• Published 4th Aug 2018
  • 4,388 Views, 950 Comments

Little Lost Pikachu - CommanderX5

One month has passed since Twilight and her friends provided Raichu with a home, food, kindness and friendship. Now when more pokemon are summoned into Equestria, it is up to Nica to ensure that Ash Pikachu’s visit will be as memorable.

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Ch.14 - Little Lost Ace - Pt.2

Little Lost Ace


Chapter 1
New Frontier

The Alolan Raichu blinked in confusion as the ocean’s crystal blue waves no longer surrounded him. Instead, a veil of shadows circled around him, with only a distant spark of light to guide him. With no clue what was going on, he narrowed his eyes and leaned forward, using his momentum to increase his speed. The illumination from ahead became brighter and brighter before the scenery shifted into a grassy field, speckled with wildlife and flora.

He stared into distance for a few seconds, seeing a long trail of train tracks instead of the endless water, noticing only a small stream further ahead.

With a quick glance down, he noticed his white, spotted paws squished together, and spread them out quickly before he tumbled onto the ground. Thankfully, his tail kept him afloat as he flew over numerous wooden planks, the chocolate brown blurring into a single streak due to his speed.

Slowing his pace, he raised a single forepaw above his eyes to keep the sun’s illumination at bay, and examined his surroundings. His mind struggled to make the sense of the situation he was thrown into, attempting to process the string of events. On his right stood a massive mountain, the sum of three smaller hills melded together, with a forest dwelling underneath its peak .

When looking to the left, he saw the river leading far into the horizon, as well as a large waterfall spawning from the mount’s tops and supplying the smaller creeks with water. Each mountain he saw was coated in grass and trees with some snow dusted on the summit.

With an impatient flip, he spun around on a dime and stopped, changing his direction and observing the opening he just popped out from. After a closer look, he realized it wasn’t a hole though, but a tunnel specifically made for trains, emphasized by the tracks and stone padding.

He rubbed the back of his neck in confusion, pressing the white patch of his forepaw into his sun-kissed fur. So… instead of relaxing on the beach and surfing through a tunneled wave, I ended up in a real, carved tunnel with absolutely no idea where I am. Great… just wonderful.

Closing his eyes, he froze in place, bobbing up and down in the air as he levitated with ease. He poked his head in frustration, muttering, <Think, think!> To any other passerby, they simply would have heard the mouse-like creature whispering a singular sound, a confusing “Rai, Rai.” His forepaw started moving in a circle on his forehead, massaging it, though it didn’t do much good. <I was surfing casually, enjoying myself as much as I could, only for some dark, sparking hole that appeared out of nowhere to pop to existence in front of me. In the blink of an eye, my surroundings became completely dark and I ended up here. What could have happened? Was I attacked?>

Raichu lowered his forepaws and sighed in defeat. <I don’t remember trains being operational on any of the four islands, so I’m certain I’m not in Alola, or at least on the archipelagoes.> He raised his head, looking back at the towering mountains as he weighed his options. Staying in place will get nothing done, but where should I go? he thought, glancing between the natural landmarks he just discovered. Following those tracks are hopefully the best way to find a town, but which way should I go. Back into the tunnel or simply forward?

He began to fly forward in a random direction before pausing, and glancing back into the neighboring forests. <But wait, if I venture into the nearest jungle, maybe I can find some friendly pokemon to help me out.>

He shook his head, and took a couple calming breaths. <No, I’m getting ahead of myself. I should just follow a definite sign of civilization. Maybe I’ll find someone who knows where I am. But, still. Which way to go?>

Shrugging, his cheeks sparked with bolts of electricity as a determined expression overtook his face. <When life’s waves push you back, you gotta just ride ‘em forward.> His leg’s bent slightly as he spread his forepaws, maintaining a balanced posture as his tail pushed him forward, leading to a small bridge propped over a river. The grass swayed in his wake, his thrust creating a strong breeze as he flew along the tracks. He mumbled to himself as only the lone wildlife kept him company, <Gotta go with the flow.>

As initial confusion passed by, replaced with a persisting curiosity, he withdrew one forepaw to his head and rubbed his chin. It’s obvious that I’ve been separated from my trainer and the rest of the team. Although if they were also brought to this place I might be able to find them and regroup. I just hope they’re alright.

