Lightning Dust was speeding to find more Changelings, Twilight doing her best to catch up to her.
"Lightning Dust!" Twilight shouted. "Slow down a bit!"
Lightning Dust barely heard her, but the more Twilight called, eventually she got the speedy mare's attention, to which she slowed down.
"What is it? I wanna go fight some Changelings!" Lightning Dust said.
Twilight flew over, looking a little annoyed at the Pegasus. "Is this some type of game to you? The fate of Equestria could depend on us!"
"I know, that's why I wanna keep myself ready," Lightning said with a roll of her eyes.
"You're being too reckless! You're gonna get hurt if you keep this up!" Twilight said.
"What's with ponies telling me I'm reckless? I've never gotten hurt during my flying," Lightning said.
"No, but you could potentially hurt others, do you not seem to understand that much?" Twilight asked.
"If they get hurt that's their problem," Lightning said.
Twilight let out a really annoyed groan, "There's just no talking sense with you is there? You can't expect to be a Wonderbolt if you don't take things seriously like you should."
"Hey I can be a Wonderbolt, keep in mind I was lead pony above your friend Rainbow Dash," Lightning said.
"Rainbow Dash? You mean the only one of you two that actually became a Wonderbolt?" Twilight asked.
Lightning's eyes widened, something about those words really got to her. "It's her fault, and yours too! Why did you and your friends have to come on that Balloon anyway!?"
"Don't blame us for what happened! Blame yourself!" Twilight shouted, then grabbed her head due to feeling some pain. "I don't have time for this, I need to go find Chrysalis and help my friends."
"You won't need to look far for me, I'm right here," the two mares heard. They turned to see Chrysalis flying nearby with some of her Changelings.
"Chrysalis!? How did you get here!? What happened to my friends!?" Twilight asked.
"They're just fine, I'm going to take every last bit of love from your friends before I destroy them," Chrysalis said.
Lightning Dust chuckled, "Looks like I don't have to look far for you, now I can defeat you and prove my worth."
"Lightning Dust, don't get too overconfident. Chrysalis is very powerful, let me handle her, I want you to go find Rainbow Dash and The Wonderbolts," Twilight said.
"Too late, they arrived hoping to rescue your friends, they ended up losing to me as well, along with that pupil of yours, Starlight Glimmer," Chrysalis said.
"What!?" Twilight shouted in disbelief. "How could they lose!?" Twilight had a realization. "Also I'm amazed they already got back so fast, they really are the fastest in Equestria." Twilight then shook her head, "Not the point, I can't believe you Chrysalis!"
Lightning Dust chuckled a bit, "So Rainbow Dash got herself defeated? Looks like I'll get to battle you myself. Good thing too, I can finally show that I truly am better than Rainbow Dash!"
"Lightning Dust, you can't defeat Chrysalis alone, you're not strong enough!" Twilight warned.
"Don't tell me I'm not strong enough, I'm plenty strong enough to defeat Queen Chrysalis. Just watch me Princess!" Lightning said and went to attack Chrysalis, but was blocked by a barrier. Lightning tried again, throwing some punches but Chrysalis blocked with little effort.
"Wow, you are strong, you're really making a lot of noise hitting my barrier," Chrysalis said.
Lightning growled as she continued to punch. "You're just lucky this barrier's here! You know you're not strong enough to handle one of my strikes!"
"Alright, then I'll drop the barrier," Chrysalis said. The moment she dropped it, she zapped Lightning Dust and knocked her back.
Twilight flew in to catch her, preventing her from fall, but Lightning quickly shook it off and shoved Twilight aside. "I don't need your help! I can take her myself!"
"Yes Twilight, she seems to be doing just fine on her own," Chrysalis taunted.
"You're getting really damn annoying!" Lightning Dust shouted.
"Please, just stop and let me help you!" Twilight pleaded.
Lightning Dust ignored that and flew to attack again, but Chrysalis teleported behind her and zapped her down.
