It has been several months since Rumble and Sweetie Belle became a couple. What started as a misunderstanding became something so much greater for the young foals than they could have expected.
Sweetie Belle adored spending time with Rumble, he was everything she could want in a colt, even if she didn't realize it at first. He was nice, sweet, sensitive, but he was also stern when he needed to be. She once didn't consider him boyish enough because he seemed too shy and quiet. She realizes how foolish that was now, especially seeing that he can be assertive when he needs to be.
Rumble loved being with Sweetie Belle, she really was the filly for him. She had such a kind nature, very caring and a mature personality, at least compared to her friends. While Rumble was initially attracted to how cute she was, but he also came to love her personality just as much. He knew she was a strong girl and that she could take care of herself if she needed to, but he still liked having a filly to be there for.
Rarity loved seeing her sister in a relationship with a nice colt, and a cute one if she would say so. Rumble treated her sister so tenderly and sweet, and he's also very respectful to Rarity, she finds his good manners a pleasure to be around. Plus his brother has made for a good coltfriend for her.
Thunderlane liked Sweetie Belle for his little brother, he's glad there's a filly that could make his brother feel confident in himself. Plus thanks to Rumble dating Sweetie Belle, he got to date Rarity.
One pony who's especially happy for Rumble is his best friend Dinky Do. Seeing him constantly crush on Sweetie Belle, and finally get her for a date and then seeing the two become a couple, she felt so proud for her friend. She wanted this so much for Rumble, because to her, he deserved that happiness. She's glad she could help make him as happy as he once made her.
Sweetie Belle's friends have also shown their appreciation. Scootaloo, despite once having a crush on Rumble and hoping herself to date him, is glad the two are together. He at least treats her with affection and is always nice to be around.
Apple Bloom hoped to help Scootaloo could get together with Rumble, even did her best to make sure it happened, though it ultimately didn't. It's led to some problems but they've since been worked out, now she's just happy to have Rumble as a friend.
Tender Taps is also very happy for the two. Despite at first hoping to help Scootaloo get Rumble as a coltfriend, he's grown to see that Rumble and Sweetie Belle are better suited for each other. He's glad they're both dating, they seem so happy together.
Princess Twilight herself has stated that Rumble and Sweetie Belle make for a cute couple, she's glad their relationship began in her castle. Now she wants to watch it grow and blossom into something beautiful.
The foals had quite an adventure ahead of them, a grand future filled with potential. Twilight herself believed the foals could be something great if they fully realize the Magic of Friendship. They might now become the Elements of Harmony, but they can create Harmony in their own way. Time will tell for these foals.
One day the foals had gone to Twilight's castle, Sweetie Belle and Dinky had magic lessons with the Princess, the other foals would come by for support.
Sweetie Belle seemed to have a little more talent than Dinky as far as magic went, not that the other unicorn had that much trouble, but Sweetie Belle seemed to progress a little bit faster, something that didn't go unnoticed by her coltfriend.
"Wow, Sweetie Belle is doing so great," Rumble said proudly.
Apple Bloom nodded in agreement, "She's pretty amazing, helps that her sister's also really good at magic, not Twilight's level but very decent, Mah guess is that she probably taught Sweetie Belle some basics
"Times like this I wish I could have Twilight as a teacher," Tender Taps said. "Though unfortunately I'm not a Unicorn, so I can't learn magic."
"Maybe you can teach her how to dance," Scootaloo said and whispered. "I heard from Rainbow Dash that she's a horrible dancer."
"She can't be that bad," Tender Taps insisted. "Can she?"
Scootaloo shrugged it off as Twilight continued her teaching, trying to teach the fillies how to teleport objects, "Focus on what you want to transport and focus on where you want it to go."
The two fillies didn't have too much trouble grabbing the object, but actually moving it instantly is where the problem was. Sweetie Belle did have some moments of teleporting, but only be a few inches. Dinky however had a tendency to throw it rather than teleport it.
"This is harder than I thought it would be," Dinky said.
"Tell me about it, Twilight makes this look so easy," Sweetie Belle said.
"And that took practice, I didn't learn teleportation overnight after all, don't worry on how long it takes," Twilight said.
