• Published 8th May 2017
  • 1,542 Views, 9 Comments

Strange Town - general_bad

The Amount of runaway Teens is on the rise in the small town of Ponyville and nobody knows why. Nobody except Cross a Bad mannered highschool delinquent. Now he'll try to play the hero his own way as he fights off the monsters infesting his town.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - Har-Fest part 4

Author's Note:

I just looked at the tags I used when I first started this story and sore I included sex... Boy was this story going in a different direction when I conceived it.
I still plan to keep the tags as I prefer not to rule these things out... But my main character is so dislikeable and anti-social it's gonna be a long time before I get to that.
I'm also just not great at writing that stuff.

Strange Town 006 part 4

Chapter 6 - Har-Fest (part 4)

It was a little after 11 on a Saturday, and instead of sleeping in like I would usually be doing I was instead heading to school on a fetch quest.
Today was Har-Fest, a town event that celebrated farming culture and would help raise funds for our towns local Farmer's... Which I couldn't care less for... And boy have I tried.
Normally it's the type of event I would try to avoid... That type being social. However, due to a mild unrelated self interest I found myself there to ask Big Mac and Granny Smith for a favour... Well, that and because my mum asked/threatened me to be there.
Anyway, in order to help persuade Big Mac into agreeing to my requested, I agreed to run a small errand for him. That being to pick up his Sister, Applebloom, from some rehearsal from school.

(I was hoping I could've just done something simple for him like watched his stall for a few minutes, or introduce him to soap. I wasn't expecting a straight up fetch quest.) I mentally complained to myself as I continued to drive to school in silence, afraid to turn on the radio as I knew of the country music waiting for me.
(...At least I'm getting away from Har-Fest for a few minutes.)

It wasn't a very long drive as I soon pulled into the school parking lot... Or at least it hadn't felt like a long drive as I was far too happy to be away from the hippy gathering. But soon a troubling thought crossed my mind.
(Hold on... What the hell does Applebloom even look like?)
This was troubling because it could mean I would have to just approach everyone and ask if their Applebloom. And I hate having to deal with others.

(Hold on. This is Big Mac's little sister. And I've seen an Apple family portrait before... Even if it was quite outdated.) I think as I remember back to the picture Granny Smith had shown me from when she was around my age.
The point was, there were sure to be signs of Applebloom's connection to the Apple family. So using all the knowledge I had I began to picture what she must look like. A strong muscular build, poor hygiene, slurred and dumb downed speech to the point of simply answering with a 'yup.'
However, being a Saturday my brain wasn't in the mood to solve complex hillbilly equations as the best I could do was picture Big Mac in a dress. "Eck!..."
It also didn't help that everyone looks almost identical to me so even picturing someone I've never met before wasn't easy.

I quickly park, deciding that there isn't likely to be many people here anyway as he was supposed to pick her up at 11 and it was now 11:20. I'll quickly deal with whoever I have to and get this fetch quest over.
But as I get out of my car I realise this might be easier than I thought as I spot three figures sitting along the stairs of the entrance to school. Now I'm not a betting man, as a childhood incident swayed me away from gambling at an early age. But I was pretty certain I knew who of the three was Applebloom.
Amongst the three I believed it was the one in the center as something of hers caught my eye. Although it wasn't her yellow skin, long red hair or her bright pink bow in said hair as non of these things seemed to resemble either Granny Smith or Big Mac... It was the fact that she seemed to be dressed as a giant red apple.

(Well... I think that's Applebloom. I mean, I'm on not 100% sure, but... It's a giant apple.) That was all the evidence I needed as I walked towards her.

"Hey!" I called out to her as I neared.

But due how vague that must had been the three girls who I could now distinctly see as I was closer just stoically starred at me.

This somewhat confused reaction of theirs was odd to me as I was expecting some kind of negative response. This had caught me off guard as I waited a moment before continuing.

