychion Fae in all the known universe and that makes you a target unfortunately,” he explained. “The rest of my team and I didn’t arrive here by chance, we found records that one of your kind survived The Skeleton King’s attempt to wipe out your people and spotted him near this planet. We thought it was the best choice of action to try and find you before he did.”

If my intel was right then I’m not the last but… Oh stars, if the Skeleton King is on the hunt once again…

She grew tense at the mention of The Skeleton King, her mind wandered to an image of Ponyville overrun with skeletal like monsters and ponies fleeing in terror. She rolled back onto her stomach, her ears splayed back and antennae snapped back behind her head as she growled and forced herself to her feet.

I need to warn Ponyville!

She crashed back down onto the mattress, it was clear she didn’t have the strength to do much of anything at the moment. She felt Gibson place a metal hand on her back, easing her down onto the bed as she tried to stand again.

“You need to calm down,” he instructed. “You could aggravate your injuries if you try to run off.”

I don’t care! There are people in danger! If Fluttershy were here she could translate for me, wait…It’s worth a long shot but if I can just…

An image, all I need to do is show him is an image of what she looks like…

She whined, her antennae glowing as she forced her tired mind to work beyond her limits in an attempt to put a voice to her concerns. She focused on Gibson, directed her intent at him with what little strength she could muster. He blinked in surprise and she smiled in relief as he quickly contacted the rest of the Hyperforce.

Thank goodness…

Ow, my head….

“Monkey Team, be on the lookout for a yellow Pegasus with a pink mane and tail and blue-green eyes. It is imperative we get her to the Super Robot immediately, she’s the only one who can communicate with the Psychion Fae.” Gibson explained.

“I take it you established some form of communication with our guest?” Antauri asked over the comms.

“Yes, extremely basic telepathic communication, I hypothesise that telepathy is her primary form of communication but her injuries prevent her from doing so normally.” Gibson explained.

“Don’t worry we’ll keep an eye out for this... Pegasus.” Chiro said.

“Seriously we’re looking for a Pegasus?” Sparx snarked.

“To clarify the pegasus is a subspecies of the indigenous race of this land, ponies.” Gibson replied.

Ah, I sent him more information than I wanted, oh well no harm done.

“You’re kidding...” Sparx deadpanned. “This starting to sound like something out of a kids holovid show!”

“Hey Nova?” Otto asked. “Where do you keep your heated blanket?”

“Why?” Nova asked back.

“That blanket is all nice and cosy so I thought we could let the fae borrow it for a while.” Otto replied.

“She’ll give it back once she’s better, right?” Nova asked warily.

“Uh, Nova, why are you so worried? It’s just a blanket?” Chiro asked.

“It’s safer not to ask kid,” Sparx warned. “Nova just… really likes that blanket.”

“Oookay then…” Chiro said, confused.

Nova sighed. “Alright, alright I keep it in a hidden compartment in my room by my bed. She can borrow it. Just make sure she looks after it.”

“Thanks Nova, you’re the best!” Otto said brightly.

“…Anytime Otto…” Nova grumbled.

Moments later Otto came back carrying a large fluffy blanket that had a cord attached it which trailed back into some unseen corner of the Super Robot. He draped it over her, made sure there was enough space for her to move around and turned it on with a small remote.

“You use the dial to change how hot you want it, don’t pick the top one though, that’s a Nova only setting,” He explained and handed her the remote. “It’s got three micro batteries and it’s hooked up to the Super Robot’s neutron generator so it’ll never run out of power.”

His joy was infectious and she found herself smiling with him as he gave her the run down of everything he had used to build the blanket and all the fancy settings and other things Otto had installed in it.

“Well she’s a good listener at least or perhaps extremely patient.” Gibson observed.

“Man, am I glad to be out of there! That forest was creepy!” Sparx stated as the rest of The Hyperforce made their way to moderately sized village with houses that looked to be straight out of the middle ages with thatched roofs and surprisingly colourful designs.

