• Published 8th May 2017
  • 1,540 Views, 9 Comments

Strange Town - general_bad

The Amount of runaway Teens is on the rise in the small town of Ponyville and nobody knows why. Nobody except Cross a Bad mannered highschool delinquent. Now he'll try to play the hero his own way as he fights off the monsters infesting his town.

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Chapter 2 - a small change to today's plans - edited

Author's Note:

Just like the first chapter (and everyone after this) it was written on a phone so let me know of any spelling/grammar errors.

Also leave feed, either positive or negative as it can help me improve.

Let me know of any continuity errors relating to the story and not the overall universe. character names and events were changed after the rough draft and i'm not sure if i corrected them all.


Strange Town 002 - edit

Chapter 2 - a small change to today's plans


Once again I'm awoken by the sound of dad's car pulling out of the driveway, signaling that it's time to get up. I stretch my limbs out before I force myself upright to sit on the side of my bed as I rub the sleep from my eyes.
(If I didn't have to help in Bluebloods scheme I wouldn't even bother going to school today... Who em I kidding, I would be board out of my mind if I stayed home). I thought as I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

After completing my morning ritual I went down stairs to eat breakfast when I noticed I could hear snoring coming from my parents room.
(I guess mum got back home pretty late last night, dad being a doctor doesn't get the luxury of sleeping in like mum... Although the second she wakes up she will probable head straight to city hall. That event she has been helping plan... What was it? ...Har-Fest, some fund raising event to help local farms, I believe the day of the event is this Saturday so they gotta have everything sorted out by then.)

(...Unfortunately it looks like I'll be dragged to Farm Fest as well. Oh well, it's in town so I can disappear for a few hours... Not like mum would notice as she'll be to busy making sure the event goes as planned. Dad will probably have work so he won't be there either) I thought as I finished my breakfast.

It was too early to get dressed for school just yet, unless I wanted to be really early, so I decided to watch some TV.
I turned on the morning news just as it was starting. The news reader was a perky young woman who was clearly a better morning person than me.

"Good Morning to all our viewers! I'm Sunny Side and I'm here with all the local news story's you want to hear. the first topic is a reminder to all you folk out there that this Saturday our town will be holding an event in town to celebrate our local farmers... Har-Fest! all proceeds will go towards helping our local fresh food growers that our town has become well known for, so make sure to come down and show your support.
Our next story is about all the recent runaway teens in Ponyville. While there didn't appear to be much call for alarm as the parents still receive letters and phone calls from the runaway kids, police are treating the matter as suspicious as there has been quite a spike in runaway recently. So if you have any info on the subject please alert the authority's."


I turned off the TV as I had no interest in any of this mornings story's and headed to my room to get changed. I put on a similar pair of tracksuit pants to the one that I wore yesterday... I have a particular style of clothing that I like to wear so I buy my pants in bulk.
The shirt I wore was dark blue with the picture of a group of guys dressed in gang clothes with the word Woo Ling Clan printed above them. (The Woo Ling Clan were a group of rappers I listened to).
Although my shirt didn't matter as no one would see it as I threw my signature black jacket on over it. The jacket had white fur on the sleeves and collar, with a white cross with arrow points coming off the ends of the cross.

After getting dressed I looked at my lighter that I had placed on my desk, hesitating for a moment before placing it into my jacket pocket. I also grab my car keys then head down stairs and to my car. I pullout of the driveway and head to school.

As I headed towards school I thought about what the day had in store for me. ( today I have homeroom, English, science, math, art and then health) those were the classes for today.

(also I gotta do that counselling session in homeroom during recess... I'll also need to start trouble with someone so Blueblood can swoop in and look like a hero. It's gotta be someone weak... Someone who won't try to stand up for themselves, so not Flash, and definitely no barn brats... Oh! I know... That loner-guy... err... Short Stag... Or was it Stack?)
With that I had my day planned out, the only excitement today was what ever I made.

My drive to school had me pass many local businesses such as Sugar Cube Corner, Golden Oaks Library and Natures Muse. Before long the school appears in sight and I park out front under a shady tree.

From my car window I can see the idiotic obstacles I must ignore just to begin my day, such as some football team members who are throwing a ball back and forwards. an obnoxious wannabe magician who draws way more attention then she should. and some prissy fashionista who seems to be explaining to others how they failed to dress themselves this morning according to her.

On a usual day I would have my self some fun and take them down a peg or five... But today I wanna try to limit myself. Between helping Blueblood with his scheme and this new BS counselling I'm on I should be more careful... I give myself until after second period before I go back on that.

I get out of the car and begin walking towards the schools entrance. As I pass other students they scurry away doing there best to avoid me... heck, the magician girl does a pretty good vanishing act that slightly impressed me due to its creativity.

I feel a rush of ecstasy seeing how much power I have over them, they know the path I walk only has room for one... A path suited only for the best, they know I don't go around, I go through, and unless your as stupid as Flash you better get out of my way.

I make it to the door rightfully high on my ego when the door suddenly swings open, smacking me in the face. I stumble back a few feet, slightly dazed with a bright red mark on my forehead. It served as a reminder that while others are smart enough to avoid me, their still morons.

On the other side of that door is the lazy eyed girl Derpy who was looking at her friend Doc. She was holding the door open for him as he was holding some large books in both hands. Derpy didn't even realise what had happend as her attention was on Doc.

Doc on the other hand was as pale as a ghost as he saw the red mark on my face, and the even more menacing red in my eyes. He tried opening his mouth to say something but all he could manage was a gasp.
Derpy who still hadn't noticed me continued to look at Doc with a confused look.

Nearby students suddenly became silent and watched in horror. Unlike yesterday, there was no Flash to bale them out.

"You know... I was trying REALLY hard to mind my own business, I tried REALLY hard to be a nice guy... Just look behind me at all the idiots I ignored. But then you two had to go and ruin it." I said no longer dazed.
"Well I can still salvage this... I'm gonna do something nice for you two. since your friends I'm gonna give you both matching black eyes to show everyone that your sooooo close, you even get beaten together".

