• Published 14th Sep 2017
  • 3,380 Views, 630 Comments

A Rather Large Adventure - BradyBunch

The Mane Six are joined by three others in a quest to use the Elements of Harmony one last time, as a brewing war between Tartarus and the free creatures of the world threatens to destroy Equestria forever.

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Chapter Five: The Voice of Reason

Freedom Fighter glanced up at the floor indicator. It was currently at the two hundred eightieth floor. He sighed and sat on his rump, no noise being made except for the elevator's hum.

He instinctively reached a hoof backwards and toyed with the folded-up military sticks strapped to his flank. Those seemingly-innocuous sticks were a more flexible and deadly weapon than anything his fellow Guardians had. A sword was fine and all, but it could only be used as a sword. But the hinged, light, deadly sticks could be assembled into almost any combination of deadly weapons, assuming the enchantments on the weapons worked. The only reason he hadn't used them before was because he wanted the princess to be kept in secret about it until they were safe.

The princess. The magic-less, barely protected princess that was captured and kidnapped by the most filthy nation of monsters on the face of the planet. When he had first sneaked into the tower after he had disguised himself as a Nox and had flown into the landing bay where the princess was going to be dropped off. And he had seen the princess be thrown to the floor of the landing bay hard by a Nox called Sakh. He had waited until Sakh went into the tower and was alone, then had dug his knife into his back and watched him disintegrate from the shadows. Then he went after the guard that was carrying the Dark Stone into the tower, and knifed him too.

And he had taken the Dark Stone and hidden it in his bodysuit, away from the knowledge of either the princess or his friends.

He felt just a twinge of guilt as his mind dwelled on the Dark Stone that currently resided in a small pocket on the back of his neck. He hadn't shown the princess, or Noble Blade, or Firestorm, because if he did show them it and they were captured later, the Noxxa could capture them and make them reveal its location. The less they knew the better.

Besides, his real intention, besides destroying the stone, was to lure away the Noxxa from them and hold them off their back long enough for them to escape. If necessary, he would give up his life for them all to live and make it back. He would be a good, loyal soldier.

He thought hard. Was there something he left out? Why he would give up his life for the princess?

'No proper stallion would do the kinds of things the Noxxa do to her,' he thought. 'Especially to such a deserving mare as Twilight.'

He froze. Did he just-

Oh, I think you just did, he thought, except he thought it in a different, smug voice.

He liked to make up imaginary arguments and voices in his head. For a while, his voices were the only friends he had that he could talk to. And he liked it that way. Not only was it entertaining, it was also practice for if he ever got into an argument. So he made up voices to entertain himself when he was alone. And he frequently liked to be alone. It was quiet and serene when no other ponies were around, and he could appreciate the silence. And it also blocked the thoughts he had. The thoughts of a... darker nature.

During battle, those darker thoughts were driven away by the fire in his mind, and in the heat of combat he wasn't focused on his inner thoughts and feelings. He was also not focused on it when he was making up funny conversations in his head, or talking to himself like he had an alternate personality. Making up an imaginary friend--It was a good way to entertain himself, and made it possible for him to stay alone for hours on end with nothing else to do. But just because he wasn't focused on the thoughts, it didn't mean that they were entirely gone...

Freedom Fighter was almost always in a depressed state. Looking around at the ponies acting cheerful and happy and full of life and light, he was reminded of the beautiful ignorance that was prevalent among them. The ignorance that their world was one of paradise and sheer beauty and that nothing could ever, ever go wrong--or that if things could go wrong, the problem would be solved almost immediately and the consequences would have no lasting damage at all for them.

They were wrong.

Some things were permanent. Some things could linger inside of you, a coiled snake of hot anger ready to strike at any that tried to assert themselves with feigned importance. Freedom Fighter had met a couple of ponies like that. Some things stayed with you forever, like a wound that never quite healed, a scar that never really faded, a stab of pain that never entirely went away. Some things were branded into your skin, marking you for life.

And this consternation could freeze your heart, could make you angry and contemptuous, could make you want to rip and tear and kill...

But being a mute, he never let those feelings be spoken aloud, which was lucky. Some ponies wouldn't agree with his messages of dismay. They would simply tell him to get over such feelings and realize the happiness that exists, and that he should recognize the magic of friendship...

But for him, he wasn't sure about that. He didn't exactly know what other ponies spoke of when they talked of friendship. Their feelings of attachment and camaraderie were obvious, of course, but the actual friendship bit of it--that was a bit more difficult to explain, and something he had never really figured out. Why? The concept of it was rather strange-- 'Wowee, look at this guy. I like him. I will take him and that other one over there, but that one, there--I don't like him all that much.' It was like choosing your prizes, except the other guys liked you back--for some reason.

