• Published 14th Sep 2017
  • 3,380 Views, 630 Comments

A Rather Large Adventure - BradyBunch

The Mane Six are joined by three others in a quest to use the Elements of Harmony one last time, as a brewing war between Tartarus and the free creatures of the world threatens to destroy Equestria forever.

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Chapter Fifty-four: Trapped!

It was hard to estimate time in the dark and musty cavern. The only way they knew the time had passed at all was when anypony felt tired or woozy, indicating it was somewhere around nighttime. Between the times when they woke up and went to sleep, boredom reigned in the cavern, silently and skillfully placing them into the arms of hopelessness.

Oxygen was never a problem. There were minuscule cracks and holes between the boulders at the cave entrance, and when a pony would put their face to the holes, they could feel a chill wind tickle their noses.

Light was not a problem either. Whenever Twilight and Rarity could use their magic, they did. And the Guardians of the Sun had stuck their weapons into the rocks and ignited them. A cross of blue and two blades of flickering fire were always standing upright in their waking hours, and Freedom Fighter's long yellow staff acted as a giant glow stick in the cavern, which he carried everywhere he went.

Instead, the group had to contend with dehydration and starvation. They had already been underground for two whole days and during that time, despite rationing as much as they could, almost all the food had been consumed.

What made this problem even more pressing was that little progress had been made on finding a method of escape. They tried using their combined power of weapons and magic to destroy the rocks blocking the front entrance, but that only resulted in smaller rocks falling down to fill the gap.

After abandoning that plan, they tried drilling a tunnel through the rock. It was hard but brittle, and by the middle of their second day, they had a tunnel fifteen meters long in the back of the Rolk's cavern.

It was about then that Twilight resorted to calling for help from Princess Celestia. Using an old, ragged piece of paper and a quill from her feathers, she had scratched a message into the paper with a small pool of blood for ink. She had sent the letter using Spike's fire breath as soon as she could, but there was a feeling that Twilight's call for help came too late, and that Celestia could do too little.

To offset the disconcerting news, Noble Blade was making a good recovery. Between his bandages and the healing spell Twilight gave him, the long gash on his chest was sealing up and wasn’t leaking quite as much blood as it had before. However, he had to stay in a separate tent until his recovery was stable. Healing took time, after all.

It had taken a toll on Fluttershy, however. The nervous Fluttershy, who was already a light eater, dwindled her appetite to almost nothing. Her physique had become more emaciated. Once, she had insisted that she wasn't hungry at one meal break, telling the girls that she had already had a deep breath for lunch that day and she was quite full. The girls had refused her to stay like that, however, and had forced her to eat a loaf of bread that time. That was the dinner on the first day in the cavern.

On the evening of the second day, the group of eleven sat dejectedly around both of Firestorm’s fiery swords in lieu of a campfire. Hard bread, stale cheese, and half a potato each were what they had for dinner that night. They would roast something on the flames flickering on the steel blade, then bring it to their mouths and eat.

“We need a plan to get out of here,” Twilight simply said when her food was gone. “And fast.”

“Ya don't say,” Applejack softly commented. “We ain't got no food left ‘cept some cracked wheat we gonna eat in th’ mornin’. Ain't even no sugar or cinnamon, either.”

“Not a problem for me,” Freedom Fighter let everyone know, crunching down on a stale loaf of bread. “Tasting food isn't my strong suit, if you know what I mean.”

Starlight looked at him strangely. “How come you bring up subjects that make you uncomfortable?”

“It’s because I don't know what it's like to be comfortable. My soul is dark and cold inside-”

“Oh, hush it,” Freedom Fighter snapped at himself. “You realize other ponies just tolerate you, right?”

“Congratulations, you accidentally dissed yourself.”

“Dang it!” Freedom Fighter kicked the uneven stone floor, and a pebble dislodged and flew into the upright fiery blade in the center.

At that moment, Spike's cheese, roasting near the fiery swords, burst into flames. He yelped in surprise and attempted to blow the fire out. The consequence of this was that he blew a breath of green fire onto his food, burning it even more. He threw the impaled morsel to the earth, stamping on it hurriedly to extinguish the fire.

“Spike, I think it's dead,” Twilight boredly said.

“I know, I know,” Spike mumbled, picking up the burnt and indistinguishable morsel. He sighed and threw it into his mouth. As he bit down, it crunched.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was staring down at her food. The fact that her boyfriend could have died not days ago still nibbled at her mind like Spike with what was left of his cheese. The yellow pegasus couldn’t help but acknowledge the fact that she could have had to grapple with life without Noble, and as strange as it was, she didn’t think she could do it. It seemed like years ago that he’d swept her off her hooves, when in reality it had only been a few weeks. If this was what their relationship was like, what would it look like a few more months? A few more years? Had Noble perished, she’d never know. Even now those thoughts seemed pointless. They had already been trapped here for two days, bordering on two lifetimes. What was there to look forward to?

Noble began to take notice of his girlfriend’s hesitance.

“Fluttershy,” he whispered. His pale blue torso was wrapped in white bandages, and his face was speckled with light stubble. “I've eaten what I can. You can have the rest.”

