• Published 27th Jul 2012
  • 2,889 Views, 267 Comments

New Perspective - Arbiter Balemead

High school sucks. Especially if you're a fillyfooler. But hey, life afterwords can be great!

  • ...


We flew back to Cloudsdale once the sun had finished setting. I couldn't get my mind off the kiss.

It wasn't a real kiss. I mean, Rainbow had simply pecked me on the forehead, but it had sent thrills of excitement through my entire body. I'd wanted to kiss her back, but I'd resisted the urge.

We got back to the dorms really late and found Gilda waiting at the entrance to the building.

"You two were gone a while. You know what time it is, Dash?"

"Uhm... A while since we left?" She asked with a smile. Gilda rolled her eyes at her remark.

"It's almost midnight, dude. Where were you?"

"We went to Ponyville. Why aren't you in bed if it's so late."

"There's a curfew to this building you know, and I just wanted to make sure you got back."

"Well, we're back, okay?"

"Jeeze, sorry. Just get in." Gilda said, turning and leading the way up.

Rainbow wrapped a wing around me and we walked in after her. I couldn't help but let my mind drift to that kiss again as I rested my head on her shoulder. It really is sticking on me isn't it? Maybe I should return the favor...


We got to me and Gilda's door and G went inside, not even bothering to make sure I followed her. I walked Fluttershy to her room, three doors down. You know, because that's what you're supposed to do at the end of a date. Although, as a mare, I always figured I'd be the one getting walked to my door, not the other way around.

We got to her room and I pulled my wing away and turned to leave, but when she didn't open the door right away I got confused and waited to see if she wanted to say something. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened her eyes and looked at me for a second before leaning in and kissing me on the cheek. I felt my cheeks heat up as she pulled away.

"*cough* What was that for?"

"For being so sweet to me. I-I felt like I owed you... or something." She answered as she hid behind her mane.

I was at a loss of words for a moment. I wasn't sure what to say at all. She definitely didn't owe me for anything, since she's giving this as much as I am. I mean... she wanted to give this just as much of a chance as I did, right? I finally managed to get something out.

"Th-thanks, Flutters... I uh- I had a great time." She peeked out from behind her mane and smiled.

"Me, too." Came her quiet response. We stood there quietly for a moment. I opened my mouth to say something, but I heard a door open behind me.

"Dash. C'mon! It's passed midnight."

"Okay, Mom." I replied. I looked back at Fluttershy. "I should go."

"Yeah... I'll see you in the morning."

"Ugh... What are you so peppy about this morning?" Gilda asked me as she peeked at me from under her blanket.

"I don't know...I'm just feeling good this morning, I guess."

"Meh..." She replied oh so wittily before retreating to her snuggly refuge. I grinned wryly and made my way to the door.

I opened it and took a step outside.

*crinkle* What the hay? I looked down and found an envelope under my hoof. I picked it up and looked at the front of it. It had really big and overly decorated letters saying the words.

To My Dearest Rainbow Dash

You've gotta be kidding me.


*tap tap* I just can't wake up on my own these days.

I rolled out of bed, thanking Celestia that my mane wasn't a mess this morning, and walked over and opened the door. I found an amused, yet annoyed Rainbow Dash waiting at the door.

"Fluttershy, you won't believe this..."

Dear Rainbow Dash,

I have admired you for way too long to have not said anything to you. I just couldn't work up the courage to say it to you, but I finally decided to tell you the only way I can bring myself to say it.

I guess I'm just too shy to say it to you directly, and I can't even compel myself to write my name at the end of this, but I have to tell you somehow.

As long as I've known you, I've had a crush on you and I suppose subtlety would be a better approach, but it's too late for that now. You are really beautiful, in your own way. The way you act so brave only makes me find you so much more attractive, and the skill and ability held in those bright eyes only adds to it all. I know you don't deserve the things those bullies say to you.

Please don't be frightened by this note, I just had to say this somehow. And I know this was a poor way to do it, but I couldn't do this any other way.

Yours always,

Anonymous lover

I looked up at Rainbow from my seat on my bed after I finished reading and just quirked an eyebrow.

"It uhm... sounds a lot like mine, doesn't it?" I noted.

"Yeah... I think I've got an idea what's going on here..." She said.


"Well the first one seemed a lot like it was written by me and this one..." She gestured a hoof at the note in question in disgust. "Was probably meant to sound like you wrote it." I looked at the writing again. Unlike the last note, this one's hoofwriting was actually pretty good, although it looked nothing like mine.

"Somepony was trying to... what?" I asked looking up.

"Prank us, although there was probably some other motive behind it. I think I've got a good idea who was trying to do it, too."



"Why? Wh-what would he want to do this for?" She looked down for a second, seemingly ashamed of something.