Doc stood there as I cracked my knuckles, becoming very pale. Fear clearly visible in his eyes, and rightfully so as for most student's the day was just begining. For him however, it was lights out.
Derpy on the other hand... Well, she just kinda looked between me and doc... Honestly, she looked lost.

This would normally be the part were they get a beating, but I stopped when I felt someone grab my shoulder. I don't know who would be dumb enough to try and stop me now, but I also didn't care as I spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. "Seems like you have suicidal tendencies if your gonna get involved in this. If your smart you'll disappear before I turn around and see your face."

"And if you have even the slightest spark of intelligence in you, then you'll leave my fellow school mates to continue there day without any further hassle." replied a regal voice I was all to familiar with.

It was Blueblood. (looks like he saw an opportunity for his scheme and took it).
I was filled with rage for being embarrassed by these two, but I knew I couldn't fight without undermining Bluebloods plan. So instead I put my rage towards giving a realistic performance.
"Why should you care what happens to these morons? Do yourself a favour and beat it" I said loudly for everyone to hear.

"I care because these two are my school mates, and I can not stand ideally by and watch some brute hurt people I care about." Blueblood replied loudly.

"You care about THESE two random nobody's?" I asked him in an angry and confused voice.

"that's right! I care about this School and everyone in it. I was raised to fight for what I BELIEVE in, and I'm not afraid to stand up to a thug like you... even if I get knocked down I'll stand right back up and I'll keep standing up for those who can't" Blueblood spoke like he was giving a speech.

By this point students were invested in seeing how this played out as there were few who stood up to me. But I knew how this went... now was the part when I move on and make it look like Blueblood talked me down.

"hmph... Whatever, like I care what you idiots do" I said as I pushed my way past Doc and Derpy. once I gained some distance I slightly turned my head to see how things turned out.
Doc was giving Blueblood a great big hug for saving both him and Derpy, which Blueblood didn't quite seem to enjoy. Meanwhile, Derpy was scratching her head. (that girl probably didn't realise what was going on, or how close she was to visiting the school nurse).
The students began to crowd Blueblood with looks of admiration. I would say 1 or 2 more performances like that and Bluebloods got the election in the bag.

However I was still left with some pent up anger. (Now that I helped out Blueblood for today I guess I don't need to harass Short Stack... For now.) I thought.

I made it to home room early and decided to just wait for class to start. I couldn't risk causing trouble right after Blueblood stopped me so for now I gotta stay low.
After a few minutes the class began to fill up with students and I could already hear them talking about how Blueblood stood up against me. Although some parts were exaggerated, like how I wasn't able to hit him once, or how he only needed to lay one hand on me.

Before long the bell went and Mr. Freeright arrived in class. "Good morning Fellow travellers of this road we call life." He said as he sat on his desk.
"unfortunately I have some bad news. The school received a call this morning From the parents of a fellow classmate and a student of this class... Short Stick. They Informed us that he has run away from home. last night he left a note for his parents to find, telling them he's left for the city" Mr. Freeright said in a sad tone. "if you have any information of his whereabouts please let the school know so we can contact his patents and the authoritys."

This caught my attention. (Hold on... Short Stick was apart of my homeroom! ...Also he ran away. I saw him uptown yesterday with Flash, did Flash say something to him to make him want to leave?) I thought remembering yesterdays events.
(Hold on... Right after I saw Flash and Short Stick at Sugar Cube Corner Flash appeared at school with Sunset Shimmer. Both of them claiming they had been there since school ended for Flashs football practice, obviously they were lying... I saw him with Short Stick so why lie about it?) I thought to myself wondering if there was a connection. one thing was certain... it was definitely odd.
(Short Stick... I didn't know him personally but I got a sense he was kinda like me. he didn't know how to fit in with others so he stuck to himself... but unlike me he wanted to fit in with these morons. I couldn't see him suddenly going to a big city when he struggles so much when it comes to dealing with a small town.) I thought.
(also... How did Flash get back to school before me? He doesn't have a car and if he took the bus I still would have beat it since it has to make stops along the way.) I felt a little excitement thinking I might be on to something.

(If Flash is connected to whatever's causing people to run away from home, then having dirt like that on him would really make my day). I thought with a malicious grin, the idea of tarnishing his good name was too appealing. (besides it will give me something to do when I'm not causing trouble).

I came out of my own thoughts and noticed Mr. Freeright was still talking. "the runaway poster has been updated and they are located around the school. on a good note... Har-Fest is this Saturday and the Greener Town Club will be going to show our support and inform people about why local farms are better than corporate ones. If your interested in joining the club we meet after school from Monday to Wednesday under the tall tree next to the football oval, until the bell goes your free to talk amongst yourselves".

For the next few minutes all the students talked and mingled with each other while I sat there deep in thought. (I need proof that there's a connection between Flash and Short Sticks sudden need to runaway from home... But I don't know how I'm gonna go about doing that? well... For starters I should find a witness to confirm he never showed up for practice. Sunset is on his side backing up his story so who else could I ask...? The football team won't answer any of my questions as were not on the best of terms... I suppose the teams Couch could answer my questions... Couch Play? But if Flash finds out I'm asking questions he might cover his tracks or even try to spin this on me... what I need is a third party).

The bell rings and students begin to head to their next classes. On my way to English I decide to go to school billboard outside of the cafeteria. Most of the papers littering the board are from clubs looking to gain more members or reminders about school events. I look pass all the trash until I locate what I'm looking for. The poster containing information on the now 9 runaways. I take it down and unzip the upper part of my jacket. after folding it neatly I slip it into the inside of my jacket which contains a pocket not visible from the outside... I plan to read it during English. I then head to class.

I'm the last one to arrive besides the teacher. as I enter the room a few students look my way and for good reason... Blueblood is in this class. His sitting close to the front with a confident smirk. Students begin to place their attention our way to see if the rumour about him chasing me off were true or not.

