• Published 16th May 2017
  • 1,809 Views, 25 Comments

Sweet Affection 2: Friends and Romance - Masterob

Starlight hopes to be a good mentor to the Crusaders and other foals while Rumble and Tender Taps try to help each other when it comes to filly love.

  • ...

Preparing to Battle

Starlight and Cloudchaser were still flying in the air, hoping to get to that village soon as they could.

"Once we find your friend, what do we do after that?" Cloudchaser asked.

"Maybe go find Twilight ourselves, somehow I feel worried for Trixie and Flitter," Starlight said.

"Flitter is much tougher than she looks, she can handle herself very well," Cloudchaser said.

"Still there's also Trixie. Despite how confident she is, she isn't the best at magic," Starlight said.

"She helped you with the Changelings before didn't she? I'm sure she'll be fine. Personally I wanna try finding those foals, I'm sure they're probably scared, especially Rumble," Cloudchaser said.

Starlight sighed, "This is my fault, I should have taken better care of them."

"Don't blame yourself," Cloudchaser said. "I'm sure you tried at least. Chrysalis is pretty tough I'm sure."

"I just wish I could have protected them better. Seeing the foals get taken away was terrible, especially Tender Taps. I was supposed to be like his big sister," Starlight said.

"Big sister?" Cloudchaser asked. "Like how?"

"He wanted to know what it was like having a big sister, so I adopted him as my little brother," Starlight explained.

"How has that been for you?" Cloudchaser asked.

"Interesting, though I am still confused on how to be a big sister to him," Starlight said.

"Just so you know, you can't just decide to have a brother or sister, relationships like that take time. I know from experience, it took a while before I truly saw Rumble as a little brother. If you want to be his older sister you have to let that come a bit more naturally," Cloudchaser said.

Starlight chuckled slightly, "That's funny, Sweetie Belle said something similar, so did Rumble."

"Of course, they know from their own experience," Cloudchaser said. "Still it's great that you wanna be his older sister, just don't try too hard to make it happen. Spend time with him and it will come easier, you'll grow to love him more."

Starlight nodded, "Thanks, I'll do that."

The two kept on flying to Starlight's old village, hoping to find some help there.

Back at the Changeling Hive, Thorax and his friends were getting ready for a fight against the Chrysalis Changelings. Thorax had his own Changelings helping as well at least.

"Listen, there's no need for this," Thorax pleaded. "If you take the Magic of Friendship, then everything will be fine."

"No way! We don't need friendship!" A Changeling said. "Our Queen will tend to what we need!"

Thorax groaned, "They won't listen."

Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash, "Get ready to fly off, find The Wonderbolts quickly."

Rainbow Dash nodded, "Yeah, I will."

As the Chrysalis Changelings went into attack, so did Thorax and his own Changelings with Spike, Trixie, Flitter and The Elements.

Rainbow Dash attacked a few, knocking some away before flying off, too fast for The Changelings to react. Thankfully for Thorax and his friends, there weren't too many Changelings to fight.

"Twilight, maybe you should go too! We can handle this," Thorax said, keeping one Changeling off.

"Are you sure about that?" Twilight asked, knocking a Changeling back.

"Yes, we'll be fine. Now hurry," Thorax said.

"Find Starlight! Make sure she got to Princess Celestia!" Trixie shouted, keeping away from a few Changelings.

"Let my sister know I'm here, please make sure she's alright!" Flitter said, kicking a Changeling away.

Twilight nodded and flew off to find some help as well, leaving the others to fight the Changelings on their own for now.

At The Wonderbolts Academy, Thunderlane was explaining everything to Spitfire.

"Chrysalis sent some Changelings to Ponyville and captured some foals. According to Starlight Glimmer they want to use them as a way to get to Twilight and her Element friends," Thunderlane explained.

"So The Changelings are causing trouble again huh?" Spitfire said, rubbing her chin. "Don't worry Thunderlane, I'll have The Wonderbolts ready to save those foals and stop Chrysalis."

