• Published 20th Sep 2017
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Memoir of a King’s Master Consort by Sir Spike - CrackedInkWell

A memoir by Spike the Dragon on his relationship with King Thorax

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20: His Name is Ganymede

True to my word, I for several months, I didn’t tell Thorax about what Sekto had told me. If anything, he kept a bit of distance between himself and his parents as he didn’t want to wrestle with his feelings. But not to say that this went unnoticed. Even the Changeling King went up to me one night to voice his concern.

“He just wouldn’t talk to me or come anywhere near me or Lavender. For the life of me, I can’t figure out what is going on. He’s not mad at me, that I know, but it’s like he’s hiding something.”

I placed a claw on his back. “Actually, I’ve spoken to him a while back.”

“You did?”

“While I promised him that I won’t tell what we’ve been discussing, let’s just say that he’s trying to figure things out on his own.”

He leaned forward, “Figuring out what?”

But I wouldn’t say. The kid placed so much trust with his secret and I must respect it. After our private meeting, every other day he would get me out of the hive to speak one on one about trying to separate what he thinks he’s feeling and what he’s actually feeling. This went on for several months, but at the same time, I’ve learned a little bit more about his crush.

As I could piece together, the one that he had his eyes on was a guy named Ganymede. Since he does offer a helping hoof at the potluck lunches, so I was able to get a good look at who this is. He is about a year older then Sekto, and yet he’s as playful as a kid. The only way I could describe both his personality and look of sunshine personified. A yellow Changeling with eyes as white as the sun, he seems friendly and would gladly say hello if you just went up to him. Much like in Sek’s description, he also does make jokes whenever he could do so.

Of course, we both spot something that would easily give Sekto a reason to second-guessing himself. In it that in the few times that I did talk to him, he doesn’t appear to be interested in fillies, but at the same time it isn’t clear that he leans towards colts either. As you could imagine, it is the source of the kid’s anxiety. I try to comfort him in spite of his crush’s ambiguous orientation.

And it became clear to the both of us that there was no question that this little guy was starting to develop an attraction towards him. For a while, neither of us were sure about what exactly to do about it. However, as the winter season was drawing near, the answer had manifested itself.
The Changeling Kingdom had adopted the traditions of Hearth’s Warming while adding a few of their own. One such new tradition is the creation of the Hearth’s Warming Eve ball. Of course, Sekto had asked for my assistance for his plan to get himself properly acquainted with Ganymede.

“I want to do something else too,” he told me. “A way to tell mom and dad of who I am.”

“Wait… really,” I held him up to eye level. “Are you sure Sek?”

He nodded, “I was confused, Uncle Spike. But I know now that I do have a crush of a guy, and at the ball, I think it’s about time that they know. Besides, they’re bound to find out, so I don’t feel right in hiding this from them forever.”

Ah Sekto, as fragile as you can be, you do have the courage of a dragon.

So on that December night, I, Thorax and Lavender had taken front row seats to a drama that was set before us. The ball itself took place in the outdoor throne room, with the same conditions as that how I fell in love with the king. Once again there was a blizzard that descended from the sky while the heat stones around us created a dome of warmth for us. But unlike then, this ball had evergreen wreaths and garlands that draped the perimeter of the room with shiny jingle bells and silk red ribbons. The orchestra provided the dancing, waltzing music for couples that wanted to have a moment.

Like before, the horseshoe-like table was set up to match the festive atmosphere. Red cloth was draped over while white candles stood tall as they burn. Food and drink were intertwined between the holly, candy and sugar sculptures. At the head of the table, we sat, Thorax had a hoof over his belly as he slumped in his chair to recover from the overeating. Behind him was his brother on guard, looking over at the party unfolding while scanning for potential threats. To the King’s right, the Queen was nibbling on a peppermint cup that once had hot chocolate. On the left sat I was setting aside the whiskey infused eggnog. At the time, I wasn’t quite tipsy, so I was able to remember what was going on in the center of the room.

“That’s odd,” Lavender commented as she spotted Sekto, standing to one side of the room as the dancers spun into confusing twists of color. “Don’t all the kids head off to bed around this time?”

Thorax looked over behind his seat, “What time is it?”