I walk up to his desk while glaring at him which didn't faze him even slightly as we both know it's just for show. I then walk to the desk in the back corner of the class which is currently occupied by someone. I don't know who they are but I don't care, as I look down at them I only have one thing to say "MOVE!".
With that the person shoots up and is gone before I can blink, I take a seat and lean back on the chair as I wait for class to begin.

Our teacher, Mrs. Read finally arrives and class begins. After 10 minutes of working... or not working in my case, I take out the poster of the runaway students and examine it.
(I don't recognise anyone on here so it's safe to say they didn't stand out much, oh well... My main focus is Short Stick. All I gotta do is find something to connect his running away with Flash Sentry... Then Flash's reputation will be ruined for good. I can give what I find to the school news paper and they'll do the rest).

After that I started to do some school work until the bell finally went. next was math which wouldn't be too bad. I'm distracted on my way to class when my lighter decides to heat up again. After it settles down I brush off the incident and continue to class.
When I get to class I take a seat in the back but soon hear someone talking trash about me.

"Yo Dancer, did you hear the latest gossip?" said a voice. "Apparently Cross has been running scared all morning from Blueblood. About time someone stood up to that tyrant."

"I don't listen to gossip Valkyrie. It's nothing but a waste of time... Besides that's probably not the full story" replied another voice.

It was Valkyrie and Slow Dancer, and once again Valkyrie was showing how gullible he was. I could stop there pointless conversation like I did yesterday but the faster the story spreads the better, so for now I ignored them.

Math passed by pretty fast and before I knew it it was time for recess... Or at least it would have been if I didn't have a counseling session. I headed to my hone room where I was to meet my councillor. I swore in my head about how stupid this was and that it was a waste of my time, but before long I arrived at the door and with a deep breath I entered the class.

Inside the class room there was only one person... Mr. Freeright. he was sitting on the teachers desk with his legs crossed.

(He must have left something in here from earlier) I thought as I approached him.

"Heeey... Cross man" Mr. Freeright said in a chill tone.

"Cross man?... Anyway, I think you might have to leave, I'm supposed to be here for a counselling session. The counsellor should be here soon" I replied in a board tone.

"Hey don't worry man, I don't have to go anywhere and your counsellor isn't coming." Mr. Freeright told me as he un-crossed his legs and let them hang over the table.

His response caused me to give a genuine smile as I thought about what I had just heard (if my councillor isn't coming then that must mean...). "You mean the counselling session has been cancelled" I asked excitingly.

"Nope... I don't have to go anywhere because I'm were I need to be, and your counsellor isn't coming because he's already here" was Mr Freeright's response.

After hearing that I stood there for a few moments as my brain processed what I was just told. Just to be sure I looked around incase I over looked someone. "Are... are you telling me... that your my... Counsellor?" I asked realising how stupid that must sound. There's no way Mr.Freeright's qualified to do counselling, but he's the only one in the room... besides me.

"That's right man. Celestia was looking for a councillor for you and I volunteered" Mr. Freeright said now focused on me.

"But... are you even qualified?" I asked with confusion clear in my voice.

"You know man... it's funny you ask that, Celestia had the same question." Mr.Freeright replied.

"I thought Principle Celestia said she wasn't going to give up on me" I said to myself quietly. "Oh well... Lets get this over with". I said as I took a seat opposite to Mr. Freeright.

"Sure thing man, now Celestia told me you have problems making friends... What do you gotta say about that"Mr. Freeright asked me.

"I would say that's not true... I've never tried to make friends" I replied with an eyebrow raised.

"Well Principle Celestia is hoping to accomplish a few things using these counselling sessions. The main one Is to get you communicating and making friends with other students, the other is to help make you more approachable... That means we'll try to work on your attitude." Mr. Freeright told me, which I just rolled my eyes at.

(all there gonna do is try to push me into after school activities and get me to play nice with others.) I thought as I impatiently tapped my foot. (I don't have time for this. I gotta connect Flash to Short Sticks runaway... my only lead is his alibi, not that I know were to start. I gotta collect information without Flash finding out.)

While I was in thought he continued "I was thinking that a good way to get to know others is by joining a club. Since your a very active person with good reflexes I was thinking a sports club might do you some good. The Football team might be looking for members" Mr. Freeright said with a hopeful smile.

"Your kidding? ...You realise I'm in counselling due to the fact that I'm always picking fights with them?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh... Well there are other clubs you can try, like the Chess club, the occult club, even the school paper. Mr Freeright replied with a sheepish smile. "Or hey, you could join the greener town club I supervise. We spread the information of proper disposable methods and alternative life options, we also help out at local events. We meet after school under the big tree next to the football oval from Monday to Wednesday."

(oh yeah that sounds like a load of fun. Hanging with a bunch of smelly hippies my age after school by the... Hang on, that's it!) I thought as I started to get invested.
"This Greener Town Club... You meet next to the football oval after school from Monday to Wednesday meaning you had a meeting there yesterday right."

"Huh...? Yeah man that's right" Mr. Freeright replied surprised I had taken an interest, which I had... but not for the reason he thought.

Seeing that he thought he was making progress I lead the conversation to get what I wanted "a club that takes place outside of a class might be the right environment for me. But I need more information on what it's like, maybe if I meet someone from the club I could get a better sense for what it's like... Then I could make a decision on if I should join or not." I said with an unsure tone.

"Well if your looking to get information on the club from a participating students point of view you could ask Tree Hugger... she's in your Art Class... She's got red hair." Mr. Freeright replied with a smile.

(Success! I can have Tree Hugger prove that Flashs story is false. She might have had a clear view of the oval so she would have noticed if he was there or not.) I thought to myself.
"Thanks Mr. Freeright I'll do just that" I said to him while I gave myself a mental high-five.