Twilight began to feel some pity for Lightning Dust, this was definitely gonna hurt her pride, foolish as it was. "Chrysalis, that's enough. I know you're just toying with her, if you want a challenge then fight me!"
"In a moment, it's only fair to give this mare a chance, right my faithful Changelings?" Chrysalis asked, getting a nod from the Changelings with her.
Lightning flew up, ready to attack again. "I'll show you!" She continued to attack, but Chrysalis just dodged the attacks and zapped her a few times, and sent one final blast to knock her out of the sky.
Fortunately Twilight was able to fly in and grab her Lightning, allowing the mare to land on her back.
"Don't worry, I got you," Twilight said.
Lighting Dust groaned a bit, "I...can still...keep going."
"No you can't, you're not strong enough to defeat her!" Twilight shouted.
"I...I have to try," Lightning said.
Twilight landed and let Lightning off of her back, "You did your best, now let me handle this." She then glared up at Chrysalis. "Time to defeat you, and save my world."
Chrysalis landed before Twilight, grinning at the Alicorn Princess. "This should be fun for me."
The two mares prepared for battle, though the other Changelings sensed something in the distance.
"I can feel some love, it's faint but it's there," one said.
"Let's get going then!" another said.
Soon a few Changelings had left to find the location of where the love is.
Back at the Changeling Hive, as the Pegasus Ponies were about to be put in the Cocoons, Starlight was the first to recover.
"Huh? What's happening?" Starlight looked around and saw some Changelings marching, carrying her other friends. "Hey!"
Starlight then powered up, surprising the Changelings.
"No! Stop her!" a Changeling said.
They all went to attack, but she zapped away each of them, then destroyed the Cocoons to keep her friends safe. She quickly ran to Rainbow Dash. "Wake up! Quick!"
Rainbow Dash shook her head a little, trying to wake up and noticed Starlight. "Huh? What's going on?"
"No time, quick I need you to help me, fly me to Twilight, or one of the other Princesses, hurry!" Starlight said.
Rainbow Dash stood up and stretched her wings, "Fly you? Alright then." She lowered down to let Starlight on her back. "Normally I don't like letting other ponies ride on my back, but I'll go through with this to save Equestria."
Rainbow Dash then flew off with Starlight, taking the mare to go find anypony that can help.
With Twilight, she had already started attacking Chrysalis with some magic beams, though they were blocked by a barrier. Fortunately for Twilight, her magic was strong enough to damage the barrier a little, nearly causing Chrysalis to drop it.
"I won't let you win Chrysalis!" Twilight shouted, sending more blasts at the barrier, eventually destroying it.
"Wow, you really are strong Princess, at least when you're not letting your guard down," Chrysalis said. "Still, I can't allow you to win this battle, I have plans that you'll just get in the way of."
"Like I honestly care what you have planned," Twilight said.
Chrysalis tried blasting Twilight, but the Alicorn teleported out of the way and blasted Chrysalis across the air. Twilight flew in to attack again but Chrysalis had flown out the way and sent some blasts at Twilight, hitting her a bit.
"Is that all the power you have? I thought you'd be much stronger if you could give even Lord Tirek a challenge," Chrysalis said.
Twilight shook it off and got into another stance. "Just you wait Chrysalis."
The two continued to battle in the air, hoping to overpower the other. This clash of magic was strong and could be felt most other places, including a bit back where the Dragons were.
"That's some power," Ember said. "Princess Twilight must be battling against Queen Chrysalis."
Sunburst had nodded in agreement, "Yes, that is likely. Twilight should hopefully have the magic needed to defeat Chrysalis, though with so many Changelings with her, it won't be easy."
"I don't think those Changelings will be much trouble," Ember said. "Besides she did have an ally with her."
"If they can get along, that Pegasus seems way too eager for a fight," Sunburst said.
Ember chuckled a bit, "I kinda like that about her, she's got some good confidence."
Even the foals seemed to be interested, but also worried.
"Think Twilight can do this? Beat Queen Chrysalis I mean?" Tender Taps asked.