But before I could, the girl sitting to the right of the supposed Applebloom with orange skin and short spiked purple hair who seemed like a tomboy shot up to her feet, her eyes wide in shock as she yelled out.

After that sudden surprise of hers' there was a moment of silence as I noticed the other two take there attention away from the surprised girl and turn it to me. They then squinted at me for a moment before having similar reactions as they shot to there feet.

"OH NO! He probably came for Apple Bloom!" The girl to the left of who I assumed was Apple Bloom urgently said to the other two girls. This one had alabaster skin and long light purple hair. She seemed much more feminine than her spiky haired friend.

(Huh?... Did Big Mac message Apple Bloom and tell her I was on my way?... No, she said I was probably here for Apple Bloom, that means she's guessing. Well either way she's right. And their probably just on edge due to my reputation. Which is smart of them.) I Quickly thought before responding.
"That's Right. Now just to make sure there aren't any screw ups, your Apple Bloom, right!" Turning my focus to the one dressed like a giant apple.

Her eyes were wide with fear as she replied somewhat shakily. "D-Do ya really haf ta do this... C-Can't ya jus forget 'bout it...?"

"Apparently I do have to do this. And it's not exactly ideal for me either." I answered, annoyed that I've become somewhat of a taxi recently. "And why would I forget about it and leave at this point, I put too much time and effort into tracking you down!" I somewhat exaggerated as I continued. Although, it's not really an exaggeration considering even doing a small favour like this for someone who isn't family is a miracle for me.

"Can-... Can ya at least leave mah friends alone?..." Apple Bloom replied. Although it kinda sounded more like she was pleading.

"Yeah, Of course..." I answered, kinda confused.
(Perhaps Big Mac was gonna give them a lift as well... Well, I guess they'd rather walk. Not that I care, I was only here for Big Mac's little sister.) I thought.
"...I don't care about your friends. I'm just here for you, now hurry up and get in the car." I continued as I pointed with my thumb to my car parked behind me.

"WHAT!!!" The three of them suddenly annoyingly shrieked to my surprise.

"...I said, I'm here to take Apple Bloom! Now hurry up and get in the car!" I said a little louder this time. I wasn't sure why they seemed so dramatic.

There was a silent pause as the three just stood there like a deer in headlights.

Gnashing her teeth the spiky haired tomboy replied. "...NO!"

The other two looked at her in amazement.

I just rolled my eyes and sighed. (Please don't make this a thing.)

She then continued. "I don't care who you are. The three of us have waited and prepared for today for too long. I'm not just gonna let you ruin that!"

(Wait... Were they planning on ditching Har-Fest.) I thought before I replied.
"I don't care what you prepared, this is just the way things are. I came here for Apple Bloom, so I'll be taking her!"

The tomboy was clearly hesitant as she knew their was very little she could do to stop me. So instead she did something unexpected.
"...In that case, I'm Apple bloom."
Unexpected... Because it was stupid.

The other two were shocked at this ridiculous claim while I face palmed and wished I could have just slept in. ... seriously, why is everyone giving me so much trouble today.

"...your not Apple Bloom." I lazily replied.

"LIKE YOU WOULD KNOW! YOU SUCK AT REMEMBERING FACES" Tomboy childishly shouted at me. Clearly upset that her master plan wasn't going well.

"Your not wrong." I admitted. "But come on, there is too much evidence to say your not Apple Bloom."

"oh yeah!... Like what?!" She spat back.

"Just gonna go for the obvious. Your outfit while sporty isn't quite as ratty or as poor as you would expect to see on some backwater town farm brat. ...also, she's a giant Apple." I said as I motioned towards the girl in the giant Apple costume who was clearly Apple Bloom.

"Hey! My clothes aren't ratty and poor!" The giant Apple complained.

The tomboy however wasn't ready to let this go. "well... That's because... Oh! We're in costume! Yeah, we just got done rehearsing for a play and these are our costumes! That's why I look so nice."