"Please hurry," Derpy said. "I'm so worried about them, especially Dinky."

"I'm worried a lot about Rumble, don't worry we'll move fast though," Thunderlane said.

"Of course, we're gonna need to find Rainbow Dash as well, we're gonna need her help," Spitfire said.

"One of my friends went to go get her, she's at The Changeling Hive with King Thorax," Thunderlane said.

"I wonder if he knows anything about this?" Spitfire wondered.

"Not sure, he'll find out soon though if he hasn't already," Thunderlane said.

"I'll go get The Wonderbolts, Chrysalis will be defeated," Spitfire said.

Thunderlane nodded, "Sounds good, thanks."

"We'll help too, I might not be a Wonderbolt but I want to help find Dinky, Rumble and those poor little foals," Derpy said.

"Any help will work," Spitfire said and extended her wings. "Time to start flying."

"Right," Thunderlane said, extending his wings along with Derpy, each of them flying off to get help.

Elsewhere with the foals, as The Changelings flew them to where Chrysalis ordered, Apple Bloom was still trying to figure out how to help her friends. The more time passed, the more worried they became, though some were trying to hide it, especially Rumble. He didn't wanna look scared in front of Sweetie Belle, but he did have his doubts on what would happen.

Apple Bloom knew she not only had to help her friends, but she knew by staying it would also bring trouble for Twilight.

"Hey!" Scootaloo shouted, banging on the barrier. "How much longer do we have to stay in here!"

"Be quiet!" a Changeling shouted. "You'll stay for as long as our Queen demands it!"

"This is so boring though!" Scootaloo complained.

"That isn't our concern! Now be quiet!" The Changeling ordered.

Scootaloo groaned loudly, "When Rainbow Dash finds out, you're gonna regret messing with us!"

"Will you be quiet!" the Changeling shouted, whacking her barrier. It nearly went straight into a horn of another, though it quickly moved out the way.

"Watch it! If that barrier hit my horn they would have escaped!" the Changeling said.

Apple Bloom's eyes widened as did Chrysalis's as she turned to the other Changeling. "Fool! Don't say that so loudly!"

Unfortunately for her, Apple Bloom made this work by banging her barrier into the horn of a nearby Changeling, causing it to disappear as she fell onto the back of another.

"Apple Bloom!" Tender Taps shouted.

"No! Stop her!" Chrysalis shouted.

Rumble was the first to react, knocking his barrier towards the horn of another Changeling, causing his to break. As the Changeling tried to grab him, Rumble quickly dodged and punched the Changeling as hard as he could.

Rumble then quickly knocked Sweetie Belle's barrier into a horn, causing that to break, allowing him to grab his marefriend.

"I've got you Sweetie Belle!" Rumble said, holding her bridal style.

Sweetie Belle blushed as she hugged her coltfriend, "You're so amazing Rumble!"

"You pests!" The Changeling said and tried to zap them, but Rumble was able to dodge, causing the blast to hit another Changeling that tried to grab them both.

"Hey get this pony off me!" a Changeling shouted, referring to Apple Bloom who jumped to push Tender Taps into another Changeling, breaking his barrier.

Tender Taps almost fell, just barely grabbing a Changeling by his leg. "Ah! Too high!"

"Hey! Get off me!" the Changeling shouted, trying to kick Tender Taps off.

"Hey! What are you trying to do!?" Tender Taps shouted, dodging the kicks. "Come on, seriously!"

Rumble took this chance to kick Dinky to another Changeling as Apple Bloom pushed Scootaloo, both barriers breaking as well.

Dinky fell, grabbing a foreleg of a Changeling. "Ah! This is too high up!"

Scootaloo tried to fly but couldn't keep her body up, "Not good!"

Soon each foal had fell since Scootaloo stopped flying, Dinky slipped and Tender Taps was knocked off. Fortunately Rumble was quick enough to catch them as each of them landed on his back, though he found himself barely able to stay flying.