In fact, the entire town was colourful, flowers of every colour imaginable grew in flowerbeds outside of homes and the inhabitants of the village itself were just as bright and cheery in disposition as they were in colour palette. The group stood in the middle of the cobblestone road in awe at the peaceful, bustling town as ponies of all shapes, sizes and colours went about their daily business under the midday sun.

“Gibson wasn’t kidding about the ponies...” Sparx groaned.

“This is weird, it’s like the whole place is me sized.” Chiro noted as everything from the doors to the ponies themselves were no taller than him.

“What’s the matter Sparx? This place isn’t manly enough for you?” Nova said teasingly.

“Of course not! Even the guys are brightly coloured... at least, I think those are guys.” Sparx said.

“Focus guys, we gotta find that pony Gibson told us about.” Chiro stated and walked over to a pink pony with a slightly darker pink curly mane and tail and three balloons marking her flank.

“Hey uh, do you know anyone that’s friends with a small fox-like creature that has a pair of antennae on its head?” Chiro asked.

“Uh-huh, sure that’s Fluttershy’s mom! OhMyGosh! Did you find her, is she ok? Fluttershy’s been so so worried ever since Fenneca went into the Everfree Forest three days ago!” the pink pony said rapidly.

“She was hurt, my team and I patched her up so if you could just tell me where to find this Fluttershy person we’ll uh, get out of your hair.” Chiro replied, taken aback by the torrent of words that came from this pony.

“She’s in the marketplace putting up missing posters, tell her I said hi!” The pony said but paused, peering intently at the group. “Say, you guys are new to Ponyville right?”

“Y-yeah, why?” Chiro replied.

“Then you guys are in for a treat! Everypony-or everyone- new to Ponyville gets treated to a Welcome to Ponyville Party hosted by me, Pinkie Pie!” the pony explained. “Your monkey friends look so adorable, do they like bananas? Because Fenneca loves bananas and she’s not a monkey but she’s always saying that bananas are good-“

Pinkie’s tirade was cut short by Sparx clamping her muzzle closed with a hand.

“We don’t like bananas; can we go now?” he said flatly.

“My monkeys don’t eat bananas and we’ll catch you later. Thanks for the help.” Chiro said sheepishly and led Sparx away before he did something he’d regret.

“Seriously, why does everyone assume we eat bananas!” Sparx fumed.

“How come you’re so worked up Sparx? That isn’t like you?” Chiro asked.

The red monkey sighed. “I know kid, I’m sorry but look at us. Stuck on an alien planet babysitting an alien that got the scrap kicked out of it from a creepy forest. We’re just sitting ducks, waiting for the Skeleton King to act because we have what he wants. I don’t like sitting on our tails just doing nothing.”

“I know Sparx but what if that’s what he’s planning on? Us taking action just so he can swoop in and do whatever he wants?” Chiro asked.

“We all understand your frustration Sparx but there’s no need to lash out at others,” Antauri stated. “besides, we have the advantage, by protecting the Psychion Fae we protect the universe and Shuggazoom City by denying The Skeleton King the power he seeks.”

“Hey guys, I think I found the pony we’re looking for.” Nova said and pointed to somewhere ahead of them.

A butter yellow Pegasus, her long light pink mane held up behind her with a blue ribbon and a matching one was tied around the base of her short and equally pink tail, had finished putting a missing poster onto a stall selling apples and apple related products.

Chiro walked over to the mare and grabbed her attention by pointing at the poster.

“You’re looking for her right? My friends and I found her out in the forest.” Chiro explained and the pony whipped around and stared at him, her blue-green eyes shimmering with newly kindled hope.

“You did? Is she alright? She said was going to go search the old castle in the Everfree Forest but that was three days ago!” the Pegasus exclaimed fearfully. “She’s always let me know if she’ll be gone for more than a day… Oh, where are my manners, I’m Fluttershy.”

“I’m Chiro and these are my friends, Antauri, Sparx and Nova. We’re part of the Super Robot Monkey Team, your friend is on our ship.” Chiro explained.

“Hey ‘Shy!” a new voice called out as a rainbow maned Pegasus with blue fur swooped down from above to hover by Fluttershy. “You find your mom yet?”