After several minutes of gliding, he soared over a rocky bridge, one durable enough to support the weight of a train, while rays of the sun warmed his face. His eyes opened widely in shock at realization. <Nica! How could I forget?> He smiled in excitement, rubbing his forepaws together as he thought of the possibility. Palkia sent Nica to an alternate dimension to protect creatures from a mysterious threat. What if I was somehow summoned there as well?!

With a growing curiosity, he pressed on, nursing the idea while examining his surroundings. He attempted to relax and allow his calm nature to take over, but he couldn’t help it as his muscles tensed. With the amount of training he had fought through, he knew he couldn’t simply let his guard down. With him being in unfamiliar surroundings and separated from his team, he was at a big disadvantage.

Soon, after nearly half an hour of travel, he forgot his earlier misgivings and collapsed down on his belly, using his forepaws to support his head. Has it been a half hour, or even longer? He wondered, yawning as he started forwards with a bored expression. His attention zeroed in on a sea of trees in distance. The train tracks split not far ahead, one leading deep into the forest while the other slithered into a small slit, carved into the side of a small mountain. With a final decision needing to be made, he took a deep breath and continued forwards, ignoring the forest lingering just outside his peripheral vision. Oh… I really hope I got teleported into the same world my sis was sent to and not into another world filled with super powerful and hostile beasts. Oh please, please, please! he pleaded to himself, unconsciously holding his forepaws together in a praying gesture.

Hoping his unsaid plea was heard, he titled himself forward, increasing his speed as flew forward, causing the weeds creeping through the train tracks to shake in his wake. He levitated into the tunnel as his surroundings dimed, his fur standing on end as haunting shadows seemed to dance within the stone walls. His ears perked up in alarm as a shrill screech tore his attention away.

He bit his lip, leaving a small mark as the pupils in his eyes shrank to mere pinpricks. His ears clamped down to the side of his head, shaking at the sudden realization. <No, no, no, no, no!> he chanted, and with a sharp turn, he levitated to the side, crashing into the rocky wall. A small yelp of pain escaped his mouth, though it was drowned out by the train’s thundering cry. Even after it flew by, he could still hear the machine’s noise bouncing around in his head as he struggled to catch his breath.

He collapsed on his levitating tail, grasping his chest as his heart desperately fought to escape it, pounding in sink with his shaky breaths. He gently massaged a new bruise on his cheek, overjoyed at avoiding being run over, even if he was a bit sore. After being crushed by more than one ‘Steamroller,’ it was an experience he certainly didn’t want to repeat. Huh… bullet dodged. He wiped the pooling sweat from his forehead, taking a moment to calm his nerves before leaving the tunnel, continuing with his travel. I should introduce myself to the locals. Maybe they can help me. It would definitely be better than wandering around aimlessly.

His mouth dropped open in shock, as he spotted a row of skyscrapers colliding with the clouds. Aside from multiple, nourished crops lining nearby hills, he noticed a massive city nestled beside a river. Each building had a unique grace to it, whether from the color it was coated in or the architect who it was designed by. The bustling city would be completely isolated from land, if it weren’t for the bridge bonding the two together. A big smile grew on his lips as he discovered his newest destination.

<A big city built beside a gigantic river! Now we’re talking,> the Alolan Raichu said, pressing the white edges of his forepaws against his cheeks in child-like joy. His eyes sparkled in amazement at the variety of creatures just waiting beneath the surface. As the city became bigger, the closer he got, each creation was easily dwarfing his small size. His eyes narrowed, focusing on a statue standing tall in the distance, displaying the might of each citizen living within the cities borders.

In one hoof it held a book, while a torch rested peacefully in the other. Robes made of an emerald green concrete covered most of the statue, its tail and mane an being the only exceptions, while a spiked crown decorated its head. The statue’s left eye looked back at him with a calming, motherly expression.

