• Published 25th May 2018
  • 13,208 Views, 150 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Forgotten Friendship - Wildcard25

Sunset Shimmer must recover the good memories of herself from her friends with the help of some old allies before those memories are gone forever.

  • ...

Beach Dancing

Bebop and Rocksteady were currently walking around the beach, while enjoying the nice day, "Dang, Rock. Ain't this a sweet day for a day at the beach?" Bebop asked his partner.

"Da. Especially after being cooped up in warehouse or van for too long." Rocksteady agreed.

"And no way Shredder would've even given us a vacation break when we were working for him." the pig added.

"Except this time we work for nobody. We is free to do the whatever."

The two mutants stopped upon hearing the sound of mocking laughter. Curiously, they followed the sound and happened upon three teenage boys towering over four kids, two girls and two boys. The first girl was known as Lily Pad, the second girl had light violet eyes and her hair was moderate cerulean and grayish heliotrope. The first boy had grayish spring bud colored eyes, and his hair was dark grayish cyan. And finally, the second boy had light gold eyes, and dark azure hair.

The first of the teenage boys who had a good muscular build wore red swim trunks, had vivid gamboge color spiked hair and his eyes were pale, light grayish olive with dark purple pupils. The second was a bit thin and wore purple trunks, he had long blonde hair that covered his eyes. Finally, the third teen boy was plump, wore brown trunks, and ha brilliant scarlet eyes.

"Leave us alone, Garble!" Lily talked back to the teen in red trunks.

"Yeah, we were here first!" the second girl added, as the kids tried standing tough.

"Well, if you can't fight to keep it, you're better off not having it at all." Garble said, as he and his boys Fume and Clump looked ready to beat the children, until the ground shook.

They looked ahead and saw Bebop and Rocksteady running over, with Rocksteady's stomps shaking the ground. The six were in shock, until the mutants came to a halt, "Hey! What's going on here?" Bebop asked.

"None of your business, pig." Garble answered rudely.

Bebop glared at Garble through his goggles, "Son, you do not wanna pick a fight with me."

As the two were in a stare down, Rocksteady spoke to Lily, "What is the ruckus here, little ones?"

"I'm Lily Pad. These are my friends Billy, Sally, and Johnny," Lily motioned to her friends who waved, "We were building sand castles right here until Garble and his friends came over and trashed it." she motioned to the destroyed sand castles.

"And now they wanna take our spot!" Billy who was the boy that had dark grayish cyan colored hair cried.

The mutants were shocked, as Rocksteady snorted at the trio of troublemakers, "You juvenile's think you can do whatever you please, even picking on children?"

"We do what we want, when we want, and how we want it." Fume answered proudly.

"Yeah. It's how we roll." Clump laughed.

"Now if you losers would move along, you're trespassing on our spot." Garble tried to shoo them away.

The kids were ready to give up, until Bebop stopped them, "Hold up. How about a wager?" he offered.

"A wager?" Garble raised a brow.

"Yeah, Garb. Can you dance?"

"Dance?" Garble asked, "Ha! I happen to be the best dancer at Draco High."

"Then let's have us a dance off. If I win, you and your flunkies pick up and leave." Bebop told him.

"And what if I win?" Garble asked.

"Then we'll take our leave and let you have this spot," Bebop extended his hand, "Deal?"

"Go on, Garble, you can't lose to bacon and bits." Fume told him.

Garble shook Bebop's hand, "Deal."

"Brace yourself, son. Cause it's on like Diddy Kong. Yes sir, you're about to get bopped by Bebop." Bebop shook his hips around to mock Garble.

"Da, and the Rocksteady is to cheer him on!" Rocksteady pumped his fists.

"And so are we!" Sally added, as the kids cheered.

"That's right!" Johnny cheered with spirit.

Garble squinted his eyes at the kids, and spoke to Bebop, "So let's get started."

After setting up some flattened cardboard up to act as a dance floor, Bebop and Garble stood on opposite ends. Bebop turned to Garble and spoke like a good sport, "May the best dancer win."

Garble however didn't return the gesture, "I intend to." Bebop frowned.

Clump put down a radio and pressed the play button allowing dance music to play. Once it began, Garble started doing some hip hop dance moves like a pro. When he struck a pose, Fume and Clump applauded him. Garble turned to Bebop and spoke smugly, "Ok, top that."

"Watch me! You'll learn something, baby!" Bebop announced, as he started dancing it out as well with his various spins and slides he used in combat. As he danced, Garble and his boys couldn't help but feel impressed.

Rocksteady applauded along with the kids, "Show them the stuff, Bebop!" Rocksteady cheered.

"You got this, Bebop!" Billy cheered.

Bebop struck a pose and spoke smugly at Garble, "Gettin' nervous?"

"You'd wish." Garble frowned, as he started doing another dance routine better than his first one.

Bebop crossed his arms and watched Garble dance, before finishing, "Not bad. Not bad. But can you do this?" he started doing more dance moves better than before.