“Oh Rainbow! These nice people found her.” Fluttershy replied and gestured to Chiro and the gang with a hoof.

The owner of the apple stand, an orange mare with a blonde mane and tail and wearing a cowboy hat, spoke up. “Well that’s the best thing we’ve heard all day, I’m sure everypony will pleased to hear Fenneca made it back alright.”

“Totally! I was gonna go get her but it looks like you guys beat me to it, the name’s Rainbow Dash,” the blue Pegasus said and hovered above Antauri, examining him. “Are these like, toys or something?”

“We are advanced cybernetic monkeys, not toys.” Antauri explained, though all Rainbow was high pitched monkey chittering.

“I don’t speak monkey…” Rainbow said flatly.

Fluttershy giggled. “He said they’re real monkeys and not toys.”

“You can understand us?” Sparx asked.

“I can understand all animals, it’s my special talent,” Fluttershy explained and pointed at the three pink butterflies that adorned her flank. “I can explain on the way, if you want. I’d very much like to make sure Mama is ok.”

“Yeah, we’ll take you to the Super Robot,” Chiro stated and looked over at Fluttershy curiously as he led the way back towards the forest. “She’s your mom?”

“She found me when I was just a baby and took me in since she couldn’t my find birth parents. What happened to her?” Fluttershy asked.

“We found her badly injured in the nearby forest and have been unsuccessful in attempting to establish two-way communication with her,” Antauri explained. “Do you know why?”

“Oh dear, she’s that hurt? Mama normally talks using her mind, she can only talk to one person at a time though,” Fluttershy replied. “She used to be able to talk to as many people as she wanted a long time ago but she can’t without her horn.”

“A horn? It didn’t that look like she had a horn, or even a broken one.” Nova stated.

“Mama said she had to have it surgically removed and it would take too much time and energy to grow back, so she never bothered.” Fluttershy said, flitting nervously around the group as they kept walking.

“There’s nothing to be worried about, we got patched her up and she’s doing fine.” Sparx said to try and lighten the mood.

The Monkey Team heard the tell-tale sound of the comms switching on as Gibson chimed in. “I can assure you that the Psychion Fae, I believe she’s called Fenneca yes? is doing much better than when we first found her and is recovering form her injuries quite rapidly I might add.”

“Thanks for the update Gibson. We’ll be back at the robot soon.” Chiro stated.

“Understood.” Gibson replied.

“I’m so glad you’re ok!” Fluttershy sobbed as she held her adopted mother gently in her hooves. Fenneca nuzzled her in return, the psychic link between mother and daughter re-establishing itself from the pair’s close proximity.

“It’s alright Dear ‘Shy, I’m fine, even better now that I know that you’re safe.” Fenneca telepathically murmured.

“When I felt the link between us vanish I was so scared I thought I’d lost you!” Fluttershy said. “The guards wouldn’t search any deeper and I couldn’t risk losing Dash if she went after you too!”

“Pardon the interruption but what do you mean by link?” Gibson asked, he and the rest of the Hyperforce were watching the two of them from beside Fenneca’s bed.

“I’ll need you to translate for me, is that alright?” Fenneca asked and Fluttershy lessened her grip on the small fox-like creature for a moment and nodded, sniffing back another round of tears.

“Atta girl, now repast after me...”

“P-psychion Fae have an extra gland located at the front of the brain… that generates Psychia energy and uses the Fae’s second nervous system to transmit it around the body for everyday use,” Fluttershy said, doing her best to repeat her mother’s words. “The fae’s antennae act as relays to send and receive information from one induvial to another with only the fae monarch’s- the rulers of the fae colony- have the natural ability to broadcast information to multiple people at once with a single horn growing out of their foreheads.”

“So, the horn acts as a natural signal booster, allowing the monarch to talk to everyone in a group and expend less energy doing so…” Gibson surmised. “Perhaps we can modify one of our communicators to broadcast her psychic energy instead of standard transmissions.”

“But wouldn’t she need a way to have it on her all the time?” Nova asked.

“We could put one on a collar!” Otto suggested.

