Oh shit, it's happening! I mashed the like and favorite buttons before I even opened up the story. Good opening chapter. I await more very, very eagerly.
And you prove nothing troll, it’s a clopfic. So what. U waste your time I all I’m saying. And u go not constructive criticism so oh well. Why not shit post on 4chan where your supposed too.
The 'downvoted' comment was a running gag I was doing with all my clop writer friends at the time. We were in a Skype group together and I thought it would be funny to play a joke on them. Rest assured, I didn't actually downvote the story.
8590637 Oh. Eh glad to know. Sorry just seems wierd to me. The more you know I guess. Thx for telling me this and the truth I guess. I’ve read some of your fics and your friend there most are excellently written. My favorited was hybrid. Too me a sec but why you u even downvote your own story :p your the Author of it lol. Hope in the future you finish some of your other works too btw.
Thx again for clearing the air and looking forward to the second chapter.
A Fan, NC.
Comment posted by DrakeFang deleted Sep 21st, 2021
Oh shit, it's happening! I mashed the like and favorite buttons before I even opened up the story. Good opening chapter. I await more very, very eagerly.
Im not ready for this awesomeness !!!
more... More... MORE giant Rainbow
I need more!! Please! I have been waiting for this for too long! especially when you left me off at an EXTREME cliffhanger! I shall wait...
8588445 reported I’ve been seeing u do this on a lot of stories. Man up and just click a thumbs up or down no need for dickbaggery, troll.
And you prove nothing troll, it’s a clopfic. So what. U waste your time I all I’m saying. And u go not constructive criticism so oh well. Why not shit post on 4chan where your supposed too.
The 'downvoted' comment was a running gag I was doing with all my clop writer friends at the time. We were in a Skype group together and I thought it would be funny to play a joke on them. Rest assured, I didn't actually downvote the story.
Oh. Eh glad to know. Sorry just seems wierd to me. The more you know I guess. Thx for telling me this and the truth I guess. I’ve read some of your fics and your friend there most are excellently written. My favorited was hybrid. Too me a sec but why you u even downvote your own story :p your the Author of it lol. Hope in the future you finish some of your other works too btw.
Thx again for clearing the air and looking forward to the second chapter.
A Fan, NC.
I can't wait to see what happens next I have always loved bragging rights I hope that this gets updated very soon
Twilight learning to brag? Ooo this could get saucy.
Also there's a minor sentence malfunction
"It was fortunate that the spell was far to cast than easier than teleporting."