> Strange Town > by general_bad > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - my week starts on a Monday - edited > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 001 Chapter 1 - My week starts on a Monday "VRRRRrrrrrrr"... That was the sound that woke me almost every morning. The sound of a car pulling out of the driveway, it signalled that it was time for me to get up. I'm not much of a morning person and would have preferred to stay where I was, in a comfortable and warm bed. And perhaps I would had the sun not been blaring in through the window directly at my face. I could just simply rollover and try to ignore it but I have trouble falling to sleep when there's too much light in the room so instead I stretch out my limbs before getting out of bed. The house is quiet as usual I'm the only person here as both my parent's are way to busy at work all the time. Dad's a doctor that I see Maybe two times a week while my mother is always off helping with community functions and charity events. While mums home more often than dad she always locks herself away in the study, planning the next event or a new way to raise money for charity. I don't think I've spoken to either of my parents all week and that's not because I'm a moody teen who hates authority figures (which I em). And it's not because I'm embarrassed by my parent's, it's because there always running all over town never slowing down, they've been like that for as long as I can remember, which isn't a bad thing since I've learned to be self reliant over the years but they could wake me for school or at least say goodbye before going off to work, although in their case it would be hello. I walk out of my room located on the second storey of the house and down the hall to the bath room. I grab my toothbrush and after applying a bit of toothpaste I begin brushing my teeth, scrubbing any plaque and gunk off my teeth and hopefully getting rid of any morning breath as well. I look into the bathroom mirror to see my own reflection starring back. I'm quite tall with a muscular figure, dark grey skin and on my head sits shoulder length black hair that most would consider a mess... Except that would imply that at some point my hair was neat. Using some gel I slick my hair hair back so that it's out of my face. My tired and somewhat grumpy red eyes watch me while I complete my morning ritual. Once I'm done I do one more cheek in the mirror noticing my usual grumpy scowl that most people avoid me for... And may or may not have caused weak minded children to cry. Leaving the bathroom I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen to grab some breakfast. I make some toast and and take it to the lounge room to eat in front of the TV, the local news is on and the weather girl is telling me how bright and perfect today is in our small town of Ponyville... I know, it's an odd name and one you would never here me say out loud. For as long as I can remember I've lived in this town and so did my parents and there parents before them. It's a quiet place where nothing really happens, and what little we're known for is a small apple orchid on the outskirts of town. "Our next story is on the increase of teenagers running away from home in the small town of ponyville. Within the past three months eight teens have left home leaving only a letter saying they've gone to follow there dreams and occasionally calling home to let there parents know there safe. Could something be encouraging today's youth to leave or is it just coincidence that there all running away in such a manner?". (They probability just took a look around and realised they live in a backwater town) I thought. "On to some brighter news. Har-Fest is just days away, so show your support for local farmers by showing up" the news anchor continued, by this point I lost what little interest in the news I had. (Har-Fest? ...I guess they had to shorten the full title from "Harvest Festival" for those uneducated backwater farmers) I thought cynically. Finishing my breakfast I look at the time realising I should get dressed and go to school. Making my way back up stairs I head towards my room to get changed. I put on a plain white T-shirt and a pair of dark blue tracksuit pants with a silver line running down both side's, I then put on my favourite black jacket with white fur around the collar and ends of the sleeves. The design on the back is a white cross with arrow points at the each end of the cross, after putting on my shoes I grab my car keys and head back down stairs and outside. My car is a black 1969 Dodge Charger that I inherited from my grandfather 4 years ago, he had bought it a year just before passing on. My father didn't want it as he already had a car that he claims is reliable and "up-to-date", so he gave it me and while I may have owned it for so long I only gained my licence a few months back. Besides the car I also gained a box of his old junk that I keep in my cupboard. The only other thing I liked of his was an old flip top lighter, I don't smoke and I'm no arsonist I just liked flipping the lid of it. I couldn't use it even if I wanted to as it had no fuel in it, couldn't even get a spark. It appeared to be gold plated with the symbol of a eye engraved onto both sides of it. I get into the car and start it up. After checking for traffic I pull out of the drive way and head towards Ponyville High were I attend school. along the way I pass a few of the local businesses. There's sugar cube corner, which is a small overly cutesy mom and pop bakery. Barn's and Noble, which is a book store unrelated to the chain of stores with a similar name. Golden Oaks library, which has been closed for the past few years as they haven't found a new librarian yet. and Natures Muse which is a fancy health food cafe. I eventually arrive at school which took about 25 minutes if you don't include traffic. I have no problem finding a parking space as only a few other students drive and cars are expensive so it's reserved for those students that are either rich or are lucky enough to have both a dead relative and parents who aren't to concerned with the well being of there child... Yay me... From the Car I can already see the shifty looks on the faces of some of the other students as I park. During my time here I seem to have gained a bit of a reputation as a trouble maker. It could have been because of the countless fights I've been in, my disregard for the rules, or even my bad attitude. Well whatever it was I wasn't very liked by the other students or teachers, which was fine by me as I wasn't too fond of there dumb ass's either. I could see Flash Sentry drinking an energy drink and giving his girlfriend dumb lovable looks. Me and him have never gotten along. He's the captain of the football team while I do my best to avoid all clubs and after school activities. he has yellow skin and spike blue hair, his quite fit and has a dumb smile that you might see in a toothpaste commercial. Being the captain of the football team he wears the schools sports jacket all the time. His girlfriend is Sunset Shimmer. She used to be the most popular girl in school despite being a bitch, which I find odd as I'm an ass to just about everyone and that never made me popular. At some point she turned over a new leaf and became a decent person. When I asked another student what happened they told me some BS story about magic and her Turing into a demon before she was stopped by six other students who used the power of friendship. One was apparently a pony princess from another world... Well that will teach me for trying to socialise. It didn't end there either, every school event I missed/ditched they made up some fantasy story to go with it. Like musical demons at the school concert, the new girl who became a power hungry demon during the cross school sports festival, or my favourite the monster of camp Everfree attacking students at camp. while he puts his drink down and is distracted with what ever him and his girlfriend are talking about, I quickly walk past and snatch his drink without alerting him. (If I'm gonna get through today I need this more than you). I only make it to the front door before it swings open and a young girl runs out not paying attention to the world around her and runs right into me. While she falls over backwards I remain upright but drop my new drink. the girl is much shorter than me with light yellow skin and long red hair tied with a ribbon. She has freckles and wears blue overalls with a white top. she looks around confused before she realises whats happened. "Ahh geez sorey 'bout th-" after looking up to see who she bumped into she stops mid sentence and any looks of confusions and shame are replaced with fear. Her accent made her hard to understand as she sounded like she was from either a old western film or some backwater town. At this point we had gained a bit of an audience, most onlookers giving worried looks but none actually willing to get involved. I could hear some whispers coming from them. "Oh no, Cross is gonna kill her!" "Run Applebloom! Before Cross gets you!". (My name isn't Cross by the way, that's just a nickname I picked up that both references the cross on the back of my signature jacked and my attitude which seems to all ways be cross.) "Darn it you little Backwater Brat! You made me spill Flash's drink!" I spoke in a loud angry tone. This caused her to give a quizzical look. "err, dont ya mean ya made me spill mah drink?" she replied. "I know what I said, and no... I would never say whatever it was that you said, because my parents aren't related" I spoke down to her while my facial expression changed from slightly angry to angry and annoyed. "Hang on, wait... WHAT?" I heard come from behind me. Turning my head slightly I could see flash starting to piece it together. The suddenly missing drink, me coincidentally having the same drink, my confession. The gears in his head were starting to turn. "HEY! YOU STOLE MY DRINK" he called from about 15 meters behind me. now giving him my full attention I turn to see him walking towards me in an angry huff, getting close to my face. "What did I say was gonna happen if you stole my stuff again!" With a sarcastic tone I replied. " That you would get YOUR ass kicked in front of everyone again". "WHAT?... I'm the one who won our last fight" he said getting a little closer. With a smug look I said "Shit, just how hard did I hit you to make you so delusional" just like him I moved a bit closer, we were eye to eye and a fight could breakout at any moment. We had gathered quite the audience, some chanting for a fight until Flash's girlfriend grabs him by the arm and looks him in the eyes. "His not worth it, just forget about him. We should be getting to class". Flash's facial expression changes from anger to disappointment, then to a saddened knowing smile. "Your right". he tells her. The crowd begins to disperse before he gives me one more angry scowl and the two of them walk off. "PANSY" I call after him which he ignores. I look around and spot the slack jawed girl who's now walking away with two others who are probably her friends comforting her. Last I checked she was the one who assaulted me, oh well with nothing left to do here I make my way inside. As I arrive in homeroom I head straight for my usual seat up the back in the corner. I'm mostly ignored by the other students as I walk past them, some are to busy talking while others do there best to avoid eye contact. Most of them know that if they leave me alone there is a good chance I'll leave them alone. There are only a few people who I regularly seem to clash with, and the biggest dumb-ass of them all is Flash. perfect people like him really seem to tick me off, it was like that during my first year of high school and it'll be like that during this second year too. Were only three months into the year and it was already a reoccurring theme. I take out my lighter and begin flipping the lid on and off again while I look out the window and into space while I consider my personal choices over the year that gained me a frowned upon reputation. It's not like I'm such a bad person... By my own standards. it's just that I'm a very honest one, I like to speak my feelings and have no trouble doing so. I also seem to escalate situations and tend to act before thinking on most occasions. I also never regret my actions. And sure I have no regards for the lives and wellbeing of others, but who does? ...Maybe I em a bad person?... Nah. Because of this I've had trouble making friends... or at least I would have if I ever tried. my social life exists somewhere between nonexistent and myth. I just do as i like and don't let others get in my way. The bell sounds as I take a look around the class while the other students take there seats and have a familiar thought. (I couldn't name a single student here if my life depended on it). despite being in the same class for over a year with them, when it came to names and faces they all kind of blurred together. Unless I stepped on there toes enough like Flash's then they were nobody. The teacher entered the class and I put my lighter back into my pocket. the teacher is Mr. Freerights, a tall elderly man with light pink skin. His long grey hair was tied back into a pony tail, he wore glass on the end of his nose and wore a sleeveless denim jacket over a multi-coloured t-shirt. He mostly taught art and was your stereotypical hippy, meaning he was pretty loose with the rules as he was a free spirit. meaning I could get away with a lot in his class. He didn't care whether I showed up or not as his favourite phrase was "life is the real classroom man". meaning my choices are my own, and each one I make means I grow a little with each one... I think? this worked out for me anyway as I would miss quite a few days and he never hassled me. "Okay class... as usual I won't bother taking roll as your either here or you not, but as you know life is the real classroom man and you'll always learn something new" Mr. Freeright said as he sat on his desk. (How he hasn't been fired yet will always confuse me, but I'm pretty sure he probably gets paid less then the other teachers). I think just before he begins to speak again. "The principle has asked me to remind you that recently some students have runaway from home, if you have any information you should inform her immediately. For more info on the runaway students there is a flyer up on the student billboard just outside the cafeteria. Now on to some brighter news, the school council presidential election is coming up soon so you should really consider who your gonna vote for. The current candidates are Mayor Mare and Blue Blood." with nothing of value left to say he went on to talk about a greener earth for the next 15 minutes before the first period bell rang. "Before you all go, just a reminder that if you're interested in joining up for the greener town club we meet at the big tree by the foot ball oval every Monday to Wednesday after school. I supervise the club and you can come and go as you please, so if you want to make a difference come on by." Mr. Freeright said as students were leaving. (the only difference it would make is how I plan to be annoyed today) I thought. As I left the class I thought about the classes I have today. First was math and science, followed by P.E. and home ecc, than I end the day with history. I'm not very smart, but what I lack in knowledge I make up for in being clever. I'm descent at math but suck at science. P.E. Always turns into a competition between me and Flash, and I had planned to ditch home ecc as my cooking skills are almost non existent. (Good thing I'm not picky about food). That just left history before I could leave this loser factory and head into town to kill time doing nothing constructive. I headed for my first real class of the day, math. taking my usual seat in the back I waited patiently for the teacher to arrive while flicking my lighter. As I sat there I over heard some of the other students talking about somethings that weren't quite true. "Hey Slow Dancer, did you hear about what happened this morning at the front of the school?" said a long haired blonde boy with braces standing near the desk of another boy who I assume is his friend. "No Valkyrie, I haven't heard anything of interest about this morning". answered the shoulder length red haired boy who wore a beanie with the pattern of stars and stripes apparently named Slow Dancer to his friend Valkyrie. "Well apparently within just 30 seconds of being here Cross robbed Flash and beat up some little girl" replied Valkyrie. (WHAT! ...that's only half true) I thought to myself hoping nothing comes from this latest rumour. at this point Valkyrie noticed me glaring at him which caused him to gain a nervous look before promptly walking to his desk sitting down and shutting up. it didn't take Slows Dancer long to catch on to what caused his friend to lose his talkative nature as he faced forwards and pulled his beanie a little further down his face. Soon after the teacher arrived. Time flew by without much complication as we went between the teacher explaining how certain formulas work and us answering some questions from our text books. Before I knew it math was finished and I was off to science, ready for a nap. while I get maths science always seems to fly over my head. I arrived and noticed only two other students were already here. A lavender girl with long dark purple hair with a streak of violet purple, she was at the very front of the class. and a light brown boy with puffy brown hair and a long scarf who sat in the middle. I may not know there names but I know these two love science as mush as I love pissing off Flash. Their the two smartest students in the class, and probability smarter than most of the staff. I took a seat in the back and placed my bag on the table to be used as a cushion. My plan was to sleep through science as I felt it was a waste of my time... I may not know what I want to be in the next few years but it definitely won't be a scientist. Soon the class is full and I begin to doze off... "BOOOOOOOMMM!" A loud sound wakes me from my sleep as I spring to my feet to see the guy with the scarf running in circles, the end of his scarf is on fire while he's chased by a gray cross eyed girl with long blond messy hair trying to operate a fire extinguisher and failing. She's saying Sorry repeatedly. That girl is one of a few students I actually know the name of... Well I don't know her personally but I remember hearing others talk about her. Her names Derpy, and besides me, that girl is the most dangerous person at the school. my instincts tell me to avoid her at all cost, she is a walking hazard. I notice all the other student have moved to the walls of the class to put as much distance between them and the small fire slowly climbing the scarf of the brainiac. Suddenly my upper left leg feels hot and I jump back from the desk in a panic to see if my pants caught fire. I see there isn't any fire and it begins to cool down. The heat seems to have come from my pocket and as I reach in I feel my lighter slightly warm before it cooled to normal. While I was fumbling around with my hands in my pants the teacher had grabbed the extinguisher off Derpy and had put out the fire. The class regained order and we learned Derpy had added to much of the wrong chemical which caused some kind of chain reaction. It resulted in a beaker exploding and the Guy who everyone apparently calls Doc (or Doctor) too catch fire. (If I'm lucky this will get more attention then my morning exercise in dealing with idiots). I thought optimistically. No on was hurt but Derpy would have to stay and help clean during our break. Doc was sent to the nurse to make sure there wasn't any injury he could sue for. There were a few rattled students such as the lavender girl who looked more worried than anyone. She was mumbling something about it not working whatever that meant. (probability cause a know it all like her was helpless to do anything). soon the bell sounded and we left for our first break of the day. I went to the cafeteria and after grabbing a tray and some food I sat at an empty table. I reached into my pocket and took out my lighter. ("I know I felt it get hotter just a few minutes ago... Why?) I thought. As I examined it I noticed it felt a little heavier than usual like it had some fuel in it now, but I couldn't feel or hear anything like liquid swishing from side to side as I moved it around. I thought about trying to get a light but i knew that in the past 4 years of owning it I could never get so much as a spark. Before I investigate any further I'm distracted the sound of a familiar annoying laugh coming a few tables away. Flash and his football team friends are being overly loud as usual, and while I could go over there and tell them to stop their noise pollution I'd rather save my energy for P.E. and show him up there. As I continued to eat my lunch in peace. (whenever Flashs body remembered that in order to talk he required oxygen). I looked around noticing how everyone else sat together in groups with there friends and how they couldn't be more different than me if they came from another universe. Flash and his friends were as opposite as you could get. I saw Valkyrie and Slow Dancer sitting with a third boy probability talking about something stupid as Valkyrie kept making dumb faces. there was Doctor who was now sitting with Derpy who looked to be done cleaning and they looked happy, despite one lighting the other on fire not too long ago. even the know it all girl sat with Flash's girlfriend Sunset Shimmer and some others probably talking about the fire from earlier as she still looked worried. But then I saw someone who reminded me of myself... No that's not right, at first glance we might seem similar on the surface but he radiated a sense of loneliness, a need to fit in but didn't know how unlike me who didn't want any thing to do with those around me. He had dark blue skin and short brown hair. He wore glasses and had a simple white t-shirt with the logo of something I didn't recognise and a pair of jeans. seeing him just annoyed me as I'm allergic to pathetic people... Just ask Flash. Soon our break is over and I'm off to the gym for P.E. where I'll out shine the class as usual. The class all change into our sports uniforms and soon the P.E. Teacher arrives. Competitive Play, or Coach Play as his called is my second favourite teacher at this school. he has alabaster skin and his hair is short and dark in the style of a crew cut. he wears a bright red sweat suit that his torn the slaves off to show his muscles. he may be more muscle than brain but he doesn't try to make me and Flash get along, in fact he encourages our competitive nature and always has us on opposite teams. (why are my favourite teaches always the least qualified?) I caught myself thinking. "ALRIGHT LADIES! I'm gonna make this short and sweet, today your gonna be playing DODGE BALL! the team captains will be the football teams captain Flash Sentry, and local slayer of little girls... Cross." announced Couch play. "That's not true... Flash's girlfriend dragged him off before I could kick his ass" I said loudly for Couch play and everyone to hear, which gained a chuckle from him and a glare from Flash. "Alright flash your up for first pick" said Couch Play with a grin. As expected Flash chose the biggest guy there. He was much taller than the others with huge muscles and alabaster skin, which I considered a poor choice as while his big he's not very mobile. An easy kill. Since I don't bother memorising people's names I would point at the person and give a brief description of them. I did however recognise Valkyrie and Slow Dancer. Assuming they work well together I made sure to get them on my team, although I planned to do all the work anyway but they can be meat shields for me. By the end of team picking there was one last guy who was forced onto my team. The loner from lunch. "DARM IT... fine I guess I'm stuck with loner guy" I said disgruntle. "My names not loner guy... it's Short Stick" he replied with no real emotion in his voice. "...Of course it is" I said with all the energy drained from me. The teams had been picked, 12 people per team and from what I could tell Flash was quite familiar with most of his team by the way they would banter, which was the opposite from how my team was. Most of them looked like they didn't want to be here but that didn't matter as I had planned to take down the other team by myself from the start. My team mates were nothing more than meat shields that would draw some attention away from me. Both teams got to there starting positions awaiting the start of the game. From the other side of the gym I locked eyes with my main target, Flash Sentry. But as much as I wanted to get him out I knew I wouldn't be satisfied doing it straight away, no... Instead I would eliminate his team and save him for last, drawing all the spotlight to us before claiming the victory in front on everyone. Couch play standing just of to the side of the gym, called out loud enough for everyone to hear. "Alright LADIES, just a quick recap of the rules. The game starts when I blow my whistle and ends when all of one teams players are eliminated. At the start of the game both teams must run to the centre of the court to collect a ball, you are eliminated if you are hit by a ball thrown by the other team. however if you catch the ball the thrower is eliminated and you can bring an eliminated team mate back into the game. you can't go past the halfway point and once a ball touches the ground it becomes safe." Waiting a few seconds to see if any students had anything to say Couch Play brought the whistle to his mouth, "WWWHHIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS". And like that the game began as both teams made a mad sprint to the centre of the court. Rushing ahead of my team I made it to the balls at the same time as Flash. We both grabbed the ball to our right, not wasting any time Flash hurled his ball at my chest. I jumped back a few feet to get some distance and used my ball to deflect it. Unfortunately this caused it to fly off to my right striking another of my team mates. (Oh well, it's his own fault for being careless) I thought as I looked for a target. off to my right was the mountain of muscle Flash had chosen for his team at the start heading for a ball in the centre. Flash could see what I was planning and tried to warn his teammate "lookout to your left Bulk Biceps". The mountain of muscle apparently called Bulk Biceps hearing his team mate slowed down and looked right instead, watching this fool who's brain must be made out of muscle caused me to grin as I threw the ball at the back of his head for a easy kill. I ran back further to collect the ball Flash had thrown while dodging another ball thrown by the opposing team. After getting the ball I ran back to centre keeping an eye on Flash while looking for another target. Seeing an opponent coming straight at me with another ball I decided he would be next. he throws the ball straight for me which I duck under before pegging my ball into his left leg as he tries to retreat. Off to my side i see Flash throw a ball which ricochet off the side of one of my guys right into another gaining a cheer from his team. Slow Dancer tries to take advantage of him high-fiveing himself as he throws a ball at him. but Flash is to quick and grabs the ball before it makes contact eliminating Slow Dancer and bring back an eliminated opponent. (Useless) I thought to my self as I watch Slow Dancer take a seat on the bench. As time passes by both teams slowly begin to dwindle until all my team has left is just me and Valkyrie against Flash and two others. with no balls on our side Both of Flashes team mates target me, one throwing at my left arm which causes me to dash right towards Valkyrie while the other throws at my legs which I jump. as I land I notice a third ball in mid flight coming at my chest thrown by Flash. As I'm still of balance from just landing and with no ball to deflect the incoming projectile this was it, game over. Flash's team had figured me out and worked together to back me into a corner. However what they didn't take into account was my hunger, the hunger for victory that I craved for, and my hunger was much greater than there's. Instinctively I reached for Valkyries hand and forcefully pulled him in front of me as a shield. Valkyrie caught off guard had no idea what was going on as the ball bounced off his chest and into the ground. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" "OH COME ON" I could hear my benched teammates calling from the side. finally Valkyrie registered what had happened and looked at me with a shocked expression "WHAT THE HELL CROSS" he shouted. "Shut up and get out of my face, you served your purpose" I replied calmly as I looked past him and straight at Flash. "That's cold even for you" Flash said as he looked down at me. "As long as I win I don't care how I do it" I replied with a grin as I got up. I grabbed the three balls that were just thrown. With three balls I quickly came up with a plan. I tossed one ball high into the air so that they could catch it easily and eliminate me, however that ball was bait to draw there attention. Flash ran away from were the ball would land knowing I was up to something while one got into position to catch the ball, the other stood were he was and watched me. As the ball started coming down I focused on the guy catching the ball and took a stance to throw a ball at him while he caught it. figuring out what I was planning the second guy ran to get between me and the catcher. however I tossed another ball into the air between the runner and the catcher that could be easily caught, it would land before the first ball. Not sure what to do the runner changed target for the second ball hoping to get his team the win. Everything was going according to plan as Flash kept his distance not sure of what I was planning. If he had gotten involved this would of failed but I had planned that his suspicious nature of me would keep him from interfering. even if he figured it out, at this point it was too late. the final step relied on my own ability which I had total confidence in. I was starving and the only thing that would satisfy me was victory. I thew the final ball as hard as I could at the second ball as it became level with the runner. it zoomed through the air hitting the second ball at an angle causing it to speed up and veer right while the third ball veered left. The second ball now going at the runner caught him by surprise and hit him in the face before bouncing to the ground. The third ball collided with the side of the face of the catcher who was focused on the first ball, knocking him to the ground as the first ball finally landed safely on the ground. The gym fell silent as I grinned at Flash while he looked at his now eliminated teammates with uncertainty. from the benches some students had jaws dropped while others rubbed there eyes not sure if they had seen that right. in only a few seconds I had evened the playing field. Finally some of the students spoke up "Darrrrrmmmmm" "he's unstoppable" "Come on Flash, your the only one who can beat him". This was it, just the two of us left, whoever hungered for victory more was gonna win... and I was starved. With the biggest grin I watched Flash as he took in the encouraging words from his team. with determination he faced me. With a sinister grin I called out to him "Your girlfriend can't save you this time, let's en-" "WWHHISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" Interrupted Couch Plays whistle, the gym fell silent again as we all looked over at the couch who had a piece of paper. Next to him was a girl I recognised, to my surprise it was Sunset Shimmer who waved to Flash with a nervous smile. "Flash... did your girlfriend just come to to save you?" I called out to him confused. "I... I don't know" he replied voice full of uncertainty. Couch Play looked between the two of us. "Flash... Looks like your girlfriends come to save you. CROSS... I got a message from the principle that Sunset delivered, guess who wants to see you in the principles office" called Couch Play. "Your kidding" was my reply "can't it wait 2 minutes?". "Don't worry, you can sub with your teammate whose next to reenter the game if you caught a ball" said Couch Play as he looked to my teams bench "Seems that would beeee... Short Stick". "SHORT STICK... I FORGOT HE WAS EVEN HERE, your messing with me aren't you" I said with a shocked and defeated look "I can't believe you had your girlfriend save you again." Flash had a embarrassed look "That's not... I didn't... Just go already". "Soooo... I'm just gonna go" said Sunset as she turned and left while everyone focused on her. "...I'll go get changed" I said as I hung my head in defeat and left for the change room. I finished changing and was now walking down the hall towards the principles office. (Darm... I was close to victory. To have it stolen like that at the last second leaves a bad taste) I thought as I approached the Principles office door raising a hand to knock on it. "KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK". "Come in" called a gentle and calm voice, almost motherly. I opened the door and walked in, the office was pretty plane filled with paper work that I couldn't even guess what they were for. In front of the window was large office chair facing away from me and out the window. behind that was large office desk filled with papers and on the opposite side of the table were two chairs. Looking around I couldn't see anyone. "Please, take a seat." Called the motherly voice. I closed the door and moved further into the room, I sat in the chair to the right in front of the desk. after a few seconds the large office chair on the other side of the desk turned around to reveal a figure sitting in it. It was a tall woman with alabaster skin and beautiful long flowing hair consisting of many light colours you could find in a rainbow. Her expression was one that was kind and knowing. This woman I knew to well as I had been here in this office far too often, this was Principal Celestia. "Well Mr. Desire, looks like once again you've ended up in my office" Celestia Said in a stern voice. "I'm not so old as to be referred to as Mr... Cross is fine, and only my friend's call me by my name anyway" I replied in a board tone. "Yes, well... If that's the case you might forget your own name with how it's never said" Celestia answered me with a smirk. "Although I suppose if you like nicknames I could call you D.D." That one got my attention as I glared at her, she knew I hated her cute nickname. "Anyhow, that's not the reason I asked to see you today. The recent rumour is that you picked a fight with a young girl today as you entered the school. Applebloom if I'm not mistaken, as well as a another confrontation between you and Flash Sentry" Celestia said in a stern voice. "Hold on a second! ...I never fought this Applebloom, or Flash. And that's not due to a lack of trying" I replied back sarcastically. "Sigh... This isn't just about today's incident, it's about all of them. Being anti-social is one thing, but when you repeatedly target other students and harass them that's when I draw the line!" Celestia spoke now scowling. "So what... Your gonna suspend me again?" I asked with a board tone. "No..." Celestia replied now calm. "You don't seem to learn when I suspend you... In fact isolating you just worsens your anti-social behaviour. instead you are being assigned compulsory counselling during you first break everyday in homeroom starting tomorrow". "COUNSELLING! ...You can't be serious" I said shocked at my new punishment. "Oh, but I em. If you miss even one session without reason you will not pass your current grade and will have to repeat." Celestia answered me as if passing judgement. Suddenly the bell went signalling the end of third period and the start of the fourth. "Well, I believe we're done here. Now go off to class and don't forget what I've said" Celestia said as she reached for a pile of papers to her right, grabbing the first paper from the top and began reading it. With that I left her office annoyed with my latest punishment. (Darm, this is the worst) I thought as I walked to my home ecc class. As I waked through a sea of students all going to there next class, I felt a warmth coming from my pocket. Reaching into my pocket i felt my lighter was hot, not as hot as it had been during science but differently noticeable. After a few seconds it became cool once again. (something is definitely weird with my lighter, I'll check it out after school.) I thought as I approached my class. If there was anything I failed at more than science it would be cooking. So for the next hour I made a complete fool of myself, luckily with my reputation no one said anything. I did receive some looks but they stopped after I gave a glare or two. After an hour of self torture and destruction of perfectly good ingredients, the bell rang sounding the end of my personal nightmare. I was the first to leave the class not hesitating for a second. If I forgot something in the class I considered it gone. I headed for the cafeteria desperately needing a break from failure. It doesn't help that I keep thinking about how staring tomorrow I lose my first break as I start counselling. I grab a tray of food and take a seat somewhere in the far corner of the room. From a few tables away I can hear some of Flash's friends telling the rest of the football team about how today's game of dodge-ball went. No surprise to hear how after I left my team suffered a crushing defeat. I see Flash loving the attention, but right now I don't care. From almost the other side of the cafeteria I spot loner-guy. No wait his name was Short Stack... Or was it Short Stick... Maybe Short Straw? well whatever it is I see him wallowing in self pity. probably not used to having all the spotlight on him then blowing it, not that anyone would have expected him not to. Guy needs to get more confidence... And some friends, just like the rest of these sheep, because seeing someone as sorry as him just ruins my mood and puts me off my appetite. As a student walks by they quietly drop something on my tray. I quickly cover it with my elbow already knowing what it is. its a piece of paper that's been folded repeatedly to make it as small as possible. That might seem shady... and that's cause it is. I unfold the paper and read what's written on it "NM (AS)." To anyone else that would have made no sense, but to me it couldn't have been more clear. It meant meet at Nature's Muse after school. it was a message from Blue Blood. Blue Blood was a rich kid originally from Canterlot High who transferred to our school during the last semester of last year. Apparently he's related to Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna. (despite how often i'm in trouble I rarely see the Vice Principle). He's the type of person who likes to let his money and higher standing do the talking. he's also the type of person who employs not so honest methods to get his way. Whenever it's blackmail, extortion, or bribery. You name it he's done it to get whatever it is he wants at the time... and when he needs some heavy lifting done he calls me in. Now he's not the type of person to do something himself as he lacks any sort of skills besides his pretty boy looks. But what he lacks in skill he makes up for in cash, which he uses to pay others to do tasks for him. He keeps these deals secret so besides myself I don't know who else does jobs for him, and while the cash is a good incentive I do it for the excitement, to relieve my boredom for a few minutes. The jobs he has me do would be considered quite bad by anyone's standards, such as stealing another student's property for him or keeping a student from making it to a test on time. The worst one was when he had me injure the leg of a guy from another school who was on the football team just before they played our school. (He bet on our team to win). Of course I always make sure I'm not seen, or have it look like its unrelated to whatever Blue Bloods intentions are as our connection must be kept secret. Blue Blood isn't my friend... I just like the excitement. To be on the safe side, I tear up the note memorising were to meet. Natures Muse is some fancy health food cafe across from Sugar Cube Corner in town. I have to meet him there after school if I want the job. I finish eating when I notice my pocket warm up again. I reach for my lighter which once again is warm but this time it stays that way. (Alright, I know I was gonna wait until after school before I investigated it but this is weird.) I thought to myself. Deciding I should find a more quiet place to investigate my lighter I get up and make my way to the door, intent on finding a shady tree outside. After a few steps before I'm even near the door I notice the heat stops as the lighter cools down. Before I can question why that is I'm distracted by a shout coming behind me. "HE DID WHAT!!!" called the voice. The cafeteria became quiet as students stopped what they were doing to find out what the outburst was about. I turned around to see a girl had suddenly gotten up and was now glaring at me with more anger and hate than I'm used to. Another girl with straight pink hair tried to hide behind her own hair as she backed away. The enraged girl began to storm towards me which gave me a better look at her. She was quite tall, about the same height as me with orange skin and long blonde hair tied back in a pony tail. she had freckles and large green eyes that were currently filled with anger and looking right at me. she wore a cowboy hat and a red flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up, revealing that her arms had more muscle tone than any other girl in the school. The shirt also showed off the girls well toned abs. her breasts were fairly large but small when compared to her lower Ass-et. she also wore denim shorts which showed off her wide thick hips and equally thick thighs. And to finish it off she wore a pair of cowboy boots. "WHA'S THIS I HEER 'BOUT YA TRI IN TA CAUSE TROUBLE WITH APPLEBLOOM" the country sounding girl screamed in my face. "I take it by your slack jawed way of speaking, that you must be that girl from this mornings sister or something" I replied as her shouting began to piss me off. "Tha's right! Im Applejack, Appleblooms big sista. And if ya go neer Applebloom again ya'll be dealin with ME!" Applejack answered as she moved her face closer to mine, now angrily staring into my eyes. "Better back off Farm Life Barbie! I'm in a bad mood today so I don't got the patience to be dealing with some like you. Someone's who's so uneducated they struggle to form proper sentences." I replied unfazed by her attempt at intimidation. "Wh-What did ya call meh ya no good varmint" she said seething with rage. "varmint?... What century are you from?" I replied back to her not budging. This only caused the fire in her eyes to grow. It looked like she could throw a punch at any second, but before things could escalate a hand appeared between our faces prying us apart. it was Sunset Shimmer and another girl who had curly purple hair. "Why don't we slow down for a second" said Sunset as she tried to play the peace keeper. "I couldn't agree more" said the curly purple haired girl who sounded much more regal and proper than anyone I know. "But h-" Began Applejack before she was cut of by Sunset. "I know, but I was there and nothing happened. Besides it's not worth it" Said Sunset. "yes, I suggest you don'd act so barbaric on account of this ruffian darling" Agreed the purple haired girl. "...Fine, but ya betta stay away from meh sista ya hear" said Applejack as she began to back off. "The less time spent around idiots like you the better" I said as I turned around and headed for the door once again. (Just when I thought today might get interesting Flash's girlfriend had to interfere again. Not everyday someone besides flash tries to start something with me. that Applejack seems to be some hillbilly country girl... Probably has more cousins than brain cells.) I thought as I made it outside. after a few moments I found a nice quiet place under a tree and sat down. I took out my lighter and was ready to inspect it. I noticed it was a little heavier than usual. (What's the deal with this lighter? ...it belonged to my grandfather but now that I think about it, he never smoked so what was he doing with it.) I thought as I turned the object in my hand. The lighter was gold with what seemed to be an eye design etched into the metal on both sides. I flipped the lid and placed my finger lightly on the switch of the lighter. (I know it won't work... It never has, not even a spark). I once took it to a speciality store to get fuel for it but the guy working there was unfamiliar with the model, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't figure out how to put more fuel in. Knowing my past experiences with it, every part of me that's rational is telling me it won't work... But a tiny part is telling me to try, that tiny voice is my instinct... It's telling me something is different, it didn't know what it is... But it is. "Click" I push my finger down on the switch of the lighter, and to my surprise and for the first time since I was given the lighter it works. But something's not right, the flame isn't red... It's green. I stare at the flame for a few seconds. (this is... strange? Today the lighter has been warming up at random times throughout the whole day... in fact during science it didn't just warm up it became hot. Now it finally decides to work but the flame is the wrong colour. It should be red, not green.) I think to myself as I try to figure out what's going on. but no matter how long I think about it I can't figure it out. I don't have enough info on the lighter... Or lighters in general. I spend the rest of my lunchtime under the tree not to sure what to think of this latest development when the bell goes. Getting up I head back into the school and head to my history class when the lighter warms up for a few seconds before cooling down. (That's really getting on my nerves) I think as I walk into class. I take a seat towards the back and wait for class to start. It doesn't take long before the class is full of students followed by our teacher for the class Mrs. Rec-, (Wait... Mr.Freeright! what's he doing here?.) "Afternoon class, unfortunately your usual teacher Mrs.Record is out with food poisoning, so Vice Principle Luna asked me to fill in for the week." Mr.Freeright says as he sits on Mrs.Records desk with his legs crossed. "um, hello yes, just a quick question and I hope i'm not coming off as rude but... wouldn't it be more efficient and beneficial to our learning if... Oh I don't know let's say, have a more qualified teacher like Mr.learning or Mrs.bright fill in for Mrs.Record" said the smart lavender girl from my science class who had a nervous smile. "the universe works in mysterious ways" was the only answer he gave as he began to meditate on the desk. which caused her to look even more nervous before responding. "...That didn't really answer my question" "according to Mrs.records learning plan your only gonna watch a documentary on the creation of this town anyway. So just sit back and let the knowledge come to you" he said as he got up and set up the TV, completely ignoring the girls passive aggressive protest. The film turned out to be a VHS, which almost made me face palm. (just how is that still a thing... only hillbilly's still use VHS.) I quickly fell asleep as the film began, how anyone can stay awake through a documentary will always amaze me. I wake just as class is ending to hear about a history assignment Mr.Freeright makes up on the spot. "History is being made everyday without you noticing. what I want you all to do is think about what history will remember of you and write a paper on what your gonna do in the future. This exercise will make you all think ahead. Its due whenever your satisfied with your answer" said Mr.Freeright still perched on the desk. And with that the bell rang signalling the end of class. I got up to leave thinking about this new assignment (what I'll do in the future... I can't even think about what i'll be doing by the end of the week.) I thought as I left class. I made my way to the front of the school wanting to leave as soon as possible. (I gotta head to Natures Muse) I thought (hopefully Blue blood will have something fun for me to do). Although I want to leave right away I need to give Blue Blood a few minuses head start or else i'll be there waiting for him, and I don't want to do that as I never feel welcome at Natures Muse Cafe. As I enter the car park I decide to kill some time by listening to my car radio... And by listen I mean I turn the radio up loud and sit on the hood of my car while giving other students who are leaving school intimidating looks. The song on the radio is some punk rock song i'm unfamiliar with. Other students do there best to avoid me by walking in large circles around me, others avoid looking in my general direction. One poor guy to busy on his phone finally looks up from his phone when his only about a meter away from me which causes him to jump away making a yelping sound before he hangs his head in embarrassment. with the way he reacted you would think he saw a monster. While all this had been going on the lighter had warmed up twice but with the way it's been acting all day i'm just going to ignore it. By the time the second song on the radio ends I decide I've waited long enough. After getting up and stretching I get into the drivers seat, turn off the radio and start the engine. I pull out of the school parking lot and head into town. It takes 10 minutes to arrive at Natures Muse were I'm to meet Blue Blood. I park across the road of the cafe, out side a bakery called Sugar cube corner. Natures muse is a green building with a large window for customers to look out while they eat that tasteless healthy junk they sell there. while Sugar Cube Corner is much more visually appealing as it kinda looks like a ginger bread house. Natures Muse is pretty bland because it has this whole minimalist thing going for it.... Minimal calories, minimal appeal, minimal taste. I cross the street and push open the door to enter the cafe, looking around the room I spot the person i'm looking for. in the corner is Blueblood, he has long blond straight hair that comes forward over his right shoulder and alabaster skin just like principle Celestia. He is wearing what appears to be a white dress shirt and pants with a red rose attached to the collar of the shirt. He always likes to dress fancier to better show off his wealth. He's quiet the ladies man and has the manners of royalty... but is a huge dick. Not as bad as me, and not as directly either. Blueblood appeared to be eating... Art? ...I guess. Whatever it was I didn't recognise it, the food here was too artsy for me... It also tasted like paper. I took the seat opposite of him. "Ah... There you are" Blueblood said as he took small bites of... I don't even know. "I hope you don't mind if I finish my meal before we get down to business, I don't like to mix business and pleasure and this cuisine is divine. Why don't you order anything you like, don't worry its on me" he said once again going back to his meal. "No thanks, I don't mind waiting" I replied (I swear the only reason he makes me meet him here is because he can offer to buy me a meal knowing I'll turn it down. that way he can look like a good guy and doesn't have to spend any cash) I thought to myself. With a nod he continues eating his meal. After a few minutes he finished "Mmm... you don't know what your missing out on, ...but anyway, let's get down to business." Blueblood said with a confident smirk. "as you know, the school council presidential election is coming up. I of course em running for the position against some common bred lower class nobody, Mayor Mare. Naturally a position of power like school council president requires a powerful suitor such as I... but unfortunately this matter is to be decided with a vote. while i'm confident that I can win this, I've noticed she has been gaining the trust of students which could be a problem for me". "So... What do you want me to do about it... Shake her and her friends down until she drops out of the election" I replied. "Hahaha... No Cross, that's to barbaric. To win this election i will require more tact. your going to help me gain the trust and respect of the students" Blueblood answered. This caused me to raise an eyebrow as I responded. "You do realise I'm not particularly everyones favourite guy... Right?". "But of course I do, and I plan to use that to my advantage." Bluegood said with a proud smile. "just be your normal fun loving self while in a populated area in the school... Lets say the cafeteria during lunch or at random locations whenever i'm around. Then i'll appear and defuse the situation". "I see. I cause trouble then you play peacekeeper and stop me. you'll look like a hero gaining the admiration of the other students. that's pretty well thought out... I honestly thought you would just start some nasty rumours about Mayor Mare" I said quite surprised. "Oh, I am. But I got other people who can do that." Blueblood responded which cause me to retake my usual expression somewhere between board and angry. As I was getting up to leave Blueblood began speaking again "before you go I have one more task for you, I'm tired of seeing my competitors face plastered all over the school. I would like you to remove all her posters and anything with her name or face from the school tonight". With a nod I began leaving until Blueblood stopped me again "Cross... I just want to say out of all the stooges who work for me your my favourite. You never ask how much i'll pay for the job, you just accept what ever I give you. No... It's not about money or trying to get close to more powerful people, you do it cause you want to... for fun." he said with a sinister grin, and with that I left. I cross the street to get to my car just outside Sugar Cube Corner, as I reach my car the lighter heats up again but at this point i'm ignoring it. I then hear a bell chime as the door to Sugar cube Corner opens as Flash and loner guy (short something) leave the bakery. Seeing that Flash is holding a bag of sugar I decide to make a snarky comment "You ladies looking to do some baking" I say. Short something looks away not wanting to get involved, but what Flash does catches me off guard... nothing, no smart ass remark, no threatening looks, nothing, he keeps walking without even acknowledging me. Normally without Sunset to hold him back he's always ready to take me. As he gets further away my lighter cools down and Short something rushes after him. (whatever... I have more important things to do anyway.) I think as I get into my car and head back to school. (That was odd, I didn't know loner guy was friends with Flash... when did that happen? not during P.E. cause during lunch Short Stack sat by himself... Oh well). By the time I get back to school clubs should be finishing up, so the school should still be open. Even if it's not I have a key to the school thanks to Blueblood, how he acquired one l don't know or care. He gave it to me a few weeks back for another job and told me I could keep it. I arrive at the school after a while and head for the front door, as I approach the door it opens. Leaving the school is Sunset Shimmer and with her to my surprise is Flash. I look at them both with a surprised look on my face. "how did you get here?". With a raised eyebrow flash reply's "... I walked." "No... I mean how did you get here so fast?" I asked again. This time both Flash and Sunset looked at each other with confused looks on there faces then back at me. This time Sunset answered " ...We used our legs...". "... No that's... I mean... (Sigh) fine. what are you doing here anyway" I demanded. "I had football practice" Flash responded. "and I stayed to watch so we could walk home together" Sunset chimed in. "why are you here?" "That's none of your business" I said as I stormed past them. (There is No way he could of gotten back to school before me. He doesn't even drive, so he would of had to walk or take the bus. and what about Short Shirt and the bag of sugar? actually now that I think about it he was heading in the opposite direction of the school at Sugar Cube Corner as well... That was him I saw right?... It looked just like him. Oh well, right now I have a job to do.) I thought putting those thoughts away for later. The school was now quiet compared to how it was earlier in the day, as I walked through the school I started thinking. (Without all those dumb ass students and under qualified teachers this place has a different feel to it... it feels... Larger... No That's not right... empty). I felt uneasy, something about this mood was unsettelingly familiar. Ignoring the feeling in my stomach I went through the school taking down posters and any propaganda of Mayor Mare while avoiding janitors and teachers who stayed back to mark work. after an hour I've collected everything I could find. I spot a bin that's yet to be emptied so I stuff all the propaganda into it. (the janitor can take it from here.) I think as I dust my hands together for a job well done. I then proceed to leave the school making sure to avoid anyone. I soon find my way outside of school and into my car, I notice the weird feeling in my stomach is gone. (That was easy but tomorrow is when the real plan begins. I know... I'll start trouble with Loner boy or Short Shorts... Short Shins... whatever his name was. Then Blueblood rides in like a knight to save the day.) I think as I begin to drive off. with no more plans for the day and the sun slowly setting I head home. I arrive home and from outside I realise that as usual there aren't any lights on in the house. unlocking the door I enter the house and turn some lights on. that unsettling feeling in my stomach returns, I see there are messages on the messaging machine so I play them. "you have 2 new messages." "Beep" "Hello honey, unfortunately were understaffed at the hospital today... again, so looks like i'll be staying late... again." "Beep." "Hey Drifting it's mum, were having some scheduling issues for a venue with our local farmers support fundraiser 'Har-Fest'. So it looks like I'll be pulling an all-nighter. There's left overs in the fridge for you and your father, love yooouuu." "Beep" "There are no new messages". The rest of the night was pretty quiet, I had an early dinner and watched some TV. After a few hours I locked up the house and went to my room, I took my lighter out and put it on my desk (What was up with the lighter today? too bad gramps isn't around anymore, he might have known something. Dad probably wouldn't know as the lighter was never his and he rarely spoke to grandpa, I'm sure i'll figure it out eventually.) I think as I get into bed after turning off the lights. (One day down... Many more to go.) I think as I drift off to sleep. > Chapter 2 - a small change to today's plans - edited > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 002 - edit Chapter 2 - a small change to today's plans "VRRRRRRRrrrrrrrr..." Once again I'm awoken by the sound of dad's car pulling out of the driveway, signaling that it's time to get up. I stretch my limbs out before I force myself upright to sit on the side of my bed as I rub the sleep from my eyes. (If I didn't have to help in Bluebloods scheme I wouldn't even bother going to school today... Who em I kidding, I would be board out of my mind if I stayed home). I thought as I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. After completing my morning ritual I went down stairs to eat breakfast when I noticed I could hear snoring coming from my parents room. (I guess mum got back home pretty late last night, dad being a doctor doesn't get the luxury of sleeping in like mum... Although the second she wakes up she will probable head straight to city hall. That event she has been helping plan... What was it? ...Har-Fest, some fund raising event to help local farms, I believe the day of the event is this Saturday so they gotta have everything sorted out by then.) (...Unfortunately it looks like I'll be dragged to Farm Fest as well. Oh well, it's in town so I can disappear for a few hours... Not like mum would notice as she'll be to busy making sure the event goes as planned. Dad will probably have work so he won't be there either) I thought as I finished my breakfast. It was too early to get dressed for school just yet, unless I wanted to be really early, so I decided to watch some TV. I turned on the morning news just as it was starting. The news reader was a perky young woman who was clearly a better morning person than me. "Good Morning to all our viewers! I'm Sunny Side and I'm here with all the local news story's you want to hear. the first topic is a reminder to all you folk out there that this Saturday our town will be holding an event in town to celebrate our local farmers... Har-Fest! all proceeds will go towards helping our local fresh food growers that our town has become well known for, so make sure to come down and show your support. Our next story is about all the recent runaway teens in Ponyville. While there didn't appear to be much call for alarm as the parents still receive letters and phone calls from the runaway kids, police are treating the matter as suspicious as there has been quite a spike in runaway recently. So if you have any info on the subject please alert the authority's." "click". I turned off the TV as I had no interest in any of this mornings story's and headed to my room to get changed. I put on a similar pair of tracksuit pants to the one that I wore yesterday... I have a particular style of clothing that I like to wear so I buy my pants in bulk. The shirt I wore was dark blue with the picture of a group of guys dressed in gang clothes with the word Woo Ling Clan printed above them. (The Woo Ling Clan were a group of rappers I listened to). Although my shirt didn't matter as no one would see it as I threw my signature black jacket on over it. The jacket had white fur on the sleeves and collar, with a white cross with arrow points coming off the ends of the cross. After getting dressed I looked at my lighter that I had placed on my desk, hesitating for a moment before placing it into my jacket pocket. I also grab my car keys then head down stairs and to my car. I pullout of the driveway and head to school. As I headed towards school I thought about what the day had in store for me. ( today I have homeroom, English, science, math, art and then health) those were the classes for today. (also I gotta do that counselling session in homeroom during recess... I'll also need to start trouble with someone so Blueblood can swoop in and look like a hero. It's gotta be someone weak... Someone who won't try to stand up for themselves, so not Flash, and definitely no barn brats... Oh! I know... That loner-guy... err... Short Stag... Or was it Stack?) With that I had my day planned out, the only excitement today was what ever I made. My drive to school had me pass many local businesses such as Sugar Cube Corner, Golden Oaks Library and Natures Muse. Before long the school appears in sight and I park out front under a shady tree. From my car window I can see the idiotic obstacles I must ignore just to begin my day, such as some football team members who are throwing a ball back and forwards. an obnoxious wannabe magician who draws way more attention then she should. and some prissy fashionista who seems to be explaining to others how they failed to dress themselves this morning according to her. On a usual day I would have my self some fun and take them down a peg or five... But today I wanna try to limit myself. Between helping Blueblood with his scheme and this new BS counselling I'm on I should be more careful... I give myself until after second period before I go back on that. I get out of the car and begin walking towards the schools entrance. As I pass other students they scurry away doing there best to avoid me... heck, the magician girl does a pretty good vanishing act that slightly impressed me due to its creativity. I feel a rush of ecstasy seeing how much power I have over them, they know the path I walk only has room for one... A path suited only for the best, they know I don't go around, I go through, and unless your as stupid as Flash you better get out of my way. I make it to the door rightfully high on my ego when the door suddenly swings open, smacking me in the face. I stumble back a few feet, slightly dazed with a bright red mark on my forehead. It served as a reminder that while others are smart enough to avoid me, their still morons. On the other side of that door is the lazy eyed girl Derpy who was looking at her friend Doc. She was holding the door open for him as he was holding some large books in both hands. Derpy didn't even realise what had happend as her attention was on Doc. Doc on the other hand was as pale as a ghost as he saw the red mark on my face, and the even more menacing red in my eyes. He tried opening his mouth to say something but all he could manage was a gasp. Derpy who still hadn't noticed me continued to look at Doc with a confused look. Nearby students suddenly became silent and watched in horror. Unlike yesterday, there was no Flash to bale them out. "You know... I was trying REALLY hard to mind my own business, I tried REALLY hard to be a nice guy... Just look behind me at all the idiots I ignored. But then you two had to go and ruin it." I said no longer dazed. "Well I can still salvage this... I'm gonna do something nice for you two. since your friends I'm gonna give you both matching black eyes to show everyone that your sooooo close, you even get beaten together". Doc stood there as I cracked my knuckles, becoming very pale. Fear clearly visible in his eyes, and rightfully so as for most student's the day was just begining. For him however, it was lights out. Derpy on the other hand... Well, she just kinda looked between me and doc... Honestly, she looked lost. This would normally be the part were they get a beating, but I stopped when I felt someone grab my shoulder. I don't know who would be dumb enough to try and stop me now, but I also didn't care as I spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. "Seems like you have suicidal tendencies if your gonna get involved in this. If your smart you'll disappear before I turn around and see your face." "And if you have even the slightest spark of intelligence in you, then you'll leave my fellow school mates to continue there day without any further hassle." replied a regal voice I was all to familiar with. It was Blueblood. (looks like he saw an opportunity for his scheme and took it). I was filled with rage for being embarrassed by these two, but I knew I couldn't fight without undermining Bluebloods plan. So instead I put my rage towards giving a realistic performance. "Why should you care what happens to these morons? Do yourself a favour and beat it" I said loudly for everyone to hear. "I care because these two are my school mates, and I can not stand ideally by and watch some brute hurt people I care about." Blueblood replied loudly. "You care about THESE two random nobody's?" I asked him in an angry and confused voice. "that's right! I care about this School and everyone in it. I was raised to fight for what I BELIEVE in, and I'm not afraid to stand up to a thug like you... even if I get knocked down I'll stand right back up and I'll keep standing up for those who can't" Blueblood spoke like he was giving a speech. By this point students were invested in seeing how this played out as there were few who stood up to me. But I knew how this went... now was the part when I move on and make it look like Blueblood talked me down. "hmph... Whatever, like I care what you idiots do" I said as I pushed my way past Doc and Derpy. once I gained some distance I slightly turned my head to see how things turned out. Doc was giving Blueblood a great big hug for saving both him and Derpy, which Blueblood didn't quite seem to enjoy. Meanwhile, Derpy was scratching her head. (that girl probably didn't realise what was going on, or how close she was to visiting the school nurse). The students began to crowd Blueblood with looks of admiration. I would say 1 or 2 more performances like that and Bluebloods got the election in the bag. However I was still left with some pent up anger. (Now that I helped out Blueblood for today I guess I don't need to harass Short Stack... For now.) I thought. I made it to home room early and decided to just wait for class to start. I couldn't risk causing trouble right after Blueblood stopped me so for now I gotta stay low. After a few minutes the class began to fill up with students and I could already hear them talking about how Blueblood stood up against me. Although some parts were exaggerated, like how I wasn't able to hit him once, or how he only needed to lay one hand on me. Before long the bell went and Mr. Freeright arrived in class. "Good morning Fellow travellers of this road we call life." He said as he sat on his desk. "unfortunately I have some bad news. The school received a call this morning From the parents of a fellow classmate and a student of this class... Short Stick. They Informed us that he has run away from home. last night he left a note for his parents to find, telling them he's left for the city" Mr. Freeright said in a sad tone. "if you have any information of his whereabouts please let the school know so we can contact his patents and the authoritys." This caught my attention. (Hold on... Short Stick was apart of my homeroom! ...Also he ran away. I saw him uptown yesterday with Flash, did Flash say something to him to make him want to leave?) I thought remembering yesterdays events. (Hold on... Right after I saw Flash and Short Stick at Sugar Cube Corner Flash appeared at school with Sunset Shimmer. Both of them claiming they had been there since school ended for Flashs football practice, obviously they were lying... I saw him with Short Stick so why lie about it?) I thought to myself wondering if there was a connection. one thing was certain... it was definitely odd. (Short Stick... I didn't know him personally but I got a sense he was kinda like me. he didn't know how to fit in with others so he stuck to himself... but unlike me he wanted to fit in with these morons. I couldn't see him suddenly going to a big city when he struggles so much when it comes to dealing with a small town.) I thought. (also... How did Flash get back to school before me? He doesn't have a car and if he took the bus I still would have beat it since it has to make stops along the way.) I felt a little excitement thinking I might be on to something. (If Flash is connected to whatever's causing people to run away from home, then having dirt like that on him would really make my day). I thought with a malicious grin, the idea of tarnishing his good name was too appealing. (besides it will give me something to do when I'm not causing trouble). I came out of my own thoughts and noticed Mr. Freeright was still talking. "the runaway poster has been updated and they are located around the school. on a good note... Har-Fest is this Saturday and the Greener Town Club will be going to show our support and inform people about why local farms are better than corporate ones. If your interested in joining the club we meet after school from Monday to Wednesday under the tall tree next to the football oval, until the bell goes your free to talk amongst yourselves". For the next few minutes all the students talked and mingled with each other while I sat there deep in thought. (I need proof that there's a connection between Flash and Short Sticks sudden need to runaway from home... But I don't know how I'm gonna go about doing that? well... For starters I should find a witness to confirm he never showed up for practice. Sunset is on his side backing up his story so who else could I ask...? The football team won't answer any of my questions as were not on the best of terms... I suppose the teams Couch could answer my questions... Couch Play? But if Flash finds out I'm asking questions he might cover his tracks or even try to spin this on me... what I need is a third party). The bell rings and students begin to head to their next classes. On my way to English I decide to go to school billboard outside of the cafeteria. Most of the papers littering the board are from clubs looking to gain more members or reminders about school events. I look pass all the trash until I locate what I'm looking for. The poster containing information on the now 9 runaways. I take it down and unzip the upper part of my jacket. after folding it neatly I slip it into the inside of my jacket which contains a pocket not visible from the outside... I plan to read it during English. I then head to class. I'm the last one to arrive besides the teacher. as I enter the room a few students look my way and for good reason... Blueblood is in this class. His sitting close to the front with a confident smirk. Students begin to place their attention our way to see if the rumour about him chasing me off were true or not. I walk up to his desk while glaring at him which didn't faze him even slightly as we both know it's just for show. I then walk to the desk in the back corner of the class which is currently occupied by someone. I don't know who they are but I don't care, as I look down at them I only have one thing to say "MOVE!". With that the person shoots up and is gone before I can blink, I take a seat and lean back on the chair as I wait for class to begin. Our teacher, Mrs. Read finally arrives and class begins. After 10 minutes of working... or not working in my case, I take out the poster of the runaway students and examine it. (I don't recognise anyone on here so it's safe to say they didn't stand out much, oh well... My main focus is Short Stick. All I gotta do is find something to connect his running away with Flash Sentry... Then Flash's reputation will be ruined for good. I can give what I find to the school news paper and they'll do the rest). After that I started to do some school work until the bell finally went. next was math which wouldn't be too bad. I'm distracted on my way to class when my lighter decides to heat up again. After it settles down I brush off the incident and continue to class. When I get to class I take a seat in the back but soon hear someone talking trash about me. "Yo Dancer, did you hear the latest gossip?" said a voice. "Apparently Cross has been running scared all morning from Blueblood. About time someone stood up to that tyrant." "I don't listen to gossip Valkyrie. It's nothing but a waste of time... Besides that's probably not the full story" replied another voice. It was Valkyrie and Slow Dancer, and once again Valkyrie was showing how gullible he was. I could stop there pointless conversation like I did yesterday but the faster the story spreads the better, so for now I ignored them. Math passed by pretty fast and before I knew it it was time for recess... Or at least it would have been if I didn't have a counseling session. I headed to my hone room where I was to meet my councillor. I swore in my head about how stupid this was and that it was a waste of my time, but before long I arrived at the door and with a deep breath I entered the class. Inside the class room there was only one person... Mr. Freeright. he was sitting on the teachers desk with his legs crossed. (He must have left something in here from earlier) I thought as I approached him. "Heeey... Cross man" Mr. Freeright said in a chill tone. "Cross man?... Anyway, I think you might have to leave, I'm supposed to be here for a counselling session. The counsellor should be here soon" I replied in a board tone. "Hey don't worry man, I don't have to go anywhere and your counsellor isn't coming." Mr. Freeright told me as he un-crossed his legs and let them hang over the table. His response caused me to give a genuine smile as I thought about what I had just heard (if my councillor isn't coming then that must mean...). "You mean the counselling session has been cancelled" I asked excitingly. "Nope... I don't have to go anywhere because I'm were I need to be, and your counsellor isn't coming because he's already here" was Mr Freeright's response. After hearing that I stood there for a few moments as my brain processed what I was just told. Just to be sure I looked around incase I over looked someone. "Are... are you telling me... that your my... Counsellor?" I asked realising how stupid that must sound. There's no way Mr.Freeright's qualified to do counselling, but he's the only one in the room... besides me. "That's right man. Celestia was looking for a councillor for you and I volunteered" Mr. Freeright said now focused on me. "But... are you even qualified?" I asked with confusion clear in my voice. "You know man... it's funny you ask that, Celestia had the same question." Mr.Freeright replied. "I thought Principle Celestia said she wasn't going to give up on me" I said to myself quietly. "Oh well... Lets get this over with". I said as I took a seat opposite to Mr. Freeright. "Sure thing man, now Celestia told me you have problems making friends... What do you gotta say about that"Mr. Freeright asked me. "I would say that's not true... I've never tried to make friends" I replied with an eyebrow raised. "Well Principle Celestia is hoping to accomplish a few things using these counselling sessions. The main one Is to get you communicating and making friends with other students, the other is to help make you more approachable... That means we'll try to work on your attitude." Mr. Freeright told me, which I just rolled my eyes at. (all there gonna do is try to push me into after school activities and get me to play nice with others.) I thought as I impatiently tapped my foot. (I don't have time for this. I gotta connect Flash to Short Sticks runaway... my only lead is his alibi, not that I know were to start. I gotta collect information without Flash finding out.) While I was in thought he continued "I was thinking that a good way to get to know others is by joining a club. Since your a very active person with good reflexes I was thinking a sports club might do you some good. The Football team might be looking for members" Mr. Freeright said with a hopeful smile. "Your kidding? ...You realise I'm in counselling due to the fact that I'm always picking fights with them?