“What? Oh, no, that’s okay.” Fluttershy shyly admonished him. “You need that more than I do.”

“I'm resilient, Shy,” Noble insisted, lapsing into his nervous habit of archaic language. “I hath gone without meals before. Thou, however, art more delicate. Thy strength mattereth more to me.”

“Don't be silly,” Fluttershy insisted back. “You need to build up your strength. Eat all you can.”

“I have eaten all I can! My stomach is the size of a walnut, methinks. Take this bread and be done with it.”

“I'll have you know that bread contains vital nutrients,” Fluttershy motherly said. “What are you going to do without dietary fiber in your body?”

“Methinks I would die. It mattereth not, since we will likely die in a few days anyway.”

“If none of you are going to take that bread,” Freedom Fighter called across the circle, “I'll take it.”

Fluttershy’s cheeks turned pink. She looked much smaller with her head in her shoulders and her mane in her face. Not wanting the subject to go any further, she wordlessly, gingerly, took the half loaf from her injured boyfriend.

“You should have given that to him,” Pinkie reproved Fluttershy, pointing at the dark warrior. “Freedom Fighter’s eating for two.”

“He is? Oh. I’m sorry. I'll just give... wait, what?” Fluttershy’s face was confused, which Noble inwardly thought looked adorable.

Firestorm began to snicker for no obvious reason. He then composed himself.

Fluttershy finally ended up eating the last of Noble's bread, after which she promptly retreated back to her and Noble’s tent, the latter looking after her with concern. Noble could always tell when something was bothering the yellow pegasus, and this was one of those times.

When he pushed aside the flap of their tent, he noticed Fluttershy, her face hidden by her pink mane, curled up on the thin rags they used for blankets by the candlelight. A turquoise eye was peeking out of a curtain of pink, watching Noble come in. That single eye was eager, but distressed, like an animal that was silently begging for help.

Seeing her in such a pitiable condition made Noble feel irrationally outraged. Here was Fluttershy, the purest pony out of the Elements of Harmony, and she was shivering on a filthy rag in a cold black tent. Such a pony deserved better. His girlfriend deserved better!

He had been in the spare tent while recovering, and during that time, he felt as if a part of him was missing whenever he lay down. He could only imagine Fluttershy feeling the same way now.

She may have been dirty, frail, tired, and smelled like bat guano, but at that moment, Noble thought there was no sight more beautiful than the one on the dirty little rag.

He leaned his sword on the side of the tent and settled down next to her. He cradled her head in his hooves and settled it in his lap, and began to comb her mane gently, pressing on her skin to soothe her.

The couple stayed like that for several minutes, words going unneeded. However, Noble knew that Fluttershy was bothered about something, and it would be a crime if he didn’t at least inquire what he could do to ease her worried mind.

Luckily, Noble didn’t need to, because the moment had already become a precious one for the yellow mare resting on his lap, and the mere thought that it could have not happened at all, caused near-silent whimpers to escape from her mouth and tears to slowly trickle down her chin and onto one of Noble’s rear legs.

Unable to hold it in anymore, Fluttershy turned over to regard the injured stallion before burying her face into his stomach, not having enough energy to sit up and do it closer to his shoulder.

“Just let it all out,” Noble Blade soothed, keeping his hoof soothingly moving across her spine. “I’m right here, Fluttershy.”

“But you almost weren’t…” she stammered. “You were almost... eaten! And we're trapped down here, and it's lonely without you in our bed, and... Fluttershy broke off and hugged him around the waist tightly. Ever since she met Noble, Fluttershy found herself looking more on the bright side than she normally did, but no matter how hard she tried, her thoughts returned to bleakness. “What are we going to do? What are we-?...I can't see... the end…”

“Shh. Shh.” Noble gently continued rubbing her back as she laid next to him. “I'm here.”

Fluttershy, overwhelmed by the distress pent up inside her, did indeed take him in gladly. His soft but firm body, the distinctive smell of steel, the feel of his heartbeat, strong and regular, beneath his skin. She could hear it, feel the vibrations, if she pushed her cheek hard enough against his chest. It calmed her own beating heart and reassured her fears. All that mattered now was him.

Fluttershy pulled away from his chest to look him in the eye. There was a warmth in those dark, deep blue eyes that made her tense up until she began to shudder. It was that very warmth that made her own heart beat faster.

Seeing as the moment was heading a certain direction, Noble decided to make the first move with a peck on the lips. Then another on the snout. Both made the yellow mare flinch back adorably.

“Too forward?” Noble asked, showcasing a hesitance he rarely did with his girlfriend.

Fluttershy regained her composure, a small appreciative smile on her lips. “No, it was just right.”

Noble took this as permission to lean forward once more, with Fluttershy mirroring him. Their lips met in the middle, and they didn’t know what it was, whether it was their seemingly imminent demise or an emotional high from an emotionally charged moment, but that kiss felt as if none of it mattered.

The world could wait.

“My stomach already feels empty,” Rainbow mumbled as she entered her tent with Firestorm. The extended time in the cavern had put her in a foul mood over the past two days.