"Well Sweetie Belle's doing a lot better than I am," Dinky said, then turned to the snow fur filly. "You seem to at least be able to move it a few inches, how did you pull that off?"
"Not sure, I just focused really hard, not hard enough to send it where I want it to go unfortunately," Sweetie Belle said.
"You're both doing great, I'm proud of both your progress," Twilight said with some genuine pride.
Dinky looked down in shame, "You're just being nice right now, I barely made any progress."
Twilight pitied Dinky a little, she rubbed the young filly's mane to cheer her up. "Listen, it takes time, don't feel like you have to understand this right away, alright?"
"Yeah, you at least can grab objects a little better than I can, you've lifted heavier things than I could," Sweetie Belle said.
"She's strong enough to lift up ponies after all, small ones at least," Apple Bloom said.
Dinky blushed a little at that, remembering the time she has done something like that. Diamond Tiara forgave her, but Button Mash was still kinda ticked about it, he hates hearing that get brought up.
"You each have your own strengths, focus on those. Remember what matters is that you try your best," Twilight encouraged.
The two young fillies nodded at their mentor's words.
"Right, thanks Twilight," Sweetie Belle said.
"Yeah, thanks for your encouragement," Dinky said.
Twilight waved it off, "It's no trouble, now for your net lesson-"
"Twilight!" Starlight said, entering the room. "Come quick, it's the Cutie Map."
"Huh? The Cutie Map?" Twilight asked, then checked her flank, noticing that the cutie mark was acting funny. "Oh, I didn't even notice that," She focused her attention on Starlight. "Did you happen to see who else's Cutie Marks were on the table?"
"Sorry, I didn't see. I just saw the table glowing so I rushed here," Starlight said.
"Right, I guess there's a friendship problem, I'll go check it out," Twilight said, then looked to the foals. "Sorry, I guess that's the end of today's lesson."
"Aw, I was hoping to improve my magic a bit more," Dinky said.
"I'm sorry, it's gonna have to wait, unless," Twilight turned to Starlight. "Hey, do you think you could teach them?"
"Who me?" Starlight asked. "I'm not much of a teacher, besides Sunburst would be more fit to be a teacher than I would."
"Sunburst is all the way in The Crystal Empire, besides you're very talented, your magic's strong enough to rival my own, and you're not even an Alicorn," Twilight said.
"If that's true, does that mean once she becomes an Alicorn Princess, she might be much stronger? Maybe stronger than you?" Rumble asked, then realized his word choice. "Um, not to say you'd be weak or anything but-"
"That's fine Rumble, you actually make a good point. Starlight could possibly exceed me in power if she became an Alicorn," Twilight said.
Starlight blushed, "You're just being nice right now, there's no way I could match your strength."
"Don't doubt yourself Starlight, you have very high potential" Twilight said.
Rumble eagerly approached Starlight, "I bet you'd make an awesome Alicorn Princess, you'd be the strongest mare in Equestria if that happened!"
Starlight shook her head, "No way, besides there's still Princess Celestia and Princess Luna."
"Don't forget Princess Cadance," Sweetie Belle said.
"Is she really that strong though?" Apple Bloom asked. "She don't really look like much fer fighting."
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure Twilight's probably stronger that her already," Tender Taps said.
"I think she is, she fought Tirek by herself after all, she's gotta be really strong," Scootaloo said.
"That wasn't all by myself actually," Twilight said with a blush.
"But I heard that Starlight saved Equestria from Queen Chrysalis, so she must be strong too," Rumble said.
"That I also had help with, if it weren't for Trixie, Discord and Thorax I don't think I would have made it as far as I did," Starlight said.
"Still, you had friends, you used the Magic of Friendship, the strongest magic around, that makes you strong too Starlight," Rumble said.
Starlight giggled, "Rumble, you're flattering me too much."
"Yeah, the only mare you should be constantly flattering is me," Sweetie Belle playfully warned.
Rumble blushed a little, "Right, sorry Sweetie Belle. I bet you could make an awesome Alicorn Princess yourself, you're already a Princess to me after all."
Sweetie Belle blushed at his kind words, "Much better, but thank you so much my handsome knight."
Rumble blushed at the compliment, even more so when Sweetie Belle went to kiss him, with the other ponies aweing at that.