"No problem. You know, this counselling things pretty easy. I believe that's enough for today, we'll take this one step at a time, I don't want to overwhelm you." Mr Freeright said as he got up, and with that I made my way out of the class.

(I don't have art until forth period today and next is science for third period. I'll just have to be patient until then since I wouldn't know we're to find Tree Hugger anyway. right now she's my only lead.) I thought as I made my way to my next class, recess wasn't over yet but it would be soon.

As I'm walking past crowds of students I can feel my lighter heat up again, after a few seconds it cools down. (Hmmm... Why does it keep doing that? actually I remember it warmed up yesterday when saw Short Stick and Flash... Although I doubt it means anything as it warmed up 3 or 4 times before then. It was its hottest during science... Wonder if it'll happen again) I though as I felt the lighter in my pocket.

I made it to class before anyone and took my usual seat in the back. I took out my lighter and lit the flame to check it's colour, the flame was still green.
With no new answers or questions as to why the lighter has been weird lately I sighed and placed the lighter back into my pocket.

After a few minutes the bell went and the class began to fill up with students. Upon entering the room Doc turned pale when he saw me, while Derpy didn't react at all. (I guess Doc thinks I'm still pissed off about this morning... and I don't think Derpy even knows what happened.) I thought as the two off them took there seats in the front.

I would normally begin to doze off at this point but was to focused on thinking about destroying Flashs reputation that I couldn't relax, so i decided to pay attention in class for once... Boy was that a mistake.

it was like the teacher was speaking another language, it didn't help that the lavender girl was constantly explaining things in scientific terms before the teacher got a chance, or that she would answer questions before they were even fully given.
I could see I wasn't the only one annoyed by the lavender girls know-it-all behaviour as she was receiving annoyed glances from other students... Even the teach threw a couple her way, however she was ignorant of the others contempt for her.

I tried my best to make sense of the work but to me it didn't even look like English. I know I suck at home ecc but I just felt like an idiot as I tried to do the work. (shit... I didn't realise how far I fell behind in this class, everyone including Derpy look to be breezing through the work while half the time I can't even comprehend what I'm looking at... And the other half I ignore because it's too hard). the sudden realisation of how I'm the only one struggling in this class leaves a feeling in my gut that I hate... Defeat.

The class ended after what felt like hours and I leave the room with my head hung low. (Darm it... I can't let this continue to happen, I'll have to do something about this, but for now I gotta head to Art and talk to Tree Hugger).
As I head to Art my Lighter heats up... But I'm feeling to beaten too even care.
(My art teacher is Mr Freeright, so when he sees me talking to Tree Hugger he'll think I'm making an effort in changing my ways which should give him positive news to give the principle, and Tree Hugger will help expose Flash. It's like killing two birds with one stone.) That thought cheers me up a bit as I make it to class.

Art has been one of my preferred classes since I entered high school. Not because I'm a creative person or a tortured soul who uses drawings to express themselves... No it's because I truly feel I can not fail the class, there aren't any right or wrong answers in art.
It also helps that Mr. Freeright teaches the class. His way too easy going and his 'no answer is a wrong answer' approach to teaching means I can do very little and still pass.

I take a seat in the back, usually it's to minimise any unwanted attention from teachers but right now it serves another purpose... To identify Tree Hugger.
I've been at this school for almost a year and a half but I'm unfamiliar with the names and faces of other students. Apparently having a bad reputation and antisocial tendencies (according to Principle Celestia) causes me to not take notice of those around me unless I feel like lashing out either verbally or physically.

The only information on Tree Hugger I have is that she has red hair and is a member of the Greener Town Club. Given the club she chose to join I should look out for any signs of someone being a green thumb/hippy, such as peace signs, dream catches, colourful shades, baggy and worn clothes, slack way of speaking, and the possible smell of smoke.

The classroom begins to fill with students and so far no red haired girls. For a second I think I see her but it was just Flashs Dumb Girlfriend Sunset, although her hair looks like someone spilt ketchup and mustard on her head.
I was a little worried that I may have trouble identifying her, but besides Sunset their was only one other girl with red hair who had entered the classroom, and by the look of her and a friend of hers who she arrived with, they were definitely Eco-friendly.

The red head who I assumed was Tree Hugger had green skin and long locks of red hair. She wore a yellowish orange bandanna decorated with picture's of daisies on hear head.
Her top was a light pink silky long open sleeved shirt which showed a bit of cleavage from her ample breasts. Further down her body she wore a skirt the same colour as her bandanna that passed her knees with the picture of a red tree in the shape of a heart on the bottom left hand side of her skirt, she also had a necklace with the same tree design as her skirt that sat comfortably just above her cleavage.
On her feet she wore brown sandals.
Her facial expression was one of relaxed... She looked stoned with her righteous smile and drowsy eye's.

Her friend tended to stick out a little more. Her skin was was a light butterscotch yellow. She had very long straight hair that ran down her back with a fringe that would cover her face unless she pushed it aside which was a strawberry pink colour. She also had a blue butterfly hair clip.
She wore a thick green sweater with a picture of three blue butterfly's that struggled to hold her very generous sized breasts. (With breasts that big it's hard to believe she's in high school.)
She also had a white skirt and green boots.

(I'm generally surprised I never took any notice of pink girl before... her rack is huge, if I were to die i would want it to be by suffocation caused by her huge pillowie br...FOCUS!). I thought as I snaped myself out of my daydream.
(I just need to ask Tree Hugger about flash skipping practice yesterday. Then I can work on getting proof of his involvement in the runaways. I guess Sunset will get dragged down with him... Two birds, one stone).

(I'll wait until there's only 5-10 minutes left of class since it'll give me something to look forwards to before lunch, besides I already know the answer I'm gonna get). I thought as I watched the two girls take a seat.

Mr Freeright arrived to teach the class... about 10 minutes after class should have started. We were use to that so we started doing our own projects before he arrived.
I was working on a anti-Blueblood poster while loudly explaining my dislike for him and the idea of him becoming school council president. the way I see it is people who don't like me will vote for him to have there own personal victory against me... Little do they know there just pawns doing as we tell them to.