“I've heard of tactics you can use to stave off hunger,” Firestorm related, sealing their tent flap.

“Really?” Rainbow asked, craning her neck. “What are they?”

“Hunger can be delayed if you are properly distracted,” Firestorm said, like a professor lecturing a student. “It can be hard finding the proper deterrent, however.”

“Do you have a deterrent?” Rainbow asked, bending over to straighten the ragged mattress.

She felt a pair of arms wrap around her, pinning her wings and squeezing her stomach. Her heart began to soar in intensity. “I might.”

Firestorm toppled onto the thin mattress so that Rainbow would be cushioned by him. Rainbow found herself staring into his bright yellow irises. He then brought his lips to hers softly and withdrew after a second. He caressed her hot pink cheek and ran a hoof behind her head.

Rainbow was paralyzed. He was too good at his job! She had to carry out the initiative sometime soon too, right? The problem was, she was trembling and making little noises with her mouth absently. Firestorm could make her lose her train of thought. As long as he could make her feel this way, she couldn't do a thing.

And then a thought popped into her head.

Regaining her composure, she prepared to be daring.

“You know…” Rainbow Dash started with a high chirp, “I never did give you that reward for coming back with that Element.”

Firestorm faltered slightly, his sly look from seconds before deteriorating into nerves rapidly. He swallowed something in his throat. “T-That’s true...”

Rainbow tossed her mane over one shoulder negligently, got off his chest, and gazed at him with the best stare she could give, eyes half-lidded, making sure she bit ever so slightly on her lower lip.

She laid on her belly on the floor of the tent. Her wings poofed up gracefully, and she craned her head under the curve of the wing to smirk at her boyfriend.

Firestorm went pale at the implication. He could not help but go into a cold sweat. He was not ready.

“What's wrong, Stormy?” she asked casually, disguising the drastic rate her own heart was going. She fluffed her wings teasingly. “Don't you want to ride me?”

“Yes! Prepare for liftoff!” Firestorm commanded.

Rainbow arched an eyebrow. “What?”

“Nyeeeeawwwww!” Firestorm yelled, leaning forward and tilting Rainbow's body. “Krakakakakaka! Wchew! Wchew! Wchew! Blam! Blam! Nyeeeeawwww!” He pulled back on Rainbow's shoulders. “Pull up! Pull up! Woooooooo! Wooooooo!”

Rainbow Dash craned her head around to give him a stare filled with ire. The mood from before was entirely gone. “You know, when I said you could ride me, I didn't mean-”

“Not now, Rainbow! I'm too busy riding you!” Firestorm yelled, giving Rainbow's body some yaw like she was in flight. “Brrrrrrrrrrrabababababa! Kakakakakaka! Woooooo! Wooooooo! Bleussshhh! Boom! Boom!”

“Look,” Rainbow said in frustration. “How about we just get on with-”

“Here comes the tickle monster!” he interrupted her, slipping his hooves into her armpits.

“Aaah!” Rainbow squirmed in place, held down by Firestorm. “No! No!”

“Yes! Yes! The tickle monster!” Firestorm turned over, taking Rainbow Dash on top of him while tickling her in the armpits and sides. Mwuhahaha! Ahahahaha!”

Rainbow squealed and began to tickle him back with her wings. Soon both pegasi were roaring with uncontrollable laughter. They invaded each other's sensitive spots until they were wheezing, then they collapsed side by side, trying to catch their breath.

When Firestorm was finished, he weakly supported himself with an elbow to look down on the cyan pegasus. “Oh, I love you!” he cried, and rested his face on her belly with a ploomf.

Rainbow Dash, the previous moment forgotten for the time being, could not help but smile goofily at the sight. She lazily ran a hoof through his long, fiery mane, tracing his skin. “You're not so bad yourself.”

Firestorm hummed in approval, making her chest vibrate in tickling pleasure.

Both of them stayed like that until they both fell asleep. Rainbow was still stroking his mane.

Freedom Fighter was preoccupied. To be more precise, he was listening to music. Vinyl Scratch had put an astonishing amount of dubstep on the tape she had given him.

Despite the lack of variety in the music, he found it mesmerizing, how the strings and drums sang along with the electric thunder and pounding. It felt as if his mind was lifted into some sort of ethereal plane where all that existed was the constructs of his mind.

He had been listening for the past hour, long after everyone had gone to bed. He could not sleep. His head would not allow him. So he managed to shut up the other guy by preoccupying himself with music.

Finally, after the last song on the tape ended, Freedom Fighter returned to bleak, hopeless reality.

He wistfully took the headphones off and pictured Vinyl Scratch sitting on a pillow across from him, eager for feedback. He imagined the long, jagged blue hair falling against her pearly-skinned shoulders as her vibrant scarlet eyes beamed with anticipation.

“Vinyl…” he said simply in his mind. He hefted the simple blue tape in his exposed metal hoof. “You're a true artist.”

He imagined her grinning with pride. The thought made his stomach churn.

“The other guy thinks badly of me for doing anything nowadays. If I dream about you, he says I shouldn't. If I don't dream about you, he rebukes me. And I…” He sighed in exasperation and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I don't know what to think anymore. I don't need any more…” He looked down. “Trials.”