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Oh... Well there are other clubs you can try, like the Chess club, the occult club, even the school paper. Mr Freeright replied with a sheepish smile. "Or hey, you could join the greener town club I supervise. We spread the information of proper disposable methods and alternative life options, we also help out at local events. We meet after school under the big tree next to the football oval from Monday to Wednesday." (oh yeah that sounds like a load of fun. Hanging with a bunch of smelly hippies my age after school by the... Hang on, that's it!) I thought as I started to get invested. "This Greener Town Club... You meet next to the football oval after school from Monday to Wednesday meaning you had a meeting there yesterday right." "Huh...? Yeah man that's right" Mr. Freeright replied surprised I had taken an interest, which I had... but not for the reason he thought. Seeing that he thought he was making progress I lead the conversation to get what I wanted "a club that takes place outside of a class might be the right environment for me. But I need more information on what it's like, maybe if I meet someone from the club I could get a better sense for what it's like... Then I could make a decision on if I should join or not." I said with an unsure tone. "Well if your looking to get information on the club from a participating students point of view you could ask Tree Hugger... she's in your Art Class... She's got red hair." Mr. Freeright replied with a smile. (Success! I can have Tree Hugger prove that Flashs story is false. She might have had a clear view of the oval so she would have noticed if he was there or not.) I thought to myself. "Thanks Mr. Freeright I'll do just that" I said to him while I gave myself a mental high-five. "No problem. You know, this counselling things pretty easy. I believe that's enough for today, we'll take this one step at a time, I don't want to overwhelm you." Mr Freeright said as he got up, and with that I made my way out of the class. (I don't have art until forth period today and next is science for third period. I'll just have to be patient until then since I wouldn't know we're to find Tree Hugger anyway. right now she's my only lead.) I thought as I made my way to my next class, recess wasn't over yet but it would be soon. As I'm walking past crowds of students I can feel my lighter heat up again, after a few seconds it cools down. (Hmmm... Why does it keep doing that? actually I remember it warmed up yesterday when saw Short Stick and Flash... Although I doubt it means anything as it warmed up 3 or 4 times before then. It was its hottest during science... Wonder if it'll happen again) I though as I felt the lighter in my pocket. I made it to class before anyone and took my usual seat in the back. I took out my lighter and lit the flame to check it's colour, the flame was still green. With no new answers or questions as to why the lighter has been weird lately I sighed and placed the lighter back into my pocket. After a few minutes the bell went and the class began to fill up with students. Upon entering the room Doc turned pale when he saw me, while Derpy didn't react at all. (I guess Doc thinks I'm still pissed off about this morning... and I don't think Derpy even knows what happened.) I thought as the two off them took there seats in the front. I would normally begin to doze off at this point but was to focused on thinking about destroying Flashs reputation that I couldn't relax, so i decided to pay attention in class for once... Boy was that a mistake. it was like the teacher was speaking another language, it didn't help that the lavender girl was constantly explaining things in scientific terms before the teacher got a chance, or that she would answer questions before they were even fully given. I could see I wasn't the only one annoyed by the lavender girls know-it-all behaviour as she was receiving annoyed glances from other students... Even the teach threw a couple her way, however she was ignorant of the others contempt for her. I tried my best to make sense of the work but to me it didn't even look like English. I know I suck at home ecc but I just felt like an idiot as I tried to do the work. (shit... I didn't realise how far I fell behind in this class, everyone including Derpy look to be breezing through the work while half the time I can't even comprehend what I'm looking at... And the other half I ignore because it's too hard). the sudden realisation of how I'm the only one struggling in this class leaves a feeling in my gut that I hate... Defeat. The class ended after what felt like hours and I leave the room with my head hung low. (Darm it... I can't let this continue to happen, I'll have to do something about this, but for now I gotta head to Art and talk to Tree Hugger). As I head to Art my Lighter heats up... But I'm feeling to beaten too even care. (My art teacher is Mr Freeright, so when he sees me talking to Tree Hugger he'll think I'm making an effort in changing my ways which should give him positive news to give the principle, and Tree Hugger will help expose Flash. It's like killing two birds with one stone.) That thought cheers me up a bit as I make it to class. Art has been one of my preferred classes since I entered high school. Not because I'm a creative person or a tortured soul who uses drawings to express themselves... No it's because I truly feel I can not fail the class, there aren't any right or wrong answers in art. It also helps that Mr. Freeright teaches the class. His way too easy going and his 'no answer is a wrong answer' approach to teaching means I can do very little and still pass. I take a seat in the back, usually it's to minimise any unwanted attention from teachers but right now it serves another purpose... To identify Tree Hugger. I've been at this school for almost a year and a half but I'm unfamiliar with the names and faces of other students. Apparently having a bad reputation and antisocial tendencies (according to Principle Celestia) causes me to not take notice of those around me unless I feel like lashing out either verbally or physically. The only information on Tree Hugger I have is that she has red hair and is a member of the Greener Town Club. Given the club she chose to join I should look out for any signs of someone being a green thumb/hippy, such as peace signs, dream catches, colourful shades, baggy and worn clothes, slack way of speaking, and the possible smell of smoke. The classroom begins to fill with students and so far no red haired girls. For a second I think I see her but it was just Flashs Dumb Girlfriend Sunset, although her hair looks like someone spilt ketchup and mustard on her head. I was a little worried that I may have trouble identifying her, but besides Sunset their was only one other girl with red hair who had entered the classroom, and by the look of her and a friend of hers who she arrived with, they were definitely Eco-friendly. The red head who I assumed was Tree Hugger had green skin and long locks of red hair. She wore a yellowish orange bandanna decorated with picture's of daisies on hear head. Her top was a light pink silky long open sleeved shirt which showed a bit of cleavage from her ample breasts. Further down her body she wore a skirt the same colour as her bandanna that passed her knees with the picture of a red tree in the shape of a heart on the bottom left hand side of her skirt, she also had a necklace with the same tree design as her skirt that sat comfortably just above her cleavage. On her feet she wore brown sandals. Her facial expression was one of relaxed... She looked stoned with her righteous smile and drowsy eye's. Her friend tended to stick out a little more. Her skin was was a light butterscotch yellow. She had very long straight hair that ran down her back with a fringe that would cover her face unless she pushed it aside which was a strawberry pink colour. She also had a blue butterfly hair clip. She wore a thick green sweater with a picture of three blue butterfly's that struggled to hold her very generous sized breasts. (With breasts that big it's hard to believe she's in high school.) She also had a white skirt and green boots. (I'm generally surprised I never took any notice of pink girl before... her rack is huge, if I were to die i would want it to be by suffocation caused by her huge pillowie br...FOCUS!). I thought as I snaped myself out of my daydream. (I just need to ask Tree Hugger about flash skipping practice yesterday. Then I can work on getting proof of his involvement in the runaways. I guess Sunset will get dragged down with him... Two birds, one stone). (I'll wait until there's only 5-10 minutes left of class since it'll give me something to look forwards to before lunch, besides I already know the answer I'm gonna get). I thought as I watched the two girls take a seat. Mr Freeright arrived to teach the class... about 10 minutes after class should have started. We were use to that so we started doing our own projects before he arrived. I was working on a anti-Blueblood poster while loudly explaining my dislike for him and the idea of him becoming school council president. the way I see it is people who don't like me will vote for him to have there own personal victory against me... Little do they know there just pawns doing as we tell them to. "Hmmmm... Seeing this remind me of when I use to protest against the Man" said Mr.Freeright from over my shoulder. "don't ask what the protests were about though, Everything from before I was I teacher is pretty hazy... In fact I don't even remember how I got this teaching gig" this caused me to raise an eyebrow. "I had a bit of a Brownie problem in the past" he said with a shrug. "Well I'm gonna guess you took some of your brownies to the job interview and Principle Celestia got so high... On your good vibes and sugar she hired you on the spot" I said as I rolled my eyes. "hey, I think your right... I did take brownies to the job interview" he replied with a smile before going to see the other students work. I continued working until there was only 7 minutes left till the end of class. (Time to ask Tree Hugger about Flash, then I can think about the next step in bringing Flash down.) I thought as I approached Tree Hugger and her friend from behind. "Hey!... Tree Hugger" I called from behind her. Tree Hugger and her friend turned to face me, as soon as they saw my face her friend made a "eep" sound before stepping backwards and hiding behind her fringe. Tree Hugger however didn't react which felt unusual to me... She just stared with a half awake expression and answered. "Yo..." This caught me off guard a little. "umm... Well, your a part of the Greener Town Club that meets next to the football field right" I asked. she replied with a nod. "Good... Anyway I have a question, how well can you see the football team from were your club meets". "I can always see them as clear as rain" Tree Hugger replied to me. "Great, I was wondering... Yesterday, did Flash show up for training?" I asked already knowing he couldn't have been there. "Yep" she responded straight away. "I know he was there at the end. But was he there from start to finish?" I clarified. "Yep, his Girlfriend Sunset joined me and Fluttershy here in our club while she waited for Flash to finish practice" she responded as she gave a small nod to her busty friend apparently named Fluttershy. This answer was not what I was expecting... And it annoyed me "...at anytime during practice did Flash disappear?" I asked with annoyance in my voice. "Nah... Every once in a while Sunset would cheer for him" she said with the same exexpression. (That can't be... I saw flash at Sugar Cube Corner) I thought. "HEY! Funbags, is that true?" I said shifting my attention to the pink haired girl with annoyance clear in tone, she hid behind her hair while looking at the ground but she gave a nod. (This wasn't how it was suppose to happen. I know what I saw yesterday... I need to think about this). I thought as I went back to my seat annoyed and confused. the bell went soon after and I left the class trying to figure out what to do next. As I made my way to the cafeteria I could feel the lighter in my pocket heat up for a few seconds which only frustrated me more. (Darm it... This is more complicated then I thought... Alright, all I gotta do is review the evidence... There must be something I'm overlooking). I thought as I arrived in the cafeteria. I walked over to where students were lined up for lunch and decided to grab a bottle of pulp free orange juice and a salad as I wasn't very hungry. I also didn't feel like waiting with these idiots so I cut to the front and placed $10 on the counter "keep the change" I said as I walked away. I could hear some complaining coming from the line but I couldn't care less about what they thought. I found an empty table and began to eat my lunch as I thought about what my next move would be, blocking out the world around me as I mentally recalled what I knew. (Yesterday after school I saw both Flash Sentry and Short Stick leaving Sugar Cube Corner together, now it would take around 8-10 minutes to get there and back from school by car... but neither of them drive. Bus takes 15-20 minutes due to how many stops there are along the way and the nearest bus stop was about 5 minutes away by walking). (When I got back to school he was already there with Sunset, and I have witnesses saying he never left school). I thought both angrily and confused. (I must be missing some small detail... What else happened? Flash had a bag of sugar... That's odd considering they were at a bakery... since when did bakery's begin selling their ingredients? did they get the sugar from there?... If so that's definitely strange). I placed my hand on my chin as I tried to recall more details. (My lighter seemed to heat up when I passed them... Although it's been doing that all yesterday and today... Flash's reaction was off to... That is to say he didn't react at all. Usually Flash wouldn't just ignore my insults... He the type of guy that always pushes back). By this point I've calmed down a little to consider... other possibilities. (What if... That wasn't flash? No, i know what i saw and Short Stick seemed to know him... But he still looked uncomfortable around him like how a loner would seem if he started hanging around popular kids). clearly I needed more information as this was more complicated than originally thought. (there are three things I need to do. First I need to learn more about Short Stick... I know nothing about him except his a loner, so then why all of a sudden is he friends with Flash... One of the popular kids.) (Second, I can talk to the Owners of Sugar Cube Corner. Find out what Flash and Short Stick did while they were in the store.) (and Third..., Does Flash have a twin brother...? I would feel so dumb if that's the case and I just never noticed). I stood up and decided to begin my investigation the only way I knew how... By doing something morally wrong without any regret, but first i'll need some help. After looking around the cafeteria I spotted what I needed... Although, who I needed, would be more accurate. Across the room in a cowboy hat and braces was the loudmouthed blond gossip Valkyrie, who seemed to be trying to chat up the slack jawed thick legged farmer Barbie who looked annoyed. As I got closer I could unfortunately hear there conversation. "Fer the last time ya SNAKE... I aint interested in go an on a date with ya!" Barbie said to Valkyrie. She was clearly annoyed at the friendly gossips unrelenting attempt at scoring a date with her. "Hey come on... We have so much in common. Your a farmer... I'm a farmer. We'll both be at Har-Fest anyway so all I'm suggesting is meeting up there and having a little fun together. If you don't fell comfortable coming alone you could bring a friend and I'll bring a friend... we can turn it into a double date" Valkyrie said doing his best to be smooth but coming off slimy. "First a all, ya family aint farmers... Ya horse trainers. An secondly I'ld be too busy running ma familys booth ta be running of with ya even if I waned to..." replied Barbie more annoyed than before. She looked like she had more to say but lost her focus when she saw me approaching from behind Valkyrie. she shot up now looking angry instead of annoyed and took a stance that said she was ready for trouble. "WHAT do ya want ya Varmint" she called out angrily. Valkyrie was confused and a little scared as he thought she was still talking to him until he heard my reply come from behind which cleared up his confusion... But not his fear. "I guess I would like for you to take some speech therapy and learn to speak like a regular human being. You know, instead of a country hick... Barbie" I said annoyingly as I met her hateful gaze with my annoyed bored stare. "but I suppose for now I'll have to settle for him" I said as I reached out and grabbed Valkyrie by the back of his shirt and began dragging him away. "WHAT..? Hey hold on a sec... What did I do..? Someone HELP! He called out which grabbed the attention of over half the cafeteria. luckily Blueblood wasn't here to stop me as he didn't like eating with us people from the lower class. "Mah names not Barbie, it's APPLEJACK!... And wha do ya want with that snake?" I could hear that farm girl yelling behind me as I was leaving with Valkyrie being dragged behind me. I ignored her words but stopped when I made it to the door. (I suppose while I'm here I should clear up that twin theory) I thought as I turned my gaze towards were the football team was sitting. I could see that Flash looked ready to intervene as I met his angry gaze with mine. "HEY FLASH!" I called out across the room "do you have any twin brothers?". That question suddenly threw him off as anger turned to confusion. (I guess he wasn't expecting a question like that). Now confused he answered my question "...No...?". With that I left the cafeteria with Valkyrie in tow. just as the door was closing Valkyrie called out one final time for help. "Why isn't anyone HELPING ME!!!" he called as the door shut behind us. As dragged Valkyrie through the school halls he began to speak. "Wha... What do you want with me Cross?... I never did anything to you" he said nervously. "What I want is information. Information that a chatty gossip like you might have" I said which made him look even more concerned. "a friendly person like you makes it a habit to know we're the popular people hang, which means you would know were the losers go as well. I wanna know were Short Sticks locker is." "that's it? Why do you wanna know that?" he asked curiously. "So I can break into it of course" I said plainly. at that he looked concerned and ready to argue against that idea. "Hey look... Cross... I know he ran away and he can't complain about you stealing his stuff... but it's still against the rules to be breaking into someone else's locker" he tried to reason with me. After hearing what he had to say I stopped and looked thoughtfully into the air. "Huh... You know that's a good point. I never thought about it like that" I said which caused him to ease up. "oh... but, counterpoint". I continued as I turned to face him with a pissed off scowl. "Show me where the locker is or i'll BEAT the information out of you!" I finished as I cracked my knuckles. "IT'S THAT WAY" Valkyrie practically screamed in a panicked tone. At that I smiled and we were off. After a few minutes we were at the locker. "that's the one! right there, just like you asked for" Valkyrie said in a rushed panicked voice. "Good. You can get lost now and I hope you understand what'll happen if you tell anyone about this" I said as I gave him a menacing glance from the corner of my eyes. after a nod and a wimpier he ran off. (I don't know if i'll find anything helpful but I'm low on options). I thought as I inspected the locker. it was locked and I didn't know the combination... but I do know these lockers are poorly made and cheap. I take a few steps back before I quickly move forwards and bring my foot up. "WHAAM" I give the lock area of the locker a big boot which causes the door to bend and swing open. The lockers pretty barren besides a Math Book and a laptop. I pick up the laptop and inspect i. (this is one of those laptops the school owns. They let students who don't have computers borrow them for a few months to do work). I decide the only thing worth taking is the laptop so I place it in my jacket and leave the scene of the crime. (luckily this laptops pretty compact, someone might see me if I hang around too long, I can check the laptop after school) I think as I walk away. The bell rings soon after signalling the end of lunch and the start of fifth period, health. I went to class and took a seat up the back. (If this is just more first aid I can just relax for the rest of the day). I thought to myself. (with all the fights I've been in I'm used to patching myself up, also helps to have a father who's a doctor. Taught me a bit about medicine and first aid... Back when we used to talk more often). The Teacher arrived after a few minutes. It was Couch play "Good after noon Class" he said as he entered the class. "Today we'll be continuing on with what we were doing last week... First Aid". (that's all I needed to hear) I thought as leaned back in my chair and closes my eyes. Couch play won't bother me as he doesn't care what I do unless it's during P.E. This would be a good time to take a nap, but I'm too curious about the incident that I find myself thinking about what to do next. (I'll check the laptop for information after school then head over to Sugar Cube Corner, whoever served Flash and Short Stick might have noticed something). As i'm deep in thought I feel something bump me in the arm. I slowly open my eyes and look down towards my arm as I try to locate what disturbed me. I see a scrunched up piece of paper on the ground. "Hey" I hear in a hushed voice to my right. As I look I can already begin to feel annoyed as I spot the person who threw the paper.It's the Farm girl, Applejack. And she looks pissed. "Wha did ya do ta Valkyrie!" she snaps at me in a hushed voice. To that I role my eyes and go back to what I was doing. I don't care what she wants, and I simply don't feel like answering. "Hey! she asked you a question" came another voice. Looking back towards Applejack I noticed she was with two friends, one was Sunset and the other was a girl I was unfamiliar with. she was the one who spoke just a moment ago and was painful to look at. Her skin was cyan and she had messy shoulder length hair that was every darm colour in the rainbow. She had a white crop top with the words 'Rain Boom' printed on it that exposed her toned abs. Over that was a dark blue short sleeved jacket that wasn't any longer than her crop top. As for her breasts... She was as flat as a board. For a moment I almost thought she was a he due to her short hair, toned body, and small chest... Or lack of one. She also wore a pair of black bike shorts that exposed a lot of her toned legs. Her shoes were a pair of blue sneakers. just by her appearance I could tell she was sporty and she looked just as angry as Applejack. "If your so curious why not ask Valkyrie" I said plainly. "I did! an he said he dont wanna talk bout it." Applejack replied angrily. "Well... What sort of friend would I be if I went against Valkyries wishes and told you?" I replied sarcastically. "YOU'RE NOT HIS FRIEND!, YOU DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS YOU BULLY!" the cyan girl practically screamed at me. This got Couch Plays attention as he looked our way. "Is there a reason your disrupting my class Rainbow Dash?" he said with authority. "What?... Oh, sorry." Rainbow Dash replied nervously, which Couch Play accepted and went back to teaching. "I'll be keeping an eye on you, Cross" Applejack said in a hushed voice before getting back to her work to which i rolled my eyes at. Class eventually finished without any further incidents. (Today lasted way to long... and whats with Barn Yard Barbie constantly trying to start fights with me... Hopefully that doesn't become the theme of the week). I thought as I headed to my car. (I can check through the laptop then head over to Sugar Cube Corner) The parking lot was full of students who were either walking home or doing there own thing as they waited for the bus. When I got to my car I felt heat coming from my lighter once again, it lasted only a few seconds before cooling down. "sigh... One mystery at I time" I told myself. I got into the car and turned on the laptop, after a minute of start up the laptop was ready. I wasn't sure what to look for as most of it was school work... Which I decided I could use for my classes (not like he needs it anymore). Deciding I wouldn't find anything in his school work I decided to check the internet browser, since I was still in school grounds I had access to there WiFi. (Seems he uses this for more than just school work) I thought as I went through his history... And ignored some questionable searches. (seems the last visited site was MyFace... actually he frequently uses it according to his history). MyFace was a popular social media site for people to talk to each other and post pictures... usually about dumb and unimportant stuff. I was never a fan of social media were everyone got together to chat... also i'm anti social? (luckily he's set it up to keep him signed in) I thought thankful for Short Sticks Carelessness. (huh... whats this? seems he received a message yesterday from... flash sentry). The message read: "hey, I know we don't talk much but after seeing what happened during P.E. I thought you might be feeling down. You probably feel like you let your team down and are embarrassed. I'll help you get your mind off it so how about we hang after school? We can meet at Sugar Cube Corner around 3:30. You know were that is right? Short Sticks reply read: Really? Yeah I was bothered about that today and could use a hand getting my mind off it. Didn't think you cared as we've never really spoken before. and yeah I know were Sugar Cube Corner is... Everyone does. This was it. the proof I needed that flash was at Sugar Cube Corner. But something didn't feel right. (why did he say "after seeing what happened"? he was a cause for it) I thought as I reread the message again. Something was wrong... But what. Suddenly I had a thought I opened flash sentry MyFace profile by clicking on it, then in another window I searched for Flash Sentry's MyFace profile. putting both windows next to each other i examined them. They were identical, both had the same pictures and profile information... But some things were slightly different. The names for one, as the one that messaged Short Stick was flash sentry while the other was Flash Sentry. (one used uppercase letters while the other used lowercase). The second was the friend list as lower case flash didn't have many friends... Not even Sunset. I checked when the page was made to see it was made only 2 weeks ago. (What the hell does this mean...?) I thought as I started to worry that I was getting involved with something far more than I could handle. (Now would be a good chance to quit... But then I won't get answers... so is this Flash? or someone else? i know what i saw). my curiosity got the best of me as I decided I wouldn't stop until I got answers. At this point i felt a familiar feeling in my gut... It was a hunger, one that would only be satisfied with answers. But then i started having doubts. (Maybe I should go to the police?... No, I don't have any real proof that this is related to the runaways. I mean the police say the runaways have been calling and writing home so it could be nothing... Although they are still treating the case as suspicious). I decided get moving as it was unproductive to sit around (guess i'll head to Sugar cube Corner). It took about 10 minutes to drive to Sugar Cube Corner. after parking outside I got out of my car and approached the front door. The building is quiet colourful and is designed to look like a gingerbread house... Or store in this case. Looking at the store from the front there is a large window that customers can lookout to the street with and a glass door to the right of the window with an open sign hanging from it. Being a bakery they sell a large assortment of cakes, sweets and pastries. while I don't dislike this sort of food i've never entered the store because it's overly cutesy appearance deterred me. "ding!" As I open the door I hear the sound of a bell attached to the door. Looking around I can see many tables scattered throughout the room, most of them occupied. In the back is the counter were you pay for your food and next to it is a long glass display counter filled with many colourful sweets & treats. I make my way to the counter remembering that I've heard quite a few students talk about this place. Sugar Cube Corner has become a well know hangout spot for many students at my school. There is a young girl working the counter who looks to be around the same age as me... And she certainly looks happy. The girl has pink skin and darker pink puffy hair, kinda like fairy floss. she has a big smile and wide blue eyes. She is wearing a plain white t-shirt with the words Sugar Cube Corner printed on it that may be a few size too small for her... or at least that's what it looks like as her Breasts are huge (she could give that Fluttershy a run for her money). In fact, all this girls features are quite round, if I were to describe her in one word it would be "Plump". She also wore a small pink skirt covered with the design of party balloons. "WELCOME to Sugar Cube Corner!", the girl greeted me with a huge smile. "This I your first time here isn't it Cross". "Yeah, how did you know?... and how do you know who I am?" I asked curiously. "I remember everyone I see, and we go to the same school. I work here part time after school so i'm familiar with all our customers" the girl explained, "But I never expected to see you here, I thought an overly cutesy place like this would be to embarrassing for a bad boy like you". the girl stated plainly while keeping that big dumb smile. (is... She mocking me? Her expression makes here had to read). I thought, not sure if I should be angry or not. "I guess even you can't resist the smell of these delicious cakes" The girl continued to talk. "actually I'm not a fan of pastries", I lied. "I just want to ask a few questions". "WHAT!!!... Everyone loves cake", the girl shouted oddly concerned. This got the attention of some of the other customers and a older man came out of the back room. (He must be the manager.) I thought. The man was was tall and skinny with yellow skin and orange hair. He wore an apron with a picture of a cake printed on it, and wore a small white hat that a icecream man from the 1960's would wear. "Is something wrong Pinkie Pie?" The man asked voice full of worry. "We've got a code red Mr. Cake!... A customer who doesn't like sweets!" the girl who's name is apparently Pinkie Pie explained as if it was a real emergency. To that Mr. Cake rolled his eyes and began to head back to what I assumed was the kitchen. "Excuse me" I said interrupting his departure. "I have a few questions that both of you might be able to answer" "oh... Uh sure, what would you like to know?" Mr. Cake said as he made his way back to the counter. I reached into the inside of my jacket and pulled out the poster of the runaway students and unfolded it. I held it up to both Pinkie and Mr. Cake while pointing at Short stick. "Did this guy come to this store yesterday with anyone between 3 and 4 o'clock?" I asked. Mr. Cake was the first to respond " hmmm... I'm not sure, I spend most my time in the kitchen or on deliveries. pinkie and my wife usually run the register". He answered as we both looked to Pinkie Pie awaiting her answer. Pinkie Pie appeared to be deep in thought, She had one hand on her chin and was squinting her eyes to focus on the poster. Finally she opened her eyes wide and gasped as she pointed at the poster. "Well?" I asked impatiently awaiting her answer. "Is that the poster of the runaway students from the school bulletin board outside the cafeteria? Twilight freaked out when she saw someone stole it" Pinkie explained. To that I scowl at her and tapped the picture. "Oh yeah, Short Stick and flash were here yesterday" pinkie said returning back to her goofy smiling expression. "Did anything seem off about them?" I asked. "well, Flash did seem a little... unfriendly." she responded. "did they happen to buy anything odd... Something a bakery wouldn't usually sell... Like sugar?" I asked Pinkie. "Yeah, Flash did buy a bag of sugar" Pinkie answered. "Actually" Mr Cake interrupted. "Quite a few customers have been buying bags of sugar from here". "So Flash has brought sugar fron here before?" I inquired. "No, yesterday was his first time. We don't usually get the same customer buying sugar." Pinkie clarified. "how long have customers been buying sugar from you? And how often does it occur?" I asked feeling like I was on to something. Mr Cake thought about it for a moment then answered. "We started selling sugar around 4 months ago... We wouldn't normally sell our ingredients but there willing to pay quite a bit, and we sell one to a customer every 2 to 3 days." he said. (Around 4 months... That's when students started running away from home. I have a hunch that I'm on the right track, If I follow the sugar it might lead me to Short stick... or something. But if a customer only buys every second to third day I'll have to comeback tomorrow.) I thought. "that's all the questions I had." I said as i turned to leave. "Wait! Don't you want something delicious before you go? I got fresh baked double chocolate fudge brownies." Pinkie pie said as she held a fresh tray of the mentioned treats in the air, where she got them from so fast i'm not sure... i know they weren't there a second ago. Despite how good they smelt I ignored her and left the store. I had to gather my thoughts and I can't let sweet treats distract me... Also I have a reputation to maintain, so spending time in a mum and pop bakery isn't helping with that. I get into my car and sit there quietly thinking about what I just learnt. (could I really be uncovering some crazy conspiracy? No, All I know is that Flash who was at school yesterday was also here with Short Stick... who disappeared shortly after. also that Sugar Cube Corner started selling there supply of sugar to customers 4 months ago, around the time Students started running away... However it sounds like they get many different people looking to buy sugar at a high price.) I thought still unsure what it all meant. (then there's the fake MyFace account used to contact Short Stick). I mentally noted. (I guess for now all I can do is wait until tommorow and see if anyone buys sugar after school. From there I can follow them and see if they lead me to some answers). I knew that maybe this was bigger than me, maybe I was out of my league and maybe I should just walk away... But I was curious. I was excited, and most of all I had absolute confidence that no matter how bad things got I could prevail... after all, I'm better then everyone so there's No way i would lose... Besides... It could be nothing. I drove home as I had nothing left to do. I could see that no one was home and they probably wouldn't be for a few hours. I didn't even bother listening to the messages on the answering machine as I had a good idea as to what they were about. I probably should had done some homework but I was too anxious about tomorrow that I couldn't sit still so I went out into the backyard. after removing my jacket I began exercising. Due to my reputation and history i always end up in a fight so i do what i can to stay in shape, and since i'm usually clashing with Flash Sentry and the school football team it helps me keep up with them. Fighting's kept my body fit and my reflexes sharp for the most part and while I've never had any formal training I've always been sharp and have learned a lot from street fights. But when it comes to a fight I feel more comfortable swinging something like a bat or a pipe. After what felt like an hour or two I grabbed my jacket and went back inside. The training didn't get my mind off tomorrow but it did wear me out as I was now covered in sweat, so I went upstairs and had a quick shower. When I was finished with my shower I headed back down stairs after chucking on a pair of black shorts. I was still the only one in the house so I decided to have an early dinner which was just some leftovers from a few nights ago. I watched TV while I ate. Nothing good was on but I enjoy how it made the empty house more lively, soon after dinner I decided to head to bed as I didn't have much else to do. After going up upstairs I went to the bathroom and grabbed my jacket off the floor then headed to my room. I removed the lighter and poster from my jacket and placed them on my desk, I did the same for my newly acquired laptop. I took hold of my lighter flicking the lid off and lighting it to reveal a green flame. (one mystery at a time) I thought with uncertainty as I placed the now unlit lighter back on the desk. I then turned off the lights as I got into bed. "I'll uncover whatever Flash and Short Sticks are involved with tomorrow. ...Is something strange happening in this town?" I said as I drifted of to sleep. > Chapter 3 - Can I Get a Light! - edited > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 003 - edit Chapter 3 - Can I get a light! Today I don't wake up to the sound of a car pulling out of the driveway. No, today I woke an hour earlier than usual. With the recent runaway mystery on my mind and the possibility of solving it, (or at least with this big lead on my mind) I found myself waking up early for once. (Even with this lead I'll have to wait until after school before seeing if it actually leads anywhere or not. Maybe I could just skip school today... Wouldn't be the first time.) I thought as I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom for a shower. After a few minutes of washing up I leave the bathroom. (Actually, if I miss my counselings session Principle Celestia will force me to repeat... I guess as long as I show up for that there won't be any problems. Also, Blueblood might need my help looking like a hero again.) I though as I headed back to my room to get dressed for today. I put on a pair of black slacks and a white t-shirt with the letters CMX printed on it. CMX was another musician I listened to... Not that anyone would see it under my signature jacket that I put on afterwards. I also made sure to place my Grandfather's lighter as well as the missing teens poster in the pocket on the inside of the jacket. Looking at the clock next to my bed I saw that it would have been half an hour before I would usually get up. I made my way downstairs and saw something that surprised me. Sitting at the table was my mother... And she looked like a wreck. My mother, Charity Ball, has white skin and long orange hair that curls upwards at the end... Usually, as right now it was frazzled and all over the place. She wore a yellow summer dress that ran down her body. She was currently slouching over the table, her arms keeping her head elevated. She looked like she might collapse at any second. Her face had large dark bags under her eyes which normally wouldn't be there either. She looked exhausted. Hearing me come down the stairs mum looked my way with what could pass as a smile. "Oh... Morning Drifting..." she lazily said. It's a bit odd hearing someone besides Principal Celestia use my actual name. While it might feel odd it's not unwelcome... At least when it comes from someone I care about. "Mum... You don't look too good, have you been to bed yet?" I asked worried for her. "No... I was at city hall all night finishing the paper work for Har-Fest. Even though it's not for a few more days were really behind schedule... So I'm just gonna get to the point. Can you do me a favour?" She asked with her tired smile and unfocused eyes. "Sure?... Depending on what it is." I answered. "Well... I promised to deliver some of the decorations and equipment to city hall this morning... But it's not safe for me to be behind the wheel of a car as I em right now. So would you be able to do it for me?" She asked as she laid her head on the table. "You just want me to make a delivery? Sure... Sounds simple enough. As long as it doesn't take too long. Where are the things that need to be delivered?" I answered looking around for any boxes. "Weeeeellll... Actually. You would need to go to Sweet Apple Acres to get them." She said sheepishly. "You mean that rundown old farm on the outskirts of town? ...You realise I got school today right?" I asked. "pfft... I know you ditch school every so often, so what do you care? what's one more time gonna do?" she said with little care. "You do understand as a parent your not supposed to encourage my bad behaviour? ...I'm just gonna ignore what you said as clearly your too tired to understand what your saying... But fine, I'll do it. Also, because of all my waging, and some other unimportant incidents. They put me in counselling sessions, so I do care as Principle Celestia could force me to repeat if I miss them". I said as I rolled my eyes. "I'll write you a note" Mum said as she slowly got up. After she gave me the note she made her way to her room. "sorry to hear your crazy. You probably got that from your grandfather." "What?... I'm not crazy! I just told you why I'm getting counseling!... just go get some sleep" I replied. (alright this task could help kill some time... Wait a second) I thought as I looked towards my parent's room. "What time should I go? also shouldn't dad be up by now?" I called down to mum. "Now... But have some breakfast first, I made some toast for you. And it's your dad's day off so he's sleeping in." mum called back. I looked around to find the toast mum talked about and saw what looked to be charred remains of bread on a plate with mayo smeared on it. (I'm gonna chop that up to mum being tired). I thought as I dumped the breakfast abomination in the bin. After making and eating a proper breakfast I grabbed my keys before getting into my car and making my way towards Sweet Apple Acres. (Mum really wares herself out for these charity events. She's probably gonna call on me for more favours over the next 2 days). I thought as I looked at the clock in my car. (I would have gotten up around 10 minutes ago usually. It's gonna take 25-30 minutes to get to Sweet Apple Acres and then another 50-60 just to get to city hall, plus however long it takes to load up my car with any of the equipment... This could take awhile, meaning I could miss the first two periods which are English and Science. If I'm not careful I could miss my counselings as well and I don't want to cause trouble for Mr Freerights.) I turned on the car radio to help pass the time as I drove to my destination, the local news was on air which I wasn't too interested in hearing, but the only other station was country... So news it was. "Good morning Listener's! you are tuned into 74.7 Caster in the morning, and I've got all the local news stories to keep you listeners informed." the over cheery Radio host, Caster announced. clearly he was a better morning person than me... Although that wasn't hard to do. "if you've been following the recent runaway stories then you would know that so far 8 teens have gone missing... Well it seems since yesterday we got another kid to add to the list. 16 year old Short Stick ran away from home to follow his dreams just like every teen before him in the past few months, if only more aspiring teens dreamed of being local radio hosts we wouldn't have a runaway problem... As there dreams would be crushed being unable to compete with such an amazing host as myself... Sound Caster." I was annoyed at how Sound Caster acted, he was self absorbed and obnoxious... Like me. But he was still better than country music so I stayed tuned in. "Why are these kids getting so much attention anyway!?... They keep in touch with there family's so what's the problem? Police have even stated it's not a big issue... Suspicious maybe, but more likely a coincidence if you ask me." Caster said his voice full of attitude... And truthfully I hoped he was right, that this was just some teenagers making dumb decisions story and not some weird cult or crazy conspiracy. "You know who suffers the most from this? Real missing persons... My neighbours friends cousins big sister's hairdresser's neighbour disappeared and I never saw any mention of him in the news... Although he might have just moved. My sources tell me there have been adults going missing as well although they've all been loners who don't socialise much, so it could just be they never told anyone they were leaving or skipping town. The point is, stories like runaway kids takes focus away from real news!" Caster was clearly annoyed, probably from having to talk about this for the past month or two. "But hey... No point getting upset over kids doing dumb things, they'll show up eventually, so moving right along to something that is back... Golden Oaks Library! That's right Golden Oaks Library is opening back up tomorrow and just in time for Har-Fest. For those of you who didn't know, Golden Oaks was closed when the former librarian quit her job and moved towns after winning the lottery, and with no one to fill her role Golden Oaks was closed until a replacement could be found... There Probably hoping some of that librarian luck will rub off on them. So for those out there who would like to read up on the history of our town go on down to Golden Oaks Library... Or you know... Google it like a normal person." "huh... maybe this Sound Caster guy isn't so bad after all" I said as I listened to his snarky comments. "Now to help get you guys ready for Har-Fest, how about some old school country tunes for the rest of this morning" he said as the sound of a banjo began to play "I spoke too soon" I quickly corrected myself as I turned off the radio. For the rest of the trip I drove in silence. I was in the outskirts of town when Sweet Apple Acres came into view. The farm sat on the boarder of our town, placing it between a whole lot of nothing and the middle of nowhere. There was a sign welcoming me to Sweet Apple Acres that hung above a wooden arch at the entrance of the farm. I also realised that at some point the gravel road had stooped as all I could see was a dirt road. Besides rows of apple trees there was also a big red barn, a pig pen, a chicken coop and a large 2 stories house where the farmers must live. "oh man, did I go back in time or something? ...This place looks like it belongs in a history book... It probably is. I bet these people wouldn't even know what a DVD is... They'll probably call me a witch if I brought my new laptop" I said sarcastically as I drove up to the barn which had a truck parked outside. "I wonder how many times I'm gonna hear Ye-haa or be called Partna today" I said as I parked, "this place smells like a mix between a zoo and a hobo" I continued as I got out of the car. It was at that moment I noticed there was a large guy sitting in the truck with his window down who looked annoyed... Probably because he overheard my comments about the farm. Too bad my people skills suck as my next few actions wouldn't help lighten the mood. "Greetings... I am from the future and I've come to tell you that one day an invention called soap will solve 80% of your problems. Also marrying your cousin becomes frowned upon." I said like a jackass. ...Which he didn't react to, instead he just gave the same grumpy stare that told me more than words could. "Oh... Your wondering who I em. Well Charity Ball couldn't make it so I'm filling in for her" I said understanding what he said with his stare. He got out of the truck which gave me a better look at him. He was taller than me with red skin and blond rugged straight hair, he was wearing a brown flannel chequered shirt which clung to his very muscular and well toned chest and biceps. He also wore a pair of blue jeans and brown work boots. He was clearly strong, probably due to growing up on a farm... I've fought bigger guys then him but this guy looks like he could easily hold his own. He walked over to the barn door with me in tow. "So I was told you needed help getting somethings over to city hall... But honestly a big guy like you should have no problem with a few boxes" I said as he began opening the barn. When the barn door opened wide so did my eyes, there weren't a few boxes... There were a lot of boxes, more than both my car and his truck could carry in one or two trips. "This is... Not what was advertised" I said shocked at what i had signed up to do "sigh... This is gonna be an all day thing isn't it?" I asked disheartened at the true task at hand. "Yup" he responded, pleased at my unhappiness. For the rest of the morning we would alternate between filling our vehicles with boxes and then dropping them off at city hall, some boxes requiring both of us to carry. Every time I made a smart ass remark about anything he would cased a glance towards all the work I still had to do before looking back to me with a smirk, which in turn would shut me up. It also didn't help that while we worked he would have his trucks radio tuned to the country music channel... Every time I turned it off he would turn it back on and turn up the volume. On our second trip as I went to lift a large box, Farm boy rushed ahead of me looking overly pleased as he lifted it to his truck. Now he never said or did anything to me directly, but there was something about his body language that sounded smug... Something like "I'll take that, you can't handle it". He clearly knew I was going for that one, it was like a silent challenge... One I accept. This time as Farm boy went to lift a large box I rushed ahead of him. As I lifted the box I turned to him with the same overly smug/pleased look that he had as I took the box to his truck while making it look easier than it was... Which wasn't easy, but I was too stubborn to back down. And I stand by that decision. From that point on without any words being spoken we tried to out do one another while hiding our exhaustion. The silent competition was unlike the ones I have with flash, no one was keeping score. And while I was trying to outshine him and prove I'm better, something felt different. I was just trying to out do him without crushing his ego or moral. I believe they called this a.... friendly competition?... that doesn't sound right... Maybe exhaustion was affecting me more than I realized. Around twelve we took a lunch break on the farm, we were only halfway done at this point. He gave me two apples and we sat in the shade of the barn. "You know I might have miss judged you... uhhhh, Farm boy!" I said struggling to remember if he said his name or not, "I don't think you ever told me your name... or anything actually. Your not much of a talker are you? That's fine, your names not important anyway... and it's probably something stupid like Gumbo, or Apple Something." I said as I bit into an apple, wincing slightly from the taste which I couldn't decide was too sweet or too bitter. His response was similar to all the others he gave when I ran my mouth, he gave a stern look that conveyed more than words could, it's like I understood whatever he wanted to say and right now he was saying "right back at ya". "I guess I never gave my name either... But like I said, names aren't important to getting the job done. Besides, I prefer what we got going now... Also, I'm not much for listening to others anyway." I said taking another bite of the apple, slightly wincing again. The Farm boy took a bite of his apple before uttering something. "Big Mac!". I froze mid bite and looked his way. "it's not mah name, but that's wha they call me." he continued ignoring my surprise. After a moment I recovered and gave my own answer. "In that case, you can call me Cross. It's not my name either but that's what they call me." He responded with another stern look, this time saying he thinks he knows who and why. "Yeah... as you've probably guessed I'm not everyone's favourite person to be around. The name refers to my attitude, and before you ask it's never bothered me as I prefer only my friends use my real name." was my answer to his unasked question. This got me another silent question this one being more smug with an eyebrow raised. "I'm gonna ignore that one, besides... People are too sensitive anyway, when their pushed that's when you can see who they really are..." I said as I got up, finishing my last apple. "come on we've got work to do... Oh, and your family's apples are nasty." I said, tossing the cores over my shoulder. Big Mac also got up giving me another look which basically said, your welcome, but with some attitude. We went back to our routine of carrying boxes to our vehicles and driving them to city hall for another 2 hours until we were down to our last delivery. There wasn't much left at that point so we decided to only use my car as I could drop it off then get back to my life. "You know, for a farmer your not so bad... If you ignore your backwater country accent... And the smell... And your constant need to talk" I said as we carried the last box to my car. To that he rolled his eyes which was his way of sarcastically saying, and you were such a pleasure to work with. "Now I would never consider you a friend as I make it a habit of not having any... But you are tolerable, which is the nicest thing you will ever hear me say" I said as we placed the last box down. "It also helped that you never once said yeeha or introduced me to your girlfriend slash cousin". I said as we place the last box in my car. His stare basically asked if I ever stopped. "Even if I wasn't helping, you probably would have tolerated me anyway because your a simple honest person" I said as I got into the car, "You never cared much when I insulted you personally, but when I bad mouthed your farm I could see that you really care about it as that's when you were the most annoyed at me" at that Big Macs expression softened. "Well I'm an honest person too, so I can honestly say if I never come back to this farm I just might die a slightly happier person. The place is dirty and half the time I'm convinced that I've gone back in time by a hundred years due to how everything on this farm belongs in a museum, not to mention even with my bad reputation I would rather not be seen with slack jawed yokels." That threw his softened expression to one of annoyance... Not hate but annoyance, that honestly made me confused. Maybe even a little annoyed. (I guess this guy's more tolerant than I assumed) I thought as I began to drive away. "For the record, don't bother inviting me when you marry your cousin" I called as I drove off. soon Sweet Apple Acres was a dot in my rear view mirror and I was on my way to city hall for the last time today. My trip to Sweet Apple Acres lasted longer than I expected but was over before I knew it, maybe it was because more hands made lighter work, or maybe it was because time goes faster when your having fun... And I do enjoy being an ass. But one thing was certain, and that was so far today doesn't suck... Although I did miss my counselling session and I really hope that doesn't bite me in the ass. After a lengthy drive I drop off the last of the boxes to city hall before I see that school has just finished. I immediately head to Sugar Cube Corner hopping to follow up on my lead, I arrive at 3:10pm and park across the road just outside Natures Muse. (if I'm right, someone will come out of Sugar Cube Corner with a bag of sugar within the next hour... Probably. Mr Cake did say every 2 or 3 days, which could mean I would have to come back tomorrow... Although even if someone does come out of Sugar Cube Corner with a sack of sugar I don't know what it means, but I'll follow them and hope it leads somewhere.) I thought as I got comfortable in my seat and watched the door across the road. As I sat in my car and waited I thought about why I was doing this. I mean, yeah, destroying Flash's reputation is pretty appealing but I could just be wasting my time. Worst case scenario it's related to either a cult or a gang, but my lead is a stretch at best and is more likely to be me being paranoid and seeing connections where there are none. Even so, my instincts are telling me to go ahead with this. Time passed While I tried to contemplate my reason, eventually I saw what I was waiting for. The door to Sugar Cube Corner opened up as a tall man left the store. the man had grey skin and wore a business suit, his hair was short and brown. Besides his glasses he didn't have any noticeable features. But what he did have that grabbed my attention was a bag of sugar. After leaving the store he began to walk up the street. Deciding that following him by car would stand out to much I got out of the vehicle and began to walk after him. Being cautious I tried to make sure he was always 15 or more meters ahead of me, if he realised he was being followed then I would lose my only lead. I followed him from street to street, slowly making our way to wherever it was he was going. I noticed we were moving away from the busier area of town and into older empty streets. when he turned a corner and was out of sight I felt my lighter become warm as I neared the corner, this new development caused me to worry slightly as I remembered the lighter had become warm when Flash and Short Stick had walked passed me outside of Sugar Cube Corner 2 days ago. The lighter has been weird for the last few days though so it could be a coincidence. As I neared the corner a thought occurred to me. (The lighter might have been acting strange the past few days, but this is the first time it's doing this today, usual it would had warmed up earlier). as I turned the corner I saw the man only a good 3 meters ahead of me talking to a woman with a clipboard. The woman appeared to be some Eco activist trying to get people's signatures. "I'm collecting signatures to have North Star industry stop there factories from creating such harmful air pollution, each year th-...", before the woman could finish giving the same speech she has been giving all day the man interrupted her. "How many times must I tell you! I have no interest in signing up for your meaningless cause. Now get out of my way!" the man interrupted as he pushed her aside. "What...? But this is the first time I've asked you!" the woman said looking surprised as the man got further away. I noticed the lighter cool down when he was around 8 or 10 meters away. I also noticed the woman was now hopefully looking at me. I needed to let him gain some distance so before the woman could begin to give her speech I grabbed her clipboard and began writing on the paper while watching the man in the corner of my eye, after a few seconds I began following him once again. The woman thankful to have gotten a signature looked my way with a gleeful smile "Thank you very much for your support..." the woman said looking at my signature "I... Don't... Care..." With that her gleeful expression turned to one of defeat. "maybe this is a bad part of town?" the woman said to herself as she left. Deciding to test a theory of mine I sped up my pace and closed in on the man, once I was maybe 8 or 10 meters away the lighter warmed up once again, I then slowed down and soon the lighter cooled down as he got further than 10 meters away. I repeated this a few times and the same thing happened again and again. When I was close the lighter would warm up, but when the gap between us grew the lighter cooled down. Finally I decided to back off and give him some space in case he suddenly stopped again. (My hunch was right! The lighter is reacting to him... But what about the past 2 days? He wasn't at school or at Sugar Cube Corner on Monday, so then what is it specifically that the lighter is reacting to? also right now it's only warming up... During science on Monday it became much hotter, not painfully hot but definitely noticeable.) I thought as I continued to follow him. Before I knew it we were in a more rundown part of town as stores were abandoned and empty, most looking like they have been for years. A street sign told me this street was called Bullwork street. With less cover and crowds to hide behind I backed off further. The man soon went down an alley and I followed while ducking behind boxes and trash cans to remain out of sight. The alley lead to an old house at the back of an abandoned store. Remaining behind a wall I watched as the man approached the old houses front door. The house was decrepit and worn out, the walls were made of wood which had become mouldy and any metal like the sheet metal roof and tin mailbox were rusty. While Windows were either smashed or boarded up. The man knocked on the door and waited, soon the door opened but from my hiding spot I couldn't see who answered as the man was in the way of my view, from were I was I could easily hear them speaking though. "I still have business to take care of so I'm just dropping of the sugar for now, make sure to save me some... I don't know how much we got left" the man said as he handed someone the sugar "I'll be back later." The man Said as the door closed. He then turned around and began walking away. Luckily he walked in the opposite direction of me. I waited a few minutes then approached the house, listening carefully I determined that there was only one person inside. I looked around carefully and found a broken window that I could use to enter the building. Walking around the outside of the house carefully I felt the lighter warm up. (I guess it's reacting to whoever's inside the house, I can use it to help avoid them.) I thought, forgetting for a second that I still wasn't sure what exactly the lighter was reacting to. (I'll sneak in and look for clues, if I'm spotted I should be able to fight my way out even if there is more than one guy.) I overconfidently thought as I double checked my entry point. When I was sure no one was in the room with the broken window I climbed through. The room was just as wornout as the rest of the house and seemed to had been either a study or a bed room, besides an empty bookshelf the rest of the room was barren. (I don't know what I was expecting but I thought there would be more than this, it looks like no ones lived here for years.) I thought as I examined the room more carefully. Deciding I wasn't gonna find anything in this room I quietly made my way to door. listening out I could hear movement in the other side of the house, the lighter wasn't reacting meaning the other person wasn't too close. I peeked through the door and looked around, On the other side of the door was a hallway. To the left were two doors but was where the sounds were coming from, on the right were 3 other doors. Wanting to avoid whoever was in the house I made my way to the right, slowly and quietly I moved into the hallway and approached the first door, I slowly opened it and crept through. This room was just like the last however it's condition was worse, the wooden flooring was completely moulded through in some spots and the ceiling had holes in it. Similar to the last room, this one was also empty. Deciding that there was nothing of importance to be found here I made my way back into the hallway. Still on the right side of the hall I approached the second door, as I opened it I quickly found that it did not lead to another room but was instead a closet. (so far I've got nothing of importance, and with only 3 more rooms I'm gonna have to find away to deal with the person here... Hopefully I can find something before it comes to that and leave without being see-). my thoughts were interrupted when I felt the lighter heat up. I quickly moved into the closet and closed it just as I heard the door on the other side of the hall open, the sound of footsteps echoed through the hallway becoming louder as the person grew nearer. Not sure if they were aware of me or not I closed my hands into fists and waited, the sound of steps grew closer and just as they approached the door they kept going. I soon heard the sound of a door opening and closing followed by the sound of running water. (sounds like they entered the third room which judging by the sound of water appears to be the bath room.) I thought as I slowly pocked my head out into the hallway seeing that they had left the door open at the other side of the hall. (while there occupied I can explore more of the house.) I thought as I made my way to room were the person had just been. This room was much larger than the others as it contained the kitchen, the dining room, and lounge room. Like the other rooms it was worn out with holes in the roof, however unlike the other rooms there were a few bits of furniture and some evidence of people being here. There was a table which had an assortment of things on it and a wooden chair on each side of it. In the corner of the room was a bin overflowing with empty sugar sacks, there was also a lounge that was falling apart that faced an old tv that was probably discontinued 20 years ago. On the wall was a pin board with many pictures on it. I moved through the room slowly examining it as I went. I started with the bin and moved the top layer of trash aside, underneath the empty sacks of sugar were more empty sacks. (Whoever these guys are they sure like sugar... But why? Mr. Cakes said he sells one whole sack every 2-3 days, but never to the same people. Judging by how many are in this bin alone I would say they all end up in this house. What are they doing with all that sugar?) I thought moving towards the table. Looking at the many things on the table I noticed the now open bag of sugar that had been bought earlier today. I stuck my fingers into the sugar and took a pinch of it and placed it in my mouth to taste it. (It tastes normal to me... so then why the sugar addiction?) I thought as I examined the other items on the table. I next noticed a few glasses on the table, most were empty but one contained half a glass of misty liquid. I dipped a finger into the liquid and brought the finger to my face. The liquid smelt sweet and after licking it I quickly figured out what it was. (Well now I know what they do with all that sugar... they mix it with water... But why? Do they drink it? And why so many glasses, are there more people involved then the two I've seen? I suppose that would explain how they run out of sugar so fast). It was then that I noticed a very important piece of evidence on the table... a closed laptop, the same model that our school lends out to students who don't own a computer so that they can do there work. I opened it and found it was already turned on, the person was logged into MyFace and the account was flash sentry. Checking there chat history I found that they were the same flash sentry that had messaged Short Stick. I took a step back realising I found my connection to Short Stick, but I still lacked a body. (Alright, I now have proof that these shady people are connected to him... But where is he? I guess there's still one more room to check.) I thought as I was preparing to make my way to the door. As I was moving to the door the pin board caught my eye, it was covered in photos but the one that caught my eye was a picture of an angry looking boy with black hair who wore a black jacket with white fur on the collar and sleeves... it was a picture of me. There were two different kinds of pictures, ones that had been crossed out and ones that were circled. I saw pictures of the smart lavender girl, Flash Sentry, Derpy, Sunset Shimmer, the slack jawed girl and her older sister, Valkyrie and many more that had been crossed out. But the pictures of the people who were circled seemed familiar... like I had seen them before. And then it dawned on me. Reaching into my jacket I took out the poster of the runaway students and just as I had thought, everyone on the poster was circled on the pin board, Short Stick, Sunny Funny, Mis Abel, Trail Blazer, and the rest as well as some I didn't know. Mine was also among the circled pictures and even if I didn't know exactly what it meant I had a strong feeling it wasn't good. (What does this mean? Am I a target? Why are some circled and others crossed out?) I was too distracted by my own thoughts that I hadn't noticed that the lighter had warmed up. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" a familiar voice shouted. Standing in the doorway was Flash Sentry looking more pissed off then ever. I stared back at him feeling anger and confusion. "I knew you were involved in this some how! Whatever shady business your running... It ENDS NOW" I shouted back. Unfazed Flash looked around the room before looking back at me "did you come alone?... Of course you did, you don't have any friends and your the type of person who acts on his own... Believing yourself to be invincible. I suppose this makes it easier" Flash said with a now much calmer as a sinister smile crept onto his face. "What was that?... I don't need no ones help! Especially when it comes to kicking your ass." I said as I brought my fists up ready to fight. Unlike other times me and Flash fought, this felt different. My instincts were telling me not to take my eyes off him for a second, they told me that for once I shouldn't be the first to act. So Instead I waited for him to make the first move. "I don't know why your here or how you found this place... But let me make this clear. You made a huge mistake coming here!" Flash said as he lunged forwards like a beast. I moved to the side as he flies past me and into the table, knocking it over. A leg of the table breaks off and the glasses shatter while the laptop hits the ground hard with a crunch. The sugar is now spilt all over the ground. (I've fought Flash enough to know this savage behaviour isn't his style... Could he be acting rash out of desperation? No... He seems confident, like he's already won no mater what). Flash turns around and lunges again which I just as easily side step, this time kicking him in the back as he passes me, this sends him crashing to the ground in front of the door we had used to enter the room. "That's pathetic... I mean your nowhere as good as me at fighting, but that was just horrible." I said as Flash picked himself of the ground. "I want answers! What are you and that other man up to? Where are the missing people? ...Tell me and I'll only break one of your legs." "I forget how slow and weak you people are. If you really want to see them so bad I can arrange that." Flash said as he picks himself of the ground before pointing an arm my way. "You can spend the rest of your miserable lives together in the basement!... if you survive that is." My instincts told me to move even though he was not close enough to hit me. it was like that outstretched arm of Flash's was dangerous. Trusting my instincts I jumped to the side just as a green bolt of light the size of a basketball shot from Flash's hand. The bolt flew past me and hit the pin board, reducing it to ashes. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?..." I shouted too surprised to realise he had taken aim again as I looked at what remained of the pin board. "TOO SLOW!" Flash shouted as another bolt of green light flew from his hand and hit my chest. As soon as it touched me I felt a burning sensation... But not from my chest, Instead it came from my pocket. Just as quickly as the green bolt of light appeared it disappeared, as if it was never there. I stood there unharmed and confused. "What... What did you do? You should be dead, or at least gravelly injured." Flash said, shocked that I was fine. He then pointed both his hands at me, a ball of green light appeared between his hands, it began growing in size and was soon as big as a exercise ball. With a push of his arms the ball of light began flying towards me. I was still off guard and shocked at what was happening before me. Instead of moving out of the way I brought my arms up to block the fast moving projectile. The ball of light crashed into me, this time I feel a gentle warmth passing through me and into my pocket. I can feel the same burning sensation emanating from my pocket as before as the ball of light became smaller and smaller before disappearing. Flash just stood there, surprised that I was unharmed... He wasn't the only one. (I don't know what's going on... but that burning sensation in my pocket must be the lighter.) I thought as I took out my lighter and looked at it for a moment. Instinct once again took over, telling me that I should light it. Flipping the lid of the lighter I press the button. A green flame appeared and just as it did something began to happen to Flash. "HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? ...WHATS WITH THE WEIRD FLAME." Flash impatiently Shouted. Green mist began flying from his body and into the flame. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he repeated as cracks appeared on his skin. As mist flew from his body he began to change. His clothes disappeared, evaporating into a green mist while his skin became darker and thicker, becoming more like armour then flesh. His teeth became jagged and sharp, two large fangs stuck out of is mouth. His tunge became long and forked like a snakes. holes appeared in his legs and arms. wings sprouted from his back and his fingers became longer and sharper, like claws. And his eyes became glassy, losing the pupil and becoming a vibrant blue shade. What stood in front of me wasn't human... no it was a monster. Hissing and snarling, the creature looked like some humanoid insect. I was already shocked at what was happening before, now I wasn't even sure how to react. Standing in front of me was something that doesn't exist... Something that shouldn't exist. It pointed its arm at me again, but this time nothing happened. "Darm!... I don't know what you did to my magic... but that's fine, like this I'm strong enough to beat you to death anyway." the creature said in a deep voice as it put its arm down. It hissed at me as it's wings spread out and began buzzing as it flew at me faster than before. Too shocked at what was in front of me to react to its advance, it slammed it's fist into my gut, sending me flying back into the collapsed table. I was winded by the punch and before I could catch my breath or bring myself out of my daze, the monster was standing above me. It reached down grabbing me by the throat, it effortlessly lifted me high enough that my feet couldn't touch the ground with just one arm. I was panicking as I struggled to get free of its grip, out of breath and still rocked from the hit I had taken I was powerless. I also realised I had dropped the lighter when I got knocked down. "You humans are so pathetic. You can't do anything on your own and you break so easily... And personally your quite ugly, but you do have some uses. By draining your love and happiness we can use it as a food source... But your different" the monster said with a sinister smile as I hung in the air as the life drained from me. "You make others miserable and unhappy, instead of working together you push others away and isolate yourself, people like you ruin our perfectly good meals and make it hard to eat. Everyone will be overjoyed when they learn your gone." I was losing consciousness as I hung in the air, I needed to act fast... I needed to act now! With the last of my strength I stopped trying to free myself from his grasp and went on the attack, I threw a punch right to the side of his head with all I had. "THWACK!!" "Ha...Ha... Hahahaha!" The monster laughed as pain surged through my hand. He was unfazed by my attack, the black armour like skin that covered his body was much harder than I thought. "Still got some fright left in ya huh? Well I guess I can play with you a little longer" the monster said gleefully as he slammed me into the ground. "WHAMM" The world around me was spinning as I laid on the ground. But my arms instinctively reached out, looking for anything I could use. "I wonder if anyone would even bother looking for you?" The monster said as he lifted me again, this time by the collar of my jacked. "well, wanna try that again." the monster mocked. I slowly brought my closed fist up and with much less force than last time slammed it against his face, just bellow his left eye. "Whats wrong, out of breath?.... Hahahaha!" the monster once again mocked. While he laughed I unclenched my fist revealing the lighter I had picked up when he slammed me into the ground. I lit the lighter and the flame erupted into his eye before he could react. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The monster screamed, dropping me as he jumped back and began frantically rolling around. Back when I was slammed into the ground I felt something inside me... Something familiar, it was a hunger... The same hunger that had fuelled me in every fight I have ever had. Every time I competed, every time something stood in my way... I was hungry for a win. It was at that moment that I stopped panicking and focused on winning. I caught my breath, stood up and dusted of my jacket. "You surprised me for a second there." I said, now more calmer as I picked up a broken off table leg. "I made a mistake and dropped my guard... A mistake I won't repeat." I continued as I pointed the table leg at the creature as I gave a hate filled glare. The monster stopped rolling on the ground and got back up, his left eye was now burnt and useless. He stared back with his right eye which was filled with enough fury and killing intent for 2. "DARM FILTHY HUMAN!!... I'M GONNA RIP YOU APART PIECE BY PIECE!" He spat back, brandishing his claws. "You talk big, but at the end of the day... Your nothing more than a bug on my path. And I step on bugs." I said maliciously as I waited for his move. His wings sprung to life as he quickly lunged toward me readily swinging his claws. But this time I was ready. Seemed he only had one plan of attack, his movements were easy to read and predictable. I swung the wooden table leg into his chest as he approached knocking him slightly of course, however his claws tore through my left jacket sleeve leaving a wide tear. Luckily he didn't rip my skin. As the monster turned around I saw his chest was cracked where I had hit him. "The next time you charge at me... I'm gonna smash your head in!" I threatened as I got into a batting stance. "FILTHY ARROGANT MONKEY! I'M GONNA TEAR YOUR HEART OUT!" He shouted as he flew at me again. Just before reaching me he thrust his right arm out towards me and raised his left arm up to his head to block my swing. Just as I had hoped he would. Without his left eye he won't see the real target of my swing... His cracked chest. As his claws begin to pierce the left breast of my jacket I swung with all my might. "CCRRRAAKKK!!!" With a loud crunch his chest exploded. Green liquid erupts from his chest as he flies backwards onto the tables remains. I walk over to the monster as it vomits green liquid and spasms on the ground, even as it dies it looks smug. "en-enjoy you-r.... victory while you can 'cough', you'll get... no-thing in the e-nd... No one will believe you... not even the vic-tims..." the monster struggled to say as it coughed green blood. I stood next to the monster head as I raised the table leg high into the sky, and with all my might swung It down at the creatures head. "CRAAACCKK!!!" A bone chilling crunch sounded through the abandoned house as green blood spattered all over the floor. the monsters body lied there in a pool of green liquid.... lifeless. "You Must be delusional. with all the evidence here I..." Before I could finish my sentence the monsters body began to glow before lighting on fire. Green flames quickly consumed his body reducing it to ashes, even its splattered blood began evaporating and in just a moment any trace of the monsters existence was gone. "...So, they don't leave corpses, well even without him I still have his laptop" I said as I looked around for it. I soon found it... Or what was left of it as it was now a melted mess of plastic and metal. It seems the monster had landed on it before combustion. "Shit... And the pin board was incinerated at the start of our fight... Wait, the victims are in the basement, they'll give a statement confirming the monsters existence." I said to myself as I dropped the remains of the laptop. I also noticed the lighter had cooled down at some point. As I made my way to the basement I examined my jacket which had gained quite a few new holes and tears. After making a mental note that I would have to find someone to fix it I decided to ignore it for now. the last door in the hall lead down into the basement. The basement was dark but luckily the light still worked. There I found three green pods which held something inside them... People. They were a translucent green so I could see inside them. Taking out the missing persons poster I noted the pods contained Short Stick, Sunny Funny and Trail Blazer. (wait were are the others... there should be more? there are definitely more of those monsters judging by the glasses I found on the table, at least 4 or 5 others use this house. one was the man I followed so the others must be out as well. did they store the others some where else?) l was trying to figure out where the others were when a thought occurred to me. (my lighter was reacting a lot at school, could there be more than the ones who camp here?... just how many more are there? do they have other storage houses were they keep people?) I was unsettled by the realisation of monsters not only existing, but walking amongst us. I broke the pods open and laid the victims on there sides. Checking there pulses I determined they were fine... Well, alive anyway. I'm not a doctor, I only know how to patch myself up. The victims were alive but wouldn't wake up no matter how hard I slapped Short Stick, or how loud I yelled... once again, Not a doctor. "I've done all I can" I thought as made my way up stairs. "I'll call the police and let them take it from here, I should also leave before anymore of those monsters show up... which is a thing apparently. huh... I'm taking this all too well". I made my way outside the house and through the alley until I was back onto the street to were I had seen a pay phone. I called the cops and told them I had seen some of the runaway teens hanging in an abandoned house where I was and that they should bring an ambulance. I waited a few minutes on the next street over until they showed up followed by news vans before deciding to leave. I slowly made my way back to Sugar Cube Corner. The walk took much longer than it had before as I dragged my feet. I wasn't too worn out physically, but mentally I was done. I got into my car and began driving back home. During the drive home I wasn't to sure how to feel about all this, I did however feel something inside me as I drove home, it was a feeling I was unfamiliar with so I wasn't to sure what to call it. I felt both good and bad. I soon arrived home and slowly made my way inside. "Hey Drifting, how did Sweet Apple Aces go?" asked mum who was watching TV "huh... oh? Place was dirty and smelt like manure, I'm pretty sure they don't own anything more advanced then a calculator... Or a calculator" I replied. "Well thanks for taking care of it for me anyway, I might have more tasks for you over the next few days so please try not to step on anyone's toes at Sweet Apple Acres." she said with a nervous smile. to which made me raise an eyebrow. Just then the TV caught my attention. "We interrupt your regular TV schedule for a news update... Today around 6pm police found Runaway teens Short Stick, Sunny Funny and Trail Blazer inside the basement of an abandoned house. all three seem to suffer from extreme exhaustion but seem to be fine. While there is no connection among the group of teens All three claim to had runaway to Canterlot where they planned to follow there dreams in various careers. sending letters and making phone calls they stayed in contact with there loved ones. Having no idea how they arrived in the basement they are glad to be home. Police are calling this a cry for attention among today's kids and are dropping further searches. Perhaps more runaways will return in time. Thank you, and now back to the show." "kids acting out for attention... I get that." mum said giving a look in my direction. I didn't respond... in fact I didn't do anything, I stood there as mum went back to watching TV. (No... No wait that's not... What about the monsters? Why did the three of them give false stories? Wait... The monster said something like "not even the victim's will believe you" what did that mean? Could it be that they didn't know they were captured by monsters? did they actually believe they've been in Canterlot this whole time? could they had been given false memories by the monsters? He did mention magic during our fight... apparently that's a thing. Or maybe the pods gave them realistic dreams... Wait the pods remains, did the police find them... What if they disintegrated like the monster after I left) No matter what theory I created or what new questions arose one fact was certain. Any evidence of the monsters were gone, they will continue to go unnoticed and continue to abduct people in this town. (Today I met something... Something that any sane person would say doesn't exist... A monster. Well it does and not only does it exist but there are more of them... walking around disguised as people and there abducting kids. The police can't do anything about it... No one can and without any evidence no one would believe me anyway.) I thought gazing at the floor. without all the adrenaline running through me any more i started to comprehend all the crazy and bizarre things i had witnessed this afternoon. and for a moment i started to feel disheartened. (no... NO, that's not right, their not monsters... Their bugs, what we have is an infestation, even if people found out they would panic and become paranoid. The cops can't deal with this but I know who can... Me. I'm one of there targets anyway, probably due to my anti social behaviour. Well I'm not just gonna stand around and wait for them to come to me. My lighter can find and reveal them, while they don't know I'm aware of them. The only one that saw me is dead. Besides... I've never needed anyone's help before. I can do this... I'll exterminate those bugs.) I thought as I raised my gaze to the TV now filled with determination. "oh right, if your hungry there's some steaks in the fridge, I cooked them just before you got home." mum said interrupting my train of thought. "huh.. Oh thanks", I replied realising I should probably eat something. Then I had another thought. (the lighter originally belonged to Grandpa but his no longer around, but maybe he told dad something about it before he died... He did originally leave it and some other things to dad when he past away but dad gave most of his things to me.) "Hey mum... where's dad, he didn't have work today right" I asked hoping to speak with him about the lighter. "He was up earlier but since his got work tomorrow he went to bed early, if you get up early you might be able to catch him before he leaves." she replied half paying attention. With that I decided to have some dinner before calling it a night. (I need to get up early if I want to talk with dad. If I'm gonna squash these bugs I'll need more information). I had no problem sleeping that night, I guess I was more warn out than I realised... However, I unfortunately had no idea what I was getting involved with. > Chapter 4 - Back to our Usual Schedule? Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 004 part 1 Chapter 4 - back to our usual schedule? Thursday morning. Once again I awaken earlier than usual as I'm driven out of bed by my determination. I want answers... I need answers. With nothing but a slim chance that my only lead will actually give me something useful, I quickly jump out of bed. I Hastily make my way down stairs in a pair of shorts, hopeing to find the only person who might hold any answers. As I descend the stairs and reach the kitchen I spot my only lead. A man who is currently standing next to the toaster, my father... Selfless Desire. Selfless is a tall thin man with grey skin, his short black hair is combed to one side. A pair of rectangular glasses sit just on his nose with red eyes hidden behind them. He wears a white doctor's coat that covers most of his body, even when off duty its rare he'll remove it. He also wears disposable plastic gloves on his hands, he keeps a box of them inside his coat. You can easily see the resemblance between me and him as I seem to have gained his looks. However his face is more stern which helps show his age. Mum has told me I remind her of him when he was younger... Except with a meaner scowl... and aggressive attitude. His buttering some toast as I approach him. (I need to see if he knows anything about grandpa's lighter. If he does he might know about that monster from yesterday). "I need to talk to you!" I declare. Without even turning to face me he responds. "You didn't go and impregnate some poor delusional girl who thinks she can change you? You remember what I told you about that right?... Wait, did I have that talk with you?" "It's about Grandpa, I need to kno-....... What?..." I wasn't to sure if I heard him right... I mean, it's early and I'm not really a morning person... Also I'm under a bit of stress. "Well?" dad responds as he turns to face me before taking a seat at table with his toast as he awaits my answer. My fathers expression has always been a mix of serious and board, even when making jokes. This has always made it hard to read his mood. After standing there for a moment having been caught of guard by his question I finally respond. "...no?". "No you didn't impregnate some girl, or no I haven't had that talk with you?" he replied immediately with his usual unreadable expression. "...both?" I reply still unsure as to where this is coming from. "Good enough!... Anyways, Make sure you use protection... Unless she's rich." was his response as he casually ate his toast. "...why?..." I asked, still confused as to what was going on. "Well, let's face it. Your not doing to well at school and I don't see you working in a high paying job like a lawyer or a doctor in the future. So if you can get yourself a... What do you kids call it... Oh right, a sugar mamma. Then I say go for it." My father calmly answered as he took another bite of his toast. "...No, I meant why are we having this conversation?" I clarified as I regained my composure. While calmly eating he responded. "Well I realized we don't talk much and that you should be sexually active by now, so I figure you could use some advice. I mean the girls must be throwing themselves at you with that whole bad boy routine you got going, they did back when I was at highschool. Before I met your mother I had girls lining up just for a chance to be near me. I never could remember all there names, so I had to get creative and give them names based on there physical assets or fetishes. There was Honkers, Chesty, whips, Funba-" "STOP! Just... Stop... I don't want to hear about your sex life, before or after mum came along." I interrupted, his words were irritating me but I needed to regain control of the conversation. "look, let's just say you don't need to worry about me knocking some girl up." With a raised eyebrow he responded "oh... I see, so it's like that! Well I guess a sugar daddy is fine too. Either way you will have both me and your mother's support. Which ever team you play for is fine." My left eye began to twitch as I did my best to control my anger. I wasn't sure if he was messing with me or not, but I would be here all day if I didn't put a stop to this now. After a deepbreath I spoke "look. I need to ask you some questions about grandpa". "Huh... His been dead for a few years now. What did you want to know?" He asked with slight interest. "Well. Grandpa left us a bunch of random junk after he passed away, he must of had an eventful life. Do you know if he was doing anything... Shady?... You know, was he mixed up in anything weird?" I asked trying to be casual. One again my dad raised an eyebrow at my question. " anything weird? You mean like if he had any fetishes? ...he did have a bit of a thing for girls with strong legs and big as-" "DARM IT! what is wrong with you" I hastily interrupted before doing my best to calm down and continue. "What I mean is... like, why did he have a lighter if he never smoked?" I tried to clarify. "hmmmm... Well I can't say for certain that he wasn't shady. However, if your curious about why he had that lighter your always carrying around I can tell you that. But why the sudden interest in your grandfather?" Dad finally answered. "Well, I kinda realized I'm always carrying his lighter and driving his car, but I never spent much time around him. Guess I was just feeling kind of curious" I partially lied. For a moment Dad just stared at me, probably because he didn't believe my story. But since he couldn't figure out any ulterior motive he answered me. "Honestly, I don't like to talk about my father. He was once a well respected archeologist who moved to this town at a young age to explore ruins located in the Everfree Forrest. He would disappear for weeks without telling anyone were he was going, even after he started a family." Dad spoke as his usually hard to read expression become one of sadness. "But as he got older his trips became harder. He would return, exhausted, dehydrated, and on the verge of death raving about delusions of fossils and scraps of mythical creatures, flora and civilizations he claimed once existed. The scientific and historical community's begun to shun him for his crazy theories... And they were right to do so. Eventually funding for his adventures were cut and he would eventually die... old and crazy." Dad finished as he sat there staring at his now empty plate. I got the feeling he resented his father but I needed to push for more answers. "...and my lighter is involved in this how?" I said realizing that may have come off uncaring. "huh... Oh right, well that was just something he found... Before he became crazy... He claimed it was an old weapon used by the church during witch hunts, tried to sell it after his funding was cut. Actually, he wrote a whole book on his delusions about mythical creatures, paranormal plants and make believe civilizations. He tried to sell it to fund his trips into the Forrest but could never find a publisher. From respected historian to a children's story book writer... Amazing what madness can do to people." Dad said as he got up to take his plate to the sink. (Well it didn't quite give me the answer I was looking for... In fact it probably raised more questions than it answered. I mean, my lighter clearly isn't a weapon, or at least a very efficient one. And witch hunts were just murders caused by the population over reacting to their paranoia... Actually if magic is a thing then maybe there is some credibility to the stories. Either way I still don't know anything... Wait! Grandpa wrote a book on mythical creatures and other strange things! Then maybe he wrote about the monsters?... Either that or he was just a delusional old man who went crazy). "Hey Dad, you said grandpa wrote a book. Do you have it by any chance?" I asked hopping it might give me some answers. That seemed to really get his attention as he turned to respond "Huh... I didn't take you as a fan of children's books? I received it after he passed away but I don't remember what I did with it. All I remember was it had a ridiculous title" he answered as he looked at the Time. "I should probably head of to work soon, and you should probably get ready for school too. Don't bother looking for that book!.. It's just a sad reminder about your grandfather, Selfish Desire's fall to madness." dad said as he left the kitchen and headed for the front door. After a few moments I heard Dad's car pull out of the driveway. (Dad clearly didn't like talking about his father, Selfish Desire... Could grandpa really have known about the monsters? For now his book is my only lead... Unless it is just full of delusions. Actually, I Got a box full of grandpa's junk in my cupboard, maybe it's in there?) I thought as I got up and made my way upstairs to my room. Going up stairs I entered my room. I made my way to the cupboard as that was were I stored the box of grandpa's old junk. It was under some clothes that had fallen on top of it. Picking it up I placed it next to my bed. As I sat on the edge of my bed I recalled the last and only other time I had bothered to look through the box. I had received it around four years ago after my grandfather died, although I'm using the word received pretty loosely. I was actually given the box by my father to throw out. Dad had been given most of grandpa's old possessions including the car I now drive, anything he deemed un-valuable or worthless was to be thrown out. Instead I decided to scavenge through it in hopes of finding anything cool... I didn't really care much that my grandfather had passed, we were never close and I rarely ever saw him. The only thing I remember taking from the box was the old lighter, everything else I was gonna take to the pawn shop but never got around to it. I opened the box and began pulling out different bits and pieces in hopes of finding my grandfather's book. There was an old metal canteen with a big hole on one side. (Well this is just junk). A bunch of outdated encyclopedias on flora, animals and ancient civilization's. (he was an archeologist, guess he was quite the reader... Although tv wasn't too common back then). A large collection of belt buckles. (why?... Just why?... Did he collect belt buckles? Was that-... Is that a thing people do?). One of the more interesting items in the box were a bunch of old pictures, most of which contained a young Selfish. In just about every picture he appeared in he had a simular scowl to mine, except it was more confident then angry... Maybe closer to smug. Actually, it wasn't just his expression that was simular to me, he seemed to be around 16-18 in the pictures. He resembled me quite a lot with a few differences. His hair was black and around the same length but he didn't slick it back like me. His clothing was more country, although I guess back then everyone's was. One thing that stood out was that he usually had a whip attached to the back of his belt (who does he think he is... Daring Do?). The pictures were quite varied. One was of him and a rather bottom heavy girl jumping in to a lake. The girl had green skin and long blonde hair braided into two pig tails, she kinda reminded me of that farm girl... Apple Something? Another picture was of him and a much older gentleman with a sinister smile looking over a map. The older gentleman's pants and suit looked as if they had been sown together from different pairs of clothing. The next picture was of an old rundown castle. After that was a group picture of him and what was probably his team of archeologists. The one after that I actually recognised, it was him in front of Golden Oaks Library. (Dad said he moved here to explore ruins, just how young was he? He looks around my age, does that mean he came here alone?) The rest of the pictures all seemed to be of him and someone or someplace else so I decided to move on. The rest of the boxes contents was just as useless as everything else, mostly being small nick nacks and such. But there was no sign of his book. I decided to carefully search over each item again incase they contained some hidden function like the lighter, but even if they did I had no way of knowing. The lighter only works in specific situations, and even then it only started doing it a few days ago while the monsters have been here for months. That got me thinking. (if the monsters have been here for a while, why has the lighter only just started detecting them?). I however lost my train of thought when I saw the time on the clock next to my bed. "OH CRAP! I'm really running late for school. First period is already halfway through" I almost shouted. I quickly threw on another pair of dark blue tracksuit pants, Followed by a dark red shirt with the image of a ghostly skull with the text 'ghastly face killah', who is a rap artist I listen to. As I picked up my jacket I remembered my encounter with the monster as I examined the damage from the aftermath. The left sleeve was holding on by a few inches of cloth. The back of the jacket had many small tears and holes from the glass and wood of the table I had been thrown through. There were five holes in the left side of the chest that went into the hidden pocket from when the creature had tried to tear out my heart. Long story short, the jacket was all jacked up. As I looked over the jacket I had another thought (huh... Despite getting my ass knocked through a table, and having the life choked out of my as I hung helplessly in the air, I'm actually in pretty good condition. Not even a bruise to be found, I feel great... Guess I got lucky). With that I turned my focus back to my jacket. (It's not in the best condition, but it should be fine for now. I'll take it to the Carousel Boutique after school). The Carousel Boutique is a local tailor that Blue Blood had told me about after a messy job I did for him. It's run by a married couple who have done a decent job of patching up my clothes this past year... Although I don't remember the names of the owners. After throwing on the beaten jacket I grabbed my lighter and keys before I quickly headed back down stairs and into my car. As I drove to school I turned on the radio to listen to the local news only to hear a familiar voice. "-lling you, those missing kids are on drugs! Just look at the facts. waking up in strange places with no idea how they got there. There body's are completely exhausted, probably from coming down from a high". It was that arrogant radio host. Sound Caster. "I mean, yeah you could argue that the medics couldn't detect any signs of drugs or alcohol within there body's. But what if these kids have gained access to some new kind of drug! One that doesn't show up in any tests. I mean come on, they claim to have been in Canterlot City but there are no records of them even buying a ticket. And the places they claim to have stayed don't even exist!" (looks like the cops did some more digging from what I heard on the news update. Not like they'll find anything though.) "If you ask me, the snot nosed little punks should be sent to rehab. I'm tired of these kids always in the news, at least the police