"Hmmmm... Seeing this remind me of when I use to protest against the Man" said Mr.Freeright from over my shoulder. "don't ask what the protests were about though, Everything from before I was I teacher is pretty hazy... In fact I don't even remember how I got this teaching gig" this caused me to raise an eyebrow.
"I had a bit of a Brownie problem in the past" he said with a shrug.

"Well I'm gonna guess you took some of your brownies to the job interview and Principle Celestia got so high... On your good vibes and sugar she hired you on the spot" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"hey, I think your right... I did take brownies to the job interview" he replied with a smile before going to see the other students work.

I continued working until there was only 7 minutes left till the end of class. (Time to ask Tree Hugger about Flash, then I can think about the next step in bringing Flash down.) I thought as I approached Tree Hugger and her friend from behind.

"Hey!... Tree Hugger" I called from behind her. Tree Hugger and her friend turned to face me, as soon as they saw my face her friend made a "eep" sound before stepping backwards and hiding behind her fringe. Tree Hugger however didn't react which felt unusual to me... She just stared with a half awake expression and answered.


This caught me off guard a little. "umm... Well, your a part of the Greener Town Club that meets next to the football field right" I asked. she replied with a nod. "Good... Anyway I have a question, how well can you see the football team from were your club meets".

"I can always see them as clear as rain" Tree Hugger replied to me.

"Great, I was wondering... Yesterday, did Flash show up for training?" I asked already knowing he couldn't have been there.

"Yep" she responded straight away.

"I know he was there at the end. But was he there from start to finish?" I clarified.

"Yep, his Girlfriend Sunset joined me and Fluttershy here in our club while she waited for Flash to finish practice" she responded as she gave a small nod to her busty friend apparently named Fluttershy.

This answer was not what I was expecting... And it annoyed me "...at anytime during practice did Flash disappear?" I asked with annoyance in my voice.

"Nah... Every once in a while Sunset would cheer for him" she said with the same exexpression.

(That can't be... I saw flash at Sugar Cube Corner) I thought.
"HEY! Funbags, is that true?" I said shifting my attention to the pink haired girl with annoyance clear in tone, she hid behind her hair while looking at the ground but she gave a nod.

(This wasn't how it was suppose to happen. I know what I saw yesterday... I need to think about this). I thought as I went back to my seat annoyed and confused. the bell went soon after and I left the class trying to figure out what to do next.

As I made my way to the cafeteria I could feel the lighter in my pocket heat up for a few seconds which only frustrated me more. (Darm it... This is more complicated then I thought... Alright, all I gotta do is review the evidence... There must be something I'm overlooking). I thought as I arrived in the cafeteria.

I walked over to where students were lined up for lunch and decided to grab a bottle of pulp free orange juice and a salad as I wasn't very hungry. I also didn't feel like waiting with these idiots so I cut to the front and placed $10 on the counter "keep the change" I said as I walked away. I could hear some complaining coming from the line but I couldn't care less about what they thought.

I found an empty table and began to eat my lunch as I thought about what my next move would be, blocking out the world around me as I mentally recalled what I knew.
(Yesterday after school I saw both Flash Sentry and Short Stick leaving Sugar Cube Corner together, now it would take around 8-10 minutes to get there and back from school by car... but neither of them drive. Bus takes 15-20 minutes due to how many stops there are along the way and the nearest bus stop was about 5 minutes away by walking).

(When I got back to school he was already there with Sunset, and I have witnesses saying he never left school). I thought both angrily and confused.
(I must be missing some small detail... What else happened? Flash had a bag of sugar... That's odd considering they were at a bakery... since when did bakery's begin selling their ingredients? did they get the sugar from there?... If so that's definitely strange).

I placed my hand on my chin as I tried to recall more details. (My lighter seemed to heat up when I passed them... Although it's been doing that all yesterday and today... Flash's reaction was off to... That is to say he didn't react at all. Usually Flash wouldn't just ignore my insults... He the type of guy that always pushes back).

By this point I've calmed down a little to consider... other possibilities. (What if... That wasn't flash? No, i know what i saw and Short Stick seemed to know him... But he still looked uncomfortable around him like how a loner would seem if he started hanging around popular kids).
clearly I needed more information as this was more complicated than originally thought.

(there are three things I need to do. First I need to learn more about Short Stick... I know nothing about him except his a loner, so then why all of a sudden is he friends with Flash... One of the popular kids.)
(Second, I can talk to the Owners of Sugar Cube Corner. Find out what Flash and Short Stick did while they were in the store.)
(and Third..., Does Flash have a twin brother...? I would feel so dumb if that's the case and I just never noticed).
I stood up and decided to begin my investigation the only way I knew how... By doing something morally wrong without any regret, but first i'll need some help.
After looking around the cafeteria I spotted what I needed... Although, who I needed, would be more accurate.

Across the room in a cowboy hat and braces was the loudmouthed blond gossip Valkyrie, who seemed to be trying to chat up the slack jawed thick legged farmer Barbie who looked annoyed. As I got closer I could unfortunately hear there conversation.

"Fer the last time ya SNAKE... I aint interested in go an on a date with ya!" Barbie said to Valkyrie. She was clearly annoyed at the friendly gossips unrelenting attempt at scoring a date with her.

"Hey come on... We have so much in common. Your a farmer... I'm a farmer. We'll both be at Har-Fest anyway so all I'm suggesting is meeting up there and having a little fun together. If you don't fell comfortable coming alone you could bring a friend and I'll bring a friend... we can turn it into a double date" Valkyrie said doing his best to be smooth but coming off slimy.

"First a all, ya family aint farmers... Ya horse trainers. An secondly I'ld be too busy running ma familys booth ta be running of with ya even if I waned to..." replied Barbie more annoyed than before. She looked like she had more to say but lost her focus when she saw me approaching from behind Valkyrie. she shot up now looking angry instead of annoyed and took a stance that said she was ready for trouble.