He was naked; his bodysuit had been thrown to the side in a corner. He could see his scar lines criss-crossing on his body and on his arms of both flesh and metal.

“I’m just so tired, Vinyl. Even my scars have scars. All I’ve had in this new world were my brothers-in-arms, and now I could lose them too, either to death or domesticity... something I can never have. Am I cursed to walk among the mortal coil, yet not be a part of it? Am I destined to be The Unforgiven forever?

He imagined her getting up, walking around him, and hugging him from behind in comfort. He imagined her calming warmth, her sweet smell, her gentle pressure on his back. It was vivid, and it was happy, but it was not real.

Freedom Fighter hugged himself at the waist, imitating the feeling. His metal arm was cold, however--a far cry from the body heat a pony would generate. He was about to slump down and miserably wrap himself in the thin rags when he heard rustling from the tent next to him.

He flicked his ears in annoyance at first. But as they persisted, he recognized the murmurs as Twilight's.

“No... Sunset... Come back…”

His heart came into his throat. It was still hurting her.

“Please... don't want to go... come with... mmm… no...”

The massacre at the portal was still an open wound. Despite her harrowing experience in the custody of the Noxxa, Twilight was still blind to how merciless the world could be. Even his fellow Guardians never had to deal with personally witnessing the deaths of those they’ve come to know, and even if they have, they would never be as merciless.

Freedom Fighter then looked down at the multitude of scars that striped his body like a zebra. Dozens upon dozens. Score upon score.

He then instinctively stood on all fours and threw open the tent flap. He trudged in the dark cavern to the adjacent tent and made his way inside.

Twilight's tent had Starlight Glimmer and Spike as well, but he had no trouble making his way to Twilight's bundle of oil-stained blankets.

She was shivering and scrunched into a half curl, the rags in a jumbled heap. Her mouth was moving on its own, mumbling and breathing in bursts. Her forehead was creased. A tear had leaked from her eye and was dripping on her snout.

Freedom Fighter crouched at her side and gingerly gathered the alicorn into his arms. His strength prevented her from struggling. Twilight mumbled a bit more and moved her head side to side.

He had a pretty good idea of what the princess was dreaming about. Sometimes, he would have similar dreams where he was back in his village, seeing everyone impaled and dismembered around him. Other times, he would be back in the Noxxa homeland, tortured for a seemingly infinite length of time. Noble and Storm said it on occasion: it’s over, everything's going to be better now. But it never did. Twilight might have not retained physical scars from the events at the portal, but the mental ones would remain forever. In some sick way, Freedom was almost happy that Twilight was like this. It made him feel... less alone. A sickening sort of empathy.

Freedom Fighter awkwardly comforted her by rubbing the muscles in her arms and back with his hoof of flesh. She was still squirming around, but with his grip and warmth, they subsided gradually.

As he held her, his thoughts traveled to what she would think of him if she was awake. Appreciation was part of Twilight's nature, but he got the feeling she would scoot away from him should she awaken in his arms. So he ceased his firm grip and eased into a tender, soft, loving hold to avoid her waking up abruptly. He rocked his body side to side as an afterthought.

She stopped her mumbling after a few minutes of this. After some time, she was lightly dozing, and Freedom Fighter was stiffly holding a princess as she slumbered away.

He settled her back down gently. Then he brushed aside a lock of her mane so her face was visible. He admired for a second how her nasal exhales brushed some hair under her face.

If anypony else saw Twilight now, they’d think nothing of it. But he understood Twilight better than any other pony in the cave. Underneath that peaceful exterior was a scarred mind forever altered by events out of her control. At least Twilight would have a chance to return to a normal life after it was all over. She would if he had anything to say about it.

He looked down on her for a moment more. Then he turned and exited the tent.

Twilight smiled in her sleep.

Morning came, but night persisted in the cavern. Once everyone had woken up and exited their tents, breakfast started. Cooking the pot of cracked wheat on a stand above one of Firestorm's fiery swords, Applejack soon finished and halfheartedly called the ponies to their last breakfast in the cavern.

Their meal was somber and quiet. Nopony was in the mood to talk. And nothing they could talk about would really make a difference anyway.

Before it even ended, some of the girls felt hungry. After breakfast, the group dispersed to do what they would. Firestorm and Freedom Fighter went into the hole they had drilled to dig deeper. Twilight, Rainbow, and Applejack went with them after a moment of thought. Noble stayed behind to repair his armor, and Fluttershy stayed by his side. The rest of the girls ambly wandered around the cavern to find some way to occupy themselves.

As Noble Blade magically popped his dented set of armor back into place, he talked with Fluttershy about anything his mind drifted to. Music, magic, flowers. Anything Fluttershy would be attracted to naturally. He knew Fluttershy needed a break from the chaotic adventures and the stress of the past week. However, he knew he had to address last night’s emotional outburst at some point.

“If you don’t want to talk, I understand, but I wanted to ask what was troubling you last night.”

