• Published 27th Jul 2012
  • 2,889 Views, 267 Comments

New Perspective - Arbiter Balemead

High school sucks. Especially if you're a fillyfooler. But hey, life afterwords can be great!

  • ...

Things Start

*tap tap*

Mmmm... Who could that be?

I rolled out of bed and glanced at the mirror. Yeesh. My mane was sticking out on the right like a big, pink wing.

"Fluttershy? You awake?" I heard Rainbow ask softly. I looked back at the mirror and glanced at the brush on the desk... This is Rainbow. She won't care.

"C-coming." I answered quietly, walking over to the door. I opened it and she walked in without a word. She barely glanced at my mane before moving on with the day.

"Okay, I just stopped by 'cause I was wondering if you wanted some coffee this morning."

"Uhm..." I never really drank coffee, but I didn't want to turn her down. "Wh-where were we gonna go?"

"Meh. Just some StarBuck's. You wanna go or not?"

"S-sure." I started for the door.

"Shy?" I stopped and looked at her.

"Yes?" I asked her. She looked like she was trying not to laugh.

"Your mane?" I felt my cheeks heat up immensely as I rushed over to the desk to grab my brush.


This is bothering me. What did I think of last night that got my attention? I remember thinking something that really shocked me, but not what it was... That's just sad and weird, isn't it? I can't even remember last night... Sheesh, Rainbow, in Fluttershy's company ten minutes and you're already thinking about yourself. Great friendship skills right there...

We got there and ordered some cappuccinos. She didn't seem sure about drinking it. In fact, she actually didn't drink it. I didn't say anything, but I don't think she drinks coffee. Whatever. I don't blame her. I'm already attention defi-...something and coffee sometimes makes it wor- wow that's an odd cloud...

I shook my head, thanking Celestia that Shy was looking away when I did. I need to focus right now. *sigh* Okay so coffee was not the best idea for how to hang out with my best friend this morning. On the bright side, it is Friday so we have a weekend tomorrow.

"So... how are you, Shy?" I started awkwardly.

"Uh-uhm... I'm okay, why? Did I seem upset? I didn't mean to worry you. I j-" She started apologizing, but I cut her off.

"No, no. It's fine, Flutters. I just was trying to start a conversation."

"Oh... W-well how are you?" As she asked it I was glancing off to the left of her. There were some of our classmates in the coffee shop, too. It reminded me of last night, how they were glancing at the two of us at our table, then turning back to each other, giggling.

"*ahem* This is just awkward, isn't it?" I answered, trying to come up with a reason to get us both out of there.

"Uhm..." She nodded simply.

"Heh... maybe we should get to school now. I think G will wake up way late without me, so we should stop by the dorms to get her."

"When did Gilda get back, by the way?"

"I guess 'round midnight. She's like a rock right now. In any case, let's get going." I said quickly, stealing a glance at the foals at the table nearby. One of them was watching with a eyebrow quirked smugly. I recognized him as one of Flash's cronies. I was SO going to hear about this from him today.

"O-okay..." She said getting up. We flew out the door together and headed over to the dorms to pick up Gilda.


My day was really dull...again. Nothing happened that I can even remember right now. Well, nothing big. Rainbow said she was surprised to hear nothing from Flash today. I asked her why and she said that it was nothing. I can't help but feel suspicious of her, but I shouldn't pry.

Right now we were heading to a clear patch of cloud near the school so Rainbow and Gilda could get in some practice for the Stormball team. The tryouts were next week and the season lasted through most the school year since the conditions are almost always right. It IS a sport designed and played by ponies that can control weather, after all.

We got to the small clearing and I hovered down to sit and watch, like I always do, and they flew up to start their routine. I don't know much about it, and I doubt if I ever will, but it made them look like a well-oiled machine. I stared and gawked at the two of them for a while before I eventually decided to doodle some to pass the time.

This went on for maybe an hour, I sorta zoned out of what I was drawing. Before I realized it, I'd drawn a picture of Rainbow in a Wonderbolt uniform. I don't know why but of all the girly, random, or even stupid things I've drawn in this notebook, this is the first time I've ever wanted to keep one...

"Hey, Shy! Watcha got there?" I realized it was also the only one I didn't want to share, as well. I quickly flipped closed the notebook.

"N-nothing." I replied quickly.