Chrysalis angrily growled, aiming her horn at them. "You either come with me, or I'll destroy you right now!"

Suddenly Apple Bloom had jumped onto Chrysalis's back and managed to do a strong buck kick to her face, knocking her dizzy as she jumped off and fell, grabbing Rumble's tail by her teeth, pulling him down more.

"Ah! Too heavy!" Rumble shouted as he started falling, though did his best to keep flying, though couldn't hold all five foals.

"After them!" The Changeling shouted, some flying after the foals.

As Rumble began falling, he noticed a nearby cloud. Hard as it was, he was able to land on it, though had to keep holding his friends since they could not walk on clouds aside from Scootaloo.

He managed to use the cloud to float down to the ground, and once he was close enough, he jumped off and kicked the cloud hard towards the Changelings as lightning came out of it, zapping them away as he and the other foals landed on the ground.

Apple Bloom stood up, shaking her head a bit, "Wow, that was quite adventurous."

"That was also nuts!" Dinky shouted. "Couldn't you have planned that a little better!?"

"Hey ah got us to safety didn't I?" Apple Bloom said.

"Not quite yet, I think they're coming back for us!" Scootaloo warned, pointing to the other Changelings.

"Time to go then!" Rumble said, grabbing Sweetie Belle onto his back and flying off with the other foals quickly following.

Chrysalis looked really displeased, "I can't believe those foals made a fool out of me! I'll give some credit to that little filly with the red mane, she is much smarter than I gave her credit for."

"What should we do now?" a Changeling asked.

"What else? Go after those foals right now!" Chrysalis shouted, causing the Changelings to quickly fly off. "Even if they got away, I still have the attention of Twilight Sparkle. Plus I doubt those foals could find her or that pain of a pupil Starlight Glimmer."

Back with Starlight Glimmer, she had arrived in her old town with Cloudchaser, getting the attention of the ponies there, including a friend of hers.

"Hey Starlight," she heard Double Diamond greet. "Great to see you again."

"I'm happy to see you as well," Starlight said, then noticed the others make their way over, including Party Favor, Sugar Belle and the pony she needed to see, Night Glider. "I'm happy to see all of you as well."

"Same here," Party Favor said.

"So what brings you back Starlight?" Double Diamond asked, and noticed Cloudchaser. "Also who's your friend?"

"That's Cloudchaser," Starlight introduced. "Also we kinda need help with something, it may involve saving Equestria."

"Saving Equestria?" Double Diamond asked. "From what?"

"Queen Chrysalis," Starlight said. "She's returned and she captured some foals I was mentoring."

"Did you say Queen Chrysalis!?" Double Diamond said.

"That's horrible!" Sugar Belle said.

"How can we help?" Party Favor asked.

"Actually we need help from Night Glider," Starlight said.

"Who me?" Night Glider asked. "How?"

"If you can, we need you to fly over Equestria, maybe you can help find the foals and any of the Changelings loyal to Chrysalis, you'll be assisting the Wonderbolts," Starlight said.

"The Wonderbolts?" Night Glider asked. "Wow, must be really big then."

"Of course it is," Cloudchaser said. "One of the foals that was taken is the younger brother of one of my friends, and somepony I deeply care about."

"Then I won't let you down," Night Glider said with determination.

"Can the rest of us help?" Double Diamond asked.

"For now just keep a lookout for any Changelings, make sure you protect this village," Starlight said.

"Sure thing," Double Diamond said, then turned to Night Glider. "Good luck, and be careful."

"Don't worry, I'll handle this no problem," Night Glider insisted, then turned to Starlight. "Lead the way."

Starlight got back on Cloudchaser and flew off with Night Glider.

Elsewhere Rainbow Dash is seen flying towards the Wonderbolts Academy, moving as fast as she could. It didn't take long before she noticed some of them were already flying out. She could see Spitfire among them, along with Thunderlane and Derpy.