"Cute, anyway what about Cadance's daughter Flurry Heart, how strong do you think she is?" Apple Bloom asked.
"Flurry Heart has a lot of potential, it's a bit early to tell how strong she might get," Twilight said.
"Maybe she'll be the strongest one? She has more time to practice being an Alicorn after all," Scootaloo said.
"Maybe," Twilight said, then heard Spike call out to her.
"Twilight, hurry up, the table's glowing," Spike said.
Twilight blushed a bit, "Oh right, I completely forgot about that." She turned to Starlight, "Anyway maybe at least try? I'm sure they don't mind."
Starlight looked to the foals, a little unsure but decided to give it a chance, "Alright."
Twilight did a squee smile upon hearing that, "Great, anyway I'm off."
As Twilight trotted into the room, Spike took this time to speak. "You know, I'm pretty strong myself, I helped defeat King Sombra."
"We know Spike, and we also know that The Crystal Empire loves you for that," Apple Bloom said, playfully annoyed.
"Yeah, though it can be overwhelming. But that's how it is when you're a hero," Spike said, confidently walking off.
Starlight stepped forward, looking a little unsure. "Alright, um what was Twilight teaching you girls?"
"Well she just finished teaching us about teleporting, I'm not sure what she was gonna try next," Sweetie Belle said.
"How about something you'd like to teach us, are there any tricks you can do?" Dinky asked.
Starlight tapped her chin, looking a little unsure. "I'm not too sure, did you try...levitation?"
Sweetie Belle looked confused, "Huh?"
"We already know that," Dinky said.
"Oh, makes sense, um...I could teach you, what else is there? I could teach you a spell to make a pony talk more," Starlight said.
"Like what you once did to mah brother?" Apple Bloom asked.
Starlight blushed, "Yeah...Applejack wasn't too happy about that."
"Well ah found it kinda funny, but yeah Applejack was pretty unhappy," Apple Bloom said.
"Besides I don't see how something like that would be interesting," Dinky said.
Starlight began to think again, "Um...spells to change Cutie Marks?"
Apple Bloom furrowed her brow a bit, "You really wanna do something like that again?"
Starlight blushed a little, realizing how foolish that suggestion was, "Right, sorry about that."
Sweetie Belle looked to hers, "I like my Cutie Mark the way it is anyway...unless you can teach me how to give a pony their mark, I'd love to help Rumble with his."
"Aw, you're so thoughtful," Rumble said.
"That's impossible though Sweetie Belle, Twilight said so herself, Cutie Marks can't be given through magic," Apple Bloom said.
Starlight thought a moment, "Hm...I'm running out of ideas."
"Oh, I know, how about to use magic to fight enemies! That way if Equestria is in danger again, me and Sweetie Belle will be able to fight the enemies off!" Dinky said.
Sweetie Belle looked unsure, "I don't think I wanna learn that, I'm not much for fighting."
"Don't you wanna be prepared if an enemy shows up? We could get attacked any time, we need to be ready!" Dinky said.
Starlight shook her head, "I don't think it's a good idea to teach you girls about fighting, not yet at least. You're all pretty young, so you're not expected to learn how to fight."
Dinky groaned, "But that would be so great to know, I wanna be able to protect the ponies I love, like Derpy and Rumble."
"Hey if something happens, Rumble will be busy protecting me," Sweetie Belle turned to her coltfriend. "Right Rumble?"
"Of course, I won't let anything happen to you," Rumble said with a determined look.
"Aw, that's why you're my handsome knight Rumble," Sweetie Belle said.
"And you're my beautiful princess Sweetie Belle," Rumble said.
Dinky glared a bit at Sweetie Belle, since Rumble became her coltfriend she's developed a more overconfident attitude. She's pretty sure Sweetie Belle wasn't always like that, and seeing the way Scootaloo was shaking her head in annoyance, she's sure her friends know for sure that Sweetie Belle's been acting a little different.
"Wow, you two are really lovey-dovey fer each other," Apple Bloom said, almost a little annoyed.
"Look, it's not the best idea to learn how to fight right now, besides I don't think your sisters would want me teaching you stuff like that," Starlight said.
"I guess your right, Rarity wouldn't want me learning that type of magic," Sweetie Belle said.