"I wouldn't really say you look nice." I replied which she scowled at.
"But for the sake of wasting more time, let's say that were the case. There's still the fact that your speech is fine. You sentences aren't broken and you don't have a southern accent."

"Wha yo meen I ant got me a south end accident" she replied in a poor attempted southern accent.

"I DON'T talk like that!" The Apple girl complained, clearly annoyed by the tomboys unintended mockery.

"Welllllll...." The more feminine long purple haired girl began before the Apple girl cast a glare at her.

"Okay, Fine! ...I'm not Apple Bloom. But I'm not just gonna let you take her!" The tomboy said.

"Well that's not up to you to decide, or me in this case... Point is, I'm taking the Fruit." I say as I walk towards the girl dressed like a giant Apple.

But the tomboy jumps in my way with her hands stretched out to block me from getting passed... As if that was gonna stop me.
"S-Sweetie Belle! Go get miss Cheerlee!" She said to the more feminine long haired girl apparently called Sweetie Belle.
The tomboy looked more afraid then angry. The least she could do is try to act confident.

"I don't know if she's still here, Scootaloo. I can't see her car, although she might have parked at the back of the school. But it may take awhile to get her and I don't feel comfortable leaving you and Apple boom alone with Cross." Sweetie Belle replied to the tomboy I now knew was named Scootaloo.

(Wow! They really don't want to go to Har-Fest. Not even I was willing to fight this hard to avoid going... And I really didn't want to go, even though I had reasons for going. ...Either way, I better act fast. Looks like their willing to play the stranger danger card and make this more difficult. Whoever miss Cheerlee is she could be a problem if she were to get involved. I mean, I could most likely take her if things got ugly, but I just wanna be done with this...) I thought as I decided to stop procrastinating.
"Look! I don't care what you all have to say. This is what's gonna... No, this IS what's happening!" I proclaimed as i pointed towards Apple Bloom. "You can either do this the easy way or the hard way, but either way your coming with me. Now which is it gonna be!?"

They were quite for a moment as they just looked to one another not sure what to say. That is until the Tomboy Scootaloo found some Courage.
"Th-There's no way w-were leaving Apple Bloom alone with you..."
This had a positive effect on the other two as they all then stood together.

"...Hard way it is then." I said as I rolled my eyes.


Cheerlee had recently finished supervising the rehearsal the Cutie Badge Crusaders had done on the founding of Ponyville. The Cutie Badge Crusaders was a school program designed by Principal Celestia that had young female students explore a variety of activities to help find something they could focus on in the future, like a career. it was kinda like girl scouts, but with more variety. However there were only currently three members. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. It wasn't quite the success Celestia had been hopping for... although, most of Celestias' creative programs aren't.

The play they had been working hard on was... well, incredibly inaccurate, poorly scripted, had terrible costume design and no budget.
Most times Cheerlee wasn't one to complain about supervising the after-school activities of the Cutie Badge Crusaders as she actually really enjoyed teaching children, something that couldn't be said about most teachers at this school. But today was a Saturday, she didn't want to be spending her time at school. Even though she didn't have any plans, this wasn't any way to spend a Saturday. If it wasn't for the fact that the Cutie Badge Crusaders were Principal Celestias little pet project she definitely wouldn't be here today. But at least they were finally all wrapped up, Cheerlee thought as she walked though the school towards the back.

But as she walked down the empty school halls she heard something, something that sounded like a commotion. She quickly realised it was coming from the front of the school were she had recently left the girls. Sceptical yet worried, she headed back to the front of the school.

It didn't take long for her to arrive at the steps at the schools entrance where she had last seen the girls. They were no longer their, however the commotion could now be heard much more clearly.

"QUIT KICKING ME!!!" cried Apple blooms voice which came a little further ahead from the car park.

A worried Cheerlee rushed towards Apple Blooms voice. She could see a car parked just ahead with what appeared to be someone kicking it.
But as she got closer she realised it wasn't the car that was being kicked.