"I uh- I should've told this a while ago, but..." She bit her lip and glanced out the window. "He accused me of being...gay for you..." Her cheeks were purple from her blushing and I could feel mine heating up. I suddenly burst into a fit of giggles against my will as a thought struck me. She stared at me. "What?"

"He- He was right!" I said between giggles. Her cheeks darkened a bit, but she still smiled and chuckled a little.

"I guess he was..." She waited for me to calm down, which didn't take long, thank Celestia. "So uhm... I think Flash wrote those notes to get at me. Maybe even get us into a fight or make me shun you or something..." She thought for a moment, then broke into a grin. "Heh, guess that backfired on him, didn't it?"

"Yes." I replied with a smile.


I'm gonna need to find Quick Silver and figure out if he thinks this was Flash. The problem was that I had no clue where to find him. Maybe Gilda will know... Nah, she wouldn't want me to wake her up, even if it was something like this. Maybe Silver will be around the dorms. I don't even know what he was doing when I ran into him yesterday.

"Hey, Shy?"


"I'm gonna go look for Silver. He might be able to help me figure out if these notes were from Flash or not."

"O-okay." She looked a little disappointed about that. I guess she was hoping I'd stay longer. I looked around her completely undecorated room in hopes of inspiration. Sadly, blank white walls don't help much. I decided to just make a vague promise.

"Listen. I'll be back in a few hours and we'll hang out then, okay?" She smiled at me.


"Great!" I kissed her on the cheek without even thinking, grabbed the note she'd gotten off her desk, and ran out of the room and down the hall. I got to my room and walked inside. "Hey, G, you know where Silver's room is?"

"Nnnng... yeah, why?" She asked from her bed.

"Need to chat with him."

"Uhg...." She sat up in bed. "Am I not aloud to sleep in a room with you?" I didn't bother dignifying that with an answer. "Uhg, fine. He lives two floors up, three doors from the stairs."

"Wait... Why didn't you just tell me the room number?"

"Erm... I visited his room... for... certain, platonic reasons." She answered, suddenly finding the window frame very interesting.

I just stared at her a moment before giving up on figuring out what I'd missed here. "Okay... I don't want to know. Enjoy your nap."

"Will do."

*tap tap*

"Coming." Silver opened the door. "Oh, hey Rainbow. What's up?" I pulled out the notes and handed them to him. He looked mine over then glanced over Fluttershy's. "You got one too?"

"Wait... you knew about Fluttershy's?"

"Yeah, she had me read it, but I told her if something was wrong then she should talk to the pony something is wrong with. In any case, why are YOU showing me yours?"

" 'cause I think it was Flash that wrote this. It's obviously a prank, and he's the only pony that I think would try something like this."

"Try what, exactly?"

"Okay, this one..." I held up Fluttershy's. "...seems like something I'd write if I was really sappy, right?" He nodded. "And this one.." I held up mine. "Reminded me of Fluttershy. How 'bout you?" He nodded again. "So I think somepony was trying to pull a prank on us, probably in hopes of it leading to a falling out between me and Shy."

"Makes sense... And you want me to say whether or not I think it was Flash?"


"Okay, it's actually pretty simple. I'll go ask him. He's too proud not to brag about it to me. You just wait in my room." He started towards the stairs, but stopped when he noticed I hadn't stepped inside. "Why are you just standing there?"

"Fillies aren't aloud in colt's rooms. What if I get caught? They do inspections on Sundays."

"Oh I doubt the inspector will show up within the next ten minutes." He said, annoyed. I stepped into his room hesitantly. It actually wasn't as messy as I'd figured a colt's room would be. It might be because he just got this room and hadn't had time to unpack his stuff yet, but whatever.

When he said ten minutes I didn't think he'd meant exactly that. I literally flopped on his bed and just watched the clock while he was gone. He was early by about twenty seconds.

I need to find a better way to pass the time...

He opened the door and walked in with a thoughtful look on his face.

"What is it? Was I right?"

"Sort of. He kept talking about the first note. The one Fluttershy got. But when I asked if he'd sent you one he had no clue what I was talking about."

"What? He's bluffing."

"Rainbow. I've known him since we were both too young to remember. I know how he acts and I know he wasn't bluffing. Somepony else wrote you a love note."

"Wh-what!? Who would-"

"I don't know, Rainbow. Maybe you should reply? It'd be interesting to see what they do..."

"How would I do that?"

"My suggestion? Write a response, act flattered or something, but don't try to scare or intimidate them. Put it in the old envelope and write 'Return to Sender' over the old address. Then just leave on the floor in front of your door. Most ponies would assume you just received it and hadn't noticed yet."

"I guess that would work... but are you seriously suggesting that I entertain this creep?" I asked, shaking the note as though it was the actual writer.

"Yep. It'll be easier to figure out who they are if you can get less vague information about them."

"*groan* Fine, I'll try it." I said before walking out the door.


"That was faster than you said it would be." I said with smile.