I get the impression that this statue is representing a female. Ace smiled as he admired the impressive creation, its robes falling gracefully at its sides. I must admit that the residents of this city really know how to turn something into a work of art. He glanced at the large, wooden head perched atop a tall building, frozen in shock or fear, he couldn't tell. Grimacing, he thought, Well… maybe not all their creations are perfect. Oh well.

After a couple more minutes of dull travel, Ace narrowed his eyes, slowly losing the excitement he had prior. It was obvious that in order to reach the city he needed to pass a very long bridge, which seemed to be supported on a few gigantic horse shoes. He giggled, imagining a Rapidash’s old shoes being used to hold up such a civilization. However, under the bridge was a massive quantity of water, unseen earlier.

Ace’s eyes became wide upon realizing that the river was actually connected to even larger body of water. A sea or maybe even the ocean pooled beneath the cities base. This metropolis… it’s built on an island… a freaking island! He spread his forepaws out and waved them in excitement while dancing on his tail. He stopped a moment later and bit his bottom lip as he resisted the urge to fly from the bridge and shout with joy. He didn’t have time to surf after all, more or less have an underwater exploration. He needed to make contact with the locals and find his sister.

As a few long and painful seconds of resistance passed, Ace grit his teeth and closed his eyes before shaking his head. Screw this torture! He thought, before declaring, <Sorry Nica, but you can wait just a bit longer. Naval creatures, here I come!> He took a deep breath before levitating off of the bridge, falling into the awaiting water with a loud splash. His cheeks looked like two little balloons.

He opened his eyes, examining the underwater scenery. Noticing a faint shimmer shining from the bottom, he swam towards it while still balanced on his longest limb, barely slowed down by the water’s pressure thanks to his trusty tail. He shot through the water like a torpedo, emitting a stream of bubbles as he sunk farther and farther down.

Soon, he found his prize. A glistening pearl was nestled in the murky soil. After a moment of admiring the sparkling pearl, he looked at the underwater creatures, which looked nothing like the water pokemon he had met in the past. All the water types in here look tiny and defenseless. That’s so sad, how are they supposed to battle or protect themselves? A few air pockets escaped from his mouth as he continued his underwater adventure. He looked up at the silhouette of the large statue, deciding to observe it from up close. I suppose taking a moment to admire such a mighty creation won’t hurt, but I can’t forget why I came here in the first place. He tapped his head. The locals! First good impressions are important.

“I must say, Manehattan truly is the largest city in Equestria. The culture, the glamour, there is so much to see!” An earth pony declared, standing out from the locals due to the variety of tourist clothing covering her body. A bright, blue mane stood out atop her orange fur. She gestured at the statue behind her and added, “Visiting it was worth every bit.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” muttered a bronze stallion wearing similar clothes, with a big logo ‘I -heart- Manehattan’ present on his premium t-shirt. He sighed, still remembering the con-pony who scammed him out of ten bits, “The citizens are always busy and bustling around, and the city itself is a bit too modern for my taste. I find Canterlot’s culture to be much richer, even if a bit more traditional.”

They walked along the edge of the water, taking pictures of the glamourous scenery. Their carefree attitude was interrupted by small bubbles forming on the water’s surface, making its way even closer to the shore.

Curious, the pair approached the edge of the water. They flinched as some sort of creature emerged with a loud splash. Thay backed up in alarm, but after closer inspection, they realized the creature didn’t seem aggressive.

The mare blinked in confusion. Was the animal ahead of her some sort rare fish species? Since when fish could levitate on their own tail... and had paws instead of fins?

<Hello there, the name’s Ace! What’s yours?> the creature said. The ponies looked on in shock, standing still as all they could hear was a muffled, “Rai, Raichu.”

“W-what?” the mare asked as the wet mouse-like animal grabbed her foreleg with its short paws and shook it. Their size difference like that between an adult and a foal, though it certainly didn’t act like one.

Oh, sorry! You probably didn’t understand what I said. A young, male voice echoed in her mind. Can you understand me now?

