• Published 23rd Dec 2017
  • 3,503 Views, 110 Comments

Bacon and Egghead - shortskirtsandexplosions

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle go out on their first date.

  • ...


"Whew!" Rarity sat down at the table across from Applejack, cradling a fresh cappuccino. The interior of a coffee shop buzzed around them, complete with recycle stock Christmas muzak channeling through the speakers. The fashionista slipped her gloves off and warmed her fingers around the cup containing her beverage. "I thought we'd never escape that insufferable cold!"

"Eh..." Applejack stifled a yawn and leaned back in her seat. "I've had colder."

"Oh bother..." Rarity rolled her eyes. "Not another anecdote of past winters slaved away on the grueling frost of the farmstead."

"Eh. Not this evening." Applejack casually stared out the window, her green eyes reflecting the bright pastel shape of Sugarcube Corner across the street. "Reckon I've got my mind on somethin' else."

"Mmmm. Quite." Rarity took a cautious sip of her drink. "And your eyes too, I gather."

Applejack squinted at her friend. "Reckon we're shadowin' them a bit too close-like? I'd hate to suffocate the two."

"Applejack, honestly..." Rarity sat up prim and proper with a smile. "You and I both know these two. The two dears are so absolutely skittish about this evening together that they're liable to implode!" She brushed her bangs aside and glanced at the cafe across the street in turn. "They need all the support they can get. What kind of friends would we be to abandon them?"

"Abandon them?" Applejack's freckled face contorted. "For the love of okra, Rarity, it's not like they're performin' open-heart-surgery!"

Rarity merely batted her eyelashes. "Aren't they, though? Hmmmm?"

"Eugh..." Applejack folded her arms and stared up at the ceiling. "I dun understand this so-called 'romantic' hogwash one bit. Sunset and Twilight are already friends. Ain't that a good enough foundation to get movin' on?"

"See? This is why you should simply trust my feminine intuition, Applejack," Rarity said. "I assure you, this night is a most delicate situation for our two most precious lovelies." She took another sip. "Once they're sailing on their own—a most beautiful thing, undoubtedly—we must stand here vigilantly by the shore." A wink. "It's the only true way to cast off a ship, if you catch my drift."

"Hrmmm... if ya say so..." Applejack scratched the back of her neck, gazing down the street. "Now just where in the heck did RD and Fluttershy go?"

Blue fingers twisted a knob on the car's dashboard until the vents were jetting royally warm air onto the two teenage passengers.

"There. Full blast." Rainbow Dash slumped back in her driver's seat with crossed arms. "You happy now?"

"Eeeeeeeeeee...!" Fluttershy gladly slipped her gloves off and warmed her fingers before the air-conditioning unit. "Very!" She sighed as her trembles lessened inside the tightly-sealed parked vehicle. "Some people remember fireplaces and candles fondly. Me?" A smile. "I'll gladly take a radiator decked with holly."

"Yeah. Uh huh." Rainbow craned her neck, gazing towards Sugarcube Corner. "I can't see Sunset and Twilight from them."

"They're in the furthest window from us, facing the street."

"They are?"

"Mmmmhmmm." Fluttershy nodded, rubbing her hands together before the vents. "You mean you can't see them?"


"... ... ...want me to grab the phone book for you to sit on?"

"What—NO!" Rainbow's cheeks reddened. "Besides... w-we're not driving home yet."


"Gawd..." Rainbow huffed, slumping back again. "What's wrong with people, Flutters?"

"Uhm... what do you mean—?"

"Why does everyone have to get so hung up over a stupid little date? I could be off shooting b-balls through the hoop in the gym uptown, but noooooo. Instead I'm here having to hand-hold my two nerdiest friends over a silly sit-in at Sugarcube Corner."

"Wow, Rainbow. I didn't know you hated supporting your friends that much."

"It's not hate! Just..." Rainbow shrugged. "Twilight's super smart! And Sunny's one of the most confident people I know! Heck, back when she was a total friggin' bully, she looked like she could take over the entire world! She almost did too!"

"I'm... h-having a hard time grasping your point..."

"These chicks are strong!" Rainbow's voice cracked. "They're cool! They're awesome... well... awesome-ish. What's more—they've helped us save the day time and time again!"

"Uh huh..."

"So why do they gotta crumble into weak little blubbering babies whey they suddenly wanna hold hands with one another?"

"Well, Rainbow..." Fluttershy relaxed her fingers and leaned back in her seat. "...when you confess your love and appreciation for someone, it's an act of sacrifice."

"I don't see Sunset chopping off her leg or Twilight offering an eyeball."

"What I mean is—to open yourself up is to make yourself vulnerable," Fluttershy said. "It's letting someone else know that you need them in your life and that you feel incomplete without them." She gulped. "From what I can imagine, it's very frightening and... e-exposing."

"Yeah, but they're Twilight and Sunset! They're just fine with each other!" Rainbow Dash snorted. "I don't see why they can't just get it over with."

"Not everybody can 'get it over with,' Rainbow Dash. Life isn't always like a game of soccer or basketball. Delicate things take more than just skill. They take time and experience and—"

"Blah blah blah... yeah, I get it." Rainbow stifled a yawn. "They gotta slow dance their way through it. Well, fine. To each their own, I guess."

"Hmmmm..." Fluttershy propped her chin up against her hand. She gazed at the cafe with a drunken smile. "Did you see how timid they were? I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I think it's absolutely adorable. What I wouldn't give to be listening in on whatever fluffy conversation they're having right now... melting away the ice between them... learning what they each enjoy and treasure in life..."

"Pffft! You kidding me?" Rainbow Dash smirked. "You've seen those two eggheads go at it! Hell, they're probably chatting up some nerdy storm or another right this very moment!"