"Hey! Spitfire!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she flew towards Spitfire.

Thunderlane seemed happy to see Rainbow Dash, "Awesome, hey Rainbow Dash!"

"Sup Thunderlane!" Rainbow Dash said, flying over to him.

"Hey Rainbow Dash! Good to see you!" Spitfire said.

"You too Spitfire," Rainbow Dash said, then noticed the other Wonderbolts. "Hey Soarin, Fleetfoot, good to see you both as well."

"Yeah, you too Dash," Soarin said.

"Looks like there's some trouble with The Changelings, I thought they'd be our friends though," Fleetfoot said.

"It's just a few," Rainbow Dash said, "Looks like most of the talented ones came, except Sky Stinger and Vapor Trails."

"Well they are still training, better to get the more experienced Wonderbolts first, even if those two are talented," Spitfire said.

"They'll get their chance soon I'm sure," Rainbow Dash said, then turned to Thunderlane. "So you actually managed to get Spitifre?"

"Of course, just like Starlight asked me to do," Thunderlane replied.

"Good, glad to see you're not being lazy," Rainbow Dash joked, much to Thunderlane's annoyance.

"I told you I was sick!" Thunderlane said.

"Relax, I'm just messing with you," Rainbow Dash said.

Derpy groaned, "This isn't the time for joking around! The foals are in danger!"

"That's right," Spitfire said, and turned to Rainbow Dash. "We're all gonna need to work to stop Chrysalis."

"Did Flitter show up with Trixie?" Thunderlane asked.

"Yeah, but some Changelings attacked us as well," Rainbow Dash said. "Twilight, Thorax and the others are fighting them off right now."

"Hopefully she'll be alright," Thunderlane said.

"I'm sure she will be," Spitfire assured. "For now let's look for these Changelings and the foals with them."

"Right, let's go," Rainbow Dash said, flying off with the others.

With Twilight, she was seen flying through the skies, hoping to find Rainbow Dash or even the foals.

She stopped to look around, trying to see if she was near any place familiar, "I hope there aren't too many Changelings. I don't think a lot of them are still with Chrysalis, a majority of them still seem to be with Thorax." As she kept flying, three Changelings blocked her path. "Not more of you, it would be so much easier if you just go with The Magic of Friendship!"

The Changelings then flew at her, but before they could attack, a teal-coat Pegasus with a blond mane came in and kicked one to the ground, hit another with a strong punch and took down the third with a mid-air kick.

"Whoa! That was impressive!" Twilight said.

The Pegasus looked around and pointed behind them, "More are coming, let's go Princess."

Twilight giggled a bit, "You don't need to be so formal, you may just call me-"

The Pegasus interrupted, "Hey move now or they'll catch up to us!"

Twilight blushed a little and nodded, "Right, sorry."

The Pegasus flew Twilight away, taking them to the ground and out of sight from The Changelings. "That was a close one." She turned to Twilight. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, thanks for helping me," Twilight said, then looked at her a bit closely. "Um, who are you anyway? I feel like I've seen you before."

"Probably," The Pegasus turned to Twilight, "I'm Lightning Dust, an old friend of Rainbow Dash."

"Lightning Dust?" Twilight said, then remembered something. "You came from The Wonderbolts Academy."

"Yeah, should have been something more, that didn't turn out like I expected, not that it matters right now," Lightning Dust said. "Anyway let's get you someplace safe."

"I'm actually looking for Rainbow Dash, would you mind helping me?" Twilight asked.

Lightning Dust shrugged, "Fine then, let's just hurry."

As Lightning Dust flew off, Twilight began to wonder, "This is surprising, at least I have some help though." She too flew off with her.

Back with the foals, they had ran far enough from any of the Changelings and were hiding near a forest area.

"Wow that was close," Apple Bloom said, then looked around. "Everypony ok?"

"I'm fine," Scootaloo said. "That was so intense, can't believe we got away from Chrysalis."