"I SAID QUIT IT! ...Ya gonna ruin mah costume!" Apple Bloom complained as her legs dangled out of the card as a larger boy with slicked back black hair was trying to force her into the back seat of what she assumed was his car.

"I already kicked that thing like 8 times and their isn't even a single dent in it. I don't know what you made it out of, but it sure as hell is durable. A few more kicks shouldn't be a problem." The boy nonchalantly argued back as he delivered another kick to Apple Blooms backside.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" Cheerlee demanded, generally not sure as to what was going on... But she had a hunch though.

"Hmm...?" The boy curiously hummed as he very casually glanced behind himself to see Cheerlee.

She hadn't expected that. There was no sudden surprise or shock present in his body language at her sudden arrival or the aggravated tone of her voice. This made her hesitant. She was an adult while he was clearly quite young yet he didn't seem to care about her presence. It was... Unnerving.

This became even more unnerving as a sudden smile crept into the boys face as he turned to face her directly.
"Hey Lady! Think you could help me get this kid into my car!"

A shiver ran down Cheerlees' spine as their eyes met. His red sinister eyes looked through her like she was nothing. There was an aura to this boy that was full of confidence yet dangerous. And his question sounded more like a demand then anything else.
She hesitated for a moment before asking her question again. This time however with less confidence.
"...What do you think your doing!"

The boy raised an eyebrow at that before taking a step to the side, giving Cheerlee a clear view as to what was going on.
"Her dumb ass costume is wider than the frame of the car door. She's stuck. But I figure I can just brute force this problem." He casually answers.

"Miss Cheerlee! Help! Don't let 'im take me!" Apple Bloom cried for help as her legs dangled outside the car.

Cheerlee was shocked at this situation as her protective instinct soon kicked in, hesitation being driven out by adrenaline as she quickly Spoke up.
"You can't just force someone to go with you. What about the fact that she clearly doesn't want to!"

He once again raised an eyebrow at that. "Well that's not really a problem I can brute force. That's more of a personal issue of opinion."

This once again threw Cheerlee off. He was way to casual. It was like they were in two completely different situations.
"...who are you?" Cheerlee asked.

"It's Cross!" She heard Scootaloo cry in a panicked voice.

"What? Scootaloo, was that you?" Cheerlee said as she quickly looked around to try and find her. She soon saw an arm waving at her behind Apple Bloom's costume.
From a gap between the cars frame and Apple Blooms costume she could vaguely see that both Sweety Belle and Scootaloo were also in the back of the car.

"He's a little hard to recognise without his usual jacket, but the guy is Cross." Scootaloo once again called out.

"Cross?..." Cheerlee said as she examined the boy before her.
It was then that she recognised him.
"Your a student at this school! The one trouble maker Vice Principal Luna is always going on about. Even a lot of my students don't have anything nice to say about you!"

"...I feel like all you needed to say was, I'm a student from this school. The rest was kinda unnecessary." Cross replied sarcastically.

She also noticed he had Appleblooms phone in his hand. "You even took Appleblooms phone!"

"Pretty smart huh, she tried calling the cops or something to play that whole stranger danger card. These three will do anything to avoid this." He replied in amazement.

Not sure if she was confused, angry or worried. Cheerlee pushed on. "Why are you taking these girls!? ...Where are you taking these girls!?"

"Well I was originally just after Apple girl, but the other two insisted they weren't comfortable with me just taking her alone... so now all three of them are in the back of my car." He replied.
"If you don't wanna help get her into the car just say so. You don't have to act all dramatic and waste my time with your theatrics." He says more like a complaint than a statement as he goes back to pushing Apple Bloom into the car.
And with another kick the costume is forced in as the other two girls are pushed along the seat by Apple Blooms sudden entrance.
"Ha! Told you it would fit" Cross triumphantly continues as he shuts the back door before moving to the drivers seat.