The mare kept staring, her eyes wide in shock. Did this creature just speak to her... in her mind? She nodded hesitantly as her brain did its best to keep up with the list of surprises being thrown her way.

Cool. The name’s Ace and I’m an Alolan Raichu. Nice to meet you! he spoke once more before releasing her forehoof and allowing the startled mare to respond.

She chuckled nervously before holding the forehoof to her chest. “My name is Soft Rose,” she pointed at the stallion standing next to her, “and this is my husband, Faded Script. Nice to meet you too.” She sat and rubbed her arm nervously. “How are you speaking to me without opening your mouth? This is so weird.”

Telepathy. One of the charms of being a psychic type. He gave a toothy smile before placing a paw on his chin and adding, Well, it takes a lot of practice as well. Not many can do it, other than a few select creatures and legendary pokemon, Ace responded as he placed one forepaw on his hip while puffing his chest.

Faded Script looked at her in confusion. “Is this part of the attraction? Nopony told me we would be greeted by a creature floating on its tail."

“I must say, you do look familiar for some reason.” Soft Rose blinked before taking a step back. She dug her hoof into the saddlebag at her side before taking out a folded newspaper. She opened it in haste, then looked at a page with a similar-looking creature. This one had a different shade of orange, and rather than snow-dusted tops, the one in the image had bronze paws. She looked at the so called “Raichu” before her. His ocean blue eyes looked nothing like the oval ones in the picture.

Is something wrong? Ace asked, concerned, before levitating towards the mare’s side, now looking at the newspaper. Sis… that’s my sister! It has to be her!

“Sister?” The mare looked at the animal in confusion as the Raichu before her started to fly in circles. After the tenth circle, she felt a strong headache coming over her.

The stallion glanced at the article before asking, “You’re related to the Heroine of Manehattan? The one that saved dozens from a fire? The one that took out one of the biggest gangs in Manehattan?” His mouth dropped open in shock as the creature nodded in confirmation. He read off more from the story, his eyes widening as well as the pokemon continued to nod.

Ace’s ears flashed with a silver sheen as the newspaper floated from the mare’s hooves, landing between his paws instead. <Heroine? Now I’m totally sure it has to be her.> He looked at the mare and spoke in her mind, My sis just loves helping and getting involved in dangerous stuff. She just can’t help herself when it comes to… well, helping others. He gave an innocent smirk as the stallion remained stunned.

A big, wide smile grew atop Rose’s lips. Without hesitation, she grabbed the pokemon by his shoulder and pressed herself into his side.

Ace yelped in surprise as newspaper fell from his hold. He closed his eyes, blinded by the light from the camera’s flash.

“A picture with the brother of the Heroine of Manehattan. All of my friends will flip out when I tell them that. I’m so excited!” She held the fluffy creature in front of her face with her forehooves as his tiny, button nose nearly collided with her muzzle. “You have to tell me all about her. Everything!”

Ace looked back at her and just grinned. Sure, it all started when…

“Excuse me.”

The group turned their heads in surprise, Soft Rose in annoyance, taking note of the approaching officer. The mare had a midnight blue uniform with an additional tie to match the title, accented by a pair of tinted glasses and a rounded hat sitting peacefully atop her head. The cities badge was plastered across the top, the police cap concealing a bright orange mane, striped with pale yellow streaks. Her hair was styled into neat curls, pulled back into a professional bun. Her gray fur shone as the sun’s gentle rays reflected off, adding a small sparkle in the officer’s teal eyes.

Ace levitated over as he spotted the officer’s golden badge, sitting the left from the tie.

“I apologise for interruption,” she said as she dipped her head, before pointing at the levitating Raichu, “but I can’t help but notice some resemblance between you and Miss Nica. Are you both related by any chance?”

Ace’s smile widened as his eyes started sparkling with anticipation. <Did you just say, Nica?> He jumped joyfully, stirring up a small whirlwind as he spun in circles. In seconds, he floated away, nearly threatened to pull the officer’s cap with it. He paused, remembering the ponies couldn't understand his natural speech, similar to his own trainer.