Fluttershy decided now was as good a time as any. “No, it’s okay. I feel better now. Everything was just getting to me. I’ve never really thought about death before. And now that we’ve nearly been k-killed multiple times, and now we’re trapped in this cavern... I don’t know how you handle it,” Fluttershy explained.

Noble gained a look of nostalgia. It was a half smile, half frown.

“Well, it’s pretty easy, actually,” he started. “Whenever a particularly dangerous mission cropped up, one of us would choose the first thing we would do afterward. That way, if things looked bleak, we would have more motivation to finish the mission and get out alive. Each of us got a turn. After Arimaspi, Firestorm had us go out for drinks, since he never had one before. When we dealt with the Saracen in Saddle Arabia, Freedom showed us where his old village used to be, since we’d never seen it. And-” Noble suddenly burst into laughter. “-and after the Dragonlands, I made us go ice skating to take our minds off of the constant fire. Firestorm could just never get balanced. Fell on his butt so many times, it was red for a week.”

Fluttershy smiled at Noble being so happy. It gave a warm feeling of accomplishment inside of her that brought it involuntarily to her lips. “So what is it this time?” Fluttershy wondered.

“You know, we never really got a chance to,” Noble said before inspiration struck him. “Honestly, I’ve had my own personal promise.”


“Yeah. Recovering in a tent all by myself… It gave me some time to think about what the future might hold for me... and you.”

“What did you think about?”

“Well, for starters, getting myself healed, but beyond that, once this whole Noxxa business is over and Equestria’s safe, I wonder if we could... move in together?”

The sun-colored pegasus gasped. “You mean…”

“You move into my place? Celestia, no! I meant your cottage. It was… actually really nice to have nature surrounding you.” He gave a jaunty smile. “Plus, it would be a much better place to raise a family in than Canterlot.”

That got the pegasus’ mood to shift in a nanosecond.

“A… fam-”

Fluttershy’s head reeled. The fantasy he was describing sounded perfect. The prospect of living together, and raising a family, which meant marriage. Fluttershy hadn't given it much thought before--her thoughts were on Noble Blade alone--but now that the notion was in her head, it sounded intoxicating. The rest of her days to be spent with the stallion she loved, with two or three foals growing up under her watch as well.

“Do you... r-really m-mean that?” Fluttershy shakingly asked.

Noble Blade smiled and softly played with her hair. “Every word.”

Fluttershy took a deep breath and sat back, trying to process it. The future... Over the past week, it almost seemed that there was no future. Just day after grueling day in the present. But this dream, this desire had taken her over now. The present now didn't seem as awful with something wonderful to look forward to.

“Is this your way of asking me to marry you?” Fluttershy teased, hiding a lump in her chest.

“What? No! No, of course not!” Noble said, slightly panicked. “A mare of thy caliber deserveth the best proposal a stallion could conceive. After the trials and fire are over, I will do it properly. We need to find the Elements... finish our mission... defeat the Noxxa... and then our dreams will come true,” he whispered. He maneuvered behind her to begin braiding her mane with magic. “We will live together, Fluttershy, until death do us part.” His voice began to strain. “Someday... we will rest from our labors. It isn't today, of course. But someday…”

“Someday…” Fluttershy echoed dreamily.

The tunnel in the back of the cave was small. Dust floated in motes when magical orange light threw itself about. Every sound echoed loudly.

Firestorm was chopping into the back of the wall with his magical swords like he was trying to penetrate into the heart of the earth. The super swords broke the stubborn rock apart like chocolate. Freedom Fighter would also help by penetrating the rock with his sunfire staff and retreating the pole out again, leaving a deep puncture wound. When they got tired, Firestorm passed his swords to Applejack and Rainbow Dash so they could rotate in.

At the moment, while the girls were taking a turn and the slow mining was going on, Rainbow Dash's mind was seething. Last night in their tent had been fun--a lot more fun than she expected--but Firestorm had failed to see the obvious hint! She wanted him. Didn't he know that?

Maybe he was actually as thick as he seemed to be. Firestorm was... not the brightest bulb in the ceiling.

Though there was another possibility, one that Rainbow didn’t want to consider. Was it possible that he didn’t feel the same way? If so, why? What was she doing wrong? Did she come on too strong, did she say the wrong thing? Was she even worth wanting?

Colts hadn't seen her as attractive before, and Rainbow hadn't cared. She was just that kind of filly. But with Firestorm now in the equation, that physical aspect of her suddenly mattered more than she thought it did.

Her common sense returned to her with a reprimand. Am I crazy? Come on, Rainbow. You know he loves you. It’s easy to see our relationship has meant something to him. So why is he hesitant to take things to the next level?

She looked over on the side of a tunnel to find Firestorm playing with a rock he had found.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. What is going on behind that fiery mane?

Her arms were too weak to hold her boyfriend's sword anymore. She dropped it, turned, and trudged over to where he was. Firestorm was leaning on the side of the wall, and had picked up a rock and was turning it interestingly in his hooves.

“I'm parched,” Rainbow complained, plopping next to him. She laid her head on his shoulders contentedly, trying to make the message obvious this time.

“We don't have any water to give you, Dashie.” Firestorm rubbed his hoof atop her head. “You silly.”