are starting to wise up. They've stopped any further investigation into these little dope fien-". At that point I turned of the radio as I was fed up with Sound Casters insight. (Drug's? That's not even close to the truth... Although it is more believable than, monstrous bugs are abducting teens to feed off their love and happiness). with that thought I continued my drive in peace. I soon arrived at school as I found a nice shady spot to park. But for a moment I sat there as I thought about my situation. (what am I gonna do? The lighter let's me know if ones near by, but with it's supposed range it could be detecting them if there a floor above or below me. Not to mention with how crowded the school is it will be hard to determine who's a monster. I could use the lighters green flame to reveal the creature but there are a few problems with that idea. First of all there's no telling what it would do to those who witness it's true form. People would panic and become paranoid if they knew of its existence, they may start to lash out at each other. And if the monster realises I'm the reason it's disguise disappeared then my advantage of them not being aware of me is gone and I become a priority target. The best course of action is to do this quietly, hunt them before they hunt me. I should try to kill it before it takes it's true form, that added armour and strength are a real problem.) I thought, remembering I might have something that could help if things got bad. I got out of the car and made my way to the boot, which I opened and found a crowbar I had placed there from a few weeks back. It came in handy for... Let's say, tough situations. I placed the crowbar in my right jacket pocket, now prepared for school I headed inside. (I don't really have Any plan for finding these monster's, so I guess I'll just wing it. I'm sure it'll work out... After all, I'm the best.) I entered the school and began to make my way through the quiet hall to my first class. My first class is media, although by now it's almost over. The empty and quiet halls feel ominous as I walk though them, I can lightly hear the chatter of students as I walk past classes. The quiet is suddenly broken as the sound of a footsteps approach me from behind followed by a loud demanding voice i've come to hate. "Running late are we, Cross! At least you bothered to show up today!" As I turned around I spotted a familiar figure that has become a huge annoyance to me. Despite rarely seeing this figure, I've come to despise it rather quickly. Vice principle Luna. Luna has light violet skin, her hair is long like Celestia's and was a mixed two tone of light and dark violet. She wore a dark womens dress suit that hugged her waist tightly. She also wore bright purple high heel shoes. She was quite tall, taller than me but not as tall as Principle Celestia. She stood there with her arms crossed, the look of annoyance clear on her face. Her large judging eyes focused on me, the irises were a deep purple. She wore eye shadow that was a dark shade of purple. Just like the lipstick she wore on her soft lips that were constantly frowning, (As far as I've ever seen). This powerful woman is Vice Principle Luna, Principle Celestia's younger grumpier sister. Meaning she's also somehow related to Blueblood. Unlike Celestia, Luna Isn't big on second chances... Or 84 in my case. She would rather I have harsher punishments than what Celestia give me, or be kicked out of school... I respect her for that. I'll never like her as were on opposite sides all the time, but I think she's smarter than Celestia with how she's straight to the point and brutally honest. In a board tone I reply "Well good morning to you to, Priciples Assistant Luna!" "THATS VICE PRINCIPLE LUNA!" She snaps at me. To which I just roll my eyes. "And just where were you yesterday. Ditching school again?" "I was busy" I vaguely answered. "Sure you were" Luna responded as she stepped towards me to examine my torn jacket. "looks like you were in a fight... Again. Just how long are you going to tarnish the good name of our school?" "Don't know... How long are you gonna make REAL principle Celestia wait before you get her coffee?" I answered with a smug attitude. "I'M NOT CELESTIA'S ASSISSTANT!!!" she once again snapped at me. Taking a deep breath she calmed down. "Actually, it's good that I ran into you this morning. Principle Celestia would like to see you, seems you missed a counseling session. You know what that means." she spoke in a simular smug tone as I had. I changed direction, now heading to the principles office. Passing Luna I responded. "it means that besides fetching Celestia her morning Coffee, you also got to deliver her message... Like a good assistant." "I EM NO ONES ASSISTANT!!!" I heard her scream behind me. I soon arrived out side the Principle Office. Wanting to get it over with I entered without knocking. Principle Celestia was behind her desk reading over some papers when she noticed me enter. "oh, your here!... You know, the polite thing to do when entering a room is knock and wait for a responses. It gives the other person time to prepare incase there not decent." Celestia said as she pushed her papers aside. I didn't care. I just wanted to get on with my day as I spoke with no emotion. "Lets not waste time with pleasantries, I'm sure we both have more important things to do. So I'm just gonna cut to the chase." I reached into my jacket and pulled out the not my mother had given me yesterday. Fortunately for me the note was unharmed despite the holes the creature put through my jacket. Unfortunately the same couldn't be said for the missing kids poster as I had felt shredded paper when I reached into my jacket. (oh well. I could try to stick it back together but hopefully someone's gone and made a new one. I'll check the student notice board later). I thought as I turned my focus to Principle Celestia. With a smile and sounding generally happy I continued. "I wasn't here yesterday and this note will explain why." Celestia was caught of guard by my unusual happy demeanor, "Oh... Okay?" She said as she took the note "you seem unusually excited." With an overly pleased attitude I responded. "that's because I actually have an aleby for once" She raised an eyebrow at that "you've brought notes from home before... Why's this one so different? "Because I didn't write or forge it!... It's 100% real!" I answered with glee. Celestia's eyes widened in shock before becoming disheartened. "That's concerning... In more ways than one. I'm just gonna ignore that for now and read this note" she said as she looked a little more hopeful. However she quickly became disheartened again after unfolding the note. "...You haven't read this, have you?" she said giving me a blank staire as she handed the note back to me. Not sure as to what the issue was, I took the note and read over it. I was quick to identify the problem with the note. Instead of containing a well written letter explaining my reason for not attending school, there were just a bunch of scribbles. There were a few words like 'tired' and 'sleep' but everything else was illegible, if they were even words to begin with was questionable. I looked up from the note, any confidence I had was quickly being replaced with a mix of disappointment and anger. "... And now I remember why I started forging notes from my parents. Either there not around or too tired" I said more to myself than the Principle. "but I was busy yesterday, it's true!" Celestia sat there, quietly watching me with a board tired expression. Her usual caring aura was gone. She would now be playing the part of the judge as she looked down at me Celestia only has so much kindness and tolerance, which I honestly thought would had run out many incidents ago. To her I was just a disobedient child who's refused to listen to her warnings and must now be punished. "Drifting Desire! I have warned you what the outcome would be if you chose to disobey me. You will never learn" she said in a judging tone. I felt myself becoming uncomfortable. Something that doesn't happen to often, and never with Principle Celestia. It didn't last long as I started to feel my anger rising, but not towards her. No, I was angry at myself. "I learnt more than you realise" I snapped at her. "Today I'm given a reminder. A reminder why I don't put my trust in others, Even Family. Your right... I did mess up, but not cause I didn't do as you commanded. No, it's because I trusted someone who's not me!" For some reason Celestia looked shocked. Her judgmental attitude suddenly gone. She looked almost saddened. After sighing loudly she continued. "look... I'm gonna give you a chance. If you can get one of your parents to call me by the end of the day I'll drop this for now." Despite how tense she was a moment ago she was now very disheartened. "...sure?" I responded confused by her sudden change in mood. Her mood shift was odd but with a chance out of this bad situation I didn't care... It was probably just that time of the month. At that point the bell went, signaling the end of first period. Celestia looked down at her desk. "just... Just go to class" she struggled to say. I got and made my way to the door. Just as I was about to leave she spoke again. "Drifting Desire... I'm sorry... I don't know how to help you." Celestia said in a sad tone. As I turned around to respond I saw her. She seemed sad, her eyes were watery and her voice was uncertain, lacking any resolve. I didn't understand her. "It's Cross!... And I don't need help. Not from anyone" I corrected as I left. As I made my way to my next class which was math, I couldn't help but wonder what Celestia meant. (sorry she doesn't know how to help me?... I don't remember having any problem. I'm fine.) When I was just outside my class I felt the lighter in my pocket heat up, reminding me of the real issue. (oh right, these things. I got a little side tracked by Celestia and completely forgot. On a side note, I'll need to go to City Hall after school and get mum to call Celestia to confirm why I wasn't here yesterday... Wait. Is there one of those creatures in my math class?) I stopped just as my hand was on the door knob. (I've had this class a few times this week and there hasn't been any reactions from the lighter... The same goes for the rest of my classes actually, besides that incident in science on Monday. Why would one be in my class now?... Oh well, All I gotta do is figure out who's acting strange then lure them somewhere isolated. Should be easy.) I opened the door and entered the class. Looking over the other students I quickly realized the flaw in my over simplistic, poorly throughout plan. (Oh right! I don't have any idea who these people are......) The class was full of people I didn't know... Personally. They were all talking amongst themselves, waiting for the teacher to arrive. I recognized Valkyrie and Slow Dancer but I don't know enough about them to figure out if there acting out of character or not. As I made my way to an empty desk in the back I realized there was another student I recognized. Sitting by himself towards the back, without anyone to talk to was that desperate loner, Short Stack. (Since he was only abducted for a day I guess he's fine to return to school. The other two were being drained for a while so they probably won't be returning for awhile). I thought as I made my way towards him. Without being direct, I was hoping to find out if he remembered anything. I had to be careful as one of those creatures were close by. "Yo, Short Stack! Shouldn't you be in rehab?" I said as I approached. "Stick... My name is Short Stick... And what are you talking about?" he responded somewhat nervously avoiding eye contact. "Weren't you one of those guys who ran away and did a bunch of drugs in some abandoned house? That's what I heard over the radio" I said with a grin, hoping to get him to talk. "No! That not right... I mean, yeah I was in an abandoned house but... But I was in Canterlot I swear... I wouldn't.... I wouldn't ever do drugs... The medics confirmed that. There wasn't any traces of drugs in my system!" he struggled to say, still avoiding eye contact. I noticed othere students were watching, probably curious about the story themselves as none of them were direct enough to say what others were thinking. I decided to push a little further. "Face it, you got busted. No point denying it, you and your dope fiend friends got busted and hauled off to the hospital. Might as well come clean." Short Sticks breathing was becoming more rapid as he noticed the attention others we giving him. "I'm not on drugs!... Why won't anyone believe me?... I was in Canterlot for a whole week." "are you high right now?" I said as I waved a hand in front of his face. "you were only gone for a day... That must be some very powerful stuff". "....I'm... telling the... truth...." Short Stick struggled to say, His eyes were becoming watery as he hung his head. Mean while those around him watched silently as he began to brake down. He was no longer in a mood to talk. But that was fine, I got all the answers I needed. I bagain to walk to the desk on the other side of class when I realized the judgemental looks Short Stick was receiving from those around him... I don't know why, but that seemed to piss me off. Raising my hand up high, I made a fist and quickly brought it down on the desk of some boy staring at Short Stick. "BAAAAAAMMMM!!!" The sudden loud sound grabbed the guys attention, along with the rest of the class. Surprised, the guy looked up at me still shocked. Only to be greeted with my angry pissed of face. Looking down at the boy I spoke loudly for everyone to hear. "The hell are you looking at! This ain't the zoo so stop gawking!" Without saying anything the boy nodded. As I removed my hand from his desk it revealed I had cracked the the surface of the wooden desk. A bit of blood trickled down my hand as I made my way to a desk in the back corner. For a moment the class was quiet as no one even dared to look my way. It didn't last long as soon they were once again talking among themselves. (shit... I used too much force) I thought as I examined my hand. (I didn't mean to bust my hand up like that. I didn't like how much attention that nobody was getting, he didn't even do anything!... Huh... That's odd). as I continued to examine my hand I noticed something. (I'm bleeding but I can't find any tears in my skin. also my hand doesn't hurt, I don't think its gone numb. Could it be adrenaline?... Well whatever it is I feel fine). The Teacher finally arrive and class began as usual. While everyone else did there work I would keep looking around the class to try and find anyone acting out... However without knowing exactly what I was looking for I was already at a dead end. (well I'm out of ideas... Face it, I got lucky the first time with the fake Flash Sentry. I know one's here, I just don't know were... Well let's look at why it's here. It's likely to be targeting Short Stack again, either it thinks it can capture him again or because he may be a liability. In that case I should focus on anyone who's giving him attention... But now that everyone suspects his on drugs there's gonna be alot of attention going his way.) I thought as I turned my focus toward's my work. (Oh well... Even if I fail to locate it in time the only one affected is Short Stack.) With the knowledge of there being some monster hidden within a few meters from me on my mind, class felt slower than usual. Eventually the bell rang and it was time for a well deserved break... Except I had counselling. (Sorry Short Stuff, try to survive recess... And maybe lunch cause right now I don't have any plans on how I'm gonna find that thing.) I thought feeling the heat emanate from the lighter as I got up fron my desk and left the class. I walk through the schools long crowded hallways, pushing and forcing others out of my way. Cutting through the crowds of students I think about my next move. (I guess there's no rush, although I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little frustrated. I don't know enough about them or anyone else to formulate a plan. That's fine, for now their not aware of me and that my biggest advantage.) As I arrive outside homeroom for counseling I realize something I've been ignoring. The lighter hasn't cooled down since math. (don't tell me Short Shorts followed me? Wherever he goes that creature will follow) I thought turning around as I tried to locate him. However as I looked around he was no where to be seen. (that's odd? I can't see him anywhere... Then why is the cre-!....) my thought is cut off as I suddenly realize the answer to my own question. I open the door and enter the class with the sudden realization of my predicament. (Short Stick isn't the target... I am!) > Chapter 4 - Back to our Usual Schedule? Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 004 part 2 (Keep calm! That's all you can do for now.) I thought as I leaned my back against the door. The new development had me thrown off guard as I was slightly panicked. (Why?... Why would it be after me? I know I was a possible target, but why now? Wouldn't Short Stuff be a better choice?... Well, whatever the reason is it doesn't matter, its after me so I'll just have to deal with it! I don't think it's aware that I know about it, so for now I still have the advantage... Well, an advantage since I don't know who it's disguised as.) "Ah-hmm" someone sounded in front of me. As I gazed forwards I saw Mr Freerights once again sitting on his desk with his legs crossed. (oh, right!... Counseling.) I thought, moving to the desk opposite of Mr Freerights. as I moved away from the door the lighter cooled down. (I guess for now it's gonna back off). I thought taking a seat. Mr Freerights looked down at me from his desk with a worried expression. "you seem... Unusual? For a moment you looked worried. Is something on your mind?" "Yeah, I guess you could say I'm a little distracted" I vaguely answered looking off to the side. "Well, you know you can tell me anything. It's part of my job... I think?" He replied, sounding unsure. (Can I?... Should I? ...Guess I don't need to go into specifics, just whats bothing me) I hesitantly thought as I considered what I could say. "Well, I'm kinda in this situation... It's like playing tag except you don't know who's it. There coming after you but what they don't know is that your it as well. However, before you can go after them you have identify if there playing or not." I tried to explain, confusing myself as I went. "Huh?... I see..." Mr Freerights said as he thoughtfully stroked his beard. "Really!" I shockingly replied. ".......No!" He admitted raising his shoulders and shaking his head. "sigh... Well, how about this. I have a problem.... My usual method of solving problems is to brute force my way through it. However, that's not gonna help me this time... So I'm kinda at a dead end." I tried to clarify. "Hmmm, sounds like you lack confidence in your own abilities. You shouldn't look down on yourself like that." Mr Freerights said looking thoughtful. "Trust me, Confidence isn't something I lack" I replied with pride. With a smile he continued. "Good. I'm glad to hear you don't let your inadequacies get you down. Being stupid isn't something to be ashamed of". "Nothing gets me down, not even my own stu-.... What?" It took a moment to comprehend what I just heard. "And it shouldn't, Ignore what they say. Idiot, Slow, secretly gay for Flash... At the end of the day there just words. And as the old saying goes. Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Mr Freerights said as he ignored my blank stare. "...WHAT!... Hold on a second. What do you mean 'what they say'?... Who are they?... And I get that 'slow' and 'idiot' refer to me being stupid, but what's that LAST ONE gotta do with ANYTHING!!!" I angrily replied as I stood up with fire in my eyes. "...You kinda seem upset. What about 'nothing gets me down?" he nervously Quoted, realizing he probable said more than he should have. "I don't get down, I get up... In there faces and beat the crap out of them." I replied as I strongly gripped the desk below me which stared to crack in my rage filled vice grip. "How did that saying go! Sticks and stones may break my bones? In that case lets see how they fare against a CROWBAR AND A BRICK!!! "...Okay, we seem to be a getting little off track... Oh right! Did you decide if your gonna join the Greener Town Club?" Mr Freerights said trying to bring the conversation back under control. "huh... What the hell are you talking about?" I said as I slowly calmed down. "Back on Tuesday!... You asked me about the Greener Town Club!... You spoke to Tree Hugger about what it's like during art!..." Mr Freerights stated as he tried to remind me. After a moment of thinking back over the past few days I remembered. "...Oh right, that!... No!" I answered without hesitation. The room went quiet as we blankly stared at one another. After a while Mr Freerights broke the silence. "Because...?" he asked wanting to know my reason. "huh? I need a reason for not wanting to spend time with a bunch of tree hugging hippies?" without much thought I continued. "Well I guess if I had to choose one it would be there stupid clothes... And there dumb views... And they smell. "Well that was actually more than one reason but that's not really the point". Mr Freerights looked confused. "I don't get it. You seemed fairly interested in the club before, what changed your mind?" "Look, real talk." I said as I looked him in the eye's with a serious expression. "At the time I was trying to dig up some dirt on Flash Sentry. For reasons I won't go into, I thought someone in your hippie club might be able to help me while at the same time making it look like I was making an effort to change. In short, I never had any interest in joining those tree hugging smoke brained high on sunshine hippies!... And incase your curious, I wasn't able to get anything on Flash. In fact it lead to some other bull shit I could do without." "Huh... Well I guess that's not so bad". He replied, unfazed by my words. He must have seen the confusion on my face as he continued. "I mean, let's look at it this way. You got invested in a activity at school, you reached out to another classmate for help, you even continued working on a self project after school hours... I would say that's pretty productive, wouldn't you?" I was shocked at how sickeningly he twisted my story... And slightly impressed. "...wow... Just, wow... The mental gymnastics you just did would earn you gold. That's what your gonna tell Principle Celestia isn't it." Mr Freerights chuckled before staring directly into my eyes. he may have had his usual carefree grin however his eyes were more serious than I had ever seen them. "Real talk!... I'm only doing this to stay in Celestia's good books. I'm not a licenced counselor, I don't even know if counsellors have a licence. But I know your not gonna change over night, doesn't mean I won't help you though. As long as you keep your trouble to a minimum we shouldn't have a problem. That doesn't mean you have to start acting like a model student, doesn't even mean you have to stop being yourself... Either do what you do quietly or don't get caught." "huh... While I can't say I was expecting that I'm also not to surprised." I responded, thinking about what he just told me. "That does sound like something I could actually do" "Well I'm glad to hear that" Mr Freerights said regaining his usual laided back attitude. "But just out of curiosity, I've noticed you don't like Flash Sentry very much... Well you don't like anyone, but you really seem to target him more than others, why's that?" "Huh... Oh, no reason" I plainly answered. "Really?..." Mr Freerights said with an eyebrow raised. Clearly he wasn't satisfied with such a short answer. "Honest. There isn't any deep reason for not liking the guy. People like him who don't know there place annoy me is all" I answered with disgust. "What do you mean by that?" Mr Freerights curiously asked. "That's simple. I'm the best around here, I'm at the top and everyone else is below me. Thats why when I walk through these halls they make sure to get out of my way... But Flash is delusional. He has it in his head that his some kind of equal and will even stand in my way on occasions. Pathetic people like him are losers. What's worse is that it's apparently contagious. I had some back water farm girl give me attitude... although that could just be she's stupid. They just don't understand, they'll never be on my level. There weak and they just don't see it." "So if there losers what does that make you" Mr Freerights asked. I didn't even need to think about it. The answer was so simple. "That should be obvious, a Winner. Someone like me doesn't have any weaknesses. I don't have any faults or short comings. I don't need others! I can do anything I want by myself! Others slow me down, if they want to help then they can stay where they are while I use them as a stepping stone to reach greater heights... To put it simply. You either win or you lose. Second place means nothing when compared to first place. It's first place for losers, And I don't lose... Ever!" Mr Freerights looked thoughtful as he responded. "Hmmmm. So clearly you don't see having no friends as a fault. In fact I would even go as far as to say you ignore all your faults as you don't believe there important enough. As for weaknesses, you just don't see them." "The hell are you talking about?". I asked slightly annoyed. "I won't go into detail as that's something your better off discovering on your own, but I will say this." once again he became serious. "It's only a weakness if you allow it be one. If you understand your shortcomings you might even be able to use them to benefit you. Others make up for it by seeking help or improving themselves... You will have to find what suits you best. Once you understand how to turn weakness into strength you will be able to overcome any problem. Even that confusing issue you have now." (He's not making any sense. Is he just giving me advise he collected from fortune cookies over the years) I arrogantly thought. Mr Freerights returned to his laid back expression and continued. "Well thats enough for today, looks like it's about time for your next class." and just like that the bell rang. "Don't forget what I said. Maybe next time we can work on your ego... Who am I kidding, recess only lasts 15 minutes" and with that last smart ass remark he got up to leave. (lot of good that did me... Wait! didn't he say someone was talking trash about me?... I'll have to let it go for now, I've got a bigger issues to deal with. I've gotta find that bug before it gets me.) I thought as I left the room. The second I stepped out the door I felt the lighter heat up. (so it's back.) I thought as I inconspicuously looked around. The hallway was currently flooded with students, all going to there next class. To me they all looked the same, there faces and movements blurring together. I wasn't even sure what I was looking for. Looking to see if anyone gave me any weird looks or attention was pointless, most people do that all the time. And if I looked out for someone acting out of character I wouldn't even know as I've never paid these peons any attention. Even if I were to remember the faces of the people here now there was no guarantee it wouldn't change it's disguise at some point to fit into my class. Not wanting to bring attention to myself by standing in the door way I began walking to my next class, Shop. (Darm!... I've gotta figure out a way to find it. I mean I could use the lighter to force its disguise off, but then my one advantage is gone. Right now I can't say I really care if they attack other's, but exposing them will just create a larger issue. For one, I don't know how many there are in total, if they figure out I can force them into the open they'll all come for me first. Secondly everyone will become paranoid and the creatures might switch to a more forceful approach. My best course of action is to take care of this quietly.) As I walked though crowds of students I would glance back every so often. (There probably on guard after one of their's mysteriously died and there food source was taken away. If I kill the one following me around they may suspect someone's hunting them but that doesn't specifically mean it was me. I mean, the first one had no connection to me and he's dead... But why is it after me? Why now?... Well as long as I'm around others it won't try anything. For now my only advantage is that they don't know I'm aware of them.) I soon arrived in class which was surprisingly empty. The entrance to class was located at the back of the room, so it didn't take me long to take my usual seat at a work Table in the back corner next to the window. The work Tables in this class are quite large, usually fitting 4-6 students per table. Luckily for me however there are a surplus of tables, meaning I don't have to worry about anyone sitting with me... I prefer to sit alone being anti-social and all. The lighter stays heated as student's enter the class. (I can't assume the first one to enter after me was the creature. For all I know it waited outside for a moment as others arrived, it's gonna be doing it's best to be inconspicuous.) I thought as I turned my attention away from the students and to the window to my left. Soon I was lost in my own thoughts as I looked out the window. (I would say I'm out of ideas, but that would imply I had ideas to begin with. Face it, I got lucky the first time... If you consider finding out giant bugs are abducting people, feeding on them, and walking amongst you before fighting one to the death lucky... Wow, maybe I should slow down and really consider what I've gotten involved with. I figured I would have more time to come up with something, I didn't think one would come for me right away. Why not go after the ones who were freed? People think they ran away so it wouldn't be too odd if they disappeared again... I'm just unlucky, yeah that's gotta be it. There's no way they would know I killed one of them... Huh, I took the life of another living thing yesterday and I don't even care. Should I be concerned about that? It was in self defense... I think it's fine. I mean, do we ever stop and consider the bugs we step on... No! I guess I could ask Mr Freerights about it if it's still on my mind by tomorrow. Although I think it's fine to feel nothing... I mean I'm pretty sure. I'm getting side tracked!... But it's not like it matters. I got nothing... Maybe I should just go home and try to figure out something for tomorrow... No! Right now the safest place is around others. Just like me it won't risk exposure... So, what should I do now? How can I deal with this without exposing myself?) I was becoming frustrated with myself as no matter how hard I thought about it, I couldn't come up with a solution. (there's gotta be a way to find and kill that thing without exposing myself or others?... Maybe I could wear a disguise?... No, That's stupid... Well I'ld feel stupid... I just don't know enough about those things. If I had more info I could form a plan!... Probably?... I don't even know any more.) Any hope or enthusiasm I had this morning was completely gone at this point. I was out my element and I could feel it. However before I could indulge in more self pity, my attention was drawn to movement I caught in the corner of my eye. I turned away from the window to find a large muscular figure sitting across from me, a muscular figure I recognized. (Hey that's!... Actually I forgot his name, but his in my P.E. Class.) I thought as I looked at the white skinned, short blond haired brick house that now sat across from me. (Why's he sitting at my desk? I don't think I've ever even spoken to him, at him maybe, but I'm sure I'm on bad terms with everyone here.) I thought as I continued to watch him. He seemed odd... I think? Honestly I wasn't sure. But he kept giving me this nervous unsure smile while keeping eye contact. (Clearly he doesn't feel comfortable here, so then why is he here? Was it part of some prank? Was he dared to?... Either way it's unusual... Wait! Could he be the monster? Is it trying to approach me like they did with Short Stump?) After I moment I realized just how intensely I was stairing at him when I noticed his look of discomfort become... More discomforting?. (Darm! I gotta play this cool, Just be my usual fun loving self.) I thought calming down. "The hell do you want!" I demanded in my usual rash annoyed tone. (Nailed it) He seemed surprised by my words as he struggled to reply. "uh... Well, I just thought... You know, that we could all work... together?". "What the hell are you talking about? I work alone... Always!" I said, now angry and confused. (that was pathetic. Was that really it's best attempt... Wait a second). "What did you mean by, ALL work together?" I asked. Now he seemed confused, as if I asked a question with an obvious answer. "huh?... Uh, I guess what I mean is... Well...-" Before he could finish his sentence a familiar voice cut him off. "He sayin since we be working togetha, we outa try ta get along!" Said the familiar slack jawed voice. I turned to see that the muscular brick house wasn't the only new addition to the table. That Slack jawed farm girl was also beside him. she was wearing a short green flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up, it exposed her muscular well toned abs and biceps. She also wore her brown cowboy hat. And while her lower half was hidden by the work bench, I'd guess she was wearing denim shorts as the girl clearly took enough pride in her body to show off her muscular thick legs. She probably had a pair of cowboy boots too... Because she's a farmer. Before when I spoke I was faking annoyance, this time it was real. "oh, It's... You?" Just like the big guy, she didn't seem overly happy to be here either. "You? What do yah mean you? Did ya forget mah name" she angrily snapped at me. "Yes" I casually admitted. "Although in all honesty I forgot your face as well. It's your fat ass and slack jawed accent I remember" I continued. "Slack jawed! Fat ass! Why ya no good varmin" She snapped at me once again now standing. Her eyes full of rage glared at me. It was clear she was holding herself back. "Mah name is Applejack! Don't go forgetting it!" Of course I ignored her little outburst and turned my attention back to the big guy "More importantly, why are you two idiots at my table? And what did she mean by working together?" I asked. "Actually... there's three of us" an unfamiliar voice corrected from my right. Turing to see there was now someone in the seat beside me my annoyance grew. Directly next to me with one eye focused on me and another else where was the walking disaster, Derpy. She might look innocent but she's just as dangerous as me... Maybe more so. I turned my attention back to the other two. "There better not be anymore of you backwater rejects hiding just out of sight... Seriously, if there's anyone right behind me I strongly suggest you leave!" I waited a moment for a response before continuing. "Good, in that case. what are you THREE idiots doing here? Shouldn't you be sitting with your own loser kind? You know, your... What's the word?... Friends? Yeah, that's it!... Class should be starting soon." Applejack looked confused as she replied "What R ya talkin 'bout? Class started ten minutes ago. Weren't ya payin attention?" My look of confusion must have answered there question as the big guy continued explaining. "uhh yeah, the teacher put us into groups. Were making a bird house!" he said excitedly. "Darm it! Usually I'm able to talk my way out of group activities. The teacher took advantage of me being zoned out and threw me into some make shift team... And by the looks of it he gave me all the slow people." I said to no one in particular. "Well, none a us R overly glad ta have ya on tha team either" Applejack grudgingly responded. "Well I was distracted when team Slow was put together so I wasn't able to refuse being part of this. What's your excuse? At least one of you must have been paying attention" I argued. Applejack was qusick to respond. "unlike you, were not disgusted by tha thought of helpin one another. We can actually work togetha!" "Well I'm not like you and I hope I never em. So what ever moral your trying to push can stop right here" I arrogantly said. Applejack rolled here eyes. "Fine, I'll put it in a way ya'll understand. Let's shut up an do tha work. That means we'll only talk to each other when it's necessary. So no smart ass remarks" she grumply said now pointing at me. After a few second to consider the idea I responded "I can't promise no smart ass remarks... But alright, let's give this... Team?... a try" I unenthusiasticly replied wanting to get this over with. Applejack looked relieved as she went to bring her hand she had been pointing at me back. However before she could, Derpy reached out and placed her hand on top of Applejacks. "TEAM SLOW!!!" Derpy cried out excitedly. For a moment Applejack was stunned by the wonky eyed girls stupidity. "huh... No sugarcube were not tea-" However Applejack was cut off as the big guy also placed his hand on there's and screamed. "YEAAAHH!!! TEAM SLOW" this got the attention of the class, causing him to became nervous as he quietly continued. "Sorry. I'm just glad to be part of this." I then realized both the big guy and Derpy were looking at me excitedly with huge smilies on there face, waiting for me to join in. Meanwhile Applejack was face palming herself. "Team Slow" Derpy repeated quietly trying to egg me on. It was at that point I realized something. "I've made a horrible mistake". After a moment of silence I continued. "Well... what do we do now... Captain" I said sarcastically to Applejack. Applejack recovered from there show of stupidity as she broke there gathering of hands. "Captain? Are ya sayin ya want me ta lead our group? I figured you'ld wanna be tha leader." Hearing hear words I looked over the group. "Me? Leader of... This? Why would I want that?" I responded with confusion. Applejack looked sceptical as she answered "Well, ya just don't seem like tha type ta follow orders. Actually figured ya'ld fight me on waning ta be in charge." "If I was giving orders how would I be able to moan and complain about them?" I said arrogantly. "Besides, let's be honest. When it comes to dealing others, or idiots in this case, I'm out of my comfort zone. You on the other hand, should have no problem at all... It'll be just like when your at home with your family." "Hmmmm!" Applejack growled to herself. "are ya callin mah family DUMB!!!" With a malicious grim I replied "I'ld call your family many things. But to answer your question... Yes!" Her eyes were full of rage as she stood up and slammed her hand on the table. "DON'T GO TALKIN 'BOUT MAH FAMILY!!!" She screamed. I wasn't fazed by her outburst as I placed an elbow on top of the work bench and let my head rest on my hand. My bored attitude seemed to anger the farm girl further. However, her mood changed to one of surprise when she turned her attention to where she struck the bench. I followed her gaze and noticed what she was so surprised about. Where she had struck the bench had cracked, the wood had shattered leaving a large dent on the bench. Smaller cracks stretched across the table all originating from the large crack she had placed in it. (I was so distracted by all her yelling I didn't even notice she smashed up the table. I put a crack in desk earlier but that was just a flimsy writing desk. This is a tough sturdy work bench. And while I left a small crack she practically shattered the whole thing.) I thought as I examined the desk. Derpy and the big guy were now standing and had backed off a bit while I remained seated. I turned my attention to Applejack. She looked just as shocked as the othere two. (The girls strong, that much I can tell just my looking at her) I thought while paying close attention to her abs. My attention slowly lowering to her wide hips. (huh, guess I was right. She is wearing denim shorts. They really make her ass look huge with how small they are... And it's already pretty big to begin with.) I though losing my train of thought as I admired her ASS-ets. Snapping myself out of my fantasy I returned to thinking rationally. (okay, she's strong. But is anyone strong enough to smash the table like that? also she didn't look like she was trying very hard either, looked more like an accident. Could she be... The Creature?). I realized the whole class was now focused on our group as Applejack began to talk "I...I didn mean ta..." she seemed to be nervously stumbling in her words and failing. All the attention from the scene she made was getting to her. "SO WHAT!!!" I spoke loudly for everyone to hear. Applejack looked confused, her focus now back on me. "So you busted up a desk, big deal. It's nothing to be amazed about, seriously. This school has lots of warn out old equipment that's ready to brake at any moment. Lockers practically burst open if you touch em with too much force. And our writing desks are mostly chip wood. Heck, we still use VHS... Half the people here don't know what a VHS is!!! So don't go thinking it's some kind of achievement that a 50 year old work bench that's probably been eaten away by termites is something to marvel at!" I arrogantly stated before turning my focus to Derpy "Besides, with the walking disaster on this team we're lucky it didn't just explode." "Uh, yeah" Applejack said nervously as she retook her seat. (Seems like she's just gonna brush of the incident. I'ld better keep an eye on her.) I thought as the other 2 returned to there seats. With that most students went back to doing there work. Our group was especially quiet as Applejack lost her motivation to work. After a moment of silence the big guy got us back on track. "uh... So how about me and Cross go and get wood and tools? Oh, and you girls can start drawing up the plans... I'm not very good at designing things." He said with a nervous smile. That seemed to snap Applejack out her funk as she was now paying attention. "huh? Oh, uh, sure". "You mean we're gonna put some distance between us and on the rag barnyard Barbie?... That actually sounds like a great idea. Less time around tha-" my smart ass remark was cut short as the big guy excitedly pulled me from my seat. He seemed way too excited as he practically carried me to the wood bins. (Guess he really is happy to part of this. Even with how bad it's going... I'll never understand others.) He finally puts me down as he begins to search for wood. I can already tell we've been left all the crappy pieces from what I can see. We argued and took so long that everyone already started some time ago. I stand off to the side, out of the big guys way and soon become lost in my own thoughts. (could the farm girl really be the creature? Her strength does seem unusual, although besides her ass she's mostly muscle) I think as I look back towards her. She's currently explaining something to Derpy when I find myself once again focusing on her round ass and thick legs. (those shorts look like they could tear at any moment... What the hell em I doing! I keep ogling her wide hips and thick legs. Don't tell me I've developed some kinda fetish for thick thighs?... No!!! She's just unusual compared to most girls, yeah, that's why my eyes keep noticing those well toned legs... And pillowy round hips... And her glistening abs... STOP!!! I gotta stop day dreaming. I'm being hunted by a race of sentient humanoid bugs and she might be one of them. Except, something's wrong? The one I meet ignored my insults, but she didn't. She lost it when I insulted her family, why would a fake care? Could she just be that strong?) I was brought out of my thoughts as I felt a hand shaking me. "_oss?... Cross? Are you paying attention" It was the big guy trying to get my attention. "What!!!" I angrily snapped at him. He took a step back before replying. "oh! Well, I was just saying I got us wood" he held up the small pile of wood for me to see. most of it was either broken, splintered, or riddled with knots. The rest was no better, being molded or rotted. He must of recognized my look of dissatisfaction as he began making excuses. "uh,well. Were kinda the last group to start. So, all the other groups grabbed up all the good pieces." "What are talking about? There's plenty of good pieces, you just gotta know where to look." I said as I turned to look at the class "I'll take care of finding wood. You just get us some tools." The big guy looked back at the wood bin with a look of confusion before turning his attention to me. "uh,sure... I guess? I don't know we're your gonna find wood though. Uh... also, what should I do with the pieces I already collected" Without turning to face him, I answered his questions. "Firstly, I'm gonna ask our fellow class mates to spare a piece. This is a GROUP exercise after all, who wouldn't jump at the chance to help us. Besides, I can be quite persuasive." I said with malice in my voice. "Secondly, I don't care what you do with that trash wood! Drop it on the floor, throw it at others, I don't care. Your job was to get wood and tools, you already failed one of those tasks... But it's not like anyone expected you to complete a simple task like, go get item X and bring it back. So if you manage to locate a hammer and get it to our group you'll have already exceeded my expectations." I turned to look at him to make sure he understood his task. He just stared at me blankly. "so... I'll go get us some tools then?" "...Yes!" I bluntly replied as I rolled my eyes. Just before we parted I stopped. "Actually big guy, before you go I have a quick question for you." He stopped and turned to face me once again. "huh?... Oh, me. It's Bulk Biceps... Oh, it's just... You haven't said my name this whole time. I was thinking that maybe you didn't know it." he said nervously. "I didn't! I also didn't care!" I said slightly annoyed. "That farm girl, Applejack? Do you know how strong she is?" "Well I can't say I know how much she lifts, but back during our trip to camp Everfree she was lifting things I couldn't even budge. she was lifting huge boulders, logs and all sorts of things. She's definitely stronger than me... Must be her farm upbringing... Or magic?" He said with a dumb grin. "Magic?... Why would you suggest magic?" I asked giving him my full attention. However all I received was a confused stare. (I... I think his messing with me. Could he know about magic?... No! I only learnt it existed yesterday, well real magic that is. I doubt he'ld know. He's probably just using the term 'magic' in the sense that he doesn't know, like how you'ld call someone who guesses right psychic.) I assured myself before realising he was still staring. "Forget it!" I said as I walked off. (the trip to camp Everfree was awhile ago, and according to what I've learnt these creatures don't stick to using the same form for extended periods of time. That's why the Baker, Mr Cake never sold sugar to the same person twice. Meaning that if what they say is true, Applejack isn't the creature. So then why's she so strong? Guess that's not important right now.) I thought as I approached the first group of students. Everyone in the group were busy doing there own part to get the job done. One was cutting the wood, another sanded, and the last two hammered it together. They looked to be about halfway through already. when they noticed me approaching they all appeared to have sour looks on there faces. I recognized the guy cutting wood, it was Valkyrie. The second our eyes met he quickly turned around and began frantically sawing the wood. As I get closer I hear him whispering something repeatedly under his breath. "please just walk past! Please just walk past!-". The others all looked away as I now stood directly behind him. I placed a hand on his shoulder, which caused him to jump in his seat as his whispers suddenly stopped. "Well if it isn't my good FRIEND, Valkyrie!... Friend? Did I use that word right? Felt weird." I said. "Fr-Friend?" he repeated nervously, unable to see me. "Of course. You helped me with that little problem on Tuesday, and FRIENDS always help each other with there problems. In fact, It was all thanks to you it got done. That makes you my... What was it again?... Acomplis?... No, that's right, FRIEND!" I said with malice. I was trying to remind him of his involvement in stealing Short Sacks stuff to make him more compliant. Not that I really needed to. "I'm not... I had nothi-" Valkyrie nervously replied before I cut him off by applying pressure to his shoulder. "yeah thats great" I boardly said. "any way, I need a favour. See, my group is having a little problem. Were running low on wood." "So, your just here to ask for wood?" he replied somewhat calmer. "No!... Why would I do that? If I ask for something you'ld have the option to refuse" I stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "No! I'm telling you I need it!" he suddenly retook his nervious expression. "But don't worry, I only need one piece... For now! I mean I might comeback later if the other groups aren't to cooperative... Heck, I may just wait till your groups done and take the whole thing." by the look on his face that seemed to stress him out... But I didn't care as I held out my hand and waited for a response. Valkyrie nervously looked to his other team mates for support but found nothing I needed to persuade him just a little more. "hey don't worry. I only said it was a possibility that I'ld come back" I said in a calm tone before switching to a harsher one. "But if you don't give me a piece I can guarantee you that I'll be back." With that he finally handed me a plank of wood and I was on my way to the next group. It didn't take too long to gather a decent pile of timber from the other groups. Some had overheard my conversation with Valkyrie and had prepared a piece in advance. I even managed to help two groups who were arguing about who owned a plank they both claimed to own, by showing them the wonder of sharing. It was simple, I cut plank in half... Then kept both halves... And to make sure they unstood the lesson I took an additional plank from each of them. I consider it my good act for the day. Even with the pile I collected I wasn't yet ready to return to my group. There was still one group I had yet to collect from, and while my stack of wood was acceptable I had a second reason for meeting all the other groups. I was keeping an eye out for the monster. Sure I didn't know what to look for, but I had to do something. I hated to admit it but I was frustrated. With my luck I probably already past it. I approached the last group who were no further then my group at completing the project, seems they were still planning. Every time someone threw out an idea they were shot down by a prissy white skinned girl with curly purple hair. "Were you born without a fashion sense? that would look atrocious!" I heard the girl say as she stuck her nose in the air. Her voice sounded... Elegant? She kinda sounded like Blueblood... But feminine. "I'm sorry darling, but until we have a design that is both functional and fabulous we must start from scratch... Although I'm willing to compromise on it being functional." she continued to the annoyance of her team mates. One had already given up and had his face pressed against the work bench. (and here I thought I had it rough with my team) I thought as I approached her from behind. "Hey!" I said trying to gain her attention. As she turned around I got a better look at her. She had snow white skin and long purple curly hair. She wore much more make-up than the other girls at this school do, such as light purple eye liner and cherry red lipstick. She wore a light blue blouse with a hole in the top showing plenty of cleavage from her large breasts. (She might not be as busty as the art girl, Flutter something, or the baker girl. But she's was definitely larger than the Farm girl). She also wore a light purple skirt with the image of three diamonde imprinted in it. (while she beat Applejack in bust size, her ass and legs couldn't even compete with with the farm girls... Darm it, I think I might have really developed some kinda fetish for thick lower halves) I found myself thinking as I examined her lower half. Before I could finish my observation of the girl she distracted me with what she did next. The moment she saw me her eyes went wide as she backed into the table, and with a loud squeal she pointed at me. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" The whole class stopped what they were doing as they focused on the girl. "What is that?!" The girl shouted hystericaly. I quickly turned to see if something was behind me. Seeing nothing I turned back to her. "How can you not see it? it's right under your nose!!! She continued. I now realized specifically were she was pointing. "...Are you... talking about my jacket?" I asked somewhat confused as I grabbed hold of my jacket. Hearing my question the class strangely seemed to go back to what they were doing. "Is that what you call it? Any civilized person with even a shred of decency and a pair of eyes would call it what it is. Trash! rags! Abomination to fashion! Take your pick" she continued hystericaly. "I realise its not in it's best condition righ-" I began before she cut me off. "It went out of style way before it's condition was reduced to that of a oil rag. The best you can do is throw it out, hope everyone forgets you owned it, and burn any pictures of it and you together!" She continued to berate me. "...are ya done?" I asked with an irritable tone. I could see the disheartened looks on the faces of her group. (Poor bastards, I've only spoken to her for 30 seconds and I've had more than I can handle. They've had to deal with this for over 20 minutes, class isn't even half way through.) "fine, I'm done... Just like your jacket!" she finished. "Good! And hey, maybe next you could tell me about something you like... so I can shit all over it." I said sarcastically. "I did not mean any offence. I just wanted to make sure you understood what your doing." she clarified, which only annoyed me more, but in a familiar way. That's when I recognized her. Well, I'd seen her around. she usualy hung around Flash's girlfriend, Sunset. Actually she was one of the girls who stopped me and Applejack from fighting in the cafeteria on Monday. "Hold on girl, your one of Sunset Shimmers friends!" I said as I suddenly devised the fastest way to deal with her. "girl? Is that anyway for a gentleman to refer to a lady who's name is unbeknownst to them? Well I suppose you are far from being a gentleman. My name is Rarity, Rarity Belle" she stated. "yeah, shut up for a minute... Rarity. Look, our groups running low on wood. so Barbi- I mean, Applejack sent me to see if you could spare a piece." I lied Rarity looked to my group before returning a skeptical look at me. "are you certain? It doesn't appear that Applejacks even started. "yeah well, I was doing what she asked me to. If you don't trust her I don't blame ya. She doesn't look like the most trustworthy person around." I continued, trying to guilt Rarity. "Not trust worthy!? Why, I'll have you know Applejack is the most Honest person in all of Ponyville! If Applejack says she needs a plank, then that's what I'll give her!" Rarity said as she held the final plank of wood out to me. (That was easy... Sort of.) With a grin I took the plank from Rarity and with no last words of thanks I was on my way back to my group. I could see Bulk Biceps had already gathered a small collection of tools such as hammers, nails, a saw, vice grips, glue, sandpaper and other such tools... Half of them we probably didn't need. "'Bout time ya showed up! How long does it take ta scavenge up a few pieces of wood?" Applejack complained as she cast her gaze towards the wood bin. "I got it didn't I, so stop complaing!" I snapped back at her as I dumped the collection of wood in the center of the table. Ignoring my attitude Applejack continued. "well why ya was takin your sweet time, I managed to complete the draft of how we'll be makin our bird house. we only got 'bout 30 minutes or so ta put it all togetha." "thirty minutes? Class is only halfway done? It feels like a lot more time should have passed!... I guess dealing with idiot's just feels like more work than it is." I said with a fake disheartened tone. I was aware of how much time we had. "It sure is." replied Applejack as she blankly stared at me. I rolled my eyes at her as I was in no mood to argue. Seeing my unwillingness to argue Applejack took charge. "Anyways, let's get to it. I'll mark the wood for cutting and drilling" she said as she grabbed a pencil and ruller. "Bulk Biceps, your cuttin." She continued as she passed Bulk a saw. "oh! I can do that!" he replied excitedly. "Cross, ya'll be drillin tha holes" she followed up as she slid a power drill towards me. Before she could continue I pushed the drill to the center of the table. "yeah... pass." I said. "...wha do ya mean?" Applejack replied with a grumpy tired expression. "look! I humored this whole, TEAM, thing longer than I thought I would have. As far as I'm concerned I did my part. From here on out I'm gonna let you idiots do the rest." I answered somewhat mentally exhorted. "Ya bearly did anythin!!!" Applejack snapped at me. "The fact that I did anything that remotely helped you losers is an amazing feat alone" I boardly replied. The table went quite as Me and the Farm girl both locked eyes. She wasn't gonna just let me have my way but I wasn't gonna back down either. The silence was finally broken as the cross eyed girls spoke up. "I can do the drilling" she said as she reached for the drill. Applejack wasn't happy with the sudden development. She wasn't gonna let the cross eyed girl enable my anti-social behaviour. However before she could speak her mind I quickly snatched the drill. "No!... Derpy, your a walking disaster who can turn the most mundane items into hazards. A clumsy Idiot like you would end up screwing me to the table. I mean sure, seeing that happen to one of you three idiots might be good for a laugh but your right next to me, it's too risky. Just the other day you lit some guy on fire, so I don't wanna see what kinda damage you can do with a power tool... At least go sit next to Farm girl first." I scolded her as she backed up. "NOW HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!!" Applejack butted in. "first ah all, don't go callin her names! Seconly, it was only his scarf that caught fire. And third, if ya ain't gonna help out than ya might as well let Ditzy Doo do tha drillin!" she argued. "Okay, first, I called all of you names. Second, the amount of him that caught fire wasn't questioned, your either on fire or your not. And third... Who?..." I asked as I looked around. "I thought all groups only had four people? I know you morons all look alike to me but there's only four of us." I stated. Unsure of who she meant by Ditzy Doo. Our group fell silent, both the big guy and farm girl seemed confused by my statement. It felt like they were waiting for me to say something. When it was apparent I had nothing left to say Applejack finally broke the silence. "Ya serious?... Yeh, Ya are!" she said shocked". "I'm always serious... Quit staring and tell me!" I impatiently replied, unsure why they both seemed confused. I looked to my side to see if Derpy was as confused as they were?... It didn't do me any good, she always looks confused. She did however seem fine despite my earlier words. "That's me!" Derpy said, seeing my attention was on her. Her happy go lucky tone makes me feel like my words would never effect her. "Not now Derpy!" I said ignoring her. I turned my attention back to the other two. "well, who's Ditzy Doo?" "she is" Applejack stated. "she who?" I replied "Ditzy Doo!" Bulk Bicep chimed in. "but who is that?" I replied. "I'm Ditzy!" Derpy happily said. "I know your a ditz but this isn't about you Derpy! Who the hell is Ditzy Doo!" I angrily said, my patience was at its limit. "she's next to you" Bulk replied. "STOP!!!..." I yelled as I slammed both hands on the table. "Everyone just shut up... Okay, Let's try this again. Farm girl-" "Applejack!" the farm girl corrected. "Farm Girl!... Point out Ditzy Doo!" I commanded. With a roll of her eyes she lazily pointed to the wonky eyed blond girl besides me. "Derpy? Are you pointing at Derpy?" I asked. "Her name ain't Derpy, it's Ditzy Doo!" Applejack grumpily said. "Is that true?" I asked turning my attention to Bulk Biceps. "yeah" he quickly responded. I turned to Derpy who had a smile on her face, she nodded answering my question before I could ask. I looked to the center of the table, placing my riget hand on my chin as I began to deeply think about what I had been told. The group was silent as they patiently waited for me. After a moment of thinking I returned from my thoughts with only one thing to say. "No!..." "No!... Wha the heck do ya mean by, No?..." Applejack shockingly asked. It wasn't just her who was confused by my statement, both Bulk Biceps and Derpy were just as shocked. "...your messing with me... I think?" I skeptically continued. "wha?... Why would I do that? Your messin with us!" Applejack replied. "I don't know what your all trying to do, but I know her name is Derpy, and it always has been since primary school." I confidently said. "Ya gotta be kidding? You have three people, one of which is the person, tellin ya her name is Ditzy Doo! Why would we make that up?" Applejack said clearly frustrated. "Derpy isn't her real name ya idiot, it's a name kids made up to make fun of her. Tell him Ditzy!" She didn't seem to be lying but I didn't want to believe her either. If what she was saying was true it meant I was calling her by the wrong name for years. Turning my attention to the wonky eyed girl I noticed she was looking me up and down pretty intensely. I had never seen her so focused before, her wonky eye even seemed to be focusing as she squinted. She finished examining me and backed up. She tilted her head to the side with a confused look. "you went to primary school with me?" she asked. "Yeah... Why?" I responded. "Hold on an apple pickin minute!" Applejack interrupted. "I went ta Ponyville Primary with Ditzy an I don't remember ya at all Cross!" "uh, I also went there... I don't remember you either" Bulk Biceps added. I was quick to reply in my usual arrogant way. "Of course you idiots went there. Were a small town, we only have one primary and highschool. Unless your rich enough to afford to go to Canterlot High your options are limited to one alternative... Here! And as for not remembering me... so what? I don't remember you two, infact I forget your names and faces on a daily basis since there isn't any reason to remember you. The only quality you two have is your stupid, but that's not remarkable. Heck, I couldn't wave a stick around in this school without hitting someone greater than or as equaliy stupid as you two... I mean farm girls got the fattest ass in school so I guess thats something." I could tell my words were annoying the two of them, Applejack more than Bulk. However before either of them could reply I stood up and began walking to the front of the class. During my arrogant speech I had thought of a way to clarify Derpy's name. "Hey! Were the heck r ya goin Cross? Don't think I'm just gonna drop what ya said 'bout me." Applejack called from behind me, which I ignored. I made my way to the teachers desk at the front of the class. The teacher, Mr Print, was leaning back in his chair with his legs on the table as he read a magazine. Blue Print, or Mr Print as we call him is a somewhat short middle aged man with brown skin and very short orange hair. He wears dark blue overalls and doesn't have any noticeable features. When it comes to teaching he is as motivated as Mr Freerights is qualified, although what would you expect? this is a public school. He didn't even notice me approach which is fine since I had no need to talk to him. What I wanted was the class roll, which i quickly located it in the center of the desk and snatched it up. Mr Print still hadn't noticed me at this point... or was he just ignoring me? I scanned over the class roll and while I couldn't find Derpy I did find Ditzy.... But I also noticed something that disturbed me, I was on the roll... Twice. Once as Drifting Desire who was marked absent all year, and again as Cross who while not always absent had missed alot of days. (This could be a problem. I know I'm never called by my name but I thought the teachers at least knew it... I wonder if my other classes have me on the roll as two different people?... I'll have to sort it out later) I thought as I put the roll back on the desk and made my way back to my group who had started working while I was gone. As I passed the wonky eyed blonde girl apparently named Ditzy Doo, I snatched the power drill from her just before she could use it before taking a seat. "oh, Cross, ya back?... Where did ya go off ta? I figured ya were just gonna leave class... Wouldn't be tha first time" Applejack said somewhat disheartened, her question was her likely just being polite than generally curious. "I went to find out walking disaster here's name" I answered as I gave Ditzy the sand paper. She didn't seem bothered by me taking the drill and began sanding the edges off the cut planks. (the only reason I came back is that some creatures hunting me. As long as I'm around others it won't try anything.) I thought to myself before continuing. "I guess I was... Not as right as I thought". "Ya mean ya were wrong" Applejack said in a smug tone as she marked were to cut the wood. "No!... I mean I wasn't as right as I thought!" I arrogantly replied as I began to drill holes in the cut planks of wood. "That's basackly the same thang!" Applejack said under her breath. "Well. Isn't there somethang else ya wanna say!?" she continued returning to her smug tone. "I have a lot I wanna say to you people! But I don't wanna use up all my insults at once or else whats left for everyone else... Although I guess most of them only apply to you farm girl, it's just so easy to make fun of the backwater inbred yokal" I said looking up thoughtfully. I was having a tough time choosing a demeaning nickname for the country girl, the whole Derpy business showed me I needed to put more effort into being mean. Barnyard Barbie was simple and classic but Applefat was meaner. "That's not wat I meant!" an annoyed Applejack replied, interrupting my train of thought. "Isn't there somethang ya wanna say! Specifically ta Ditzy?" "...Are you asking me to pick on Ditzy?" My question gaining me a look of shock from the farm girl. "I mean, I was just gonna leave her alone... Sure there's a lot to pick on her for but just look at her" I said as I looked at the wonky eyed Ditzy to my right. "There's nothing I could say that's worse than what lifes done to her." Applejacks mouth was agape. "NO!!! I was sayin ya should apologise!" "Apologise?... What for?" I asked without the slightest clue of what she was talking about." "Well besides that horrible stuff just a moment ago, how 'bout for calling her Derpy!" Applejack replied. "No" was my sudden response. "Wha do ya mean, no!?" Applejack asked, clearly not satisfied with my answer. "I mean no! I refuse to apologise, I don't feel sorry and there's nothing to feel sorry about" I stoically explained. If she didn't like my answer before she must've hated this one. I could tell she wanted more of an explanation as she started at me angrily... It was kinda weird how her body language reminded me of the farm boy Big Mac, she easily conveyed what she wanted through a simple stair... Must be a farmer thing. "I didn't know her name was Ditzy, nor did I have any way of knowing. I honestly thought her name was Derpy. And she's aware of that so what's the issue?" I tried to clarify. "How could ya think it was Derpy? Who would name there child Derpy?" Applejack argued. "I've heard others call her Derpy! Besides everyone has a dumb name like something sparkle or Apple something, so Derpy doesn't sound too far off. It's not like it was something wacky or weird like... Steve, John, or Bob. Those aren't even real names". I argued back. Applejack wasn't happy with my response and seemed she wanted to argue my reasoning, And she probaboy would have for the rest of the school day. Our personalities just seemed to clash, although I pretty much clash with everyone. If we weren't interrupted by the teacher we would have been stuck like that all day. "Alright, 5 minutes left. Time to pack up!" Mr Print said to the whole class. "WHAT!!! but we've barely even started!" a shocked Applejack shouted. "uh, well there's no nee-". Bulk Biceps began. "Well maybe if you spent less time talking and more time doing the actual work, you would be done." I mocked, not caring that we didn't finish. "Well we di-" Bulk began to say before he was cut off, this time by applejack. > Chapter 4 - Back to our Usual Schedule? Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 004 part 3 "This here is all ya fault, Cross!" this time it was Applejack to cut him off. "uh, I'm trying to tell y-" bulk once again began. "My fault? Just how do you figure that!?" I asked. "Well for starters ya took way to long gatherin tha wood!" she answered getting considerably louder. "Maybe scraps are fine for you but not me. Besides, your the one who wouldn't shut up!" I replied in a simular tone. "An just how was I sposed ta ignore all the hurtful thangs ya were sayin!!" Applejack shouted back. "Well for starters you shut your mouth!! That must sound like a foreign concept to a country bumpkin like you!!" I replied in a louder tone than her. "I'm trying to tell thou guys... Could you just..." While we argued Bulk Biceps was trying to tell us something to no avail as we kept talking over him. He was becoming more and more annoyed as he was ignored until finally he couldn't take it any more. "BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!!! He shouted at us... Which he quickly came to regret. "WHAT!!!" Applejack shouted, turning all her anger and frustration from me to him. I didn't say anything as I turned my focus to the big guy, but if looks could kill my glare would have melted a hole through his skull. "Uh... Well, I...". He quickly realised the bad position he was in as he lost all confidence. He was nervous but needed to continue, if he didn't there was gonna be repercussions for stepping between the two. "Well, I kinda, sorta... did it." "Huh?" both Applejack and myself said. "wha do ya mean ya did it?" A confused Applejack asked, her tone now more normal. "Oh, well you two were arguing and I didn't want to get involved... I don't handle confrontation very well. Anyway,I didn't wanna just sit around and do nothing, so I made the birdhouse" Bulk Biceps triumphantly said as he held the aforementioned birdhouse above his head. It was somewhat crudely constructed but without question it was a birdhouse. "But... how? I still have the drill. how were you able to-... Actually, I don't care" I said in a monotone voice. "I didn't have to do anything, so I guess everything worked out." "Wha? How can ya say that? This was supposed ta be a group activity" Applejack began to argue. "Why can't you just be happy for him? He took the initiative and really came through for the team" I replied with fake enthusiasm. "Hmmmm" Applejack growled under her voice as she looked away. "Well what about you Der-... Ditzy. Did you make anything while Applejack slacked off?" I sarcastically asked to annoy the farm girl. "Yup!" Ditzy excitedly responded as she held her hand out. In her hand was a small rectangular block of wood, about the size of a bar of soap. The sides and corners completely rounded, she had created it by sanding down a plank of wood with the sand paper I handed her earlier. "Huh, well that wasn't exactly what we were supposed to do. Guess that's what we get for not supervising you... But on the other hand no one's on fire so, Good job" I mocked as I gave her a thumbs up. She clearly didn't understand I was mocking her as her excitement grew. "thanks. You can have it" Ditzy happily said as she held the wooden block closer to me. "Oh, good...?" I said as I grabbed the block. "I could probably find a use for this?..." (I'm probably just gonna through this at Flash.) I thought as I slipped it into the inside of my jackets pocket. While Bulk Biceps took our bird house to the teacher the rest of us put away the tools and cleaned the table. As we cleared away our mess I noticed all the other groups had managed to finish building there birdhouses... Well, almost everyone. The group with the purple haired fashionista apparently hadn't even began. Seems they never even finished there blueprints. I could over hear the girl... (I think her name wa Rarely... Or something like that) arguing with the teacher. Actually it was more like she was whining. "Of course we never got started!!! How do you expect me to create a dazzling masterpiece of beauty and delight when all where given to use are some dried up twigs!!! My creative genius is being squandered. I refuse to create something so ugly, so wretched, so... Bland!!!" The prissy fashionista whined. Despite the girls melodramatic outburst Mr Print just seemed bored and annoyed as he responded, kinda like his done this before. "Rarity, we've been over this before, Functionality over style. Birds are dumb, there not gonna know the difference." "Well I'll have you know I have a friend who knows a thing or two about animals and trust me, they know!" the prissy fashionista named Rarity (I was close) proudly responded like her point meant something. The amount of pride she had in that statement gained the same reaction from the teacher as it did me, confusion. It was an odd thing to take pride in the fact that someone claims birds notice style. The rest of the people from her group didn't seem to care. Actually, they looked exhausted, probably from having to deal with her all day. Luckily for Mr Print the bell rang signaling the end of third period. He quickly shooed the girl away and a bit of life returned to her team mates who were now free of her. I was in no rush to as I slowly left as my next class was science. (I can't believe it's only the fourth period! usually classes go by much faster, I gueas it could be cause I interacted with others for once... Or because of the stress of possibly being hunted by a monster! It actually slipped my mind, I was suppose to be keeping an eye out for it. Guess I kinda got distracted by those morons... Although it wasn't completely boring. Not to often someone stands up to me, especially for so long. And those other two didn't seem to mind me all that much either... No! The only reason Applejack stood up to me is because she's a idiot. she doesn't understand what she's doing, same for the other two. Der-... Ditzy Doo kept misunderstanding me and Bulk Biceps was just desperate to part of a group. That was just an isolated incident) I thought as I put the group activity behind me and focused my mind on the task at hand. Hunting the Hunter. As I walked to class I noticed the lighter had cooled down. That was probably due to it needing to back off and assume a new form. It's been following me since second period but it can't keep the same form due to classes having different students. It needs to take the form of someone absent... Wait! Can they only take the form of people? What if they can take the form of objects as well? That would allow it to be in the class if no one's absent. The sudden theory was causing me to become frustrated. I didn't know enough about the creatures to make any plans, well not without looking suspicious any way. But one thing was certain, for now it wasn't watching me. (I guess while it's not watching me I'll go see if a new missing posters have been made) I thought as I took out the torn remains of the old poster from my jacket and dumped em in a bin. (I could probably fix it but it's easier to get a new one.) And with that thought I made my way to the student bulletin board. I quickly arrived at the student bulletin board and began scanning over it. There were many different postings from different students and clubs to be found, even some advertisements. The Greener Earth club had put up a poster on the proper way to recycle. A 'Learn the TRUTH' poster was clearly from the occult club. I doubt they actually know anything. 'Vote Blueblood' poster was placed next to a 'Vote for Mare' poster. (guess she replaced some of her propaganda after I took it down) I thought as I moved Bluebloods poster directly over his opposition. Another post was on a big pink cardboard a3 sheet 'FIRST EVER ANNUAL I CAN'T WAIT CAKE-OFF FUN-TACTLAR' (...I don't know we're to even begin with this). There were many other posts, some looking to get members for there clubs like the music, chess and drama clubs. Others advertised events, telling us to come support our school such as our next football match which was against Clouds-dale high. Another was about the reopening of Golden Oaks Library. One was for something called the 'Rain Booms' whatever that was, the words awesome was repeated quite a few times throughout and a claim to be '20% cooler than other band's'. (guess there some kind a school band). 'Time Turner Tutoring'. 'Trixy the Great and Powerful... Available for Birthdays'. 'Flim Flam brother's... Ya need it we got it'. 'DJpon3'. The board was full of stuff like this, non of it helpful. I couldn't find one for the missing kids no matter how hard I searched. (Maybe I should have held onto the torn poster, I probably could have stuck it back together. I thought a new one would have been posted by now... Guess I'll just have to come bac-) my thought is cut short as I see two purple slender hands in the corner of my eye pinning something to the bulletin board, that something being exactly what I need. An updated poster of the missing students. Turning to my side I see it's the smart lavender girl who's put up the poster. I've never really gotten a good look at her before, partially due to the fact that she's never done anything to gain my interest. In terms of hight she's shorter than me by roughly half a head. Her skin is a light purple/lavender shade. She has long straight hair that's tied in a bun with a bowlcut fringe. The colour of her hair is a darker purple than her skin with two streaks side by side, one light purple, the other dark pink. She also wore a pair of black thick framed glasses. She was wearing a long sleeve light blue t-shirt with a purple button up vest, there was also a dark purple bow tie around her neck. She had a dark purple skirt with the image of a large star surrounded by smaller stars on the side. On her feet were light blue pull up socks that ended just below her knees, she also wore a pair of purple shoes... I don't know what type they were as shoes aren't really my thing. The girl took notice of me staring at her as she turned to face me with a curious look of her own before speaking. "don't mind me, just putting up a new poster of the missing students." something must have caught her attention as after she finished speaking she squinted her eyes as she focused on me. "um, your... Cross?" "And your... Purple?" I sarcastically replied. "Actually, it's Twilight Sparkle. Not to be confused with that other girl who used to go here with the same name... And looked like me. She moved away, I'm kind of new." she confusingly replied. "I never met her! and this is the first time we've talked!... Also I don't care! Having a look a like isn't something special to brag about... that's quite common now" I said with little care. "huh? Oh okay, anyway, did you by any chance... take the missing students poster a few days ago" she nervously asked. "hmm? Does this answer your question?" I asked as I reached past her and tore the new missing students poster from the bulletin board. Twilight seemed shocked as I smugly grinned at her before I began to walk away. From behind me I could hear Twilight calling out. "Wait Cross! Why are you taking that? I worked all night to find the right font to use." Stopping, I turned around with as menacing grin and confidential replied. "Twilight was it? Your smart, so tell me. do you know what kind of person I am?" "well, going off what my friends say, as well as data I collected. Your kind of... a dick..." Twilight nervously responded. "Don't be nervous, your right! Most times I do what I do to purposely annoy others, and this is no exception" I calmly tell her as I fold the poster before putting it inside my jacket. Before I could make my exit Twilight said something I wasn't expecting. "Then why were you looking for Short Stick?" "What!?" her question caught me off guard. (How did she know about that? Wait, the girl who worked there... Porky Pie? Whatever her name was, she said she goes to this school. She must have told her, but why? Well it was her poster I took). I thought realising I needed to say something to throw her off my trail. "Bully Bingo!" "huh? Bully Bingo?" Twilight looked confused. If I was gonna sell it I needed to truly believe it. So starting now it was real. "That's right, Bully Bingo! It's a game I invented to pass time. I take something from the bulletin board that contains names or photos, then I hunt them down. Points are decided by three things. How much can I take from them, how fast can I find them, and how much can I hurt them" I maliciously lied to her. Twilight was shocked, but she didn't look convinced as she replied. "But all those people are missing?" "I like the challenge. Besides, three of them showed up, everyone knows there around somewhere doing drugs or something stupid. There a bunch of loner cry babies who want attention." I coldly answer her before turning once again to leave. "Those kids could be in real danger! Maybe those three were doing something stupid for attention, and maybe they weren't. We can't jump to the conclusion that just because those three showed up the same can be said for the other seven. People don't know if their situation is related to those three. We need to use every source we can to find them before it's to late. The police can't deal with this, their not even trying... Most people are giving up and for now all I can do is spread the word. it's not much but it's something." Twilight said as if she was giving a heart felt speech. I stopped as I thought about what she said. "...what do you mean?" I asked. Twilight, looking hopeful at my interest continued. "every bit of information helps. If we all come together and pool our informat-" "No!" I interrupted. "What do you mean by, 'the police can't handle it?' they all ready found three of them." I once again turned to face her. "huh... Oh that, well..." Twilight seemed nervous as she replied." I mean, maybe the three that were found were in a different situation from the remaining seven? They just kinda showed up... I guess." My instincts told me I was onto something, I just needed to push. "All ten ran away in a similar fashion, leaving simular notes and having simular motives. It's possible the three found just copied what the remaining seven did, but that's not what's got you thinking there's something different between the three that were found and those that are still missing" Twilights eyes were wide with shock as I over annualized what she said. "No, the reason you think they must be unrelated is because, like you said, 'they just kinda showed up!'" Twilight looked panicked, she began to fidget with the bottom of her shirt as she looked to her side. "wh-what... That's not, I..." she was tripping over her words, struggling to respond. I wasn't gonna give her a chance to talk yet as I pushed it a bit further. "why do you find it odd that they just kinda showed up? The kids are runaways, they can come back anytime they want. Then why think of those who did return as separate to those who haven't come back? Is there a reason to believe they shouldn't be able to return? Add what you also said about 'the police not being able to handle it' and it sounds like you know something the rest of us don't!" I said as I intensely watched the girl. Twilight was absolutely panicked. It was clear she knew something, something she didn't want others to know. The question was how much. She stood there with her mouth agape as she tried and failed to gain any control of the situation as words failed her. Was she shocked because of how intense the situation was becoming, or maybe it was because she wasn't used to seeing a brutish thug like me using his head. Either way she just stood there. looking at her feet Twilight finally spoke. "I... I gotta go to class" she nervously said as she began to walk past me. "Science right!" I said Just as she began to pass me. "Were in the same class, so I guess we're going the same way." "...Yeah" was all Twilight said as she began walking again. I left a few meters between us as I followed Twilight to science class, she seemed uneasy as I she knew I was watching her from behind. We soon arrive at class which had already began. Just before entering the class I feel the lighter heat up to my annoyance. "Twilight Sparkle! Cross! how good of you two to finally join us" said a sarcastic monotone voice. It was the teacher, Mr Reaction. Mr Reaction, or Chain Reaction if I'm not being formal, was our science teacher. He looked to be around early 20's with spiky medium length hair that was one half black and one half white, his skin was a light yellow. He wore a white Lab coat that covered most of his body and a pair of safety goggles. "Sorry I'm late. I was putting up a new missing poster for the runaway students" Twilight nervously said. "That's alright Twilight, you already know most of this stuff anyway" Mr Reaction said before turning to hear my excuse. "I was tearing down a new missing poster for the runaway students" I bluntly said. "oh?" he said as he looked to Twilight for confirmation, her loud sigh at Being reminded that I stole her poster right in front of her was all the confirmation he needed. "Well, I guess that explains why you both showed up at the same time. For a second there I thought you two might have secretly been taking... Chemistry Together!!!... Eh! eh!." "I take chemistry but Cross isn't in my class" Twilight answered. Mr Reaction was thrown off "what? No, I mean... You know" he noticed me roll my eyes as I headed to a seat in the back. "He gets it!" he said a bit more cheerfully. From my seat I watch Twilight as she takes a seat next to a cyan girl with rainbow hair. I've seen her hanging around both Applejack and Sunset. as I watched the lavender girl I thought about the information I had gathered. (it seems as if that girl, Twilight knows something about the situation of the runaway kids. But how much does she actually know about it? Does she know about the creatures? It could be that she's in a similar situation to me, maybe she's seen something or noticed something she shouldn't have and now she doesn't know what to do... That's a theory, but it doesn't help me. It could also be that I over analyzed what she said. She could just be nervous because it was me she was talking to... I have that effect. Either way I don't have anything I can use yet, for now I'll try to keep an eye on her... Although I don't know if it'll do me any good) As class goes by I keep a watchful eye on Twilight. A couple times she turns my way before quickly turning back around. I want her to know I'm watching her, I could tell she was very nervous. I spot Twilight pass a note to the rainbow haired girl sitting next to her, after reading the note the rainbow haired girl turns and gives me a suspicious look before turning back to twilight and quietly whispering to her as Twilight ripped up the note. (That's it! Right there, now I'll see if this leads any where) I thought as I grabbed a pencil from the person sitting next to me. "You got sharpener?" I asked the mint green girl who's pencil I had taken. "am I gonna get this stuff back? I'm kinda borrowing the pencil from a friend." The girl nervously asked. "Sure...? I guess" I vaguely answered. And with that the girl handed me a sharper. "Good!... Now what else do you got!" I more or less demanded to her dismay. After a moment I had gained a stapler and two blank pages torn from her work book. "Give him a an inch and he'll take a mile" I heard the girl angrily mumble, which I ignored. Stapling the two blank pages together I made one large sheet of paper, which I then rolled up and put under my jacket. Waiting until there were ten minutes left of class I got up and made my way to the bin at the front of the class, making sure the pencil and sharpener were visible in my hand. With my back to the class I began to sharpen the pencil for a second before taking out the stapled pieces of paper from my jacket. I dropped the sharpener in the bin, pretending to have lost my grip. As I reached into the bin to receive the sharpener I took the stapled paper from my jacket and pushed it down into the bin which was half full. It pushed against the side of the bin so nothing could fall past it from above, you couldn't see that the pages were stapled together as the shadows helped hide it. With that I made my way back to my desk, dropping the borrowed pencil and sharpener on the mint green girls desk. "Your welcome!" the girl sarcastically said as she glared at me. I however just ignored her. All I had to do now was wait. Time past and Finally the bell rung, class was over and it was time for lunch. I stretched back in my seat and let out a yawn as I cracked my back. (That took forever) I thought. The mint green girl didn't hesitate, and before I knew it she was gone. I also felt the lighter cool down as students left. However before I could do the same, two slender cyan hands slammed on my desk. "Cross! Are you stalking Twilight!" a loud angry obnoxious voice demanded. As I looked up from my seat I saw the rainbow haired cyan girl standing in front of me. She was looking down at me with an angry expression. I could also see the Nervous Twilight Sparkle standing anxiously at her desk with a look of panic. "...am I stalking Twilight?" I confusingly asked as I looked passed the rainbow haired girl and right at Twilight before looking back to her. "No!" The girl looks back to twilight who gives a nevious smile before turning her attention back at me "Then why have you been... all over her?" "The hell does that mean!" I replied in a simular tone to hers. "Your acting weird! You kept staring at her during class, you asked her a bunch of weird questions... apparently. And you've been tearing down her posters." she answered. At this point I stood up, I was taller than the girl by a head. Looking down at her I replied. "And how is that 'weird' compared to how I usually act! Why don't you tell me what I'm like!" That threw the girl off as she responded. "well, your brash, you act without any care for others, you generally make others feel uncomfortable... Oh, and your a dick!" The girl answered with a smug look. "Good. Now tell me, how does everything I did not meet thone standards?" I replied confidently. "Because..." the girl froze up, her eyes going wide at the realisation. In terms of my character I was acting normal. Tearing down her posters was me being a dick, staring at her intensely made her uncomfortable, any questions or the pressure caused by them were also me just giving her a hard time. "Well... I guess that is just normal for you" the girl said with a confused look on her face. "That's right Pride Parade! Before you go accusing me of something, you should make sure you got proof. The reason I was intensely watching your friend there is because I've been on edge recently and have been looking for someone to take my frustration out on. Usually I would just nap for the whole class, but I'm really on edge! So maybe you and your little friend should get out of my face if you'ld rather avoid a trip to the nurses office" I menacingly stated as I coldly looked down at her. The girl was practically grinding her teeth with anger, but she knew better than to push it any further. "hmph... whatever, let's go Twilight! I told you this guy was just a creep." As they were leaving I could her Twilight talking to the rainbow haired girl. "I said we need tact not attack!... You know what tact is right?" as they passed the bin on their way out Twilight took some paper scraps and tossed them in the bin. Soon the girls were gone. With no one left in the class I made my way over to the bin. The torn pieces of the note had fallen on the the stapled pages I put in earlier, without it the torn up note would have gotten mixed up with the rest of the trash. I quickly fished the pieces out of the bin and was easily able to assemble them on a desk. The note read. 