For Freedom Fighter, other ponies were merely shadowy figures, schematic sketches that fell into one of two categories. The first one was Allies--ponies that worked beside him that could be used to further the force of good. Such included the Royal Guard, most notably Firestorm and Noble Blade, both of whom had stood by him for so long that if there was anypony that was closest to him, it was them. But it went beyond the murky concept of simply friendship. To call them his close brothers did not do them justice. He had spent so much time with them, had sparred with them, had fought beside them, had ate and laughed and bickered with them. He had suffered with them, had gotten dirty with them in the muddy trenches surrounding Arimaspi mountain, had comforted and hurt and joked with them. They were more intertwined than brothers, more intimate than lovers. They were complimentary thirds of a single deadly warrior.

And of course, Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadence, who had given him a purpose. And Princess Twilight, whom he had only heard about until today, and the Elements of Harmony, who he had never met face-to-face, were also in the Ally category. And even the normal ponies, living their normal lives, not harming anyone, were a reason for him to fight to protect them, even if he felt no special bond to them.

The second category was Threats. In this category, he numbered every sentient being he could not include in the first.

There was no third category.

And someday, there would not even be a second; being considered a threat by Freedom Fighter was essentially a death sentence.

A long time ago, the world had turned its back on him. Which was a mistake. Because then it presented to him a target for Freedom Fighter to stab it in the back. And it wouldn't even see it coming.

He hated the lives of the evil so much he now lived to take revenge on their existence alone.

But he figured out a while back that those dark, sickened, demented thoughts of his could be buried--at least, temporarily--with a bit of light humor. And he decided that to liven up his mind a bit and push his macabre thoughts aside, he could pretend like he had several other ponies living in his mind that he could talk to and have educated discussions with.

One of them smirked. Deserving mare, eh? How good of you to notice.

'She is a lady and must be treated as such,' he argued silently.

Then he switched back to his other, more snarky voice. Yeah, sure, but I think you seem a bit... protective of this particular mare. And I think I can understand why. He gave an imaginary whistle. Did you see the way her tail swishes when she trots? And that stare she gives at you? Oh goodness. And the way her mane falls behind her? And that gorgeous smile-

'You don't even know how she smiles like that!' he shouted at himself. 'She didn't smile like that at all!'

The other voice pretended not to hear. Her voice is soooo meloooodious~ he sang, unembarrassed.

'That's enough from you!' he cut him off, somewhat flushed. His ears were a little hot. 'One more word from you and I swear I'll kick you back to my subconscious!'

And indeed, the voice fell silent. Freedom Fighter silently chuckled.

The floor indicator chimed and he was immediately in a battle stance with three short throwing knives hidden in a compartment in his hoof, ready to be thrown. His mask betrayed no emotion and his mind was on alert when the door opened prematurely on the eightieth floor, not the lowest level like he wanted.

In the lobby were five Noxxa that were quickly cut down to two as Freedom Fighter jumped out of the elevator and threw all three knives at the same time. The knives found their targets of heads and necks, and the ones who were hit gave shrieks of agony as they crumpled into black dust.

One of the two remaining threw his spear, but Freedom nimbly curled himself around the projectile and landed. He did a reverse-ankle sweep on the one that threw the spear and made him drop to the ground. But before he could finish him the other one had grabbed him under his armpits and was holding fast. "I got 'im! I got 'im!" the Nox screeched.

Freedom backflipped so he was now suddenly on the Noxxa's back, and it twisted the Noxxa's claws so he was forced to let go with a yelp. Freedom Fighter then grasped the sides of the Noxxa's head and gave a hard snap to the side. And before the body under him could fully disintegrate, he had already leaped off of it.

The guard who had thrown the spear had now retrieved his weapon and was holding it warily as Freedom Fighter looked at him expressionlessly under the full bodysuit he had on. He could not see Freedom's mouth pulled in a tight snarl.

Then, without a trace of reluctance, the Nox charged at him. He thrust with his spear wildly but Freedom had ducked under the long spear and grasped it with both hooves. With a hard jerk, he wrestled the spear out of his claws, spun it so the butt of the shaft slammed into the Noxxa's head, and then ran him through with the bladed end so hard the shaft emerged out of the back of him and punctured the wall.

Not bad, the snarky voice in his head complimented him.

'Thanks,' Freedom responded, breathing hard from the skirmish.

You're welcome, he responded. He brushed an imaginary speck of dirt off his shoulder. You should know, however, that I'm going to talk to you later about our hot new princess.

Freedom Fighter's ears drooped. 'I look forward to it,' he said, not looking forward to it.

I know! He giggled in a feminine way. I know because I am you! I know your thoughts! We're all just funny voices inside of my head! He giggled madly again.

Freedom Fighter raised a startled eyebrow. 'Where did that come from?' he asked.

Where did what come from? The other voice innocently asked.

'That wicked witch laugh of yours. We aren't in The Alicorn of Oz, you know.'