"WHAT do ya want ya Varmint" she called out angrily.

Valkyrie was confused and a little scared as he thought she was still talking to him until he heard my reply come from behind which cleared up his confusion... But not his fear.

"I guess I would like for you to take some speech therapy and learn to speak like a regular human being. You know, instead of a country hick... Barbie" I said annoyingly as I met her hateful gaze with my annoyed bored stare. "but I suppose for now I'll have to settle for him" I said as I reached out and grabbed Valkyrie by the back of his shirt and began dragging him away.

"WHAT..? Hey hold on a sec... What did I do..? Someone HELP! He called out which grabbed the attention of over half the cafeteria. luckily Blueblood wasn't here to stop me as he didn't like eating with us people from the lower class.

"Mah names not Barbie, it's APPLEJACK!... And wha do ya want with that snake?" I could hear that farm girl yelling behind me as I was leaving with Valkyrie being dragged behind me. I ignored her words but stopped when I made it to the door.

(I suppose while I'm here I should clear up that twin theory) I thought as I turned my gaze towards were the football team was sitting. I could see that Flash looked ready to intervene as I met his angry gaze with mine.
"HEY FLASH!" I called out across the room "do you have any twin brothers?".
That question suddenly threw him off as anger turned to confusion. (I guess he wasn't expecting a question like that).

Now confused he answered my question "...No...?".

With that I left the cafeteria with Valkyrie in tow. just as the door was closing Valkyrie called out one final time for help.
"Why isn't anyone HELPING ME!!!" he called as the door shut behind us.

As dragged Valkyrie through the school halls he began to speak. "Wha... What do you want with me Cross?... I never did anything to you" he said nervously.

"What I want is information. Information that a chatty gossip like you might have" I said which made him look even more concerned. "a friendly person like you makes it a habit to know we're the popular people hang, which means you would know were the losers go as well. I wanna know were Short Sticks locker is."

"that's it? Why do you wanna know that?" he asked curiously.

"So I can break into it of course" I said plainly. at that he looked concerned and ready to argue against that idea.

"Hey look... Cross... I know he ran away and he can't complain about you stealing his stuff... but it's still against the rules to be breaking into someone else's locker" he tried to reason with me.

After hearing what he had to say I stopped and looked thoughtfully into the air. "Huh... You know that's a good point. I never thought about it like that" I said which caused him to ease up.
"oh... but, counterpoint". I continued as I turned to face him with a pissed off scowl. "Show me where the locker is or i'll BEAT the information out of you!" I finished as I cracked my knuckles.

"IT'S THAT WAY" Valkyrie practically screamed in a panicked tone. At that I smiled and we were off.

After a few minutes we were at the locker.
"that's the one! right there, just like you asked for" Valkyrie said in a rushed panicked voice.

"Good. You can get lost now and I hope you understand what'll happen if you tell anyone about this" I said as I gave him a menacing glance from the corner of my eyes. after a nod and a wimpier he ran off.

(I don't know if i'll find anything helpful but I'm low on options). I thought as I inspected the locker. it was locked and I didn't know the combination... but I do know these lockers are poorly made and cheap.
I take a few steps back before I quickly move forwards and bring my foot up.


I give the lock area of the locker a big boot which causes the door to bend and swing open.
The lockers pretty barren besides a Math Book and a laptop. I pick up the laptop and inspect i. (this is one of those laptops the school owns. They let students who don't have computers borrow them for a few months to do work).

I decide the only thing worth taking is the laptop so I place it in my jacket and leave the scene of the crime. (luckily this laptops pretty compact, someone might see me if I hang around too long, I can check the laptop after school) I think as I walk away.

The bell rings soon after signalling the end of lunch and the start of fifth period, health. I went to class and took a seat up the back.

(If this is just more first aid I can just relax for the rest of the day). I thought to myself. (with all the fights I've been in I'm used to patching myself up, also helps to have a father who's a doctor. Taught me a bit about medicine and first aid... Back when we used to talk more often).

The Teacher arrived after a few minutes. It was Couch play "Good after noon Class" he said as he entered the class. "Today we'll be continuing on with what we were doing last week... First Aid".

(that's all I needed to hear) I thought as leaned back in my chair and closes my eyes. Couch play won't bother me as he doesn't care what I do unless it's during P.E.
This would be a good time to take a nap, but I'm too curious about the incident that I find myself thinking about what to do next.

(I'll check the laptop for information after school then head over to Sugar Cube Corner, whoever served Flash and Short Stick might have noticed something).
As i'm deep in thought I feel something bump me in the arm. I slowly open my eyes and look down towards my arm as I try to locate what disturbed me. I see a scrunched up piece of paper on the ground.


I hear in a hushed voice to my right. As I look I can already begin to feel annoyed as I spot the person who threw the paper.It's the Farm girl, Applejack. And she looks pissed.

"Wha did ya do ta Valkyrie!" she snaps at me in a hushed voice.

To that I role my eyes and go back to what I was doing. I don't care what she wants, and I simply don't feel like answering.

"Hey! she asked you a question" came another voice.

Looking back towards Applejack I noticed she was with two friends, one was Sunset and the other was a girl I was unfamiliar with. she was the one who spoke just a moment ago and was painful to look at.

Her skin was cyan and she had messy shoulder length hair that was every darm colour in the rainbow.
She had a white crop top with the words 'Rain Boom' printed on it that exposed her toned abs. Over that was a dark blue short sleeved jacket that wasn't any longer than her crop top. As for her breasts... She was as flat as a board. For a moment I almost thought she was a he due to her short hair, toned body, and small chest... Or lack of one.
She also wore a pair of black bike shorts that exposed a lot of her toned legs. Her shoes were a pair of blue sneakers. just by her appearance I could tell she was sporty and she looked just as angry as Applejack.

"If your so curious why not ask Valkyrie" I said plainly.