'I think Cross might be looking into the missing kids!!! I think his onto us!!!' (What does this mean? The lighter didn't react to her so she's not one of the creatures, then what is she talking about?) the note made two things apparent. First, Twilight clearly knew something. And secondly, so did her Rainbow haired friend. But there were some questions that remained unanswered as well. I couldn't be sure if the 'us' her note was referring to was just her and the Rainbow girl, it's possible more are involved. Also, how much do they know? (For now I think there not working with the creatures, Twilight shows general concern for the missing kids. I think her and whoever else is involved with her are definitely in the same situation as me, they stumbled onto something they shouldn't have.) I think as I begin to leave the class. (I don't know what to do with this new information just yet. I'll have to think about how I can use it... can I use it?") As I exit the class the lighter heats up, once again the creature is stalking me. (right, I'll need to deal with That as well. I still don't know how but I promise, before lunch is over I'll have squashed that darm bug) I promise myself, full of conviction. (But first... I need something to eat.) All the stress and over thinking has taken a toll on me, I need to restore my energy. As I head to the cafeteria the lighter remains warm, constantly reminding me of my unwanted stalker. Once I make it to the Cafeteria I cut to the head of the lunch line to everyone's dismay. I buy a roast beef sandwich and a can of Pepse, I then locate an empty table and begin to eat my lunch. (man, I really needed this. My life wasn't this stressful just the other day) I think as I eat. (all I had to worry about was how long I needed to wait before Blueblood gave me something fun to do... Oh shit! Blueblood! I was supposed to be helping him with the scheme of his to raise his popularity! I've been to busy dealing with my own issue I forgot.) I continue my thought as I take another bite of my sandwich (If he did need me it's not like he has any way to contact me besides the notes he passes in school. I don't use social media and I don't own a mobile phone... Why would I, I don't have anyone to contact.) At that moment a phone is placed in front of me in a simular manner as whenever one of Bluebloods notes are delivered as I the person who put it there begins to leave. However unlike the other times he doesn't leave, instead he circles the table and takes a seat opposite me. I don't recognise the boy sitting across from me. He has medium length silver hair thats been combed to one side while his skin was light grey. He wore a bronze singlet with the word 'limit' with a streak of silver crossing it out printed on it. He also wore silver sweat bands on his wrists and forehead. However it was his silver eyes that got my attention, as in his eyes was something I don't see to often, Determination. Unlike other students he wasn't nervous, and he wasn't angry. If anything, he looked curious. "Who are you?" I asked the boy. "You don't care so why bother asking" he bluntly replied. "Your right, I don't! Then what's with this phone. No... That's obvious too." I already knew who the phone was from, it was from Blueblood. I recognised it as I had stolen it awhile back from some guy for Blueblood. There was a message on the phone but I'ld get to that later. "Tell me... What do you want?" I asked the silver eyed boy. "I was curious. I want to know why you can do what you do... No, not why... How?" he asked. He must have noticed my look of confussion as he clarified the question. "You don't follow the social norms that others do. People make friends and group up while you choose not to. Despite how others say things should be you go against them for the sake of going against them. You prefer to be alone and because of this you always end up having the odds stacked against you but can come out on top." the boy confusingly said. "Is there a point to this" I impatiently ask. "You have your own way of thinking and acting that's unlike others. Despite the odds and consequence you do your own thing with no regard for others. How?" he curiously asked, giving me his full attention. "oh! That's easy" I begin as I coldly meet his gaze. "I do what I want because I can! I come before others no matter what. People are tools to be used, the only thing you need to worry about is how best to use them. There are billions of other people, but theres only one of me. Realising just how great you can be is the first step, there's nothing beyond my ability" I proudly answer. The boy looks thoughtful after hearing me promote my ego. "But just how far can one go?" he says to himself as he gets up. "Thanks, I wish I had more time to understand you... But I guess this is it" the boy sadly says as he began to walk off. (He makes it sound like this is the last time he'll ever get to talk to me! Could he be the creature!) as the boy leaves the cafeteria my fears are put to rest. The lighter was still warm despite him being out of range. (nope, wasn't him... That was strange, I guess I do have my own way of doing things. And no matter how unconventional or stupid it's not a disadvantage, it's just my way and nothing's wrong with that...huh!) Something clicked inside my head as I rembered the convisatition I had with Mr Freerights earlier about not letting weaknesses be weaknesses or something. I was over thinking this whole mess with the creature stalking me. I already had exactly what I needed to win... Me! I now had a plan. (Before lunch is over, that monster is gonna be stain on the floor.) I think as a sinister smile creeps onto my face. > Chapter 4 - Back to our Usual Schedule? Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 004 part 4 I pick up the mobile phone left by the silver eyed stranger and place it in my pants pocket. There's a message on on the phone but I'll deal with that later as time is of the essence and I would like to have the stalking creature dead before the end of lunch. I quickly finish my lunch before getting up and leaving the cafeteria. The lighter remains heated indication the monster is still following me. It would be to hard to try and identify who the monster is right know as the halls are full of students wandering around. Luckily for me I won't have to. The first stop I need to make is to the cooking class, there's something there I need to pick up. "Man, that roast beef sandwich was great, but I could really go for some desert... I wonder if there's any cakes settling in the cooking class? I'm sure they wouldn't notice a piece or two missing" I say to myself loud enough so that anyone near by could hear me. I needed to give the creature a reason as to why I'm going to that class as to avoid suspicion. I soon arrive at the cooking class. After entering the room I close the door behind me. The lighter remains warm meaning that the creature is waiting just outside. Thanks to my lie it believes I'll be out in a moment which is true, however it won't be cake I take with me. Searching through the draws I quickly find what I'm looking for, a sharp kitchen knife. This is what I plan to use to end the annoying creatures life. I don't know if it'll be able to cut through that armour like skin they have, but that's fine because it should cut flesh no problem. Unlike the last monster I faced, I plan to kill this one before it sheds it's disguise. I know that while disguised the creature is weaker and more fragile, I plan to use that to my advantage and end this. Placing the knife into my jacket alongside the crowbar I grabbed from my car earlier I leave the class room. I now have everything I need. "darm, I couldn't find anything to eat... Guess I'll go pester those drama kids again. Their always messing around in the auditorium, can't beleive some students actually go to watch them practice" I once again say loud enough for those around me to hear. And with that I make my way to the final destination, the school auditorium. Within a few moments I arrive at the auditorium, the place I plan to confront the monster. Slightly opening the door I enter before closing the door behind me and move just to the side of the door so that when it opens I remain behind it. The schools auditorium is probably the most up-to-date and advanced facility our school has. It's a large cone shaped room that gets narrower the closer you are to the stage, it can also seat every student at this school plus more. Steps lead from the entrance going down to the stage with one large isle of steps going through the center of the room. There are three isles that break the chairs into four sections, all leading down to the stage. The Stage uses wood flooring and is quite large if you include backstage which is were many props and costumes are stored. There are also change rooms and a few other areas I'm unfamiliar with. Besides plays the auditorium is where assemblies are held. Earlier I claimed that this is where the drama kids hung out while other students came to watch them practice... That was a lie. I don't know where the drama kids hang out or what they do, nor do I care. I just need the monster to beleive that. My plan was simple. Direct, but simple. As long as other people are around I won't be able to identify it and if I did I wouldn't be able to do anything about it without practically announcing that I'm aware of them. If others find out it could cause mass panic and the monsters might decide to swap out stealth and take a more direct approach and just grab me and any others they deem targets. So I lure it somewhere isolated and deal with it before it strikes. Until know I was hesitant to be alone with this thing, but this direct approach is more my style. It's not expecting me to be after it as it's the hunter. I was trying to do this smart and quietly, but that's just not me. All that I had to do now was wait. It had only been a few seconds since I entered the auditorium but to me I felt like ages. With no plan B I was going all in. If the monster didn't follow me in I didn't have any more idea's. I could attempt this again but it would only be a matter of time before it became suspicious of my actions. Luckily for me I wouldn't have to worry about any of that as the door began to open. Slowly but surely the door opened as the sound of footsteps could be heard passing through the door. I wasn't able to see who entered as I was behind the door, I could however hear him. "Huh?... Where did he go? Actually, why isn't anyone here?" said a nervous male voice. (time to have some fun!) placing my hand on the auditorium door I swing the door, slamming it shut. "BAAM!!!" "AHHHH!!!" The mystery boy screams as he jumps at the sound of the door slamming behind him, he spins around to face me with a frightened expression plastered on his face. With no door in the way I finally get a clear look at the person. It was a navy blue skinned boy with straight shoulder length black hair that covered half his face. He wore a mossy green hoodie with the hood down, the hoodie seemed to be a size to big for him as it was quite baggy. He also wore black cargo pants and a pair of black sneakers. "oh!... What do have here!" I say in a shady way as I step towards the boy. "C-Cross? I-I was... I'm just..." he tried to talk but kept choking on his words as he took a few steps back from me and the door. "You were what!?" I ask with an annoyed tone "I hate it when people stutter. It takes them 5 minutes to say something that should have taken 5 seconds. If you have something to say you should spit it out before I lose my patience and beat it out of you!" Cracking my knuckles I continued to approach the boy, who slowly backed down the isle towards the stage. The boy took a deep breath as he struggled to respond. "I-I was lo-looking... For the... D-Drama club!..." despite his efforts to compose himself it was clear he was a nervous wreck. If it was an act or not I was unsure. "Huh, so was I" I said with obviously fake interest as I took another step closers to the boy. "w-well... Th-Their not here... I guess I'll be going!" The boy quickly said as he went to walk around me. Before he could pass me I put out an arm blocking him off, as he ran into my arm I pushed him back in front of me. The force was enough to send him stumbling back by a few feet as the boy was quite shaky. "No need to rush off... I wasn't done talking!" I say menacingly. "You see, I wasn't exactly looking for the drama kids. I was just looking for someone to mess with!" "I.. I don't want any trouble" The boy replied nervously as he turned his gaze to the ground. "Trouble?... Who said anything about trouble?" I replied with fake confusion as I reached into my jacket, pulling out the kitchen knife for the boy to see. Seeing the the knife the boys eyes went wide as he Jumped back a few meters, slowly moving closer to the stage while keeping his eyes on me as I approached. Fear was clear in the boys face as he looked like he was on the edge of a nervous breakdown. "What's the matter? Never seen a knife before?... Don't worry it won't bite, here I'll show you" I mocked as I slowly crept towards the boy. He was panicked as he stepped back from me as I slowly advance. "Pl-Please! Don't hurt me!" he said in a panic. "Hurt you? Who said I was gonna hurt you?... Where do you keep getting these strange ideas?" I once again mocked. "Honestly, I was just board... and then you came along and I thought. Hey! maybe I could cure my boredom by helping out a fellow student with his problem!" "P-Problem?... Wh-what problem?" The boy asked as he continued to step back. "theres no need to be embarrassed, It's clear by the way you walk. Your carrying to much in your pockets. Luckily for you there's a caring classmate willing to help lighten your pockets" I say as I raise the knife a little higher so that it's level with his chest. Suddenly the boy stops only a few meters from the stage. "W-wait!... Are you s-saying... Em I being robbed?..." the boy asked as his panic begins to fade. "uh... Yeah!" I reply noticing the tension fade. "phew!... Thank god I'm only getting robbed" the boy gladly says as his fear begins disappearing. Hearing that I raise an eyebrow. "Not what I usually hear people say when I rob them?" My response full of confusion. "Well I thought something bad was gonna happen to me. Everyone says your a psycho! Just look at you, you seem like a typical bad guy. Menacing gaze with red eyes, the scowl you always seem to have, your slicked back dark hair that gang members from the 60s had, that torn jacket that shows you've been in fights. And that's just your appearance. if you look at your social life and mental stability your defiantly a shady character." the boy bluntly stated in a rushed nervous tone. "The hell. Who's attacking who now!" I angrily shouted at the boy. "So what if my jackets seen better days, I plan on getting it fixed!" "That's the problem you have with what I said? That your jackets a little worn? Just gonna ignore all that other stuff?" He casually replied. "Yeah, I'm not delusional. Your description of me was pretty spot on. I know the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover' but with me you get what you see... now with that out of the way maybe we can get back to business!" I say as I wave the knife around. "oh, right!" The boy reaches into his pocket before holding his hand out to me. "there you go" He nervously says. "Seriously! Your handling this way to well... It's ruining it for me!" I say with annoyance. "S-Sorry. But look at it from my prospective. I thought something horrible was about to happen to me. Not only that but once you take my stuff you'll leave me alone" the boy explained. Rolling may eyes I put the knife down and examine the items in his hands. "...Twenty dollars and a pack of tissues. Well I guess I should be happy I'm coming out of this twenty dollars richer.... You can keep the tissues, you'll need them more than me if you wanna clean up this mess" I say as I grab the cash and examine it. "mess?... What me-" 'SLICK!' The boys sentence is cut short as I suddenly thrust the kitchen knife through his throat. A green liquid sprays out as the boys eyes widen with panic. "That mess!... You really should have trusted your instincts" I casually reply as my lips curl into a sinister smirk. The boy is paralyzed by pain and fear as he idly stands there eyes wide open. It was so sudden his body doesn't know how to react. Seeing as his not really in a mood to talk I continue "Tell you what! Since I kinda fell bad that I'm leaving you to clean the mess I'll let you keep the knife!" With that I push the knife further into the boys throat, letting it go as green blood sprays from the wound. Without any words the boy falls back hitting the ground as he begins to gasp for air. His throat full of blood. "Just make sure to return that knife to the cooking class okay?" I say as I turn toward the exit. I stand there with my back towards my handy work as I bask in my own personal victory (oh man thats felt great! In a moment the monster will either suffocated to death, chock to death on its own blood, or it'll bleed to death. Their body's burn up when they die so the only thing anyone will find of it's existence is a kitchen knife lying on the ground. I can't beleive how stressed out I was becoming over it, it was so easy! I could have finished it earlier but I had to be sure, that's why I bothered talking to it at all. I lead it down to the stage and away from the door. Right now you were the only things within the 8-10 meter range of the lighter, and there's no one a floor below or above us.) Bending my back backwards I tilt my head to the sky as I stretch my arms out to the side as I open my hands wide "ha... haha... MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" I begin laughing hysterically. "I DID IT! NO ONE ELSE COULD HAVE DONE IT!! ONLY MY GREATNESS COULD OVERCOME SUCH A FEAT! THERE'S NOTHING I CAN'T DO!!!! NO ONE CAN STOP ME!!! NO ONE CAN STAND AGAIN-" 'Riiiiip!' My over the top self victory speech is cut short as the ground disappears below my feet, my view of the ceiling is replaced with a fast approaching stage. 'CRASH!!!' I hit the top of the stage hard back first and begin rolling. As I roll my already torn left jacket sleeve snags onto a loose floor boare and is torn off thanks to my momentum. After rolling about 4-6 meters I come to a stop. Now face down I begin to push myself off the ground, pain shooting through my body from the rough landing. (What the hell just happened!?) I think as I prop myself up on to one knee. Quickly recovering I look around as I try to figure my situation. (I'm on the stage? How the he'll did I end up here? I was down there just a mome-" my eyes go wide in surprise as I look down at where the dying creature should be lying. The creature is standing in a puddle of it's own blood with it's back towards me, it's right hand was black and shiny with long sharp claws. In it's sharp claws appears to be some kind of black cloth with a design of a white cross... "SHIT!!!" I yell as I reach around to feel my back, realising the cloth it's holding is from the back of my jacket. The creature partially transformed its arm which gave it enough strength to throw me onto the stage. "You couldn't just bleed to death quietly could you, with your last breath you decided to piss me off!" 'sisssssss-' I could hear a strange noise coming from the creature before it spoke in a broken voice as it turned to face me. "it... w-as... y-ou." "huh, I'm surprised you can even manage to speak with your throat cut open like tha-" once again my eyes go wide in shock as I examine the creature that's now facing me. The knife I left in its throat falls out of the creature revealing a glowing green wound that is quickly becoming smaller. In a few seconds the wound closes up and the green light of the wound glows intensely and the odd sound I heard becomes louder before disappearing. (it can regenerate!... No, That green light just now as the wound closed, it was simular to the beam of burning light the last creature fired at me... It referred to it as magic. I don't think it's regenerating, it likely that it's using its power of transformation to pull itself back together. The intense burst of light at the end though, I think it cauterize the wound.) I thought as I continued to look down at the creature. (The other one never did that... Probably because the lighter drained its magic. If that's the case then will its wound reopen once I use the lighter?...) "It was you, Wasn't it!" The creature said more clearly this time as it looked up at me, eyes full of rage. Oddly enough however it seemed nervous. "What was me?" I asked, still on one knee. "Your-... Your the one who killed Knock Off!" he angrily replied as he threw the torn fabric in his hand to the side. "...Who?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. "Don't play dumb!... Your the one who raided our hide out on Bullworks Street." he angrily Spat. "oh! That thing... Wait, it's name was Knock Off?... Seriously?... HAHAHAHA!" I mocked, which seemed to piss off the creature. Standing up I use a serious tone as I continue. "So you... Things, have names do you? I never even considered that. To me your nothing but some abomination that needs to be squashed!" "How?... How did you kill him? He should have been much stronger than you. Even if you caught him by surprise he should have been able to pull himself back together?... It's not just that. How did you know where our hideout was? Why bother saving those humans? This doesn't make any sense... Dammit!!!" The creature appeared to be having a breakdown as it tried to make sense of the situation. "Like I'ld answer you" I arrogantly spoke down to the creature. My words anger the creature as it raises its transformed hand towards me. "...You don't have a choice!" It's hand quickly begins to glow green as a ball of light shoots from its hand towards me. Knowing the ball of magical energy won't harm me I don't bother avoiding it. The ball of magic collides with my stomach and I fell a heat pass through my body, down my side and into the lighter which has heated up. "AHHHHHH!!!" I scream as I place a hand over the spot were the creature struck me with its magic as I fall to my hand and knees pretending to be wounded. (I'll let him think his in control of the situation for now. I'll wait for an opportunity to strike.) "Now who's the one bleeding out" The creature angrily mocked. "I don't get it. How did you kill Knock Off? He was tougher than me so why'd he die?" I continue clutching my fake wound as I wait patiently. "Dammit! What the hell em I suppose to do in this situation? In our list of suspects you were way down there. That's the only reason I chose the shadow you" the creature says as it picks up the knife I stabbed it with. What the creature had been saying had me confused. "What?... You mean the reason you were following me all day was because you thought I had something to do with your hideout getting discovered?" I asked pretending to be in pain "Yeah!... Wait, all day? How long have you been aware of me for?... How were you aware of me?" the creature asked somewhat panicked, it was cautious of me. Ignoring its questions I continued "Aren't you after me for the same reason as the rest of the missing kids? So you can put me in a pod?" "What?... No! Your not a target" the creature replied as he cautiously made he's way closer to me. "But in your hide out there were circled pictures of your targets and I was one of them" I questioned. "yeah, you were a target. that is until Monday happened... I just didn't cross out you picture." it replied as if hoped up on stage. "What?... Why? What changed your minds" I asked. The creature was quick to respond. "You did... Actually we were debating it for awhile. See... your a bully... No!... Your an asshole! You make other feel like shit which makes them easier to approach. You've helped us with a couple of the runaways already, but it was only recently after you helped with Short Stick that we decided to leave you alone.". It was now standing above my hunched over body. "What I was looking for was the person who killed Knock Off and ruined our hide out... But to think it was you. You barely made our list of suspects, infact I can't even figure out how you fit into any of this. How could you kill one of us? How do you know about us? How did you know about our hideout? And most importantly... Why bother? Your not the heroic type." Ignoring the creatures questions once again I continue. "You said I was a suspect... Why?" "Just gonna ignore me again? Fine. Given how this whole events played out I can make a guess as to your involvement. You were surprised by some of my abilities so I can guess your not fully aware of my species capabilities besides disguising our selves. You've also referred to us as 'it' or 'thing' meaning you don't even know basic things like our species name or our ways. It's likely you somehow blindly stumbled upon us and got lucky against Knock Off." the creature said as it held its chin in thought. It annoyed me how right it was for most of that. Unlike the last one I faced this one was more clear minded and aware. It must had seen my annoyance through my body language as it continued. "and since it'll annoy you, to answer your question. The reason you were suspected even slightly, is because of you! On Tuesday you asked Flash something in front of the whole school... 'Do you have a twin brother'" at hearing that I was shocked. "To everyone else it was a silly question, but to us it meant Knock Off messed up. One of us had either been seen were they shouldn't have been or they acted odd while disguised." "But the worst thing about this all for you is... You could have gotten away with it. No one was after you and no one really suspected you. I was just made to follow you because the others look down at me. They don't trust me with the real suspects so they had me tail you to keep me busy... Which I was fine with. If you didn't come after me you could have just walked away." I could see the shadow of the creature raise the knife above its head, ready to plunge it into me. (Dammit! I fucked up bad... No! There was no way to know they weren't after me. Evidence pointed towards the idea that I was a target.) I thought as I reached into my jacket and gripped the crowbar. "There's no reason to bring you back alive. If I did I'ld have to carry you which everyone would see... You were just way out of your depth" The creature said as he brought the knife down towards me. Carefully watching his shadows movements I swayed to my right as I quickly push up with my legs. catching him off guard halfway through his swing I narrowly avoid the knife as I reveal the crowbar, swinging it up as I rise back to a standing position and slamming it into the bottom of his chin. He drops the knife as he flies back by a few meters, falling of the stage. Before he has time to recover I pull out the lighter, holding it towards the downed creature as I light it. The green flame appears as a green mist like substance is pulled from the creature, it's disguise begins to crack as it transforms into a more monstrous form. While it's true form is similar to the last ceature I fought, this one appeared to be more slim. "ARRHHHHHH SHIT!!" the creature yelled before getting back up. Its jaw was cracked and green fluid flowed from its mouth as some teeth were either cracked or missing. "Didn't you learn from the knife wound, I can heal this in no time!" It bragged. However it's confidence turned to confusion and then finally into frustration. "I can't heal! Wait... I'm not disguised any more, what did you do? Why are you holding that lighter? Does it have something to do with that green flame? And why the Fuck aren't you hurt" the creature demanded to know as it panicked. I confidently looked down at the creature from atop the stage and replied. "Like I'ld answer you" we had done this before, the creature recognized it to his annoyance. As I put the lighter back into my pocket I noticed it had cooled down. It wasn't warm despite the creature being just a few meters away. (so it does only react when magic is being used. Warm means it's near by and hot means it's happening to me directly.) "This doesn't make any sense!!!... Even if your blocking my magic somehow I'm strong enough to beat you to death!!! The creature threatened. "That's funny, the last one of you I killed said the same thing" I mocked as I picked up the dropped knife. "tell you what. Since you seemed so interested in how I killed that other bug, I'll show you first hand how it's done." "Were not bugs, were bug like!" it shouted as it jumped onto stage, dashing towards me and swiping its claws as it approached. Jumping back I avoid its claws as it follows it up with a vertical slash which I side step. Despite its numerous advantages it's easy to read as it relies on very basic strategies. It's quite likely that this is it's first time fighting someone. As it continues to swipe at me I easily avoid it by either back stepping or side stepping. Despite my ability to avoid its strikes there's a problem. (with this relentless assault it's not giving me a chance to strike. One wrong move and I'm done for, those sharp claws and strength will make quick work of me. And it's armour like exoskeleton could be troublesome to break) I think as I avoid its wild swings. Suddenly the creature jumps back "hold on, I see what's going on." He says as he slowly steps forwards. When he takes a step towards me a take an equal step back. "it is true! Your keeping your distance because you know all it'll take is one shot. In other words, your scared!" it mocks as any nervousness it once displayed is replaced with confidence. I scowl at the creature as it begins to approach me once again, it swings its arm wide forcing me to jump back further this time. Before I can touch the ground the creature slams both his arms and legs on the ground and yells "I'VE GOT YOU NOW!!!" Not sure what it's planning I raise my arms in defence, bracing myself for whatever comes as I soon regain my footing. A moment passes and the creature remains with his hands and feet on the ground, both of us are still as we stare one another down. Finally the creature stands "That's right, I'm out of magic. That means no flames portals... Even so, you should have seen your face. You thought I was gonna do something huh?" it mocked as it lunged towards me, bringing its arm back readying to strike. This time though I move towards the incoming creature as I swing the crowbar vertically at its face. The monster kicks at the ground slowing its velocity as it tries to avoid entering the arc of my swing. It doesn't avoid it completely but it does manage to have it so that I strike its chest at an odd angle. This doesn't even crack its armour as it's not a direct hit. The creature jumps back once again somewhat panicked this time. "Darm. Any later and I would have been hurting. Oh, I know how I can end this" at that moment it's wings spring to life. Like a bullet the creature rockets towards me, but unlike last time I'm prepared. I jump to the side a it races past me, claws out. A moment later I swing the the crowbar with all my might in a 180 degree at the creature behind me and hit... Nothing! (The creature should have been behin-) my thought is cut short as pain surges from above my right hip. Looking down I see five sharp red covered claws sticking out of my hip as blood flows down my left leg. "...FUCK!!!" "why are you looking overy there?" the creature smugly says from behind me. As he withdraws his claws from my flesh. I quickly turn to deliver a strike from the crowbar, only to miss once again. This time the creature is in the air flying in position. "these wings don't just carry me forwards, they let me quickly maneuver in all directions. He boasts as he rises higher. "Looks like I'm too fast for you to hit now. I don't usually get many opportunitys to us my wings, so thanks for that. Your losing quite a lot of blood, I think I'll stay up hear while you bleed to death. You know, like you were gonna do to me." It said with a sinister smirk. "He's right. I have the equivalent of five stab wounds.I need medical attention" I think as I pick up the sleeve that tore off earlier and roughly hold it against the wound. "if I wasn't bleeding to death I'm sure I'ld be laughing at the irony... I can't stop the bleeding but I can end him. He's mistaken caution with fear and grown overconfident. Time to end this!) His floating near the ceiling over the middle isles at this point, just a little off the stage. I have a plan and although I'm a little shaky I should be able to pull this off. "Come down here and fight!!!" I yell impatiently as I throw the knife at him. The knife goes in his direction but is to far of to the side for a direct hit. "FUCK IT!!!" I scream as I charge toward's the end of the stage. With an amused look the creature watches me. "Are you seriously gonna try to jump up here? You just lost the knife and I'm 15 meters off the ground. Face it, Your desperate and out of optio-" 'ting, chink, SWISH!!' "wha...?" suddenly a sharp pain surges through the creatures left wing. The knife I had thrown ricocheted off two rafters before plunging into his wing and back, His altitude suddenly dropping. "How? There's no way you could have know were the knife would land". At that moment I jumped of the stage as he fell into my range, ready to swing the crowbar. His anger exploded as he fell towards me "So you got lucky! My armour can take a hit, can yours!!!" it yelled as it thrust its right hand towards my heart. As its sharp claws pierced my jacket I feel pain surge from my chest. At the same moment I swing the crowbar at the creature while it raises its left arm to block its face. Despite its guard I hit my target. The creatures eyes go wide at the realisation that my real target was its throat. The cauterized wound opens upon impact and blood once again rushes from the wound filling its lungs with blood as we both fall to the ground a few meters apart. After Crashing to the ground and With its lungs filling with blood and no way to recover the creature turns to face me with a satisfied look on its face. It knows these are its last moments and it wants to watch me die. It knows it should have struck my heart. Rolling to my side I feel my chest fearing the worst, pain surges through my body. As remove my hand from my punctured jacked I see my hand is covered with... Nothing? Feeling the inside of my jacket I find the it wasn't completely punctured. The blow was stopped by the block of wood Ditzy had given me. I think he might had broken a rib though with the force of his strike. Still holding the torn sleeve against my stab wounds I stand up. I slowly take the wooden block out of my jacket for the dying creature to see before tossing it at it's head. The creature with the last of its strength holds its right hand to its face and examines it. To its utter despair a claw is chipped and there is none of my blood to be found. I watch as a look of crippling disappointment becomes clear on the creaturea face as it look to the sky and bursts into flames. In a few seconds the only thing of the creature that remains is it's ashes that break up and disappear. I don't have time too celebrate though as I pick up the emblem of my jacket that was torn off and make my way to the door. (I need to get to the nurses office or I'm pretty sure I'll die) at that moment the bell goes and lunch is over. As I make my way through the hall students make sure to avoid me. I must look like SHIT and there's dried blood running down my side. I do NOT have the time or energy to deal with them. The wound on my hip burns as does my chest. "Look out Cross is coming thi-... Oh fuck! Looks like he's been in another fight" Said a boy as I slowly passed. "Doesn't look like he won" replied a girl. "Are you kidding! If he looks like that I'ld hate to see the other guy" Another guy commented. "Is that blood!" said a Voice I think I recognized as Valkyrie. Ignoring most of the comments I made it just outside the nurses office. Before I could enter I hears a voice call out to me. "Cross! Hey Cross" I didn't need to see who it was as I recognized the voice, it was Sunset Shimmer. "Your wasting your time" came another voice I was all to familiar with. It was Flash Sentry. "Principal Celestia just wanted me to give him a bit of advice. His kinda in a similar situation to what I had." Sunset replied to Flash. "You can refuse her ya know. I'm telling you, your wasting your time. Not everyone can be helped... Some don't want to!" he replied with annoyance which seemed to be directed at me. I could hear Sunset sigh as she finally approached me." Anyway, principal Celestia said you might need advice on making friends so I said- OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!!" Sunset shockingly said realising the condition I'm in. "Personally I would have just said no but I guess your answer was fine to" I sarcastically said as I ignored her curious stare. "look I'm kinda busy right now so can we do whatever this is later... Actually I take that back, can we not do this." With a smug tone Flash chimed in "Well suddenly the most dangerous person at Ponyville High doesn't look so dangerous." "Well I always thought Ditzy looked more aloof than Dangerous" I bluntly replied. "What? you think Ditzy Doos the most dangerous person at school?" he asked. "One time she nailed a guy to a table" I answered like it was a simple fact. "That was an accident... Fine, what would you classify yourself as?" he asked No hesitation I replied. "Most violent". "...I won't argue with that" flash begrudgingly replied. Sunset however wasn't to certain "I don't know, Pinkys big sister Limestone Pie has a bit of an attitude as well. She's also good on following through with threats" me and Flash just looked at her blankly. "...like I said. I'm busy sooooo..... Look, This is the part were I say something nasty and leave, but I lost a lot of blood so just fill in the blanks yourself" I said as I entered the nurses office, Slamming the door behind me. _____________________________________________________________ "...that guy is such a dick!!!" Flash said after Cross had entered the nurses office. "You didn't actually have to fill in the blank" Sunset replied. "I know! But it just makes it so much easier to hate that guy. Seriously, what's his childhood Drama." Flash answered. "I don't know but there's definitely something odd about him. Twilight said he was asking some strange questions earlier. Next time I see him I'll see if I can get anything out of him" Sunset Shimmer said as she fiddled with her necklace. "Wow! I don't like the idea of you being around that creep... Well not with out me there with you... Or maybe Applejack... Or Rainbow Dash. You know, someone tough. Flash Sentry said before realising how that might sound. "Not that your not tough! I Still have nightmares about the Fall Formal... I mean your good now, but... I'm just gonna stop talking." "...let's just get to class"Sunset replied as she tried to ignore him. ____________________________________________________________ Closing the door behind me I'm finally free of distractions like Flash Sentry and Sunset Shimmer. I can feel a burning sensation from the stab wounds as I clutch the torn sleeve against them. "HEY! anyone here?... NURSE HEART!" I yelled looking for aid. Not waiting to see if the nurse is in I approach the medicine cabinet and begin looking for bandages, disinfectant, basically anything that might help. Maybe it's due to some left over adrenalin or due to the loss of blood but the severe pain is just a slight sting and A burning sensation. Foot steps approach me from behind as I scavenge through the medicine cabinets. "Yo, Cross! What have I told you about taking things from the medicine cabinet" said a tough feminine voice. There was no need to turn to see who was talking to me, I knew it was Nurse Heart. "And what have you been told about leaving the medicine cabinet unlocked... Can you stitch?" I ask as I finish gathering what I need before turning to face Nurse Heart. Nurse Heart, or Caramel Heart is a large dark brown skinned woman with long golden Carmel coloured wavy hair. She wears a white school nurses outfit that she never fully buttons up, showing a lot of cleavage. The skirt hugs her ass as it ends above her knee. It's not that the uniform is to small it's that Nurse Caramel Heart is quite a large woman. "Of course I can stitch. But darrrmm Cross, what happened to you? You look like shit." Nurse Heart said as she examined me. "That's not important. Right now I need you to stitch up a stab wound or five" I said placing the various medical supplies in front of her. "K... But first I need to assess the wound. Is it under the rag your holding against yourself?" she asked as she poked at the wound. "ouch!... Yeah it stings. You'll have to examine it fast, there's a lot of blood" I replied as I prepared to move the cloth. Looking away I removed the cloth. I could soon feel Nurse Hearts hands lightly touch the wound. "ouch... Stings a little" I said. After a moment I felt her push harder against the wound. "so how's it looking." "...Are you serious? I know in the past you exaggerated wounds, but this one's a bit much. Don't act like a baby" Nurse Heart replied, not amused. She then got up and began putting all the supplies away. "Hey! Were do you think your going. If you don't stitch me up I'm gonna d-" my complaing is cut short as I see the wound I was covering. I'm shocked, there is no hand sized stab wound, no blood gushing out of me. All there is now is a large bruise that stings. "Seriously, a bruise... I won't give you anything for it because you can just walk it off for the next few days." Nurse Heart said with her back towards me. "The way you came in here covered in blood, I thought it was important. I was in the middle of a nap, now i'm wide awake..." I didn't know what was going on. "Hey... I'm just gonna take one of these beds... For the rest of the day..." I said as I made my way over to a sick bed before collapsing onto it. I needed to gather my thoughts. "K... Now that I'm up I guess I'll go hang in the teachers lounge... Hey Cross! If anyone comes along, your in charge. You should know we're everything is." Nurse Heart said as she left. I ignored her farewell as I had to much on my mind. I decided I wouldn't bother going to class, its just English and I already speak it well enough. (why is the wound miraculously healed... No, that's not true, it's almost healed... Stings when I touch it... Kind burns when I don't) I thought as I focused on the wound. (Wait!... This burning sensation, I've felt it before. Whenever those creatures hit me with magical blasts I feel this heat travel through me and into the lighter.) As I focused on the lighter I could feel it. A different type of heat traveling from it and to my wound. "I know what's happening! It's the lighter, its fixing me... Regeneration. I have the power of Regeneration!" I said to myself as I took the lighter and held it before me. I could feel its heat travel down my arm and into the wound. (I shouldn't get over excited, I still don't understand how it works or what's it's limits are... But darm that's awesome! I have a healing factor... What about disease and sickness? Will it heal those? Should I assume I'll regrow limbs? What are the limits of its ability to heal... What else can the lighter do. what other hidden functions does it have?) I excitedly thought. I needed to test this now. I jumped from the sick bed and ran to the supply draw next to Nurse Hearts desk, luckily it wasn't locked. Shuffling through the draw I found a syringe with a needle. I made my way back to the sick bed, sitting on the edge of the bed I began to mentally prepare myself. Holding the needle to an open hand I took a deepbreath. With a sudden lunge of my arm I stab the needle into the center of my hand. The needle is long enough that it goes completely through as pain shoots through me. I slowly pull the metal needle out and blood begins to seep through the small wound. It's then that I realise it, it's faint but I can feel it. Heat travels from the lighter and into my hand, the wound begins closing and after a 10-15 seconds it's like it never existed. "haha... Hahaha... Mwahahahahaha" I begin laughing hystericaly as I begin repeatedly stabbing the needle into my hand and down my exposed arm. It hurts like hell but I'm too happy to care. My arm is covered in blood by the time I stop. I watch the wounds begin to heal, some take longer than others but I can feel it as the flesh regrows and form together. The further down my arm the wound the longer it took, the hand healing last. Unlike when there was one wound that took 10-15 seconds to heal, it took about 5 minutes to completely heal my arm. The closer it was to the center of my body the more priority it had to heal so it didn't focus on the wounds further down my arm until the wounds further up were fine. Checking my hip, the bruise from the stab is completely gone. As great as this was I needed to calm down taking another deep breath I laid in the sick bed and got comfortable. I need to think about everything I had learnt today and figure where to go from know. (I still know practically nothing about the creatures, So my main focue should be to gather information. My Grandfather who's lighter I have might have known something but has past away. He did write a book that may hold the answers I'm looking for but I don't know were it is... For now finding that book is my first priority!) (the creature I just killed was after me specifically because he and his allies beleive I may had been involved in the death of their comrade... eh... Knock Off? Yeah that's right. So I should assume when he... Huh, he never gave his name. Well when he doesn't return to them they should realize I'm the reason, or at least that it's highly likely that I had something to do with the two. Either way I'm now a pretty big target. I doubt they'll come for me today, they'll gather their information and form a plan for tomorrow. They won't rush in, not after losing two of their guys. They also want to stay hidden from the public.) I thought as I stared at the roll in the sick bed. (that creature said there was other suspects, ones who were more likely to be involved. Who are they? Could I use them?... I Can't do anything with that. I don't have enough information... Could it have something to do with that lavender girl... Twibright? No, Twilight.... Sparkle!) With a sigh I continued thinking about how much more lively my life had become, My usual routine mostly gone. Yet despite the danger I felt kinda excited, there was something appealing about it all. It was then that I remembered the mobile phone. Reaching into my pocket I grab the phone, seeing there's an unread message I open it. The message is from someone calling themself 'Young Prince'. (Obviously Blueblood) The message read "Now I won't have trouble calling my knight when I need to. Big plans in the works, I'll contact you when I need to" (Knight?... Oh! Like in the chest piece. Cause I'm unpredictable) I thought, glad to get the reference. (guess I'll need to help him out when I can. He's the only interesting person around here.) Time past as I lazily laid in the sick bed. I didn't need to recover physically or mentally, and I had gathered my thoughts awhile ago. I just didn't feel like going to class. Finally the bell rang, school was over. Getting out of the sick bed I remembered I needed to get my mother to call Principle Celestia and have her explain my absence on Wednesday. (Looks like my next stop is city hall.) > Chapter 4 - Back to our Usual Schedule? Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 004 part 5 I needed to find my mother and have her explain why I was absent on Wednesday as the note she had given me was useless. If I don't get her to call the Principal before 5 my life would become slightly harder... Repeating a year isn't so bad now that I think about it. (I can't quite say I know when Mum gets off work as she stays late everyday. But given that much, she's most likely at city hall right now.) My mother, Charity Ball, works as an event planner for the city. Usually she's planning fundraisers, soup drives and other such events to help those less fortunate or to raise funds. Right now she's been helping set up Har-Fest, a farming themed festival that's taking place Saturday, two days from know including today. I don't have any interest in it but I'll be forced to go since mums been working on it for awhile. As I get out from the sick bed I remember my appearance. My pants were covered in blood and my jacket, as well as part of my shirt, were basically torn apart. (I can't go into city hall looking like this... Well I could, but mum would worry). I thought to myself as I came up with a solution. Right know students were all leaving school, meaning the hallways were overflowing with students. I opened the nurses door slightly to see the on coming traffic of students. "This is gonna take careful coordination, and every ounce of patience I've got! Now, who's roughly my size?........oh fuck it!" I impatiently say as I reached out the doorway and pull an unsuspecting boy into the nurses office. I wasn't in the mood to wait around. ____________________________________________________________ Five minutes later I'm walking down the halls wearing a light red shirt with the word's 'This is what a Feminist looks like' printed on it. I also had a pair of Dark green cargo shorts that go halfway down my knees. Under my arm is my scrunched up jacket with the rest of its remains. (It's may not be my usual look. I probably look like a jackass... Well, I kinda em a jackass so I guess the look suits me... I should've just waited for the next guy) I thought as I made my way out the schools entrance I was practically pushing students out of my way as I left the school building. Despite only attending 3 classes I was exhausted. Ignoring the complaints and whining of students, I force my way through the crowds. All I want to do is leave. I was so glad to finally reach my car that I practically jumped into the drivers seat. Within seconds I had started up the car and was speeding off as students jumped out of the way to avoid getting run down. I could faintly hear them calling out profanities as they narrowly avoided me. (...I just want today to be over... Today was just one big disaster. I've never socialized more in my whole life as I did today, and I hate socializing!... I may had gotten some answers but I got about 3 times the amount of new questions... Not to mention all I did was make my situation worse. Now the creatures will be targeting me for real...) I annoyingly thought as I drove to city hall. (on the bright side... I learnt the lighter will heal me, as to what extent or how is debatable... Either way that will come in handy.) It was a quick drive as before I knew it I had arrived at city hall. (one last job and I'm done for the day. I'll put my problems aside until I'm home) I hopefully thought to myself as I parked my car before getting out and heading towards the entrance to City Hall. City hall is a large white building with steps leading to the entrance. It's two stories high and is the oldest building in town... Technically Sweet Apple Aches is older, but it's barely on the towns boarder so I don't count it. Across from city hall is the town square, a large park area with a fountain in the center. It's surrounded by the towns many local establishments and while not directly connected, most of our towns better know businesses like the library, the arcade, Sugar Cube Corner, and Natures Muse are only a few minutes away by foot. Right know Town square is busy with people setting up pop up shops, decorations, tents, and a stage for the festival on Saturday, Har-Fest. (It sucks I'm getting dragged to this hillbilly convention. Har-Fest, who's bright idea was it to celebrate the inbred dirty illiterates... And on a Saturday morning to! Well at least it's being done in the middle of town, maybe I can sneak off for a few minutes) I begrudgingly think as I enter City Hall. I don't really know what goes on in city hall, all I know is that the mayor works up stairs probably doing nothing, and my mother works on the ground floor. I don't know her exact title but it's something along the lines of public events planner. I use to come here quite often as a child due to the fact that my parent's worked long hours and they didn't trust me at home alone. Since dad's a doctor I couldn't go to work with him, so instead I ended up with mum and spent a lot of time in City hall. I would spend my time exploring the building and going places I wasn't supposed to. Because of this I'm pretty familiar with the layout of the building as well as the people working here. And just like with everyone else who's had the pleasure of meeting me, the staff of City Hall aren't too fond of me. Seeing that the receptionist hasn't noticed me as she's too engrossed in her magazine I make my way to her desk. I know my way around but there's something I always like to do when I'm here, check in with the receptionist. Originally I would do this with good intention, to give them something to do... Now however, not so much. As I approached the receptionist she still hadn't taken notice of me, so I decided to give her a hand. Slamming my hands on the table I Put on a gruff frantic voice and loudly say. "JUST WHAT KIND OF ESTABLISHMENT ARE YOU RUNNING WHEN THE RECEPTIONIST IS TO INCOMPETENT TO GREET GUESTS!!!" The receptionist jumped to her feet, dropping her magazine on the table. The sudden interruption bringing her back to reality as she was quick to respond in a panic. "I'm so sorry! Welcome to City Hall how may I hel..." After seeing me standing there with a smug grin on my face her expression slowly changes from panic to disgust. "oh!... It's you..." she begrudgingly says. The receptionist is named Merry Go-Round, she's been working at city hall for a couple years now. She's a short woman who looks to be in her early 20's, she began working her straight out of highschool. Her red curly hair ran down to her shoulder and was quiet vibrant against her light green skin. She wore a white button up shirt and a grey businesses skirt. Over the years I've watched her optimism and bright personality deteriorate into a defeated lifeless shell of herself. "Is that the way they teach you to greet people in reception school?" I snidely reply as I sit on the corner of her desk. "oh, that's right. There's no such thing as receptionist school because it's not a real profession. At best it's a intern position, something for someone to gain experience with. Say, isn't this your fifth year working her as a glorified help map!" I continued as fiddled with the things on her desk. "I em not a glorified help map! My role her as a RECEPTIONIST is vital to the every day workings of city hall" Merry Go-Round boasted. "yeah, that magazine wasn't going to read it's self. Talk about taking one for the team" I sarcastically replied. "...what do you want?" she asked as she rolled her eyes. It was clear she wanted me to go away. "personally I want to go home... But right now I saw you pitifully sitting around doing nothing and thought I'ld brighten up your day... But then I remembered I don't do things like that. So since I'm having a bad day I thought, heck why not spread my joy to others" I replied as I knocked over her pencil holder. "...Well, how do I get you to go away?" she pleaded. "Just jumping straight to it, fine! I need to see my mother, and while I could just walk to her office I felt I could pass a message from here. It gives you something to do and I get to annoy you. It's win win, So just call her up for me." I said as I hoped off her desk and held my hand out to receive the phone. "... I can't..." Merry replied. "why? I mean, if its cause you don't know how to operate a phone, well... I could beleive that" I said as I looked her up and down. "I know how to operate a phone!... I can't call her because I don't have a phone" Merry answered. She must have seen my inquisitive looks as she continued. "I don't have a phone because your mother, Charity, stole it!" "What? But all the phones in city hall use lan line connection. Did she unplug th-" I stop, now realising a tear in the wall the runs east along the wall, it was from cables being pulled through it. "That darm Charity said she needed it and that it's not like I ever use it before she just yanked it, cords and all!" She complained. "Yeah, she gets like that when she's focused... Or tired" I lazily replied as I began following the wall tear to my mother's office. As I left Merry sat back down in her chair, glad that I was finally gone. "That shitty brat, who does he think he is to talk down to me. Hasn't he ever heard that he should respect his elders! That whole family's messed up if you ask me... Well at least I can get back to my afternoon reading. Hopefully it'll brighten my mood." Merry said to her self as she searched for her magazine. "Where is it? It was her just a moment ago when...! Oh you little BRAT!" She screamed, realizing I had snatched her magazine. I was down the hall and round a corner on my way to my mother's office when I faintly heard Merry Go-Round's angry scream. Chuckling to myself I took the snatched magazine out from under my shirt to examine it. (Vanity... Darm it, it's a fashion magazine. Well, maybe I can give it to mum) I thought as I arrived at her office. I didn't bother knocking before entering the room. The office was a mess. Files and paper where all over the floor, desk, and couch. My mother was impatiently rifling through a phone book as I noticed a busted up phone with cords hanging out the back lying on her desk as I approached her. "...Hey" I cautiously said. "huh?... Drifting?... Drifting!... Right on time!" She replied as she finally noticed me. Her sudden jolt of happiness making me somewhat uneasy. "What's with the pink shirt? It makes you look like a-" "a jackass! I know... Also it's not pink, it's lightish red!" I interrupted. "What do you mean, Right on time? What are you talking about? was I supposed to come here after school?" I responded, suddenly unsure if I was supposed to be here. Her care free response could only be trouble. "That doesn't matter, what matters is that your here now. I need you to do me a little favour. You see I ca-" "STOP!" I interrupted. "last time you asked me for a LITTLE favour I wound up at some back water mud farm, where I was forced to listen to country and do meanial labour for the whole day. Because of that I missed school and I'm now being threatened with the prospect of repeating if you don't call Principle Celestia and vouch for me!" "...what about the note I gave you?" she mindlessly responded. "It wasn't in English!... Or any other language!" I exhaustively replied. "So basically your in a pretty tough spot right now and I'm the only one who can bail you out" Mum responded thoughtfully... For some reason I was feeling uncomfortable. "...yeah" I replied. "Well sure, I can do that. Afterall, your so willing to help with my favour how could I say no." she happily replied as she began searching through her desk draw. "I never said I'ld hel-... Wait. Are you black mailing me?" I asked now understanding why I was feeling uncomfortable. Mum usually has ways to make me do what she wants. "No! Don't be silly... It's an ultimatum" she said as she put a stop watch on her desk. "...Fine. But it better be quick" I begrudgingly accepted. "Don't worry, it should take 10 minutes, 15 tops. I need you to go listen to one of the speakers practice their speech for Har-Fest. I've been trying to call and do it over the phone but no ones picking up." she reassured me. "Well, I guess that sounds simple enough" I said. "Good, the speaker is the main guest of Har-Fest. Granny Smith!" she replied with enthusiasm, enthusiasm I'm sure she was faking to get me in a good mood to go along with this... Not like I had a choice. "I have a Granny Smith? Where does she live?" I questioned. I wasn't kept in the dark for too long as mum was eager to answer my questions... Almost too eager. "She's not related to you, everyone just calls her that. And as for where she lives. well, your already familiar with it". ____________________________________________________________ A few minutes later. "Sweat Apple Aches! Why the hell does it have to be out there! It's like an hour away." I complained as I stormed down the stairs of City Hall. No matter how much I wanted today to be done with it just continued to drag on. I had things I needed to process and plan but for now they'ld need to be pushed to the back of my mind until I could get home. One thing that was on my mind however was my ruined jacket lying on the passenger seat. Since this task is gonna take 2 hours travel time plus however long the task itself will ACTUALLY take, I decided I should deal with my jacket first. Dumping the magazine I acquired on the passenger seat under the torn jacket. My destination was the Carousel Boutique, a local clothing store run by... People... I don't know there names, heck, I met a lot of people today who's names I probably forgot. I'm not much for fashion and the only reason I know of this store is because Blueblood told me about it after a job. Before that, during my first year in highschool whenever my clothes got torn up from fights, which was quite a lot. Nurse Caramel Heart would roughly patch em up... For a fee. Back then I lost most of my fights, I was inexperienced and weak. Even the fights I won I didn't walk away unscathed. But in time I got good, real good. Eventually I made a name for myself and others began backing down from my challenges. Because of that it's been awhile since I needed my clothes fixed... It's been along time since I lost... It's been along time since I was in a serious fight... If I don't include these past few days that is. I soon arrived at the carousel boutique. The store was a white large two stories building sandwiched between two other business. In the front window were some mannequins in what I assume is the latest fashion. Grabbing the remains of my jacket I enter the store, as the door opens a bell chimes. The inside of the store is fairly large, racks of clothes line the walls of the store with a few more mannequins here and there. A few vases full of flowers have been set up around the room for decorating as well as a smaller one for the counter which is current unoccupied. Behind the counter is a door with I sign that reads 'Staff Only' on it, a similar sign can also be seen on a staircase next to the counter that leads to the second storey. Hearing the sound of the bell, the door behind the counter opens as a white skinned purple hair girl emerges. "Welcomed to the Carousel Boutique. What may I help you wi-. Oh!... Cross! It's you... What do you want? And what's with the shirt?" the girl said as her welcoming tone quickly shifted to a more hostile one. "Wow! Let's hope your skills as a tailor are better than your customer service! Seriously, why can't people get the greeting right... And you talk to me like I should know you but I'm fairly positive the people who usually served me were much older" I stated. "...You must be joking? We attend the same school!" The girl replied. "So do hundreds of other kids" I bluntly respond. "I stopped you and Applejack from coming to blows on Monday" she replied. "..your not Sunset Shimmer! ...Are you?" I asked as I squinted my eyes to get a better look at her. "No! I was there too... You asked me for wood today during shop class!" She replied, somewhat annoyed at me not recognizing her. "I asked everyone in that class for wood, except my group. So now I'm certain your not Bulk, Ditzy, or Applejack... Or me." I sarcastically replied. "I CALLED YOUR JACKET AN ABOMINATION!" The girl impatiently shouted at me. She was clearly annoyed that I couldn't remember her. "ohhhh! Your that idiot who held her entire group back. And here I thought I was socially inept." I said as I finally recognized her. My words however only seemed to annoy the girl further. "So what!" I bluntly continued. "What?... Your the one who asked me how I know you!" she replied, Irritated by me "And you could have simply just said it's because you do. I didn't need times and places" I bluntly answered. The girls frustration was clear on her face, I could tell she was at her limit. "look... girl, I don't care! I just need something fixed up. Think you could do that." Taking a deep breath the girl regained her composure. "My name is not girl, I've told you bstore. It's Rarety! Rarety Belle! And my answer is No!" "No?... No because you don't have the skill, Rarety?... Fine, then get one of the older couple from the back to help me" I said. "I have the skill! I just refuse to accept your business" she stated. "What!" I frustratingly said. "Your a brute and a bully. I won't do a job for someone like you, someone who picked on Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belles friend and the little sister of my friend." Rarety proudly proclaimed. "Whats a Sweetie belle?... Who's Applebloom?... You've lost me." I say without any idea of what shes talking about. "Back on Monday!... You were gonna hurt Applebloom!..." she angrily answered. "These last few days have been a blur." I bluntly stated. "... Well what about the older couple. If you won't help, get them for me." "That older couple you are used to seeing are my parents! They aren't in, and they won't be for the rest of the day. You see, I've started to run the business after school hours. My parents decided it would give me experience in running a business so I decide who we do and DON'T do business with. Even if you come before school I'll inform them that your black listed" she confidently stated. I could see I were this was heading, I needed to change my approach. "Wait... Could you just here me out?" "...I'll give you one chance to change my mind" Rarety sternly replied. With that I placed the torn up jacket on the counter before her. "What is this? Wait is this your signature outdated jacket? It's in even worse condition than earlier." "It is my jacket, long story short it's ruined" I answered disheartened. "I've never told any one but it's like a part of me" I continued. I could see the girls expression begin to soften. "It's always given me confidence. Actually, whenever I'm without it I turn into a clutz." "well... I must say you do seem different when your not insulting someone" Rarety said as her anger faded, she seemed almost apathetic towards me. "I've differently would have never described you as a... clutz was it? In a sad tone I continued. "yeah, it's kind embarrassing how different I act. I just lose all my confiden-... OH NO!... Whoops" "...huh? What do you mean whoo-" Before Rarety can finish her sentence she's interrupted by a loud sound. "SMAAAAAASHH!!!" For a moment the rooms quiet as Rarety stares at the floor beside her. The ground is covered in glass, water and flowers as the remains of the brocken vase of flowers now cover the floor. Turning her attention to where the vase was a moment ago Rarety sees my hand now there. "di... Did you jus-" Rarety Freezes up as she looks upon my face. Any emotion or warmth that was there a moment ago is now replaced with a cold empty expression as I stare deeply into her eyes. "Like I said... whoops." I coldly repeat. "Without my jacket I'm just a big clumsy clutz" "are... Are you trying to intimidate me?"Rarety asks with uncertainty. "Intimidate? Clearly that was an accident" I coldly reply not even trying to hide my intent. "It's like I said, I'm a clutz. I should really try to be careful, there's no telling when I migh- OH NO!!!... Well isn't this just the worst?." "What are you talking about?" Rarety impatiently asks. "Well isn't that obvious" I say as I point towards my feet. "To think I would trip over a loose shoe lace, and into this mannequin" I say as I lazily walk towards a mannequin. Raretys eyes go wide as she sees were this is going. "Hold on a second! Let's not do anything hasty!" she says as her confidence fades. "What a shame?" I say as I ignore her and place a hand on the dress the mannequin is wearing. "I don't see a brand name on this dress, could it be it was hand made by the Taylor?" "That's right... I made it" Rarety nervously answered as she watched from behind the counter. "I don't know much about dresses but I'm guessing it must have taken hours, Just look at the fine HAND stitching. You must have put a lot of time and effort into creating this... It's such a shame I fell and tore it, huh?" I coldly asked. "WAIT.... Cross, you win... I'll repair your jacket, just leave my designs alone" Rarety begrudgingly said. "Really! Wow, thanks Rarety. Just knowing your willing to help me restored my confidence a little" I said with fake enthusiasm as I turned to leave. "but only until tomorrow... Let's say, 8:45 before school" "Tomorrow!?" Rarety said as she lifted up and examined the ruined jacket. "there's no way I could have this ready by then, it's not even good enough to be used as an oil rag!" "You like experience, just think of this as a last minute order from your biggest client" I arrogantly replied as I left the store. For a few minutes Rarety continued to stand there. I probably could've handled the situation a little better than I did, unfortunately for Rarety I was in a bad mood. My mood didn't improve during my long drive to Sweet Apple Acres, especially when I realized all local radio stations were playing country to promote Har-Fest. After what felt like ages I finally arrived at my location. Gone were gravel roads and civilization. Passing through the entrance I parked besides the barn. I could see Big Macs truck in front of the barn as he carried bales of hay off his truck and into the barn. Getting out of my car I approached Big Mac. "YO!" I call to Big Mac to get his attention. I could tell he was suprised to see me as he probably thought we would never meet again. heck, I didn't think I'ld see him again. He finished loading a bale of hay onto his truck as I approached. Once close enough I could see his questioning stair, he was probably curious as to why I was back. "I'm just here on business for Har-Fest preparations." I began to explain. "I'm here to see a Granny Smith about a speech or something... I'm not related to her. Apparently that's just what people call her. Charity Ball was supposed to come do this but she... Well, I don't think she wanted to. Honestly, this farms in the middle of nowhere. It takes to long just to travel to and from here." I bluntly state. My blunt honesty doesn't seem to bother him as his focus is elsewhere. he raises an eyebrow in confusion as his gaze is fixed on my 'this is what a feminist looks like' pink shirt. "Don't be smart ass" I reply to his look as a smile creeps onto his face. "Just shut up and show me where Granny Smith is!" Without saying anything Big Mac passes by me and begins to lead me out of the Barn and towards the large two stories house. (I could've sworn I saw the prick smirking as he passed me. Probably thinking of some smart ass remark) I thought as I followed. "As convenient as it is I'm a little surprised I managed to run into you again" I said to Big Mac as we made our way to the house which was most likely used as the office. "I figured with how big this farm is I would've ran into one of the other workers" I continued. For a moment Big Mac stopped and gave me a confused look before continuing. It was then that I realized something. "ya know, its kinda weird. Even though I spent almost all of yesterday here I didn't see any other workers on the farm... But that can't be right, a farm this big does have others working on it, right?" I questioned. It was a dumb question. Surely a farm the size of Sweet Apple Aches must have more than one person to run it. But despite my logical reasoning I couldn't help but feel like this place was empty. I mean, couldn't one of the othere workers had helped deliver the decorations to City Hall yesterday? Big Mac was quick to respond to my question. "yup...". His answer may had been short but did answer my question. even if it wasn't very detailed it did tell me that others did indeed work here... Even if I never saw them. Without knocking Big Mac opened the door of the house and entered with me in toe. The door led to a long hallway that seemed to branch into every other room of the house, there were even a set of stairs that led to the second stoorie. The hallway walls were covered with framed pictures of people, most seemed to be taken somewhere on the farm. Our destination seemed to be at the end of the hall. As we past doorways in the hall I managed to have a brief glance of the other rooms. The first room to my left contained a couch and TV with what looked like a... VHS player?. (was that a VHS player? Who still has one of those). Besides that there were also a coffee table, a bookcase, framed photos on the wall, and other small furnishings and bits that would make up.... Well, a lounge room. Another room, this time to my right, contained a washing machine, cleaning supplies, and dirty laundry?... I could also see a door that led to the toilet. Right next to that room was a room containing a combination shower and bathtub. Next to the tub was a sink and along the wall was a towel rack. There were a few discarded garments on the floor that looked like they belonged to a female. The final room to my left right next to the stairs was closed so I was unable to see into it. We quickly arrived at the room at end of the hall. The room was large, countertop cupboards ran along the wall. A fridge and stove had been placed against the wall, a microwave rested on the countertop. There was also a sink with dishes in it, and a door that led outside. In the center of the room was a large round table, an elderly woman with green skin and long grey hair tied in a bun sat at the table. She wore a long green dress with a white and red apron over it. This room felt like the other rooms I had breifly seen, it felt... Lived in. I knew this farm is old so I had assumed the business was just run from this old house. But there were no break rooms or filing rooms, This wasn't some business like I'ld assumed. Big Mac didn't work here, he lived here. This was a family business run from the family farm. (I feel like an idiot for not noticing earlier. The only person I've seen working here despite the size of the farm is Big Mac. I've also only seen Big Macs truck as well, no delivery trucks or personal vehicles of other workers... I know I'm slow but this was stupid even for me. This family run farm is probably common knowledge." I thought as I mentally kicked myself. Big Mac entered the room, before he had a chance to say anything he was cut off by who I assumed was Granny Smith. "No need ta explain, I could hear em pulling up. Side's, his mouth ain't broken so he can introduce himself" Granny Smith interrupted. Moving around Big Mac I entered the room. "I'm here on unofficial business for City hall. I'm here to make sure your speech for Har-Fest doesn't turn into you rambling about the good old days for 3 hours... I'm not paid hourly, or at all at that, so lets try to wrap this up so I can go" I casually said. A jolt of pain went threw me as Big Mac kneed me to the right thigh. "OWWW! Darm it Big Mac!" the irritatingly spat at him as he glared at me. "rude? I wasn't being rude! I'll have you know I was quite polite!" I replied to his glare knowing what it was about. After hearng my response His expression slightly changed, although still a glare. "polite compared to how I usually em" I replied to his new glare. Hearing the screech of a chair against the wooden flooring I turn my attention back to Granny Smith who is know standing. The elderly woman looks shocked as she looks towards me with wide eyes before muttering. "Selfish?... Selfish Desire?" > Chapter 4 - Back to our Usual Schedule? Part 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 004 part 6 (Selfish? Did she just call me Selfish?... I mean she's not wrong-... No,Wait! she called me Selfish Desire... As in my grandfather?) I thought as Big Mac gave me a quizzical look. Granny Smith squinted her eyes as she studied me. After a moment she gave me a dismissive look before taking a seat. "Nah, No way ya Selfish, ya too young. He must be a shriveled up old man by now... Also he would never wear those garments or be a Feminist, not in his lifetime." Granny Smith remarked as she eyed my new shirt. "Your right, I'm not Selfish Desire. I'm his Grandson, and usually I wouldn't wear clothes like this either but it's been a long and stressful day." I tiredly replied. "So your Selfishs grandson huh? Well Selfishs grandson, ya got a name" Granny Smith asked. "Everyone has a name" I replied as I approached the table and took a seat across from Granny Smith. "Cross is fine" "Cross? Is that really ya name. Kinda a short... Odd too." Granny Smith asked with a raised eyebrow. "Said the person named Granny Smith! I thinks it's obvious neither of us are using our real names" I Arrogantly replied. "huh, not only do ya kinda look like your Grandfather, ya act like him to. Only difference bein Selfish was more boastful than angry. Although he was very standoffish." Granny said as she squinted, studying my body once again. I was quick to reply. "Standoffish? I guess that's the nice way of saying he was a dick. So, how did you know my Grandfather?" Granny Smiths attention turned to Big Mac. "Before that... Big Mac! You don't have to stick around. You probably have work ya need ta do." She said to Big Mac who was still standing by the door. As he went to leave he stopped. Turning back to face us, it looked like he was about to say something until Granny Smith cut him off. "I know. The girls should be back soon, if ya see them you'll tell em not to disturb us." Nodding his head Big Mac left. With a smile Granny Smith began to reminisce. "hmmm, well, back in the day Ponyville was a small town. Ya coul-" "Ponyville still is a small town" I interrupted. "Don't interrupt!" Granny Smith yelled at me with a glare before once again relaxing. "Now where was I? Anyway, back then Sweet Apple Aches was still young. The whole apple family was working these here feilds ta grow the best and brightest Apples. Back then, locals would stop ta say hello, business was boomin, and we'ld hold big celebrations like no one." "But what does that have to do with my Grand Father!" I impatiently asked. "Hold ya horses, I'm just setting the picture." she replied. Seeing my impatient stare Granny Smith continued her story. "Now back then we'ld get help every now and again from the townsfolk. See, Raisin a big family like the apples took a lot a work, so some times a voluntary hand really helped. Your Grandfather, Selfish Desire would come give us a hand every now and again on the farm." "What? But back then there weren't any roads or cars. He would of had to walk! Em I supposed to beleive he would walk from town to her just to help?" I asked in disbelief. "It's not as far as you'ld think, the roads R just made funny. If ya know a couple short cuts ya can get from here to town in just over an hour, less if ya run." Granny Smith informed me. "But your right, Selfish always had ulterior motives. Back then the whole Apple Family was living here and as you may have noticed our family, or the Apple girls in particular, are known for our natural beauty. Selfish was always tryin ta impress us, he was always boasting bout his trips into the Everfree Forrest and all his adventures" "So, basically my Grand father hung around here... just to hit on you... and your family?" I hesitantly questioned. "yup." She blatantly answered as she looked at a picture on the wall. The picture containing many people seemed to be what I assumed was the apple family years ago. In the front was a young girl around my age with green skin and twin braid blond hair who looked familiar... (that girl was from the picture I found this morning in the box of my grandfather's old junk. Actually, I think that's Granny Smith). "Your right if ya think the young blond girls me. Back then we'ld always be down at the lake takin a swim or tendin the farm" Granny said as she watched me. "Unfortunately for Selfish his boastfulness and showing off would always get him into trouble with the men of the Apple family. But he was always fun ta be around, and when he was a handful the Apple family would always set him Straight." (So he use to hang around here frequently, even gave them a hand. She also said he would boast about his trips into the Everfree Forrest. That's were he found the lighter, maybe he mentioned something.) I thought. "So, My Grandfather, was he... Into anything strange." I hesitantly asked. I really should know to phrase my questions better by now. "...Strange?... Well I wouldn't call it strange, but he sure did have a thing for girls with thick legs and strong hips. I think that's why he hung around us Apple girls a lot" Granny Smith answered. (I do not want to go down this road. Besides, I doubt he would have told her anything of importance as the only reason he came here was cause he was trying to get laid. He probably just made things up to try and sound heroic.) I begrudgingly thought, wanting to change the subject. "So, your farms family run?" "Sure is" she proudly replied. "You mentioned in your story that back then the whole family was here, so how many Apples are still around?" I asked as I looked out the window. I couldn't even see we're the farm ended as rows of apple trees stretched as far as I could see. I didn't really care that much about my question or the answer I'ld be receiving. I just wanted to get as far away from the subject of my Grandfathers fetishes. "Their are four of us" she replied. Four excluding you and Big Mac! So six people run this farm? Well five since you probably can't do the physical labour." I asked for clarity. "Nope. Four including me and Mac." she clarified. "Four? So Macs parents and you two?" I asked, starting to question the stability of this farm as I once again looked to the endless rows of apple trees. "Nope. Unfortunately Big Macs parents are no longer with us... just me and my grandkids" granny Smith replied like it was nothing. At that moment the front door could be heard opening as someone called out "Granny, were home! Big Mac told us bout the worker from city hall so I'll take my lil sister upstairs and help her with her home work." (home work?) I thought, thinking I must have misheard that. "Hey, just out of curiosity how young are your grandkids?" I asked starting to feel something I hadn't felt in a long time. After a second to think about it Granny Smith began to reply "Well, there all young enough that they go to high school. Big Macs The oldest, then there's Appl-" "That's insane" I interrupted, I was having trouble believing what she had just told me. "Are you saying children run this farm! Can't you hire someone to help? How do you harvest these large fields, or deliver your harvest? And if Big Mac still goes to school how come I've never seen him there... I know I'm bad with names and faces but he kinda stands out. I'm sure I would've tried to pick a fight with him by now!" Granny Smiths expression became disheartened as she replied. "Can't afford to hire anyone, back in the day we struggled as well. It's partially why volunteer help was always appreciated. We haven't needed to worry bout the harvest or delivery recently. For some reason most stores stopped buying there supply of apple's locally so demands been at an all time low these past few years. And as for Big Mac, well, his missed alot of school. I fear he'll be repeating this year. He works the hardest so his sisters don't have to. He wants them to get an education". After a moment of silence she continued as she sadly stared into my eyes like a lonely puppy. "Were really counting on Har-Fest to turn things around for us. ...I really appreciated your Grandfather's help back in the day. It wasn't much but he did make things easier for us" I caught the hints Granny Smith was throwing my way. She was asking if I'ld volunteerly work on the farm just like my grandfather did. And while I did like how tolerant Big Mac and Granny Smith were towards me, and that I genuinely felt bad for theses people. There was an issue. One bigger than my complicated life situation like monsters and failing school getting in the was. "I can't help you, Because... I really, really... really don't want to" I honestly told Granny Smith with zero compassion. Hearing my words Granny Smith rolled her eyes as her sad expression now resembled one of annoyance. "Would it help if I said I have a beautiful granddaughter. She has the biggest, strongest hips our families seen in years!" "...I'm not my grandfather! You can't sway me with thick hips and southern charms!" I annoyingly replied. Granny Smith wasn't ready to throw in the towel just yet however as she was quick to reply. "...Two granddaughters". My glare must have answered her question as she revealed her trump card. "...and a Grandson?" she continued with a raised eyebrow. This only caused my glare to intensify. After a moment of high tension glares being exchanged I remembered why I was there in the first place. "Look, I wanna go home at some point so let's hear your speech for Har-Fest already." I said as I took the stop watch out of my pocket. "We just need your speech to be under 10 minutes... Actually, that should be real easy. Why was I even sent to do this?" "Fine, now how did it go... Oh, right!" Granny replied, and with that I began timing her speech. I wasn't particularly listening to her speech as I had my own issues on my mind. Every now and again I'ld nod my head or grunt to make it look like I was paying attention while time slowly past. She talked about the founding of Sweet Apple Aches as well as Ponyville, the hardships they've faced over the years, and the vicious root rot that almost wiped out the farm. I hadn't realised how tired I was as I felt my consciousness fade in and out as she told her long boring stories. Today had been a very long and stressful day of hunting monsters, actually talking to others for once, trying to find out about my Grandfathers lighter/mystery book, and essentially kicking myself in the ass with my actions. Add the fact that I'm failing school, running errands for family, and letting down others like Blueblood. Mix them all together and you have Thursday! I need to get my priorities straight, focus on just one thing. There's so much I don't know, every answer leads to new question. I kept thinking about my situation more and more as I sat there. No matter how i thought about it I was still unsure of how to proceed. What was the best course of action? what could I do? If there was some comfort to be found it was that the lighter had the ability to heal me... As to how, why, or to what extent would need to be tested. It certainly wasn't healing my stamina as I was tired... Actually it might, if I actually knew how it worked and how to use it. At some point my head ended up resting on my arms as they laid on the table. I could still hear Granny Smith talking in the background as I zoned in and out hearing tibet's of what she was sayin. The world around me finally faded to black as I rested my eyes... Only to emeidiatly come crashing back in around me as a jolt of pain surged through my forehead. 