He gave a silent cackle again. Don't worry about me being mad! he thought in a slightly twisted way. Most ponies don't even realize they're mad! All it takes is just a simple little slip! A simple little push, and then suddenly, boom, they're writhing around in imaginative ecstasy on the floor while being surrounded by imaginary demons.

Freedom Fighter shook his head. 'Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually going mad or if this is all just me making this conversation up.'

We're all just funny voices in my head either way.

'Which means that I can control you in any way I want. And I'm telling you now, this is not the time or place to be distracted. Dangerous rescue mission, remember?'

Sorry, sorry, he apologized to himself. He shook a hoof in the air nonchalantly. It's just that Princess Twilight is just so naturally...how do I say this...distracting. You take one look at her and all other thoughts fade into insignificance as you take in everything about her. He gave a fake romantic sigh and fluttered his eyelashes under his bodysuit.

'Your comments are noted,' he thought to himself. He then poked his head out of the elevator lobby, then crept out on all fours like a cat. He swept his head from side to side, looking for attackers. They weren't there. It was unnaturally quiet in the hallways.

'Only five guards?' he thought. 'That's not like the Noxxa at all. One would think the hallways would be flooded with Noxxa at this point, but instead it's as quiet as a tomb.'

Rather ironic, that choice of words, the other voice observed.

'What do you mean?' Freedom Fighter asked himself, turning his voice back to how he normally sounded before he had lost his tongue all those years before.

Well, you did just kill four of them, he pointed out. It's a tomb in here. Plus, with our luck, the euphemism "Silent as a tomb" could be a fate that can apply to us as well.

'Are you suggesting this might be a trap?' he inquired silently.

I'm not suggesting, I know it. Their techniques are easier to read than a foal's beginner book. All signs point to it.

'But what if they are doing reverse psychology on this? What if this isn't a trap after all?'

The only reason we're still alive is because we assume everything is a trap.

Freedom sighed as he realized that he was right. It was a little unnerving for him to march into the midst of the tower, where there were presumably more of them than ever. But as long as it was him getting trapped and not his friends, he was filled with a sense of right as he knew he would do all he could to give his friends victory. 'All right, it's a trap. Now what?'

A grin worked its way onto his face. Why that's simple, my dear old friend. We put on a show for them. His grin reached devilish proportions under his armored black mask. After all, everypony has to work for what they get. So let's make them work for my capture.

'I couldn't say it better myself,' he laughed silently.

He sneaked, slunk, and slipped his way through the eightieth floor like a black cat in the shadows, spelling bad luck for any who noticed him. He tried to avoid any Noxxa he could to allay suspicion, but the ones he met he quickly knifed in the back of the head. He sometimes stuck to the walls with the help of the supermagnets all three of the Guardians of the Sun had in the bottom of their hooves. Sometimes he even crawled on the ceiling, making him comment once again on how cool it was. And he had again told his brain to be quiet; the Noxxa might hear him.

Eventually he came to a clear window stretching from the floor to the ceiling. Looking down he saw a balcony encircling the tower, ringing it twenty feet down from where he was. The massive balcony stretched all around the outside of the tower and was made of stone that stuck out on the tower like a ring on a hoof. The balcony supported watchtowers and catapults spaced evenly apart that aimed their loads outward over the dreary black landscape, ready for anything to come their way.

Looking at the massive catapults standing still like statues, Freedom Fighter had an idea.

Noooooo, I have an idea, he jokingly said in a snarky tone.

'We are the same pony! If you had an idea, I did too. Now do you want to hear it or not?!'

If we are the same pony, then I already know your idea. He smirked. Checkmate, me.

'If I get checkmated, so do you,' he smirked back. 'Same pony, right?'

Oh. He sounded crestfallen. I guess I didn't think about that. One for your side.

'That's okay. A point for me is a point for you, since we're the same pony, after all,' he silently explained.

Really? He sounded overjoyed. Yay! I got the point!

'Strange. You normally never get the point of anything.'

Har har. His tone changed to that of confusion. So are we, like, tied? Or are we, like, keeping separate scores for each of us?

'I really don't know.' Freedom Fighter's previous train of thought had derailed long ago. 'Wait, what were we going to do?'

There was a moment as Freedom Fighter tried to remember what he was about do before he had gotten sidetracked on a useless conversation. If any passerby had seen him standing still like that, they might have said he wasn't doing anything of particular value. After a little bit, he smacked his black-armored hooves together and thought wildly, 'RIGHT! I need to put in action the amazing plan both of us had!'

He slammed his left hoof against the glass with full force, and it shattered with a tremendous crash. It blew outward and Freedom Fighter watched the pieces fall to the ground twenty feet below. He then jumped.

However, because he had been presumptuous and quick to action, he saw, in midair, that there was nothing to break his fall.

As soon as he realized this, he flailed his arms about and wildly thought, 'SHOOT!'

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