Rainbow grumbled something. She could have slaked her thirst on his lips.

“I found a cool rock,” Firestorm offered, holding it up for her to see. It was a thin piece, and in the dead center of it was the fossil of some curled invertebrae. “Do you like rocks? Or is that only common among Pinkie's family?”

Rainbow smacked it out of his hoof, and it skittered across the floor. “Stormy, listen to me. We need to talk.”

Firestorm's expression deteriorated from happy to hurt to a quiet resolution. “About last night?”

“Yes, about last night.” She put her hooves on both sides of his head. “You know what I was doing?”

“Tickling me too hard?” he asked.

“No.” She tossed her hair. “The other thing.”

“What other-oohhh. That thing.” He knitted his eyebrows. “Riding you.”

“Yes.” Her tone was flat.

He blinked curiously. “Did I ride you too hard?”


“So you'd like to do it again and get it right?”

“Yes.” Finally, he was getting the picture!

“Is being a plane fun?”

Not now! “When done correctly.”

“What was I doing incorrectly?”

“You were--uugh!

“Should you ride me next time?”

Rainbow narrowed her rose-colored eyes. “Great idea, Storm.”

“Just make sure you do it my way.” He stared into her eyes fiercely. “I don't want to end up doing something I’ll regret later on.”

There was something off about that last sentence. Something more serious than his previous, lighthearted tone. Rainbow didn't know what to say. Maybe he did know more than he let on.

The sound of a chiming horn brought their attention to the sole unicorn in the passage. Twilight had picked up the interesting rock Rainbow had hurled away and was examining it. At first, she was merely curious, but after looking at it for a bit longer, her expression turned serious.

“Where did you find this fossil, Firestorm?” Twilight asked him flatly.

“It was embedded in the wall,” he supplied. “A while back, I guess.”

Twilight observed the poor creature whose remains were now unearthed for the alicorn to see. “This is a sea creature,” she whispered. “Invertebrate. I'd guess four, five hundred thousand years old. After it died, it settled to the sea bed and formed in a sedimentary deposit. That deposit is right where we are now. And above us is…” She looked at the roof of the cavern. “Where the sea creature died.”

“Hold on!” Firestorm said all of a sudden, standing up and settling Rainbow aside. “You mean…”

“Ah've found sumthin’!” Applejack exclaimed.

“What?” Twilight and Rainbow, who had spoken simultaneously, pushed their way to the back of the long cavern. “What'd you find?”

Applejack and her work partner Freedom Fighter stepped aside. The rock they had been burrowing into had turned damp and slightly wet, like someone had dumped a bucket of water on it.

Twilight put her hoof to the damp surface, wetting it, and put it to her tongue. She spat. “Salt."

“If I could have decided that for myself, I would have,” Freedom Fighter said.

“Hold your tongue!” he snapped at himself.

“Does this mean…” Applejack looked at Twilight curiously.

The alicorn nodded. “We have a way out now.”

“No!” Firestorm comically exclaimed from the back of the cavern. “No! NO! Get off this topic while you have the chance! We are not doing what I think you're thinking!”

Twilight wheeled around to face him. “What do you think I'm thinking?”

“I think you're thinking about making muffins,” Firestorm casually said.

Twilight arched an eyebrow curiously. “Wait, really?”

“Oh, of course, since we have all the ingredients right here for making muffi-NO!” he replied forcefully, slashing a hoof. “You're thinking about collapsing the tunnel and letting in the sea!”

“Would you rather stay in the cavern?!” Twilight retaliated.

“I don't want to stay in the cavern, but I also don't want to drown!”

“We're going to die either way,” Freedom Fighter mumbled miserably. “Either starve to death or drown.”

Twilight stared the warrior in the face. “You're absolutely right.”

Freedom Fighter blinked in surprise. “Er... what?”

“Did she just say what I thought she said?”

“It's true.” Twilight nodded. “Either action we take now, we might die. No matter how you die, what happens to you is the same. But if I do all in my power to bring you to the surface, we can die in the knowledge that we did all we could.”

“We?” Firestorm asked suspiciously. “Or you?”

Twilight’s face became strained, but she didn't answer that. Instead she looked up determinedly at the roof of the tunnel.

“This is our only option,” she decided quietly. “Teleporting us all from a spot we don't know about would be too dangerous. We have to take a calculated risk.”

“I still don't really like this option, you know. But…” Firestorm sighed. “If we have to, then I'll do it.”

Applejack nodded along with Rainbow. Freedom Fighter tightened his lips and looked indecisive at first, but made up his mind with a reluctant jerk of his head.

The spacious cavern was mostly quiet, save for the sporadic individual sounds of ponies whittling away their time in boredom. Pinkie was chucking rocks at the wall and watching them tumble down. Rarity was idly sewing two strips of leather together. Starlight looked like a miniature solar system as her magic orbited little pebbles around her head. Spike was crunching down on some rocks in a corner of the cave; he was the only one unconcerned about the lack of food. And Noble Blade was braiding Fluttershy’s mane and whispering their loving conversation.