"Oooookay?" She said, quirking a brow at me. I didn't say anything. I just looked up at Gilda who was performing a small series of loops above us. "So me and Gilda were thinking we'd head to the Wonderbolts show at the arena a block from here. You wanna come?"

"You never mentioned a show..." I said, a little confused that she hadn't mentioned this to me.

"I- erm... I don't know. Guess I never thought of it. Sorry..." She rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. "Sooo... is that a no?"

"S-sure I'd like to go with you."


To tell the truth, I hadn't mentioned the show to her yet because I wasn't even sure she'd want to come, but she looked a little glum during me and G's practice. I guess I just didn't want to leave her like that.

We got there and bought tickets. Once we'd found some seats I quickly realized that all my hopes of talking to Fluttershy while we were here were ill-founded. It was just WAY too loud. At least we'd be here together.

A-as friends! Nothing else! J-just friends!...

Who am I rationalizing to?

I lost track of what Gilda was doing 'cause me and Shy were a bit busy gawking at the Wonderbolts. Their newest additions, Soarin and Spitfire, were dazzlingly good. They did loops, spins, corkscrews, spirals, and tricks I'm sure only the Wonderbolts and huge fans like me knew the names of.

I kept glancing at Fluttershy the whole time. She seemed honestly entranced by them. I don't know why, but for some reason I was a little jealous. I mean, it would be awesome if I could be THAT good that I could hold her attention like that...

*cough* I don't really...*ahem* I mean, it's not like I care THAT much...

I went back to watching Spitfire do several loops, then a set of twists and turns through the air. At the same time, Soarin was practically mirroring her every move on the opposite side of the arena. Then, right in the middle of the two, was Storm Kicker, their mentor, doing his own set of elaborate tricks. The trio suddenly turned towards the middle and flew together. Upon impact, they bounced off of each other with an explosion of colors.

The crowd oohed and ahhed around us. I was practically laughing at how completely, unbelievably, amazingly awesome this was. I felt Fluttershy scoot over, and I looked over at her. She leaned over and whispered (or more of spoke) in my ear, "I bet you could do that."

I felt my cheeks heat when I felt her breath on my ear, but I put on a cocky grin and nodded. Once she was back to sitting normally and watching the show, I scooted away just an inch.

After the show, we headed back to the dorms, me and G going on and on about all the stunts they did, the way Soarin and Spitfire performed together, and the different things that... nevermind, only big fans really get this stuff.

We got back to the dorms and hit the hay pretty much without a word once me and G's door was open. I'd assume Fluttershy did the same, since we passed her room first and she went in as we passed.

"Morning, G."

"Meh. Saturday. Shut up." I smirked as she answered while I dragged a comb through my bead-head ridden mane.

"Come on, G. It's seven in the morning."

"We get up at six the rest of the week. You will leave me be." She replied through her pillow.

"Fine." I answered, holding my hooves up in surrender. And everypony calls me the lazy one.

I went out the door, hoping to work in some laps around the block this morning. I couldn't help but wish they'd let me use the window to exit the building as I trudged down the stairs. It'd be SO much more convenient... up until I have to pay a fine for breaking the dorm rules. I don't understand it, really. We're all pegasi, so the door is practically useless.

I walked outside, felt the sun on my skin, and stretched my wings quickly. Once I was ready I started with a few slow laps around the block.

I got to thinking about all kinds of stuff. I started arguing with myself in my head. My pedia-... doctor says it's part of my attention defi-thing. My head would rather argue with itself then think normally.

I like it.

Most ponies describe it as a train of thought. Well for me it's more like two separate trains of thought racing with the conductors trash talking each other with logic.... or something to that effect.

My thoughts drifted from one thing to the next until a subject stuck. The first thing that stuck was what Flash had said two days ago.

"So how are things with your marefriend?" What a prick! Where does he get the nerve?

Maybe from that the fact that he might be right.

WOAH! Where did that come from?

You. Deep down you know you think it could work. Did you, or rather, I ever deny the possibility of Fluttershy and me as a "thing"? Nope. I just didn't even thi-

Stop it. Just stop. We are both mares, and she's my best friends to begin with. If it didn't work then that would ruin the friendship. Besides I am NOT a fillyfooler.

We both know she is far too nice to reject you or let the friendship die that way.

Shut up.

I barely noticed that I was picking up speed as I debated with myself.