“She’s not a dog Otto.” Gibson said in annoyance.

“Can it be dark purple?” Fenneca asked curiously and Fluttershy passed the question along.

“I could ask Rarity to go make the collar, she’ll be thrilled to hear your safe. I’ll ask her if she can decorate it with that black lace you like.” Fluttershy suggested.

“Make sure she gets paid for her work, her sincerity is admirable but I don’t want her losing bits on my account.” Fenneca stated.

“I’ll make the communicator!” Otto said. “if we make it from scratch we can modify it whenever we need to.”

“Well, if we’re all agreed I see no harm in the idea.” Gibson admitted.

The sun was setting by the time everything was done, a royal purple collar, lined with black lace fit comfortably around Fennca’s neck. She sat still on the bed as Otto attached a small black box to both the back and front of the collar before finally adding a hyperforce badge with a built-in communicator to middle of the collar.

“All done! Try it out.” Otto suggested and leapt off the bed as the rest of the Monkey Team crowded around her, eagerly waiting for the result.

Fenneca focused her power, her intent towards the communicator and was pleasantly surprised when the sensors on both the front and back of the collar detected her energy. It wasn’t the same as having her horn, her mind still empty, closed off from any and all other Psychion fae but that was nothing new.

This however was exciting.

“Hello, I’m Princess Fenneca Evenstar, Fae Monarch of The Star Maker colony of Psychia Fae, it is an honour and privilege to meet you Hyperforce. I’ve heard a few rumours about your return to duty but I never thought you’d come here, of all places.” She said.

“You’ve heard of us?” Chiro asked.

“Anyone who knows of The Skeleton King, knows about you, the universe’s last hope of salvation from his twisted ways,” Fenneca replied and smiled. “It’s nice being to talk with other people again, it’s just been me and Fluttershy here for over two decades now.

“Are there any other members of your species on this world? We can’t risk Skeleton King getting his hands on them.” Asked Gibson.

“I came to this world in search of an Orbital Colonial Ship- a base of operations- for the Moonglow clan and found records of a young fae monarch that been sent to this world via an emergency teleport when the ship lost power and was caught in Magian Prime’s anomaly, now acting as this world’s moon,” Fenneca explained. “By the time I arrived, the poor thing was sick, but had managed to use the magic of this world to recharge the ship. The preservation protocols activated, sending the young fae back into the ship and into suspended animation.”

“The Super Robot was damaged when we landed and even if we can repair it there’s no way we can escape the anomaly’s pull and reach the orbital ship.” Gibson commented.

“You don’t have too, the orbital ship only has so much power before it needs to be recharged, it’ll run out in two days’ time during a nationwide festival. The fae will be released from stasis and sent back down to her previous location. I was trying to reach it when you all found me.” Fenneca stated.

“But that’s during the Summer Sun Celebration!” Fluttershy exclaimed and Fenneca nodded.

“I was hoping to contain and cure the fae as soon as she lands but an outside force has prevented me from even getting to the landing zone, I didn’t want to put everyone in town in danger should she come knocking.”

“We’ll help you, The Monkey’s and I can quarantine her in the Super Robot while you work on a cure.” Chiro said.

“I was hoping you’d say that, I’d rather the little one be in here than making her condition worse or in the hands of The Skeleton King.” Fenneca admitted.

“The Skeleton King could choose to send down his forces to attack the village in an attempt to draw Fenneca out and use the confusion to capture her or this other fae, we’ll need to be on high alert until the celebration is over and our target safely contained.” Antauri advised.

“Otto and I will work on repairing the Super Robot, once the repairs are complete we can move to somewhere closer to the village to defend it in case of an attack.” Gibson said.

“I can’t do much right now, but I’m sure Fluttershy will be happy to help you explain the situation to everyone in Ponyville, they’re a skittish lot but I’m sure Mayor Mare will be grateful for the extra protection during the celebration.” Fenneca added.

“Sounds like we got ourselves a plan!” Sparx said.

“Alright Monkey Team, be on the lookout for any Skeleton King activity. Hyperforce go!” Chiro commanded.