Their relative peace was disrupted by the flapping of wings as an orange pegasus shot out of the cavern and took a deep breath.

“Well everyone,” Firestorm proudly announced. “I've got some good news and some bad news.”

“Ooh!” Pinkie squealed, turning aside from her rock-chucking. “What's the good news?”

“The good news is we've found a way out!”

Firestorm had the attention of every last member of the party. His news brought breaths of relief and quiet cheers; the cavern reverberated sounds in an echoey bell-like tone.

“The bad news is,” Firestorm continued, still as grandiose as before, “We're all still going to die.”

The cheering instantly died down; the last they heard was a quiet “Oh no,” from Fluttershy.

“What was the point of there being good news in the first place?” Noble asked, turning away from Fluttershy's mane.

“To put you all in a good mood!”

“Clearly, that didn't work.”

Firestorm sputtered for an answer like an old engine. Then he stalked away, muttering pseudo-obscenities under his breath.

“Everypony!” Twilight called, coming out from the tunnel they had carved. “Pack up your things and get ready!”

“All righty!” Pinkie saluted confidently. After a pause she added, “Ready for what?”

The nervous alicorn hesitated before answering. “We’re going to collapse the roof of the tunnel and flood the cavern. Above us is the ocean seabed. If we can put a force field up to protect us, we should make it up to the surface safely.”

“Or what if we don't?” Rarity asked in concern. “What if we die instead?”

“Then we're going to die.” Twilight's tone was impassive, but beneath it was a strange sort of reluctance. “No matter what, we will still be dead. But at least this way we can be actively engaged. We could say we had done all we could.”

“But Twilight,” Rarity interjected. “We don't know how far under the ocean we might be. If we won't...”

“I don't want to die,” Fluttershy whispered in fright. The sudden notion that their lives could potentially end very suddenly had seized her and was making her tremble, rocking back and forth on the ground in a little ball.

While the Knight Protector gathered her into his arms and cradled her, Rarity looked doubtful at the lone alicorn in the room. “Twilight, are you sure that this'll work?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“Do we... have a choice?” she whispered.

“Do you have a better plan?”

That sent the group into a contemplative silence. One that Freedom FIghter of all ponies broke.

“Come on,” Freedom Fighter declared loudly, taking center stage. The weapons on his body clinked as he moved, and his scarlet eyes shone like lights. “Do or die. Lay aside your doubt and push forward. Follow Twilight. Take your ambitions and give them to her for safekeeping. Because she is the one to lead us all to safety. Our lives. Our dreams. Entrust them all to her, because she will treasure them. We have much to lose. But we have no more to lose than if we remain indecisive! I will follow... wherever Twilight goes. She is my princess... and my leader. Whatever she says, I will follow. Her word shall be my word, and her heart, my heart.” He lifted his metal arm into the air. “How many of you will say the same?”

There was a moment afterward when nothing happened. Then Applejack raised her hoof into the air.

Following her action, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash acquiesced to the call. Their raised hooves were then joined by the slow rise of Firestorm’s. Noble Blade followed him, and on seeing his answer, Rarity nodded reluctantly and lifted her hoof into the air.

Fluttershy was the last one left. She remembered her boyfriend’s words from moments ago.

“Whenever we faced a particularly dangerous mission, one of us would choose the first thing we would do afterward. That way, if things looked bleak, we would have more motivation to finish the mission and get out alive.”

Fluttershy took a trembling breath.

Come on, Fluttershy. Be brave and trust Twilight. Once this is all over, the first thing you’re going to do is propose to Noble. To Tartarus with tradition! Trust Twilight. Save Equestria. Propose to Noble. It's all a piece of cake.

Fluttershy shot her hoof into the air.

An hour later, the tents had been packed away and were on the girl's saddlebags. Noble Blade was in his now-repaired armor, having been helped into it by Firestorm and Rarity. And every last pony was mentally preparing for the challenge ahead as they huddled together, waiting for the sign to be given by Twilight.

The purple princess in question was staring deeply into the depths of the tunnel they had dug. It was like she was steeling herself to face down a mythical beast that laid in wait for her.

“Starlight?” she called. “Put up the force field.”

Starlight, still skeptical, fired her horn into the air, and a translucent bubble appeared around the rest of them, keeping the girls close together.

Twilight took three deep breaths to prepare herself. Then, aiming at the roof of the mouth of the tunnel, she let loose a drawn-out laser beam that drilled into the stone above. Smoke quickly filled up the cavern, and rubble cascaded onto the floor.

It only took a minute and a half of intense drilling before a colossal snap filled the cave and water began to rush in like a broken dam, spreading thinly across the floor of the Rolk's cave and turning the ground dark. Twilight moved the laser in a small circle, expanding the hole in the roof of the tunnel, and even more water flooded in. The water was soon at the pony's fetlocks.

Twilight stayed outside the bubble for as long as she dared to help expand their means of escape. Then, when the water level was at her belly, she turned and splashed her way into the large protective bubble Starlight had. It was dry in the force field, and had plenty of air, but the water level outside was at their neck level.

Freedom Fighter took initiative.