As he starts up the car Cheerlee tries to open the back doors to no avail as they've been locked, she than quickly moves towards the passenger side window.
"Girls! Hurry up and get out before he starts moving the car."

"We already tried that. There locked on the inside as well" sweety Belle says in a panic.

"It's called child lock and it saves me from lawsuits" Cross states as he starts up the car.

"What your doing is considered kidnapping. It's a serious crime" Cheerlee pleads, hoping he will reconsider his actions.

"Yeah... But is it really kidnapping if I'm underage and so are they?" he confidently replies.

To which Cheerlee simply replies. "...YES!"

That soured his mood as he rolled his eyes before driving away.

Cheerlee stood their in shock. She had never had to deal with a situation quite like that. Unsure of what to do she reached for her phone and just stared at it.
"...Should I call the police?... Or should I... Maybe... Principal Celestia?"

I had only just left the school and was a street away with the girls Now in the back. I didn't need all three but it seemed easier this way.

But watching them through the rear view mirror I saw something I didn't like as the three huddled together. So I pulled over.
"What the hell do you think your doing?!" I say to them, annoyed that I have to.

They seem very hesitant as they quickly dart looks between each other as they don't seem to know what I'm on about.

I continue somewhat sarcastically. "What, is this your first time in a car." But they still just look at me with wide hesitant eyes.
"Seriously?... Seat belts!"

"...huh?" The three reply in unison.

"That strap with the metal bit at the end of it. Look, I don't care if all the cool kids and celebrities are doing it. If your in my car your wearing a seatbelt!" I find myself having to tell them.

It takes them a moment but they finally stop giving me a blank stare and buckle up there seatbelts.

Satisfied I once again begin driving again. (Geez, I know one of them was raised in a barn so then what are the other two's excuse. ..maybe there slow.)

There fairly quiet which I find myself enjoying. But I quickly start thinking of how much of a hassle today has been. One constant issue I've had all day is people not recognising me. But I decide to put an end to that as the carousel boutique is on the way to Har-Fest. (Rarity should be done fixing my jacket by now.)

Soon the girls start silently talking in hushed voices as if not to be heard, and before long they go quiet once again.

That is until Scootaloo Decides to speak up. "Are you gonna Harvest our Organs?"

"...What!?" Was all I could reply to the sudden question.

"He's probably gonna dump our corpses into unmarked graves outside of town!" Sweety Belle, suddenly stated.

"Or maybe sell us inta a child slave work camp! Mah Granny warned me 'bout those." Apple Bloom followed suite.

...I was silent, had I heard them correctly.

The three were silent for a moment before suddenly screaming.

(What the hell are they talking about! Why would they think... Oh no, did I maybe actually grab the wrong people?... Well I guess I did end up with two extra, but if one of them is Applebloom then they should realise where going to Har-Fest.) I thought before deciding to be more direct.
"Shut up back there!" I told them off. This got them to suddenly go quiet as they then focused on me. "What the hells with all those scenarios?... The dumb ass in the costume is Applebloom... Right?"

The three girls seemed scared and confused, the one I assumed was Applebloom nodded to my question.

It took me a moment but I was finally putting things together. "You actually have no idea why I'm here, do you?"

After a hesitant moment the three shook their heads.

"So Big Mac didn't tell you anything?" I further questioned.

This time they gave each other a confused look before Aplebloom spoke up. "Big Mac?... What does be have to do with this?"

Annoyed, I continued. "Big Macs the one who sent me to get you. ...He seriously didn't call or text you to let you know he couldn't make it?"

There was a moment of silence before she replied. "Big Mac? Mah big brother, Big Mac?... How would ya even know him?... Why would he even ask ya?"

Sweety Belle then gasped. "He's lying, I saw this on the news. Kidnappers tell victims a family member asked them to pick them up and then their never seen again!"