"I Still feel kinda worried though," Tender Taps admitted.

Rumble was panting a little, "I'm just glad we're all safe."

"Yeah, I'm glad too," Sweetie Belle said, still on Rumble's back. "Um, you can let me down now though."

Rumble blushed, realizing he was still carrying his marefriend. "Right, sorry."

"That's fine," Sweetie Belle said as Rumble lowered himself so she could get off. "I'm kinda glad you were so brave for me."

Sweetie Belle gave Rumble a nice kiss as she got off, getting a blush from the colt. "It wasn't much really, I just wanted to protect you like I said I would."

"It still meant a lot to me, you're my brave Knight Rumble," Sweetie Belle said.

Dinky groaned, "Again with the Brave Knight stuff, that gets really old and annoying."

"Don't be jealous!" Sweetie Belle said.

"I'm not being jealous!" Dinky shouted. "Try to imagine always having to be around that type of mushy talk!"

"It's because you don't have somepony to be mushy with, if you did you'd understand more why me and Rumble have those moments," Sweetie Belle said.

Apple Bloom groaned, "Can you two just stop fighting fer now, we need to find a way back, I'm sure Starlight is worried about us."

"How are we gonna get back though? We don't know where Ponyville is," Sweetie Belle said.

"Rumble you can lead us, yer a Pegasus after all," Apple Bloom said.

Rumble looked surprised, "Me? I'm not sure if I can Apple Bloom."

"You gotta try, who else can do it?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I'm not the type of Pony that's good to lead. You should be the leader, you're smarter," Rumble said.

"Me? I'm not the best leader," Apple Bloom insisted.

"You have what it takes Apple Bloom, you're kind of already a leader with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, plus you can get other ponies to listen to you, and when you're focused on something, you do what you can to get it done," Rumble said.

Apple Bloom still looked unsure, "Ah can't promise I'll be any good though."

"I believe in you Apple Bloom," Tender Taps said. "Not only are you smart, you're also strong as well, both your will and actual strength. You quickly figured out a way to save us, and you kicked Chrysalis really hard too! You're so brave Apple Bloom, I really think you should be the leader."

Apple Bloom shyly rubbed her head, "Alright, I'll give it a try. Still ah need Rumble to fly up and see if he can find anyplace familiar, or at least a town fer us to go to fer now."

"Sure thing," Rumble said and flew up, searching around a bit. A few seconds later, he flew back down, shaking his head. "I don't see anyplace just yet."

"We'll just keep searching. But ah do know that we came from that direction," Apple Bloom said, pointing a certain way. "Ponyville should be that way, we'll make our way there fer now until we find a place we're familiar with."

The foals nodded and started walking toward Ponyville, or hoping to find a place they can stay at for the moment.

As they walked, Tender Taps quickly trotted next to Apple Bloom. "I'll stay close to you, I'll feel a bit better."

Apple Bloom giggled a bit, then gave a flirty look. "That's fine, we'll be a lot closer after this is over."

Rumble walked with his wing over Sweetie Belle, keeping her close to him. "No matter what, I'll keep you safe."

Sweetie Belle blushed and kissed his cheek, "You're so sweet, and so brave."

Dinky shook her head and muttered, "So mushy."

Rumble wasn't sure if he really was brave, but he did mean what he said. He'll do his best to make sure Sweetie Belle stayed safe.

Scootaloo and Dinky walked near each other, though both seemed to have a glum look. Dinky really started to envy Sweetie Belle and wished she was the one Rumble wanted to keep safe. She misses the days where she got most of his attention. Scootaloo also wished she was next to Rumble, and unfortunately it seems like she's losing a chance to be with Tender Taps as well, maybe she should have tried to be leader, she would get the attention of at least one of those colts.

For now Apple Bloom was determined to get her friends to safety, she had to be a good leader for them, with Rumble helping her and Tender Taps giving her his support, she believes she might have a chance to do this right.