'BAAAM!!!' My head had slipped of my hands were it had been resting only to collide with the table. I quickly sit upright, regaining my composure and trying to make it look like I'm listening as a red mark forms on my forehead. "-nd while the battle had been won the war would continue. It was up to me to calm th-" Granny Smith continued her speech, unaware of my actions. Grabbing the stop watch I checked how long had pasted since she began. (15 minutes, That's close enough. I'll tell her to wrap it up and just cut it short for Saturday.) I thought as I turned my attention back to Granny Smith who was still in the middle of her speech that sounded more like a story. But before saying anything I noticed something outside the window behind her. It was dark. (that can't be right, I got here around four and the sun doesn't set until after six! I was only out for fifteen minutes) I thought as I checked the stop watch. It was then that I realized what had happened. The stop watch only goes to fifteen minutes. "Hey!" I interrupted Granny Smith. "Do you have a clock around here" I impatiently asked. Suddenly stopping her story she replied. "huh, what's that now. A clock? Course we got a clock" she replied as she pointed above the doorway behind me. Checking the time on the clock I saw it was ...7:30!. "Wha?... I was out for three hours!... Wait, have you been talking this whole time?" I asked, surprised that her speech would be so long. "Course I was, weren't ya payin attention? Ya seemed so mesmerized by my speech ya closed your eyes to better listen ta it didn't ya?" Granny Smith questioned, suspicious of my actions for the past three hours. "Sure?... That's what I was doing" I lied, not making any effort to be convincing. "The main issue is your speech is only supposed to go for 10 minutes, 15 tops. It's just to greet everyone and make mention of the day. Not the ins and outs of apple farming. Or how your Family founded ponyville while traveling as nomadic folk, collecting and selling seeds while looking for a place to settle down? Or how you discovered zap apple's? A special breed of apple that only grows in these parts?... Why do I know all that?... Was I actually paying attention?!" "15 minutes! I can't educate the youngins 'bout the importance of Apple farming in 15 minutes!" Granny Smith argued. "Well your gonna have to! Also, your not suppose to educate. The purpose of the speech is to greet everyone" I replied. "nu-uh, no way will I compromise on the importance of the history of apple's" she stubbornly replied as she crossed her arms. (history of apple's? Is she referring to her family or actual apples? Either way I just wanna go home) I thought as I tried to figure out a solution. "So as long as you get to tell your long story your happy?" I asked. "Welllll... Basically" she replied. "Fine! This is what we'll do. Prepare a ten minute speech to greet everyone and after you've given it we'll move you off the main stage and to a prepared area where you can tell your long stories" I answered wanting to go home. "Ya can do that?" Granny Smith Questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Technically, No! But I'll tell them to do it or you'll burn down City Hall if they don't. Let's face it, your old, you have nothing to lose." I tiredly responded. "hmmmm... Well what guarantee will I have that people will come listen. Some folk don't care much for listening ta an old woman's tales." she asked sceptical of the compromise. "...We'll put a daycare sign up. That way kids are forced to listen to you, for the next few hours your in charge. And if your quick enough you can trap the parents too, most people are to polite tell an old woman to shut up." I suggested. "Hmmm... That might actually work. Alright, ya got yourself a deal" Granny Smith agreed, her tone becoming more positive. "Good! Because I wanna go home!" I bluntly stated as I stood up. "Well, unless there's anything else... Were done" I continued as I turned to leave. "Cross?" Granny Smith Called from behind me. "It was Cross, right? Well anyway, Selfish and I may not have always gotten along but I did consider him a friend. If ya ever find yourself with too much free time Sweet Apple Aches could always use an extra pair of hands." "Yeah... Probably never coming back here but..." I tried to think of something positive to leave on but I'm not very good at that. So instead I walked out, raising a hand goodbye as I left. It didn't take me long to reach my car. Big Mac was no where to be seen, he must have finished up his work for the day as his truck was gone too. I was decently rested from my earlier nap so I wasn't gonna have any trouble driving home, I was starving though. My Drive home felt longer than the drive to the farm, but at least the radio wasn't playing any country. While uneventful I eventually arrived home. The lights were on in the house meaning someone was home. As I entered the house I could smell food, pizza to be specific. As soon as I entered the house I heard my mother's voice. "oh, Drifting? your home early." she was sitting on couch eating a slice of pizza. "Early? You said it was only gonna be 10 minutes... 15 tops!" I begrudgingly replied. "Yeah, but I actually thought it would take 6 hours. I spent all morning trying to convince that old lady to cut her speech down to 10 minutes. I got so frustrated I destroyed the phone and had to replace it with the receptionists... Except I ruined the lan connection so couldn't actually replace it. Did the same for the receptionists phone. Talk about a rough day." mum replied. "Yeah... Rough..." I sarcastically responded as I grabbed a slice of pizza And took a seat on the couch. The TV was playing but nothing interesting was on. "Where's dad?" "hmm, Selfless?... His still at work" mum replied, half paying attention. "oh, right. After I called Principle Celestia your dad called and said his gonna be home late...oh! He also mentioned you were looking for a book your Grandfather wrote. The one with the stupidly long title" I was mid bite as I heard what mum said. "What? Do you know where it is?" I asked giving her my full attention. "The Weird, Wacky and Wonderful encyclopedia of Creatures, Creations, and Culture from Another World. Another Time or What Time Forgot! Vol 1-ish." mum said as she took another bite. "No wonder he couldn't sell it. With a name that stupidity long who would wanna publish it, it's just not marketable... As for where it is. Your father donated it to Golden Oaks library years ago. He's a man of science, he hates all that science fiction nonsense. If it contained fiction he threw it out. He never even let me read you children books when you were little." "Yeah, I noticed. That's why I keep my comics hidden" I replied as I thought back to my childhood bed time stories of 'the Art of War' and 'Sectrets of the Human Body'. "You know, most boys your age would hide their porn instead of comics" Mum casually replied. "...I don't think he would care if I had porn mags. Actually, I'm afraid he might give me his old ones" I replied as I thought about my talk with him this morning. "Anyway, enough about that. You said the book was donated to Golden Oaks Library! Would it still be there?" I excitedly asked. "...Yeah, should be. Didn't think you'ld be so excited about it though" mum replied suspicious of my unusually good mood. "I have my reasons" I replied. (Finally, a clue. It could still be nothing but at least it'll cross of something on my to do list.) "Good timing too, the library recently reopened. Only problem is its run by a volunteers so there only open after 3." mum said grabbing another slice of pizza. (3!... That's when school finishes. So I'll have to wait until after school anyway... It's kind of an odd time though... Oh well, it's better than nothing) I thought as I continued to eat. When I was done eating I told mum what she needed to do for Granny Smith at Har-Fest. While sceptical about Granny Smiths threat to burn down City Hall she wasn't gonna risk it, so she agreed to do it. She did however seem a little down that she hadn't thought about it before, blaming it on a lack of sleep. I watched a bit more TV before deciding to head off to bed. While I was already well rested I was stressed about what to do about my bug problem. But with a possible clue in the form of my grandfathers book, I figured the best/only thing I could do was make it until after school tomorrow and hope it led somewhere. (Today was a lot more eventful then I anticipated. Tomorrow I'll sort out what I need to do, but for now I need a proper good night's sleep. While I may have gained more questions than answers I em moving forwards, I just need to be more organized) I thought as I turned out my lights and went to bed. > Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 005 part 1 Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies (Part 1) The sun rises over the waking town of Ponyville on what most would consider a beautiful Friday morning. I had been lying in bed, watching as my room was illuminated by the sun for the Past 2 hours. I had slept poorly last night as thoughts of my hunters coming for me in the night had me on edge. While I had correctly assumed they wouldn't try anything straight away I was still cautious, although maybe anxious would be a better word. I had only slept for a few hours and was now just lying awake as I debated what to do. (...What do I do?... What can I do?... If they didn't know it was me who killed there comrade before they sure do now.) I disheartenedly thought as I rolled over to face the window. (I don't wanna deal with this but it's not something I can avoid. Maybe I should stay home today... No, If I skip school they'll probably just come for me at home when my parents are out, And if not today it'll be tomorrow. Actually, it's probably safer at school, with others around they won't try anything... Probably.) My thoughts are put on hold as I suddenly hear movement coming from down stairs. Quickly jumping out of bed I grab the lighter from off of the desk. Clutching the lighter tightly I wait, expecting to feel it warm up. Realising I may not be close enough to the source of the noise I cautiously make my way down stairs. Arriving in the kitchen with Still no reaction I let out a sigh of relief as I spot my mother whose busy making coffee. "What's up Drifting?" My mother, Charity, asks as she sees me enter the kitchen. "And by that I mean what's wrong?" "Nothing. What makes you think something's wrong?" I ask as I make my way towards to the toaster. With an inquisitive look she replies. "firstly, You seem way to relieved when you saw me which is already pretty suspicious. Secondly, you look rough!... Rougher than usual anyway. Your face makes you look kinda like a villain even when you smile, but now you got bags under your eyes from lack of sleep which makes you look deranged." With a roll of my eyes I reply. "Most family's start their day by saying 'Good Morning'. But I guess a 'hey, you look like a deranged villain' is close enough." "I say it cause I care." Mum casually replied as she sat at the table with her coffee and some files. After a brief glance from her I could tell she was waiting for me to continue. "I guess I'm kinda on edge at the moment... It's complicated" I vaguely tell her. "You haven't been watching scary movies again? I know you can't handle them... Even the poorly made one's that aren't scary" she asked, trying to figure out my problem. "No! Like I said, it's complicated... Besides, I would never watch a scary movie... I know I can't handle them... " I Begrudgingly answer as I grab my toast and make my way to the lounge room. Wanting to get my thoughts off the monster's hunting me for a while, I turn on the TV. "GOOOOOD MORNING PONYVILLE" came an overly cheerful voice from the TV. The morning news had just started as the fairly young and overly joyous news caster, Sunny Side, greeted viewers with so much pep it made me contort my face in disgust. "Looks likes it's gonna be another bright sunny day, great for outdoor activity. Hopefully this weather continues till tomorrow's Har-Fest! For those viewers unaware, the small Town of Ponyville will be holding a Festival Tommorow Morning In the Town Square to both celebrate and help raise funds for local Farmers. So why not go on down!" she cheerfully continued. (Is this the news or an ad! Why would people want to go to something like that? Who thought making our city smell like a farm would be a good idea anyway? I mean, I'll be there but not cause I want to... Well, with the ways things are going I might not make it to Tommorow...") I disheartenly thought as I ate my toast. With a lack of sleep and generally no idea of what I was doing I wasn't exactly feeling confident in myself. I was brought from my self pity as Sunny Side continued. "Our first story today comes all the way from the big city of Canterlot. Seems a Good Samaritan has taken it one step further when it comes to Crime prevention. an unnamed masked civilian dressed from head to toe in black has reportedly been responsible for the prevention of 3 muggings and a break in. Although the individual is unnamed, multiply eyewitness reports all confirm him to be the same person as he exhibits an over the top personality and refers to himself as... Eherm... A Hero of Justice!... When asked, police gave this following statement." "The efforts of this unnamed civilian have not gone unnoticed. And while you have done an exceptional job so far, we would like to remind civilians that the taking law into your own hands is prohibited and consi-" "Click" The story is cut short as I turn the TV off. While somewhat interesting to hear about a crazy person fighting crime I have my own problems to deal with which I was becoming too distracted from. "I'm gonna head off in a few minutes." My mother informed me as she filled here coffee cup. "You don't need to worry about your father, he's still at work. Had to pull an all nighter." (I had thought it was odd he wasn't up yet.) I thought as something crossed my mind. (Once mum goes I'll be the only one here. While I usually don't mind that, I don't think it's a good idea at the moment. No telling when those creatures will come for me. As long as I'm around others they won't try anything.) Not wanting to be the last one in the house I race up stairs to get dressed. I throw on a pair of dark blue slacks, shoes and a black shirt with the words 'If you need something, don't hesitate to ask Somebody Else,' printed on it. But something was missing. It was then that I remembered I no longer had my jacket. I had left it with that girl at the Carousel Boutique. Grabbing my lighter, keys, missing kids poster, wallet, and new mobile phone, I place them in my pockets before heading down stairs. My first destination before school being the Carousel Boutique to reclaim my jacket. Just as I pass mum at the door she stops me. "oh hey, if you have some free time after school you should drop by my office at City Hall. That is if your not too busy looking for your Grandfathers book at Golden Oaks Library. I might have some more work for you." (right! After school I need to head to Golden Oaks Library to search for grandpa's book and my only lead that may give me some insight. Too bad they only open after school, I really need as much information as I can get.) I thought before responding. "Yeah, I'll think about it... but... You know. The last two things you had me do took up my whole day... And were Shit!" my reply didn't seem to bother her as we both left the house before driving off separately. It didn't take me long to arrive at the Carousel Boutique. It was 8:50 giving me 10 minutes to get to school which was plenty of time. The store was open despite most businesses not being open until 9, although the girl was expecting me. As I enter the store a bell attached to the door chimes. Hearing me enter, the door in the back opens as the same girl from yesterday enters behind the counter. Unlike yesterday her hairs a mess and bags are visible under her eyes, probably due to a lack of sleep. Her customer service skills hadn't seemed to improve as Her un-welcoming stair was still present. I greeted her as i approached. "You look terrible." By greeted I meant, acknowledged her existence. With a tired annoyed look she responded. "Yes... well, I was up all night trying to finish an unreasonable clients order. It didn't help that this client is also a sociopath who's threatened my life's work." She somewhat angrily stated as she stared at me. "hmm... Well, I don't know if this would help but maybe your employees could work on there customer service skills. There's one new girl in particular who's just constantly rude to customers." I boardly reply as I lazily lean against the counter. With an annoyed grumble the girl responded. "I was referring to you!" "And I was just making idle small talk until you gave me my jacket. I don't care about your problems, Rarely!" I replied, remembering the girls name. "Rarely?... Did you just call me Rarely!" the girl whined. "It's Rarity... Rarity Bell!" "Do you have my jacket or not" I replied, ignoring her whining. Taking a deepbreath, Rarity calmed down before leaving through the door she entered through. A moment later she returned with my jacket, completely restored. Placing it on the counter I picked it up to examine it. "Wow! You actually managed to put it all back together... No, this is in much better condition than it was before. It's practically brand new." I said with amazement as I began to take out my wallet. I didn't actually expect her to be able to do it as it was in a really bad condition... Also, I could've sworn I lost some piece's. "Yes well, that's because it practically is new" Rarity replied. Generally happy with my amazement of her skills. "oh, is that right?" I inquisitively replied as I stoped just before taking some money out of my wallet. "Yes." Rarity answered with out paying me much attention. "those rages you bought me were just that, rags. The only part worth saving was the cross emblem on the back. So I had to take another black jacket and modify it to resemble yours. Using information I found online I managed to create a perfect replica." "I see" I replied as I put my wallet away without taking any cash out as I continued to examine the jacket. It was exactly like my old one. "I had to do quite a few modifications. Giving it pockets on the inside. Attaching the synthetic white fur to the sleeves and collar." Rarity proudly continued. "Actually, the back emblem is quite interesting. I had always thought it was a cross, but it's actually arrows pointing in four directions. It's a defect of the companies logo, the bottom arrow is much longer than it should be. The company that made the jacket no longer exists but you see... well... It's actually a woman's jacket." Rarity hesitantly replied. "huh... Neat, I thought it was a little too... Puffy" I plainly replied as I threw the jacket on and examined the fur sleeves and collar. "You don't mind?" Rarity questioned. "also, how could you not know it's a woman's jacket? When you purchased it it must have been in the woman's isle." "I don't care who this jacket was intended for. It's mine now... And if you must know, I didn't buy this jacket, I took it from some guy I beat up. As to why he had it, I don't care." I replied as I moved my arms around to check how the jacket reacted. "wow, you really went above and beyond what I asked you to do... Too bad your not getting paid." "yes, with all the effort I put into it it is quite shame I'm not getting... WHAT!?" Rarity yelled, shocked at the realisation of what I said. "What do you mean I'm not getting paid?" "That's simple. I'm not paying for this." I plainly replied. It was clear she still didn't understand so I elaborated. "You failed to provide the service I asked for" "What are you talking about? You asked me to fix your jacket and there it is, one fixed jacket!" she angrily replied as she pointed at my jacket. "your partially right. I asked you to fix my jacket... But this isn't my jacket. This is another jacket you modified to resemble my old one, you said so your self. The only thing left of my jacket is the emblem." I replied. "But... But... That's unfair. Your old jacket couldn't be put back together. Not in the short amount of time I had." Rarity whined, knowing I was technically right. "Whats unfair is you going against out agreement and trying to sell me the wrong product while telling me that's what I ordered. Now if you'll excuse me, I have school." I replied as I looked up at a clock on the wall. It was 8:53 giving me enough time to make it to school on time... Probably. "hold on." Rarity said as I turned to leave. "There is some truth to what you say... Even if it is stupid and contrived. But I'll let it slide if you... Can you give me a lift to school?" Rarity said in an unhappy manor as she picked up a backpack from behind the counter. I generally didn't want to, so I did what any rational person would have. "Sure" "Really?... I mean, thank you?" Rarity replied. Confused at my willingness to help. We left the store as Rarity locked the door behind her. "you can just put your bag in the boot" I told Rarity as I opened the boot for her. "Oh, sure" she replied as she put her bag in and closed the boot. "I must confess, I was certain you would refuse to give me a lift... You do have quite a reputation afterall." "You don't say" I sarcastically replied as I got into the drivers seat. "yes, well, I guess it doesn't hurt to try. Sometimes people may surprise you. We shouldn't just jump to conclusions about others." Rarity said nervously as she tried to open the passengers side door. 'click' 'click,click' the door however was currently locked. "Cross, the door seems to be locked" Rarity informed me. "I know" I replied with a huge grin on my face as I started up the car. Rarity once again tried to open the door. "Cross, the doors still locked... Cross!... Cross?..." As the car began moving forwards Rarity became more frantic. "no... nonono... nononononono!" As pulled onto the road and began my drive to school I heard Raritys final cry. "NOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo..." "HAHAHAHAHAAAA." I laughed hystericaly. "...I really needed that" I say to myself. It was mean and unfair to the poor girl that I was taking my frustration with my situation out on her... But I really need to have control over my life again. It didn't take long to arrive at school, The first bell hadn't even gone yet as students were still hanging out by the entrance. Parking my car under a shady tree I began to mentally prepare myself. (I won't be caught off guard like Yesterday, this time I know one of those things is gonna be following me around, waiting for an opportunity. Luckily there still unaware that I can sense them, but my best course of action is to stall until I can come up with a plan. For know I'll stick to populated areas until after school. Hopefully my Grandfather's book at the Library will give me something to use. Don't know how many I'll be facing, but as long as others are around they won't try anything.) As I exited the car I remembered I still had Rarity's backpack in the boot. (right, I don't want to have to deal with distractions today, should probably dump the bag. But where?... I know!) At that moment I remembered that Rarity was friends with Flash Sentry's girlfriend, Sunset, as well as the farm girl Applejack. While I wouldn't know we're to begin to look for Applejack, I did know Sunset usually hangs around Flash by the entrance. Taking Rarity's bag from my car, It didn't take long to locate Sunset Shimmer and Flash. Besides having a good idea of were to find them, Sunsets red and orange bacony hair makes her easy to see. And as for Flash, well... I knew cause the moment I looked in that general direction I began to feel irritated. The two of them were sitting at a table right next to the entrance. Besides them there were four others I didn't recognize, three boys and one girl. The boys wore the school sports jacket meaning they were probably part of the Football team like Flash Sentry, Besides that they looked rather generic to me. The girl who also seemed unimportant was probably just a groupie. Because of this I decided to treat them like I treat most people... I would ignore them, they weren't important. As I walked towards them I called out to Sunset to gain her attention. "Hey! Dumbass!" Turning to see who had called them, there moods suddenly sour as they see me approach. Flash and the other three boys stop what there doing as they quickly rise to there feet as flash is the first to respond. "What do you want, Cross!" "Huh?" I confusingly reply as I stop a few meters away from them. "...oh! Actually, I wasn't talking to you Flash. But I can see where you would get confused" I plainly reply as I turn to Sunset and toss Rarity's backpack. Sunset who wasn't prepared barley manages to catch the bag as everyone's focus shifts to her. "huh? Why are you giving me t-... Hold on! This is Rarity's bag! Why do you have it?" a shocked Sunset Asks as they all turn there focus to back to where I was. However I wasn't standing there anymore. My reply came from behind them as I had casual walked past them while they had been focused on Sunset. "Because your friends an idiot... Or because I needed to get back some control in my life. Take your pick, there's no wrong answer." My answer was vague and made no sense to them, but that was fine... I didn't care. The real task for me was still to come, I wasn't gonna get distracted from this point on. With a determined mind set I entered the school, putting everything else behind me as the bell rang. Students began making there way to homeroom, as did I. Just outside my Homeroom class I do my final preparation. (This is were it truly begins. My fight for Survival). With determination I place a hand on the door. With out hesitation I dramatically push the door open as I step into the Lions Den. (There's no way I'ld lose! Not to some bug!) As the door swings open I enter more dramatically than nesicary, gaining the attention of the few students who were already in the class. Seeing it was just me they all went back to what they had been doing, it wasn't the first time I had entered a class dramatically and it wouldn't be the last. I did sometimes have a habit of being over the top. As I looked over the few students already in class I realized the lighter wasn't reacting, it was still cool. (huh... Guess I beat it to class) I thought as I made my way to my usual seat in the back corner and sat down. (that's fine. At least I can cross these few students off my list of suspects.) I triumphantly continued my thought as I took note of the 8 students already here. It didn't take long for the class to fill with students followed by our homeroom teacher Mr Freerights, who gave me a quick concerning look which I shrugged off. Everything was set to begin my man hunt, or bug hunt in this case. With re-nued confidence and 8 people already cleared, I was off to a good start... Except, there was a slight problem. (What the Hell!) I cautiously thought, looking around the class. Students talked amongst themselves while Mr Freerights talked about global awareness or something to those few students who listened. I noticed Small Stick getting a few weird looks from some students while he quietly sat alone. but besides that class progressed like it always had, which wasn't an issue... Except thats just it. Class was like it usually was. My lighter wasn't reacting to anything. Meaning right now there weren't any of those creatures in here. (Why isn't one of those things here? Yesterday one followed me just about everywhere I went. Could it be because we have a full class today that it has no one to disguise itself as.) I thought as I looked around once again. Seeing a few empty seats I decided the only way to check that theory was to see the roll on Mr Freerights desk. I got up and made my way to the front of the class and to the teachers desk. Right now everyone was to busy doing there own thing they didn't pay me any attention. Picking up the roll, I quickly looked over it and found 3 students were currently absent today. (well there goes my theory. If it's not because it didn't have someone to disguise it's self as then why isn't it here?... Heck, according to this roll, one person hasn't even shown up all year, that sounds like a good choice for a disguise. In the future I should keep an eye out for... You have gotta be kidding me?) I thought as I read the absent students name. It was my name, Drifting Desire. Just like yesterday in Shop class, I was on the roll twice. Once as Drifting Desire, who was absent all year. And again as Cross, who while not all ways absent had missed quite a few days. (One problem at a time) I told myself as I went back to my seat. I thought that might have been the case but I at least thought Mr Freerights knew my actual name. (Oh well, I'll sort it out later. Right know I have a bigger problem, I need to stay vigilant. For whatever reason it hasn't shown up yet, but that doesn't mean it won't.) Home room eventually ended without incident and I headed off to my next class, Home Ecc... My most hated class. As I walked to my next class I barely payed any attention to those around me, right now I was too focused on the lighter in my jacket. I kept waiting for it to suddenly heat up, signaling the appearance of one of those creatures. And if on que, it happened. As I continued on my way to class the lighter warmed up. (About time you bothered to show up! Not that it'll do you any good. As long as I'm around other people you can't-... Huh?) my self gloating is cut short as just as it appeared it disappeared. I recognize the situation as I've experienced it before. It wasn't following me, I simply passed one amongst the crowd of students. (...Well... Alright then.) I soon make it to class and it goes just as poorly as usual... Maybe a little worse. My cooking skills just like my social life barely exist, so for the next hour I make a mess as I have no idea what I'm doing. It doesn't help that my mind is else where as I focused way to much on my lighter, and Just like homeroom there's no reaction. After what feels like hours class ends with no appearance by a monster. With no hesitation I head to my next class, P.E. (Where is it? What are they waiting for?... I know I planned to avoid them but surely they would make a better effort. They are aware of me, right?) I began to question if they were after me at all. (What em I thinking! I can't let my guard down.) During P.E. Couch Play took the class to the oval, he had the class do various running exercises such as hurdles and relays. As most of the schools football team were in our class he wanted to work on there stamina. That meant when me and a few others who weren't on the team decided to sit out, Couch Play didn't care, his only concern was the fooball team members. Usually he supported competition between me and Flash but since he could achieve the same goal without me, he especially didn't mind me not participating. Apparently I'm difficult to work with. This didn't bother me as I didn't want to be worn out incase a monster appeared and tried something. So for the next hour I once again anxiously waited for any reaction from the lighter, only for nothing to happen. This only caused me to question my situation further as class ended and I headed for my counselling session. As I walked through the crowded hallways I thought to myself. (The HELL! Why hasn't one approached me yet?... Could they really be unaware of me? Am I in the clear? Right now I should be suspect number 1! The disappearance of the one they sent after me yesterday should have raised a couple red flags by now. So then why has it been so quiet?) I was confused and a little frustrated. I wasn't sure if I should be glad at how quiet it was or concerned. (the one I ran into yesterday did mention other suspect who they beleive were more likely. Are they really just underestimating me?) I eventually decided that for now I would focus on what I could see before me, and right now there were no pursuers. And while I didn't quite know what that meant, I was trying to avoid confrontation any way... At least until I could gather more info. With that decided I arrived at my Homeroom for my counselling session, entering the class with my mind somewhat at ease. As soon as I enter I hear Mr Freerights greet me in an overly friendly manner. "Heeey! How's my favorite reforming sociopath!" "Not sure? I'll have to get back to you on that." I vaguely reply as I close the door behind me. taking my usual seat I continue. "A better question is what's up with you? I noticed that odd look you gave me this morning" "Wellllll..." Mr Freerights began as he nervously looked off to the side. "I have some good news for you. Principal Celestia agreed to alter our arrangement a little." "What do you mean?" I asked, unsure of what he meant. "I mean that your counselling session will be cut down from 5 days a week to 3. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. In other words, we'll give you some breathing room" he answered, losing some of he's nervousness. "Wait, seriously! That's great!.... That's great?" My excitement quickly disappeared after thinking about it for a few seconds. It seemed suspicious. "Why?" "Well, she thought after all your progress you deserved a reward" Mr Freerights told me. "In fact as some added incentive, she said if you keep progressing as you have your counseling sessions will get shorter and shorter until you don't have them anymore." "Really!" I excitedly replied. This was great news, it looked like things could be turning around for me. "So eventually I won't have to waste my time with this! As long as I keep.... Progressing? Wait, what the hell are you talking about?" As great as this all was I still had no idea what he was talking about. "I know you were gonna twist my recent actions into a good sounding story to tell Principle Celestia. But I find it hard to believe she would cut down my counselling so much so soon for talking to others." I stated, sceptical of his words. Mr Freerights once again looked nervous as he replied. "Well, I told her a 'Story. One that I might have embellished a little... Mostly embellished." he quickly corrected before looking back to me with a bit of hope. "hey, you haven't by any chance made a... Friend?" My mixed look of confusion and annoyance was the only response he needed as he continued. "Yeah, I thought so." "All right, how about we stop whatever this is and you explain this from the beginning." I said, Finally having enough of being in the dark. "Yeah... Okay, from the beginning" Mr Freerights replied as he held his chin and looked thoughtful. "It happened yesterday. After you didn't show up to school on Wednesday and gave a bogus note from your parents explaining why you were absent, Principle Celestia becam-" "That note was 100% legit!" I impatiently interrupted. "Well we know that now!... But this takes place Yesterday after school, before your mother called to explain" Mr Freerights explained before going back to his story. "now as I was saying. Celestia came to my class to talk to me about you. Celestia was... Down hearted?... Depressed?... Point is, she wasn't doing to well. She thought that maybe you weren't taking her seriously this time, and that she would need to make good on her threat to hold you back a year. She doesn't like having to be the bad guy." "after that, her complaints became worse when she started to doubt herself, saying that maybe her sister, Vice Principle Luna might be right. That you should just be expelled, that her forgiving nature was effecting the other students for being to lenient with you. ...And that's when it happened!... She asked for my advice" "So?" I impatiently asked. From the sound of the story so far I could tell things weren't looking good for me. What little of Celestia's trust I had was apparently gone and I was on the verge of either expulsion or repeating. Seeing my impatient interest, Mr Freerights continued. "with how hopeless she seemed I didn't want to give her bad news, so I told her about how you've been interacting with students, taking an interests in club activities, and took up a after school activity." "Once again, I want to point out how much nicer you make my verbal abusing of idiots, using others as tools, and trying to destroy someone's reputation sound!" I proudly said with a malicious smirk. "So she bought your story and now she's gonna back off a bit." "No. She's smarter than that. She correctly assumed that by 'interacting', you were just being an ass." he replied, to which I just kinda noded in agreement. "It's what I told her after that's the problem. I told her how you were really starting to open up to me. And how you told me about your tragic back story that made you into the mean bully you are today." "Tragic Back Story?" I asked annoyed and confused. "the Hell are you talking about, I don't have a Tragic Back Story! I'm just kind of a dick to everyone!" "I know you don't have a Tragic Back Story... But that's not the issue, we can come up with something later. I told her it was personal so she let it go for now." He argued as his expression fell grim. "The real problem is that I told her you made a Friend." "...What... WHAT!? WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU TELL HER THAT!!!" I angrily snapped at him. Mr Freerights tried to explain himself as best he could. "I panicked. She was desperately looking for hope and I didn't want to tell her I didn't know what I was doing. The moment she realises I'm underquallified I'm fired." "No! I mean why a friend? I can bull shit together a tragic back story, but a friend... How the Hell do you expect me to do that." I clarified, now understanding just how hopeless my situation actually was. "I know you generally hate others, especially the students at this school. But I really need you to take one for the team on this." He pleaded. "You don't understand!... So okay, we both get that I'm anti-social and hate others to the point of never having or wanting to befriend another. But let's say that wasn't the case... I literally don't know how to make friends." I honestly replied. After a moment of silence between us, Mr Freerights continued. "Well, Shit!... I don't know how to help you, and I know it's out of your area of expertise. But I need you to figure something out." After a quick glance at the clock he continued. "looks like our times up. I suggest avoiding Celestia until you can make a friend... So for the rest of your school life." he finished with a shrug. (That last comment was unnecessarily insulting! But true... Frigen smart ass.) I thought As I got up to leave. As I reached the door I noticed it was slightly open. (huh? Didn't I close this on the way in. Well I didn't feel the lighter heat up so no monsters were after me.) Thinking nothing of it, the bell rang and I left for my next class. English. On my way to class, I once again feel the lighter heat up only for it to cool down seconds later. It reminds me of how my week started, feeling the lighter react at random. Except now I knew what it was reacting to. Besides that my trip was uneventful, coursing me to once again question if I was actually being hunted or not as I reached my destination. Entering class I see Blueblood sitting in the middle of the class. Despite him wanting my help to improve his popularity I haven't heard much from him, Although I Honestly have been rather occupied recently. I know he wants me to play the Villan and course trouble so that he can swoop in and look like a hero but were just never around at the same tim, besides one coincidental incident. We hang out at different parts of the school and our only class together is English. Ignoring Blueblood as usual, I take a seat in the back. As class begins I start to think of my latest problem... Actually, with how things have been going it might be my only problem. (I actually think those monsters aren't aware of me somehow. Which is great and all, but now I got a new problem.) I thought to myself as I thoughtfully leaned back in my chair, not doing any work. (I can't beleive Mr Freerights told Principle Celestia I made a friend. How the hell am I gonna get out of this one... I take pride in the fact I'm not friends with anyone, especially from this school!... But what should I do) I continued to think. As I looked around the class I once again spot Blueblood who's busy doing his work. (lets say i"m out of options and my only way out is to actually go along with this. I guess Blueblood is a good choice for a friend. He's well connected and he's a terrible person like me, so I know we can tolerate each other. He's also related to Celestia, so that alone could put me back in her good books). I carefully though as I tried to rationalize the crazy notion of making a friend. It didn't take long to cone back to my senses as I dismissed the idea, seeing the problems with having Blueblood as a friend. (that would never work out. Blueblood might give me fun things to do to occupy my time but he likes to do it secretly. Our connection must remain hidden for both his sake and mine. I've done things most people would consider horrible, if they connect us then they could link me to incidents that benefit him. I'm already on thin ice at this point, better not chance it. Besides, He doesn't want others to know how much of a terrible person he can be, or how controlling he is. He also only hangs out with the super rich, and while i'm well of with my father being a doctor I'm nowhere near his level.) As class progressed the realization of my hopelessness settled in. I have never made a friend in the last 16 year's and I wasn't any closer. I managed to do a bit of work as class came to an end. My latest and greatest issue still fresh in my mind as I headed of my forth class of the day, History. Thinking back to how I thought today would go I couldn't have been more wrong. As it turns out my true enemy wasn't a race of sentient shape shifting monster bugs, it was my non-existent social life. It wasn't long until I arrived at my next class for the day, History. As I entered the class I spotted the smart lavender girl sitting at the front. (I think here name was Twilight. While I suspect she might know something about the shape shifting bugs, I can't be sure how much she knows. She may even know less than me... Maybe even nothing. I don't think she's one of the people those bugs suspected. if she was, one would be tailing her. And right now there doesn't appear to any of those creatures in the room.) I think as I feel the lighter push against my chest from within my jacket pocket. Seeing me, Twilight gives a cautious look to which I return a look of my own, One filled with disdain. She quickly breaks eye contact as I pass her, taking a seat in the back. Right know I don't feel like following up on that lead. Besides having bigger problem to deal with, I'ld rather not follow up on that possible lead unless absolutely nesicary... By which I mean I'm too frustrated and anti-social. Within moments Class begins as Mrs Records arrives. Unlike most teachers I'm uncertain of her full name, however she appears to be in her late 40's. Her greying brown hair is tied upon her head in a bun while a small pair of reading glasses sits atop her nose. She also wears an old long brown dress, even though I know nothing about fashion I know her dress hasn't been in style for years. Looking down at us through her glasses, she addresses the class. "Ahem! Attention class!... As you are aware I was absent during our last class on Monday, During which Mr Freerights substituted for the day. Not only did he not bother to follow the lesson plan, instead choosing to show a movie. He also gave you each an assignment to write about where you see yourselves in the future for extra credit... I must inform you that those assignments are not approved and will not be marked or count towards your grade. No matter how much work you put into it." as she said that last part she seemed to look at Twilight, who nervously looked away. "If there's anything to take from this it's not to trust substitute teachers." I couldn'd tell if that final part was for her or us. Either way I had forgotten all about Mr Freerights extra credits assignment. To me this week has been one big blur... Not like I'd had done it anyway. As class proceeds I once again try and figure out how to make good on Mr Freerights lie to Celestia. (how the Hell em I supposed to make a friend? The only person I know is Blueblood, but that's not happening. Guess I'm already out of options since I don't know anyone else... Wait! There is one other person I know at this school, Big Mac!... Except.) As suddenly as I had thought of the idea I quickly realize why that won't work. (it's true that I know Big Mac, if only recently, but I don't know him well enough to think he would go along with it. He seems like a patient enough person to tolerate me... for now. But I doubt it would go beyond that.... Also, Big Mac isn't his actual name. Who doesn't now there friends name.) Class eventually ends. I leave feeling frustrated that I'm no closer to solving my problem, It also doesn't help that I basically exhausted what little resources I had. Glad it's lunch time, I head to the cafeteria in desperate need of a break. > Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 005 part 2 Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies (Part 2) By the time I reach the cafeteria it's already flooded with students who have formed there own little groups around tables. Cutting to the front of the lunch line I grab a meat sandwich before paying for it and heading to find a table. I wasn't particularly aware of what sandwich I bought as I didn't care. Right now food was food and I just wanted to take my mind off my latest problem of finding a friend... Unfortunately I just couldn't. My problem's only seemed to keep coming as I realized all the tables were taken. Still frustrated, I approach an occupied table where Three people are currently sitting and eating there lunch, two boys and a girl. I stop just before the table once one of them notices me. "this seats taken... Were saving it for a friend." one of the boy's informs me. Looking down at the boy with a scornful expression I reply. "Move!" Not expecting such a aggressive response he nervously replies as he looks to his friends for encouragement, only to find none. "you want me to move?" "Leave him alone! He was there first!" his friend chimes in with false bravado. "No" I casually reply before retaking my hostile tone. "I was talking to all of you!" By this point we had gained a bit of an audience. I was used to this as everytime I started trouble, people who had no intention of getting involved tended to watch. "No!..." the boy with false bravado replied as he slowly stood up. "you walk around here thinking you can do whatever you want at our expense! Well we've had enough of it! "We?" I boardly question. This isn't the first time I've heard a speech like this, and it won't be the last. Every so often someone forgets their place and tries to go against me... Although it has been awhile. I haven't actually had a proper school fight in around 3 months. "That's right! We! Me and my Frien..." his speech is cut short when he realises his friends ditched him the moment he started his speech. Their currently waving to him from another table calling out encouragement. "Play dead! He only goes after you if your moving... Or is it his more savage when you stop moving?" the boy he had been sitting with called out. The girl was no better as she waved her mobile phone in the air. "I've dialed 9-1! When you hit the ground I'll dial one again!" There advice was useless... But it was still something. The boys bravado quickly disappeared as he realised what he got himself into. But it was too late for him to back down as random people from the crowd began to egg him on. "F-Fine... I don't need any help... I can kick your ass" he nervously says as he gives one final look back to his friends, hoping they'll reconsider. However there smarter than that and remain at a safe distance. With a board sigh, I place my lunch tray on the table before once again facing the boy with zero enthusiasm. While I usually love introducing guys like this to the ground, I just don't feel it. He's some random nobody who I don't care about and I have my own things to deal with. Looking the boy up and down I'm pretty confident the mystery meat in my sandwich is tougher than him. It's obvious to everyone I'm underestimating him, which seems to annoy him somewhat. But he knows I'm right as he looks around trying to find a way out. Not even slightly interested in the boy before me I look around the Cafeteria. I spot Flash Sentry watching from afar. Usually he would step in by now but I can tell he's choosing to stay back, he'll only get involved if things go bad. The kid started this after all. As I extend an arm in front of me the boy flinches while the crowd continue to cheer for him. I raise a finger as the crowd settles down a bit. I can tell they think I'm telling them to wait but that's not the case as I speak up. "One hit" "...What?" the nervous boy replies, not understanding what I'm trying to say. In a board monotone voice I elaborate. "I fell sorry for you but it's to late to turn back. So I'll give you the first hit, one free hit!... Just try to make it count. Because after that-". I pause as I adjust my hand so that it's now pointing to the ground before continuing. "...I'm putting you down." The boy takes a step back as he now appears more hesitant than before. However, unlike a moment ago there's now a glint of hope in his eyes. He's just been given a chance. He could end this in one hit... He can end this in one hit! While still hesitant, the boy begins moving towards me as his false bravado finds it's way back to him. "I-I always wanted to k-kick your ass you b-bastard!... you'll regret looking down on me." he Shakely says, either for himself or the crowd. "You poor bastard" I snidely reply. While I'm quite board I'll still play my part as the villan, even if I'm not really feeling it Today. "Your delusional if you think you stand a chance. No one here's dumb enough to think you can actually beat me, they just like a good show. Your friends on the other hand were smart enough to ditch you." The boy becomes more hesitant as he listens to the crowds cheers. For the most part it's positive, but it's just to egg him on. They don't want to see him win, they want to see me lose. No matter how bad it gets for him, they just want to see someone stand against me. "I can do this!" the boy angrily snaps at me. As he quickly steps towards me as he brings his fist back, ready to strike. Fueled by anger, determination, and the crowd behind him, the boys eyes light up with hope. Right know he feels like he can do anything. The moment he's within arms lengths my board expression drastically changes. Becoming much more viscous and blood thirsty. For the two of us it's as if time slows down. The boy can feel the pressure as our eyes meet, all the confidence he had gained vanishes in an instance. More unfortunate for the boy is that he had already thrown his punch, a punch that lacked any confidence as it slowly moves towards me. Everyone loves an underdog... But no one likes to see a dog put down. The crowd goes silent, they stand there anticipating what happens next. No one expected him to win... But it's nice to dream. The moment he had stood against me I knew how this would end, Just like every other time. The moment he hit me was the moment he lost. It was like putting a gun to himself and pulling the trigger... It would be over. Except that wasn't the case. I never felt anything. All I can see is the boys fist in front of my face as the crowd begins to murmer. (why'd he stop? did he wise up at the last mome-) Before I can finish my thought, a familiar voice can be heard as I suddenly figure out what has happened. "you really shouldn't lower yourself to his standards." said the familiar regal voice with confidence. "some times it's better to just walk away. Don't be swayed by the moment." Taking a step back I see what has happened. The boys arm had been grabbed mid punch by an all too familiar alabaster figure who's dressed much more formally than most students. Blueblood. (Blueblood? What's he doing here? I know he doesn't eat cafeteria food as he prefers to bring his own. He must have been informed by one of his other cronies that I was causing a scene and rushed over to play hero.) I thought as I moved back a few steps, giving him some space. The crowd I had gathered settled down as soon as Blueblood stepped in. While there response was mostly positive, there were a few who were disappointed at not seeing me get hit. Even though I would wipe the floor with my opponent directly after, they like to live vicariously through those dumb enough to do things they have enough commonsense not to. (sigh... I just wanna eat my lunch... Guess I better play along). I disheartenedly thought. Depending on how Blueblood decides to play this I may have to leave. "It's just like you to show up when things are getting interesting!" I stated loud enough for everyone to hear. "You think your some kinda hero or something!" Blueblood slightly turns his head to get a glimpse of me. With a confident expression he turns back to the boy who's arm he's holding as he lightly push's it away. "For your sake, it was quite fortunate I was walking by" Blueblood said, ignoring me. "You shouldn't act so rash, consider your situation. Do you even realise you were doing exactly what he wanted?" "What are talking about!" the boy angrily snapped at Blueblood. He had lost control of the situation but had too much pride to admit it in front of all these people. Not wanting to lose face he doubled down on his false bravado. "Get out of my way Blueblood! I have Cross right were I want him!" At the boys defiant words I saw a slight change in Bluebloods body language, one I had seen many times, annoyance. Blueblood was annoyed that this boy wasn't gonna thank him for saving his ass and let him be on his way. Truthfully, Blueblood hated having to deal with those of a lower class then him, and by lower class I don't mean by grade at school. Blueblood is from a very wealthy family, absurdly wealthy. His family owns a wide variety of properties and companies. North Star Industries, best known for owning just about every source of transportation around. You'll find the North Star Industries logo on just about anything. The guys literally owns the railroads. This of course means Principle Celestia, as well as Vice Principle Luna are incredibly wealthy as well. However, Blueblood had once told me they prefer to live very modest lives, working to earn while helping to contribute to society. hence why they chose to become educators instead off living of there family's fortune. Despite being agitated, Blueblood was good at hiding it. Living in high society had made him more accustomed to hiding his true nature, the only reason I realised it is because I've seen the real him. The person who wants to benefit at the cost of others, the person who doesn't care who he has to step to get whatever it is he has his sights on, no matter how trivial!... That's something we have in common. Without showing his annoyance Blueblood calmly tried to talk the boy down. "I understand that you've had enough of this ruffians uncouth behavior, but you shouldn't have to lower yourself to his level. Like I was telling you before gu-" There was a slight hesitant pause. I could see blueblood expression make another slight change and quickly figured out what the problem was. In his ruse to make it look like he understood the students of this school he was trying to refer to people by their names. Instinctively he was trying to that now... However he paused as he realized he didn't know the boys name. Luckily for him I was quick to fix that issue as I loudly interrupted him just a second after he froze up. "Hey Hey Hey! Are you two done confessing your love for each other! I was kinda in the middle of something! How long are you gonna make me wait to kick the crap out of Bulk Biceps!" I know that wasn't his name, I just said that knowing someone would correct me. "He's Lucky" the girl he had been sitting with called out. "Lucky Blueblood stepped in!... Just give it a minute, I'm sure that luck's about to run out" I replied to the girl, annoyed I hadn't gotten the boys name. "No, his name is Lucky, Lucky Clover" she clarified. Hearing what he needed Blueblood continued, once again ignoring my interruption. "Lucky. Do you know how many fights Cross has been in at this school" "What?... I don't know, a lot?" the boy apparently named Lucky Clover replied. "more than anyone else at this school" Blueblood answered, he wasn't looking for a precise number as the question was mostly rhetorical. "so then, doesn't it seem odd that despite his bad behaviour no punishment seviourer than a few days suspension is all his ever received" "I never really thought about it" Lucky replied, unsure as to what Blueblood was getting at. But unlike lucky I knew exactly what he was saying, and it pissed me off that he was just gonna say it. Although it's not like it was a secret or anything. With a confident smirk Blueblood changed his focus from Lucky to the crowd before continuing. "Cross has never thrown the first hit! He goads people into attacking him first. After that, everything he does is simply self-defense." There was a moment of silence as the crowd has a look of realisation plastered on their face. No one really ever bothered to analyze my behaviour. Blueblood knew this fact as he had asked me about it once. "I think his right!" One of the people from the crowd called out. "on Monday he stole Flash Sentry's drink and it looked like a fight was gonna break out... But Flash walked away, so he didn't bother." "Don't forget about Tuesday." another member of the crowd chimed in. "after Derpy slammed a door in his face in the morning he was gonna beat her and Doc up. They assaulted him so it could be seem as self defence. Luckily Blueblood was there to stop him." "actually, her names Ditzy" a girl in the crowd corrected. "No! It's Derpy. I should know, she's been in the same class as me since primary school" another faceless member of the crowd argued. The crowd continued there discussion as new people joined in, some even argued Derpy's name. But one thing was absolute, Blueblood was right. Not only had he stepped in and stopped a confrontation, he also helped prevent future ones by informing people on how to avoid one with me. His goal was to be a hero and boost his popularity, and I'ld say he succeeded thanks to his little performance. "Your right" Lucky Clover said to Blueblood as he calmed down. "I could've taken him anyway... But thanks." "No problem" Blueblood replied. "although I would also suggest distancing yourself from Cross. Even if he won't do anything unless provoked, he's still not pleasant to be around." With that Blueblood walked off, making his way out of the cafeteria. With the show over the crowd quickly dispersed. Lucky Clover went and joined his friends at their new table, giving them a piece of his mind for not having his back. I on the other hand claimed my new empty table for myself. I was glad this was all over and I didn't have to leave, I really needed a break. Although I was slightly annoyed at Blueblood giving away info on me like that. Even so, there will be people who won't trust it or won't care. Finally, I was alone. Sure everyone else was around me, noisily eating their lunch and talking amongst themselves. But I was pretty good at ignoring those around me and blocking them out. As I go to take a bite from my mystery meat sandwich I'm disrupted as a figure ruins my solitude by taking a seat across from me. The figure is of someone I recognize. A boy, roughly my age with long blonde straight hair that goes past his shoulders. An over confident toothy smile shows his braces as he faces me. It was Valkyrie, some random nobody from some of my classes, someone who's easy to push around. He's a talkative loser who likes to stay up to date on school gossip from what I could figure. (Valkyrie?... What the heck does he want? Didn't figure him the type of person to approach me given how I pus-... Oh shit!) My thought is cut short as I realize why Valkyrie would approach me so bravely. He had never seemed brave to me before which only meant one thing... This wasn't Valkyrie. I had been so distracted by the recent event with Blueblood that I didn't even feel the lighter heat up. Quickly placing a hand against the left of my chest, I push the lighter in my jacket pocket against my heart to confirm what I thought. The person confidently sitting across from me wasn't Valkyrie but in fact.... Valkyrie?.... (What?....) I hadn't not felt the lighter warm up because I was distracted. The lighter hadn't heated up because there was no reason to. The person across from me was who he appeared to be... Even if he did seem oddly out of character. I just idly stared at the seemingly overconfident boy. Despite my best efforts I couldn't figure out what it was he was after. After a moment he broke the silence. "Yo" Valkyrie greeted me in an overly familiar fashion. Taking a deep breath I regained my composure as I replied... Spoke at him. "Didn't you see what just happened literally 30 seconds ago!" "yeah, you made it way more easy to approach you" Valkyrie over confidently replied to my annoyance. (I don't know what he wants and I don't care. Right now I have other issues to deal with.) I angrily thought, just wanting to be left alone. Thanks to Mr Freerights I had a seemingly impossible problems to figure out. "Valkyrie!" I angrily said as I looked him dead in the eyes with a cold expression. "You caught me at a bad time, so whatever it is your gonna say, it better be important. Because if the next few words that come out of your mouth aren't life changing, I'm gonna drag you to the beach and drown you!" I stated rather than threatened. "But... were not a beach town?" Valkyrie replied, loosing some of his overconfidence to closer resemble how I remember him. With a scowl I replied. "I don't mind taking a trip! It's just a few hours away, we'll make a day of it! We can pack some towels, lunches, a volleyball and just spend the whole day at the beach. Heck, you can even bring some friends. And at the end of it all I'll grab you by the neck and hold you under water until the bubbles stop!!... I'll drive." "Hold up Cross..." Valkyrie replied as any confidence he had left was replaced with panic. "What I have to say could greatly benefit us both... Although... I will say that just up until the end, it kinda sounded fun." I didn't have to say anything to get him to continue as my ever intensifying scowl was all the incentive he needed. "Straight to business then.... So I recently heard you were in the market for a friend." (what? How would he know that unless...!) I quickly realised how he knew. "You were spying on me!" I angrily stated. During my counselling session I knew i had closed the door when I entered the room, But by the end of it the door was slightly opened. Valkyrie had been listening in on the other side. "w-well... Yeah" he nervously admitted. "But I didn't plan on doing it. You have your sessions in our homeroom and I accidentally left something in their from earlier. When I went to get it I opened the door and saw you and Mr Freerights in the middle of your... Session. I was just gonna wait outside but then I accidentally overheard somethings." "Somethings?... How much did your hear exactly!" I questioned Valkyrie. "...I know you and Mr Freerights haven't really been giving the counselling a real go... And that you've been giving fake reports to the principle to make it sound like your improving when your not" Valkyrie blatantly stated. "well, shit... Looks like it's not either of our day." I say as I stand up and menacingly look down at Valkyrie. "Wait Cross! Like I said, I have a plan that could benefit both of us." He quickly said to me. "And just what would that be!" I replied. With a nervous smile he continued. "You need a friend to make good on your lie to Celestia, even though you don't actually want one. Well what about a friend who's not actually a friend? Someone who's just willing to play the part... Well, I could be that friend." Taking a deep breath I calm down and sit back down, for a moment we just quietly sat there. At first I thought I might had misheard him because of how crazy that sounded, but the uncomfortable look of uncertainty on his face made me realise I had heard him correctly. Despite being the one to suggest it I could tell he was having doubts, right now he was having second thoughts. However, the more I thought about it the more... Crazy, it sounded. I mean, sure I would benefit greatly from this in that my lie becomes creditable. But I just couldn't figure out what he wanted. Why would he do this? What does he gain? Was he planning to charge me cash to go along with this? If so... It was a good plan. I'm decently wealthy thanks to the odd jobs I do for Blueblood. And since my hobby of being an ass hole doesn't cost a thing I've got quite a bit of cash saved up. Having enough of Speculating, I decided to take a much more direct approach and simply ask him his reason. "What the Hell is wrong with you?" my question however didn't come out as I had intended. ...Force of habit. "what?" Valkyrie questioned, unsure of what I was referring to. "I mean... why would you suggest that?" I quickly clarified. "I get that it would benefit me, greatly... But why would you want to? What would you get out of this." Looking around to see if anyone was listening, Valkyrie moved his head closer to the center of the table before replying in a hushed voice. "Simply put, I wanna make a deal. I give you something and you give me something in return." (why the Hell is he trying to be all secretive now? Just a moment ago he was blabbing on about me and Mr Freerights lie to Principle Celestia. Was he trying to act cool?) I thought before replying. "So your offering yourself in exchange for... What? Money? It can't be popularity, just by associating with me practically guarantees you'll be disliked by the school. Your friends will probably all ditch you." He had a thoughtful look on his face after hearing me mention money. Perhaps he had never considered it. Either way, after a moment he shook his head and replied. "I don't want money, and I only have one friend so it shouldn't be much of a problem. What I want is something else." (something else?... Besides money, what else did I have of value. Also, I had seen Valkyrie sitting with another boy alongside Slowdancer on Monday, yet he claims to only have one friend. Maybe I'm being overly cautious but I would feel more comfortable knowing who that other guy was if that was the case.) I thought before replying. "before you tell me what you want in exchange for playing my friend I want you to clarify something for me. You said you only have one friend which I assume is Slow Dancer. Then who was that other boy both of you sat with on Monday during Recess?" "Monday?" he replied, confused as to why I was asking. "wait, you must be talking about Silver Bullet. But that was ages ago, I'm surprised you would even notice. Even more surprised you would remember such a small detail. Either way, that guys an ass! He's no friend of mine." It was odd that I recalled such a small thing, but that's how I was. Unless something grabbed my attention I tended to ignore it to the point of it not existing to me. I've only started remembering people's names because I'm actually focussing on things around me for once, and In this case it was cause I thought there was a contradiction to his story. While it was unimportant, it reminded me of how I noticed the fake Flash Sentry. Even a small detail could be important. With that out of the way Valkyrie continued. "What I want is immunity!" "Immunity?" I questioned. "That's right!" Valkyrie continued. "immunity from you. Whatever little stunt you feel like pulling, I want to be left out. Whenever you feel the urge to mess with someone, I get a pass." "seriously? Is avoiding my antics really equivalent to the secondhand discrimination you'll face by claiming to my friend?" I asked, suspecting there might be more to this. "well, not exactly. I also want immunity from all the other assholes at this school." Valkyrie continued... To my confusion. "other assholes at this school?... Besides me?... Do you mean like Flash Sentry" I asked, not sure who he was referring to. "What?... No! Flash Sentry's a good guy. I'm talking about dip shit jerk faces like Spear Wing, or LimeStone Pie... You do realise your not the only bully in the school, right?" Valkyrie clarified, Although I still had no idea who he was referring to. He must have noticed the confused look on my face as he continued. "I kinda get that your not the most observant guy as you don't remember the names of people as you have a habit of referring to others by an aspect of theirs. Example, all of last year, to you I was Brace Face... But you must know Spear Wing?" my continued confused look answered his question as he continued. "I guess it's not important if you do or not." "I don't get why you would think that associating yourself with me is gonna keep these other supposed bullies away from you. But I guess that sounds fine-" I began, only to be cut off by Valkyrie who apparently wasn't finished. "There's one more thing" Valkyrie interrupted, suddenly becoming much more serious. "and this is the most important one. If you don't agree to this then there's no deal!" I had humourd his request for quite awhile, and honestly, this may be my only chance to gain a friend. Granted I don't actually won't one nor would he truly be my friend. But it was something I could show to Celestia to make it look like I was progressing. So I let him continue. Seeing me patiently waiting for his final term he continued. "your car-" before he could finish he was suddenly distraced by my hostile glare. Becoming nervous, he quickly clarified. "what I mean is. You have a car, and should me... your friend, need a lift somewhere, you wouldn't be against the idea." "So to clarify, you will pretend to be my friend in exchange for me leaving you out of my antics and free lifts when you need" I asked for clarity, to which he seemed to agree. And in all honesty it sounded decently fair, however. My pride wasn't gonna let me just agree to this, not this easily anyway. "No deal!" "What? Why not?" Valkyrie asked, confused as to why I'ld refuse his offer, and he had all rights to be. This deal wasn't a bad deal, and no matter how you looked at it you would expect me to take it. It was mostly fair for both parties involved and gave me the one thing I could never acquire, a friend. But being who I em, I refused. We were on equal terms, something I hated. I didn't want to be equal. "Are serious?" I sarcastically asked. "why the Hell would I agree to that? Your clearly getting 2 to 3 things out of this deal while I get-" briefly pausing, I look Valkyrie up and down before continuing. "That!... Unless you have something to sweeten the deal, I refuse." This was a pretty stupid gambit I was taking as there wasn't anything he had that I wanted. The only reason I was doing something this stupid was because of my pride. Unless I was in control I wouldn't be satisfied. Grabbing his chin in thought, Valkyrie looked down at the table and began to think about what else he could offer. I feared he had nothing and would walk away. Luckily for me that wasn't the case as Valkyries attention returned to me, a spark of hope in his eyes. "I'll throw in my friend Slow Dancer. You don't need to give him the same benefit as me though" Before I could reply another familiar voice from behind Valkyrie interrupted us. "WHAT THE SHIT VALKYRIE!!! Valkyrie moved slightly to his left and turned to see who it was, also giving me a look at the person behind him. The person who had interrupted us was none other than the aforementioned Slow Dancer, who didn't look to pleased that he was being used as a bargaining chip by Valkyrie. He was just a table over and had seemed to have been enjoying his lunch. With an annoyed expression, Slow Dancer got up from his table and made his way to ours, taking a seat just next to Valkyrie. "the Hell do you think your doing?" Slow Dancer asked Valkyrie in a hushed monotone voice. "your not really going through with that stupid plan of yours?" "trust me" Valkyrie un-convincingly replied in a simular tone. "it might take some time but it'll work out." While they were talking in a hushed tone, it wasn't too quiet to the point I couldn't hear them. In fact, I could hear them just fine. I didn't really understand what they were talking about though, but it was probably just something stupid, like an ulterior motive. Although honestly, I would be more worried if they hadn't had an ulterior motive. I was partially worried that someone may had been overhearing our conversation to this point. Luckily for me however, it seemed after the earlier incident with Lucky Clover, everyone lost interest in my actions and were now busy doing their own thing. Finishing their private conversation, Valkyrie turned his attention back to me while Slow Dancer didn't look too pleased. Clearly whatever he had to say was ignored. "So, Cross? Do we have a deal?" Valkyrie asked. I had already planned to agree, but not wanting to look desperate I take a moment before replying. "well, I was gonna say no... but after watching you throw your friend under the bus like that, I think I see you in a new light. You've got a deal!... But one last rule. I'll only give you a lift if you call me on my mobile phone. Even if your standing next to me... I don't like talking to people face to face" I lied as I put my hand out to shake on the agreement. Without hesitating Valkyrie replied. "Deal!" before extending his hand to meet mine. And just like that, a probelm I thought unsolvable was resolved. Mr Freerights lie to Celestia about me making friends, against all odds, was suddenly credible. (Valkyrie, a guy who wants and tries to be part of popular society. And Slow Dancer, who seems more grounded and down to earth. These were my new friends... Even thinking it in my head feels weird. Oh well, it's just a temporary solution.) > Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 005 part 3 Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies (part 3) I quietly finished the mystery meat sandwich I bought for lunch, it wasn't anything special but it wasn't terribly either. While I hadn't particularly enjoyed it I really needed the energy. Across from me at the Table were two other boys, Valkyrie and Slow Dancer. Just a few minutes ago they had struck a deal with me. In exchange for leaving them out of my less than pleasant antics and being a taxi when needed, they would claim to be my friends. While I didn't want a friend, let alone 2, I needed them in order to make good on a lie Mr Freerights told Principle Celestia. In any other situation I wouldn't had bothered, but Principle Celestia had mentioned lessening my counselling days from 5 to 3. I wasn't gonna let an opportunity like that be passed up. Even though things had progressed much better than I could of hoped, by which I mean find someone willing to pretend to be my friend. I found myself with another issue. What do I do now? Our deal was made 5 minutes ago but the both of them were still at my table. "we already made our deal, you two can go now." I told my new fake friends. I was feeling a little uncomfortable that these two had willing stuck around me for so long. I was so use to being by myself that having others around me if they weren't forced to felt odd... Truthfully I preferred to be alone. "well..." Valkyrie began with a nervous look. "we have an agreement, but it's not really as simple as saying we're friends." I wasn't to sure what he was getting at, and it must have been clear to them that I didn't understand as Slow Danfer was quick to clarify. "Sure we could say your our friend, but do you really think people would believe it. People will figure out somethings wrong if we don't act like friends, they'll either think we're being blackmailed or bribed. That's why we need to be convincing." Unlike Valkyrie, Slow Dancer didn't seem hesitant in talking to me. Although the way he spoke to me wasn't how you would see friends talk to one another. Anger and distrust were clearly present in his tone, probably due to the fact that Valkyrie sold him into this agreement. He was probably only going along with this because of how much trust he had in Valkyrie... Although it could also be that Valkyrie was his only friend, meaning he didn't have the luxury ditching him unless he was fine with being a loner. Slow Dancer continued his explanation. "a good way to convince others that were friends is to simply do things that friends would do, Like hanging out. That's why were still here. And FYI, We don't have to enjoy it." "Well good. In that case I think it's going well" I sarcastically reply to Slow Dancer. Slow Dancer may had been giving me a lot of attitude but at least he was honest and straight to the point. I felt more comfortable with his attitude than Valkyrie's, I was use to it. It wasn't long before we returned to quietly sitting there, shortly after I decided I had had enough as it was me to break the silence. "So I'm new to this whole friendship thing and all, but is there another activity we could do besides sitting across from me and awkwardly staring at me in silence?" "We could reavaluate our life choices?" Slow Dancers snidely replied, although it seemed to be directed at Valkyrie rather then me. Valkyrie was quick to catch on as he replied somewhat awkwardly. "haha... Oh Slow Dancer, your such a kidder" (Slow Dancer didn't seem to be joking, Not that I'ld blame him though.) I thought. Valkyrie then turned his attention back to me. "Why don't we start with something relatively easy, like small talk. We can get to know each other better, we might even have something in common" Valkyrie suggested, giving a decent try at relieving some tension. It was common sense that this arrangement was a bad idea, although it seemed that Valkyrie didn't want to admit it. He was doubling down and trying to get this to work, either out of pride or for some sort of benefit I couldn't see yet. I didn't care to learn about them but anything was better than the awkward silent stares. "...sure, why not. Although since I don't care about learning about you two I won't be asking questions, I'll only be answering them." "oh, okay." Valkyrie replied as he thought up his first question. "I'll start with something easy... Tell me about something you like." "I like it when people don't ask me stupid questions" I sarcastically replied. My response was quickly followed up by a question from Slow Dancer. "So then what's something you hate" "I hate it when someone asks me dumb questions" I once again sarcastically answer. "one step forwards, one step in the same spot" Valkyrie remarked. Despite seeing he was getting nowhere he persisted with more questions to my annoyance. "is it true you once took on 10 guys from Canterlot High and won?" "pass!" I abruptly replied. "What's the most illegal thing you've done" Slow Dancer asked, more interested in looking around the cafeteria then our Q&A session. "...Are you wearing a wire?" I suspiciously questioned back. "Have you ever had a Girlfriend?" Valkyrie asked with much more enthusiasm than the other questions. "I've never had a friend" I dryly reply. "How come that girl over there keeps giving you such a shitty look?" came another question from Slow Dancer. Before I could ask what he wa talking about Valkyrie beat me to it."Girl? What girl?" "The purple haired girl over there" Slow Dancer replied as he pointed to a table over on the other side of the room before continuing. "The one with that Farm Girl your always pining over." Me and Valkyrie looked to were Slow Dancer was pointing, it didn't take long to figure put who he was talking about. It was that Rarety girl, the one who works at the Carousel Boutique. She appeared to be with three others. That Farm girl Applejack who Valkyrie appeared to be interested in. a Plump Pink haired girl who I remembered worked at Sugar Cubs Corner, although I had forgotten her name at this point. And the smart lavender girl Twilight, who may or may not know about the shapeshifting bugs that have recently become a nuesence to my life. All but Rarety seemed to be to busy with a conversation while she gave her full attention to trying to burn a hole in the back of my skull with a hate filled glare. "oh, her!" I began to reply to Slow Dancer, placing my attention back towards my new so called friends. "I can think of at least three reasons why, although I'm gonna go with her inability to let things go and move on." my answer just like the rest was vague at best, but I didn't care. I knew and that's all that mattered. I'm sure Rarety was still sore about this mornings incident... And every other time she had to talk to me. After a shared look of confusion between the two, Slow Dancer sarcastically remarked. "So to recap everything we learnt from this Q&A session. You don't like socializing, your very likely a bad person, and people don't like you... In short, nothing new" Once again his remark seemed to be directed at Valkyrie instead of me. "I guess you know everything about me then" I replied in a simular sarcastic tone. "Okay, so maybe it's too soon to be asking you personal questions?... We need to take smaller steps." Valkyrie added as he retook control of the conversation. "I know! How about I tell you a bit about myself, you probably don't know much about me." Instead of replying as he expected, I decided to move things along and tell him what I knew. "Your names Valkyrie, which is more than I care to know. Your only friend is Slow Dancer here, although that seems to be out of situation rather than general interest. You two only hang around each other so your not alone. Your family trains and raises horses which means you likely live out side of town on a ranch. Despite this you consider yourself a farmer, probably because you try to force similarities between your and that Farm girl Applejack you seem to be attracted to even though she clearly has no interest in you. You have a habit of pretending to be confident in an attempt to trick yourself into actually being confident, but once things take a bad turn you quickly cave and give into the other persons demands... Like when you helped me break into Short Stubs locker." Valkyrie just sat there, amazed and confused at how much I knew about him. Honestly, so was I. I hadn't realised how much info I had gained over these past few days. It was Slow Dancer who finally broke the silence. "Who's Short Stub?" "He means Short Stick" Valkyrie replied, still shocked at how much I knew. "you mean that guy who died in a fire?" Slow Dancer asked. "What!?" Valkyrie replied, being snapped out of his shock. "No! He was one of the kids who ran away... No one died in a fire!" "well I don't listen to gossip... I also don't care. Either way you shouldn't be breaking into people's lockers Valkyrie. I'm pretty sure there's a rule about it." Slow Dancer half heartedly replied, he wasn't really invested in the conversation. I could see Valkyrie wanted to respond to that but before he could Slow Dancer quickly turned his attention to me, and with much more interest he asked. "So you surprisingly know a lot about Valkyrie. What about me?" I didn't have to think long about it before replying. "Nothing!" "The Hell!" Valkyrie suddenly snapped. "What do you mean nothing? You named a whole bunch of things about me including habits but you got nothing on Slow Dancer? You at least know his name" "That's were your wrong." I calmly replied." I know about you Valkyrie from a few interactions and watching your failed flirting attempt with Applejack a few day ago. But Slow Dancer, I've never spoken to him once. I'm not even sure if his name is one word or two." "It's two words. Slow, space, Dancer. It's my full name." Slow Dancer answered without me needing to ask, he seemed relieved that I knew nothing about him. "also Cross, you were right with what you said about me and Valkyries friendship, It's circumstantial. Just like Valkyrie I live outside of town, my parents work on his families ranch. While his family trains and raises horses my parents take care of their medical and nutritional needs. Because of this I've known Valkyrie since I was young. Just like you I don't have much interest in making friends, but I'm comfortable enough with Valkyrie that I don't mind being around him." "Yeah... Thanks Slow Dancer... That's why your my best friend" Valkyrie said, void of emotion. (Slow Dancer kinda reminds me of myself a little, except less of an ass. He also seems like a person who doesn't like to stand out, he prefers to go unnoticed.) I thought as I studied him. Before this uncomfortable conversation could go any further the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. As I got up to leave Valkyrie started to talk again. "hey Cross, what class do you have now?" Remembering there was only one more class today I felt some relief as I answered, unsure as to why he cared. "Media!" Turning to Slow Dancer he continued. "Hey Slow Dancer, don't you have media now?" With a annoyed roll of his eyes Slow Dancer reluctantly replied. "...Yeah..." "I guess that means you two are in the same class." Valkyrie continued, to which me and Slow Dancer lightly sighed at. "I've got biology now, and since the science classes are next to the computer room's we can walk to our classes together." This time our sighs were much louder, besides making an annoyed face to acknowledge our disinterest in the idea he ignored us. Uncomfortable with the idea I began to walk off without them while Valkyrie was distracted by Slow Dancer, seemed like Slow Dancer wanted to tell him something. ________________________________________________________________ "I'm telling you Valkyrie, this is a bad idea. And at best, it's stupid." Slow Dancer quietly whispered to Valkyrie after grabbing him by the arm and pulling him closer. Meanwhile Cross had began walking off. "Don't worry I know what I'm doing" Valkyrie replied normally, not seeing a reason to whisper like Slow Dancer. "trust me, this deal works out way better for us than him. I mean, sure we may have to deal with some shit from others for hanging with Cross. But now that were with Cross no ones gonna mess with us, not even him!... Plus his got a car. Think about how much easier it will be to get around town now that we've got a friend with a car! That's a big deal for guys like us who live outside of town. Busses don't even come our way, the closest bus stop is 45 minutes away.... And it rarely shows up" he had yet to realise Cross had left. "People only bully you" Slow Dancer replied as he got up. "and before he drives you anywhere you gotta call him" "it only costs a few cents to make a call, so what? It's better than nothing" Valkyrie confidently replied. "No you idiot!" Slow Dancer replied as he started to walk away. "...If you still don't get it, why don't you try calling him now!" "fine then, I will!" Valkyrie arrogantly replied as he took his mobile phone out of his pocket. After staring at it for a few seconds he understood what Slow Dancer was getting at. "oh... Right. I don't have his number... Hey! Wait up!" he called out as he ran to catch up to Slow Dancer. _______________________________________________________________ I left the Cafeteria ahead of Valkyrie and Slow Dancer. I understood if I was going to convince anyone that I had friends especially Principle Celestia, then I would have to be open to their suggestions. However I was too prideful to simply go along with what they said. I was out of my element, and while their suggestions sounded like things friends would do it felt weird to me. I didn't have much time to think about this new development as heard a familiar voice calling me. "Wait up Cross!" it was Valkyrie, he was running down the hallway to catch up with me, and it seemed he was dragging Slow Dancer by the arm. I didn't bother slowing down. Quickly catching up to me, Valkyrie began walking ahead while Slow Dancer took a more steady pace next to me. "I didn't think you would be one to rush off to class" Valkyrie said as we walked to our classes. "You were in such a rush you didn't realise you left us behind." "yeah... That's why I ditched you" I lazily replied. "oh hey" He continued. "I realised I don't actually have you number, so it would be kinda difficult to contact you as part of our agreement. It would be pretty handy to for situations like-" Valkyrie began to ramble on as I tuned him out. (shit! He caught onto the fact that he didn't have my phone number. I was hoping he wouldn't realise for awhile) I annoyingly thought. From the corner of my eye I caught Slow Dancer snickering as Valkyrie continued to ramble. (Slow Dancer must've made him realise it.) While Valkyrie continued his constant prattling, I felt Slow Dancer lightly nudge my arm. Turning to face him while we continued walking, I noticed his board expression, reminiscent of my own... Just less angry. "I don't trust you" Slow Dancer calmly and quietly said to me. Valkyrie was somehow still talking in the background, he seemed to be listing reasons why having my mobile number was good for both of us. "of course you don't!... You have commonsense... Also, I don't care!" I quietly replied. It's not that I didn't want Valkyrie to overhear us because it might hurt his feelings, I just didn't want to deal with him more than I had to. "It doesn't matter if you care or not! What matters is how far your willing to go." Slow Dancer replied with the same serious expression. "...and it looks like your about to have an opportunity to show me!" Quickly stepping forwards, Slow Dancer shoves Valkyrie in the back. This Sent him hurdelling into a group of three boys, all wearing the schools sports jacket, knocking them down. "THE HELL!!!" Said a surprised Valkyrie as he began to get up. (The Hell indeed) I thought, both surprised and confused. (why did Slow Dancer just do that? What's he trying to gain?) "THE HELL!!!" came an unfamiliar angry voice. It was one of the boys Valkyrie had knocked over, getting up he continued. "WATCH WERE YOUR GOING YOU IDIOT!" Finally getting back on their feet I get a good look at them. The three of them all wore the schools sports jacket just like Flash Sentry and his friends, I assume this meant they were also part of the football team. Among the three it wasn't hard to figure out who the leader was, his body language was much more confident then the other two... also seemed to be the angriest. The boy had bright yellow short hair with light purple skin. He was tall, taller than me by a bit. his build was quite large and muscular, more so than both me and Flash Sentry but no where near Bulk Biceps. The other two boys were clearly just following his lead. Because of this I didn't take much notice of them. "OH SHIT! SPEAR WING!" a shocked Valkyrie said. He clearly knew these guys, or more specifically the leader. (Spear Wing?... I feel like I've heard that name before) I quietly thought to myself as Valkyrie continued. "S-Sorry Spear Wing... I didn't mea-" he didn't get to finish is rushed apology as he was unexpectedly interrupted. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Slow Dancer suddenly began laughing hystericaly while pointing. "Light Weights! Haha... I get it Valkyrie! Light Weights!!" It was if he was as if he was repeating a punchline to a joke Valkyrie had just told, except I know Valkyrie hadn't been telling any jokes... Well okay, I wasn't listening to him 100% but I'm pretty he wasn't. I definitely know Slow Dancer wasn't listening to him either, so what was going on. "LIGHT WRIGHT!!!" the boy apparently named Spear Wing angrily repeated. "What's that supposed to mean Valkyrie!? You been talking trash behind my back again, telling jokes!? You consider yourself a comedian!?... I thought the last time I taught you a lesson it would stick!?" "WHAT?" a shocked Valkyrie cried as he looked around unsure of what was suddenly happening. Slow Dancer was still laughing his ass off. "No!... No, you got it all wrong! I don-" Observing the situation, I was trying to figure out what was going on. (I don't get?... What's Slow Dancer trying to pull? He said something about, while not trusting me he wants to see how far I'm willing to go. Then he shoved Valkyrie into Spear Wing... But what does all of this have to do with it?) Taking a deep breath I continued to observe the scene as Valkyrie continued his frantic apology as Spear Wing became more and more angry. (Spear Wing?... I know I've heard that name somewhere before, but where?... And what's wrong with Valkyrie? He's loosing the colour in his face. I've seen that reaction before, in people just before I kick their ass. But why's Valkyrie having that reaction, as part of our agreement I can't kick his ass. Even if I could, why would I in this situation?) I continued to think. And just like a light being switched on, it suddenly dawned on me. The answer to my question. "OH!!!" I loudly interrupted, getting the attention of everyone presented. "Huh? Cross?" Spear Wing said, now realising I was also here. He didn't look too happy to see me, but then again who is. Valkyrie on the other hand seemed relieved at my interruption as he looked to me with what I would describe as eyes full of hope. He was now somewhat calmer as the colour began to return to his face. I was relieved as well. Honestly, I was a little embarrassed I hadn't caught on sooner. But finally figuring it out, I loudly explained. "Your Spear Wing! The Dip Shit Jerk Face Valkyrie Was telling me about!" The Hallway fell silent, besides us their were a few other students present who weren't involved. As a fire ignited in Spear Wings eyes, The hopefull glimmer in Valkyrie's was replaced with a lifeless staire. Slow Dancer had suddenly stoped laughing as he now appeared to be face palming himself. It looked as though Valkyrie wanted to say something, although for now that would have to wait as Spear Wings fist collided into Valkyrie's stomach, winding him. Taking a few steps back, Valkyrie is grabbed by his shirts collar as Spear Wing pulls him back up so that their face to face before angrily growling. "DIP, SHIT, JERK, FACE!!!" which was then followed up with an overhead punch to Valkyrie's face. Luckily for Valkyrie, his reflexes were quick enough as he managed to raise his arm and defend against the strike. It didn't do much good as the strike carried enough force to send his defending arm into his face... But it's better then nothing I suppose. Meanwhile I calmly stood off to the side, proud that I had figured out where I had heard Spear Wings name. I was bad with names and faces so I was glad to see some improvement. I stood by and watched the fight, although fight wasn't really how I would describe this. Valkyrie seemed to have good reflexes as he was blocking most of the hits, although despite how open Spear Wing was in his assult Valkyrie never took the offensive. It was somewhat fascinating to watch however. Usually if theirs a fight at school it's me against some loser, not two losers going at it. After a moment Slow Dancer interrupted me. "Hey Cross! what the Hell are you waiting for?" Slow Dancer asked. With a loud sigh I reply. "Yeah, I know... It sucks but your right... We better get to class" as I try to leave Slow Dancer quickly blocks my way. "No! We can't just leave... I mean we could, but we shouldn't. Aren't you gonna help Valkyrie" Slow Dancer asked. "Help Valkyrie?" I replied as I slightly turned to the fight. Valkyrie was still on the defense as hit after hit landed. "Help him with what exactly?" I questioned. "To get a girlfriend..." he sarcastically responded. "What do you think I'm talling about, The Fight!... Do something." Rolling my eyes I replied. "Fine... There's no need for all that attitude". Turning my attention back to the fight I thought about what I could do before doing the only thing I could think of. "Valkyrie!" I sternly called out. "do... Better?" I didn't know what Slow Dancer was expecting of me but this wasn't it as determined by his facepalming. It also didn't help that Valkyrie clearly ignored my advice. He wasn't doing better, in fact calling out to him momentarily distracted him, leaving him open for another shot to the gut. "What was that?" Slow Dancer asked. "Do better? What does that even mean?" "Seems pretty self explanatory" I calmly replied. "by help him, I meant jump in their and save his ass!" Slow Dancer Finally explained. "You must be joking?" I calmly replied. "...what are you talking about. Of course I'm not joking." an annoyed Slow Dancer replied. For what ever reason he couldn't see the issue. With a serious gaze I looked at Slow Dancer. "Are you a fool? Valkyrie doesn't need our help against someone that weak, his reaction time is far superior to Spear Wings. It would only hurt his pride if we were to interfere, he would rather die than except help to beat someone so weak!" I confidently explain. "WHY ISN'T ANYONE HELPING ME?" Valkyrie loudly cried in the background. Looking at me with a confuse glare, Slow Dancer continued. "What the Hell are you talking about? He literally just cried for help." With a chuckle I reply. "oh Slow Dancer, don't be naive. He's clearly testing our friendship. If we were to step in it would means we don't trust him. Ask yourself, would you want someone interfering in your fight." "THIS IS NOT A TEST! HELP ME!" Valkyrie continued calling in the background. Not that I would fall for it. With a dull expression, Slow Dancer Facepalmed himself once again. "I think I get it... Cross, those are things you would do isn't it. You prefer to handle things on your own and you wouldn't trust those who didn't trust you to do things." he explained. With a look of confidence I replied. "That's right!... Why?" After rolling his eyes Slow Dancer began to respond. "I get it, you don't really know how to act with others... At least not like a normal human being that is. You've been so isolated and anti-social you never learnt. So a lot of customs and behaviors of friendship are gonna seem strange and foreign to you... Hell, even being a decent person confuses you. But you gotta look at this from a different perspective." With an eyebrow raised I replied. "...what are you getting at?" "what i'm saying is..." Slow Dancer began as he rolled his eyes. "Don't think about what you would do in his situation. We both know you would find a way to win in this situation, I'm guessing you already have... but imagine Valkyrie can't see what you see." (Slow Dancer makes a good point... I could easily win this fight.) I proudly thought as I continued to watch the fight. Spear Wing wasn't releanting in his assult as Valkyrie remained on the defense. (What did he mean about stop thinking about what I would do in this situation? If I can see the openings in Spear Wings clumsy punches surly Valkyrie can as well right?) My confidence in Valkyrie's ability to win began to falter as he took a few more hits followed by once again calling for help. (although then again... He hasn't made much of an effort to fight back, what's with that? Maybe he's waiting for Spear Wing to wear himself out?... No, that would take too long and we need to head off to class. So then what's the point of taking all those hits?... Maybe his right, I've thinking about how I would handle this, but what about Valkyrie? His not as confident as me, or as fearless.. Or aggressive... Or experienced... Or me.... No, no his got this... I think?) My unwillingness to admit being wrong doesn't last however as a hit knocks Valkyrie to his knees. (....Darm it, I see what Slow Dancer was getting at. Valkyrie wasn't waiting for the right opportunity to strike or wearing Spear Wing out, he was getting his ass kicked! I wouldn't usually care but now that his associated with me maybe I should I step in... I mean, that's something a friend would do, right?) still not too sure if I should step in, I looked to Slow Dancer for a sign. he didn't have to say anything, his board annoyed glare was enough of a sign. He was most likely annoyed at how long I had taken to catch on to something so simple. (yeah, I better step in. This is probably what he meant by wanting to see how far I'm willing to go, he wants to make sure I'm also willing to play my part as their friend) "sigh... Quit looking at me like that" I bordly told Slowdancer as I slowly began walking towards the fight. "I got this" Valkyrie was down on his knees hands raised in defense, Spear Wing looked ready to finish the fight as he brought his fist high into the air, ready to bring it down on Valkyrie. They hadn't noticed me approaching nonchalantly from the side. As Spear wing went for the finishing hit I grabbed his arm from the side just before it makes contact with Valkyrie's face. "Wha?... Cross! What d-" a startled Spear Wing begins only to be abruptly cut off as quickly jerk his arm to the side throwing him off balance before giving him a knee to the gut. "ouff..." besides winding him, this sends him stumbling backwards a few meters before collapsing to his knees. "WHAT THE HELL TOOK YOU SO LONG!!" an annoyed and beaten Valkyrie loudly said to me. For someone who's ass I just saved, he didn't seem all that greatful. "...I thought you had this" I stoically replied. "Nooo!" Valkyrie immediately replied. "What part of that did it look like I had!" I didn't want to reply to that, so I didn't. Catching his breath, Spear Wing got back up. "Cross! What the Hell did you do that for? It's not like you to help some loser out!" he angrily said. His two cronies who had been watching from the side were now beside him with him in the middle. To which I stoically replied. "yeah, that's usually true. Except that pathetic loser happens to be my... Friend" there was a slight pause as saying, friend, just felt weird to say. Valkyrie who was still on his knees spoke up. "you know, he only called me a loser. You didn't have to add the, pathetic, part" Looking down at Valkyrie I replied. "Yes... Yes I did" "Hold on a second!" Spear Wing called. "I must still be a bit out of it, but it sounded like you said that wimpy pathetic loser was your friend?" "No you heard me correctly" I disheartenedly replied. "this wimpy pathetic bedwetting loser is my friend." it still felt weird to say, especially with people listening. "quit adding insults!" Valkyrie snapped at us. Most people had already left for class. While people usually stick around during fights, Valkyrie's beating was so one sided that most people had lost interest and left. The few people still in the hallway were just me, Slow dancer, Valkyrie, Spear Wing and his two buddy's, and three nobodies who watched from the sides. With no interest in this situation, I decided to give Spear Wing a chance to back down. "Look, we can continue this if you want. But just a heads up, its gonna be all downhill for you starting now. I can think of 20 different ways this can go and they all end with you in the nurses office." That only seemed to piss him off as he replied with more anger than before. "You think your so tough just cause you got lucky against me a couple times! Well this time me and my friend's are gonna knock you off your high horse. Face it, we outnumber yous 3 to 2 since Valkyrie's in no condition to continue. Even if he was, he wouldn't be much help." "got lucky against you a couple times?" I questioned. I had no idea as to what he had been specifically referring to. "I don't remember ever kicking your ass, or even meeting you before. But don't feel to bad about it. your clearly on the school's football team and I've probably fought every member by now, you can't expect me to remember everyone of you." To my confusion that seemed to pissed him off even more. Luckily for me Valkyrie was willing to clear that up. "you really don't remember him?" Valkyrie asked as if I did. "You really are bad with names and faces... Anyway, you've kicked Spear Wings ass a few times over the past 2 years. And by a few I mean like 20." Despite that claim I still didn't recognise him. "on a side note, you haven't fought the whole football team, or half the team at that. It's always Flash Sentry or Spear Wing." "What?... That can't be right." I objected. "there's no way I would constantly kick this guy's ass and forget about him!... What about the guy on the bus last year? During our teams away game against Cloudsdale?" "Spear Wing." Valkyrie replied. "Then what about the guy in the Cafeteria during the first day back to school this year?" I asked again. "Spear Wing!" Slow Dancer blatantly answered this time. "oh..."I disheartenedly replied, taking a brief pause to think. "Well... What about the guy in the school parking lot who-" "Spear Wing!!" the two boys besides Spear Wing interrupted in unison. Before I could continue further Slow Dancer intervened. "Cross, if there was someone you beat up that was wearing the schools sports jacket, and wasn't someone you know. Then there is a 95% chance that it was Spear Wing." "...Well what about that other 5%?" I asked, unwilling to let this go. "Flash Sentry from an odd angle" Slow Dancer quickly replied. "well, shit..." I disheartenedly said more to myself than anyone else as I crossed my arms and looked up thoughtfully. "I took pride in the fact I had beaten everyone on the football team... This sucks." "ENOUGH!!" Spear Wing angrily shouted. "I've had it with your arrogance! Are you ready to get your ass kicked or not!" His yelling snapped me from my thoughts as I calmly looked at him. Him and his two toadies looked ready to fight, there fists up and expressions full of anger. Despite there willingness for a fight I felt nothing. No, that's not true, if anything I felt slightly disheartened at learning my achievement of beating every member of the football team was a lie created from my ignorance. I felt cheated, even knowing how this would end I felt like I was coming out of this with the short stick. Usually whenever an opportunity for a fight or a chance to do something mean presents itself I feel excited, like you would if you found money on the ground. But this time I felt board, like it was a nuisance, a hassle. I didn't understand why it was different this time. "Hey!" I unenthusiastically call to the three boys ready to fight. "are you really sure you wanna do this?" "What?" Spear wing asked, confused at my question. "well..." I began to reply. "if what everyones says is true. I've kicked your ass on multiple occasions to a point where my victories have been so easy I've never bothered to remember you. What makes you think this times gonna be any different?" "Shut up!" Spear Wing snapped at me. "You just got lucky a few 20 times. Besides, this time it's three on three." shooting Valkyrie a sinister glare he continued. "Although Valkyrie won't be much help at this point." "I don't need Valkyrie to kick your ass." I calmly replied. "besides, I was planning on doing this alone anyway." I could see he wasn't gonna back down, and this time Blueblood wasn't gonna save me the trouble. So I decide to just get this over with. Not in a hurry, I began slowly walking towards Spear Wing and his friends when Slow Dancer called to me. "hold up Cross. Before you go charging in I wanna let you kno-" "I don't want your help!" I interrupted. "as a friend you might feel obligated to fight, but I would prefer you stay out of my way." With a calm demeanor Slow Dancer replied from the side lines. "No, you misunderstand. I wouldn't get involved in something so stupid. What I was gonna say is, no matter what happens, no matter how bad it gets, no matter how beaten or bruised you end up. Even if you were to beg for help. I won't step in. Your on your own." "huh." I replied turning my attention back to the task at hand. "thanks... I actually mean that. I prefer doing things alone." I was glad he was unwilling to help. This may had been a test to see if I would stand up for them, but he also made it clear that he understood we would never be friends. As the first boy rushed me, Valkyrie quickly jumped back to the side lines with Slow Dancer. The boy was charging in for a tackle, aiming for my waist as he leaned forwards. He was probably hoping to take me to the ground to lower my maneuverability and allowing all three of them to stomp the shit out of me. I however wasn't planning the just stand around. Making a sudden dash towards the boy, I preemptively place my hands on top of his shoulders and push myself up. Sending the boy of balance as I go over him while swinging my legs to one side and forwards as I drive my knees into the chest of the second boy who had been following him. The devastating impact of my knee sends the second boy back into some lockers while the first boy who I had vaulted over losses his balance and runs head first into the lockers behind me. With a loud thud the boys face leaves a large dent in the locker before collapsing to the ground. Unlike the one I kneed who was clutching his chest in pain, the boy face planted the locker gave no reaction of pain as he appeared to be past out. (idiot just knocked himself out) I thought as I focused on the next target Not giving them a chance to rest I charge the second boy as he begins getting up, using the locker behind him as a crotch. Spear Wing realising he's now one man down races to block my path. As he winds up a punch in an effort to stop me, I use his slight height advantage to my own as I duck under his punch and continue my mad dash to his winded comrade. Nothing to stop me I deliver a running knee to the boys stomach, putting all my weight and momentum into it. Being against the locker the force causes the locker door to bend inwards as the boys back is planted into it, he spits up saliva as his hunched over body begins to fall to the ground. Hearing foot steps approach me from behind I instinctively grab to collapsing boy by the hair before he can stumble to the ground. turning around I chuck the boy towards Spear Wing, as the boy stumbles into him Spear Wing Braces him up with his arms. This distracts him long enough that he doesn't see my punch wrap around the boys head and collides with Spear Wings at the same time he catches him. The punch carries enough force to knock him to the ground while the other boy finally collapses. Rocked and disoriented, Spear Wing attempts to get back up only to be forced back down as I sit on his chest, my legs pinning his arms to the ground. "oh no! Spear Wing and his toadies just got whooped by Cross! Who could have predicted that" I mocked as I grabbed him by the hair as I pulled my other arm back for a punch. All his confidence had drained away as he looked at me fearfully. "any one with half a brain, thats who. But seriously, yous bearly lasted 15 seconds and didn't lay a finger on me, no wonder your not memorable.... Although, if it's any consolation, I might remember you this time Silver Wing" "...th-that's not... My n-name" Spear Wing managed to say. I knew that, but I also knew it would hurt more if I called him by the wrong name. With a smile I prepared to land the finishing hit. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE" an all to familiar voice interrupted us. Looking up I saw who it was. Vice Principle Luna was holding both Valkyrie and Slow Dancer by the ear as she glared down at me with a very angry expression. "hold on! This isn't what it loks like!" I said as I raised my hands in defiance. "I was mercilessly and savagely beating these guys up." That only caused her scowl to intensify as Valkyrie facepalmed. It seemed the few nobodies who stuck around all ran off when luna appeared. However her scowl turned into a smile which was much more disturbing as she spoke. "I've waited for this day for a very long time. ALL YOU BOYS TO THE PRINCIPLES OFFICE NOW!" Luna called, Letting go of Valkyrie and Slow Dancer before turning her attention to a row of lockers. "don't think I can't see you hiding over there!" Looking to see where Luna was facing it seemed as though one student hadn't ran away in time. There were a few long strands of pink hair poking out from behind a row of lockers as a girl nervously stopped out of her hiding spot. She tried to hide her face behind her long pink hair as she met Luna's gaze. Besides her long pink hair and nervous persona my eyes were drawn to her sweater that she easily filled out. It was than that I recognised her. (it's that busty girl from art. The one who hung around that hippee Tree Hugger.... Butterfly!) After catching their breaths, Spear Wing and his pal picked up the boy who had face planted the locker and helped carry him as Luna marched the Seven of us to the Principles office. > Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 005 part 4 Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies (part 4) Just a moment ago I was in the most mediocre fight of my life, although calling it a fight would be blowing it out of proportion. After Valkyrie, a boy who I made a deal with to pretend to be my friend in exchange for various benefits was assaulted by Spear Wing. I was forced stop step in and carry through my obligation as Valkyrie's friend, and whoop his ass. That was until Vice Principle Luna happened upon us and forced those involved to Principle Celestia's office. Besides me, Valkyrie and Spear Wing. There was also the boy/fake friend in on the deal who orchestrated this fight to test my willingness to play my part, Slow Dancer. Two other boys who were friends with Spear Wing, and who's names I still don't know. And a busty bystander who wasn't smart enough to flee the scene... I think her name was Butterfly. That all happened only moments ago. We were now all currently in Principle Celestia's office, Luna included. Celestia only had three chairs available, one she sat in behind her desk and the other two in front of it. With a total of 8 people now occupying the room, finding seating was a little difficult. While I stood off to the side and leaned against a wall, both Valkyrie and Spear Wing had taken the seats across from Celestia. Luna stood besides her sister the Principle with Butterfly, she was currently doing her best not to bring attention to herself. She was here as a witness which is why Luna had her stand with the Principle and Vice Principle. Slow Dancer on the other hand stood behind Valkyrie while the two boys who's names I didn't know stood on both sides of Spear Wing. Luna was currently reading us our supposed crimes. "Excessive Rough Housing! Disregard and Destruction of School property! Failure to Attend class on time, or at all! Public Disturbance! These are just a few of the rules that have been broken today." Luna finished as she looked to her sister beside her. Luna was looking overly pleased and I think I knew why. This time there was no gettin out of it, Celestia had gone easy on me for a long time, but this was it. "yes, It seems you all have done quite a number today." Celestia replied with a stern expression. But her words seemed to mostly be directed at me. "I was hoping you would change, but perhaps I was wrong." (well there goes my chances at reducing my counseling sessions.) I disheartenedly thought as I looked away. (...Shit, if I'm lucky that will be my only punishment.) My thoughts were interrupted as Luna once again began basking in my unfortunate situation. "It's about time something is done about that one. Cross is the most ill behaved student in our school, how he has managed to avoid expulsion this far is due to your too forgiving nature, sister!" With her same stern expression, Celestia replied. "Before any punishments are to be given, I would to know the details of the event." Luna didn't seem to happy at her responses as her reply was full of agitation. "tis a waste of time dear sister. I have already named all the rules that were broken, if you are hoping to find some ray of hope that this was a misunderstanding don't get your hopes up. I know a lost cause when I see one." Celestia seemed very displeased with Luna's choice of words, but before she could voice her displeasure Slow Dancer interrupted. "hold on a second! I just wanna make one thing clear. I wasn't involved in any fight, I'm just a bystander. That's why I'm not bruised like these guys." Slow Dancer may had instigated this whole fight, but he had never counted on the slim chance of the principles getting involved. All he could do know was try and remove himself from the situation. I however wasn't gonna let him throw us under the bus. "geez Slow Dancer, by that logic I wasn't involved in the fight either." I sarcastically replied as I spread my arms out to show I wasn't bruised either. This seemed to piss him off as he shot me an annoyed glare. To regain our attention, Celestia spoke up. "how involved each of you were will be determined shortly. Once I have all the details we can-" Before Celestia could finish her sentence, Luna interrupted. "oh please sister... Even I could probably guess what happened. These five boys did something that slightly displeased Crosses fragile ego, and with him being a sociopath decided to make them pay for whatever childhood drama he suffered many years ago." "What?" I replied, surprised at Luna's words. It seemed she thought I had also assaulted Valkyrie and Slow Dancer. Once again displeased at her sisters careless words, Celestia spoke up. "Please watch what you say Luna, I'm sure there must be a reason for Cross assaulting these five boys... Even if it is a vain one." (did Principle Celestia just call me Cross?... Usually she calls me by my actual name. Maybe it's cause all these other people are here?... Wait! They both think I assaulted these five... Well given precious events I can see why they would think that. But that's not the case) I thought in a panic. If didn't sort this out I would be in a lot more trouble then I need. "Hold on! I didn't beat up all 5 of these idiots. Only Spear Wing and that dumb ass, the one who doesn't have a bruis on his face" I explained as I pointed to one of the boys beside Spear Wing. "hey!" the boy with the bruis on his face snapped at me. "What about me? you knocked me out cold for a minute!" "No I didn't.... You knocked yourself out by running head first into the lockers" I stated. "Hold on!" Principal Celestia interrupted us before we could continue our arguing. She seemed confused about something as she looked to her Sister Luna for a brief moment, hoping Luna would clear up what ever it was she was confused about. When Luna offered no answers her attention turned back to us. "Cross, if what your saying is true, you claim you are only responsible for the injuries of those three boys." she continued as she cast her gaze towards Spear Wing and his friends. Rolling my eyes I clarified. "No... What I said is that I'm the one who beat up Spear Wing and Dumb Ass 1. Sure I may be partially responsible for Dumb Ass 2's injury, but I think his at more fault then me." "Choice of words aside!" Celestia replied sternly. "are you saying you are not responsible for Valkyrie's current state?" Bruises had already appeared along Valkyrie's arm and face, and while not visible I was certain he had them on his torso. "What are you trying to imply Sister?" Luna interrupted. "knowing Cross, he just didn't notice assaulting Valkyrie! Why when I arrived he was atop Spear Wing mercilessly beating him, while three others lay injured on the floor. You keep deluding yourself with the idea that their is good in him... That's why I have brought Fluttershy here as a witness, to stop Cross from weaselling his way out this time." she finished as she turned to the girl who's name I had apparently gotten wrong. Fluttershy however didn't seem to enjoy the new found attention of Principle Celestia as she shyly looked to the ground as her hair covered part of her face. After a nudge from Vice Principle Luna she bearly managed a few words. Although they were barely louder than a whisper, mice make louder noises. "...i-it's... t-true..." "See dear Sister!" Luna instantly began again. "He tries to Lie to you even when the his caught red handed. You have been far too lenient on that boy and given him too much trust. You can't keep letting this go on." (Well shit. I guess it doesn't matter though, 3 counts of assult wasn't much better than 4 anyway. I don't blame Fluttershy for throwing me under the bus on this. Whether she told the truth or not wouldn't change the outcome... I was already at the end of my rope, guess this is it.) I thought fairly calmly. I wasn't as effected by this as I thought I would be. Perhaps subconsciously I knew I couldn't stay out of trouble... Not like I made much effort either. As I accepted my situation I couldn't help but wonder why Celestia seemed so hung up on this minor detail. What did it matter. As I thought that I noticed Fluttershy nervously fidgeting, like she wanted to say or do something but wasn't sure if she should. Principal Celestia must had noticed it as well as she once again turned her attention to her. "Fluttershy!" Celestia said, gaining the young girls attention. "when you say, it's true. just what are you referring to?" Celestia asked in a calming tone. Becoming a bit braver, Fluttershy responded. "...What C-Cross said... He never hurt Valkyrie." "So Valkyrie had his injuries before the fight, what does that prove!" Luna loudly cut in. Although Luna did have a point. What difference did it make? "I don't think that is the case." Celestia replied. "Valkyrie's wounds are definitely recent." after examining his wounds for a moment she decided to just take a more direct approach. "Valkyrie. How did you obtain those injuries?" a bead of sweat ran down Spear Wings forehead "Injuries?" Valkyrie repeated as he crossed his legs while leaning back into his chair, His arms going over the back. He also seemed to be talking in macho tone for some reason. "oh! you mean my battle scars." at that moment he winked at Fluttershy. "I can't say I quite remember where I got them all from, but its likely that they are from a gang of delinquents I had the unfortunate pleasure of running into yesterday. There were probably 12 of them and they were harassing a young girl. For most people they would think it too dangerous to try and help when there so greatly outnumbered. But I wasn't gonna let that sto- OWWW!" Valkyrie's delusional story had been cut short as Slow Dancer pressed into a Bruise on his arm. (was that idiot trying to impress her with that fake story? He does realise she just watched him get his ass kicked, right?" I thought, thankful that Slow Dancer had put an end to his bull shit. "The Hell Slow Dancer?" Valkyrie whined as he rubbed the bruise that pressure had been applied to. "Oh! I didn't think a big strong man like you would even notice." Slow Dancer replied sarcastically before continuing on normally. "You do realise she was their? So unless she's really into guys who do great impressions of punching bags I don't think you have a chance." "what's the point of asking such an obvious question." Spear Wing interrupted. "Who else here is a psychopath with a violent history!" He was desperate to put this on me, while his cronies nodded and agreed. Meanwhile, Valkyrie's not wanting to look like a loser in front of a girl wasn't helping deflect suspicion that I was somehow involved. Even Slow Dancer kept his mouth shut, but he didn't like me much to begin with and he was against me and Valkyrie's deal. so he wasn't gonna do me any favours. I on the other hand... Didn't care. What difference did it make if I beat up 3 people or 4. I was only half paying attention at this point as I awaited a punishment. With conflicting stories, people staying quiet, and a general lack of investment in the situation Celestia was noticing, she loudly sighed before turning once again to nervous top heavy girl. "Fluttershy! As a unbiased third party witness, could you tell me how Valkyrie acquired his injuries." "...s-sure..."Fluttershy nervously replied, once again becoming the center of attention. "I don't know why, but Spear Wing was hitting Valkyrie... That's how he got hurt." "Hitting?" Luna asked, surprised by this. "you mean to say Spear Wing and Valkyrie were fighting." "Oh, goodness no." Fluttershy responded. "they weren't fighting. Valkyrie never even threw a punch or attempted to fight back." Sweat was running down Spear Wings face after hearing Fluttershy's testimony. Looking nervous, Valkyrie cut in. "oh... Well that's because... Because I was afraid I might accidentally kill him" he was once again full of confidence. "I didn't want Spear wing to end up like one of those 15 delinquents I was telling you about." "15?" Slow Dancer sarcastically questioned. "just a moment ago there were 12." "Oh?..." Valkyrie uneasily replied." Well... if you had let me finish the story you would know 3 more showed up." "So what!?" an irritated Luna asked. "Whether it's 3 or 4 people, the fact remains that Cross has broken multiple rules." "That may be the case, but I would like to know all the circumstances" Celestia patiently replied. "So then, Valkyrie was getting assaulted by Spear Wing. But how did Cross get involved? Did Spear Wing Provoke him in someway?" "...no..." Fluttershy began to reply. "...Cross wasn't provoked in anyway, he helped Valkyrie. When Spear Wing was about to finish off Valkyrie, Cross stepped into the fight and grabbed Spear Wing before kneeling him to the chest." "Helped Valkyrie?... Why?" Celestia Questioned. "hmm!... Oh, I think I was obligated to." I half heartedly reply. "Why would you feel like you were obligated to help?" Celestia asked with an eyebrow raised. "Well isn't that what friends do?" I asked back. I wasn't the most well versed in friendship so I wasn't sure. "...that's right." Luna replied. "but what does that have to do with this?" "Well, he's my friend." I bluntly replied. There was brief moment of silence as both Celestia and Luna just looked at me.... And then Luna burst out laughing. "ha... Haha.... Hahaha,HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!-" Luna reacted as if she had just been told the most funniest joke of her life. It was also somewhat odd seeing her smile for once. "Haha...ha... Sorry about that." Luna continued, regaining her composure. "could you repeat that? I misheard you as I heard something absolutely ridiculous." "ah, yes. Could you say that again." Celestia added. "I seem to have misheard you as well. Begrudgingly I obliged. "I said!... Valkyrie is my... Friend." This was accompanied by another moment of silence as Celestia and Luna exchanged looks of confusion. Luna then turned back to me skeptically with an eyebrow raised. "Bull Shit!" "Sister!" Celestia snapped at Luna. Ignoring Celestia, Luna continued. "That is easily the worst attempt at lying I've ever seen. Usually your a lot more clever than that Cross." "What! No, it's true" I replied before Angrily turning to Valkyrie and Slow Dancer. "Hey Dumb Ass! Tell her!" "What? Oh, right." Valkyrie replied nervously. "yeah, me and Cross are friends". Meanwhile Slow Dancer ignored me. With a stoic look and a roll of her eyes, Luna responded. "Sure, real convincing... It's clear your trying to intimidate him into going with what you say." (Shit! This is looking bad.) I worryingly thought as a looked from Sister to sister. Celestia didn't say anything. She just sat there with a look of disappointment on her face. (there not believing me, and I'm not doing a good job at being convincing. They don't trust me, and for good reason... But there is someone they do trust) "well if you don't trust me, how about her?" I calmly asked a I looked to Fluttershy. "What?" Luna questioned. "you really should learn when to give up... But I'll humour your request!" she smugly continued as she turned to Fluttershy. "w-well..." Fluttershy began. "...after Cross knocked Spear Wing away from Valkyrie, Spear Wing asked why he would bother to step in and help Valkyrie. ...And Cross said, usually he wouldn't, but that pathetic loser is my friend." "See!" Luna triumphantly said. "undeniable proof that you are friends with Valkyrie!." "...but...?" Valkyrie began to question until Celestia cut him off. "just give her a moment" After a moment passed Luna realised what had happened. "wait!... What? No. That's impossible." she looked confused." wait! If their friends, why did it take so long for Cross to step in? Valkyrie must had been wailed on for sometime to get all those bruises." she excitedly asked Fluttershy, thinking she was on to something. "...Cross thought Valkyrie had this." Fluttershy replied. "Which I Did!" Valkyrie added as everyone gave him a brief glance before returning their focus to Fluttershy. "...He didn't" Fluttershy continued. Luna was speechless, whlie Celestia stared at me in disbelief before speaking. "wait! Are you serious?... You've actually made a friend?" With a sigh I responded. "...yeah..." "and you faught to protect your, friend, Valkyrie?" she continued. "...yeah... So what?" I asked. Flustered, Celestia replied "it's just... I mean... Mr Freerights told me you were making progress, that you made a friend. But I didn't actually think he was telling the tru-... I mean, I don't know what to say. This is all happening so fast." (I thought it was weird that she didn't believe I made a friend even though Mr Freerights told her I had.... He was probably confusing her sarcasm for sincerity.) I thought as Celestia collected her thoughts. "erhmm... Anyway." Celestia continued. "one question still remains. why did Spear Wing assult Valkyrie?" "I can answer that" Slow Dancer replied. "on our way to class Valkyrie was telling me a joke. however he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and accidentally bumped into Spear Wing after telling me the punchline. As I began laughing, Spear Wing misread the situation and thought Valkyrie was trying to make a joke out of him. Losing his temper, Spear Wing Assaulted Valkyrie until Cross stepped in." "I think I see" Celestia replied as she turned her attention to Spear Wing who was currently sweating bullets. "yes. I think I have a real good idea what happened. And Cross" she continued, turning her attention back to me. "I would like talk to you further about your new friend but I may have my hands full for the rest of the day with this, so it'll have to wait till Monday. For now you, Valkyrie, and Slow Dancer can leave. I won't be needing you for this. Although if it wouldn't be much trouble, I would ike you to stick around a little longer Fluttershy." "Fine!" I arrogantly replied. "I'll leave!... but for how long?" For some reason my question gained a look of confusion from the sisters. Before she could respond, Valkyrie grabbed me by the arm and began pulling me towards the door. "don't make trouble, let's just go!" he then turned back to the two highest figures in the school. "Goodbye Principle Celestia, Vice Principle Luna." I didn't put up any resistance as Valkyrie pulled me out of the room. I never liked being in Celestia's office so I didn't need much convincing. As I walked through the door I caught one final glance of the two sisters. Celestia had an odd look of hope, one I hadn't seen in a long Time. Luna on the other hand had a look of anger, once again I managed to avoid any serious punishments. Deciding to follow Valkyrie's example I said my goodbyes. "Good by Principle Celestia" but as I turned to Luna my goodbye was more sarcastic. "and goodbye Principles Assistant Luna". As the door closed behind me I could her Luna yell out to me. "IT'S VICE PRINCIPLE LUNA!" After walking down the hall for a moment I stoped. "so do either of you know how long it's for?" I asked. Looking to me with confusion Valkyrie replied. "how long whats for?" "Our Suspension" I clarified. "What the hell are you talking about?" Slow Dancer asked this time. "she told us to leave but she didn't specify for how long" I answered. "she just meant leave her office, not the school. We just head to class now" Valkyrie replied. "No, trust me on this. After all my fights I usually get suspended for a few days" I confidently replied. After exchangeing confused looks with each other, Valkyrie said. "Cross, as weird and unusual as this might sound, their is no punishment because... In this situation, your the good guy." "or at least the lesser of two evils" Slow Dancer added. "like you can talk." I angrily replied to Slow Dancer, remembering how this all started. "This was all your doing! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kick your ass!" Calmly, Slow Dancer replied. "I would like to say you can't touch me due to the deal you made with Valkyrie... But he made sure to exclude me from any benefits yous agreed on. So how about this. Thanks to this event your claim of having friends will not only seem credible, but it should help spread the story as well. The more people that talk about it, the more real it seems. I don't know why you need that but Valkyrie assured me it was important to you." (seems Slow Dancer doesn't know about my counselling sessions or my dealings with Mr Freerights. Valkyrie must have kept his mouth shut about my personal problems and only gave him vague information. But why not tell him?... Either way, Slow Dancer must trust Valkyrie enough to go along with him.) I thought. "what you say does have some truth, although it still pisses me off!... But I'll let it slide. It did work out for me in the end... Probably." I replied half heartedly. "I guess I'll head of to class then. No point waiting around doing nothing when I could be in class... Sitting around... And doing nothing." "You go ahead. I wanna talk to Valkyrie for a minute" Slow Dancer said as he grabbed Valkyrie by the shoulder. "and Cross, if you think it's about you, that's cause it is. But it's mostly gonna be me repeatedly saying this is a bad idea to associate with you and that Valkyrie's an idiot... So nothing you don't already know." "oh right, your in my Media class... I forgot. ...Also I don't care." I replied. "You played your parts as my friends less then adequately... Or maybe better than I think? I don't really get friendship. But the point is this. Were not friends, so I don't care about your personal feelings or actions towards me. As long as you are somewhat convincing that we get along we won't have a problem." With that I began heading to class. _____________________________________________________________ After a few parting words Cross left. Now alone, Slow Dancer looked to Valkyrie with his usual neutral expression. But before he could say anything, Valkyrie cut him off. "the hell was that Slow Dancer! Why did you have to get my ass kicked just to see if he was willing to keep his end of the deal." Valkyrie snapped at him. "Like I told Cross" Slow Dancer began. "it will help spread the story that were friends with him. Now people like Spear Wing will think twice before messing with us. Although, so will everyone else. I'm surprised Cross would even go along with this, or why he would want this? He doesn't actually want friends, that much I'm certain." "it's no secret really" Valkyrie replied. "he's a delinquent and has been on thin ice for sometime. He desperately needed some good publicity to show he has the potential to become a decent person to the principle, and since Friendship is kinda her trigger word. Well, let's just say it's a case of you scratch my back I'll scratch yours." With a sceptical expression, Slow Dancer replied. "the main issue is how this will go in the long run. I still say it's hopeless and that we should bail." "No way!" Valkyrie immediately replied. "all of last year we were nobodies, and this year hasn't gone much better so far. I'm tired of being in the background. Were in highschool, we should be making memories that will last us years. I don't wanna be a background character, some unpopular nobody. So I'm gonna use Cross to change that. We just need to work on Crosses image a little to make him more social... Or at least change him from an antisocial psycho bully bad boy, into a heart throb bad boy that good girls go crazy for. Our click will become the most popular in the school, we will be able to have any girl we want!" through his speach Valkyrie had become increasingly excited, much to Slow Dancers annoyance. "I don't want any girl" Slow Dancer annoyingly replied. "or guy then. Better?" Valkyrie sarcastically replied. Ignoring Valkyrie's joke, Slow Dancer replied. "No. I don't care about popularity either." Still excited, Valkyrie continued. "The point is with him on our side we could do so much more! I wanted to do this for a long time but never had a chance to approach him. But now that I have something to offer I have a chance to live out all my highschool fantasies. Highschool starts now!" "you watch too many teen dramas." Slow Dancer stoically replied. "Besides, first you have to take the most despised unlikable person and turn them into something likeable. Well, I guess anything else is still arguably better... I got a feeling this is gonna get a lot worse before gets better." ______________________________________________________________ Leaving Slow Dancer and Valkyrie behind I headed to my final class of the day, Media. I didn't care what Those two were talking about, I knew it was about me but I had something else on my mind. (...Why am I still here? Usually after a fight I would be suspended for a few days or at least be sent home for the rest of day. I always assumed that's what happened to everyone involved. I guess even when I made it self-defense they saw through it, though I think I got lesser punishments thanks to that.) I soon arrived to class. Once I entered the teacher took notice of me, the students however were to busy doin their own individual things on the computer. "Cross! So you decide to attend class after all. You better have a good reason for only just showing up." the Teacher asked. I couldn't remember the teachers name, actually, I wasn't sure I even knew it. He had only started working here this year so I wasn't very familiar with him. Didn't help that I'm bad with names and faces either... Or that I treat Media like Art classes, by doing the bare minimum and slacking off. "i don't know. I was pretty certain I wasn't gonna show up at all... But here I em" I vaguely replied to the teachers confusion. Seeing his puzzled expression I elaborated. "I just came from the Principles office, I was in a fight but was told to just go to class." "huh... Well that sounds about right" the teacher replied. "go take a seat. Were just continuing our work from yesterday." Since I missed class yesterday I didn't know what he was talking about ...not like I planned to do any work though, class was already halfway through. Before heading to an empty computer I remembered that Slow Dancer was in this class and that he would be along shortly. "oh right, there's something you should probably know." I stopped and said to the teacher. "On my way to class I passed a student who I think is supposed to be in this class, I think his name is Slow Dancer?... Anyway, he was just loitering in the hall so when I asked why he wasn't in class he didn't answer and instead asked me the same question. I don't think he realised were in the same class, so when he arrives he may try to use my excuse. Although if you look at him he clearly wasn't involved in any fight." Slow Dancers publicity stunt from earlier may help spread the news that I had gathered friends but it still pissed me off. And while I wasn't gonna do anything directly to him I would like to give him that same inconvenience. With scepticism the teacher replied. "huh, I didn't picture you as the type to rat on others." With a smirk I replied before taking a seat at an empty computer. "Just because I break the rules doesn't mean others should." A minute latter Slow Dancer arrived, and just as expected the teacher didn't beleive a word of his story. I may not had been able to hear what they were saying as the noise from other students drowned them out, but their facial expressions and body language said all I needed to hear. The Teacher face became increasingly dissatisfied while Slow Dancer seemed confused, probably due to not knowing why the teacher strongly didn't beleive him. Only after the Teacher pointed at me did his look of confusion get replaced with one of understanding as he gave me a shitty glare. He was soon sent back to the principles office, probably to get a note from Celestia to explain he had been telling the truth. A few minutes later I felt something hit the back of my chair. Turning to see who it was I saw Slow Dancer, he had returned without me noticing. "your an Ass." an irritated Slow Dancer said. "said the guy who instigated a fight that got his friends ass kicked just to prove a point" I bluntly replied as I turned back to the computer. I wasn't doing work as much as I was looking up random facts, I was just running out the clock until school was over. Slow Dancer with nothing else to say went away. He wasn't as cooperative as Valkyrie in making it look like we were friends, although neither was I. Well, that and he got nothing out of the deal... Also he wanted nothing to do with it. Besides looking up random junk I also thought about how eventful today had been. I never really interact much with people before and now here I was with 2 fake friends. I also thought a lot about my fight with Spear Wing. it was unsatisfying, usually I felt some kind of rush or excitement from doing something like that. Even going all the way back to Monday when Blueblood had me tear down all of Mayor Mares propaganda it lacked the usual excitement I got from doing something bad. All the small encounters and conflicts that usually gave me a sense of excitement seemed more like a hassle then anything else. Although thinking back I think it may had been like that for awhile. There were a few times when I felt the rush I was fond of. Before I could continue those thoughts however I was interrupted by the school bell, signaling that at last school was over. I made my way out of class, wanting to leave school grounds quickly as I headed straight for my car. (I don't wanna run into Valkyrie. Thanks to Spear Wing he forgot to get my mobile number, and I hope to keep it that way for as long as I can so I don't have to taxi him around.) I annoyingly thought before realising something. (...Actually, I don't know my mobile number. Even if he asked I wouldn't know it, and I'm not to sure how to find out what it is. I'm not to familiar with mobile phones as this is the first one I've owned. Maybe it's listed in it somewhere?... I'll check later.) It was a short walk from class to my car, luckily I hadn't run into any distractions. Getting into the drivers seat I started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot. I didn't have a destination in mind just yet but I wanted to be sure to avoid my so called, friends, so that I wouldn't have to keep my end of the barging just yet. As I drove I thought about where to go. (I need to go to the library and find my grandfather's book. It's a long shot but it might hold some useful information. Although, if I remember correctly, mum said the Library is run by volunteers and only opens around 3. I don't know how reliable these volunteers are so it may not be open yet. I also remember mum saying I should swing by city hall as she might need a hand setting up for Har-Fest. Sure the last few tasks had me running around and took all day, but she's my mum. And even If I don't like it she's family, and as I was raised, we always come through for each other... Usually. Besides, I'm not in a rush. For whatever reason those bugs aren't coming after me.) With that decided I headed for Cityhall. > Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 005 part 5 Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies (part 5) I arrived at Cityhall, parking my car under the shade created from the shadow of the tall white building. I had decided to come here to see if my mother needed help setting up for Har-Fest, instead of going to the Library to search for my Grandfathers book that may hold answers I'm looking for. The Library was run by volunteers and only opened around 3. As it was only a bit passed 3 o'clock I decided to go help my mum first as the Library may not be open yet. Although it seemed I could take my time with going to the Library. The bug monsters I assumed were hunting me didn't seem to be pursuing me at all, so I was in no rush. As I walked up the stairs leading to the entrance of city hall I hoped whatever task my mother may have for me would be unlike the last two which took up most of the day. I notice The Townsquare behind me as I entering the building. Just like yesterday it is littered with people doing various tasked to have it prepared for Tommorow. Now standing in the spacious lobby of Cityhall I notice how quiet it is as I recognize the familiar atmosphere of the uneventful room. Noticing that not even the receptionist, Merry Go-Round, is present to greet me... Not that she would have anyway. But even without her lackluster drive to do her job to act as a glorified map of Cityhall and point me and the direction of my mother's office, I can manage. I've been here enough times to know where everything is. It's not long before I arrive at my mother's office, I don't bother knocking as I enter. I see my mother is behind her desk hard at work as usual, I think? Honestly I don't know if her jobs all that hard, but she definitely puts a lot of time and effort into it. Her office is much more messy since yesterday. Hearing my footsteps she looks up from her desk. Noticing me approach she seems to have a confused look on her face as she asks. "Shouldn't you be at school?" Hesitantly I reply as I stand before her desk."...school only goes till 3" Looking to a clock on the wall she has a look of realisation. My mother has a habit of loosing track of time when she focuses on a task. She may not be the quickest to do things but shes always willing to put in the time and effort. "So?... Need any help with anything?" I hesitantly asked. "hmmmm?" my mother responded, taking a moment to think. "actually, we should be good." "what? Seriously? What about what you said to me this morning" I complained. I don't know why I bothered complaing, usually hearing I'm not wanted would be good news. Maybe I just wanted to do something normal to get my mind off my supernatural situation... Maybe I just liked complaining. "well" mum began to reply. "originally I did need your help to just run some small errands for me, but I found someone else to do all those small tedious chores. I talk to Mayor Trade about having- Oh! I think I can hear her coming now." As if on cue, Merry Go-Round entered the room. She was covered in what I assumed to be mud. She also looked exhausted which wasn't a big change from her usual look, which was a mix of disheartened and board. "...it's done!..." Merry Go-Round tiredly said. "...my favorite pair of shoes were destroyed... And what little self respect I had was crushed... But it's done!..." she was slouching over, looking like she was ready to collapse at any moment. She hadn't even noticed I was there yet. "Here's my new assistant now." mum excitedly said as she gestured towards Merry Go-Round. "you know Merry Go-Round the receptionist, right?" From what I could tell, Merry Go-Round had just returned from running some BS task for my mother. One that had exhausted her both mentally and physically. Finally noticing I was there, Merry looked up at me with a look of disgust. "oh good. And here I thought my day couldn't get any worse." she spat sarcastically. "well I'm out of magazines to steal but I'm sure you'll find some other way to make this day marginally worse." "magazine's to steal?... Oh, right." I repeated, only just remembering I swiped her copy of Vanity magazine yesterday. (I think I dumped it under the drivers seat of my car.) I thought as I tried to recall what I did with the stolen property. Ignoring Merry Go-Round, mum continued. "I made her my assistant this morning. After the phone and computer in the lobby mysteriously broke, she didn't have much to do as a receptionist. So I talked to Mayor Trade about having her run tedious errands for me as my assistant. He didn't really care, but I managed to talk him into giving me complete control of her as her new temporary boss." "Mysteriously broke!?... The phone and computer didn't mysteriously brake!" Merry angrily snapped at my mother. "it was you! I saw you do it! This is all a part of your little game to drive me crazy and destroy my sanity." Merry screamed like a mad woman. Once again ignoring Merry Go-Round, mum continued. "So as you can see, I don't need your help any more. But trust me, the things that needed doing were all very shitty. If anything, I would say you dodged a bullet on this one. ...speaking of work" she continued as she finally turned to Merry before grabbing a stack of papers from her desk. "I need you to go around to all the farms contributing in Tommorows Har-Fest and have them sign these last few forms that say how the proceeds from Tommorows event will be split equally." "you want me to go back out to all the farms?..." Merry complained. "But I was just there this morning, why not have me do it while I was there? Some of those places are a 2 to 3 hour drive. Plus I only work till 5 o'clock." "don't be ridiculous" mum replied. "you need to account for return Time as well so it's more like a 4 to 6 hours drive. And I don't mind if you go over time, as long as those forms are filled out and on my desk by Tommorow morning. "...I hate my job" Merry Go-Round disheartenedly said as she took the stack of papers and left the room. (Mums pretty good at taking charge of a situation. I'm pretty sure I get my attitude from her.) I admirably thought as Merry left before turning to mum. "well I guess there's no reason to hang around here anymore. Guess I'll head over to the library and try to find Grandpa's book. What was the title again?" "you probably wouldn't remember it all if I told you again. ...It's really long and really stupid." Mum replied. "Just ask the librarian for help and tell her the authors name. Should be enough to locate it if they still have it. If they don't you could always get the second copy from your grandmother." "Second copy?... What are you talking about?" I questioned while mum began rifling through the files on her desk. "Well I guess the correct term would be, rough draft. But besides the finished copy that he tried to get published he also had another copy, one that was more of a mess." mum replied. "...Why didn't you tell me about it before!?" I snapped. Confused by my rash attitude, mum responded. "Should I have? You never asked about it before so I never thought you'ld be interested. You father told me you were asking questions about the copy he received so I only told you about that one." "yeah okay, I see your point. I've been kinda vague about my interest in it so far." I replied. "Well I'm gonna head off now." I continued as I began to leave. As I reached the door mum called out to me one last time. "Drifting! Even though you didn't do anything, Thanks for coming to help me. ...And try stay out of trouble." With that I left her office and began to make my way to the lobby. (Well I guess dad never actually said their was only one copy of grandfather's book. Although, I guess theirs only one copy of the finished product. I'll focus on getting the one at the Library for now and get the rough draft later if it's related to my issue.) I think as I walk through the lobby of Cityhall, glad to have a backup plan if things don't work out. But my train of thought is cut short as I reach for the door handle to the front do of Cityhall. I suddenly get a sick feeling in my stomach, like something bad is about to happen. It's like my instincts are trying to warn me about something. Just then the lighter in my jacket pocket warms up for a second before cooling down almost as fast as it warmed up. The sudden unexpected feeling caused me to freeze up for a moment as I just stood there. After a few seconds I regain my composure. (shit!... It's been such a peaceful day that I practically panicked for a second when I thought something was wrong.) I thought as I shrugged it off. (given the range of the lighter one probably walked by outside. I don't know how many of them there are in total, but they must have a few walking around. Hopefully my Grandfathers book will have some information that could be useful.) Putting the momentary event behind me I left City hall, before getting into my car and heading to my next destination. Golden Oaks Library. The drive is short thanks to the fact that Golden Oaks Library isn't too far away from City Hall. I Parked right in front of the Library which was technically a drop off point/bus stop, but I didn't plan to stay long. I Make my way up a set of stairs to Wooden doors at the entrance. The Library itself is a simple large square building with very little detail. Golden Oaks Library is one of a few buildings that have been around since the founding of Ponyville. This means it's quite old, and unlike Cityhall it hasn't exactly been maintained very well. Pushing open the large wooden doors I'm fairly surprised at how the interior looks. While the Library looks old and poorly maintained from the outside, the inside looks... Also old and poorly main, but with shelves full of books. I had thought that perhaps the inside would have been updated at some point, but I was wrong. It also didn't help that for awhile Golden Oaks Library had practically been abandoned after the Librarian left and they couldn't find a replacement so they closed it down. Because of this the place became poorly maintained, even after reopening with the help of volunteers it was still clear this place was falling apart. I hadn't been here in a very long time but I didn't expect it to look so run down. Most of the large room was full of towering shelves filled with books, they covered the walls and formed many isles to walk through. In one corner were a few tables with computers for the public to use, However the computers weren't your current day flat screen monitors. They were large hulking fat models. I honestly hadn't seen computers these old since I was really young, anyone slightly younger then me probably wouldn't have seen this type of model period. Opposite the computers on the other side of the room in the corner were some empty chairs and tables hidden behind a few shelves. Probably to sit and read. But in the center of the room with a path leading to it was large wooden counter that squared off a small bit of the area with a pile of books stacked high on it and a computer. This seemed to be the main counter/checkout station. This was where I was heading as I would likely find the Librarian if I hung around it. I could try to find the book myself, but I wouldn't even know we're to begin searching. As I approach the counter with a set of books stacked high I begin to hear the sound of someone happily humming. It sounds distinctly feminine but I can't see anyone. Making it to the counter I realize the humming is coming from behind the stack of books. In an attempt to get whoever is behind the books. Attention, I loudly clear my thoughts. "ah-hmm" However it was ineffective as who ever was just out of sight ignored me. So I try again, this time more rudely. "AH-HMM!!!" But just like my first attempt it was ignored. So I decide to dial my rudeness up to eleven... Out of a possible five. "HEY! WHAT THE HELL DOES IT TAKE TO GET SOME GOD DARM SERVICE AROUND HERE!" I rudely exclaim. At that moment a familiar feminine lavender face pokes around the stack of books and begins to quietly tell me off. "Shhhh! This is a Library, you can't go... Cross!!!" It was that smart lavender girl from school, Twilight Sparkle. Her silent anger had become surprise, only to quickly become confusion. (Twilight! She's someone I should look into when I have the chance. She seems to know something about the missing people which could mean she knows some thing about the bugs. I think she's hiding something but it could also be nothing). I cautiously thought before replying. "oh... It's just you!" I disintresedly replied. "I thought you were the Librarian." "Well, actually. I em the Librarian... Well, a part time librarian if you wanna be technical." Twilight replied. Besides her hesitant uncaring expression she had, She still looked confused to see me here. "Part time?... I heard this place is now being run by volunteers now, but if there are people willing to work here why not just hire one of them." I questioned not really to interested in the answer. I had a working theory on why that was and I'm sure it had something to do with why Golden Oaks Library only opened after 3. For some reason her mood suddenly perked up after hearing my question as she gladly replied. "Actually, that's a pretty interesting story." (why do I suddenly feel regret?...) I thought, having the feeling that I should take a seat. Unfortunately for me there were no seats, so I stood patiently as her story began. Twilight began. "Golden Oaks Library had been closed for a few years after the previous Librarian quit her job here and a new replacement couldn't be found. Actually, the reason the previous Librarian quit her position Is because she won the lottery and moved away. Do you know the chances of winning the Lottery?" Twilight asked excitedly. Deciding to humour her I reply. "that depends. How many numbers do I have to guess correctly? Do they have to be in the order I guessed? And finally, what is the highest and lowest number to choose from?" Twilight hadn't expected me to play along as this caught her off guard. "huh?... Oh, well.... You have to get 6 numbers correct. The order doesn't matter, and a number can't be repeated. As for the lowest and highest, the numbers range from 1 to 60!" "hmmm?..." taking a moments to think I gave my answer. " ...you would have about a 1 in 50,063,860 of winning." "what!... I don't actually-... Hold on a second, just give me a moment to work it out..." A surprised Twilight replied as she began rummaging beneath the counter, looking for pen and paper. "so you asked me without actually knowing the answer?" I asked, irritated that she would bother wasting my time with it. Not that I was in a rush though. "was it supposed to be rhetorical? ...Look, I get the point. The chances of winning the lotto are low, can you just continue already!" "oh!... Sure" Twilight nervously replied, she seemed a bit embarrassed for getting so into it. Before continuing I saw her write down my answer. I guess she wasn't gonna let it go. "anyway, where was I?... Oh right! With the Librarian gone there was no one to run Golden Oaks Library, for some reason no one wanted the job." Looking around the run down dusty Library I sarcastically responded. "oh yeah... Who wouldn't wanna run this dusty old book rental... This is clearly the hippest place in Ponyville... Where are all the cool kids gonna hung after school now." "I know!" Twilight excitedly replied. "what was wrong with them!?" (well she clearly didn't catch my sarcasm." I irritatingly thought as I rolled my eyes. "anyway" Twilight continued. "with no one to run this place, Golden Oaks Library was forced to close. for a few years Golden Oaks Library's doors remained closed to the public.... until yesterday that is." Twilight seemed to sound very proud at this point. "a few months ago when I transferred from Crystal Prep to Ponyville High, I heard about how the Library had been neglected. So I went straight to Cityhall with a idea, and after some discussions with the Mayor my idea was approved!... Your probably wondering what that brilliant idea to save the Library was?" (This is what she considers saved?) I thought as I looked around and the dusty obsolete falling apart Library before answering. "...no, I think I'm good." I had lost all interest... Or at least I would have if I originally had any. However Twilight excitedly continued anyway, completely ignoring me. "I came up with the idea to have it run by volunteer students after school and on weekends! It's counted as a club activity so it will help boost students grades. Unfortunately I can only help out for a few hours since I live in Canterlot, so I need to catch the bus home which is about a two hour ride. And I don't help out everyday since I need time to be with my friends." "Hold on." I interrupted, hearing something odd in her story. "Crystal Prep, that's Canterlot High right? But more importantly, You said you Transferred to Ponyville High from Crystal Prep. As in, you weren't kicked out but willingly chose to attend Ponyville High?" "No, Canterlot High is a public school in Canterlot. Why Crystal Prep is a Private school" Twilight replied. (huh, I always thought they had one school like us so I assumed that was where Blueblood attended school before Ponyville High. But he probably went to Crystal Prep given his dislike of the general public.) I thought, glad I never personally accused him of attending Canterlot High. If I had I probably never would have heard the end of it. Twilight happily continued. "and yeah, I willingly chose to go to Ponyville High. After that whole mess during the Friendship games I found Ponyville had something no where else could offer." "what could Ponyville possibly have to offer? The full nineteen hundreds experience?" I sarcastically asked as I once again looked around at the obsolete Library. "and what do you mean by, after that whole mess durimg the friendship games? Well, we did beat beat yous, and I wouldn't wanna be associated to a school that lost to Ponyville High. Difference is I can't just change school's... I mean I could but the next closest school is like 2 to 3 hours away." I replied. Twilight gave me a confused stare. "wait! You mean you don't know about what happened during the friendship games?... Didn't anyone say anything to you at least?" "I usually don't attend most school events. And every time someone tells me about something I missed its always full of shit." I replied. "let me think, what did they tell me about the friendship games... Oh, right. They said you freaked out after using an invention you made to gain unlimited power. Then you began tearing apart the fabric of reality until the power of friendship stopped you" I sarcastically recalled. To which Twilight nervously responded. "well... I guess it's not entirely untrue... Wait! What about the fall formal, the battle of the bands, and the camping trip to camp Everfree?" "the things people told me about those events were just as stupid." I replied. "heck, you didn't even transfer here until the friendship games yet your prominent in the story's about the fall formal and the battles of the bands despite not even being here yet." "well that was another Twilight Sparkle... Apparently. She was a different person entirely... Kinda" Twilight tried to confusingly explain. "yeah I don't really care. I'm just looking for a book." I rudely replied, getting back on topic. "Oh, right, sure!" Twilight replied as she started clicking around on the computer. "do you know the name of the book?" "I don't!... it's so long and stupid I forgot. Can I just tell you the name of the author?" I answered. "That should be fine. Although you'll get a list of everything they wrote." Twilight replied. "that won't be an issue. He only wrote one book... Well, 2 technically" I responded, remembering the supposed 2nd copy owned by my Grandmother. "Okay, what's the authors name?" Twilight asked. "...Selfish Desire!" I replied as Twilight began typing away. After a moment Twilight spoke. "found it! ...Huh, that's odd? We've got it, but according to this it's never been borrowed out since it was donated." there was brief pause as she lowered her face to the monitor. " ...The Weird, Wacky and Wonderful encyclopedia of Creatures, Creations, and Culture from Another World. Another Time or What Time Forgot!... Vol 1-ish?..." "yep... That's the one." I unenthusiastically said as questioned my grandfather's naming ability. Turning to face me Twilight continued. "I see what you meant by the title being quite long... And stupid... Anyway, for some reason it's listed as not being on any shelf, instead it's in the back. Just give me a minute, I think I should be able to find it." Twilight then walked out from behind the wooden counter and towards the back of the Library before disappearing behind some book shelves. Since the checkout counter was in the center of the room and had nowhere to store books as it was quite small, I assumed there was another section in the Library that staff could access used for storage and other functions. After a while, longer than I thought it would take, Twilight returned carrying a thick brown book. "sorry for the wait. it was way back in storage. Like really way back." she apologetically said as she handed me the book before going back behind the counter. She then began to fiddle with the computer once more. While she did that I examined the book. It was quite a heavy and thick book, with a brown hard cover. The overly long and stupid title was plastered across the cover taking up the majority of space, it actually said vol 1-ish at the bottom. However just above the vol 1-ish text was a symbol, It was a group of four black arrows spinning in a circle pointing inwards. Whatever it meant I had no idea, but it kinda reminded me of the arrow design on the back of my jacket. "so... You like reading?" Twilight awkwardly asked me, pulling my attention away from the book. "what's that supposed to mean?" I hostility asked back. to which she nervously replied. "nothing! ...Just didn't really picture you as a reader is all." With annoyance I replied. "I can read!" "what! No-" Twilight nervously rushed to correct. "-I wasn't implying you couldn't! I just meant-" "I know what you meant" I interrupted as rolled my eyes. "... I read a few times a month, but I don't usually read things without pictures. And yes, I know that makes me sound stupid." I continued as I placed the book on the counter and began rifling through my wallet. "...You mean like children's books?" Twilight asked With a quizzical look. I stopped rifling through my wallet as I gave her an annoyed look. "...I meant comics! ...But it's good to see how highly you think of me." "oh... Oh! I didn't mean your... I mean, I wasn't trying to make you sound..." Twilight began to nervously fumble with her words. "look, I wasn't trying to offend you. Comics are fine!..." "Fine?" I questioned. I wasn't offended or bothered in any way. I just liked to make trouble. "There not good? There fine? Well I'm glad they just meet your standards of approval" I sarcastically continued. "Th-that's not what I meant..." Twilight nervously replied, trying to find the right words. "I don't have a problem with them at all, In fact I have a friend who's really into them. Well his more like a brother... And then there's my Brother... Oh, there's also Rainbow Dash. You remember Rainbow Dash, right!" "...no! And I don't care" I calmly answered as I impatiently taped the cover of the book on the counter. (I probably could have kept going but I should get going.) I thought as I held what I took from my wallet to her. "...of course you don't" Twilight defeatedly said as she took the object from my hand. Before I could grab the book off the counter Twilight snatched it away from me before opening it to the back page. "I'll just stamp it and scan your library card and you can be on your way" Twilight said, suddenly cheering up as she stamped the borrow sheet in the back. "now to scan your card!" she continued as she grabbed a scanner from her right and ran it over the object I handed her. As she did that I picked up the book, keeping it open to the last page. "Huh?... Wait, this isn't your library card." as Twilight examined the object I handed her she realised it wasn't my Library card as she assumed, it was instead $20. "wait, why did you give me $20?" as she looked back to me her surprise grew as I tore the borrow sheet from the back of the book. "Hmm! Oh that." I calmly replied as I scrunched up the sheet into a ball and lazily tossed it to the side. "it's to replace the book I lost." There was a slight twitch in Twilights eye as she replied. "What?... WHAT?... You can't be serious! You didn't lose it, you have it right now!" "No." I began as I turned to leave. " trust me, it's gone. That's why I gave you the cash to buy a new one." "Rarety was right! You really are the worst person!" she called from behind me before calming down a little. "well... At least you reimbursed us so we can buy another copy, I guess." Hearing her words as I walked away I had a sudden urge. (I really want to gloat that she can never replace this book. That it's one of a kind, the only one in existence... But if I did, it would ruin the surprise.) So instead I stopped halfway to the exit and Turned to give a smug grin as I waved the book in the air for her to see. She was puzzled by my actions, but I knew she would figure it out later. ...she is pretty smart after all. And with that I left the Library with my Grandfather's book. Standing just outside of Golden Oaks Library, I take a moment to examine my Grandfather's book once more as a sense of Triumph and accomplishment fills me. this feeling is similar to the feeling I had felt years ago when I had my first fight. I had set out to do something and I did it. Recently I hadn't felt this feeling, not for awhile. The fights I had fought and the dominance I had achieved hadn't given me this rush, not in a long time. Perhaps it was because I wasn't sure if I would succeed or not that gave me this feeling or maybe it was because I felt I was out of my element. Whatever the reason I felt great. Although whether this lead led anywhere or not was another story. But for now I stood there, basking in my accomplishments. I felt there was nothing I couldn't do, no one could bring me down, I was untouchable!... For at least a moment... Suddenly my instincts began to scream at me as I felt a strange sickening feeling in my guts. I froze up as I felt a strong malicious gaze pierce through me as was busy patting myself on the back. This feeling was something I hadn't felt in a long time, It was my instincts telling me to run. Back during my first year in highschool I felt this quite often when I was in an fight that proved to be quite difficult. But as time passed and I became stronger and a more competent fighter, as I became known as Cross. This feeling had disappeared. Even against Flash Sentry this feeling would linger, but I had never felt it so strong. This instinct had helped me against both the monster named Knockoff who pretended to be Flash Sentry, and the unnamed monster from yesterday in the green jacket who I killed in the school auditorium. Now it was screaming at me to run. All expression of accomplishment on my face was replaced with caution as I looked away from my Grandfather's book and down the set of steps from the Library to my car. My eyes go wide with surprise as I see a familiar figure sitting against the hood of my car. It was a tall brown haired man with glasses who wore a business suit. A man I had seen back at Sugar Cube Corner, the same man I followed to the monsters hide out, He was one of them. And while the lighter wasn't reacting as he was just outside its range, I could feel the malice and ill intent he had towards me by his expression. To most his expression would seem board, but his eyes were as serious as they could get. (Thinking I was safe... How naive of me!) > Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies Part 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 005 part 6 Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies (part 6) I had been naive to think I was out of danger. Just a moment ago my day had been going better than I could've hoped. My favourite jacked was repaired (well, replaced with a new look alike). My counselling sessions looked like they were gonna be cut down (although I had to take a hit to my pride and strike a deal with some guys). And I found my Grandfather's book that may hold answers I'm looking for (although if it helps me in any way is yet to be decided). Yes, everything had been going better than expected... Unfortunately I knew that was all about to change. One thing I had thought I lucked out on was that no monsters had appeared to be hunting me as they did yesterday, which made me think I was in the clear... But that was naive of me. I had just left the Golden Oaks Library a moment ago and sitting against the hood of my car just at the end of the stairs leading to the Library was one of those darm bugs. He was disguised and out of the range of my lighter but I had seen him before. He was the one I followed back to their hideout on Wednesday, back when I thought Flash Sentry had something to do with kids suddenly running away. This man in a suit was one of those darm bugs, and right now he was looking up at me with a serious expression. (shit!... Calm down. I need to calm down) I thought as I took a deep breath. (this could be nothing, just a misunderstanding. I mean, they had all day to come after me as well as last night. Heck, they could just come for me tonight. What would be the Point of trying something in broad daylight.) I told myself. I wasn't sure why one would choose now to come for me or even if I was its target, but one thing was certain. I wasn't gonna find out by standing here. Keeping my composure I made my way towards my car, as I did the lighter in my jacket pocket heated up. The man in the suits eyes followed me as I approached, closing in I noticed he had a mobile phone held against his ear. "Hey!" I called out to the disguised bug sitting against my car. "get the Hell away from my car!" I didn't know if he was aware of me or not so for now I gonna act normal. His glare intensified as I finally stood before him, his eyes were fierce yet calm, it was unsettling. My instincts were telling me to run, that this was a bad situation, worse than the last two. However I ignored it as I met his glare with my own. Still sitting against the hood of my car he responded. "So your the one who killed my subordinates." (Shit! He is here for me. But I wasn't expecting him to just come out and confront me. Why would he? He can't do anything in the open, people will see.) He wasn't trying to hide his intentions, he wasn't even trying to hide the fact that he was some kind of inhuman monster from me. The street wasn't crowded but there were a few people around not to mention a car ever so often would drive past the Library. There was no way he could take his true form in front of all these witnesses, So why would he choose now to confront me. Taking his eyes off me he began fiddling with his phone as he continued. "I heard you were dumb but I didn't think you were this dumb. Did you really think we would let you get away after what you did? Just knowing of our existence is bad enough, but to actually kill two of us... You've caused a lot more trouble than you realize." "Trouble?" I confidently reply as I take a step towards him. Since he was sitting against the car slouching over I was taller than him. "I haven't even began to cause you trouble. And as for calling me stupid, I may not be too smart but I'm not dumb enough to put myself in a situation were I can't fight back. Maybe you can't do anything to draw attention in public... but I won't let that hold me back!" I proudly shout as I take another step forwards throwing a swift punch at his face. With his attention else where I could see he wasn't prepared. He was used to dealing with normal people, and a normal person wasn't about to start up a fight in the middle of the street. I wasn't like those people. I didn't care about reputation or causing a scene. There was a brief pause of shock and surprise at the result of my sudden action... Unfortunately it was from me. My fist had quickly cut through the air as it swiftly made its to his face and hit... Nothing. Without paying attention, The moment I began to throw my punch he pushed himself forwards off my car and effortlessly ducked under my attack. I hadn't expected him to move so quickly, an now he was behind me and out of my line of vision. Expecting the worst the braced for a counter attack as I spun around with my arms up defensively. I just made it in time as something came flying at my face. My reflexes were fast enough to grab it as I instinctively began to counter with a punch. Only to realise he wasn't even close to me. He was now sitting against the stairs leading up to the Library. "I don't need to see you to figure out what your gonna do. We did spend a few weeks studying you after all, your very predictable." he said as he adjusted his suits cuffs and tie. He then pointed to the thing I caught in my hand and continued. "it's for you!" For a moment I wasn't sure what he was talking about. But I soon realized the thing I grabbed that came flying at my face was his mobile phone. "what the Hell I this?" Sighing heavily he continued. "that device is known as a mobile phone. You use it to communicate with others over long distances by holding it to your ear and-." "I KNOW WHAT A PHONE IS!" I angrily interrupt. "I meant, what do you mean that it's for me?" Sighing loudly again he continued. "...You use it to communicate over long distances, hold one end to your ear an speak into the other." He was pissing me off, but before I could reply I heard a faint sound coming from the phone, I was hesitant but I held it against my ear. now able to hear the voice clearly my eyes shot open in shock. "-elp, is anyone there?... Please help me!... I don't know where I am!" came a scared feminine voice, a voice I was very familiar with. ...It was my mother's voice. The shock I felt was quickly filled with rage as I began to piece together what was going on. My mind began to be clouded with rage as the disguised bug stood up as he boardly looked at his watch. There was no sense of fear, no happiness, it was like he didn't care. Full of rage I dashed at him, pulling my fist back to drive into his dumb face. This time I was putting everything I had into it, this ended now! "lay so much as a finger on me and your mother will be killed" he coldly stated. Just before it can connect I freeze. Just a few centimeters from his face yet he didn't even flinch. He didn't even show any reaction. With that same cold stare he continued. "right know your mother, Charity Ball, is tied up in our new safe house with one of my own ready to slit her throat." Backing off I consider my options. (Shit?... SHIT!... What do I do? What can I do.) I'm trying to think but it doesn't help that my emotions are a mess of anger and confusion. Then I remember what happened earlier today when I was leaving city hall. It was brief, but for a moment the lighter reacted to a monster. "You were there weren't you! Back at City hall." "...oh, I was certain you hadn't seen me" he inquisitively replied. my mother's voice could once again be heard on the phone, shifting my focus I hold the phone to my ear. "son?... Son is that you?... I-I don't know where I'm right know... Please... Help me!" "bastard!" I angrily shouted at him as I quickly formed a plan. "this changes nothing! All I gotta do is rip your head off before you tell your pal to slit her throat." I was staring to regain my composure as I continued. "Once I rip off your head I just gotta figure out where your little hide out is and do the same to your buddy!" "Oh, is that right." he said as he checked his watch. "sorry to disappoint you but there not waiting to hear back from me. If I don't return in an hour your mum's dead. Besides, with no clues you wouldn't even know we're to begin to start searching. Not to mention you would also have to deal with me first. ...how much time would that leave you to start searching aimlessly." It was hard to listen to. And not just because my mum was being held hostage... But because this was my fault. I wanted to tear this guy in half but if I did my mum was as good as dead. (his right, I don't have the information or time. I'm completely out of options.) "fine... What do we do know?" I begrudgingly say as I Drop my fighting stance. "first I make a few things clear. Make any physical aggressions towards me, your mother dies. We don't make it back to the safe house in time, your moths dies. There very simple rules. Oh, and by the way we'll be walking, and it's a 40 minute walk, give or take. And you've already waisted 10 minutes by making me wait." "before we head there, is it alright if I put some junk in the boot of my car?" I ask as I wave the heavy brown book around. "it's up to you how much time you waste. You don't even have to come with me, although you have to be willing to never see your mother again... alive that is." he replied as he once again looked at his watch. Ignoring his threat I when to the back of my car and popped the boot. (I'll do as you say for now but the second I have a chance, I'll smash your head in with my crowbar.) I maliciously thought as I placed my grandfathers book in the boot. But as I searched for my reliable weapon I realised something. (oh no!... I left the crowbar in the school auditorium yesterday. After that monster stabbed me with his claws I was to focused on going to the nurses office I forgot to retrieve it.) Emptying my jackets pockets I looked at everything I had. The only things I could use were the lighter and my car keys. Not exactly the most damaging choice of weapons. (At least the lighter patches me up... It will also protect me against their magic bull shit... Maybe I can take a fatal blow and play dead while the lighter fixes me, once they get board they may leave me alone? No, I don't know the extent of the healing the lighter provides, or even how it works. It's just kinda been doing things automatically, I can't guarantee it will do as I want.) Dumping anything I thought would be useless into my boot, I took the lighter, car keys, my mobile phone, before I made my way back to the disguised monster in a suit. "You ready to go?" he asked. Although he didn't wait for a reply as he began leading the way. I followed a few meters behind him which didn't seem to bother him in the least. He was