• Published 30th Sep 2017
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Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5

Devoid of memories and found in the Everfree Forest, little Raichu is nursed back to health by Twilight and her friends. Little do they know about the importance of her past and how far she’ll go to repay their kindness.

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Chapter 17.5 - ...and Evolutions

Little Lost Raichu


Chapter 17.5

...and Evolutions

Nica smirked. <This battle won’t end like the previous ones. You’ll see.>

<So be it,> Alakazam said, waiting for the command to unleash his strongest attack. A lack of obstacles on the battlefield meant no cover to get in the way.

“Alakazam, use ‘Psychic’!”

Pichu closed her eyes and braced herself for the impact, waiting a few seconds as she was levitated a kilometer up and harshly thrown into the ground. After being smashed into hard obstacles over and over in the past, it seemed to hurt less and less.

Alakazam teleported closer and towered over the crater with a smirk of superiority.

“Nica, use ‘Volt Tackle!’” Astra commanded.

“Wait? What?” Johnny asked, caught off guard.

Nica gritted her teeth as her body was surrounding by a yellow aura. Repeating her name over and over while running up the crater, she jumped, tackling Alakazam directly under his chin and sending him flying far away in an explosion of electricity. Using such a powerful attack caused pain deep in her body, but she endured, running towards her foe.

Astra crossed her arms. “After our numerous battles, I prepared a plan and shared it with my partner. I hope you don’t mind that we waited with it until the league.”

Alakazam stood up and shook his head, scanning the battlefield in search of his tiny opponent.

“She’s on your back, shake her off!” Johnny shouted in a growing panic as his pokemon ended up struck by a ‘Thunderbolt’. “Come on, do something, use ‘Recover’!”

Alakazam put all his power into healing his wounds, only for electricity to run down his bones, paralyzing him in the process. All his might and power seemed pointless if he couldn’t even target his tiny opponent. In desperation, he rolled, pressing Pichu into the solid ground with his weight.

Nica held tightly onto Alakazam’s neck, using one attack after another. The moment her opponent stood up, she jumped away, only to deliver a finishing blow with a ‘Volt Tackle.’ Her heartbeat was quick and her limbs trembled as she stood before a defeated powerhouse. Despite feeling pain in her muscles, Nica started jumping in excitement, enjoying her hard-won victory.

The fight continued, ending with Astra shaking Johnny’s hand.

“You fought well and prepared accordingly, you deserved to win,” Astra said, her face not showing a single hint of disappointment.

“Only because I had more pokemon. If you had a full team of six, you would be the winner,” Johnny answered.

“Maybe, maybe not, I have no regrets,” Astra said with her hands on her hips, her smile still cheerful.

Nica lay on her trainer’s shoulder, still conscious but exhausted. Defeating a powerful pokemon like Alakazam, and using a Z-move against another pokemon before being defeated, totally worth it.

“You sound like winning or losing makes no difference to you,” Johnny said, and next heard Astra’s cheerful laughter. “Seriously, why’re you so happy about it? I wouldn’t mind if you were a bit angry.”

“That’s because winning this tournament isn’t my priority.” Astra whinked. “Let’s just say that my real goal and my real victory lies ahead of me, and I got what I wanted.” She picked the beaten Pichu from her shoulder and looked at her in pride. “Nica, you overcame the impossible odds again and again, and today you defeated a powerful rival and still had enough strength and spirit to use a Z-move. After defeating two powerful pokemon in a row, you deserve to evolve. In other words, feel free to evolve whenever you want.”

<R-really?> Nica asked as her tired face displayed a large smile. Her eyes became wide like plates. <Finally!> In a rush of happiness, Pichu’s body started shining brightly. Her short tail grew in size, her limbs grew longer, and her belly finally became big enough to better support her head. As the bright light vanished, Nica opened her eyes and maintained a wide smile. Despite being exhausted and covered in bruises, she felt more powerful than ever.

Johnny rolled his eyes. “You made your Pichu fight my Alakazam all this time just for that? You’re a weird girl, but I like you…” He blushed, tapping his fingers together. “Once the tournament is over, maybe we could…”

“In your dreams.”

Johnny sighed in disappointment.