"Of course, she's strong after all. She beat everypony else didn't she?" Apple Bloom reminded.
Rumble just stood there, keeping Flurry Heart close to him. "I believe in Twilight, she's strong enough to beat Chrysalis."
"She might have some trouble, especially if she needs to worry about Lightning Dust doing something foolish," Dinky said.
"I'm sure it'll be fine," Rumble said. "Twilight's smart, she'll be able to handle this situation just fine."
Dinky sighed, "I hope you're right Rumble." She then trotted towards him. "Until then, it's best if we stayed near each other."
"Great idea!" Sweetie Belle said, quickly nuzzling against Rumble. "I love any chance I can get to be with my favorite colt."
Dinky groaned a bit, "Of course Sweetie Belle, I just hope with you close to Rumble you can at least keep him safe."
"I think Rumble will be more focused on keeping me safe since he's that strong," Sweetie Belle said.
Dinky huffed and looked away, "Figures you'd say that, you rely on Rumble while the rest of us rely on ourselves."
"Hey!" Sweetie Belle shouted. "Are you trying to say that I'm weak!? Remember I'm much better at magic than you are!"
Dinky stopped and turned to Sweetie Belle with widened eyes, "What did you say to me!?"
"I'm better than you are, you've seen how fast I learn when I'm with Twilight or Starlight, so don't even try to say that I'm weak!" Sweetie Belle shouted.
Dinky gritted her teeth, "Even so you still act so weak like you can't do anything for yourself! Rumble isn't there to protect you all the time from every little thing! I hope you know what to do as his marefriend other than just constant kissing!"
"So I like to kiss him, he's cute!" Sweetie Belle said.
"Come on, let's not argue right now," Apple Bloom said. "We already have The Changelings to worry about, we don't need anything else."
"Hey if Changelings show up, I'm pretty sure most of us could handle ourselves, but Rumble has to protect not only himself but Sweetie Belle too," Dinky said.
"Don't forget Princess Flurry Heart," Tender Taps said.
"Somehow I think even Princess Flurry Heart could fight better than Sweetie Belle," Dinky said.
"That's it! If you want me to show you how strong I am I'll be more than happy to do so!" Sweetie Belle said, charging her horn.
Tender Taps's pupils shrank, "Oh no, I was afraid this could happen."
Dinky also charged her horn, "Let's see who's the strongest!"
"We have to stop them!" Apple Bloom said.
"I don't know, I kinda wanna see who would win," Scootaloo said, much to Apple Bloom's annoyance.
"You can't be serious."
Rumble looked concerned for this situation, "Girls, please don't fight! We need to focus on protecting each other!"
Ember and Sunburst both turned around to see what was happening.
"Hey! What are you two fillies doing!?" Sunburst asked.
Ember was about to go prevent a fight, but then heard one of the dragons shout something. "I see Changelings!"
Ember turned around and saw that several Changelings were flying towards the area. "SO they've actually come. Are they foolish enough to attack the Dragons? Or do they just not know what's here?"
The foals also noticed the Changelings flying over, feeling a bit of frustration at the sight of the creatures.
"Where do they keep coming from!?" Apple Bloom asked.
"I didn't think Chrysalis had so many, unless its still the same ones, just very persistent," Dinky said.
The Changelings went to attack, but many of them were knocked out of the sky by Ember's fire as she and the dragons went to fend them off.
Sunburst rushed over to the foals, "We should get moving! Quickly now!" As he tried leading them away, a few Changelings blocked the path for them. Sunburst wasn't sure what to do, despite his knowledge in magic, he didn't really have much for fighting. "Alright, looks like I'll have to use force!"
He went to attack, but one Changeling easily knocked him out of the way.
"That's not good," Tender Taps said.
The Changelings approached the foals, causing them to back up a bit.
"Let's find one of the dragons or something!" Tender Taps said.
"I think they're all busy fighting though!" Rumble said.
"There can't be that many Changelings though!" Dinky said.
