• Published 20th Sep 2017
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Memoir of a King’s Master Consort by Sir Spike - CrackedInkWell

A memoir by Spike the Dragon on his relationship with King Thorax

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14: Spike’s Nightmare

(The following account you are about to read comes from King Thorax as he’s the only one that could tell this chapter in our lives.)

After Spike had moved in with us to the Hive, things had been great. Since he was officially living with us that meant that he got the chance to interact more with my Changelings. With me especially, as we found that between the day courts and the meals, Spike and I had found ourselves to have more time. I’ve managed to talk him into doing some theater while Lavender’s due date was drawing near.

However… there was something that I’ve noticed about him as my Queen was getting closer to the birth, I had sensed not just concern for her but worry. For the longest time, this confused me. Why would he be worried? Lavender was given the best care for an expectant mother could. Whatever odd cravings she wished was given, day or night. Physicians were on hoof to be sure that she and the eggs inside were healthy. Even the nursery was prepared. And yet, whenever any reminder of the soon-to-be hatchlings made Spike uneasy.

At first, I didn’t bring this up because I honestly thought that he was realizing that he was going to be a sort of parent too and have become attached. In hindsight, however, I wish that I would have said something from the start. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have the nightmare.

I think it was only a couple of weeks until the expected day for Lavender that I was asleep in my chambers, dreaming. At the time, I believe that Spike and I were in bed together after some… evening activities... anyway, we were both asleep. I remembered dreaming of being out at sea on a pirate ship. In the dream I was looking through a spyglass, scanning over the horizon for any ships to loot. Then, there off the starboard was a sail that flew the colors of a Prench ship.

Grinning, I called upon the crew to raise the blood red sails and turn the ship to our new target. Cannons below deck were being loaded below deck while those out in the open air were gathering their tools for raiding. I meanwhile turned the ship’s wheel towards the ship in which I was more than prepared for a fight.

“You know,” said a feminine voice. “For a pacifist King, I’d never thought your dreams would be like this.” Twisting my neck over, I found that Princess Luna in a bandana, an eyepatch and a pair of gold hooped earrings. “Never taken you to be the type to be interested in, what looks like the golden age of piracy.”

“Princess Luna?” I asked in total confusion, “Where did you come from?”

“Through the dream realm,” she replied. “In case you haven’t noticed by now, you’re dreaming.”

I blinked, “Really? I am?” Looking around the ship, at first glance, everything seemed very real from the sails to the wooden planks at my hooves. However, as I looked at the crew, I noticed how the faces seemed rather blurred as they all went to and fro. Turning back to the Night Princess I inquired, “Hold on, what are you doing here? I’m not having a nightmare again.”

She shook her head, “I never said that you were. But your, how shall we say… your first mate is in need of you.”

My eyes widened as I felt my heart sank into my withers. “Where’s Spike?” I asked in alarm.

“Come,” she said as she lit her horn in which a trap door was created from the wooden planks. “I believe that it’s time to return the favor.”

The trapdoor opened in which I followed her into… well, the only way I could describe is like walking on a galaxy of stars and doors of every kind in either direction. With a stomp of a hoof, the doors flew past us in a zooming blur for a moment before they all slowed down to a particular door in which, right above it was a glowing orb that was the same color as the sails in my dream.

Luna warned me that before we entered that I was about to be exposed to what looks like Spike’s greatest fear. Being his nightmare, everything that my Master Consort’s anxieties, insecurities, worries, and uncomfortable truths would be on full display for him to have no place to hide. Essentially, I was about to walk into Spike’s mind. That I should be opened minded, nonjudgmental and careful when I do encounter him. Luna added that she’ll be there in the background to make sure that neither I nor Spike would be in any real danger.

Gulping, I changed out of my pirate outfit to something to my true form before opening the door. At first, I was confused as I stepped in for what looked like the interior of the hive. My ears picked up the sound of someone shouting. Curiosity made me follow the increasingly angry voice that, I came to realized was my own.

“Oh no! Don’t you dare say that it was an accident!” I heard… well, this other me screamed. “You knew exactly what you were doing!”

“B-But Thorax,” echoed Spike’s voice in a manner that I don’t recall ever hearing him in such a sorrowful tone before. If anything, it was as if he was practically hiccuping in guilt. Then to my shock, I heard the unquestionable sound of someone getting slapped hard across the face.

I was in a full gallop upwards towards the open Throne Room. There is in the very center, practically glued to the floor was my Spike in begging tears. Towering over him was a copy of me, wearing a mask of betrayal, sadness, and outrage beyond description. I couldn’t help but notice the bruise on the drake’s cheek.

You nearly killed them!” the other me yelled at the top of his lungs, tears flowing from his eyes. “Do you have any idea how much pain you caused not just to them but me? I can’t believe that you’ve nearly crushed them! Practically tore them in two, t-they’re never going to walk because of you!”