Pharynx glanced down at a watch, “Just past 10:30. I’ve seen all of them drift out of the throne room.” Looking up, he added. “It looks like Sek’s waiting for someone.”

“Who could he be waiting on?” the King wondered aloud. “Maybe I should go over-”

I held out a claw, “Wait.” I told them, “You all want to see this.”

“See what?” they all inquired.

With not a further word spoken, I pointed over to their son as he was moving across the room over to the other side. Even at this distance, we all saw the look of nervousness on his face as he approached the sunny changeling that was nibbling at the snack table. At first, Sekto seemed rather hesitant, as if he was trying to gear up the courage to finally speak what was on his mind. He moved a shaky hoof up to give a gentle tap on his crush’s shoulder.

“What’s he doing?” Thorax asked but I shushed him.

“Just watch,” I said with a knowing smirk.

And so we watched as the improvised play unfolded. As soon as Sekto managed to tap on Ganymede’s shoulder, he turned his head and, acknowledging who it was, bowed to him. After all, he is technically a prince to the eyes of the hive. Sek looked even more uneasy than before at this action but fought to hold a straight face as they started talking. Ganymede, judging off from his body language, indicated that he was practically star-struck to have someone of royalty wanting to talk to him.

“Who’s that?” Pharynx questioned.

“I’ve seen him before,” Lavender said in thought. “I think he comes helps out with the potluck lunches from time to time. Can’t remember the name, but the face looks familiar.”

“Ganymede,” I told them, and all three of them looked at me.

“And you know that name… how?” Thorax asked.

“Keep watching, and you’ll know why.”

Returning their gazes, they witnessed a bashful looking Sekto, rubbing one leg over the other, saying something that was far out of earshot from his parents. The yellow changeling froze for a moment, blinking before he moved his lips briefly. Sek nodded and lifted a foreleg towards the dancing floor.

“Is he doing what I think he’s doing?” the Changeling Queen asked as the orchestra struck up a new tune.

Almost like a ballet, while the music certainly drowned out whatever they were saying, it was clear by the body language and facial expression of these two of what was really going on. Ganymede, with a puzzled look, sort of laughed as if he’s admitting that he didn’t exactly know how to dance. Sek on the other hoof wasn’t that bothered as took hold of his hoof to drag him towards the center stage as if he’ll teach him how to dance. Interestingly enough, the one being dragged doesn’t show signs of objections to this.

The two colts stood in the center of the throne room as Sekto, rather awkwardly, showed his crush through the steps and posture of dancing. The kind in which they both stand on their hind legs while Sekto guides the other’s hooves to where he puts one on his shoulder and hold the other. But as soon as Sekto placed his hoof on Ganymede’s side, did I hear something from Thorax.

No way…” I glanced over to see his jaw had hit the floor. Whatever doubts any of them had when they saw his son was showing another colt how to dance (if not clumsily) were banished when all of them realized what was happening. “Spike,” Thorax said at last. “Is Sekto…”

I nodded, “Looks like he’s decided to reveal his secret.” I leaned back in my seat.

“Secret?” Pharynx question. “You mean, that you knew?”

“What can I say, he trusted me with it.”

Thorax turned his eyes towards the dancing colts. “We’re certainly going to need to have a talk later on.”

“Oh let him have his fun,” I craned my neck over to kiss him on the cheek. “Although, I have to admit, from what Sekto had told me of his plan, the real test might be coming up.” They asked me what exactly. “To see if he accepts his crush.”

Out on the dancefloor, the two of them clumsily waltzed as they nearly tripped over so they had to stop and do it over again. But the movements were not the main focus as to their conversation. As they turned around, we kept an eye for clues on both of their faces. Ganymede cracking jokes while Sekto laughed gawkily. Another turn and the yellow colt had look concern as he asked if he was alright. Sekto looked over towards my direction as if asking for some sort of guidance. Another turn and Ganymede was listening while Sek was finally explaining it out to him for another few twists.

Suddenly, the two of them stopped and Ganymede let go, looking uneasy. Sekto tried to explain himself but his crush took a few steps back. The yellow changeling seemed to stumble over his words before shaking his head and leaving the Throne Room, leaving him alone in the center. But Sek’s face had a look of devastation as tears were forming in his eyes.