One Changelings jumped at Tender Taps, but Apple Bloom quickly got in front and buck kicked it in the jaw, then turned around to punch it hard, knocking it back.
Tender Taps looked amazed, "Whoa, thanks Apple Bloom, that was awesome."
Apple Bloom gave a flirty look to Tender Taps, "No problem, glad to help."
Another Changeling went to attack, but now Scootaloo had rushed over to punch it a few times and then kicked it away. "Ha! Not so tough!"
Tender Taps also looked amazed at that, "Wow, you're strong too Scootaloo."
Scootaloo did a confident smirk, "You like strong fillies?"
Apple Bloom stared in disbelief, "Hey, pick one, Rumble or Tender Taps!"
Meanwhile Rumble was trying to help up Sunburst, "Come on, we need to move."
Flurry Heart was also nearby, trying to shake him awake.
Sunburst shook off the attack from earlier, "Right, we really should move."
As he tried standing up, another Changeling flew in to knock him right back down, which caused Flurry Heart to run behind Rumble.
"Hey! That's not very nice!" Rumble complained. The Changeling then glared right into Rumble's eyes, freaking the colt out a bit as he got into a nervous fighting stance. "Hey, I learned fighting from my brother, I'm pretty good at it too!"
The Changeling didn't seem concerned, it just continued to stare at Rumble. Flurry Heart grabbed around his waist, holding onto him for safety, but Rumble kept trying to move her back. If he couldn't fight the Changeling off, he didn't want Flurry Heart to get hurt because of that. During this though, he heard Sweetie Belle yell," Eek! Don't come near me!"
Rumble turned around and saw some Changelings approaching Sweetie Belle as she randomly fired some magic blasts at them, having little affect since they were able to dodge.
"Sweetie Belle!" Rumble said, though his distraction allowed The Changeling a chance to attack, though Rumble wasn't distracted enough and was able to dodge and punch the Changeling hard a few times and kicked it away.
He quickly flew over to kick one Changeling that approached Sweetie Belle and knocked it into the other ones, then grabbed Sweetie Belle and brought her back to where he was, leaving her next to Flurry Heart.
"Wow Rumble! That was so fast!" Sweetie Belle said.
"I'm just glad you're safe," Rumble said, though the Changelings he had knocked over were starting to get up again. "I just wish I had more power."
As the Changelings flew to Rumble and Sweetie Belle, they were stopped by a huge barrier, knocking them all out. Both foals looked confused and noticed that the magic came from Flurry Heart.
"Wow, strong little filly," Rumble said, rubbing her mane. "You're tough and adorable."
Flurry Heart giggled a bit at Rumble's affection.
Sunburst started to get up and saw The Changelings all knocked out. "Huh? What happened?"
Rumble turned to face Sunburst, "Good, you're alright. These Changelings don't know when to stop."
Sweetie Belle looked around, "It feels like there's a lot more than I remember."
"Back away!" they heard Dinky shouted.
Rumble turned to see Dinky fighting off some Changelings, "Not her too!"
He quickly sped in to attack them, showing much more strength than before, much to Sunburst's surprise.
"Wow, he's a strong little guy isn't he?" Sunburst said.
"Yeah, and he's my coltfriend," Sweetie Belle bragged.
Rumble continued attacking the Changelings, knocking them away enough, giving him a chance to check on his friend. "Are you alright Dinky?"
Dinky took a breath as she nodded, "Yeah, thanks Rumble, you really helped me."
"Of course, you're my best friend, I don't ever wanna see you get hurt," Rumble said.
Dinky looked almost surprised, "Oh, um, thanks Rumble."
Rumble gestured Dinky to follow, "We should stay together, hopefully I can help out the others." Rumble said, then saw Ember fighting away some Changelings. "Or just leave it to Ember, she's much stronger."
"Yeah, I guess you're right," Dinky said. "Let's hurry." She looked over and saw some Changelings approaching Sunburst, Sweetie Belle and Flurry Heart, then saw it blasted back by Flurry. "Wow, so the youngest pony there is the strongest."