"I didn't think he'd be in his room." She said, obviously not happy with the results of her search.

"Oh..." I felt my smile fade. "I-is something wrong?"

"Flash only wrote one. The other one is from somepony else. I...I might have a secret admirer..." She said grumpily.

I couldn't help but smile at her. "I'm not surprised. You got eleven seconds on the dash and you've been standing up to the bullies. I-I'm sure I wasn't the only pony who noticed." She smiled a little at my praise.

"Well... Anyway, Silver had an idea. He wants me to write back..."

"What? Why?"

"I guess he thinks if I can get more about the writer from him then I might be able to figure it out. He wants me to act flattered..." She didn't look like she enjoyed the prospect. I certainly didn't. Her face suddenly perked up. "Oh well. That can wait. For now it's just you and me. What do you wanna do?"

"Uhm... How about we go fly? O-or we could just hang out... or something..." I mumbled.

"Sure." She replied with a smile.


We flew around town, me occasionally doing some stunts at her request. I mean... She actually asked me to do some stunts! She's never done that before... It's kind of a pleasant surprise to have her doing that. Eventually, Fluttershy started doing her own loops and spins. After a while she flew up to me and tapped me with a hoof.

"You're it." She said really calmly before taking off in the opposite direction. It took me a minute to figure out what she'd just said. 'It'? What did she mea- Oh, duh....

"Hey! Get back here, you!" I shouted after her with a laugh, taking off. Seeing as she wasn't a strong flier, I didn't go nearly as fast as I could, but she managed to go fast enough to make it interesting for me. Next thing I knew, we were locked in a riveting game of tag.

I don't know how long this went on before we finally landed on a piece of stray cloud, laughing, huffing, and snuggling under the sun, but I don't really care either. We lay there, Fluttershy resting her head on my shoulder with my around her shoulders, watching the high-flying clouds float above the city. For a moment, it was wonderful... up until somepony flew by.

And stopped.

"Oh, hey there, Rainbow Crash. How's it hangin'?" They asked. The nickname, the annoying voice, and the fact that he was egging me on... Who else could it be but...

"Leave us alone, Flash." I said

"Why? You busy with your marefriend there?" Heh, time to throw him for a loop.

"Yes." I still refused to look at him, but still put on a triumphant smile anyway. I heard him cough and sputter for a moment before he could think of something to say.

"Wh- wha-?"

"Did I stutter?" I asked, tilting my head up to get an upside-down view of him. "I don't think so. Now would you please give us some privacy?"


I nestled peacefully into Rainbow's shoulder as she relaxed. Flash was gone without another word after she asked him to leave. I couldn't help but admire how much confidence she had just handled that with. It's as if she doesn't even care what he thinks of us...


Oh Celestia, there will be no end to the ridicule tomorrow....

About an hour or so later, we got back to the dorms. I walked Fluttershy back to her room, and she kissed me on the cheek before she went into her room. I went back to mine and sat at my desk and got out the note from my 'secret admirer'. I looked it over, trying to think of how to reply, and got out some paper to write back on.

Just as I held the pencil to the paper, there was a knock at the door. I dropped the pencil and walked over to the door. I opened it to find a bronze colt with a brown mane standing at the door. He looked like he couldn't quite speak for a moment there.

"H-have you received a letter recently?" He asked. Oh, that's convenient.

"Yes, why?"

"Horse apples."

"What?" I asked, trying not to let an amused smile hit my face.

"I told my friend not to-er *ahem* never mind..." He looked away, his cheeks turning a slightly brighter hue. I fought hard to not let that smile through, luckily winning the fight.

"What's your name?" I asked in an attempt to relieve the tension with him.

"Trailblazer." He replied, looking at me again.

"Can I call you Blaze?" He nodded vigorously. "Listen, Blaze. I'm in a relationship right now, and I don't think we'd get that far together anyway. I don't want to shoot you down like this, but I don't think I can do anything else. I'd love to get to know you, as a friend, if you think we can do that..." Holy cow! Was that ME talking? I sounded all... feelingsy for a moment there. I guess Fluttershy's rubbing off on me. Or maybe it's a side effect of the puppy slobber yesterday...

"Oh... Uh...sure... I guess..." He looked disappointed, staring at the ground, obviously embarrassed beyond belief. Dang it... the speech didn't even work.

"Blaze, I'm really sorry."

"Yeah, i-it's okay... it's just...." Oh no... don't tell me I was- "This was just the first time I ever really... had a crush...." -his first... horse apples.

"Tell you what. If my ma-er... partner is okay with it, I'll let you take me to dinner sometime. It'll be just as friends, but it'll just be you and me. Okay?" Where do these things keep coming from? I have to have picked something up from Fluttershy or something...

He looked up at me with a injured, but content grin. "Sure."

Wait... I just told a colt that I'd let him take me out when I'm already dating...

Welp! Hope Fluttershy isn't upset!