• Published 27th Jun 2017
  • 1,745 Views, 141 Comments

Until Fairer Skies Beckon - totallynotabrony

Rainbow is kidnapped and forced into a mercenary air force in an African civil war.

  • ...

Chapter 12

If only she had her wings, she could just fly out.

Rainbow lay on her bed. Her mood felt like she should be lying on the ceiling with her hands behind her head. Her reality was that such a position would still hurt her back.

She thought about the times she’d had with her friends back home. Even know, she could easily picture their faces and voices. Rainbow still marveled at what the six of them had done and accomplished together. The Magic of Friendship.

So close to her heart, yet so far away. If only she could have some of that now. The UTA wouldn’t know what hit them, and Rainbow would bust out with multicolored magic flying everywhere, herself flying over the fence and out of their reach.

Rainbow smirked at the thought. Then, she frowned. Well, why not?

Coming up on her elbows, Rainbow stared into space. The fact that it would mean she, someone who used the term “egghead” derisively, was going to have to figure out how to reverse engineer magic...the fact that it was the most viable option she could see…

Rainbow sighed and gingerly lay back down. It was actually more depressing that she had been reduced to even considering this. But could she not? If there was a faintest chance, she had to grasp for it.

Okay, how did magic work? Other than being involved, Rainbow knew nothing about it. Were six people always required? She did a mental inventory. There were no ideal options here, and not even many possibilities. It meant that she would somehow have to recruit the others while keeping them from running to the UTA with the information. Moreover, they would have to develop the kind of harmony that Rainbow and her friends back home shared.

Like that was going to happen. Whether Soarin’s indifference or Lightning’s betrayal, not to mention the issue of forcing friendship with unwilling strangers. Rainbow snorted. All she had to do was forgive Lightning for selling her out, get Pug to forgive her for punching him, and get half a dozen other people to put aside their paranoia and self-preservation to join a crazy, potentially suicidal mission. Right.

Rainbow sighed and got out of bed laboriously. It would take a lot of effort. Today, at least, she could make a good impression on the new pilots. She headed for the Flyers Club.

But a small spark of the magic idea remained in the back of her mind, refusing to go away.

Rainbow learned that the C-130 had brought a pair of new pilots. The two of them knew each other, in fact. Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger had both been taken from the same flying school. Rainbow met them for the first time at the Flyers Club.

Vapor was a pale woman with wavy hair and seemed constantly nervous, even on top of the whole kidnapping thing. Sky had a buzz cut and seemed to portray all the confidence Vapor lacked, though Rainbow could see in his eyes that he was at least as terrified.

Vapor and Sky had only just gotten their dingy flight suits. The two of them sat huddled together. Lightning was just handing them the black patches “until fairer skies beckon.” This is your sentence, to fly, or die, or maybe die flying. You don’t deserve it, but here you are. Goood luuuck!

Rainbow’s stomach turned, her own personal horror forgotten for just a moment. To see someone else inducted into this...there weren’t words to describe the injustice.

There were emotions, though. Disgust. Despair. Anger. Fear.

Well, no, not fear, not really anymore. She wasn’t scared now. Rainbow might have been feeling a complex web of emotions, but somehow fear had left her.

That was as surprising as anything.

Perhaps against her better judgement, Rainbow tried to determine why. It wasn’t as easy as just deciding not to be scared. Was it that she’d already faced, and survived, punishment?

Surely it wasn’t her idea for getting her magic working and using it to escape. Rainbow frowned. No...but perhaps related, remembering her friends seemed to have calmed her down and given her a moment of peace.

Rainbow tried it again: The worst mistake of her life, killing Stratus Jade and ending any chance that he too could escape this wretched place.

Her friends would forgive her.

Rainbow actually gasped. The relief was like a physical weight off her shoulders. That didn’t make what she did right, or even something she could forgive herself over, but knowing that her friends would be there for her no matter what she did took away most of the heartache.

A small voice in her mind suggested that perhaps the friends in her mind’s eye were more perfect than real life, but Rainbow squashed it. What did internal monologues know about friendship?

“So, what’s with her?” she was vaguely aware of Sky asking.

Rainbow’s eyes came into focus after her introspection. Everyone was looking at her.

Lightning chuckled. “This is Rainbow.” She made to clap Rainbow on the back, but stopped short awkwardly and pulled her hand back. “Now that you’re here, she’s not the newest any more.”

Rainbow said hello. Sky seemed indifferent, but Vapor caught her eye. Rainbow could tell she was not at home here. Not that any of them were, but Rainbow could almost see the fragility in Vapor. She vowed to give her special attention, on the hunch that she might need it.

Most of them gathered near the runway to see Angels off.

Dusk was falling. The work lights were on in the hangars. The C-130 pilots were making final checks.

Angels wore her ragged civilian clothes, presumably the ones she had been kidnapped in. She stood near the cargo plane’s ramp, arms crossed nervously but smiling. However, there was something melancholy about that, too.

Rainbow remembered Soarin’s prediction. They know once you’re free you’ll try to get some help and bring them down. They’ll play nice and give you a little send off, but when you get on the C-130 to leave, who’s to say they don’t just take you for a ride, shoot you in the back of the head, and push you out somewhere?

Surely Angels had at least considered that. But did she have another choice?

Yes, as it turned out. Lion Heart arrived just then, flanked by Wind Rider, Connor Clash, and a few other UTA soldiers. “Miss Angels High, I hoped I could extend an offer to you before you go. We could use a pilot we can trust. I’m prepared to make you a very generous offer. Cash, gold, or credit.”

Angels shook her head. “I just want to go home. However, I hope I could make one request.” She looked at Rainbow. “I know someone whose skills are in need of a better plane.”

All eyes fell to Rainbow, but at the moment her surprise and hope was only focused on Angels. “You mean…?”

Lion Heart tilted his head. “Well, I suppose she is moving up in the world. Very well.”

It took a moment to sink in that she’d just been handed the keys to a supersonic jet fighter. Rainbow couldn’t have been more delighted if Angels had literally handed her little MiG-21 keys.

Angels smiled, and then she turned and got on the plane. The C-130’s tailgate closed behind her and the turboprops began to start one by one.

Rainbow cleared the flight line with the others, her mood instantly plummeting again. If she was going to try to get her abilities working, the magic of friendship, she’d just lost her best friend here.