"Well, in all fairness, she is an Alicorn," Rumble said.
"Tough little Alicorn," Dinky said, then giggled a bit with Rumble.
Back with Twilight, she and Chrysalis were still battling, sending powerful blasts at each other. While Twilight was strong, Chrysalis had already absorbed a lot of love from the other Changelings, making it really tough for Twilight.
"I excepted more from you Princess," Chrysalis said.
Twilight huffed a bit, "Why Chrysalis? You couldn't just accept Friendship and join us? If you did then maybe you'd still be a Queen."
"I don't need Friendship, and once I'm done I'll take back all of my Changelings. I had already transformed many of them back, making them once again my Changelings, soon I'll have fully returned them all to normal, and all of Equestria would be mine!" Chrysalis said.
Suddenly Chrysalis felt a beam hit her back. She turned around and saw a very angry looking Starlight riding on Rainbow Dash's back.
"Chrysalis!" Starlight shouted, sending another beam to knock her out of the sky.
Twilight looked relieved, "Starlight! You're here!"
Chrysalis growled, "Not you again!" She then noticed some of her Changelings going to attack. "But they'll destroy you!"
"Rainbow Dash, fight them off," Starlight said and used her self levitation. "I'll go help Twilight stop Chrysalis."
Rainbow Dash nodded and went to fight off The Changelings.
"It doesn't matter how many you defeat! More will come!" Chrysalis warned. "My Changelings are unstoppable!"
"Will you shut up already!" Starlight shouted. "You've really been nagging at the limits of my patience! I'm done being nice! I'll defeat you Chrysalis, I'll save my friends and all of Equestria!"
Twilight nodded, flying by Chrysalis. "You can't stop us both!"
"We'll see about that!" Chrysalis said and flew up, charging a magic ball. "Time to meet your end!"
Chrysalis sent the attack down at the two, but they both charged a really strong beam and sent it right at the magic ball, attempting to push the ball back.
"Fools! I can't be beaten! I am The Changeling Queen! The Strongest in all of Equestria!" Chrysalis shouted.
"That's what you think! Nothing is stronger than the Magic of Friendship!" Twilight shouted.
Twilight and Starlight continued to put more power into the attack, pushing the ball back.
"I will put an end to this Friendship garbage, it will be forgotten about forever! My rule of Equestria will be absolute!" Chrysalis shouted.
"Is it me or does she constantly say the same thing over and over!?" Starlight asked, then thought about something. "I wonder if I was like that when I was trying to rule?"
"I really don't remember," Twilight said. "Just keep trying to push it back! We can do this! I believe in your power!"
Starlight seemed happy at hearing that, "Thanks, means a lot."
The two pushed hard enough, though while they weren't pushing back the attack from Chrysalis, they did manage to blast right through her magic ball, the beams going straight for the Changeling Queen.
"What!? NO!" the beams hit Chrysalis, causing a lot of damage as they carried her off. "NO! I CAN'T LOSE AGAIN!" Eventually she had been knocked far away and out of their sight.
Twilight and Starlight both fell back in relief. It looks like they have won, for now at least.
"We did it, we managed to overpower her," Starlight said, then noticed the other Changelings. "There's still them though."
"Rainbow Dash has this, so does Lightning Dust it seems," Twilight said, noting that Lightning Dust went to help. "Plus everywhere else the others are fighting."
Other places had shown the ponies defeating the Changelings, such as at The Hive where the others managed to recover enough to fight the Changelings, Thorax helping his that were captured to return to their normal selves. Over where The Dragons were, each of them fighting the Changelings away, and the foals safely in one area. Even in Ponyville where Luna had brought Shining Armor and Cadance to assist The Wonderbolts in making sure The Changelings are gone from there as well.
Starlight seemed relieved, "Soon it will be over."
"Yes, thanks to the strength of all our friends, and the Magic shown by Friendship," Twilight said, also feeling relived that this had ended.
But Chrysalis is still at large.