pretty confident there was nothing I could do which pissed me off even more. Deciding to try and gather some information I began asking questions. While I would prefer to be smashing his head in over having a conversation, my options were limited. "you said this place was about 40 minutes away by foot, just were abouts is it that were going?" He didn't reply. So I asked another question. "you said this place was your new safe house, not another safe house, That means you set it up recently. I'm sure there's more of you monsters than the ones from the safe house that got discovered, so why not just move into theirs?" I continued to question. Once again he didn't respond as we turned a corner and began to walk down another street. However I could sense that my question had gotten on his nerve as he seemed a bit annoyed. But this may had just been from having to deal with me. The last two creatures I came across looked down on humans quite a bit. "your not too talkative are you? The last two of your kind were a lot more talkative." I smugly said. "Although all they really said was, Oh god... Please don't smash our worthless heads in." I was taunting him, trying to get a reaction. However my taunt did nothing, if anything he seemed more calm. This left me confused. But after a few seconds he replied. "I don't really understand how you killed Knockoff or Mirror Match, but I do understand that your dangerous. This won't be like those times, you won't have a chance to fight back." As we continued to walk I continued asking questions and trying to taunt him, but he refused to respond. I couldn't even get a small reaction out of him like I did before. While we walked I also kept an eye out for anything I could use as a weapon, I'm confident in my physical ability but there armour like skin is an issue. Right now the only thing I had on me were my keys, and I had my doubts in there usefullness. Unfortunately anything I saw that could be a potential weapon was just out of reach, and I doubted he would allow me to bring a weapon. Although I suspected that he thought I already had one, he was just confident that it wouldn't make a difference... And maybe he was right. After a considerable amount of time, probably 40 minutes I didn't have a watch, we arrived at a huge warehouse. It was in a not so good area in town. Not as run down as Bullworks street were their old safe house was, but still considerably neglected. He held one hand out to me indicating to stop as he pulled out his phone with the other. "before we go in there's something I need to take care of" he said as he began dialing a number. After a moment the cold expression on his face became one of remorse as he began to talk to someone on the other line. "Hello! Boss it's me!... Yeah. Sorry, but my lunch break might run a little long. Some punk kid is causing a bit of a disturbance and I'm gonna be needed to file a report to police as a witness... Yes! I'm sorry... I won't make a habit out of it. ...thank you... It shouldn't be more than half an hour... Thanks... Bye!" Hanging up the phone his cold expression returned. "the Hell was that about?" I asked confused as to what he was doing. "I was calling my boss and letting him know that I would be running late coming back. This is actually my lunch break." he casually answered as he put his phone away. "you have a job? Also you've been following me for quite awhile, just how long is your lunch break?" I replied. "don't hurt yourself trying to figure it out. Our way is to capture a member of society and take them back to our hive were their drained of happy emotions, specifically love. In the mean time we replace them and collect said emotions from those they associate with." he replied. "and if you must know. My lunch break is only 45 minutes. I had one of my subordinates fill in for me, but since this takes priority I had him return a few minutes ago." His sudden willingness to answer my question had me confused. He had been very quiet on our way here. "what's with you answering my questions now? And if your way is to take people place in society your doing a pretty shitty job, your practically just grabbing kids left and right when you get the chance. Not exactly keeping a low profile." "it's over. The least I can do is give you a bit of closer. A little education can't hurt you... Although I guess it can. Your in this predicament because you know too much." he replied, but before continuing he became a little disheartened. "and as much as I hate to admit it, your right. We are doing a unsatisfactory job at replacing people... But there's nothing I can do about it. These methods... These orders come from my superior. The ones I was given command of don't even know how to do their job as infiltrators. They break character far too often, they don't know anything about there target such as schedule or social status, and there technique is amateurish... Transforming clothes onto you is unnecessary, they should just wear the actual clothing, make it a prop and get into character. Do everything your model does, even basic living routines." As he uttered that final sentence he began to open the large gate door to the warehouse. What he said had me confused. I never though of their being some kind of command structure for these creatures. Although I didn't really know anything about them... It was also odd to hear him vent his frustrations. But this showed that he thought this was over, that he had nothing to worry about. Once the large warehouse door was open he stepped in. The warehouse was poorly illuminated, the only source of light came from the open door and the skylights in the room. Despite the poor lighting I could make out enough of the area. There were lots of boxes and crates stacked upon each other all lining the walls. I would guess this warehouse was either used for storage, or items would be brought hear for packaging before being shipped off. But one thing was certain, no ones been here for a long time given the amount of dust that's been collected. The center of the warehouse was a open dusty space with one wide crate in the center with a few items on it, the most notable being a bag of sugar and two cups. I was sure they contained sugar mixed with water like they did back on Bullworks street. There were a few random patches of dust free zones scattered about, probably were boxes used to be before being moved about by the monsters to make room for themselves. The suited monster signaled me to follow him in. As I passed through the door I noticed a lock and chain on the door it was probably used to lock the big door but whomever owned the warehouse clearly neglected to do so as the unlocked lock sat on the chain. After I enter the suited monster closed the door behind me. A large green flame then enveloped his body, removing his disguise. Just like the others I had seen he had glassy eyes and a dark armored body. The only difference I really noticed was that he still wore his suit and that cold uncaring stare. For some reason seeing this thing in clothes felt much more uneasy. As we got further inside my eyes adjusted and more things came into prospective. It had been practically invisible giving its dark black body but there was another one of those monsters sitting on a small crate next to the large one in the center of the room. But the thing that quickly caught my attention was what was further in the back. A woman tied to a chair, gagged and blindfolded. Charity Ball, my mother. I felt angry, so angry I could explode. I felt like ripping them apart piece by piece. I felt like painting the walls with their blood using there limbs as brushes... But most of all... I felt helpless... As I will began to waver I noticed there was something behind my mother on the wall, it was a large green pod. The same type of pod the missing students had been stored in. "thanks for filling in for me at work Copy Cat. Now let's get this over with already... I need to get back to work" the suited monster said as he walked passed my mother. The other monster who appeared to be named Copy Cat grabbed my mother's chair and dragged her out of the way of the pod. "Hold on!" I interrupted. "...just what exactly are you planning on doing?" "it's rather simple." the suited monster stated. "if you want your mother to live, simply get in the pod." "...and then what? What happens to my mum? Will you let her go?" I cautiously asked. "No! ...she's goes in a pod to." the suited monster answered me. "What kind of deals that!" I angrily replied, As I marched up behind him as he stood before the pod With a cold unemotional stare he answered. "it's better than the alternative. If you refuse we kill both you and your mother." He then walked passed me to the center of the room. Pausing as he reached me to look down at me before continuing pass me. My mother was shivering with fear as she stayed tied to a chair, the monster named Copy Cat standing besides her as he hissed at me aggressively. I needed to figure out a plan, some way for me and mum to escape. I flet trapped, helpless. I tried to take this on alone and now suffered for it... Not like I knew anyone who could help. But it looked like I had dug my own grave and now I had to sleep in it. Stepping up to the pod I turn around. Seeing my mother and the monsters all my anger faded, It had transformed into sadness. I was out of my league. My spirit began to accept my fate. As I thought back, back to how I had gotten myself into this mess. It started when I tried to ruin Flash Sentrys reputation... No. It started when I inherited my Grandfathers lighter... No! There was no exact start. Everything had led to this. It all might seem like a few small details to others, but they were important to me. My first fight... inheriting my Grandfathers old junk... My search for excitement... My love of solitude... My arrogance and pride... My loving parents an how they chose to raise me... Even the people I hate like Principal Celestia and flash Sentry... Blueblood... That overly tolerant Big Mac... It all led here. (No!... That didn't all lead here. Those are things that made me into Who I am. ...A narcissistic self absorbed overly prideful loner who looks down on others! And why am I like that. Because I'm better than everyone!) I proudly thought as I looked the suited monster in the eyes with a defiant stare. He must had felt my spirit burning as I he stiffened up. (there must be a way. Come on, think!...) but no matter how I thought about it it seemed hopeless. My spirit began to waver once again as I considered my situation. (even if I did fight back... Could I win against two? I struggled with one at a time. With the lighters healing maybe... But I couldn't fight and protect mum... Wasn't there anything, maybe if I had done something differently this could all have been avoided.) Understanding there was no way out I thought back to everything I had learnt. From my first encounter to right now. Was there anything I could have done differently... Would I have done differently. Seconds felt like hours as I stood there and thought "...oh..." I defeatedly said as hung my head in defeat. This was all because of me. Maybe it could had been avoided, but it wasn't. "hey... Is it alright if I say... Can I talk to my mum for a sec?" I asked, feeling down on myself. "Why?" the suited monster asked with a raised eyebrow. "...do you know what it feels like to lose?... Sometimes you really let down the one who matters to you the most." I replied as I defeatedly looked to the ground, slightly hunched over. "I'll let you say your goodbyes." He said as he shrugged his shoulders. Slowly walking over to my mum I felt like kicking myself. How could I have let this happen. As I reached her I kneeled down on one knee and undid her gag and blindfold. The rope tying her to the chair was quite thick, It would take some time to undo, Too much time. "...son?... Cross?... Were are we?... What's happen-" my mother began before I cut her off by raising a finger. "...There's something I wanna say... No! I have to say." I sorrowly began. "I'm stupid... A big dumb idiot... Maybe if I was smarter this could all have been avoided... But I'm not. I always make rash decisions and never consider the consequences... I let pride get in my way and cause more trouble then I should-" "is this gonna be long?" the suited monster interrupted. "I do need to get back to work you know." I didn't reply and soon began to continue. "I've always refused help from others and activity made things harder for myself to try and feel a rush of excitement I once felt. I even give up on things I don't understand, calling them stupid and not giving it a proper go... Long story short. I fuck up a lot." I said as I pulled out the lighter in one hand and my car keys in the other, examining them. "I thought I could punch my way out of this and drive the two of us to safety, were we would live happily ever after... But that's just stupid... I'm no hero." With an understanding smile my mother replies. "son... You don't have to apologize to me... I will always forgive you. No matter what happens." there was a moment were we just stayed there as she lovingly looked over me with a caring smile. "I'm sorry, what was that?" I replied. "Huh?" my mother began to reply. "I said it doesn't matter how bad you-" however she froze as she noticed the cold emotionless glare I was giving her. "there must me some kind of misunderstanding" I maliciously reply. "That apology wasn't for you!... It's for me." At that Exact moment I thrust my car keys right into my mother's throat. her eyes go wide in a mix of pain and fear. The two monster standing 8 meters beside us are shocked by my actions. With the force I generated, the keys cut into her like a knife through butter. Quickly jerking the knife to the side as I cut her throat wide open as a torrent of blood washes over me, spraying from the wound. That blood however is green. Raising the lighter into the air I activate it. A green flame emerges as a green mist like substance is dragged from both my mother and the two monsters. My mother's body begins to rapidly change. Becoming just like the monsters as her clothes disappear, being replaced with a dark armoured skin. Her arms and legs become thicker as her features lose their femininity, becoming more masculine. Were my mother had once been now sits a monster, the life quickly draining from it. I rise to my feet and slowly turn to the remaining two as my anger returns to me. The one called Copy Cat is practically frothing with anger while the suited monster is oddly paralyzed with fear. His shocked eyes locked on the lighter as he sat on the crate in the center of the room. I feel the blood on my face heat up and turn to dust as an intense heat can be felt behind me as the monster who's throat I cut open combusts, turning to dust. As a sinister smile creeps on to my face I say. "One bug down... Two to go." Filled with anger, the Monster named Copy Cat madly dashes towards me with its claws raised and mouth wide open, it's razor sharp teeth ready to tear into my flesh. While it comes towards me I turn around and place a foot up on the chair that my fake mum was on to give me some leverage as I tear a wooden armrest off. The tear isn't clean as the side that was torn off is jagged with many sharp points, just as I wanted it. Close enough, the charging monster leaps at me in an animalistic fashion. As it flies at me I turn towards it. taking a strong step towards it with one hand on the blunt end of the armrest, and the other on the side of it. I thrust the jagged edge of the wooden armrest towards its open mouth. Blinded by its rage, the monster swings its sharp claws at me. Five of which on its right hand pierce my left shoulder while the other hand barely miss, but tear my jackets fabric on the right shoulder. But while he did that, the jagged wood cuts through the monsters mouth and tears right through the back of its head. "you might be armoured on the outside, but inside your just as fleshy as me" I boast as pain shoots through my shoulder. For a second it hangs loosely on the armrest I hold as life disappears from its eyes. As the strength from its eyes disappear, its arms go limp, pulling the claws from my left shoulder as blood begins to pour down my arm. I then toss the armrest to the side, the monster still attached along with it. From the corner of my eye it burst into green flames, it's body quickly braking down and turning to dust. With it dead my attention was directed at my final obstacle. The suited monster. Compared to my first encounters with these creatures, the two I killed were easy. But that was because unlike back then I was calm, I knew what to expect. I spotted opportunitys and took advantage of there arrogance and rashness. But something wasn't right. As I looked at the suited monster something felt off. The look of fear he had but a moment ago was completely gone, replaced with a look of releaf. Not what I was expecting from someone who had four of his allies killed. Looking oddly happy the suited monster lazily gets off the box as he stands up. Once again my instinct to me that I should run, that the door is still unlocked, that I should try to get around him and escape. Seeing this monster in human clothings is unsettling enough, it doesn't help that my instincts tell me there's a reason for that. The blood poring from my shoulder had stopped as the wound closed itself up. I could feel heat traveling from the lighter in my jacket pocket through my body to My shoulder. In another moment I would be 100%. With an unsettling smile the monster says. "for a moment I thought I was fated to die no matter what." before becoming much more serious as it looks directly at me. As he did my instincts once again scream at me to run. Half of me is ready to squash this bug while the other half wants to run. But one thing was certain. He was all that stood before me now. > Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies Part 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 005 part 7 Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies (part7) Inside a dark abandoned warehouse in a rundown part of town I stood before a tall inhuman shape shifting bug creature in a business suit. It and two other monsters like it had lured me here to put me away in some pod that would cause me dream happy things so they could feed off my emotions... It's a thing apparently. However, I wasn't gonna let that happen so now two of them are ashes, as they combust upon death, and one remains. There was something definitely odd about the one in the suit. (Just a moment ago when I killed his allies he was practically shitting his pants, but now his calm... Even looks relieved.) I thought as I cautiously watched the suited monster only 8 or so meters away from me. (...it's a bluff, Nothing but false bravado. I know the look of fear when I see it.) Even if it was false bravado I wasn't gonna let my guard down. These creatures were naturally strong, with a tough shell like skin. Add sharp claws, wings, light beams, and whatever mystical bullshit I had yet learnt about and you had something I wouldn't want to face on my best day. ...Yet, I felt something I had been lacking recently. Excitement. Despite the dangerous situation I felt... Good? Shaking off my confused, possibly adrenaline fueled feelings I called out the monsters false calmness. "Hey! Quit acting all calm and composed. I saw you freaking out when I ripped that bugs throat apart, you know your next." With a small chuckle the suited creature looked to the ground. "your right... It was undignified of me but I lost my composure. But like I already told you, I thought that I was fated to die no matter what." "you are" I replied. Ignoring my response he continued. "it wasn't there deaths that freaked me out, it was that tool you hold, that lighter. To think one of those would still be around after all this time... But it seems I have nothing to fear." (what? He knows about the lighter. None of the other creatures I encountered knew anything about it.) I thought as I replied. "sure you should be getting cocky. The last four of you bugs that did that got squashed." "Don't compare me to those lesser abominations" he replied much more seriously before regaining his cocky attitude. "Besides, I don't have anything to fear from you. I thought you might have been more dangerous than I originally thought, but now I see your just some dumb kid who's way out of his league." (abominations?...) I curiously thought before pushing that remark aside. There was a culture and history to these creatures I didn't yet understand so for now I would ignore that. "not dangerous?... how do you figure that?" I curiously asked. "it's simple." he began to respond. "firstly, that lighter. You basically have a gun yet you swing it like a stick. You don't know what it is do you. You probably don't even know what I em since you keep calling us bugs, creatures, or monster. You probably only got involved with us by chance. If you did understand what you were up against you probably wouldn't have gotten involved, but you don't even know what you face. Thanks to that lighter you must realise there are more of us out their than us five." (I know there are more of these things than what I've encountered, People are still missing after all. But what does he mean that I'm waving my lighter around like a stick?... No, that was just a metaphor. He's saying I'm not using it properly... But how else would you use a lighter?) It annoyed me, but he was right for the most part. "the one thing I can't figure out is why you got involved." the monster continued. "I guess the lighter warned you about Mirror Match yesterday, but why were you at our hideout on Wednesday." "Mirror Match?" I questioned. "oh! You must mean that bug I squashed in the school auditorium! ...He didn't exactly give his name." After a bit of a pause I continued. "Well... long story short, Dumb Luck. ..I followed you there thinking Flash Sentry had something to do with the runaway kids. I saw him in two places he couldn't had gotten to due to distance and time so I thought it was odd. Looking for clues at sugar cube corner revealed that he purchased a bag of sugar, and so have a few other customers over the past few months. So I waited there after school to see if anyone bought a sack of sugar and when you did I followed you." "so you were trying to be a hero? That's very unlike you. And basing your hunt on who buys sugar, why would that result in anything?" he questioned me looking puzzled. "don't confuse me for a hero. I was trying to tarnish his reputation. And buying sugar from a baker is absolutely suspicious, no one buys raw ingredients like sugar from the bakery. You go to a convince store for that, although some inhuman creature like you who doesn't understand our culture and society wouldn't know that." I boasted back. "I see. It was my subordinates who first found the shop, They were attracted by the sweet smell. It was my first time buying it as I usually had one of them handle it, so I never considered it may be seen as odd as they did it all the time... But besides that little detail I have a good idea how everything else progressed to this point..." he said as he thoughtfully held his chin. "no! There's one more thing. How did you know that wasn't your mother tied to the chair? Was it a guess? It had to of been." "no! You had me fooled until I put everything together. I may not be smart but I'm clever enough to put together all the pieces you gave me" I said. He seemed curious by this claim. "there were many things that gave you away, but the biggest and simplest one of the all is this. ...You idiots don't even know my name." "What are talking about?" the suited monster questioned. "Of course we know your name... Everyone knows your name. The worst delinquent in the whole town. Cross!" With a smirk I replied. "And that's why your an idiot. My names not Cross, That's just a nickname I picked up. I don't even know if my mother knows people call me that, but one thing I do know is she's never called me by that name." There was a look of annoyance on his face at hearing that. "That can't be?... Then what about your file at school! Every student has a file containing there academic records and personal information. Why does would the school have one for Cross?" "That's a good question... But here's a better one." I began. "why is it you came for me now instead of abducting me in my sleep!" His look of annoyance intensified as I could tell he knew what I was getting at. "The School personal files should contain details like contact information, home adresses, medical information and academic records. But Crosses file probably only involves incident reports and tells you I'm a fuck up... Nothing you didn't already know. It lacks that other stuff like contact details and such since they record those things at the start of the year when we hand in enrollment forms." "so what?" he interrupted. "I don't know when it happened, but since everyone including the teachers beleive my name is Cross they added that name to the school roster and must have made a separate file for me. My actually information is under my real name... Drifting Desire!" I boasted. "...Drifting Desire..." he repeated thoughtfully. "I know that name, It was on the schools rosters. He hadn't attended a single class all year. I assumed it was a student who moved away... To think I would make a mistake as simple as that. If I had know, Shadow Boxer and Lookalike wouldn't have... No! You said there were many reasons you were suspicious. Besides the wrong name what else was there?." "Your suit" I answered. "my suit?" he questioned. "That's right, your suit. It's too clean. There's two glasses belonging to the two who stay here" I said as I motioned to the glasses filled with sugar water on the box in the center of the room. "Neither of them belong to you. This warehouse is filled with dirt yet your suit is quite clean. You don't morph your clothes on like others of your kind, so it's hard to beleive you stay here and have clothes as clean as yours." But I wasn't done there. "also, time!" I continued. "City Hall is further away than the Library and it took us almost an hour to get here. Yet my mother was here and tied to chair within the 10 to 15 minutes. There's also the fact that if you did abduct her you would be grabbing someone from Cityhall in broad Daylight. Which isn't something you can do as you please." He was frustrated but soon calmed down. "your right. Mistakes like this happen when we try to rush things... No use crying over spilt milk though." He had completely calmed down as he gained an overconfident smirk. "theoretically, let's say you did manage to somehow best me. It doesn't end there, the rest of my allies will continue where I left off, There's no escaping. Whether it be today or Tommorow. ...Your as good as dead." He had a menacing smile. He looked like he had won no matter how this played out... Which wasn't true. "No! There won't be anymore after you!" I confidently stated. His expression suddenly changing to one of shock. "don't bother trying to bluff." I continued. "your trying psychological warfare. Trying to break my spirit. But it's pointless." "why's that?" he cautiously questioned. To which I calmly replied. "Earlier you mentioned that you thought you were fated to die, That means that someone's already out for your life. That other someone being the rest of your kind. I don't understand why that is but I know it to be true due to two facts. One, when I asked why you don't settle in with another of your groups you became suddenly annoyed. And second, your current hideout. Unlike your last hideout this one lacks simple amenities. Surely you have better places to hide yet your chose this place. Your not hiding from the public your hiding from yourselfs. Once your dead I don't have anything to worry about." There was a look of defeat in his eye along with one of acceptance as he replied while looking to the ceiling. "you know, your a lot more perceptive than I gave you credit for." after a brief pause he looked back to me with a serious expression. "although none of that's gonna help you... Because you can't beat me." The mood suddenly shifted as his gaze pierced through me. My instincts began to scream at me louder than before, telling me to run to the warehouse door I had entered through and never look back. It was so intense I could feel my legs shaking a little. Never before had a felt such malicious intent come from someone. My pride said fight, but my mind kept wandering and trying to figure out ways to escape. The only way out was the way I came in... Not that I was gonna run though. The monster lightly clutched both hands and raised them. He then started lightly bouncing from back and forwards on his feet. His stance was familiar, I had seen it before. (...Boxing!... That's a boxing stance!) I thought as I recognized what he was doing, I had seen it on tv and in movies. But seeing this creature do it was odd. All the others before him had just rushed me and hoped for the best. Mainly relying on theit claws to rip me apart. He slowly edged closer to me. Unlike the others he wasn't charging me, he was taking his time. (all that big talk and his gonna approach me hesitantly. Seems he's not as confident as I gave him credit for.) I confidently thought. "Your an idiot if you think you can beat me in a fist fight" I smugly stated. "I've kicked just about everyone's ass at my highschool. I've been on a winning streak for such a long time now that anyone with a brain backs down before their face gets a chance to meet the floor." I was confident I could win, although my instincts were still telling me to run. I patiently waited as he come closer. Over the year and a half of fighting I've done I've become good at reading body language. I can usually tell when someones about to strike. My plan is to let him throw the first punch while I dodge and counter. I stood there confidently with my arms by my side, watching him carefully as he made it into striking distance. (Now!) I thought as my instincts screamed to dodge. I quickly tilted my head backwards to dodge his incomeing strike, I also began to raise my right hand to counter... Except. 'CRACK!!!' (...What!?...) Pain surged threw my face as blood splattered from my nose. All I had seen was a blur and now his fist was planted against my face. My instinct to run had taken over as a stumble backwards becomes a jump backwards. The moment my feet meet the ground I take another jump backwards, desperate to gain some distance. He hadn't bothered trying to follow up with another hit, deciding instead to just patiently stand there with his usual serious/board expression. If anything there was a bit of surprise in his expression. Now a few meters away I wiped away the blood on my face as the pain began to die down. My nose had been broken by his sudden punch. Even though I knew it was coming and I read his intend to strike correctly he was way faster than I could react too. The urge to run began to cloud my thoughts yet again. "That was kinda impressive." He mocked. "If you hadn't been moving back it would have been your neck that would've broken. good thing it didn't, I'ld rather take you alive. Can't drain your emotional energy if your dead." (The Hell! Not even those other creatures were that fast... No one I've faced is." I thought as I cautiously watched him. My confidence began to falter as I was hesitant on how to approach. Board, the creature continued. "That look you have. Your probably thinking, how can he be so fast. No ones that fast." He was pissing me off. He had read me like a book. "The answer is simple." He continued. "Tell me, before now who have you fought?... What have you done to prepare for those fights?" "What?" I replied. Waiting a moment he replied. "I'll tell you. Until now you've fought a bunch of kids, brats that don't know a thing or two about proper self-defense. And besides a few sit-ups I doubt you have had any proper training. ...But do you know what the real difference between us is?" "...Your a bug" I slowly replied. I felt like I knew where this was going but didn't want to say it. It had been on my mind for a while actually. With his serious expression he answered. "no!... The real difference is drive. I always looked for ways to improve myself. All my natural abilities my give me an edge, but compared to humans I don't stand a chance. The rest of my comrades looked down on yous... But not me. No, I look up to human's. You may be lacking in areas but you make up for that in ingenuity. You've created countless ways to kill, to overcome problems. It's because of that I strive to be more like yous everyday. That punch wasn't a result of my natural ability, It's thanks to boxing training at the gym. Unlike you I do what I can to improve." "What the Hell are you talking about!" I angrily replied. "What makes you think I'm not trying to improve!" "Because you reached your peek." he replied. "Uou did it! You became the toughest kid at school, congratulations. But how long ago was that? According to what could figure out, it was at the end of last year. So what have you done since then. You haven't been in a serious fight until recently." It annoyed me but he was right. I had slacked off, I used to work out everyday last year but this year I hadn't seen a need. Most people avoided me now, and those I once struggled with I had overcome. The old seniors at school graduated and I had become the number one bad ass. It was rare that I exercised at all now. My confidence had taken a blow, escaping was constantly on my mind. "I could take my time with you but I really do have to be getting back to work" the creature said as he raised his hands once more. "huh?... How careless of me." he suddenly stopped as he examined my blood on his hand. Dropping his stance he began un-buttoning his business suit. (huh?... What's he doing now) I thought as I cautiously watched him. Without needing to ask he answered me. "don't mind me. I just don't want to get your blood all over my work clothes." (he can't be serious... Darm him! His mocking me, that bastard!) I angrily thought as he turned to place his jacket on the crate in the center of the room. Despite my anger and his back being turned I was too hesitant to try anything. My gaze focused on the exit. (Maybe I should use this chance to get out of here?... No! I can take him... He just got a lucky hit in is all. This time I won't underestimate him.) "oh?... That's unlike you." the creature said as he finished neatly placing his business suit top on the crate. He didn't bother taking of his lower body wear, or the simple white work shirt that had been under the suit. "I thought you would had struck the moment I turned my back. What's wrong?... Scared?" I had heard him run his mouth enough. Dashing towards him I brought my fist back as I prepared to strike. I wasn't gonna give him another chance to attack. "Don't get all high and mighty just cause you got a lucky hit in! Your just like the rest of those bugs, confident until I'm painting the walls with your blood." Suddenly his mood changed, An angry scowl replacing his board expression as he suddenly raced towards me. I threw a punch only to have it blocked as he raised an arm while he thrust the other into my gut. The force of his strike winding me as I soon found myself slouching against him. My punch compared to his was too slow I needed to figure out what he was doing different if I were to stand a chance. "Don't you ever compair me to those... Abominations!" he angrily said into my ear as I slouch against him. A moment later he thrust me backwards before delivering a flurry of strikes to my gut and torso. With out blinking or taking my eyes off him I took the hit, Although I didn't really have a choice. The force sent me flying back a few meters like a rag doll before rolling a few more as soon as I touched the ground. "Sorry... I lost my composure there for a moment" he said as he retook his board expression. I slowly began to rise, propping myself up on my hands an knees before coughing up blood. "Kof! Kof!... Blah!" 'Crack!' Pain suddenly shoot through my face again. It was my nose, it had bent back into place. The lighter had finished healing it. (right!... As long as I got this lighter my body will heal. But I need a moment for these new injuries to heal. Can't let him know I'm healing, but I gotta distract him somehow.) "Hey! Bug!" I called out to him, a hand placed over my nose so he wouldn't realise I could heal. "what's your name?... Everytime I kill one of yous I don't find out your name until after. It's inconvenient since I never know what to call yous. Although given the names of your allies it's probably some thing stupid and means double or look a like. I was gonna guess Shadow Boxer but your friend had that name." "Friend?... Don't be ridiculous. They may had been my allies but I would never consider myself equals of those abominations!... And don't think that my name will be anything like theirs. They were part of the new generation and were named by the current queen... I on the other hand was part of the old queens generation. My name is Scree." (Queen?... Generation?... And what's with that name? Scree? It's nothing like the others. I don't quite get what he's talking about, But every second counts) I thought as I stayed prone. Luckily nothing else had been broken during that earlier barrage of blows. Although I'm sure that was due to him holding his punches, he was making sure not to kill me. The monster apparently named Scree began moving towards me while I was still down. "I guess were done here. If it's any consolation I hear it's quite nice in the sleep pod. Although, experiences vary from person to person." he said now standing above me with a fist raised. He brought his fist down at my head expecting me to still be dazed from his earlier attack, which I would had been if not for the lighters healing. Raising up quickly I throw myself into a backwards roll as his strike misses and hits the ground. As fast as I can I roll to my feet and kick off the ground towards him as I throw a punch aimed at his face. Due to the distance his able to move back enough to be just out side the range of my punch instead of trying to block it. But that was what I was hoping for. Unclenching my hand he had avoided, dust I had grabbed from the floor flies into his face, blinding him. Caught off guard by my underhanded move he steps back and raises his arms to defend as his now blinded. Taking advantage of the situation I throw all my weight into my next blow. Unable to see he can't block or avoid as my next punch connects with his face, knocking him onto his back. As he hits the ground I don't bother catching my breath as I sprint towards the exit. This is what I was hoping for. (This is the only chance I have. I won't get another) I desperately think as I run towards the entrance. Luckily despite how dark the warehouse is I'm able to find the door as a glint from the chain with an open padlock sits against it. I had noticed when I came in earlier. Hearing my footsteps move further away Scree calmly sits up and begins wiping the dust out of his eyes. "It doesn't matter if you try to run. Now that I know your name I can track you down." The sound of the chain that sat on the door and something closing can be heard from the entrance as he gets up finally wiping the rest of the dust from his eyes. "There's no shame in running, sticking around would have been futile. You could have never beat me" he continued to himself as he turned towards the entrance. But to his surprise I hadn't escaped. Instead I had wrapped the chain over the warehouse door and locked it with the padlock. "...Okay, wasn't expecting that" Scree said with a look of confusion on his face. "And what exactly does that accomplish?" "It's simple" I replied, it felt like a weitht had been taken off my shoulders. "Ever since I entered this warehouse I keep thinking about how I can escape. It's been distracting. But now that the option of escape has been removed, I can put all my energy into kicking your ass!" "Like that's really going to make a difference" Scree said as he dusted off his clothes. "Guess I'll just have to show you then" I replied as I made my way back to the center of the room We were both face to face with only 4-5 meters between us. "You'll regret not running" Scree said as he retook his boxing stance. "Funny. I was about to say the same thing to you" I replied as I mimicked his stance. Seeing me copy him he gave a curious look. "Don't be an idiot, This technique takes practice. You can't expect to try and match me. Without proper training your punches are too slow." "Why don't you come here and find out then. This time is gonna be different." I confidently replied. He moved towards me. Once in ranger we both strike, his punch as quick as before. Except unlike last time his punch stops midway as my fist flies past it and smashes into his face. "What!-" he mutters, stunned as he stumbles back. I give him another right straight to the face, forcing him back further. Off balance he sloppily swings at me with his left arm which I easily duck under. Raising up I deliver a left hook to his face, sending him to the ground. "Impossible? That technique... My technique... How could you figure it out so suddenly? Your just some inexperienced kid!" Scree said shocked at the sudden turn. "Inexperienced kid, Toughest bad ass of Ponyville High, Bully. Call me what ever you want. But before I was at the top of highschool I was a loser who got his ass kicked most times." I said as I looked down at Scree. "But that being said, my time as a Loser wasn't wasted. I learnt to examine my opponent closely. Back when you were kicking my ass I made sure to watch you. I noticed your technique, why your punches were faster than mine. You only tense your arm just before impact!" I stated to his surprise. "I never would have thought about doing that myself. And I definitely never would have come across that in school." "...Amazing. To think someone like you exists. Someone who can evolve so fast, to adjust to situations." a shocked Scree said as he got back to his feet. His expression suddenly becoming serious. "I thought of you as nothing more than some wannabe thug. Your very perceptive, enough to figure others out. You can adjust to a situation in a moment, and are very resourceful. You have lots of confidence yourself. But your most dangerous trait is your ability to take life without any concern." He retook his stance as he continued. "I can't afford to hold back, You have much potential. if you escape, if you get lucky, you could become a problem... No! Before that happens I must strike you down. I'm not gonna bother trying to capture you. I've decided, your far to dangerous to be allowed to live!" "Any chance you had is long gone" I replied as I copied his stance. "I'm gonna keep getting better, nothing can stop me. I tasted what it's like to win, there's no going back." I could feel it, Excitement! Even in this dangerous situation, I was enjoying myself. Only one of us was waking away from this. He moves in with a quick right hook which I'm just barley able to block by raising my left arm in defense, But pain surges through my arm. Despite blocking his hit the strength of his species isn't something to be taken lightly. While I don't think he possessed the power to lift a car it's still greater than what most people had. Despite my turning the tables earlier, it's clear he's no longer holding anything back as I'm forced to be defensive as blow after blow is just blocked. I'm thankful to have the lighter slowly healing my bruised and beaten arms, I'm certain it was the only thing keeping them from breaking. Well, that and with each strike I slowly learn his rhythm. I Soon I begin avoiding some of the strikes, allowing the lighter more time to patch me up. but at the same time I find myself being pushed back. (His got the speed and strength but his starting to become predictable, I thought he would have a better strategy than attack. In a moment I should be able to go on the offensive.) I thought as I swayed out of the way of his punch. His relentless assult began to slow, probably from fatigue. Unfortunately I was starting to feel it to. Avoiding his hits may had been less painful but it used more energy. If this fight had happened earlier in the day I wouldn't be having this problem. Finally my patience and observation pays of as I spot an opening in his slowing down assault. He falters for moment as I move in with decisive punch of my own aimed directly for his head. But to my surprise it hits earlier than expected. He had suddenly picked up his pace as he head butted my fist, he didn't even flinch. At the same time his arm suddenly flew towards my chest, fist unclenched and claws ready to stab me in the heart. They penetrate threw my jacket as I breifly feel them just slice into my skin by a centimeter or two. Luckily my reflexes kick in as I jump back to try and gain some distance. 'riiip!' As I quickly move back he clenches his claws, tearing a fist sized hole in the left breast of my jacket. I don't have much room to escape however as I slam into a pile of stacked crates the wobble in an unstable manor. "You gotta be kidding me..." I said as I look at the smug look on Scree's face as he holds a handful of my torn jacket. "You ass!... I just had that fixed!" (Shit, That was close. He played me, he slowed down on purpose. By creating a fake opening he tried to end me with a cross counter.) I thought as I examined the cuts in my chest, a small amount of blood began seeping from the wounds. (Considering how that could have gone, I got Lucky. If he stabbed my heart it would have been over. Even with the lighters healing I would of been a sitting duck while my heart was patched up. 5 small cuts is bearly anythin, I'll have this healed in no time.) but as I thought that I noticed something. The wound wasn't closing, infact I couldn't feel the healing warmth from the lighter at all. "oh!....... Shit." As I turned my attention back to Scree he unfolded the torn cloth of my jacket to reveal my grandfather's lighter. And with a smug look he said. "I'm fully aware this things been healing you up. With out it you wouldn't had lasted so long. Too bad it doesn't work for me." He then tossed the lighter to the floor behind him as he retook his boxing stance. I don't hesitate as I push myself away from the crates I've been backed up to and make a dash towards Scree. I know that unless I get the lighter back my chances of winning are slim. I lead with a flying right straight aimed for his face, making sure to telegraph my attack well before I'm in range. Seeing my attack he sidesteps to my right to avoid. (Good! Just like I was hoping you would do. Now that his out of the way I just gotta make a mad dash to my lighter." I thought as I began to pass him. However, as soon as I pass him my momentum reverses as I feel him grab the back of my jacket and pull me back. 'RIIIPPP!!' As I'm tossed to the ground where I had just come from I hear a sound I'm all to familiar with. The sound of the cross arrows emblem being torn off. "Oh come on!" I complain to myself as I get up and see him holding my jackets emblem. "Did Rarety glue this jacket together!?" I don't have much time to complain however. Scree closes in and begins throwing carefully aimed punches as I try my best to either avoid or block by raising my arms. With each hit pain surges through me as I'm once again being pushed back, the distance between me and the lighter becoming greater. (I can't take this much longer... Defending basically does nothing, I need to attack. Giving up defending should be fine, as long as I get back my lighter it doesn't matter how badly I get hurt.) And with that thought I switch from defending to attacking. I quickly go for a punch to his face which he avoids by slightly tilting his head. My next strike doesn't fare much better as he knocks it away from its intended target with his arm. I can't even consider my next move as his fist is thrust into my stomach, sending me tumbling back a few steps. Not wanting to lose momentum I quickly charge him, this time by zig-zaging to try and confuse him. But it's me who's caught off guard as he doesn't bother to wait for me. He easily read my movement and quickly steps towards me, delivering a strong punch to my ribs. I'm sent flying back a few meters into the stacked piles of crates once again as they unstabaly shack. (Shit!... This is bad). I think to myself as I leaned against the crates behind me for support. Pain was surging through most my body at this point. I look past Scree and to my lighter, it's no closer than it had been a few minutes ago. (He's way to good... I may had caught him of guard earlier but now that his serious I can't touch him. And he only let me keep up with him a little to give me a false sense of security so that he could snatch the lighter.) it was frustrating but I had to accept how bad this was going. He was just simply better with his fists "I hate to admit it... But your good... Too good." I say defeatedly as I drop my stance. Without the lighter I can't stand against him for long. "In terms of skill and form, your much better then me. You've had more time to practice and perfect your style, the difference between us is obvious. I tried to copy you but I just can't keep up... Your boxing is far superior to mine..." Scree had a satisfied smile at hearing me say that. He could clearly see I accepted that he was better. And with that he rushes towards me, determined to end this. "...Too bad this wasn't a boxing match" I continued as I kick the pile of crates behind me. Smashing a crate at the bottom off the pile, the others begin to fall towards both me and Scree. Seeing the crates falling towards him he momentarily panics, freezing up as he becomes indecisive as to if he should fight or run. I on the other hand don't have that issue. I sprint towards him as I slip my jacket off and throw it towards his face. As it gets closer to him it obstructs his view of me for a moment as swings his arm in an ark, knocking it behind him to where the lighter is. "Huh?!" Scree quickly becomes confused, With my jacket out of the way he sees I'm no longer there, only the stacks of crates falling towards him. He doesn't have to wander where I went for too long as he feels something sweep his feet, knocking him to the ground face first. While my jacket obstructed his view I slid between his legs, grabbing them as I did and sending him to the floor. And while I would have loved to stomp his head into the ground, that's what the crates were for. Quickly correcting myself, I kick off the ground as I make a mad dash to avoid the crates. Stunned from the fall, Scree doesn't have a chance to run as a mountain of crates collapses on top of him. The wooden boxes breaking as they hit the ground, leaving a mountain of broken wooden boxes. I wasn't gonna stop to catch my breath as I grabbed my lighter and jacket. I began the next phase of my plan as I sprinted towards the crate in the center of the room where he left his business suit jacket. Holding the lighter in my mouth I began tearing my jacket up, pocketing whatever valuables it held. While I'm sure the mountain of crates did some damage I wasn't taking any chances, but I also wasn't going to enter his range again. Meanwhile under the mountain of broken wood, Scree began to push his way out of the debri. "bastards..., Darm filthy miserable BASTARD!" he screamed as he began to push himself off the ground, There was at least a meter deep pile of wood pushing him down. The wood from the crates had splintered, tearing his dress shirt and pants badly. his armoured skin was cracked in places but was mostly fine. However, splintered wood had torn his wings and cut into his joints which weren't armoured. The back of his left knee inparticular was damaged badly, splintered wood had cut into it deeply. He was still rocked from the impact but began shifting through the wood on top of him. Despite his injuries he needed to get out from underneath the debri. Luckily for him he was built tough, but it proved to be a bit of a struggle with an injured leg. After a few moments he could see a patch of light, and with a bit of effort he raised a hand out of the rubble and soon pulled his upper body out. "Hey! JACK ASS!" I called from the behind him. "your still here?... You should of taken this chance to run." Scree replied as he began to turn around. "you think just cause you got Lucky you stand a ch-..." He froze mid sentence as he now face my direction. I was hoisting the large crate from the center of the room over my head. "I just wanted to let you know..." I began with a smug expressions plastered on my face. "...YOU MISSED ONE!" With that I tossed the crate with all my might into the air. After going up it began to come down, Straight on Scree who still had his lower body under the debri. The shadow of the crate became larger as it came towards Scree until it covered his body. For a moment his emotion and expresion disappeared, becoming blank. "Don't..." he began to say. Than in an instance his eyes exploded with anger as he drew a fist back. "don't... FUCK WITH ME!!!" Scree thrust his arm into the air, it collided with the crate. Cracks began appear as the box began to break. But the moment he touched the crate his expression quickly changed from one of anger, to one of fear. The moment he touched it he noticed something was wrong. An intense heat could be felt. A green glow emanated from the cracks in the crate. "I might not be able to beat you in fist fight, but as long as I win the method doesn't matter" I say as I watch my plan come together. The boxes brakes apart as green flames explode outwards. Burning pieces of Cloth and wood fall onto Scree and the debri from the crates. As it does he realises what I've done. "What!?" Scree screams as he quickly pulls his hand back, now lightly singed. He begins frantically patting the flames in an attempt to put them out but it's no use. The debri begins catching fire, so does his torn dress shirt. The flames around him begin to grow as his assaulted by the heat and fire as an inferno forms around him. Earlier When he Had been under all the debri, I tore up both my jacket and his business suit and placed them both In the crate in the center of the room along with smashed up pieces of the chaire that my fake mum was tied to. I then lit them on fire with the lighter and closed up the crate before tossing it at him. Due to a limited supply of air the flame died down, but once the crate broke and it was once again exposed to air the flame expanded. It was a bit much but I wasn't gonna risk entering his range. "AAHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Scree began to scream as the flames consumed him. It may had just been my imagination but I swear the flames were moving towards him. I could see him frantically dig into the burning debri in a desperate attempt to free himself. I stood away from the fire. Disappointed that I had to resort to this, but satisfied with the result. Whether luck or for a reason I hadn't understood, the fire didn't seem to spread further than 3 meters or so from Scree. I hadn't thought about it before, but this stunt could have burnt the whole warehouse down. After a few minutes the flames die down as something rolls from the ashes, it's Scree. His still alive but just barely, his whole body is charred and can't seem to work his hands or feet. A good chunk of his muscle has been burnt away as well. Realising he was no longer a threat I appreached him. "I know you probably don't have very long to live so if you answer my questions I'll put you out of your misery" I offered. "What are you? Given your grotesque form and the ability to use magic I figure your demon. But they don't exist, although neither should you." Rolling onto his back to face me, he kept his mouth shut. "Not gonna answer!... Then what about this lighter? What is it?" I asked. But he remained silent. After a few more moments his silent expression changed as a smile crept onto his face. "You ready to talk?" I curiously asked. He looked way to gleefull for someone who's dying. Something felt off. 'Clap Clap Clap' A slow clap came from behind. I quickly turned to see where it was coming from, my eyes going wide at what I find. Silver eyes gaze into mine as another dark insect like creature stands only a few feet from me. A huge toothy smile stretched across his face. > Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies Part 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 005 part 8 Chapter 5 - friendship is Lies (part 8) Scree, The large bug like creature lies on the floor, a broken charred mess barely clinging to life. I had only just managed to pull out a win as I trapped him in an inferno I had constructed around him when suddenly another of these creatures had appeared just a few feet behind me as I thought I had won. (shit!... I thought I killed them all. Was this one hiding in a corner or something?) I frustratingly thought as he stood behind me. (how did he get so close without me noticing? The lighter didn't even react... No wait, that's because his not using any magic. Right now he's in his natural form. It only detects them when they disguise themselves with magic.) Usually I'm one to welcome a fight but right now I was completely worn out. My arm's and torso were still considerably bruised from the beating I received earlier. I would have thought the lighter would have healed me completely by now but it hadn't. I had also used every last trick I had to beat Scree, another fight right away just wasn't something I could handle. Despite my tired state I stood up straight and put on as much confidence I could muster. My plan was to try and bluff my way through this. Even if he wasn't as strong as Scree I was simply exhausted. "if you think you stand a chance against me, I strongly suggest consulting your charred friend about it first." I confidently said as I motioned to Scree's burnt dying body. "you did it!..." the new bug said in astownment. There was an odd look of joy in his eyes, despite what's happened to his friend he seemed oddly happy. "against commonsense... Against all the odds... You actually triumphed!" He's odd behaviour was freaking me out. Was he trying to confuse me... Because it was working. But before I could dwell on the new bugs appearance some more a ragged dying voice from behind caught my attention. "Mes...Messenger... You do-... Don't stand a.... Chance" Scree struggled to say as he lay broken on the floor. "...tell-'KOFF!'... Tell... The others.. ...Let the.. R-Royal-" After that it just turned into a fit of dry coughs. The sound of approaching footsteps brought my attention back to the new bug who was walking towards me. (Shit! I don't know how much more I can take. Just gonna have to deal with it!) I thought as I raised my arms to fight. He approached as I waited for him to strike. Except, once he made it to me he kept going. He simply walked passed me and instead went to Scree's side before crouching down and lifting his head gently. (No! Is he gonna take Scree and run. Scree knows my identity, if he gets away it's over. ...Actually, depending on how long this new ones been around I might have to kill him to... Even if I'm out of energy) I decisively thought as I got ready to chase them. But something was off as the new bug held an arm above Scree. "Your ruining this moment for me" the new bug said with a frown. And with that he thrust his claws down, straight into Scree's throat. Scree's eyes went wide as green blood sprayed from his throat, covering his body. The new bug dropped him as he combust, green flames consuming his body. I stood there confused as to what was going on. Before I could even grasp the situation he pointed a hand towards the pod they had tried to put me in. A green glow flew from his hand and towards it, upon impact the pod burst apart. The remains quickly degenerated before dissolving. "I didn't think I would get another chance to talk to you" The new bug said. "...What are talking about?" I curiously asked. "We've never spoken before." "We have, but not in this form." The bug answers. "Ever since I first saw you I've been fascinated by you. By your style, by why you do what you do, how you can do it." There was a look in his eyes I had never seen before... Well I had, but never directed at me. It was admiration. His words sounded familiar, suddenly I recognized were I had heard them as he continued. "You have the only thing I want, the only thing I crave... Freedom. The freedom to do as you please. No matter the consequences, No matter the odds. You do it anyway and succeed." He continued in a enthusiastic tone. I had remembered where I heard most of this from. Part of it from him, an the other part was from me. "Your that boy from yesterday. The one with silver hair." I stated. "That's right. We spoke yesterday during your lunch hour at school" He replied. "The boy who's form I copied was named Silver Streak. Besides how he acts the only thing I didn't get right was his eye colour. I'm not very good at transforming, I can only get it to last about 30 minutes and my eyes always end up silver like my true forms. But that was fine, it's not like you could tell the difference." "Maybe not, but I did know you were acting odd. You willingly spoke to me, Already that was a red flag. I even suspect you were one of those bug creatures." I replied. "Yes, I was following the one that had been stalking you. Imagine my surprise when you not only kill him, but you turned out to be responsible for blowing the whistle on the ones hiding at Bullworks Street." He said with amazement. "It did inconvenience me a bit though since I had to restart my search to find these guy's, but nothing I couldn't handle." "So you were aware of me since yesterday. Does that mean you followed me around today hoping they would target me again. And why were you after this lot?" I questioned, still uncertain as to his goal. "No, I didn't follow you during school. I overheard you in your conversation with the one following you from yesterday about how you were somehow aware of him. Maybe you were bluffing, but I wasn't gonna risk it. It also doesn't help that my disguise doesn't last longer than 30 minutes. It was just chance that I came across you as Scree lead you here. I followed from a distance and have been watching you all through a skylight." He answered as he pointed to the roof. "Why are you telling me all this?" I curiously asked, still not sure why he seemed non-hostile. "I have killed 5 of your kind already. Why are you talking to me? What do you hope to accomplish?" "What do I want?..." he replied with a thoughtful look. "...I already told you that. I want what you have, freedom. For now I won't go into further detail than that. But I want to know, how far you can go?" "how far I can go?" I repeated. "Yes, can you do it. You already managed 5, but can you kill the rest? Can you wipe out the rest of us?" he asked with a serious expression. (what is he talking about. Is he trying to decide whether or not I'm an enemy?...No! it almost sounds like he wants me to kill the rest of his kind, but that can't be right.) I thought. While I stood there confused, he continued. "As of this moment no one besides me is aware of you. I have no intention of informing the others of you, but I can't allow you to inform the public of our existence either. That is why I removed both the pod and Scree. If you want you can just simply walk away, It may be in your best interest to do so. I know you probably don't care about the missing people so I don't know why you wouldn't walk away." There was a brief pause before he continued. "But... If you do choose to stay, to hunt the rest of my kind. I will help you. I'm no good in a fight, but I can give you information." After a moment to think I replied. "your joking! You don't honestly think I would fall for such an obvious lie? Why would you want me to kill the rest of your kind? It's clear you think you don't stand a chance against me and are just stalling for time." "oh? It's true I wouldn't want to take you on, but in your current condition even I could kill you. There's nothing I would want more than to kill you and take your place in life, but that wouldn't solve my problem. I want to live freely, but currently I can't do that. That's why I need your help!" he replied. While vague he seemed to be telling the truth, but I was still unsure of what to do. I hadn't planed for this, could I just walk away... Probably. But he was a liability. As I thought about my options he continued. "You don't have to give me an answer right away, take some time to think about it. We can meet back here Monday morning." he said as he turned to leave. "Monday? How do I know your not just setting a trap!" I suspiciously accused him. "I already said I won't to into detail. But right now your my only hope at freedom!" he answered as his wings began buzzing. "It's not much but I will tell you this. Our species, were know as Changlings." His wings spread out and soon began buzzing. "Tell me!" I interrupted before he could leave. "What is your name?" Slightly turning his head towards me, he answered. "one of my position was not worth the effort to be named, Instead I'm called by my title. For most my life it was Tunneller, although recently it has been Messenger." And with that he then lifted off the ground and flew through the open skylight, leaving the warehouse. For a moment I stood there and thought about everything he told me. (Changling?... Messenger?... Should I just walk away?... Can I?... As long as his alive his a liability. They could come for me at any time. But I think he was being honest when he said he had no interest in telling the others about me... He also seemed way to honest when he said he wants to kill the rest of his kind... If I did come back Monday there's a high possibilities it could be a trap... Although if that were the case he could've taken me now." I wasn't sure what he was after but he claimed it was freedom, and that somehow it involved killing the rest of his kind. Although how the two things were related was still a mystery. One thing I did gain however was a name, Changling. Deciding I would think about this all later I gathered my things. By this I meant my jacket, or what remained of it. Luckily I had moved everything I had stored in it to my pockets... Because all that remained of my jacket was the cross emblem that had been torn off. The rest were ashes from my fiery stunt. "And I just had it repaired to." I said to myself. "I wonder if the Carosal Boutique is still open?" Using a cup I found next to a bag of sugar I scooped up some of the ashes. I knew my jacket couldn't actually be repaired but I had a lot on my mind. It took a little longer to leave as I had forgotten that I chained the door shut. But with a little effort I busted the lock and left the warehouse. I was much happier than I though I would be to leaving that dusty old building. Unfortunately I forgot how long the walk to my car would take. The sun was almost completely down by the time I made it to my car, and as much as I would like to go straight home there was something I had to do first. Well, not had to, but I would prefer to get it out of the way. I headed to the Carousel Boutique. Hopefully it's not closed. It didn't take long to arrive at my destination and it seemed I was in luck. Rarety was just leaving but she hadn't locked up yet. She was fiddling with the keys at the front door when I ran up to here with my glass of jacket ashes. She hadn't noticed me approach as she seemed occupied. "Hey!" I abruptly said as I slammed my arm against the door to gain her attention" "AHHHHHHH!" Rarety screamed hystericaly as she placed her arms over her head defensively. "TAKE MY MONEY! JUST PLEASE DON'T TOUCH MY CLOTHES" "...what?... No! I'm a customer..." I clarified to the startled girl. in hindsight I get that maybe my approach was a little forceful but I saw her closing up and panicked... I've had a stressful day. "oh... A customer..." Rarety said as she gladly calmed down an began to turn towards me. "You startled me. For a moment I thought you were gonna-... AAHHHHHHH!" The moment she saw me she screamed. "Well I see your customer service skills haven't improved." I said sarcastically. "Cross!... Your clothes! Your-... What happened to you!" Rarety asked, probably more concerned for my clothes. Rolling my eyes I replied, making no attempt to be convincing in my lie. "...My shirt fell down some stairs..." Zero effort was put into this story. But she does have a tendency to go overboard when fashion is involved. With a confused look she hesitantly replied. "wha... But your bruised... And bleeding!" "What? No that bloods dry, it's just from-!" I stopped mid sentence as I focused on where she was looking. To my surprise she was right. My arms were still bruised from my fight with Scree, same with my torso but she couldn't see most of that. My chest was still lightly bleeding from from the claw marks I received in my chest when he had grabbed the lighter from me as well. This was disturbing, surely I should had healed up by now but I hadn't. I could still feel the gentle warmth of the lighter but nothing was happening. "look..." began to reply as I thought up an excuse. But then I remembered I didn't need one. "...I'm actually not gonna answer that. Not because I don't have a reason, I just don't wanna tell you." She seemed a little annoyed with my response but I didn't care as I held out the glass of ashes with my jackets emblem stuffed in it out to her. "...what's this? A glass of dirt?" she hesitantly asked as she took the glass. "oh! This is from your jacket. Did it get torn off? Let me guess, you want me to fix it back up... For free! Even after you made me walk to school and STOLE my bag. I was stressed all morning! And what exactly em I supposed to sew this to? Did you even bring the rest of the jacket?" she continued, getting aggressively louder as she did. Clearly she hadn't gotten over any of our previous encounters. Ignoring her hysterics I replied... Well, Corrected. "firstly. Thats not a glass of dirt, it's a glass of ashes. And secondly.... You are holding my jacket!... Well, what's left of it." Confused, Rarety looked to the glass of ashes before turning back to me with an inquisitive look. But before she could say anything I interrupted. "yeah, look. Just like why I'm bruised and bleeding I'm not gonna answer. Not only don't I have to tell you anything, I don't wanna tell you anything." I said as I began to walk away. "And why should I fix your jacket?" Rarety called out as I was leaving. "Same reason you did it the first time." I reminded her. "Besides, this time there's no conditions to how you do it so it's likely you'll get paid. I don't care if you make it from scratch or Frankenstein it together from others. Just have it ready by Tommorow morning." "Tommorow? You can't be serious" Rarety replied. "I'm willing to pay good money. Well, that and you know how clumsy I get when I don't have my jacket." I reminded her. She seemed annoyed by my last words as I left but didn't have anything more to say... Well, she probably did but didn't say them as to be more civil. I had a lot on my mind when I got home, mums car was in the drive way but it seemed she had already headed off to bed. It was still fairly early but she had a tendency to run herself ragged. Dad was still at work so it was basically just me which I'm used to. I took a shower to wash away the blood and dirt that accumulated throughout the day and threw away my ruined shirt. Two shirts in two days. I should probably be more careful. After that I bandaged up the claw marks and made myself an easy dinner before heading to my room. I had a lot on my mind, mostly about how unhappy I was with how today went. That fact that I was forced to make friends even if it was fake pissed me off, but the real issue was what Scree had said. He was right. At some point I reached what I thought was my peak and stopped trying. Because of that I slowly but surely lost my edge, even if I was at my best I wouldn't have been able to take him. My fights in school seem rather petty when compared to him. Actually it was the slow realisation I had throughout this whole week that annoyed me the most. I felt like I was losing control. From getting constantly surprised from these changlings to Principles Celestia's weird ways of dealing with me. My attitude certainly didn't help me either. It was the main reason I got into a lot of messes. (...What em i gonna do about that Silver eyed changlings offer? ...Messenger?...) I thought. (...Should I bother to go after them? At this point was there even a reason? Maybe someone else will deal with them.) I was still undecided on what to do about them, but I did decide on one thing. (Even if I leave the changling thing alone, Scree was right. No! This week I realised something. I'm not at the top. I'm good, but I'm not the best. I need to aim to improve myself, and not just physically but mentally. If I was doing better at school than maybe I wouldn't have to deal with annoying things. Maybe I wouldn't be making dumb choices all the time like when I let Scree take me to his hideout. Sure I managed thanks to some quick thinking, but it's more like I just got lucky. I got lucky a bunch of times.) Before I decide if I'll continue hunting changlings I decided I would first focus on me. I wasn't to sure where to start but that was fine, there was no wrong place and luckily I had many flaws... Even if I was only starting to realise them. (But before I go to bed there was something else I have to do!) I thought as I looked at my Grandfathers book beside me. (maybe I won't be getting involved with those changlings again, but just in case I should learn what I can.) My Grandfathers book. 'The Weird, Wacky and Wonderful encyclopedia of Creatures, Creations, and Culture from Another World. Another Time or What Time Forgot!... Vol 1-ish'. It was much more detailed than I was expecting. It contained a lot of things I had never heard of... And we're probably imaginary. Due to how thick the book was it probably would have taken all night if I didn't know what I was looking for. It also helped that it was in alphabetical order. And to my surprise I found what I was looking for. On the page was a sketch of a bipedal insect like creature. It's armoured skin black like the night with a twisted jagged horn and holes placed throughout its arms and legs. A Changling. (maybe Grandpa wasn't as crazy as everyone claimed he was) I thought as I began to read. The chapter on changlings was fairly long, complete with diagrams. but I was determined to learn all I could. It wasn't much, but that night it felt like I was starting to move forwards for once. > Chapter 6 - Har-Fest part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 006 part 1 Chapter 6 - Har-Fest (part 1) "FIIIIRE!!!" I'm suddenly awoken as my bedroom door swings open. My Mother who looks like Hell with her disheveled hair and clothes had burst into my room and began shouting. "FIIIIIIIIIRE" she quickly screamed again before running out of my room. I quickly jump out of bed in just a pair of shorts as I bolt through the door. I didn't even have time to think about what I was supposed to do as instinct had taken over. I groggly race towards the kitchen down stairs in search of the fire extinguisher under the sink. In a panic I trip down the last few steps and painfully roll the last two meters before crashing into the floor. Luckily my body is full of adrenaline as I ignored the pain and dash into the kitchen. I pass my father who's sitting at the table as I make a mad sprint to the cupboard under the sink. Unfortunately I was going too fast as I soon found I couldn't stop, trying to lean down to the cupboard under the sink turns into me painfully falling face first into the small wooden cupboard doors. Luckily I'm still driven by instincts and adrenaline as I ignore my pain and grab the fire extinguisher. But as I quickly make my way back to the dining table I stop, realizing I don't actually know where the fire is as I jog in place as I frantically look around for any signs of fire. However... The only thing I noticed was the odd look my father was giving me. He sat their with an eyebrow raised, halfway through his toast, his doctors jacket covering most of his body. Still panicked and slightly confused I ask. "...Where is the fire!?" With the same confused expression he had this whole time he calmly replied. "...I was about to ask you the same thing?" he then turned his attention back to his toast, ignoring the situation. Before I could berate him for his lack of concern my mother's voice interrupted me. "oh! Both of you are already up, good!" She calmly walked down stairs, her hair and clothes neat. Any sign of panic or disorder from when she had burst into my room were now gone. Looking around confused for a moment I turn to my mother. "...but...The fire?..." "Fire?" She innocently questioned. "I don't have the slightest idea of what your talking about. But its a good thing your up, usually on weekends you sleep past 3 o'clock. You would've missed Har-Fest if you slept in that late." "...Har...Fest?" I slowly questioned as things suddenly made sense. I had forgotten all about it after yesterday's incident. There was no fire, mum just wanted me up early so I could go and attend the farmer gathering she had been planning all month. My heart rate slowed down as my panic and confusion soon turned into annoyance. "That's why you burst into my room. For a back water farmer convention!... I fell down the darm stairs!... I smashed my face into the sink cupboard!" "Why did you do that?" My father questioned with a raised eyebrow, not sure what either me or mum were talking about. "I didn't do it on purpose!" I snapped. As the adrenaline left me my face began to sting. "Just try to be more careful." Mum suggested as she shrugged her shoulders. "That's not the point!" I snapped again, but I knew arguing with them was pointless. Instead I sat at the table and used a glass's reflection to see the damage as I rubbed my face. I didn't have the lighter with me so the pain wasn't being healed. "Darm... I might end up with a bruise." "...Is that really an issue?" My father questioned as he motioned to my body. Turning my attention to were he was looking I saw his point. "oh!... Right!" My torso and arms were covered in bruises and I had claw marks on my left chest from yesterday. Scree really gave me a beating, and for whatever reason the lighter hadn't healed me. I had even held it while I slept, but for whatever reason I wasn't at 100%... infact, the damage still looked new. "I got into a bit of a fight yesterday." "Meh... I've had worse." Mum unconcerningly says as she passes me and begins making coffee. "...What?" I breifly question. "Were not gonna be seeing police about this are we?" Dad questioned me, a bit of concern present in his tone. "No. I'm pretty sure the authorities won't be getting involved." I replied as I examined some of the bruises. "You worry too much." Mum said to dad. "Remember how much trouble you use to get into back when you where his age. If the cops come around we'll just do what we did back then." "I distinctly remember trying to avoid trouble." dad replied. "You were the one who always got into fights back then. And times have changed, you can't do that to a police officer... Actually, even back then it wasn't alright." I had no idea what they were talking about. But since it was my family it was probably illegal, or at least morally wrong. "Speaking of times changing." My mother began, ignoring the topic entirely. "You better get dressed Drifting, you wouldn't want to miss a moment of Har-Fest... Not after all the work I put into it!" She suggested. Although the last bit sounded more like a threat than a suggestion. "Huh?... Why just me? What about dad?" I questioned. Overly proud, Dad answered before mum had a chance. "I would love to go the back wat-... I mean, Har-Fest. But unfortunately I have work." He wasn't trying very hard to hide his joy of not having to go. Rolling my eyes I turned my attention back to mum. "Is there any chance I could not go?" Besides my hectic week, I just didn't want to go to some farmer celebration. I had been to Sweet Apple Aches twice this week already which was more than enough of the farm experience for my liking... Twice more than my liking to be exact. "That depends." Mum replied as she grabbed a cup of coffee. "What are the chances of your cars breaks suddenly failing!" I was right... It was a threat. "Okay, I get it." I begrudgingly replied. When it came to mum I wasn't gonna put it passed her to make good on her threats. She had worked hard on making Har-Fest happen, although I don't know why. She was gonna be too busy running it to even enjoy it. "...So what time does it start?" I asked, devoid of enthusiasm. "Well, technically it starts at 6. Although it probably won't start getting crowded until 8... So we have plenty of time." Mum replied. "Plenty of time?.." I questioned as I looked to the clock. To my surprise it was only 5:35. "It's 5 in the morning!... I didn't even know there was a 5 in the morning!" Mum ignored my complaint as she continued. "Well I'm gonna head off. Even if I'm not needed this early in, I don't trust them to handle things without my constant guidance... And Drifting, you don't have to come right away but you better not show up late either. I have eyes and ears everywhere so I'll know everything you do." With those last words mum left. After a moment of silence I turned to my dad. "Late?... That wasn't exactly a specified time frame. What time do you think would be considered late... Like 12 ish?" "I think it depends on the individuals perspective. So given it's my wife, Charity, you should probably just go as soon as possible. You wouldn't want to risk it. She has had many sleepless nights in the last few weeks leading up to this... I'm worried the lack of sleep is effecting her mental state." He replied as he finished his toast. "You got a point." I said as I recalled how mum can be. It's very likely where I get my attitude from. "Your lucky. Sure work probably isn't great, but it's also probably better than this backwater country bumpkin gathering." "Work?... I don't have work." He replied, taking off his Doctor's jacket that had covered his body to reveal he had his pajamas on. Tossing his jacket over a chair he then went back up stairs and to bed. (Darm it!... Why didn't I think of doing something like that? I had a whole week to think of an excuse.) I annoyingly thought as I then headed to my room to get changed. Once in my room I began to get changed. I had only put on a pair of long black tracksuit pants with a long red stripe running down the sides, when suddenly a strange jingle began to play. 'DO-DO-DO-DOOO!...DIDIDODO' came a jingle that would repeat. (THE HELL IS THAT?) I thought, surprised by the sudden musical jingle. A moment later I figured out what it was. It was my mobile phone on my desk next to my bed, the same phone Blueblood had given me earlier this week. (...The hell does Blueblood want?) I thought as I picked up the mobile phone. Not being to familiar with the device as I haven't really used it... or any mobile phone. It took me a moment to figure out how to answer... It was the button of the little green phone. "Yo!... What do you want?" I answered. "...Cross, oh good, your up!" replied a voice on the phone. It didn't sound like Blueblood, however it was familiar... But I couldn't place it. Being cautious I remained quiet. "...hey, you still there?... It's me!... Valkyrie!..." "...How did you get this number!" I demanded, glad I hadn't mentioned Blueblood's name when I answered the phone. "huh?... I got it from Pinky Pie." Valkyrie stated. "oh, I see..." I calmly replied as I began to reach for a shirt... Before suddenly stopping. "WAIT! NO I DON'T!... Who the Hell is Pinky Pie?... Why does she know my number?... I don't even know my Number!" (Pinky Pie?... That names familiar, was she that plump baker girl who worked at Sugar Cube Corner?... I'm not 100% sure but that might be her. She also might be connected to Twilight if I remember correctly... Although when it comes to remembering people I don't fully trust myself.) "I don't really know why she knows your number... But don't worry about that." Valkyrie replied. "More importantly, you going to Har-Fest?" "Har-Fest?... Yeah. I'm just getting ready to go.... Why?" I answered, putting the Pinky Pie situation to the side for now. "I guess it wouldn't really matter if you weren't... But I'm calling to cash in on my side of our deal. I need a lift to Har-Fest." He replied. '...sigh...' I loudly sighed, sounding as disgusted as possible before remembering he lived outside of town. "...Hold on, you live outside of town, right. "I replied seeing a silver lining. It wasn't much, but the time it took to get him would mean less time at Har-Fest... Although it also meant I would be around him. "Yeah, I live outside of town. Do you know where Northstar Ranch is?" He asked. After a moment he continued, taking the silence to mean no. "It's out in the same direction as Sweet Apple Acres... Although you probably don't know where that is either... I know! Just search for it on your phone, there should be a map." (Search for it on my phone?... What's he talking about?... Can my phone actually do that?) I confusingly thought as I wasn't really sure what my phone could do. I hadn't used a mobile phone before as I simply never had a need for one. Not wanting to sound like I had no idea what he was talking about I lied. "...of course that's what I'll do! I know how to do... Maps..." It wasn't a very convincing lie, but he wasn't going to argue it. "...Yeah, sure.... Anyway, it'll probably take you awhile to get here so I'll go get ready. See you in a bit." Valkyrie finished before hanging up. (Darm... I planned to avoid giving him my number for awhile so I wouldn't have to taxi him... The Hell did this Pinkie Pie girl know it... I don't even know it.) I thought as I continued getting dressed. I put on a bright yellow shirt with the letter WWF printed on it followed by the picture of a panda hitting another panda with a chair. It was play on 'world wrestling federation' and 'world wildlife federation'. I also put on my shoes before I went for my jacket, only to remember it was being repaired at the Carousel Boutique... Again. I would need to go there sometime today, although right now was far too early. It took a moment to locate my lighter which was now on the floor of my bedroom where I had dropped it when I jumped out of bed in a panic. I had slept with it in my hand last night hoping it would heal my remaining wounds from Yesterday. However it apparently hadn't as I could plainly see, the bruises even looked as new as they did when I got them weirdly enough... Although that might just be in my head. After grabbing my wallet and keys I went to the bathroom to slick my hair back as I would most mornings. My long black hair would normally fall forwards and cover most of my face, making it hard for me to see if I didn't slick it back. A hat probably would work just as well, but this gave me a dangerous 60's gangster look which made people more hesitant to approach me. Being anti-social I preferred this, even if gel was kinda pricey. Once I was ready I went to my car and began to fiddle with my phone. (Okay... How the Hell do I bring up maps?) I thought as I randomly pushed buttons. I wasn't sure what I needed to do and after awhile I became frustrated as I got stuck on what seemed to be the game 'snakes', so I decided to give up and fall back on what I knew. In my glove compartment was a map book of the surrounding area. I don't usually travel outside of Ponyville but Dad had given me this book when I first got my license to lessen the possibility of me getting lost. It didn't take too long to find Northstar Ranch. It was kind in the same direction as Sweet Apple Acres but there was a lot of distance still between them. Also, with the weird way the roads were designed I would have to take a completely different set of roads. With that I began on my way. The trip was quiet and uneventful. At one point I had turned on the radio only to switch it off moments later. All local radio stations were playing nothing but Country music due to today's special event... I use the term 'special event' lightly. But after some time what appears to be Northstar ranch comes into view as a wooden fence began to run parallel to the road, marking the borders of their land. (Northstar Ranch... With a name like that it probably has some connection to the company owned by Blueblood's family.) I speculate as I look for an entrance. Before long a few buildings can been seen as I draw closer. The closest building seems to be a house while the one furthest in the back is a stable. There are two more buildings but I'm not familiar enough with ranches to even guess what they're for. Besides the buildings, there is lots of flat open land and what appears to be a large oval race track. While I'm still kinda far I can tell this place has been better maintained then Sweet Apple Acress. The buildings seem more modern and even the wooden fence is more fancier and maintained. Eventually I spot what seems to be the entrance, a large wooden sign sitting just before it that reads 'Northstar Ranch'. However what catches my attention most is what appears to be someone who is dressed like a sheriff, one you would see in old western movies, they were currently leaning against the sign. He looked out of place, silly even... But I figured he could inform me if it was fine to drive in or not, perhaps he even knew were abouts to find Valkyrie. Driving past him I do a u-turn and pull up beside the entrance so that once I grab Valkyrie I can head back to town. I then looked out the window to address the stupid looking Sheriff. "Hey Sheriff Woody! I'm looking for-... You've gotta be kidding me?" To my surpr... Disappointment, the jackass who looked like a sheriff was actually Valkyrie... Who looked like a jackass. "Howdy." He over confidently greeted me without any shame at what he was wearing. Which was a brown jacket with tassels along the arm over a dark blue flannel shirt. Ass-less chaps over a pair of blue jeans. Brown boots with whatever those little metal star things on the bottom are called, cowboys wear them for riding or something. And the cherry on top of this whole thing... Or his head at least, was a Stetson hat. The most stereotypical thing a cowboy could wear. "Please tell me this is a one time thing and this isn't what you consider casual?" I asked full of regret as I looked him up and down trying to decide which part of his outfit was the dumbest... I eventually settled on what was under it. "What are you talking about." He confidently replied as he shrugged off my comment. "I'm dressed to impress... The ladies that is." "If by ladies you mean slack jawed inbred yokels, then yes, yes you are." I replied. However he once again ignored my negativity as some sparkle of hope in his eye made him blind to reality. "Although, there's only one girl I'm looking to impress today. I know she'll like it... But honest opinion, what do you think?" With that he did the most feminine twirl I had ever seen. Of course I answered how anyone else would had in my situation. "...You look... Great." It was a lie, but I felt better knowing things weren't gonna go well for him. "Great!" He gleefully replied as he went around the car and got into the passengers seat. "Oh, by the way, before we head to Har-Fest we need to make a little detour." "Detour?... The Hell are you talking about? This is the detour." I disgruntly replied with a raised eyebrow. "Don't worry, it's not too far. We just gotta pick Slow Dancer up." Valkyrie replied with much more confidence then I liked. With a stern look I replied. "The Hell I do!... Our deal only covers me to taxi you." With a smug knowing look he replied. "You know... Living out here does make getting to school everyday kinda hard. If only I knew someone with a car?..." "...Fine... But if and when our little deal falls apart, you know I'm gonna kick your ass!" I Begrudgingly agreed, Getting where he was going with this. "So then, where does Slow Dancer live then?" "You got your phone?" He asked. "huh?... Uh, yeah." I slowly reply as I fished my phone out of my pocket. The moment I held it out he snatched it. "hmmm, Retro. I'll bring up a map. I'ld use mine but these jeans are a little to tight, can't really get my phone out my pocket... I'll deal with it when needed." He replied as he turned to my phone, only to look back to me a moment later with a look of confusion. "Hey, are you in the middle of a game of snakes right now?" "What?" I questioned as he showed me my phone which was still stuck in the snake game. "oh, actually my phones playing up, it's stuck in that game with no way to quit." With a raised eyebrow he continued. "Did you try pushing cancel?" With a dead stare I replied. "Of course I tried that!" I lied not sure what he was referring to. "You think that wasn't my first guess. It's busted!" However the moment I said that he pushed a button of a red phone with an X through it and the game of snakes closed. I hadn't tried that button as I assumed it was used to hang up phone calls... And I still assume it does. I could see he was about to say something smart assed, but before he could I snatched my phone out of his hand and slammed the book of maps into his chest. "Like I said, where does Slow Dancer live?" I repeated, ignoring the last few seconds as he gave the book a confused look. It seemed he was about to ask for the phone back, but an angry look from me made him rethink his idea as he began going through the book. 