Despite losing the tournament, it still felt like one of the best days of her life. After so many years, hard effort and hundreds of tough battles, Nica finally had a more solid body with so much potential. Earning it with all the struggle and pain only made it more rewarding. After resting in the Pokemon Center, she felt reborn and ready to tackle the world. Yet what seemed like the best day quickly turned into a nightmare.

Nica enjoyed the night stroll while walking alongside her trainer, taking in breaths of fresh air, only to hear an explosion. Noise of battle followed.

Astra, Nica and Johnny arrived at the source of the commotion, finding a powerful trainer from Hoenn… on his knees and covered in bruises. At least thirty trees lay on the grass in pieces while the ground itself was covered by craters. The belt with pokeballs was no longer in possession of the skilled trainer.

“D-don’t come any c-closer… r-run!” he struggled to say before losing consciousness.

Astra turned towards the arrogantly chuckling person with a bronze beard, who was wearing a black uniform with a big white ‘R’ mark written on it.

Nica stopped next to her trainer's leg and looked up at her face. It didn’t take long before she noticed boiling rage.

“Team Rocket!” Johnny shouted, sending his Alakazam out from his pokeball. “I beat a few members from Team Rocket in the past. You won’t steal any pokemon while I’m around.”

The initial anger Nica saw on her trainer’s face was replaced with worry. This was the time they were preparing for, and yet Astra looked… afraid.

“What were their ranks? Grunts, class C, class B, Class A?” the mysterious figure asked, his voice filled with confidence. “I assure you, I’m way above their league. But if you don’t trust my words, I can always let my actions to speak for me.”

Johnny pointed at Astra and said, “Together we have twelve pokemon, and your team must be tired. It doesn’t matter what rank you…” He paused. One pokemon after another were sent into the field. Instead of a group made of six, they now faced eighteen, all fully evolved and intimidating. “B-but... every trainer can only use… six…”

“Wake up, you naive kid. I’m an elite hitman and my job is to steal powerful pokemon. I also eliminate trainers who becomes a threat to my boss. Why should I follow any rules?” He gestured over his team as each stared with eyes of an enraged predator. “Catching a pokemon is easy, but training them is such a hassle. Do you have any idea how much a well trained pokemon is worth on the black market?” he asked, patting a Metagross on its giant leg. “How lucky that trainers like you do all the hard work for us. My boss even allows me to keep the strongest pokemon for myself, after some brainwashing of course. The grunts can steal high quantity of pokemon, but I have high standards.”

“I… I’ll call the police…” Johnny said in panic, sweating.

“Go ahead, I won’t stop you. You can even tell them that ‘Deathblow’ sent them best wishes. They’ll understand the message.”

Nica’s ears drooped. The criminal before her was leading an army of the most elite pokemon, all stolen from experienced trainers and brainwashed to do his bidding. Every new robbed trainer only increased his arsenal. How can one even fight that?

“Listen, kid, my work here is done, and your pokemon aren’t worth stealing. Just back down. I even did you a favor.” He pointed at the unconscious trainer. “Your opponent for the finals lost his pokemon so the trophy is yours for the taking. Leave and enjoy your fame.”

Johnny was breathing slowly, his forehead covered in even more sweat. With a trembling hand, he recalled Alakazam into his pokeball and retreated towards the town.

“Wise choice, and what about you? I’m not interested in your pokemon, so save me and yourself the trouble.”

“And what you’ll do with him?” Astra asked, pointing at the unconscious trainer.

“He’s not a threat, so I will leave him be.” He shrugged. “I’m a professional and my job is done. You can take him with you to a doctor if you want, see if I care.”

Nica and Astra started at each other for a moment with look of uncertainty.

After a moment of thinking, Astra gave the unconscious trainer a pitiful glance and summoned both her Starmie and Chansey. She pointed at the unconscious person. “He needs medical attention. Starmie, levitate him very gently and follow me. Chansey, share some of your vitality with him.” She turned around, walking away as tears started sliding down her cheeks. She gritted her teeth and her hands trembled.

Nica followed her trainer, occasionally looking behind to make sure the criminal wasn’t planning to backstab them. The one who introduced himself as ‘Deathblow’ was now walking in the opposite direction with an escort of a few of his pokemon.

