• Published 20th Sep 2017
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Memoir of a King’s Master Consort by Sir Spike - CrackedInkWell

A memoir by Spike the Dragon on his relationship with King Thorax

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22: Before I Forget

Of course, there were times with me in which I do leave the hive from time to time to visit some ponies to see how they were doing. Not only for the sake of Guy’s Night but to see family and friends that I hadn’t seen in a long while. Twilight tends to be at the top of my list along with her parents, her brother, and Cadence. Not to mention checking up on my friends to see how they’re doing from Fluttershy with her sanctuary, Rarity with her business, Pinkie taking up as a baking guru, and even Rainbow along with Applejack taking up teaching as a side job.

There are many others in which I could name, but there is a couple that I have been neglecting in this book for far too long. And that was the ones that gave me a sort of writing career. Of course, I am talking about Prince Blueblood and Fancy Pants.

It started after I flew over to Canterlot because I was given an invitation from them. The occasion was that of Fancy’s retirement party as he was over the age of sixty and had announced that he was stepping down from his life of being the city’s cultural critic. The party took place at his and his spouse’s residence at a newly constructed home that was built right into the side of a mountain.

I landed on the balcony to their front entrance which was a huge series of windows that all looked out over the city and to Equestria. Apparently, the architect took inspiration of the mystical place of Petra, the city built into the sides of a cliff in which it was carved in the traditional Pegasi style. The garnet rock was chiseled out to form a façade of columns, gables, balconies, and arches that had the addition of windows and golden trimmed plating in certain areas. Unsurprisingly, there were ponies about on the Titanic front porch, including some of the Canterlot elite, some guards, and Fancy himself.

“I’m so glad you can make it, old sport,” he greeted me. I know that it has been a while since I last saw him, but even so, it took me a while to realize that it was him. After all, his mane was growing streaks of gray from his usual blue mane and mustache. He had at this point traded in his monocle for bifocals that balanced on his snout. His face showed unmistakable signs of age as his once smoothed face had given way to wrinkles. Yet, his suit was still sharp as ever.

Reaching a claw over to him, I told him, “Well I needed an excuse to come see you guys. It’s been forever since I last saw either of you at our Guy’s Night. You still playing the piano?”

He nodded, “I’m thinking of spending my retirement to the piano. Sure, it was more of a side career, but now that my skills have improved, I figured that I want to dedicate to it more often.”

“And how’s Princy?”

“More or less like how you last saw him. He’s in his forties and I still can’t figure out how he does it. He’s still his handsome self as he was when we first married.”

“Really? How so?”

“That’s no secret,” he chuckled. “He doesn’t have a secret painting that ages for him, that’s for sure. No, he has his diet, creams and our walks that help him out. But other than that, I am planning on teaching him how to play as well.”

“Isn’t he a bit too old for the piano?”

Fancy chuckled, “There’s no such thing as being too old to learn a skill. Now come on in! We’re having lunch now.”

Inside this classical façade was something that even to this day has wowed me from the sheer architecture. Pass through the glass doors wasn’t like a cave that I had expected. Rather, the inside had layers of terraces, where it had flying arches that connected it with the stone façade that it was merely a wall surrounded by glass. Thereby letting in natural light into the interior. This palace was mostly carved from the mountain, and yet, it had some open rooms that faced out towards the light with staircases that too seem to fly up from one floor to the next. All of which, still kept true to the Pegasi architecture in its decoration. There were carved columns, fountains on the ground floor, and even the walls were painted in bright murals that gave the optical illusion of walking into a garden. Of course, even in this place, there were hints of the modern such as the grand piano that sat in the middle of this theater-like setting.

“Sir Spike? Is that you?” I looked up to the second floor toward the one that called me out. It was Prince Blueblood, still looking the same and not a wrinkle on him. “Long time no see, how are you?”

Flying up to him, I told him that I was doing fine and just wanted to see how they were. For the Prince, he was relieved that the construction of their new residence was finished on time for this occasion. “I had this place build for Fancy, more than anything.” He told me as he waved over for a waiter to bring a glass of champagne over. “Call it a literal labor of love, but this home is for him.”

“For his retirement?”

He shook his head, “More than that,” Blueblood said after handing me a glass. “This place has been a pet-project for just as we wanted to move out of that dusty mansion. However, given Fancy’s age, this became a place in which he could spend his golden years in peace. Doing the very things that he wanted to do, such as give me more music lessons.”

“I must say, this place is gorgeous,” after gulping down the glass in one go, the prince asked me how Thorax was doing. “He’s been keeping himself busy with all that’s been going on. In fact, he’s in Neighpon with negotiations, which is why he’s not able to come. But other than that, things have been interesting with the family considering what happened back in December.”

“Why? What happened?”

“You know Prince Sekto, right?”

He shrugged, “Only a little.”

“Well, he just came out as gay.”

“Really?” He looked up at me in surprise. “When did this happened?”

So I ended up telling him about him coming to me for advice about his crush and letting him figure out who he was. I also told him about what happened at the Hearth’s Warming Eve ball, and Thorax confronting Ganymede a few days later. Blueblood listened as I explained that Sekto’s crush has started to hang out with the children more often.

“He’s lucky,” he commented. “I mean, to have someone like King Thorax to help him out at such a young age. At least it wasn’t as awkward as… you know.”

“Yeah…” I blushed, rubbing the back of my neck.

“Not as awkward as what?” The two of us nearly jumped when Fancy poked into the conversation. “Sorry for popping in like this, but I only caught a bit of what you were saying.” He looked at our embarrassed blushes. “Is there something that I should know?”