"I did! an he said he dont wanna talk bout it." Applejack replied angrily.

"Well... What sort of friend would I be if I went against Valkyries wishes and told you?" I replied sarcastically.

"YOU'RE NOT HIS FRIEND!, YOU DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS YOU BULLY!" the cyan girl practically screamed at me.

This got Couch Plays attention as he looked our way.
"Is there a reason your disrupting my class Rainbow Dash?" he said with authority.

"What?... Oh, sorry." Rainbow Dash replied nervously, which Couch Play accepted and went back to teaching.

"I'll be keeping an eye on you, Cross" Applejack said in a hushed voice before getting back to her work to which i rolled my eyes at.

Class eventually finished without any further incidents.
(Today lasted way to long... and whats with Barn Yard Barbie constantly trying to start fights with me... Hopefully that doesn't become the theme of the week). I thought as I headed to my car.
(I can check through the laptop then head over to Sugar Cube Corner)

The parking lot was full of students who were either walking home or doing there own thing as they waited for the bus.
When I got to my car I felt heat coming from my lighter once again, it lasted only a few seconds before cooling down. "sigh... One mystery at I time" I told myself.

I got into the car and turned on the laptop, after a minute of start up the laptop was ready. I wasn't sure what to look for as most of it was school work... Which I decided I could use for my classes (not like he needs it anymore).
Deciding I wouldn't find anything in his school work I decided to check the internet browser, since I was still in school grounds I had access to there WiFi.

(Seems he uses this for more than just school work) I thought as I went through his history... And ignored some questionable searches.
(seems the last visited site was MyFace... actually he frequently uses it according to his history).

MyFace was a popular social media site for people to talk to each other and post pictures... usually about dumb and unimportant stuff. I was never a fan of social media were everyone got together to chat... also i'm anti social?
(luckily he's set it up to keep him signed in) I thought thankful for Short Sticks Carelessness. (huh... whats this? seems he received a message yesterday from... flash sentry).

The message read:
"hey, I know we don't talk much but after seeing what happened during P.E. I thought you might be feeling down. You probably feel like you let your team down and are embarrassed. I'll help you get your mind off it so how about we hang after school?
We can meet at Sugar Cube Corner around 3:30.
You know were that is right?

Short Sticks reply read:
Yeah I was bothered about that today and could use a hand getting my mind off it.
Didn't think you cared as we've never really spoken before.
and yeah I know were Sugar Cube Corner is... Everyone does.

This was it. the proof I needed that flash was at Sugar Cube Corner.
But something didn't feel right. (why did he say "after seeing what happened"? he was a cause for it) I thought as I reread the message again. Something was wrong... But what.

Suddenly I had a thought I opened flash sentry MyFace profile by clicking on it, then in another window I searched for Flash Sentry's MyFace profile. putting both windows next to each other i examined them.
They were identical, both had the same pictures and profile information... But some things were slightly different. The names for one, as the one that messaged Short Stick was flash sentry while the other was Flash Sentry. (one used uppercase letters while the other used lowercase).
The second was the friend list as lower case flash didn't have many friends... Not even Sunset. I checked when the page was made to see it was made only 2 weeks ago.

(What the hell does this mean...?) I thought as I started to worry that I was getting involved with something far more than I could handle.
(Now would be a good chance to quit... But then I won't get answers... so is this Flash? or someone else? i know what i saw). my curiosity got the best of me as I decided I wouldn't stop until I got answers.

At this point i felt a familiar feeling in my gut... It was a hunger, one that would only be satisfied with answers.
But then i started having doubts. (Maybe I should go to the police?... No, I don't have any real proof that this is related to the runaways. I mean the police say the runaways have been calling and writing home so it could be nothing... Although they are still treating the case as suspicious).
I decided get moving as it was unproductive to sit around (guess i'll head to Sugar cube Corner).

It took about 10 minutes to drive to Sugar Cube Corner. after parking outside I got out of my car and approached the front door.
The building is quiet colourful and is designed to look like a gingerbread house... Or store in this case. Looking at the store from the front there is a large window that customers can lookout to the street with and a glass door to the right of the window with an open sign hanging from it.
Being a bakery they sell a large assortment of cakes, sweets and pastries. while I don't dislike this sort of food i've never entered the store because it's overly cutesy appearance deterred me.


As I open the door I hear the sound of a bell attached to the door. Looking around I can see many tables scattered throughout the room, most of them occupied. In the back is the counter were you pay for your food and next to it is a long glass display counter filled with many colourful sweets & treats.

I make my way to the counter remembering that I've heard quite a few students talk about this place. Sugar Cube Corner has become a well know hangout spot for many students at my school.

There is a young girl working the counter who looks to be around the same age as me... And she certainly looks happy.
The girl has pink skin and darker pink puffy hair, kinda like fairy floss. she has a big smile and wide blue eyes.
She is wearing a plain white t-shirt with the words Sugar Cube Corner printed on it that may be a few size too small for her... or at least that's what it looks like as her Breasts are huge (she could give that Fluttershy a run for her money). In fact, all this girls features are quite round, if I were to describe her in one word it would be "Plump".
She also wore a small pink skirt covered with the design of party balloons.

"WELCOME to Sugar Cube Corner!", the girl greeted me with a huge smile. "This I your first time here isn't it Cross".

"Yeah, how did you know?... and how do you know who I am?" I asked curiously.

"I remember everyone I see, and we go to the same school. I work here part time after school so i'm familiar with all our customers" the girl explained, "But I never expected to see you here, I thought an overly cutesy place like this would be to embarrassing for a bad boy like you". the girl stated plainly while keeping that big dumb smile.

(is... She mocking me? Her expression makes here had to read). I thought, not sure if I should be angry or not.

"I guess even you can't resist the smell of these delicious cakes" The girl continued to talk.

"actually I'm not a fan of pastries", I lied. "I just want to ask a few questions".

