• Published 20th Sep 2017
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Memoir of a King’s Master Consort by Sir Spike - CrackedInkWell

A memoir by Spike the Dragon on his relationship with King Thorax

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19: Sekto’s Trust

So, one thing to note before I start this chapter is to say that both Junior and Prince Bullvine were punished during our stay on the island. In which for several days, they were forced to clean up the palace with no one else to assist them. Sure, the task was immense, but to our eyes, it was fair because those two nearly started a war.

The rest of the trip there was uneventful and not all that important to this book.

Instead, I’m going to have to move onto another memory, this being about three years later when the five of them had reached the age of twelve. When they were deemed old enough, the King, Queen and I had to set all of them down one evening so that we could finally give them… the talk.

Of course, it wasn’t just telling them what to expect when they’ve just begun to hit puberty. We also have to explain to them the birds and bees as well. At first, we told them briefly where eggs come from through a male and female Changeling. We also told them of other forms of intimacy, such as cuddling for a long time or sharing kisses on the lips are meant to be shared with someone that they consider special.

To this, all five of them were confused, “But dad,” Scheherazade objected. “We’ve seen you kiss Uncle Spike sometimes too, and he’s not female.”

“Now that is true,” I nodded. “In a way, that’s what makes our family so unique. It’s because that your dad here, has an attraction to both male and female alike. Yes, he does love your mother, but he also loves me as well.”

Junior raised a hoof, “How does that work? I mean, can you fall in love with someone that’s also a colt or filly as you are?”

“In a manner of speaking,” Thorax said. “It is possible, but just remember, that it’s also normal too. Grant it, figuring out if you like fillies, colts or both does take time. But as you grow older, you’ll be able to figure that out on your own as you grow older.”

“But uh…” Sekto inquired, “How do we know exactly?”

“From what your father has told me,” Queen Lavender took over. “The simplest way is that you’ll notice certain things about this or that would draw you. For example, you may notice physical features that would make you feel… well… excited. At other times, it could be by their personality that wants you to become more than just friends.”

The youngest son looked uneasy, “Like say… if you prefer to be with a friend more than others?”

“Kinda,” his father pointed out. “That unlike friends, when you have an attraction to someone, you find that you tend to care more about their well-being. It’ll be when you’re concerned about their happiness, where you are quick to forgive and just seeing them fills you with a nearly indescribable joy. There’s much more to it, but I want the five of you to understand something.” He looked at all of them in the eye with a gentle smile on his face. “If any of you feel lost or confused with the changes that will happen or you keep getting a feeling that you’re unsure how to deal with it. Just remember, you have the three of us to come, and we’ll be willing to listen. Do you all understand?”

They nodded, after asking a few questions about how our three-way relationship worked. So, we explained to them that ours works on a system of honesty, communication, and trust. Just like how any other relationship would work.

Now, there is a reason why I’ve decided to tell you that little story because it serves as a background for what happened about a few weeks later. Around this time, it was about a month before their quadruple birthdays in which they were about to turn thirteen that I received a visitor in my chambers. It was Sekto who was switching from one pair of hooves to the other. “Hey Uncle Spike,” he said, trying to look as calm as possible. “Are you busy?”

I sat the comic book I had aside, “Not really, just relaxing. Is there something you need kiddo?”

“Um…” He looked over his shoulder, “Can I uh... talk to you?”

Stepping aside, I lifted my arm. “Sure, come on-”

“Not here,” he interrupted. “At least, not in the hive.”

This got my attention, “Is something wrong, Sek?”


“You look a bit nervous.”

He didn’t answer at first, “Nothing’s wrong, I just needed to talk to you that isn’t here.”

“Why not?”

Pawing at the ground he asked, “You remember when we had that talk a few weeks ago and said that if there was something that we could ask, we could turn to you?” I nodded, piecing together what this might be about. “I don’t feel comfortable in talking to mom or dad about it.”

“Oh, okay then… Do you wanna go for a walk or a fly?”

“Fly, preferably out of anyone’s earshot.”

Ahh… so it’s that kind of talk.

Jumping out of a window and spreading our wings, we went towards the forest, and a little higher than what the other kids are used to flying at. Obviously, something is clearly bothering him as for several minutes into our flight, he didn’t say a word. At the same time, however, I consider myself proud that Sekto is placing so much trust in me to hear what was on his mind.

I waited for him to start first, “So…” he began, but hesitated for a long time as he looked over at everything but me. “That talk you gave us a few weeks ago.”


“I mean… it’s true that you do love my dad, right? And noling has ever found it… weird?”

Chuckling, I replied, “To be honest, I don’t have the title of being Master Consort for nothing. But no, the hive doesn’t think that it’s weird that I uh… date him.” Then I tilted my head to the side, “Why are you bringing this up?”

His face was flushed as he tried to take some calming breaths in the cool air. “Well… so it’s… normal for someone to have feelings towards both male and female, or just female for me?” Almost immediately, I knew where this was going.

“Well there’s nothing wrong with that,” I told him.

“So…” he looked around, spinning in the air to make absolutely sure that it was just us. “So… it’s not weird at all for say… a male to have feelings for only a male?”