“It’s a long story, My King,” Blueblood bashfully said.

Ooh, I love stories,” Fancy grinned. “Come over to the living room, with such red on your cheeks it must be worth hearing. And Spike,” he patted my arm. “It’s so good to have you drop by. It’s been forever since we’ve seen each other.”

As confused as I was, I at first passed that off as thinking that there were a lot of ponies around, so he might have forgotten. However, when I looked over at the blond unicorn, I asked him regarding the coming out story: “You mean you haven’t told him?

I have,” he muttered. “Look, I don’t want to give too much away, but let’s just say that it’s a reason why he’s retiring.

So Fancy lead us to a room in which there were lounge chairs and a pond in the center in which there were floating trays of berries and glasses of champagne. The older unicorn bids us explain what we were talking about. “Do you remember when I came out with my orientation?” Blueblood asked his husband.

“I do remember reading it in the newspaper once.”

“And do you recall as to why I came out?”

Fancy put a hoof to his chin in thought. “Vaguely. All I know that Spike had something to do with it.”

“Didn’t I tell you at the wedding what happened?” I asked.

“Can’t remember, mind retelling what had happened? I can’t recall as much as I used to.”

From the corner of my eye, there was a flash of a cringe on Blueblood’s face.

So, both of us retold Fancy the story of what happened that night at the Gala. Of how his two newly appointed guards had enough of his unfair treatment in which they plotted to embarrassed him with Love Poison to have him fall in love with the first one he saw. We told him of how Blueblood tried to woo me despite how much it creeped me out. Even to the point when he dragged me into his secret nerd cave and tricked me into accepting a marriage proposal by him speaking in Prench.

Of course, he laughed as the story progressed. Especially at the very end in which I told him the punishment for the guards that they downed some love poison while they were in the same room together. “Bloody brilliant!” Fancy chortled, “Now that’s some poetic justice right there. Although, it does make me rather curious. Whatever did happen to those two anyway?”

“That’s a good question,” I turned over to Blueblood. “What became of Cloak and Dagger?”

The blond unicorn hummed in thought, “If I recall correctly, I do know that they were court-martialed for that stunt. Had got themselves demoted too. Yet, neither of them seemed to mind. In fact, I think they might have dated at one point, but I can’t say for sure. You have to ask Auntie Celestia about that.”

“Is it almost lunch time?” Fancy inquired as he pulled out his pocket watch. “Bluey, how about I treat our guest to a short song before we dine?”

“That would be grand, are you prepared to play that new piece?”

He chuckled as he got up, “It’s not that I’ve forgotten it.” Fancy commented as he trotted towards the ground floor where the piano was. As we too got up to watch him, I noticed that Blueblood’s expression had fallen a little.

“Is something wrong Blueblood?” I asked.

“Did you notice?” He inquired but I told him that I wasn’t sure what he was talking about. “Truth be told, that story we told, that’s the third time this week I had to tell him that.”

“What do you mean?”

He didn’t answer right away as Fancy had gone up to the instrument that was between the fountains, hopping before the row of keys before he begun to play a cascade of notes that echoed in the space with majestic chords. Yet, from Blueblood’s expression, he looked on with melancholy. So, I asked him again what was bothering him.

Sighing, he confessed, “The sad truth is that he’s retiring because he’s slowly losing his memory.”

I was stunned, “You mean… Alzheimer’s?”

The prince nodded, “Don’t get me wrong, he can still remember who I am and can play all kinds of pieces by heart. But I’ve noticed that he’s very slowly but surely forgetting names, places, and events. He’s still him, however, I’m afraid of the future for us. I mean…” He paused to hear the heartbreakingly beautiful melody that was coming from the piano. “What if one day we wake up and he has no idea who I am? Nor all those times we spent together? That no matter how many times I try to repeat or remind him, he’ll forget all about it in a matter of minutes.”

“Oh, Celestia… Blue I had no idea.”

“Neither does the public… at least not yet. I wish that he had left a journal behind so that it might help him remind him when the time comes.”

“Why? Don’t you guys have something like… a photo album?”

He shook his head, “They won’t help. After all, they hold pictures but they’re useless if they don’t have some context behind them.”

As I too listened to that ghostly melody, I pondered over on how I could help. Of course, there wasn’t much that I could do for either… Except… a thought came to me. One that was maddeningly unhelpful, but it was indeed something that was possible. And yet, extremely difficult to do.

“Suppose,” I began. “Theoretically of course, that I might write it all down?”


“I mean… what if, (and this is a big, fat what if) that I took the time to put your guy’s memories on paper? Like writing out about the time at the Gala with the Love Poison for example? That way, you guys can read it as often as you want.”

“Would you? I mean, can you actually do that?”

That was a question that gave me pause. I mean sure, I had helped Twilight write letters to Celestia when I was a kid as well as parts of the famous Friendship Journal. And not to mention that I used my imagination to its fullest for our role-playing games. But to write a story that recreates real events? The amount of research, interviews and even guesswork to fill in the gaps is immense alone. However, to weave together a coherent story that doesn’t mess up the dialogue, characterization, or even just the grammar – all of which I could easily mess up?

Do I even dare?

Looking over to Fancy who was enjoying himself at the keyboard and considering what I have learned, I told Blueblood. “I can’t promise that it’ll be good.”

“It doesn’t have to be good. Just true.” He told me, “Spike, I will pay you with anything you want, but for Fancy’s sake, I want you to write our story.”

“You do know that it’ll take time.”

“We’re not going anywhere.”

I sighed, “Let me think it over.”