"WHAT!!!... Everyone loves cake", the girl shouted oddly concerned. This got the attention of some of the other customers and a older man came out of the back room.

(He must be the manager.) I thought.
The man was was tall and skinny with yellow skin and orange hair. He wore an apron with a picture of a cake printed on it, and wore a small white hat that a icecream man from the 1960's would wear.

"Is something wrong Pinkie Pie?" The man asked voice full of worry.

"We've got a code red Mr. Cake!... A customer who doesn't like sweets!" the girl who's name is apparently Pinkie Pie explained as if it was a real emergency.

To that Mr. Cake rolled his eyes and began to head back to what I assumed was the kitchen.

"Excuse me" I said interrupting his departure. "I have a few questions that both of you might be able to answer"

"oh... Uh sure, what would you like to know?" Mr. Cake said as he made his way back to the counter.

I reached into the inside of my jacket and pulled out the poster of the runaway students and unfolded it. I held it up to both Pinkie and Mr. Cake while pointing at Short stick. "Did this guy come to this store yesterday with anyone between 3 and 4 o'clock?" I asked.

Mr. Cake was the first to respond " hmmm... I'm not sure, I spend most my time in the kitchen or on deliveries. pinkie and my wife usually run the register". He answered as we both looked to Pinkie Pie awaiting her answer.

Pinkie Pie appeared to be deep in thought, She had one hand on her chin and was squinting her eyes to focus on the poster.
Finally she opened her eyes wide and gasped as she pointed at the poster.

"Well?" I asked impatiently awaiting her answer.

"Is that the poster of the runaway students from the school bulletin board outside the cafeteria? Twilight freaked out when she saw someone stole it" Pinkie explained.

To that I scowl at her and tapped the picture.

"Oh yeah, Short Stick and flash were here yesterday" pinkie said returning back to her goofy smiling expression.

"Did anything seem off about them?" I asked.

"well, Flash did seem a little... unfriendly." she responded.

"did they happen to buy anything odd... Something a bakery wouldn't usually sell... Like sugar?" I asked Pinkie.

"Yeah, Flash did buy a bag of sugar" Pinkie answered.

"Actually" Mr Cake interrupted. "Quite a few customers have been buying bags of sugar from here".

"So Flash has brought sugar fron here before?" I inquired.

"No, yesterday was his first time. We don't usually get the same customer buying sugar." Pinkie clarified.

"how long have customers been buying sugar from you? And how often does it occur?" I asked feeling like I was on to something.

Mr Cake thought about it for a moment then answered. "We started selling sugar around 4 months ago... We wouldn't normally sell our ingredients but there willing to pay quite a bit, and we sell one to a customer every 2 to 3 days." he said.

(Around 4 months... That's when students started running away from home. I have a hunch that I'm on the right track, If I follow the sugar it might lead me to Short stick... or something. But if a customer only buys every second to third day I'll have to comeback tomorrow.) I thought. "that's all the questions I had." I said as i turned to leave.

"Wait! Don't you want something delicious before you go? I got fresh baked double chocolate fudge brownies." Pinkie pie said as she held a fresh tray of the mentioned treats in the air, where she got them from so fast i'm not sure... i know they weren't there a second ago.
Despite how good they smelt I ignored her and left the store. I had to gather my thoughts and I can't let sweet treats distract me... Also I have a reputation to maintain, so spending time in a mum and pop bakery isn't helping with that.

I get into my car and sit there quietly thinking about what I just learnt.
(could I really be uncovering some crazy conspiracy? No, All I know is that Flash who was at school yesterday was also here with Short Stick... who disappeared shortly after. also that Sugar Cube Corner started selling there supply of sugar to customers 4 months ago, around the time Students started running away... However it sounds like they get many different people looking to buy sugar at a high price.) I thought still unsure what it all meant.
(then there's the fake MyFace account used to contact Short Stick). I mentally noted. (I guess for now all I can do is wait until tommorow and see if anyone buys sugar after school. From there I can follow them and see if they lead me to some answers).

I knew that maybe this was bigger than me, maybe I was out of my league and maybe I should just walk away... But I was curious. I was excited, and most of all I had absolute confidence that no matter how bad things got I could prevail... after all, I'm better then everyone so there's No way i would lose... Besides... It could be nothing.
I drove home as I had nothing left to do.

I could see that no one was home and they probably wouldn't be for a few hours. I didn't even bother listening to the messages on the answering machine as I had a good idea as to what they were about.

I probably should had done some homework but I was too anxious about tomorrow that I couldn't sit still so I went out into the backyard.
after removing my jacket I began exercising. Due to my reputation and history i always end up in a fight so i do what i can to stay in shape, and since i'm usually clashing with Flash Sentry and the school football team it helps me keep up with them.

Fighting's kept my body fit and my reflexes sharp for the most part and while I've never had any formal training I've always been sharp and have learned a lot from street fights. But when it comes to a fight I feel more comfortable swinging something like a bat or a pipe.

After what felt like an hour or two I grabbed my jacket and went back inside. The training didn't get my mind off tomorrow but it did wear me out as I was now covered in sweat, so I went upstairs and had a quick shower.

When I was finished with my shower I headed back down stairs after chucking on a pair of black shorts.
I was still the only one in the house so I decided to have an early dinner which was just some leftovers from a few nights ago.

I watched TV while I ate. Nothing good was on but I enjoy how it made the empty house more lively, soon after dinner I decided to head to bed as I didn't have much else to do.

After going up upstairs I went to the bathroom and grabbed my jacket off the floor then headed to my room. I removed the lighter and poster from my jacket and placed them on my desk, I did the same for my newly acquired laptop.
I took hold of my lighter flicking the lid off and lighting it to reveal a green flame. (one mystery at a time) I thought with uncertainty as I placed the now unlit lighter back on the desk. I then turned off the lights as I got into bed.

"I'll uncover whatever Flash and Short Sticks are involved with tomorrow. ...Is something strange happening in this town?" I said as I drifted of to sleep.