“No,” I said immediately and clearly. “There isn’t anything weird about it.” I flew up next to him, putting my arm around. “Is there a reason why you’re telling me this, Sekto?”

His eyes turned away from me. “Um,” he said as almost a hoof to the gut reaction. “I was just curious is all. You, mom and dad, haven’t mentioned it that much.”

“What? Males only attracted to other males?” he nodded. “Well, we’re just going off from our own personal experiences. I mean, Thorax and I are both bisexual,” he looked at me puzzled. “It’s a fancy word meaning that one has an attraction to both genders.”

“Oh…” he nodded. “Uncle Spike… How well can you keep a secret?”

Here we go. “I think that I’ve learned how to keep a few pretty well. Why?”

“Well… To be honest, I don’t exactly feel comfortable telling mom or dad… or my brother and sisters about. I know we talked about the birds and bees but… there’s something that has left me kinda confused about.”

I drew him into a hug, “Sekto, of course, you can tell me anything, no matter how weird. I promise that whatever you wanted to say, I’ll hear you out. And I won’t say anything until you’re finished. Okay?”

He nodded and after taking a few deeper breaths asked me at point-blank range: “Uncle Spike, am I gay?” I told him that I didn’t exactly know what he meant. “I mean… Before you set us all down to talk about sex and attraction, I’ve been starting to notice uh…” he blushed. “Well, a certain someone in the hive, who I’m not going to say!” He quickly added before continuing.

While I did chuckle, I kept my mouth shut.

“Anyway, while I haven’t exactly gone up and talked to him, every time I see him, I just feel funny. You know? Like being short on the breath or that I want to stare at him for some reason. Only I don’t know why. And after you called us to have that talk, explaining what it means to be attracted to someone that… what if…?”

I patted his head, “You do know that there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“Is it?” he asked and I asked for clarification. “I mean, outside of you and dad, I’ve never seen any other changeling that does something like that. Particularly with couples that are both males. Sure, dad is the king, but you have to admit you don’t see couples like yourselves very often here. I mean, if it weren’t for him being so important to the hive, would other Changelings think otherwise?”

“I rather doubt it,” I told him. “After all, your Uncle Pharynx knew that his brother leaned towards males long before he became king.”


“Uh-huh. And yeah, I think I can see where you’re coming from with this. Yes, we don’t have too many couples that just happened to be the same gender. But like Equestria, there’s nothing shocking about it, as it’s just as a fact of life.”

He cocked an eyebrow, “And how many couples like you and dad raise kids in which one of them might be like them in some way?”

I puff smoke through my nose. “Well… Okay, there you have me. But you do see my point here, right?”

“I know, but it’s not just the hive I’m concerned about. What about other places in the world that don’t act too kindly? Like the Yaks or the Minotaurs, if they even suspect that I might not like fillies as they do-”

“Sekto,” I cut him off. “If you’re worried about your own safety, do remember that we are all here for you, regardless who you happen to like. After all, I have that same protection as well, that if such a thing were to happen, you have a whole army to rush in to help. With that being said, I do have a question for you. As much as I’m honored in being the first one for you to come out to, why me in particular?”

He looked at me as if I said something incredibly dumb. “Isn’t it obvious?” he deadpanned. “If I even got near Mom or Dad, they’ll immediately pick up what I’m feeling, but I think they’ll start interrogating me as if I’m in trouble. I mean, they could sense what I’m feeling but not my thoughts. You are easier to talk to because I can just tell you and have you understand at a reasonable pace. And besides, I don’t know for certain if I’m really gay or not. You guys said it that it’ll take time, and the last thing that I or mom and dad need it to dive right into conclusions. I mean, what I’m not?”

I hugged him again, “Personally, either way, I don’t care, just as long as you find what makes you happy with whoever you’re with.”

“But do I do now? I mean, I don’t want mom and dad to know,” his eyes widened before he looked up at me with a pleading look. “Please don’t tell them.”

Backing up in the air for I bit, I followed the motions. “Alright, for you, I cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye promise, that this will only be between us. Although, I am rather curious,” I said with a smirk. “Who’s the lucky guy?” He sighed, his face (if not his whole chitin) turned an embarrassing shade of red.

“Do I really have to?” he moaned.

After thinking it over for a moment, I answered: “Actually, that’ll depend on how you answer this one question.” I lean in. “Do you like this guy enough that you want to get closer than you already are with him?” After he pondered over this, he replied that he would like that. “Then yes, you have to.”

He rubbed his foreleg. “I don’t think you’ve heard of him. He’s in the cooking group that just joined in. I tend to see him on Wednesdays and Thursdays when he’s there setting up the food. Truth is Uncle, I don’t know what his name is, but I think he’s around the same age as I am. And he’s uh…”

I couldn’t resist, “What? Cute?”

“No!” he said defensively. “I mean, his eyes are shiny and funny and witty- why am I saying this!

Chuckling, I told him that it’s all part of growing up.

Author's Note:

I've decided that starting today, I'm going to put my focus on one story at a time. Which means, that while I may put the Moztrot and the self insert stories aside, I'm going to dedicate myself to see this story to be finished.