Rolling my eyes I replied. "If I tell you how I know Big Mac and why I'm playing taxi for him, will that make you all feel better and stop freaking out?"

The three girls calmed down a bit before Applebloom replied back. "Yes. Okay, that would make us feel better."

I took a deep breath and... Kept driving. After a minute Applebloom once again spoke up. "Well?... Aren't ya gonna tell us how ya know mah big brother?"

"No." I simply replied with a sinister smile. The three once again became wide eyed and jittery as fear bad once again taken their imagination to crazy places.
I probably could had made them feel more at ease, but I simply didn't care how they felt. I also wouldn't won't them to become slightly comfortable around me, I feel I've become far too social, the way Pinky Pie casually spoke to me today had really soured my mood today... Well, that and a lot of other things in my life. I couldn't remember when being antisocial had ever been this hard.

A little bit later I arrived at my first destination as I began to slow to park the car.

"This definitely isn't Har-Fest!" Scootaloo said in a panic as she looked out the window. "What nasty vile place did you bring us to!" She continued with some aggression.

Applebloom then chimed in from the center. "What ever it is ya know it's not good. I just now it's a place full of evil."

Sweety Belle looked out her window in confusion. "...were at the carousel boutique?"

"...huh?" The other two replied in confusion.

Scowling back at the three girls through the review mirror I say. "I'll be back in a minute. Don't touch anything."

They were still confused as Scootaloo was the first to speak up. "Don't touch anything?... Don't you mean, don't get out of he car?"

To which I replied. "I don't think that will be problem, unless you can figure a way to get the dumbass and her apple costume out of my car before I get back." I then get out and head into the carousel boutique.


The three girl look amongst each other as cross disappears into the carousel boutique.

Looking at Appleblooms costume Sweety Belle says. "He kinda has a point. I don't think we're gonna be able to get Applebloom through these doors."

"Of course we can!" Scootaloo declared. "He was able to brute Force her in so all we gotta do is brute Force her out. How many kicks did it take him?... 9?... 10?... I'll do it 5!" She bragged as she raised five fingers.

"No Way!" Applebloom protested. "I don't like bein kicked around. I put lotsa work inta makin mah costume and I don't want ya wreckin it!... Besides, with tha child lock doors we can't even open em."

Taking a moment to think Scootaloo came up with an idea. "...how about we jump into the front seat and just use the front door?"

"Similar problem." Sweety replied. Appleblooms costume still won't fit through the front chairs, and I doubt the doors are much wider on them either."

"...oh! Just ditch the costume. Once you take it off we shouldn't have any problem getting out." Scootaloo suggested.

"R ya crazy! What if someone sees me?" Applebloom suddenly complains.

Both Sweety and Scootaloo looked at each other in confusion before Sweety spoke up. "Why would that be an issue."

After an awkward silence Applebloom began to blush. "...I guess I neva told y'all 'bout this but, well, this costume isn't what y'all would call open or breezy. So it has a tendency to get hot under the collar, but I didn't wanna mess with the design so I figured since no one could me anyway... Well, I'm not wearin a whole lot under it."

This was followed by another moment of silence as they weren't sure how to respond.

soon after Scootaloo had another idea. "Well... It's not like all of us have to escape..."

The other two were shocked as Sweety was first to respond. "You can't be serious Scootaloo! You can't be suggesting we just abandon Applebloom. Who knows what someone like Cross would do to her... Or her highly valuable organs!"

Applebloom didn't like that last part. She was practically sweating bullets under her costume.

"Hold on!" Scootaloo said before beginning to clarify. "I em saying we ditch her... But only for a minute. We're at the Carousel Boutique, all we gotta do is have me and Sweety Belle run inside and get help. Their open so either Your parents or your sister Rarity should be their."

A glimmer of hope appears in their eyes as they realise it could actually work. Jumping over the seat both Sweety Belle and Scootaloo open the car door and hop out before they turn back to Applebloom, giving a look of encouragement that says, hold on.