“I… now know my target…” Astra said between sobs, catching Nica’s attention as her ears perked up. “Arrogant, proud, self-confident, professional, likes to intimidate with words and numbers, looks down on others, thinks power and numbers win every battle, doesn’t follow the rules.” She forced herself to grin, despite every muscle in her face protesting against it, which resulted in a creepy smile. “I’ll grow stronger and make myself his target, and when he comes after us, we’ll be ready.” She supported herself against the tree, her breathing quick and unstable. “Low ranking criminals may steal pokemon in quantity, but people like him ruin the lives of talented trainers. Johnny defeated Team Rocket members in the past, so if I eliminate the elites… other trainers will be able to defend themselves against the less competent grunts.”

Nica smiled despite their recent failure and said, <That’s the Astra I know.> She jumped onto her trainer’s shoulders and wiped tears from her face. Her bigger size requiring a bit of balancing. <There was nothing we could do against such odds. Not fighting him was the right thing to do.> She stroked her trainer’s cheek with her right forepaw. <You’re not like other trainers, you don’t care if you lose numerous battles.> She smirked and next displayed an encouraging smile. <But you always think ahead and never give up. I bet you already planned how to defeat our enemies. It may take months or even years, but when the time comes, we’ll wake up!>

Nica rolled on her leafy bed and bumped into something. Her eyes opened as her blurry vision slowly sharpened.

“You suggested for us to cooperate, only to oversleep. I’m disappointed,” Pharynx said in a firm tone, his expression unamused.

“Hey, give her a break. Can’t you sense her depression? She must have had a nightmare.” With the help of his hooves, Thorax helped her stand as he gazed in Nica’s eyes in concern. “If you need more time, just say so.”

Nica looked between both brothers and shook her head. While the dreams she’d had in the past few days had proved both shocking and informative, she couldn’t let them get in the way of her mission.

“Alright, here’s the mission briefing.” Pharynx stepped to the side and started walking back and forth, his eyes on the team. “Our target is a maulwurf, a large, heavily armored creature. It’s capable of digging tunnels, equipped with massive claws and has long, sharp teeth. It’s slow, but extremely strong and durable… and ugly, very ugly.”

“And scary,” Thorax said, shivering. “I still think we should lure him away with food.”

“It will last only for a few days. Maulwurf’s are very stubborn creatures that always return for more. Unless we show it that this is our territory, he won’t leave the hive alone.”

Nica nodded, wondering if the strong armor of the beast was resistant to electricity.

“I kept an eye on the maulwurf yesterday at a safe distance and learned of its whereabouts. Fighting it underground would be too risky, but with some food as bait, we should lure him into the open and attack. Any questions?”

“Y-yes… can we really handle it on our own?” Thorax asked.

“If we had an entire hive working with us, we would beat it with ease, how sad that some-changeling decided that we don't need any defenses,” Pharynx answered.

“Point taken.”

“What about you, Nica, any questions?”

She shook her head.

Pharynx stomped his hoof. “Good. Let’s move out.”

Upon noticing Thorax’s hoof gesture for her to climb onto his back, Nica nodded and hopped on, now comfortable enough to jump tiny distances. She perched herself on her friend’s back, her mind still clouded by numerous thoughts.

“Grab the bag with the plants and keep up the formation.”

Thorax nodded and flew up, following his brother. Their wings buzzed at a quick pace, both changelings carrying large bags between their hooves.

Nica sighed and raised her paws, looking at them in confusion. All this time in her dreams she was in a body of a tiny creature, struggling against the odds, but her recent dream had changed that. She now remembered how evolving felt like.

Her front limbs grew longer and she felt stronger when climbing, lifting or running, yet when compared to her current paws, they were still small. The bronze coloration at the edge of her paws was also more appealing to her personal taste.

Her hind legs hadn’t grown all that much after evolving into a Pikachu, but despite their tiny size, they proved quite superior in terms of jumping. Nica looked at her current rear legs –which were waaaay bigger than the tiny feet she had in her dream–, wondering how much her jumping capability has improved thanks to her final evolution.

Something still feels off… My first evolution increased my size and changed my shape a bit, but not all that much, yet my last evolution stands out a lot. Not just my size, but my fur color, ears and tail.

She poked her ears and next looked at her tail. When she was a Pichu, her tail was practically unnoticeable. After becoming a Pikachu it grew longer, and apparently was going to become useful for combat if what her trainer told her was true.