"I guess Amethyst wouldn't want me to learn either, still wanted to try though," Dinky said.
"Maybe I'll ask Twilight for suggestions when she's done at the Cutie Map table, though she'll have to wait for whoever will-" Starlight was interrupted when a bunch of knocks were heard on the door. "Who could that be?" The knocks increased in speed and strength, much to Starlight's annoyance. "Somepony's impatient."
Starlight answered the door and to her surprise, all of the other Elements were there, each with glowing cutie marks.
"Wow, all of you as well?" Starlight asked.
"It's been a while since all our marks were glowing at once," Applejack said.
"Yeah, last time it was because some meany-head mare was taking the Cutie Marks off of ponies and making them into-" Pinkie Pie stopped talking when she Starlight's glare. "Oh right, that was you."
Starlight sighed in annoyance, she really hates when others bring up stuff like that. "Anyway I'm guess it's a big deal then."
"Of course it must be something big!" Rainbow Dash said.
"Super, DUPER big!" Pinkie said, spreading her forelegs out for emphasis.
"Well Twilight's waiting at the Cutie Map, I'm sure she'll be surprised to see all of you," Starlight said.
"Ah bet she will," Applejack said and turned to her friends. "Come on ya'll."
All of the ponies followed Applejack towards where the Cutie Map table, passing by the foals in the progress.
"Wow, everypony here," Tender Taps said.
"Are you all going to see the Cutie Map?" Dinky asked.
"Sure are, must be something pretty big," Applejack said.
"Where do you think the map will take you?" Apple Bloom asked.
Applejack shrugged, "Not sure honestly, could be anywhere."
"Well hopefully it's nothing too bad, and it won't be dangerous," Rumble said.
Rainbow Dash scoffed, "Danger, please, I live for danger, I can handle danger anytime, right Scoots?"
"Right Dash," Scootaloo said.
Rumble furrowed his brow, "Still, try to avoid it, I'd date to see any of you get hurt."
"Don't you worry little Rumble," Rarity said, trotting over to ruffle his mane. "I'll keep Rainbow Dash's excitement to a minimum."
Rumble smiled up at his marefriend's older sister, "Ok Rarity."
"Starlight! Who was at the-" Spike was saying as he entered the room, then saw all the ponies. "There you all are, come on Twilight's waiting."
"Be there shortly Spike," Rarity said, then looked back to Rumble. "If I have to leave for quite a bit, do keep my sister company, she loves being around you very much."
Rumble blushed, "That wouldn't be any trouble at all, I love being around her."
"I'm sure you do, such a sweet colt," Rarity said, then turned to Sweetie Belle. "Are your lessons going well?"
"Yeah, I'm learning now to teleport items," Sweetie Belle said.
"They were, but then Twilight had to go to the map so Starlight was teaching them," Rumble said.
"Not so easily, I'm not the best teacher unfortunately," Starlight admitted.
"You don't know that," Tender Taps said. "You just need to think of an idea, then go from there. I bet you'd be a great teacher Starlight."
Starlight blushed a little, "You're too sweet Tender Taps. In fact all you foals are really nice and sweet, I'm thankful for all of your kindness."
Spike then called out from the other room, "Hurry up! Twilight's getting impatient...and a little weird!" Suddenly a clonk was heard. "OW! Well you are!"
"Let's hurry girls," Applejack said and led the others to the Cutie Map room, leaving Starlight with the foals.
"So...any other suggestions?" Starlight asked.
The foals looked to each other and shrugged, none of them having any idea of what to do next.
"Let's just find something else to do, you can try teaching them another time," Apple Bloom suggested.
Starlight reluctantly nodded, "I guess so."
Apple Bloom gestured for the others to follow, "Come on, let's see what new books Twilight has."
The others eagerly followed Apple Bloom, leaving Starlight alone to think for a moment.
"I hope I can be a good enough teacher someday." With that Starlight also followed where Apple Bloom and the foals went.
OMG Spike is turning into Twilight.
Yep, Starlight seems pretty spot on.
Does Starlight know any shield magic, or would that count as combat magic.
In the first episode of Season 6, she did create a force field to protect herself and Spike from a magic blast Flurry Heart sneezed out, that would be a good example of her defense magic.