He stopped in front of the cute-looking cop as his nose gently bumped with her muzzle. You just said Nica, right? That’s the name of my sis! So she is in this world! He started leaping from one rear paw to another, hopping on his tail as his forepaws shook in excitement.

“This world?” the mare officer asked as she tilted her head to the side, looking more confused than ever. “Wait, did you just speak without moving your lips? And what’s up with the ‘Raichu, Rai,’ from before?” The couple from beside merely sighed, having gone over all of this just moments before. Soft Rose stepped forwards to explain, but the Raichu beat her to the punch.

Ace lifted her forehoof and shook it energetically. The name’s Ace, and I’m an Alolan Raichu! I spoke to you telepathically since your species doesn’t seem to understand my original language. It’s super nice to meet you miss cool-cute-looking cop. I’m also Nica’s brother, the ‘Heroine of Manehattan’ as you call her. Where is she, can you tell me? He withdrew his paws, dropped to his knees, held his forepaws together in a pleading gesture and looked at the pony with begging puppy eyes. Tell me where she is. Please, please, please!

The mare took off her glasses and gave him an overwhelmed smile. “Wow, you’re an enthusiastic one.” Her ears drooped. “I apologize, but I don’t know where your sister is at the moment. I only know that she left Manehattan nearly two weeks ago, after dealing with the crime. I heard she was doing a ‘hero for hire’ kind of thing, so I doubt she would have stayed here for long. Sorry bud.”

Ace lowered his head as a sad pout formed on his face. He felt a hoof raise his chin a moment later.

“But worry not, little one. I know someone who may be able to help you.”


The mare nodded before gesturing with her forehoof to follow her. He waved goodbye at the tourists and did so without complaint, Soft still muttering to her husband about her unfinished story. “My name’s Copper Top. It’s nice to meet you Mr. Ace.”

Ace nodded, levitating by her side while synchronizing his speed with her walking pace.

“Before Miss Nica became involved with the police and helped us deal with the local mob, she had been working for Coco Pommel as her bodyguard. I believe Miss Coco may know about your sister’s whereabouts.”

Ace held his forepaws on his cheeks before crying out, <She helped deal with the mob! That’s so cool.> He sat on his tail and looked at the mare while speaking in her mind, adding, I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised. When it comes to dealing with dangerous criminals, my sis is the first in line to kick them back into their cells.

The mare giggled.

By the way, I must say you look really cute. Can I pet you or rub your fur? He asked, ignoring the mare’s mortified expression.

Copper Top blushed and shook her head. “What… no!”

Ace frowned before his ears flashed. The black glasses levitated from the earth pony’s muzzle and plopped down atop his nose. Can I at least wear these? I want to look cool when meeting the pony that my sis worked for. Gotta make a good first impression, ya know?

“S-sure… although next time just ask before taking something. I would hate to arrest a fluffy little guy like you for stealing.” She stopped in front of a freshly painted boat made of wood, gesturing behind her as she stepped aboard. It was equipped with one sail, painted in a yellow and blue coat, a police mark decorating the sides.

Ace frowned. A boat? Nah, not my style. That’s way too boring. Unless... His ears flashed again, this time very brightly as a large wave emerged from the sea, lifting the entire boat alongside him and the mare.

“Hey! What’s going on? This isn’t normal!” the police officer screamed as she grabbed the sail with her forehooves, holding onto it with all of her strength. “Are some powerful, punk unicorns playing a prank on me? If so, stop!" she screeched, drenched from the massive waves splashes. “No, it must be a natural disaster. Is Manehattan doomed?”

Chill. I simply summoned a wave of water for a big boost in speed. Ace smirked as his move “Surf” worked like a charm. As his tail landed on the crafted wave, he surfed towards the town next to the police boat. Quicker and certainly in style. That’s the only good way to travel. I’ll get us to the other side of the shore in a jiffy.

The officer grit her teeth before taking a deep breath into her lungs, yelling, “I demand you stop those shenanigans in the name of the law!”

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