Nica massaged the black part of her tail. Apparently, after evolving into a Raichu, the thunder-like part didn’t change much and instead gained a lot of range. It no doubt played an important role, but the question was, what role? What kind of attack or ability did her long tail provide?

She massaged her forehead. There seemed to be something extremely important about her tail, but she just couldn’t put her paw on it. Wait a moment… Astra told me that after evolving into a Raichu, I was going to use ‘Iron Tail’ for defense… but how? She poked her forehead and gritted her teeth, thinking deeply. If her tail was meant to perform a defensive role, she could use it to protect those she cared about, and anything useful that didn’t involve hurting others with electricity was good in her book.

“We’re almost there. From here on out, we should approach on hoof,” Pharynx commanded, landing on the sand.

Thorax followed his example, tying the bag with bait to his belly with a rope before walking side by side with his brother.

Nica shook her head and stepped off her friend’s back, walking on four paws in between them. She could sense Thorax’s fear and stress on her right, and Pharynx’s determination and confidence on her left. Glancing in between both brothers, she tried to compare them.

They are both changelings, brothers, yet Thorax is so much taller, and, unlike Pharynx, he maintained transforming into me for more than an hour. The size and power difference between them is big. And according to Thorax’s stories, Twilight was a unicorn during the invasion, and now she have wings as well. Evolution is so fascinating!

Nica poked Thorax’s foreleg. The moment he looked down at her, she pointed at her own mouth and ears.

“You want to talk?” Seeing her nod, Thorax shapeshifted into a Raichu in an instant. <So, what do you want to talk about? I’m all ears.>

Pharynx burst into flames and turned into a taller Raichu. <I don’t like when others talk behind my back. You have no objection that I’ll listen as well?>

<Not at all,> Nica said.

<Works for me,> Thorax said, chuckling. <I must say, you look really good as a Raichu, nice to see you open to new possibilities.>

Pharynx stopped and crossed his arms. <I just use this body to understand my partner, and it is quite useful for combat.> He wiped a few drops of sweat from his forehead. <Maintaining it is a bit of a hassle, so don’t talk for long.>

<Hassle? It doesn’t tire me at all,> Thorax pointed out.

Pharynx groaned. <I wish I had half of your power, or at least for you to know how to fight and defend your hive.> He pointed at Nica. <Her trainer had the right idea. If those with power screw up, those weaker suffer. You may be the ruler, but what will you do when Chrysalis returns? There’s only so much I can do on my own.>

Thorax blushed and turned his head. An aura of depression became easy to notice.

Nica took a deep breath and asked, <Speaking of Chrysalis, I wanted to ask something.> With the attention of both changelings on her, she asked, <Why didn’t you capture and imprison her when you had the chance?>

<Imprison?> Thorax asked.

<Yes, imprison.> Pharynx said in a sarcastic voice, <Basically, it means placing your enemies in the heavily guarded cells where they can’t gain power and resources to destroy you and everything you hold dear.>

Nica nodded. <According to your story, after Chrysalis was defeated, you became stronger and had many changelings on your side. Not to mention you had Twilight, Starlight, powerful princesses and national heroes with you.> She took a deep breath and narrowed her eyes. <You even told me how she swore vengeance before galloping away. Why did none of you just capture her while having the advantage?>

Thorax stopped and rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks red. <To be honest, I don’t know. No one else tried to capture her, and I didn’t want to take away her freedom.>

Both Nica and Pharynx facepalmed.

Nica took a deep breath and said in anger, <This is stupid. My trainer dedicated her life to capture the most dangerous criminals so no one would need to suffer as she did. What’s the point of fighting against the odds to save an entire kingdom if you don’t do anything to prevent the future disasters from happening?>

Pharynx nodded. <I must agree. You and those ponies showed weakness that will backfire in the future.>

Thorax stared between their faces, struggling not to burst into tears. After taking a few calming breaths, he said, <Al-alright… I admit, I’m too soft for my own good.> He sighed and shook his head. <Brother… will you teach me how to keep my subjects safe? As long as it doesn’t involve any extreme measures.>