“Oh no,” Thorax got out of his chair and flew over to his son as I did the same. “Sekto,” he said as he landed in front of him. “Are you-” But the damage was already done as he ran out with tears flowing over. “Son! Wait!” his father cried out, we chase after him.

Needless to say, we did manage to get caught up with him, but he was overcome with sadness that he couldn’t say anything that was incoherent. While it was late in the evening, Thorax had his son and me into his personal chambers to have a private talk with both of us.

I still recall how he sat on the edge of his bed, his forelegs folded over while Sekto sat on a pillow on the floor and me in a chair. He had his eyes closed as he breathed deeply. “Before I say anything,” he said. “Is that I want both of you to know: I’m not angry at either of you.”

“You’re not?” Sekto looked up with a guilty expression.

Shaking his head, he began. “No, I’m not. However, I do feel a little bit betrayed by both of you.” He turned to his son. “Sekto, you didn’t have to be afraid to tell me this. I still love you regardless of who you’re attracted to. So it rather hurts to find out that you didn’t trust me with this as I would have been more than willing to help.”

“In his defense,” I began but he shot a glare at me.

“The same goes with you, Spike. While I don’t mind that he was able to trust you, however, I don’t appreciate the fact that you kept this away from me.”

“That was because he was trying to figure out who he is without anyone jumping to conclusions until he was certain,” I said in our defense. “Look, it’s not that I don’t get where you’re coming from. But do keep in mind that the kids have or just reached puberty. And we both know well that this is a very confusing time those who are trying to figure out what they like. He turned to me because I can’t read his emotions to make assumptions about what he’s thinking. Sekto wanted someone that doesn’t hold a bias of any sort to help him put things together.”

Another deep breath and the king opened his eyes. “Okay, to be fair, I guess that I would have jumped to conclusions if I heard this earlier. Yet, what’s so disheartening about all of this is that I’m being left out. Yes, I know what it was like when I was his age, but I want to play a role so that he would have a guide that’s been through this.”

“I’m sorry,” Sekto said.

His father sighed as he called for his son to come to sit with him. He did so as Thorax hugged him. “Just so you know, that what I saw tonight amazed me. You are a whole lot braver than I was at your age.”


The king nodded. “When I realized that I had a leaning towards males, I was scared of telling anyling. Even your uncle for a time. Back then this fear I had was so strong that I forbid myself to have crushes. It was poisonous to my mental health, as at one time I was convinced that no one would really love me. No one should go through life like that. Least of all you or any of you little guys. Sekto, I know what happened tonight didn’t go as you planned. And not every guy you meet would have the same kind of attraction that you feel. I won’t lie to you in saying that it’s difficult. But that shouldn’t mean that it’s hopeless. There are other creatures out there, not just changelings, that can fall in love with those of the same gender. So it’s not impossible.”

He nuzzled him while adding, “Besides, I’ll give you credit that was a brave thing in telling someone that you had a crush on them. Heck, it took me years to do the same with Spike. Now if you want, I can have a talk with Ganymede or his parents for having him running off like that.”

“He’s not in trouble, is he?”

Thorax shook his head, “I wouldn’t say that. But that was rather rude of him to go without telling you that he doesn’t feel the same way. A gentelcolt should just tell you that they’re not interested instead of running away like that.”

“But even so, what do I do now? I can’t just talk to him again for after what just happened.”

“For now, you need to go to bed,” he kissed him on the forehead. “Hearth’s Warming is tomorrow after all so we’ve got ourselves quite the day ahead of us. We’ll deal with this after tomorrow, but right now, you need sleep.”

Once Sekto was out of the room, the king turned to me, with a malicious grin on his muzzle.

“As for you,” he said as he got up and walked over to the chair. “You need to stay right where you are.” His horns lit up as I suddenly found a pair of hoofcuffs locking me to the chair.

“Ooh, bondage tonight?” I smiled nervously, “I must be in real trouble, aren’t I?”

“For the time being,” he smirked. “But I’m sure that there’s a way for you to make up for it, mi amore.”

Celestia, I love him.