“I-I’m sorry,” Spike whispered.

No you’re not,” his nightmare growled. “I had put so much trust in you… I had welcomed you with open hooves, opened my heart, my home, and my family to you… and what did you do? You’ve mangled my own children.” He hissed through his teeth. “As King of the Changelings, I hereby banish you. Never will I ever allow a monster like you to set tooth, claw or scale on my land again. If you so much as do otherwise,” his speech was interrupted by a wailing cry of a foal in the distance. “If I see you dare enter my kingdom again,” he then showed his fangs, something that I would never do. “I will kill you.”

“You leave him alone!” I shouted, thus getting their attention. Walking forward with determination, I set out in confronting Spike’s personal nightmare, “Don’t ever talk to him like that again.”

“Who the hay are you?” my consort’s nightmare questioned. “Can’t you see I have to deal with something major here?”

“I can see that,” I walked between him and Spike. “But I certainly don’t approve of what you’re doing.”

“Mind your own business!” my reflection practically spat at me. “Who do you think you are, telling a grieving father how to handle that traitor,” he pointed an accusing hoof at Spike. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but that monster has ruined my children’s lives. He hurt them!” stomping a hoof, now he turned his rage-filled gaze at me. “So get out of my way.”

“No,” I replied in a stoic, low voice.

Bumping muzzle to muzzle, he hissed, “Who in Tartarus do you think you are?”

In a flash of green flame, I transformed into a bear, grabbed my copy by the throat and thrust him into the ground. “King Thorax of the Highfish Hive,” I told him. “I am an ex-coward; the key to understanding among Changeling and Pony kind; a revolutionary; a ruler who got his position by earning it. I have defended my hive from creatures, armies, an evil Queen while opening the door to let my subject have a brighter future. Brother of Pharynx, captain of the guard; friend to the Princesses of Equestria as well as Lord Ember of the Dragon Lands; husband to Queen Lavender. And loved only one dragon… that is who I am. And you,” I lifted the false me off the ground by his throat, “are not me. Nor will I ever be.”

He nearly killed my children,” he croaked out.

“A reasonable response, except for one thing: I know for a fact that Spike would never do such a thing. The Spike that I know would never harm anyone unless they harmed him. My Master Consort would never in real life hurt do anything like this, and even if he did, I wouldn’t slap or yell at him for it. And do you know why?” I held him up close to my face. “Because I love him too much to do something this low – the real Thorax would hear him out, he would listen to him because that’s what couples do.”

After tossing him to the ground and coughing a few times, he retorted, “Do you really think it’s easy to listen, much less forgive him for what he’s done?”

I shook my head, “That’s why you will never exist. I will do so regardless not because it is easy, but because it is hard. I’ve learned that love is all about doing hard, selfless things that are for the good of the both of us.” After narrowing my eyes I added, “A lesson that only the real Thorax would know. Now,” I transformed into a goat. “Get out of my Kingdom,” I rammed the fake me, knocking him off the hive before transforming back.

Turning my attention towards Spike, I help him free from the sticky green substance he was glued to. “Spike, are you alright?”

He sniffed, “I’m so sorry.”

“Hey, it’s okay,” I managed to free his left front claw. “This is the real me Spike, you’re not in trouble.”

“What?” he looked at me in disbelief. “But… but the hatchlings-”

“You said so yourself that it was an accident was it?” he nodded. “I can’t condemn you if it was an accident, it wouldn’t be fair.”

As I was rounding to freeing his hind legs and his tail, I saw him wiping the tears from his eyes. “So… y-you’re not going to kick me out? Even after what I did, you’re just gonna forgive me, just like that?”

“Spike, I know that you wouldn’t do it on purpose, and I can tell that you do feel guilty, but that’s no reason that I couldn’t forgive.” Then turning to the other hind leg, I added: “It is an important trait in love, after all, to acknowledge that yes, mistakes were made, but what matters is that we learn about it. Saying I forgive you is me saying that I recognize that you know what you did and promised that you won’t do it again.” Then I focused on his other claw, “Of course, the children’s future would need special care, but we’ll adapt as it comes. We’ll just be careful from now on while giving them the best, happy life that they can look forward to- whoa!

Before I could finish and after I was able to free Spike, without warning he drew me into a hug. One that perfumed the air in relief, “Thank you…” he whispered. “Thank you…”

I hugged back, “I promise Spike, whatever comes, we’re going to be good parents to them. Lavender will be a good mother, just as how we’ll be the best fathers. Just you wait.”

Now, I’m not sure if my memory is correct, but I could have sworn that I had spotted Luna’s silhouette, blowing her nose with a box of tissues next to her. Then again, I could be wrong on that detail.

Morning came, and we both woke up together. Spike, as I recalled, had a smirk on his face, “So I’m guessing that you’ve got a visit from Luna as well?”