Pharynx smiled widely and laughed… cheerfully… which the other two Raichu found creepy considering his character. <How long I have waited to hear those words. True music to my ears.> He approached his brother and patted him on the shoulder. <You can count on me.>

<Not so fast, Pharynx. Do you remember what I told you about a compromise?> Nica asked as she held her paws on her hips, giving the taller Raichu a look of disapproval. <You’re too obsessed with protecting the hive. If this continues, no changeling will trust you!>

Both Raichu stared at each other with narrowed eyes, as if testing each other’s resolve. After several seconds, Pharynx lowered his head in defeat. He looked at his brother and said, <If you’re going to listen to my advice, I’ll try to adapt to your new ways.>

<R-really?> Thorax asked, blinking in confusion. <You’ve changed… brother.>

<What can I say. All this time I thought that I couldn’t allow myself to show a single weakness. I was obsessed with what I knew and too stubborn to learn anything new.> Pharynx glanced at Nica and smiled. <But my new frie—partner… showed me that one can be strong and soft at the same time.>

Nica showed her teeth in a cheerful smile. <Thank you… I just love being helpful, and such words coming from you means a lot!>

Both Raichu laughed cheerfully.

Pharynx joined a moment later. <It’s funny. All this time I felt like an outcast, as if the hive I dedicated my life to protect became something alien. But everything’s changed for the better lately… I feel as if I’ve regained my place where I belong.> Suddenly, his body burst into green flames and levitated upward. Bright light surrounded him while blinding the two Raichu.

Nica covered her eyes with her paws, struggling to see even a glimpse of what was happening before her. Once the bright light vanished, she lowered her paws and gasped. Pharynx had… evolved. He was now almost as tall as Thorax, but unlike his brother, his body had a much darker shade of green. The horns and tail were red, and the armored middle was white and violet.

“Woooow… neat…” Pharynx said, examining his new features. He poked his chest and horns and grinned. “I feel way stronger than before. Now I can be of even greater use to the swarm.” In a burst of green flames, he turned back to Raichu and held his paws on his hips. His chin was raised proudly.

<I’m… so proud,> Thorax said, wiping away tears of joy. He spread his paws, but failed to embrace his brother.

<N-no hugs… they’re humiliating!>

Thorax chuckled. <It seems you didn’t change all that much, but I’m still happy for you.> He stood on the tip of his rear paws and raised his right forepaw authoritatively. <I believe it’s only fair that we rule the hive as equals from now on. It will let us keep a balance between security and peaceful development.>

<Hey now, slow down a bit.> Pharynx took a step back. <How about I keep my rank as leader of the patrol, and you do your job as our ruler, at least for now. Let’s take it slowly.>

<Fair enough.>

Nica kept staring at the brothers with a satisfied smile. It took her a whole week of effort to gain the trust of the veteran changeling, a week of passing ideas between both brothers while trying to understand arguments from both sides. Seeing the wall in between Thorax and Pharynx crumble filled her with joy. Suddenly, she felt a tickling sensation in her tail as it started to glow for a moment. Did this mean that… her mission… was over? Her body started to tremble in excitement, and with a solid jump, she shot into the air like a rocket.

<I did it! I helped! I was useful!> she screamed from the bottom of her lungs, landing on the sand several seconds later with a loud thud. <Hurraaaaaay!> Her cheerfulness was interrupted by the trembling under her feets, and she bit her lip at the beast emerging from the ground. Hearing the changeling’s description of this monster was one thing, but seeing three claws on each limb, each claw being four meters long, and even longer teeth was very intimidating. Forget the monster I encountered in the forest, this creature is on a whole new level.

<It seems Nica lured our target out from hiding without the need for bait, good work,> Pharynx complemented before standing on four paws, electricity bursting from dots on his cheeks.

Thorax chuckled nervously. <T-that’s g-great… what now?>

<Just watch closely,> Pharynx said before standing on two legs. He clenched his forepaws and shouted, unleashing a ‘Thunderbolt’ at the massive beast.

<B-but how c-can we win on our own? This monster’s hide is…> He paused and gasped.

Nica observed the scene before her. The electricity seemed to surround the giant beast, forcing it to take a few steps backward and roar in pain.