He quickly snapped his staff into an energy bow, raised himself on his legs, aimed an arrow at the roof of the cave, and fired.

A yellow explosion blossomed at the top of the cave, and water cascaded in at double the force before.

Soon the water level outside the bubble was higher than their heads. The ponies inside could tilt their heads up and see the frothing surface of rushing seawater.

“Let's move this out of the breach now!” Twilight ordered.

Her horn chimed to help the bubble levitate upward through the water. Noble Blade helped alleviate the output needed to raise all of them off the ground, which Twilight was inwardly thankful for.

There wasn't much space to float above the water level, so when the magic bubble popped on top of the surface like a beach ball, there was only a foot or so of free space between them and the roof. Water was still pouring in like an unattended faucet.

The girls began to propel themselves towards the breach. As they walked, room between them and the ceiling quickly began to run out.

“We're going to make it!” Pinkie hopefully shouted.

“No!” Firestorm admonished shakingly.

“We can make it!” she reiterated as they neared the rushing water near the breach.

“No!” Firestorm repeated.

As the bubble touched the waterfall, it was sucked under by the current, and quickly, the girls found themselves underwater, pinned by the rushing force.

The girls had all been knocked to the floor of the bubble, straining the magic of Starlight's horn. She screamed in her struggle, and the protective bubble momentarily flickered.

“I... don't think we can make it,” Pinkie sheepishly admitted.

The bubble popped.

Each of them found themselves suddenly floating and floundering in the water. By some unspoken consensus, they all began to swim upward furiously and come to the edge of the hole in the cave.

Except for Noble Blade. His armor was slowly dragging him down to the bottom of the cave again. He was flailing his arms furiously, but he was just sinking deeper and deeper. His face was pained and in panic, but he refused to stop sinking.

Seeing him helplessly sink, Fluttershy, without a second regard for her own safety, sped from the edge of the hole and swam down to him, her mane billowing out behind her in waves of pink as she swam. After a few strokes, she reached him, coming from behind him and wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

Fluttershy began to kick upward to propel them both. But no matter how much she loved him, and no matter the effort she put forth, the power of love was not enough to keep Noble Blade from drowning.

The roof was now nonexistent, and the entire cave was now filled with water. The current flowing into the cave had stopped. The option was open for the girls to escape through the hole and into the ocean.

Instead, first Rarity, then Rainbow Dash, and then the rest of the girls, sped down to Fluttershy and the struggling knight. Wrapping their arms around both of them and collectively kicking, the entire group began to ascend upward through the hole in the roof. The going was slow but strong, and soon they had reached the border of the breach.

Finally, after much struggling, they had passed through the rocky portal at the top of the cave, and were floating in the expanses of the black and murky ocean.

It was about then that all the girl’s strength finally waned, and their bodies became limp in the ocean as they released the precious oxygen in their lungs. Bubbles burbled through their lips, and their bodies relaxed.

All was still for a moment.

Their bodies hung in the terrible darkness, deep beneath the surface.

Then they inhaled pure, clean air, snapping them awake in an instant. They all tried to flail in panic, but seeing as they were not drowning, their desperate flails lessened and they simply looked around in confusion. Each of them had a translucent bubble around their heads, supplying them with clean air and providing them a lifeline to survive underwater.

“Thanks a lot, Twilight,” Spike said in relief, floating in the ocean with his arms spread out. “That was close. Next time, though, could you be a little quicker on the uptake?”

“That... wasn’t me,” Twilight nervously said, turning her head from side to side. Indeed, her horn was not shining in the deep.

There was, however, a glowing light floating around them like an orbiting star. A musical hum reverberated through the dark water, mystifying the group and making them all look around wildly.

“Where are you?” Firestorm asked, drawing his swords off his back and trying to ignite them into flame. The fire on his blades appeared briefly, then disappeared under the water's pressure. He flicked the switches again and again, but the swords simply sputtered like a broken lighter. Firestorm gave a chuckle of realization and slowly sheathed them both.

“Who are you people?” came a high, loopy voice. It had emanated from the glowing light encircling them about like a comet.

“We're friends,” Starlight cautiously replied, keeping herself upright. “We just stumbled here. Who are you?”

“I haven't seen you before,” the female voice said curiously. “Are you really my friend?”

“It’s our goal to be,” Pinkie reported.

“You are?” At that, the light moved closer to the floating group, and a sea creature was seen, waving its fins lazily. It was long, curvy, and thin, with wide flippers and colorful fins. Coral jewelry adorned her scaled body, and freckles spotted her nose. Finally, what made the Ten Souls stop and stare was that she was equine in nature.

She smiled and clutched the sides of her head. “I am so glad I found you guys!” she excitedly exclaimed. “I've been looking for friends for a long time! Come on, follow me!”

“Wait!” Twilight called out, swimming to her. “Who are you? Where are you taking us?”

“Oh! Right! Silly me! I'm Princess Skystar! And don't worry about it! It's gonna be fine! I'm gonna take you to my mom!” She flitted away like a rocket.

The group was stunned. What else were they to do?

Princess Skystar slowly came back to them, ushering them on with a flipper. “Well? Are you coming or not?”

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