Besides, I doubt she 'swings that way'. She'd probably feel horrible letting me do- Why am I even thinking about it like I WOULD ask her out?

Because I want to.

I do NOT. She's just a friend. I'm straight, she's straight, and Flash is just a prick. Why am I even thinking about this?

Because you wa-

No. I don't want to. I don't care what you-er... I think about this....

Am I insane? Probably. I don't even know who I'm asking that question to.

I was huffing and puffing by the time I stopped. I must've done twenty laps around the block, and I was going way too fast... I should never do that again for a practice.

I landed in front of the dorms, huffing out thick breaths of exhaustion. I collapsed on a patch of cloud and practically fell asleep. For a moment, I just lay there on the cloudy ground, half asleep from exhaustion, telling myself that whatever thoughts I just had meant nothing.

"Rainbow Dash?" I looked up and found Quick Silver staring at me with a concerned, but confused gawk on his face. For a moment I stupidly wondered why he was staring at me like that, but suddenly realized that it was because I was exhausted and laying, face-first, on the ground just outside the dorm building.

"Yeah? You want something?" I asked, pretending there was nothing wrong with this.

"Uh... Just wondering if you were okay. You look wiped out and upset. So are you okay?"

"Y-yeah... I'm good." I said getting back up. He stared at me for a moment, but I guess he just didn't want to pry, 'cause he just shook his head.

"Okay... I was wondering if you wanted to hang out or so-"

"Are you kidding?" I asked, glaring at him. "Why in the world would I go somewhere with you?" His face fell, and his eyes dropped to the ground. He looked like he'd had a rough time and I was just giving him more crap. I felt horrible for that. Here was this colt, trying to be nice to me, like nopony else in school save two, and I'm giving him crap about it. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"No. It's a good question. Why would you?" He interrupted me without looking up.

"Is something wrong?"

"Well..." He looked around quickly, as if he was worried somepony would see him, he looked back at me. "Me and Flash had a falling out yesterday." I quirked an eyebrow. "He was gonna say something to Fluttershy yesterday, but I told him not to. When he dared me to do something, I did." I got excited at hearing this.

"Oh boy! You decked him didn't you?" I asked, unable to control the grin on my face. He looked shocked.

"No! It's not like I hate the guy! I just disagree with him a lot. No, I just contacted a teacher after walking away as if I WASN'T gonna do something."

"Aw... What happened?"

"He got a strict warning, since he hadn't done anything yet. After that, I requested a move to a different room and didn't..." He paused and yawned, adding to the effect. "Sleep at all last night, since I refused to go to the dorm while he was still in it."

"That much from ratting him out?"

"Well, we argued before I got the teacher....and after that, too."

I looked at him in a whole new light now. I hadn't thought he would stand up to Flash. He just seemed like the spineless colt who stood on the sideline and did nothing, and wasn't worth worrying about whose side he was on.

But now? He seemed like something else.... With the look on his face, I'd assume he'd punch Flash if he were here right now. Of course, I would too, but that's beside the point.

I suddenly realized that we'd been standing there for a few minutes in silence. "*ahem* You wanted to hang out right?" He stared at me, obviously thinking of what I said not even ten minutes ago.



*scribble scribble* I was sitting at my desk *scribble* trying to write a letter home to tell mom and dad how the first week had gone. *scribble* I wasn't sure I described the bullies correctly, but I didn't want to say anything worse than "The bullies aren't that bad" or I think mom and dad *scribble* would worry and transfer me. And I really don't want to leave this school. This school has Rainbow Dash. Every other school is *scribble* devoid of ponies I know.

*scribble scribble* I guess that'll do. It's just mom and dad, after all, and I'll be writing home every other week. Mom insisted I did. So I guess I will...

*tap tap* Again? That's two mornings in a row...

"I'm coming, Rainbow." I assumed it would be her, because...well, who else would want to visit me?

I checked my mane in the mirror, this time bothering to brush real quick, and walked over and opened the door to an empty hall. I looked around and took a step out to see if anypony was running or watching. I'd been pranked before and I know some ponies like to watch.

I heard a crinkling sound and looked down, pulling my hoof back, and found a sealed envelope on the floor. I picked it up to take a look at it. It was blank on one side, but when I flipped it over, in really decorative hoofwriting, were the words:

To My Dearest Fluttershy