<Look at that,> Pharynx said with a grin. <It seems all its super hard armor that can resist psychical force and magical beams is useless against electricity. This day just gets better and better.>

Upon seeing the beast approaching once more, Nica untied the collar from her neck and assisted Pharynx, aiding him with her own electricity. Their combined might pushed the beast away a few meters as it landed with a loud thud.

<Alright… I’ll try…> Thorax said before copying his brother’s action, attacking with a weak ‘Thunderbolt’ as the result. The giant monster massaged burns on its arm. <S-sorry… I wasn’t too harsh, was I?>

<Too soft actually, and it’s coming from me,> Nica said as she shook her head.

In a growing rage, the beast started scratching and biting a nearby stone-formation. What seemed like an act of unleashing anger on non-living object turned out to be gathering of ammunition, and soon the air was filled with thrown boulders.

Nica gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes, her instincts kicking in. Her friends were in danger and she needed to act immediately. There was one trick however she could use, an attack she’d used against Alakazam. She repeated her name over and over and ran as her body was surrounded by a bright yellow barrier of electricity. The other two Raichu ran in the opposite direction with one of the boulders speeding towards them. With a brave jump, she head-smashed into the boulder, shattering it into pieces. She didn’t slow down though but instead kept running, jumping from stone to stone in mid air before hitting the head of the giant monster. The force of impact knocked it off balance.

The aura of electricity vanished and Nica climbed up onto the maulwurf’s face, standing on the tip of its flower-like nose. A few bruises were present on her face, mostly on her forehead. <Now listen here, you bully! You’re hungry, I get it, but how can any plant grow in this wasteland if you eat them all down to the seeds?> She stomped with her forepaw. <I must ask you to stop harassing my friends and leave immediately.> Her ears perked upward and she backflipped, evading the maulwurf’s large clawed limb as it slapped its face instead. Two ‘Thunderbolts’ flew over her head, striking the beast with great force.

The Maulwurf seemed to lose all will to fight after that as it ran away with its body covered in burns.

<Good job, soldier,> Pharynx said and saluted, now standing behind Nica with Thorax by his side. <Let me guess, another move from your arsenal you remembered?>

Nica nodded and turned around, tapping her paws together. Just a moment ago she charged into a speeding boulder, jumped between rocks in mid air and knocked a gigantic beast of balance. The adrenaline, desire to protect her friends and faithful spirit, it all felt so familiar. <I… acted in the heat of the moment. And yes, I used this attack in yesterday’s dream against an Alakazam to earn my evolution into a Pikachu. I had no idea it would work, though.>

<It’s good that it worked,> Thorax said, pointing at the retreating monster. <Normally, it would take an army of changelings to keep pressure due to its armor, but electricity seem to bypass its defenses.>



“Where are you!?”

The three Raichu turned around, noticing a large group of changelings flying in the sky as they examined the area, a mix between light-green ones and dark-green ones. Though the taller and darker ones were certainly more numerous.

In a burst of green flames, Thorax returned to his real form and waved, attracting the changelings to his position. “What are you doing here? I didn’t ask anyone to accompany us.”

The more courageous changeling walked out of the crowd and saluted. “When we heard rumors how our leader, guest and chief of patrol went to face the maulwurf, we banded together volunteers to assist. Orders or not, we couldn’t leave you to face danger… wait… why are there two Raichu?”

Thorax chuckled. “The taller one is my brother actually. We shapeshifted into Raichu during the fight, and it worked great. The maulwurf shouldn’t bother us anymore and we know a good strategy against it.”

Pharynx returned to his original form, which was way bigger than the other members of the hive. “So you all came to help us against the maulwurf… of your own free will?” The moment others nodded, he said, “Now that’s what I call initiative.” He saluted. “I’m proud of you.”

“You look different… Sir…”

Pharynx rubbed his chest and raised his head proudly. “Let’s just say I adapted and evolved.”

Nica approached the veteran, who smirked and looked her in the eyes.

“I want a rematch.”

Nica gulped. While defeating Pharynx before wasn’t all that hard, she could tell that evolution improved his powers greatly. Round two wasn’t going to be a walk in the park.

“After our duel, we can have a celebration. Do you accept my challenge, Lady Nica?”

She nodded hesitantly. As much as she disliked hurting others, Pharynx was someone who could take it, and unlike the last time, this time it was going to be at least a bit more fair.

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