Garble watched as Bebop was actually one upping him in every step and was starting to get angry, 'I'm not going to lose to some snout faced freak!' he thought, as he started following along to Bebop's moves.

Bebop noticing this, spoke to him, "Try and keep up, son." the two started dancing like they were in perfect sync while determined to get the other to slip up.

The kids watched nervously, as Johnny spoke, "Will he be all right?" he asked Rocksteady, who answered.

"Don't worry. Comrade Bebop has got this."

Bebop and Garble continue to dance it out, with Garble starting to sweat, as he watched the mutant pig dance like he didn't have any fear at all, 'What is this guy?' he thought, before suddenly lost his footing and fell down.

Fume and Clump gasped in shock, as Garble groaned and looked up at Bebop and the others, "That's game, Garble. You lost." Bebop told him.

"But how?" Garble asked in confusion.

"Never underestimate a pig whose got the moves." Bebop posed.

"Deal is deal," Rocksteady began as he confronted the three teen boys with the kids standing behind him for cover, "Bebop wins, you three leave now. Unless you want to get the horn." Rocksteady snorted while aiming his horn at them.

The three boys paled at the sight of getting rammed by the giant rhino horn, as Garble spoke, "No we don't want the horn. In fact we were just leaving."

"Yeah. We were just gonna go find another spot." Clump added.

"Later." Fume said, as the three took off running like scared cowards.

Rocksteady and Bebop laughed at the three cowards, as Bebop spoke, "That'll show them."

"You sent them packing, comrade." Rocksteady said, as the two high fived.

"You were awesome!" Johnny said with joy, as he high fived Bebop.

"Thanks, kid."

"Thanks to you, we have our spot back." Lily said happily.

"You guys are heroes!" Sally cheered.

"Is what we do." Rocksteady said proudly.

"Hey, do you guys wanna play with us?" Billy asked.

"Yeah, please?" Lily pleaded.

The mutant duo looked at each other and smiled, "Sure thing, kiddies." Bebop answered.

"Yeah!" they cheered.

"And Bebop, think you can teach us some of your dance moves?" Johnny asked.

"Sure, kid." he patted his head.

And so the kids played with the two mutants from bouncing a beach ball to each other, with Rocksteady playing it safe and not using so much strength to bounce it. The two mutants then decided to help the kids rebuild their sandcastles that were trampled by Garble and his goons. When they were done, the sandcastles were better than before. Next the kids were burying Bebop and Rocksteady in the sand, as the mutants laid on their backs as their bodies was buried in sand save for their heads. The kids were then riding on top of Rocksteady who was on all fours giving them a ride on his back.

Bebop came over with snow cones for everyone, and the six enjoyed the frozen treat to keep cool. Finally Bebop was teaching the kids some of his dance moves, and the four kids were trying to mimic Bebop's slides and spins. Bebop watched the kids and smiled, "Not bad, kids. Keep that up you may be dancing like stars. Hee Hee!"

"Hee Hee!" the kids mimicked his laugh and laughed to themselves.

"Bebop, Rocksteady, you guys are awesome!" Johnny told them.

"We is?" Rocksteady asked.

The kids nodded, as Billy answered, "You is."

"Thanks for playing with us today." Sally added.

"We really appreciate it." Lily put in.

"No problem." Bebop said.

"Any chance we could do this again?" Billy asked hopefully.

Rocksteady smiled, "You betcha."

The kids smiled as they left to return to their families, leaving the two mutants to themselves. They looked at each other and smiled, "Rock, we did some good here today, huh?"

"Yup. We help kids and teach juvenile delinquents a lesson."

"Being good does have it's awards." Bebop told Rocksteady as they watched their new friends leave with their parents.

"What say we have some fun to ourselves?" Rocksteady asked his partner.

"Sounds good to me, Rock," Bebop agreed, and continued, "Race you to the water! Ha-ha!" he ran for the water.

"Head start, no fair!" Rocksteady called, as he raced after Bebop and the two dove into the water and swam around before splashing each other and laughing as if they were kids themselves.

Author's Note:

The kids Bebop and Rocksteady helped were featured in the Beach shorts. Though three of them were unnamed so I gave them first names.

Lily Pad, I'm sure you remember from Pinkie Sitting: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/mlp/images/b/b2/Lily_Pad_ID_EGDS3.png/revision/latest?cb=20171126003902

The girl I named Sally was also featured in Dance Magic. And also appeared in episodes A Fine Line and Display of Affection: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/mlp/images/a/a2/EGS1_Unnamed_Girl_20_ID_EGDS9.png/revision/latest?cb=20171126004351

The boy I called Billy was featured in Mirror Magic when Juniper Montage's giant self scared him: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/mlp/images/d/d9/Unnamed_Boy_30_ID_EGS3.png/revision/latest?cb=20170613200931

Finally the boy I named Johnny was featured in the music short Shake Things Up: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/mlp/images/c/c6/Unnamed_Boy_32_ID_SS9.png/revision/latest?cb=20171126010510