'tink tink tink' Came a knock at the window before Valkyrie had made it far into the book. Looking out the window we saw Slow Dancer just standing outside the car on the side of the road. "Slow Dancer?" Valkyrie questioned as he saw his friend. "What are you doing here? I told you me and Cross would swing by your place." With a simular look of confusion Slow Dancer replied. "Well I didn't beleive you... So I was gonna catch a bus to Har-Fest. But why's Cross here?" "Catch a bus?" I questioned. "There's a bus stop all the way out here?" Looking down the road towards town, Slow Dancer answered. "...Not exactly." "Forget the bus." Valkyrie interrupted. "Were riding in style today. Cross is giving us a lift." "...But why?" Slow Dancer skeptically questioned. "Because it's too early for me to make concious decisions." I replied, still grumpy I was giving these two a lift. "So get into the darm car before you end up under it!" With no verbal complaints, Slow Dancer got in the back of my car. "ehhhhhhh!... That was the worst detour ever." I complained as I began the long drive back to town. With a confused look Valkyrie began to reply. "But... Slow Dancer came to us, we didn't even need to-" "WORST, DETOUR, EVER!" I loudly interrupted. "So..." Slow Dancer chimed in. "What with the... Whatever this is?" he questioned as he motioned to Valkyrie's attire. "What do you think?" Valkyrie proudly questioned back. "Am I dressed to impress or what." After a brief pause Slow Dancer answered. "Yeah... You look... Great..." It had been the same lie I had given, even down to the way it was delivered. Guess he was fine knowing Valkyrie was making an ass of himself too. "Speaking of attire" Valkyrie continued, as if this conversation needed to go longer than it already had. "What's going on with you Cross? I don't usually see you without your signature jacket." Not caring much for the conversation I kept my reply short. "It was destroyed in a fire." At least his question reminded me I would need to pick it up some time today. Hesitantly Valkyrie replied. "...Great... Probably better off not knowing the details to that story." For a while the drive was uneventful. It's not that we drove in silence, in fact it was the exact opposite. Slow Dancer wasn't very talkative, but Valkyrie kept going on and on about some girl he was looking to impress. I didn't catch who cause I was trying to tune him out, which was only partially a success as I still caught the gist of it.... It also helped that I didn't care. He continued to ramble on and on to my annoyance, but no matter how many times I told him to shut up he would soon begin once again. Slow Dancer didn't seem bothered at all as I watched him through my rearview mirror, he seemed to be lazily reading a magazine in the back which was curious as he didn't have one with him when he showed up. But I soon recognized the magazine was an Issue of Vanity, a fairly popular fashion magazine. The same one I had stolen from Merry Go-Round, Cityhalls receptionist/mums assistant, a few days ago. I had forgotten I had dumped it under the seat before heading to Sweet Apple Achres, It must had slid to the back seat. After what seemed like an eternity we arrived in town, and it wasn't long after that we finally arrived at Town Square where Har-Fest was taking place. A huge stage was placed before the steps leading up to City hall while many make shift stores had been opened up throughout the park that was Town Square. Most stores seemed to be selling food like products such as vegetable, fruits, jams, honey, meats, just about anything you could grow naturally. I even spotted what seemed to be a petting zoo... I hoped, ether that or someone's farm animals had gotten loose and taken over a small section of the event grounds. There were even a few carnival like rides and games spread about to help turn this into more of an event and less like a market place. Unfortunately for us however, the roads had been blocked off and used to set up more pop up stores, this forced me to have to park a bit further away then I had liked. But I decided to use this to my advantage and parked at Natures Muse. It wasn't to far from Town Square and I could easily find my way back at anytime, but the main reasons for parking outside Nature's muse was for what stood across the road from it, Sugar Cube Corner. I wasn't looking to buy something but was looking for someone instead. Pinky Pie I beleive was her name, she was the person Valkyrie got my phone number from... Supposedly. Honestly I'm not great with names and faces so I could be mistaken in thinking the girl who works there is Pinky Pie. Getting out of the car I made my way across the street and towards Sugar Cube Corner. "Hold up a sec!" I called out to Valkyrie and Slow Dancer. "I gotta take care of something before we can... Actually, Just go. I don't care what you people do." With no complaints the two went ahead. But as I reached the door I soon realised it to be locked, the store was closed. A look through the window should've tipped me off to this but I'm not exactly the most observant person at times. What I did notice however was a sign hanging on the door. It read: [We apologise to Customers for the inconvenience, however Sugar Cube Corner store premises will be closed for the duration of Har-Fest. Do not be to discouraged as we have opened a small store within the Har-Fest grounds where most our proceeds from today will go towards the funds being raised to support struggling farmers. Expect the store to be re-opened Tommorow.] (Well, I was heading over there anyway.) I thought as I began to walk towards Town Square. The venue for Har-Fest. Even though Valkyrie and Slow Dancer had only a minute or two of a head start I couldn't see them on my walk to Town Square. I assumed it was due to Valkyrie racing on ahead and dragging Slow Dancer along... Although my unenthusiasticly slow pace may have helped. Oh well, I didn't expect to have to be around them and hoped they would do their own thing. We both understood we were using each other to get what we wanted. It wasn't long before the stench of poverty filled the air as I finally arrived at Har-Fest. I may not had wanted to be here but even if I wasn't forced to I would have showed up... Eventually... Only for a minute.. Last night I had made a decision of what I would do, there was a reason to be here. And while I may have been looking for Sugar Cube Corners stall, there was someone I needed to see more urgently... Granny Smith. > Chapter 6 - Har-Fest part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 006 part 2 Chapter 6 - Har-Fest (part 2) The sights and sounds immediately assaulted my senses. Only a few moments ago had I made it to the event grounds of Har-Fest and already had I had enough of the place. The ever growing crowd of people made it troublesome to get anywhere, not that I knew where I was going. Personally I hated being around large groups of people, and while I would deal with situations like this at school, the other students would get the Hell out of my way due to my reputation. That wasn't the case here however as I'm forced to constantly push and shove my way through countless people who aren't watching where their going. Usually I would have a location in mind but this place was like a maze. Sure I had two objectives in my head, Find the Sugar Cube Corner stall or Granny Smith. But I had no idea where either of those two things were or if I was getting close. I hated this feeling of not being in control, sure it was petty of me but that's just how I em. The constant sound of people chatting was bad enough, but add on excited squeals every so often, the loud calls for attention as stalls try to sell their wares, animal noises, carnival like game sounds, and worst of all the country music that could slightly be heard no matter where you were. All these sounds were leading to the most uncomfortable head ache of my life, how these people could stand it added to my annoyance. Perhaps they were able to drown it out by focusing on whatever past as amusement for them. But worst then the constant sound, the crowds, or even the many ugly shades of brown that would visually assault my eyes no mater where I looked, was something inescapable... The smell. This place reeked of animals and unwashed... Well, everything. I remember Sweet Apple Acress didn't have a very pleasant smell but this was worse by far. People might argue that this smell was natural, fruity, organic, fresh air kinda smell... And maybe their right, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. All this going on was too much for me. I hadn't gone from my usually passively annoyed to absolutely annoyed so fast in my life. I needed to find a quiet spot, or at least an uncrowded spot so that I could think. I needed to do it fast as an urge to punch the next person to bump into me was quickly growing. Of course I wouldn't as I knew better than to just knockout some stranger... But at the same time I didn't trust myself. An uncrowded spot was hard to come by, and from what I had been told earlier this morning, this place was bound to get more crowded. Luckily for me however I'm resourceful, which meant some poor young couple was unlucky as I climbed atop a table they were trying to eat their lunch at. Their protests fell on deaf ears as I didn't care about their inconvenience, instead I focused on how glad I was to be out of the sea of people. Sure passersby would give me an odd look as I was standing on a table, but I was used to attracting the attention of others when I did whatever I wanted... Although it might be more fitting to say I cared nothing of their opinions. That added vantage point gave me a much better view of the surrounding area, although I still couldn't find what I was looking for. Har-Fest had a large venue, too large if you ask me. "Hey! Do you mind, were kinda in the middle of something!" came a male voice from below me. Looking down I see it was one of the current occupants of the table. "Wait your darm turn! Can't you see I'm busy... It's rude to just call out at someone you don't know!" I replied, annoyance clear in my voice. "Wait my turn?... I don't wanna stand on the table... Who does that?" He replied. "Then shut up and don't be rude!... Seriously didn't your parent's teach you any manners!" I continued as I again began searching my surroundings. "Rude?... I'm the rude one?... Your literally standing in the middle of me and my girlfriends lunch!" Be snapped at me while motioning to their meal just beside my feet. I was about to reply to his constant complaining when something he had motioned to grabbed my attention. Quickly kneeling down I grabbed something from his girlfriends hand... A pink cupcake. Quickly examining it I knew it had come from Sugar Cube Corner as they had their name printed on the paper cup of the cupcake. Before any of them could say anything I interrupted them. "Show me where you got this from." I demanded. "What?... Why should we tell you!" The girls boyfriend angrily replied. Rolling my eyes I answered him. "Look... Guy? There's generally two ways we can do this. The Easy way... Or the Hard way... But either way I get what I want. The real question is how much of a bad day are you gonna have... If it's any consultation, I feel like my days already sucking and is only gonna get worse." It took him a moment to think about it, but after looking to his girlfriend he replied. ________________________________________________________________ I was now back on track and I was actually getting somewhere in my hunt for Sugar Cube Corner. My target was a pink girl who worked there that I believed was named Pinkie Pie, honesty I could be wrong given my track record of remembering names and faces. Sure in the grand scheme of things this task didn't seem important, but some stranger giving out my phone number was something I wanted to put a stop to right away... I didn't work hard to become antisocial, but I was definitely gonna work my ass off to keep it that way. And thanks to my guide I would do just that. "Ow... Ow... Ow... Ow..." Came the constant wining of my guide. I had twisted the arm of the 'not so polite guy' I had run into moments ago behind his back and was applying pressure to it as he now lead me to where Sugar Cube Corner had set up their makeshift stall. His girlfriend was left back at the table. "ow!... You psycho!... The Hells your problem!... Who does this?" His complaints would gain a few peoples attention every so often but they quickly lost interest. People were generally busy doing there own thing or didn't care. I hadn't noticed it at the table but he was older then me, probably early twenties. "Quit complaining! It's annoying... Besides, I let you choose which way we were gonna do this. Don't regret it now." "I chose the easy way! I thought that meant I give you directions and you leave me and my Girlfriend the Hell alone!.. But No! Because apparently your a PSYCHO!" He over dramatically complained. He was making a scene but a quick tug on his arm got him to quiet down as to not annoy the other event goers... I'm just considerate like that. "Tell me directions?... You mean you wanted the hard way?" I questioned as his logic seemed backwards. "How is that the hard way?... In what way could that possible had been the hard way?" He once again complained in a whiny voice. "That should be obvious." I confidently began to reply like it was the simplest thing ever. "What's easier? You show me where I want to go. Or, You give me vague directions followed by an equally vague hand gesture pointing the supposed direction while saying, 'It's over that way', this is then followed by me having to fight my way through a crowd of people while hoping I hadn't gotten turned around at some point before either completely walking past where I want to go or ending up on the wrong side of this overly crowded maze like place entirely with no way to re-confirm the directions you gave me as I no longer know where you are and have forgotten what you look like." "oh god... I'm being kidnapped by a crazy person!" He suddenly stated. "Well you weren't exactly being cooperative. Beside, is it really kidnapping if I'm younger than you?" I replied. "Yes! Yes it is!" He immediately responded. "And just how young are you? Why did this have to happen in front of my Girlfriend?... She's gonna think I'm a pushover!" He complained, shocked that he was in this situation. "Well she's not wrong." I told him to put his mind at ease. "And are you sure you wanna know my age?... It'll probably just make you feel worse. Just tell your girlfriend I'm like 30 something... A short 30 something." "huh!... Yeah, I think I will. That might be believable... A bit of a stretch, but it could work." He said to himself with a small glimmer of hope. "Yeah, because if you told her I was 16 I'm pretty sure she would dump you." I replied to help affirm his willingness to lie. This however seemed to have a negative effects on him a he slumped his shoulders and lost his will to continue. "...Why did you have to tell me your age... I'm 28, I can't let a kid kick me around. Do you know how humiliating that is?... How it crushes my soul?" Rolling my eyes I reply. "Look... Guy in Green shirt..." Which I decided to call him as I didn't have anything else to call him and he lacked anything of a distinguishing feature. "Just accept that today's not your day... Now get a move on!" I continued as I once again applied pressure to his twisted arm. "OW!" He yelped as we got back on track. After a few turns and constant complaints we arrived as Sugar Cube Corners makeshift stall was finally visible. "Well I finally got what I want so I don't need you any more." I said as I let go of the green shirt guys arm. The moment I let go he jumped out of my reach. "YOU PSYCHO!" He shouted as I began walking away, ignoring his words. "You think you'll get away with this. Well I'm gonna report you to... Well I don't know who, but I'll find the most important person here and make sure you get what's coming to you!" With that he ran off. (What an unpleasant guy.) I thought to myself. (All he did was moan and complain... I hope his girlfriend dumps him.) Putting it all behind me I turned my attention to the task at hand as I walked to the makeshift stall. The stall was as expected, terrible. It was just a few tables set up under a tent cover with wooden planks strung together to act as a makeshift wall to separate there area from the two other stalls set up besides them. Banner's with the stores name on it hung above and below there makeshift counter. Trays of sweet pastries were set up along the table for customers to buy. The only thing this stall had going for it was that it was much more colourful then the other stalls. A tall thin man greeted me as I appreached. "Hey there, looking for something sweet?" "No, I don't really like sweet things." I lied in hopes he wouldn't try to sell me anything. "I was hoping you could help me with something else." "huh... oh! It's you." The man replied to my confusion. "Your that kid who came asking about the bags of sugar we were selling. If you came to see if I've sold any recently I did. It was on Wednesday to some guy... Although after that we haven't had any customers looking to buy any... Don't really understand if I should be worried or not?... I would rather not sell it as I need it, but I don't like sending customers away disappointed." I finally recognized the slender guy... Sort of. He was probably the owner of the store I talked to way back on Tuesday before things got out of hand, although I didn't remember his name. "No... I'm finished with that now... And you should just ignore it." I reply, quickly changing the subject. "I came to ask about something else." "Something else?... Well sure, what can I help you with?" He replied. "Well, I guess this time it's more of a personal matter... Is that young girl who works for you around?... I need to talk to her!" I tell him with a serious expression. "Personal matter?..." He repeats with a puzzled look as he studies my serious expression. There's a surprisingly long pause as he thinks about what I've asked him as he's deep in thought for some reason. Suddenly he looks surprised before an odd grin creeps onto his face. "oh!... Personal matter!" He once again repeats, this time however giving me an odd look. "You know, you remind me of myself when I was your age." "...huh?" I reply, not sure what this has to do with my question. "We both see things in a way no one else can see them. To us the bigger the better, there's more to love!" He continued with a huge smile as he dreamingly looked off into the distance. "The ability to bake is a huge plus too." With still no idea what he was on about I look to both my side's to make sure he wasn't talking to someone else... He wasn't. So I hesitantly replied. "uh... Yeah?... I guess cooking is an essential skill." "You and me both." He continued enthusiastically. "You know, some people think it's unattractive, or undesirable. But personally I prefer a little extra meat." "Okay?... Sure, I like an extra serving of meat too. Nothing wrong will a little more?" I reply... Completely confused why our conversation is about food, and not the type he sells. "Here's some advice kid. Don't listen to what others tell you! Only you know what you want, what can make you happy! Don't let other people's preconceived notions of beauty effect your choice, just go for it!" He was now enthusiastically yelling at me. (Beauty?... Is he saying I look odd?... I mean usually I have a jacket that pulls my look together, this is just a temporary thing.) I thought before replying. "Thanks I guess?... But this advice isn't really helpful since I don't care what other people think." I tell him in my confusion. I was really lost at this point. "That's the spirit!" He cheers as he settles down. "like I said, you remind me of myself... Back when I was your age I gathered all my courage and asked out my wife for the first time." "...............What?.........." I said, finally understand what was going on. "Her smile made me feel like a party was going on inside me, but I lacked confidence. Now I wasn't the smartest, handsomest, strongest or richest guy around. But still I gathered all the confidence I could muster and asked her out when she was at work just like you are." He continued to my dismay. "...Please stop... I think I'm gonna be sick." I said. Unlike him I didn't really see being close to others in the same light he did... I don't like people in general, let alone intimately. "Don't worry, your just nervous. I was too when I asked out my wife for the first time." He said, completely misunderstanding my intent. "Could you just... Stop?" I desperately ask, not liking where this was going. "I see! You wanna do this before your confidence runs out." He says with a knowing smile. "let me just set a situation to give you two some... privacy." Disgusted I quickly begin to reply. "Confidence is not an issue I have!... And don't d-" "Oh Nooo!" He over dramatically cuts me off before loudly continuing. "It seems we are out of napkins." He then grabs a stack of napkins and stashed them in his shirt. "OUT OF NAPKINS!" came a surprised call from behind him. I hadn't noticed it but there was a second tent behind his that served as a makeshift kitchen as wooden walls blocked it from sight. A plump pink haired girl came running out towards us with a surprised look on her face. "We can't be out!... Seriously, we had hundreds of them a minute ago... You must be one heck of a salesman Mr Cake." She said before turning to leave. "Well I guess I'll just have to get some more." "Actually!" the man apparently named Mr Cake began as he stopped her from leaving. "I can take care of that. Oh!... But what's this!... It seems we have a customer!" He continued as he turned the girl to face me before giving me a huge wink. All I could do was cringe at his very unsubtle, unnecessary attention. "Well I'll leave you two alone... Those napkins aren't gonna refill themselves." Mr Cake said as he left. We both watch him slowly walk off as he keeps giving me odd looks. Ignoring Mr Cakes odd behavior the girl gives me an odd look, as if studying me for a moment before finally addressing me. "oh!... Heya Cross, I almost didn't recognize you without your signature jacket. Good thing you have that permanent scowl. What can I get you?... Hopefully you weren't after any napkins." By this point my mood was completely ruined as I lacked enthusiasm from having to deal with Mr Cakes misunderstanding. "No I don't want napkins! I don't want anything from your store!... This side quest was more annoying than I was prepared for, but I finally found you Pinkamena!... Wait, Pinkamena?... Your names Pinkamena?... Of course it is!..." I said as I noticed her name tag pinned to her shirt. (darm it! This isn't even the girl I'm looking for!) "You were looking for me?" Pinkamena asked curiously. "...No!" I stoically replied. "Then... you do wanna buy something?" She asked. ".......No!" I once again reply, devoid of emotion. She was absolutely confused by this and I wasn't too sure what to do. "Soooo... What do you want?" she asked. "Honestly... I confused you for someone else. I was just gonna threaten that person, well, you... And I guess I still could. but after dealing with your boss and seeing your not... Them, I kinda lost my will too." I admitted as my motivation drained from me. But with no lead on where to find Pinkie Pie I figured asking her if she knew where to find her wouldn't hurt... She had previously mentioned she was in my school before. "You wouldn't happen to know a girl named Pinkie Pie would you?" "I sure do!" she cheerfully answered to my surprise. "Huh, Seriously? Do you know where I can I find her?" I asked. "Well... Your looking at her." she replied. "...no your not!" I suspiciously reply. "What! Yes I em." She rebutted. "No, your not!" I immediately responded, irritation clear in my voice. "But I em!" Pinkamena tried to argue. "Look, I'm not an idiot... You do realise your wearing a nametag!" I tell her as I push a finger against the nametag on her left breast, It sinks into her a bit as I used more force than I would have liked. Slightly blushing she takes a step back, she seemed embarrassed as she looks to her nametage. Her reaction is probably due to the fact she forgot she was wearing it. Although as for why she would want to lie about being Pinky Pie, I don't know. After a moment of silence, Pinkamena regains her happy-go-lucky attitude, followed by a look of realisation. "I see!... Well actually, my full name is Pinkamena Diane Pie. But all my friends just call me Pinky Pie, Pinky for short." "...That's stupid!" I reply without thinking. "What's stupid? My nickname or my full name?" Pinkamena asked with a raised eyebrow. "If I'm being honest I'm not fond of either name, sooo... Both!" I instinctively replied, by which I mean I was being an ass. "Well you can just call me Pinky then" Pinkamena happily replied as she ignored my remark. It annoyed me that she just ignored my answer. I honestly hate it when people just brush me off... Even more so when they treat me nicely. Even so, I shrugged it off and focused on why I was here. "Pinkamena! You gave Valkyrie my mobile number didn't you! How the Hell do you know it?" I asked. As far as I know, only Blueblood should know it as he's the one who gave me the phone. "Like I said, Friends just call me Pinky. And I wasn't too sure if that was actually your number that I gave him." Pinkamena happily answered. "What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned. "Fancy Pants had a phone just like it that he lost. When I saw you with your phone in the school cafeteria I just kinda figured you stole it, so I wasn't actually sure if the number I gave Valkyrie was yours or not." She answered. (Fancy Pants?... Who the Hell is that?... I know I stole this phone for Blueblood from someguys gym locker in the changerooms a few months back, but I didn't know his name or why. Guess it's his. But more importantly, Blueblood didn't even bother getting a new number for this phone, could that be a problem? What if this Fancy Pants tried to reclaim it?... I should talk to Blueblood about this.) I thought, not sure if I would be better off ditching the phone. "Soooo..." Pinkamena said, interrupting my thought. "Was that all you needed?" "No!" I replied. I was originally going to be more aggressive about this but had lost a good chunk of my motivation at this point. Well that and there was something about her that I didn't like... Probably her attitude towards me. I just wanted to be done with her. "Look, Pinkamena, my phone is more of a... Well, a work phone. So don't go giving my number to random weirdos!" "You can just call me Pinky, like all my friends do!" Pinkamena replied with slight agitation. She was picking up on the fact I was specifically calling her by her real name. "Besides, I thought Valkyrie is your friend so what's the problem?" "Pinkamena Diane Pie, Only your friends call you Pinky, and we're not friends... we'll never be friends!" I sternly told her. "Same goes for Valkyrie!" "That's not what he told me." Pinkamena replied with a look of confusion. She seemed somewhat suspicious of me, probably due to mine and Valkyrie's contradicting claims. I know I was supposed to be faking a friendship with Valkyrie, but for a moment my pride blinded me and I revealed my true feelings. I honestly hate being around people, family is fine but the rest I can do without... Their beneath me. Unfortunately for me however, not only do I have to go along with this lie, I need to make it believable... Mr Freerights lied to make it seem like I was making progress, and while I'm sure it will all fall apart it's bought me some time. My grades, attendance and behavior have me on the verge of being expelled. It's not the biggest deal in the world if it happens but I'ld rather avoid it. One could argue that the solution was simple, all I needed to do was change, become a better person... But that just wasn't gonna happen. I'm fine just the way I em... No! I'm Perfect, better than those other people. Which is why it hurt to associate with them. ...But for now I needed to fix this situation, Pinkamena was suspicious of my vague connection to Valkyrie. This needed to change. "What I mean is... Valkyrie's not my friend..." I began, trying to sound less hostile... It didn't. "That's because... Were... Uh, Best... friends?" I awkwardly continued, sounding more like a question as I gave an uneasy smile which came off as menacing instead of friendly. She was even more puzzled as she responded. "Are you telling me he's your best friend, or asking me?" This wasn't working so I decided to cut my loses and move on. "Look, moral of the story... Don't give my phone number to anyone ever again, or else!" I threatened. "Hesitantly, Pinkamena replied. "...or else, what?" her happy-go-lucky attitude was beginning to vanish as she seemed somewhat frightened. She was not looking forwards to the answer, and for good reason. I was known to make good on my threats. I didn't discriminate, gender, Age, these things didn't mean anything to me. It was one of my good points, I treated everyone the same way... Like shit. "Or else..." I began to continue. "... I'll, probably just throw my phone away." "huh?" she confusingly questioned as all the tension disappeared. "I could do something horrible to you, but I feel I've put way more time into this than nesicary. Your just too insignificant to waste my time with further. Besides, what do I need a phone for, I'm anti-social! Who the Hell would I call?" I pointed out, more for myself then for her. I didn't want a mobile phone, I hate talking to people, why would I want to give them the ability to talk to me from anywhere? I know this is just for Bluebloods convince, but now I'm inconvenienced. Especially If people like Valkyrie make a habit of calling me... "So..." Pinkamena began, bringing me back from my deep thought of if I should or shouldn't toss my phone. "...It's all honky doory as long as I don't give your number out any more?" she asked, losing her hesitation. "Not how I would phrase it... But yes!" I answered her. "Well sure thing Cross!" she happily responded. "I would never go against the wishes of a Friend!" "We'll never be friends Pinkamena!" I stoically stated as I began to leave, before giving her one last warning. "I'm feeling lazy today, so for your own sake, make sure you never give my phone number out to somebody again." "See you later!" She Happily called as she waved goodbye, completely ignoring my hostile warning. I don't know if she was trying to annoy me or not, but it was working. Only getting a few meters away from Pinkamena and Sugar Cube Corner, I came across a bin when I stopped and pulled out my phone. With a thoughtful look, I thought about what I had said to Pinkamena, how I didn't want a phone. How I hated that it connected me to others. For a moment I stared at it, I felt... Conflicted? ...Confused? ...I wasn't sure what I was feeling, but it felt bad. I wanted to throw it away! For one, It was a hot item according to Pinkamena, one the would likely bite me in the ass sooner or later. It also allowed dumbass's like Valkyrie to get a hold of me whenever he felt like it. It was an inconvenience. But a small part of me was reluctant. And I think I knew why... Because it gave me something to focus on. But after another moment I began to think about what I could do with it. For awhile I had thought of it as a nuisance, and that was because it was. But something came to mind, something I had heard from Mr Freerights. Something about turning weaknesses into strength, or something along those lines. I don't know why I was thinking about what he said, maybe it was because my confidence had taken a hit since yesterday. (Sure I view my phone negatively, but their must be a positive to it.) I thought, when suddenly I realized what that was... My family. If I had my mother's number I probably could have avoided that bad situation yesterday. But that wasn't important anymore, not since a decision I made last night. Either way, this phone might connect me to a bunch of idiots, but it could also connect me to my family. We might not have a lot in common, and having a conversation with them is usually awkward and full of bad life advice. But I want them to be able to contact me for help when they need it, and vice versa... even for small things. I don't see them as often as I like since their always so busy, but I'm not upset about it. I understand that what they do is important. One thing our family strongly believes in is always being there for each other, even when we're in the wrong... Usually when we're wrong... Were not good people. Deciding to hold onto it, I turn around and head back to Sugar Cube Corner with my confidence and determination restored. There's one more thing I need if I'm gonna turn this phone into a strength. Pinkamena was currently taking an order when I shoved the person out of the way. "Pinkamena! Tell me, what is my Mobile Number?" The guy I had shoved out of the way had began complaing to me in the background, which I ignored, while she seemed confused by my demands due to what our conversation only moments ago was about. But a knowing smile soon crept it's way onto her face as she replied. "ohhh!... I see." she said with a wink. This made me feel annoyed as I felt I could see where this was going. "No can do!" Feeling annoyed, or normal considering how often I felt like this recently, I replied. "Look, I know what I said, but just give me my phone number." "Nope!" She happily responds with a big goofy smile. "hmmmm" I grumbled to myself. This was a problem I had created, but luckily I thought of a solution... Then thought of new one, one that didn't involve violence. "Pinkamena, what was it that I told you a minute ago?" Taking a few seconds to think about it. "You said..." She then paused as she quickly brushed her pink hair backwards before glaring at me and answered in a deep hostile voice. "For your own sake, make sure you never give my phone number out to somebody again." It was an obvious impersonation of me. Her hair quickly fell back into place as her glare became an apologetic smile as she noticed my eye twitch as I scowl at her. "...To save time, I'm gonna ignore that... But yes. I told you not to give it to somebody, but I didn't forbid you from giving it to me!" She was about too reply when suddenly she froze up. "Well... I mean I guess you didn't... But 'Somebody' could be defined as... But on the other hand... Well then I suppose..." She was confused, unsure, conflicted. But after a few moments of her arguing with herself she turned to me with a look of confusion. "...Is this a test?" "The only test going on here is that of my patience." I rudely reply. "Just write it down on a darm napkin so I can leave and we can both get on with our days." "Well I would, but, you know..." Pinkamena replied as she motioned to the empty napkin dispenser. "oh, right..." I stoically reply as I think back to the girls annoying boss who misunderstood what I was after. "Were the Hell is that guy anyway?... How long does it take to get napkins!?" I complained as I thought of how else she could give me my number. "Mr Cakes just over there." Pinkamena said as she pointed her hand just past me. Glad to know he was finally getting back I turn around... Only to have that hope fade as I breifly see him and a woman's head quickly disappear behind another stall the moment our eyes meet. "Yep, there he goes. I don't know why, but him and Mrs Cakes have been watching us intensely for awhile now." Pinkamena cheerfully says. "...You've gotta be kidding me?" I say as I facepalm. "They seemed concerned when you began to leave, but were really happy when you came back." Pinkamena continued, not understanding what was going on. Sighing, I take out my phone as I do my best to ignore the unwanted attention I was receiving. "look, if I just give you my phone, can you put my number on their?" I ask as I'm not too sure what my phone or any other is capable of... I'm just not a phone guy. But I suddenly stop as I realize my phone is in the middle of a game of snakes. Luckily, I knew how to close it this time so I could easily avoid the embarrassment of showing that I had no idea how to operate a mobile phone... Except, the red button didn't work. So I calmly pressed it again... Then again... And then I began mashing it until Pinkamena swiped it from my hand once my frustration became noticeable. "ohh, retro" she commented as she examined my phone. (Valkyrie said the same thing... Why? My phone seems pretty updated...) I thought. "You know, to cancel out of applications all you have to do is press this red button." and with a click it closed. "That's what I was doing!" I argued, to which she rolled her eyes in disbelief. "I was! You clearly saw m-... Just... Just put the darm number on..." She then began tapping away as she hummed a happy tune for a few moments. "Done! I put all the numbers on." I Probably felt way too happy at her words then I shoulld have. "Finally! This took way longer than it should have ever... What do you mean, 'all the numbers'?" When I grabbed my phone back I noticed a lot more numbers than I was expecting. "Wellllll" Pinkamena happily began as she placed a finger to the screen and began listing the numbers. "This one here's yours, Cross. and then there's mine, incase you every wanna chat. Then there's my home number if you can't reach me on my cell. Then there's Maud's, you'ld love her, she's a bag and a half of laughs. Oh, right! You've never met Maud, Well, she's my big Sister... Oh! And this one that says Twily, it just short for Twilight. Then theirs-" "Stop!" I demanded with a glare. "All I wanted was my number! Why the Hell did you give me all these other people's!?" With the same happy expression she continued. "Well personally, I'm down for anything. But Twilight seemed to want to talk to you about some book. I didn't know you two were part of a book club!" "Were not!... I already told her I lost it, she was their when it happened." I replied as I began pressing buttons on my phone as I searched for a way to delete the unwanted additions." "She was their the moment you lost it?" Pinkamena asked with a puzzled expression. "Hey, how do I delete these unnecessary numbers?" I asked, Ignoring her earlier question. "DELETE! You can't delete those numbers! Their your friends!" Pinkamena dramatically replied. Taking my eyes of my phone to scowl at her, I replied. "Were not friends! None of these idiots are!" "Not with that attitude were not. All you have to do is give us a chance... Besides, I also put Valkyrie's number in their, so I guess your wrong." "I stand by my statement." I stoically reply as I glance back down to my phone only to find the game snakes once again running. "Darm it! Why!?" "All you gotta do is-" Pinkamena began. "I know how to do it! But it's not-... You know what. I got what I needed." I rudely interrupted before I began to leave. Not even so much as a goodbye to the plump pastry chief. "BYE CROSS!" Pinkamena cheerfully called to me as she waved. "WE'LL TALK MORE LATER!" "NO WE WON'T" I yelled back. However she seemed to ignore me as she continued to wave. "Geez, I hope I don't have to ever talk to her again." I continue to myself once I'm three stalls away. "Well, all things considered, I did get the number... So I guess it was a success." "It sure was!" a familiar male voice interrupted me. Looking to my right I saw it was Mr Cakes with the woman Pinkamena had referred to as his wife, Mrs Cakes. "I was worried their for a moment when you were leaving empty handed, but then you built up the courage, marched right back over their, and got her number." He continued with a sympathetic look. "Young love!... I remember what it was like for me." Their sudden arrival had caught me off guard as I quickly began to respond. "What?... No, that's not exac-... I mean I did get her number, but that wasn't-" "OHHHHH!" Mrs Cakes swooned, cutting me off. "I'm so glad to see a handsom young man take an Interest in Pinky Pie... Usually I always hear the boys in our shop gossiping about Fluttershy. But I'm glad there's one who sees the appeal of a curvaceous girl... Even if you are a little rough around the edges." "...Okay... Firstly, I don't like we're this is going... And B... I don't know if I should be flattered or not? You did call me handsome, but then you went on to say I was rough around the edges... Was it a complement, or not?" I replied, still thrown off by their sudden appearance. Mr cakes then whispered something into his wife's ear as she chuckled to herself as she replied to him. "You know their too young for that... But I see what you mean, it's like looking at a young version of ourselves." After that the two of them just lovingly looked between me and Pinkamena as they happily sighed. "Okay, this circus stops now!" I said as I finally regained my composure. "Quit doing... Whatever this, thing, is! Stop trying to involve me in your delusions, and get lost!" I demanded. But my words didn't seem to phase them as Mrs Cakes turned to her husband. "Pinky could use a Level headed person in her life. Someone to help keep her grounded." To Which Mr Cakes nodded in agreement. Them ignoring me pissed me off. They weren't listening to a thing I said, and to make it wrose they completly misunderstood my relationship with Pinkamena... Which was no relationship. This left me with one final choice on how to get rid of them. Something I saved for those who relentlessly annoyed me more than I could tolerate "Darm it! I said shoo!" I yelled at them as I flail my arms as if shooing away a hungry dog looking for food. "Get! Go! Vamoose! Go away!" It wasn't particularly clever, but it never failed. "Alright were going" Mr Cakes said as he grabbed his wife and began to leave. "Guess his still a little nervous about asking Pinky out?" With them finally gone I let out a sigh of relief. "...I hate adults... No, thats not quite right... I hate everyone!" > Chapter 6 - Har-Fest part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 006 part 3 Chapter 6 - Har-Fest (part 3) It had been a few minutes since I somewhat successfully acquired my mobile phone number from the Plump Pastry chef, Pinkamena. It was a task that took far longer to do than nesicary, and a lot more irritating than I could have ever imagined... Although irritating seemed to be the theme of today. Some might argue it was farm life, but I honestly don't see the difference. I mostly wandered around directionless as I looked for my second/only real reason for even slightly wanting to be at Har-Fest. I was looking for Granny Smith. Last night I came to a decision as to what to do about my situation, all this... weird, magical, giant bug, demon, kidnapping, situation. I had thought about it long and hard. The kidnapped people, the giant transforming bugs, my grandfather's lighter and encyclopedia of mythology... I took everything I knew and made an important decision of what to do next. And that was... Say Fuck it! Just fuck it and move on... I mean seriously, It was way out of my depth. Sure it gave me this thrill, a sense of something to work towards, some excitement!... But when I look at it all, so what?... Besides having nothing to do with me, it was also far too dangerous. That last encounter made me realise that. Seriously, the only reason I'm not dead is mostly luck, everything I needed to get out of those situations just happened to either be on or around me. Not to mention the fact that those bugs, or changlings as I now know them as, all let their overconfidence lead to their downfall. I'm no Hero, I don't care if a few nobodies go missing... Hell, I won't even both trying to inform others or the authorities about this. I'm sure someone will eventually take notice... Someone who can actually deal with this situation... That nerdy librarian girl Twilight seems to have noticed, she might even actualy know something about them. So It's lickely someone else will as well... But for now one thing I can say for certain is this... That person isn't me. That doesn't mean I won't kill something in self defense should a changling come after me, but I won't bother going after them anymore. I'm walking away while I still can. Sure there is a changling who's aware that I know of their existence, but he said I can just walk away... Also said he would help me kill the others. For some reason I beleive him... And I choose to walk away... Although, I should do something about him. he said he would be back on Monday at that warehouse that Scree and those others were using as a base. So I could go get rid of him... or, I can walk away. If I think about it, it's not like he would come after me, he has no reason to. I don't have any proof of there existence and I'm not trusted by the community so it's not like anyone would believe my story... Well, that and it's a crazy story that is unbeleavable. So walking away sounds pretty good. But I'm not walking away empty handed. I still got a lighter that magically heals me... Most times. I'm still fairly bruised from yesterday and I don't seem to have gotten any better. That's just something I'll have to figure out. I also came to realise something more important from yesterday's fight with the changling called Scree, which is I'm not at my best... I'm not even as good as I was months ago. In a fight Against some emotionally unstable teenage dumbass I'm likely to come out on top. But the second I came across someone who had half an idea of how to actually fight I lost control of the whole situation. Sure changlings are naturally stronger, but the only reason I won was due to his overconfidence and quick thinking. This is because I let myself go. I used to work out every day if not every second day. This was to give me an edge for my fights at school... But eventually I peaked, I reached the top. Soon no one would stand against me out of fear. And since the start of this year, most of the guys I butted heads with graduated. Only a few small randows bother to stand up to me now... The only notable one being Flash Sentry. Since then I became complacent. I hadn't even realised it, but I hadn't worked out in a while. I was maybe down to once or twice a month. And because of how good I got at kicking ass, most my fights have never been more then a few minutes so I never realised how low my stamina was. But that all changes now. I was walking away from all that magical BS, but I was taking what I learnt with me. I was gonna improve, get better, stronger. And that was where Granny Smith came in... Well, Big Mac actually. His the biggest strongest guy I know... Although I don't really know many people. But anyway, Big Mac probably got that strong from simply doing farm work, and Granny smith mentioned that they could use some help. So while it wasn't much of a plan, I had to start somewhere. Sure I could go back to solo exercise, but I felt like I would put more effort in if I had someone to compare with... Also it's out of town, and while I em saying fuck it to the magical BS in my life, giant bug demons freak me out. I would feel more comfortable if I put some distance between them and me. And while I came to that decision last night, I faced a new problem. (Where the Hell is Granny Smith?) I thought as I wandered the crowded grounds of Har-Fest. Sure I could always just go to the Sweet Apple Acres at anytime to ask about work, but I was hoping to avoid wasting the fuel... Also it gave me something to distract me from the smells, sights, and sounds that made up the farm themed horror they called Har-Fest. (God I hate crowds.) As expected, I continued to wonder aimlessly through the overly crowded paths as vendors constantly called and competed for my attention. No matter how many I shooed away another quickly took their place, trying to sell their naturaly grown vegitation, locally farmed honey, or cruilty free meat. This all might appeal to other slack jawed folk, but personaly, I didn't care. But after awhile I finaly found what I was after. Their was a makeshift covered area with a tarp covering the grass. this area was larger than the space most people were given to set up their stalls, easily being 5 to 6 times bigger. but unlike those stalls this space was pretty baren, but that's cause they weren't trying to sell anything. no, this tent was full of something worse... children. and at the center of it all in an old rocking chair was Granny Smith. "-and that's when he told me, with great power comes great responsibility.-" I overheard Granny Smith say as I approuched. she seemed to be telling the kids a story as they quietly sat around her rocking chair. The small line of dialogue caught my interest for a moment as it reminded me of something from one of the many comics i hid in my room, but given the board almost agonized expressions on the children's faces it was unlikely related. This was a place where parents who didn't want to watch their kids could dump them... Not being a fan of kids I could get behind that idea. The kids seemed board, although, given my experience so far at Har-Fest I don't think there missing out on much. But one might say my oppinion as a anti-social slacker with a dislike for the outdoors and the community isn't worth much... I would say it's the only oppinion that maters. "Well, this is a depressing sight... Although I em kinda glad to see I'm not the only having a bad time at Har-Fest today!" I obnocisly say, interupting Granny Smiths story as I walk through the feild of kids. "Wel if it ain't Selfish's Grandson" Granny Smith replied as she ignored my comment. "...Ross was it?... ya come ta learn 'bout tha origin of Ponyville again?" I got the feeling she got my name wrong on purpose just like how she brushed off my comment, to annoy me. and what did she mean about learning about the origin of Ponyville again?... wait, was that the story she was telling me that i fell asleep through? "Given the crowds excitement, I'll Pass on the history lesson." I quickly replied. "I actualy came to talk about that offer you made the other day." "Offer?... What offer?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow. "You know, the one from the other day." I answered as I gave a scowl to a kid who wouldn't stop starring at me before turning my gaze back to Granny Smith, only to be met with confusion once again. "You were talking about how times are tough and you could use an extra pair of hands to help out." I continued to try and clarify. But her still puzzled look made me think that she still had no idea what I was talking about. I wasn't sure what to do at this point besides speaking louder and slower... I knew that wasn't gonna help, but my people skill's suck. Luckily Granny Smith responed before I could show how socially challenged I Was. "We can't pay ya anythang." She said with a confused expression. There was a quiet pause. for a moment we just stood their looking at one another as I processed what she said. it was like all the sound of Har-Fest disappeared, I looked at Granny Smith's confused expression in silence. and then all of a sudden. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I suddenly burst out laughing. "HAHAHA... PAY ME!... HA!... I'VE SEEN WERE YOU LIVE... HAHA!... OF COURSE YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO PAY ME!... HAHAHA!" I couldn't control my laughter as I found my self quickly running out of air, I was even begining to lose my balance. This caused Grany Smith's already puzzled look to become even more confused as I laughed like a maniac. "OH MAN, HAHAHA!... PAY ME!... HA!.I'M MORE FINANCIALY SECURE THAN YOU.... HAHA!... [GASP!]... THIS ISN'T ABOUT MONEY... HAHA!... AND IF IT WAS...... I WOULDN'T BE GOING TO YOU! HAHAHAHA-" I continued to mock as I struggled to breath. Granny Smith rolled her eyes at me... I think, I was laughing so hard my vision became blurry as I would gasp for air between laughs. After a minute, I slowly regained my composure and found Granny Smith waiting with an annoyed expression. "...Are ya done?" She asked. "...haha... [sigh]... yeah... I think so..." i answered as I caught my breath. (geez. I haven't laughed like that since... Well, ever. at least not as genuinely.) I thought as I rubbed my jaw which hurt for some reason. Usually my visous smiles are fake and don't last very long so this was a new experience for me. But soon my thoughts became distracted as I felt a familiar warm sensation move through my face as the lighter did it's thing and the pain disappeared. (Wait, seriously? The lighter will fix this light laughter pain but won't do anything about the bruises and claw marks on my body?) "Well, ya R his Grandson afta all." Granny Smith mumbled under her breath, bringing me back from my thoughts. "So jus that I got this clear. Cross, ya willin ta work fer free an don't want any compensation?" "I wouldn't say I'm working for nothing, I do have my reasons, and their not noble ones. I guess you could say I want to better myself." I replied as I tried to clarify what I was after, before I realised something. "Hold on! you just called me Cross... Earlier you called me Ross but I didn't correct you on that... You were messing with me!" "...Well, I neva would a guessed ya would take meh up on ma offer." Granny Smith replied with surprise, ignoring my last comment. "The heck do you mean your surprised? Your the one who asked me!" I replied, finding that I was becoming irritated. "Yeah, well I used ta ask ya grandfather, Selfish Desire for help all the time an he would only help ta hit on me an my cousins. an since tha majority of tha Apple Family ain't livin in these parts no more I just never thought ya would help out... hold on, ya ain't after ma Grand Daughters are ya? Cause I was just jokin about that part of the offer." Granny Smith answered. "First off, I don't even know your grand daughters. Secondly, if there anything like Big Mac, then that's a strong no. And thirdly... I don't care!" I rudely replied. "Do you got some work for me or not!?" She grabbed her chin in thought and after a moment responded. "...Well I wanna say yes, but ya should really ask Big Mac about it. He's takin over most of the work these days. Ya would be working with him so if he's fine with ya givin a hand then sure." (Crap. Big Mac might have tollerated me once but would he be willing to do it again... Well, only one way to find out.) "Okay... so, were is he?" I asked as I looked around for him. "At our stall." Granny smith replied. "And where's that?" I asked. "In the same spot it always is for festivals and markets." She answered with confidence. "Okay... But, where exactly is that?" I hesitantly asked. "Err?... Well ya see it's... Hmmm?" Granny answered with less confidence. And so my quest through Har-Fest began again... And by quest I ment I wondered randomly in hopes of finding what I was after. (Where the heck is Big Mac?) I frustratingly thought as I searched for him. (Hell, at this point I'm not even sure where I em...) There were far too many people around for my likeing which didn't help as they would blocked my view and act as distractions. And all the stales looked the same to me so I wasn't sure if I was going in circles or not. (Why the hell did so many people come to this Hillbilly convention! Did they really have nothing better to do than-!) However, my complaing is drastically cut short as I suddenly tense up. I feel the familiar warmth of my lighter, indicating that a shapeshifting demon bug, or changeling as I now know them is close by. But after a deep breath my tension begins to fade. (Calm down.) I mentally tell myself. (This has nothing to do with me... I know these things are probable all over town so I can't go freaking out when ever one passes by... I'm done with them, and it's not like it cares about me either. In a moment it will be gone and our lives will continue.) Pretending to view the wares at a close by stale I waited for the changeling to move on and for my lighter to cool down. And just as predicted, a few seconds later it did. I shook my head at myself for getting so worked up. Sure my last experience wasn't entirely favourable, but that was just silly. This was no longer my problem. After promising to properly ignore them from now on, I once again start my search for Big Mac. Finally. after what was only a few minutes but felt like hours due to how annoying this place was, I spotted Big Mac. His stale was just as sad as I would have imagined it. A fairly plain homemade wooden stale that looked as if it was a cart with compartments that had been unfolded into many benches that now held many different confectionerys and pastries that likely contained apples. Beside the stale was two barrel sized buckets full of apples. As impatient as I was I knew better than to just rush in and try to verbally brute force myself through. (I might be offering him free labour, but unfortunately he knows I'm not good company... Well, they say beggars can't be choosers.) It wasn't much of a thought as my plan was essentually just hoping he would be desperate enough to accept my help. At the very least I could try not to be an ass... although considering only minutes ago I was laughing my ass off at Granny Smith for being poor... Well, let's just try to do better this time around. As I approuched I noticed Big Mac didn't seem like his usual self. Although, only seeing him twice before doesn't exactly make me an expert on his behaviour. He seemed concerned, worried... Anxious?... Whatever it was he seemed down as he just stared down at the bench of his stall with his head leaning on his left hand for support. (Crap, I was hoping to catch him in a better mood... Don't worry, I can still make this work. Just open with a joke or something, anything to lighten the mood.) I told myself as I approuched. digging down deep, I summond all my people skill's in an attempt to not be an ass as I greeted Big Mac as nicely as I could. "........" by saying nothing. I just froze up and stood their with my mouth open as I realized I didn't know what the hell I was gonna say. I was so use to being an ass that the nicest thing I could say was nothing. (...wow... Is this really the best I can do?... Actually, yeah, it kinda is.) I berated myself as I panicked. (Okay, well I can't just stand here silently all day or else his gonna think somethings wrong with me...) But still no words came to mind... At least, nothing that wouldn't piss him off. And while that wouldn't usually bother me, it wouldn't help make him more seseptable to the idea of letting me work on the farm. (Why do I suck at this?... It's already been too long by now, he probably thinks I'm-... Hold on.) My paniced thoughts begin to subside as I realise something. Big Mac hasn't even realised I'm standing in front of his stall. He was still preocupied as he leaned his head on his left arm and looked worryingly at something behind his folded arms on the bench of his stall. (Good, I lucked out. He hasn't noticed me just standing here like a weirdo yet. Now it doesn't matter what I say as long as it gets his attention... Just try not to be too... Like myself.) "Hey! I think a saw someguy selling soaps a few stalls down. you really might wanna consider investing in some." I said to Big Mac like a jackass as I mentally face palmed. (Darm it me! why must I continue to make this difficult. I mean, it is true that he smells like a zoo... But it probably won't help my cause if I make fun of him.) I argued with myself until a thought crossed my mind. (Unless, what if my honesty impresses him. Like he thinks it's brave of me to say things like they are... Yeah! That sounds plausible. Quick! What are more of his short comings?... Oh! His poor! Quickly point that out!) But before my genius idea could be put into action, I noticed something... He still hadn't taken notice of me. "Hey!" I called out to him. Only to get no response as he contined his gaze at his folded arms on the bench. "HEY! HEY!" I called louder this time as I moved my hand infront of his downward gaze and began clicking my fingers in an atempt to get his attention. snapping out of his worried daze he suddenly springs to life as he shoots his gaze towards me as his worry is replaced with joy. this sudden change creeped me the hell out as I take a step back. But after a moment of staring at me the joy fades from his face as he then looks around me as if to see if anyone else is with me before he loudly sighs and turns his gaze back towards the bench before him. "Geez!... And here I was feeling like an idiot for having no people skills." I said out loud for him to hear. He then lazily turned his gaze back to me as I continued. "Look, I get the sense that somethings up with you, but right now that's not important. I need something from you." Before I could clarify, Big Mac grabbed a thin plastic bag from behind the counter and began filling it with apples. "What, No! I don't want none of your families nasty ass apples. I thought I made my stance very clear on that, their too sweet and bitter." I interrupted him. He then cased an annoyed gaze at me as he stopped mid pick. "Ohhhh, so hey. Think you could ignore me trash talking your families nasty produce? cause I was kinda gonna ask you for a favour and I really don't want that to effect your decision making skills." It wasn't my brightest moment... But it didn't hurt to ask. I waited for what was most likely a negative reply when I noticed his attention was once again not on me but instead at his arm. now that they were unfolded I could see he was watching his watch. (Why's he so fixated on the time?) I questioned, thankful for whatever the reason it distraced him from my poor social skills. (I know Financialy his not doing so well, could that be distracting him?) looking around his stall I tried to gather evidence to support that theory. (No, that's not it. There's an empty barrel behind him which was probable full of apples earlier. Also given the spaces between the pastries i would say they already sold at least a third of their products. Not just that, but according to his watch it's only just become eleven o'clock, meaning the lunch rush is still to come... even if that was the case it wouldn't explain his fixation with time.) Deciding there was more to this I thought back to how things had gone so far. (Wait. His watch is on his left arm, the arm he was leaning on. that means he wouldn't have been able to see his watch earlier... Then what was he fixated on?) With that thought I had a look along the bench, only to find nothing of value. But remembering how fast he had sprung to attention when he did notice me, I stepped back and examined the area at the foot of his stall. And as I though, I did find something. It was a small square of paper that seemed to have a krudely scribbled note on it that read. [Pick up Applebloom after rehursal at 11.] finally it all made sense. (I think I can use this.) I thought as a smile crept onto my face. "Okay, I think I get what's got you down." I claimed as I placed the note on the table which got his attention. "Right now your supposed to be somewhere else, specificaly picking up this Applebloom person, whoever that is?... Given that they have apple in their name I'm gonna assume their related to you. Probably one of your little sisters given how much your worrying. That's why when you first noticed me you got all exited, because you thought I was someone else. Someone was suppose to take your place at the stall while you went to get Applebloom, that someone was probably a family member like Granny Smith... I figure that's the case given how isolated you are and how little time you have to socialise. Big Mac rolled his eyes at that last part as if to say, like you can talk. ignoring his sarcasm, i continued. "Well the fact is whoever was supposed to fill in for you isn't here. And given the current time, I would say you were supposed to have already been on your way by now. But you can't just abandon your stall, not before the lunch rush, your family is relying on today's sales." His sarcasm melted back into worry as i stated these assumed facts, this meant I was on the right track. "I would say your in DESPERATE need of a hand." Big Mac gave me a sceptical look as he noticed the emphasis I put on the word, desperate. "Look, it's not as sinister as I'm making it out to be. I'm just suggesting that I do a favour for you, and then you do one for me." I suggested. This was met by a somewhat puzzled look. "Alright, so that's not how favours work!... But don't get hung up on the details." I replied as he was clearly poking holes in my logic. "So what do you say? I watch your Families nasty Apple stall while you get your little sister. and in return you hear me out about my favour." Things weren't going as I hoped, his stalward stair of annoyance being a good indicator to his dislike of my idea. "Okay, that's a good point... you don't exactlly want the guy who's trash talking your families livelyhood to be responsible for it." My reply to his disapproving stare was met by an even more intense look. "Okay, Fine! Theirs also the fact that I'm not really a people person and could damage your business... But it's not like you have many other options." Big Mac became hesitant as he found himself grinding his teeth. he couldn't just abandon his families stall, but he also couldin't leave it in the hands of someone who would most certainly run it into the ground right before the lunch rush. But an Idea soon came to him as he gave me an intense hope filled look. It was a look that asked, did you drive here. "What's that?... Yeah, of course I drove here! You didn't think I was gonna walk to this Hillbilly Carnival did you?... Why?" I asked, assuming I understood him correctly. Big Mac then slid the note I had placed on the stalls bench towards me as he gave a look of understanding. "Wait!... Don't tell me you want to go pick up Applebloom for you?" I replied back, displeasure clear in my tone. His only reply being a nod. Now I was hesitating. I was hoping to just do something easy like sit behind a counter and telling people to beat it. But this was much more involved as it was basically a fetch quest... Although it wasn't like I had much to bargain with. And by the look on his face I could tell he knew that. "Alright, Fine! I'll go pick up your sister from school." I begrudginly agreed. This was met by a look of confusion from Big Mac. "What?... You wanna know why I think she's at the school when it was never mentioned?" I asked, only to continue with an answer before he could reply. "Well it's mostly just a guess... although an educated guess. for one, Granny Smith mentioned both your sisters attend our highschool. Not really any connection their, but the note mentioned she's doing some kinda rehearsel. That kinda implies she's with others, and since your farms too far for others to travel to you must have dropped her off somewhere in town. Ponyvill is small, we don't have an art center and rehearsel also implies something arty. so the only place that comes to mind is the schools orditorium or maybe the indoors basketball court... I mean, the gym... Well, that's what i figured... Is that right? Is she at the school. after a moment of him stareing at me like I was the dumb hillbilly, Big Mac finally answered with a nod. "Good, then let's get this fetch quest over with" I said as I turned to leave. "And don't forget, your gonna owe me one." Big Mac still seemed uncertain about this decision as I left... but that was his problem. I wasn't too sure of where I was so I picked a direction and walked in a staight line until I exited the Har-Fest grounds. from their I quickly realized where I was and circled around the fair grounds and made my way back to my car outside of Natures Muse and Sugar Cube Corner. I then headed to School to Find Applebloom. > Chapter 6 - Har-Fest part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 006 part 4 Chapter 6 - Har-Fest (part 4) It was a little after 11 on a Saturday, and instead of sleeping in like I would usually be doing I was instead heading to school on a fetch quest. Today was Har-Fest, a town event that celebrated farming culture and would help raise funds for our towns local Farmer's... Which I couldn't care less for... And boy have I tried. Normally it's the type of event I would try to avoid... That type being social. However, due to a mild unrelated self interest I found myself there to ask Big Mac and Granny Smith for a favour... Well, that and because my mum asked/threatened me to be there. Anyway, in order to help persuade Big Mac into agreeing to my requested, I agreed to run a small errand for him. That being to pick up his Sister, Applebloom, from some rehearsal from school. (I was hoping I could've just done something simple for him like watched his stall for a few minutes, or introduce him to soap. I wasn't expecting a straight up fetch quest.) I mentally complained to myself as I continued to drive to school in silence, afraid to turn on the radio as I knew of the country music waiting for me. (...At least I'm getting away from Har-Fest for a few minutes.) It wasn't a very long drive as I soon pulled into the school parking lot... Or at least it hadn't felt like a long drive as I was far too happy to be away from the hippy gathering. But soon a troubling thought crossed my mind. (Hold on... What the hell does Applebloom even look like?) This was troubling because it could mean I would have to just approach everyone and ask if their Applebloom. And I hate having to deal with others. (Hold on. This is Big Mac's little sister. And I've seen an Apple family portrait before... Even if it was quite outdated.) I think as I remember back to the picture Granny Smith had shown me from when she was around my age. The point was, there were sure to be signs of Applebloom's connection to the Apple family. So using all the knowledge I had I began to picture what she must look like. A strong muscular build, poor hygiene, slurred and dumb downed speech to the point of simply answering with a 'yup.' However, being a Saturday my brain wasn't in the mood to solve complex hillbilly equations as the best I could do was picture Big Mac in a dress. "Eck!..." It also didn't help that everyone looks almost identical to me so even picturing someone I've never met before wasn't easy. I quickly park, deciding that there isn't likely to be many people here anyway as he was supposed to pick her up at 11 and it was now 11:20. I'll quickly deal with whoever I have to and get this fetch quest over. But as I get out of my car I realise this might be easier than I thought as I spot three figures sitting along the stairs of the entrance to school. Now I'm not a betting man, as a childhood incident swayed me away from gambling at an early age. But I was pretty certain I knew who of the three was Applebloom. Amongst the three I believed it was the one in the center as something of hers caught my eye. Although it wasn't her yellow skin, long red hair or her bright pink bow in said hair as non of these things seemed to resemble either Granny Smith or Big Mac... It was the fact that she seemed to be dressed as a giant red apple. (Well... I think that's Applebloom. I mean, I'm on not 100% sure, but... It's a giant apple.) That was all the evidence I needed as I walked towards her. "Hey!" I called out to her as I neared. But due how vague that must had been the three girls who I could now distinctly see as I was closer just stoically starred at me. This somewhat confused reaction of theirs was odd to me as I was expecting some kind of negative response. This had caught me off guard as I waited a moment before continuing. But before I could, the girl sitting to the right of the supposed Applebloom with orange skin and short spiked purple hair who seemed like a tomboy shot up to her feet, her eyes wide in shock as she yelled out. "IT'S CROSS!" After that sudden surprise of hers' there was a moment of silence as I noticed the other two take there attention away from the surprised girl and turn it to me. They then squinted at me for a moment before having similar reactions as they shot to there feet. "OH NO! He probably came for Apple Bloom!" The girl to the left of who I assumed was Apple Bloom urgently said to the other two girls. This one had alabaster skin and long light purple hair. She seemed much more feminine than her spiky haired friend. (Huh?... Did Big Mac message Apple Bloom and tell her I was on my way?... No, she said I was probably here for Apple Bloom, that means she's guessing. Well either way she's right. And their probably just on edge due to my reputation. Which is smart of them.) I Quickly thought before responding. "That's Right. Now just to make sure there aren't any screw ups, your Apple Bloom, right!" Turning my focus to the one dressed like a giant apple. Her eyes were wide with fear as she replied somewhat shakily. "D-Do ya really haf ta do this... C-Can't ya jus forget 'bout it...?" "Apparently I do have to do this. And it's not exactly ideal for me either." I answered, annoyed that I've become somewhat of a taxi recently. "And why would I forget about it and leave at this point, I put too much time and effort into tracking you down!" I somewhat exaggerated as I continued. Although, it's not really an exaggeration considering even doing a small favour like this for someone who isn't family is a miracle for me. "Can-... Can ya at least leave mah friends alone?..." Apple Bloom replied. Although it kinda sounded more like she was pleading. "Yeah, Of course..." I answered, kinda confused. (Perhaps Big Mac was gonna give them a lift as well... Well, I guess they'd rather walk. Not that I care, I was only here for Big Mac's little sister.) I thought. "...I don't care about your friends. I'm just here for you, now hurry up and get in the car." I continued as I pointed with my thumb to my car parked behind me. "WHAT!!!" The three of them suddenly annoyingly shrieked to my surprise. "...I said, I'm here to take Apple Bloom! Now hurry up and get in the car!" I said a little louder this time. I wasn't sure why they seemed so dramatic. There was a silent pause as the three just stood there like a deer in headlights. Gnashing her teeth the spiky haired tomboy replied. "...NO!" The other two looked at her in amazement. I just rolled my eyes and sighed. (Please don't make this a thing.) She then continued. "I don't care who you are. The three of us have waited and prepared for today for too long. I'm not just gonna let you ruin that!" (Wait... Were they planning on ditching Har-Fest.) I thought before I replied. "I don't care what you prepared, this is just the way things are. I came here for Apple Bloom, so I'll be taking her!" The tomboy was clearly hesitant as she knew their was very little she could do to stop me. So instead she did something unexpected. "...In that case, I'm Apple bloom." Unexpected... Because it was stupid. The other two were shocked at this ridiculous claim while I face palmed and wished I could have just slept in. ... seriously, why is everyone giving me so much trouble today. "...your not Apple Bloom." I lazily replied. "LIKE YOU WOULD KNOW! YOU SUCK AT REMEMBERING FACES" Tomboy childishly shouted at me. Clearly upset that her master plan wasn't going well. "Your not wrong." I admitted. "But come on, there is too much evidence to say your not Apple Bloom." "oh yeah!... Like what?!" She spat back. "Just gonna go for the obvious. Your outfit while sporty isn't quite as ratty or as poor as you would expect to see on some backwater town farm brat. ...also, she's a giant Apple." I said as I motioned towards the girl in the giant Apple costume who was clearly Apple Bloom. "Hey! My clothes aren't ratty and poor!" The giant Apple complained. The tomboy however wasn't ready to let this go. "well... That's because... Oh! We're in costume! Yeah, we just got done rehearsing for a play and these are our costumes! That's why I look so nice." "I wouldn't really say you look nice." I replied which she scowled at. "But for the sake of wasting more time, let's say that were the case. There's still the fact that your speech is fine. You sentences aren't broken and you don't have a southern accent." "Wha yo meen I ant got me a south end accident" she replied in a poor attempted southern accent. "I DON'T talk like that!" The Apple girl complained, clearly annoyed by the tomboys unintended mockery. "Welllllll...." The more feminine long purple haired girl began before the Apple girl cast a glare at her. "Okay, Fine! ...I'm not Apple Bloom. But I'm not just gonna let you take her!" The tomboy said. "Well that's not up to you to decide, or me in this case... Point is, I'm taking the Fruit." I say as I walk towards the girl dressed like a giant Apple. But the tomboy jumps in my way with her hands stretched out to block me from getting passed... As if that was gonna stop me. "S-Sweetie Belle! Go get miss Cheerlee!" She said to the more feminine long haired girl apparently called Sweetie Belle. The tomboy looked more afraid then angry. The least she could do is try to act confident. "I don't know if she's still here, Scootaloo. I can't see her car, although she might have parked at the back of the school. But it may take awhile to get her and I don't feel comfortable leaving you and Apple boom alone with Cross." Sweetie Belle replied to the tomboy I now knew was named Scootaloo. (Wow! They really don't want to go to Har-Fest. Not even I was willing to fight this hard to avoid going... And I really didn't want to go, even though I had reasons for going. ...Either way, I better act fast. Looks like their willing to play the stranger danger card and make this more difficult. Whoever miss Cheerlee is she could be a problem if she were to get involved. I mean, I could most likely take her if things got ugly, but I just wanna be done with this...) I thought as I decided to stop procrastinating. "Look! I don't care what you all have to say. This is what's gonna... No, this IS what's happening!" I proclaimed as i pointed towards Apple Bloom. "You can either do this the easy way or the hard way, but either way your coming with me. Now which is it gonna be!?" They were quite for a moment as they just looked to one another not sure what to say. That is until the Tomboy Scootaloo found some Courage. "Th-There's no way w-were leaving Apple Bloom alone with you..." This had a positive effect on the other two as they all then stood together. "...Hard way it is then." I said as I rolled my eyes. _______________________________________________________________ Cheerlee had recently finished supervising the rehearsal the Cutie Badge Crusaders had done on the founding of Ponyville. The Cutie Badge Crusaders was a school program designed by Principal Celestia that had young female students explore a variety of activities to help find something they could focus on in the future, like a career. it was kinda like girl scouts, but with more variety. However there were only currently three members. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. It wasn't quite the success Celestia had been hopping for... although, most of Celestias' creative programs aren't. The play they had been working hard on was... well, incredibly inaccurate, poorly scripted, had terrible costume design and no budget. Most times Cheerlee wasn't one to complain about supervising the after-school activities of the Cutie Badge Crusaders as she actually really enjoyed teaching children, something that couldn't be said about most teachers at this school. But today was a Saturday, she didn't want to be spending her time at school. Even though she didn't have any plans, this wasn't any way to spend a Saturday. If it wasn't for the fact that the Cutie Badge Crusaders were Principal Celestias little pet project she definitely wouldn't be here today. But at least they were finally all wrapped up, Cheerlee thought as she walked though the school towards the back. But as she walked down the empty school halls she heard something, something that sounded like a commotion. She quickly realised it was coming from the front of the school were she had recently left the girls. Sceptical yet worried, she headed back to the front of the school. It didn't take long for her to arrive at the steps at the schools entrance where she had last seen the girls. They were no longer their, however the commotion could now be heard much more clearly. "QUIT KICKING ME!!!" cried Apple blooms voice which came a little further ahead from the car park. A worried Cheerlee rushed towards Apple Blooms voice. She could see a car parked just ahead with what appeared to be someone kicking it. But as she got closer she realised it wasn't the car that was being kicked. "I SAID QUIT IT! ...Ya gonna ruin mah costume!" Apple Bloom complained as her legs dangled out of the card as a larger boy with slicked back black hair was trying to force her into the back seat of what she assumed was his car. "I already kicked that thing like 8 times and their isn't even a single dent in it. I don't know what you made it out of, but it sure as hell is durable. A few more kicks shouldn't be a problem." The boy nonchalantly argued back as he delivered another kick to Apple Blooms backside. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" Cheerlee demanded, generally not sure as to what was going on... But she had a hunch though. "Hmm...?" The boy curiously hummed as he very casually glanced behind himself to see Cheerlee. She hadn't expected that. There was no sudden surprise or shock present in his body language at her sudden arrival or the aggravated tone of her voice. This made her hesitant. She was an adult while he was clearly quite young yet he didn't seem to care about her presence. It was... Unnerving. This became even more unnerving as a sudden smile crept into the boys face as he turned to face her directly. "Hey Lady! Think you could help me get this kid into my car!" A shiver ran down Cheerlees' spine as their eyes met. His red sinister eyes looked through her like she was nothing. There was an aura to this boy that was full of confidence yet dangerous. And his question sounded more like a demand then anything else. She hesitated for a moment before asking her question again. This time however with less confidence. "...What do you think your doing!" The boy raised an eyebrow at that before taking a step to the side, giving Cheerlee a clear view as to what was going on. "Her dumb ass costume is wider than the frame of the car door. She's stuck. But I figure I can just brute force this problem." He casually answers. "Miss Cheerlee! Help! Don't let 'im take me!" Apple Bloom cried for help as her legs dangled outside the car. Cheerlee was shocked at this situation as her protective instinct soon kicked in, hesitation being driven out by adrenaline as she quickly Spoke up. "You can't just force someone to go with you. What about the fact that she clearly doesn't want to!" He once again raised an eyebrow at that. "Well that's not really a problem I can brute force. That's more of a personal issue of opinion." This once again threw Cheerlee off. He was way to casual. It was like they were in two completely different situations. "...who are you?" Cheerlee asked. "It's Cross!" She heard Scootaloo cry in a panicked voice. "What? Scootaloo, was that you?" Cheerlee said as she quickly looked around to try and find her. She soon saw an arm waving at her behind Apple Bloom's costume. From a gap between the cars frame and Apple Blooms costume she could vaguely see that both Sweety Belle and Scootaloo were also in the back of the car. "He's a little hard to recognise without his usual jacket, but the guy is Cross." Scootaloo once again called out. "Cross?..." Cheerlee said as she examined the boy before her. It was then that she recognised him. "Your a student at this school! The one trouble maker Vice Principal Luna is always going on about. Even a lot of my students don't have anything nice to say about you!" "...I feel like all you needed to say was, I'm a student from this school. The rest was kinda unnecessary." Cross replied sarcastically. She also noticed he had Appleblooms phone in his hand. "You even took Appleblooms phone!" "Pretty smart huh, she tried calling the cops or something to play that whole stranger danger card. These three will do anything to avoid this." He replied in amazement. Not sure if she was confused, angry or worried. Cheerlee pushed on. "Why are you taking these girls!? ...Where are you taking these girls!?" "Well I was originally just after Apple girl, but the other two insisted they weren't comfortable with me just taking her alone... so now all three of them are in the back of my car." He replied. "If you don't wanna help get her into the car just say so. You don't have to act all dramatic and waste my time with your theatrics." He says more like a complaint than a statement as he goes back to pushing Apple Bloom into the car. And with another kick the costume is forced in as the other two girls are pushed along the seat by Apple Blooms sudden entrance. "Ha! Told you it would fit" Cross triumphantly continues as he shuts the back door before moving to the drivers seat. As he starts up the car Cheerlee tries to open the back doors to no avail as they've been locked, she than quickly moves towards the passenger side window. "Girls! Hurry up and get out before he starts moving the car." "We already tried that. There locked on the inside as well" sweety Belle says in a panic. "It's called child lock and it saves me from lawsuits" Cross states as he starts up the car. "What your doing is considered kidnapping. It's a serious crime" Cheerlee pleads, hoping he will reconsider his actions. "Yeah... But is it really kidnapping if I'm underage and so are they?" he confidently replies. To which Cheerlee simply replies. "...YES!" That soured his mood as he rolled his eyes before driving away. Cheerlee stood their in shock. She had never had to deal with a situation quite like that. Unsure of what to do she reached for her phone and just stared at it. "...Should I call the police?... Or should I... Maybe... Principal Celestia?" ________________________________________________________________ I had only just left the school and was a street away with the girls Now in the back. I didn't need all three but it seemed easier this way. But watching them through the rear view mirror I saw something I didn't like as the three huddled together. So I pulled over. "What the hell do you think your doing?!" I say to them, annoyed that I have to. They seem very hesitant as they quickly dart looks between each other as they don't seem to know what I'm on about. I continue somewhat sarcastically. "What, is this your first time in a car." But they still just look at me with wide hesitant eyes. "Seriously?... Seat belts!" "...huh?" The three reply in unison. "That strap with the metal bit at the end of it. Look, I don't care if all the cool kids and celebrities are doing it. If your in my car your wearing a seatbelt!" I find myself having to tell them. It takes them a moment but they finally stop giving me a blank stare and buckle up there seatbelts. Satisfied I once again begin driving again. (Geez, I know one of them was raised in a barn so then what are the other two's excuse. ..maybe there slow.) There fairly quiet which I find myself enjoying. But I quickly start thinking of how much of a hassle today has been. One constant issue I've had all day is people not recognising me. But I decide to put an end to that as the carousel boutique is on the way to Har-Fest. (Rarity should be done fixing my jacket by now.) Soon the girls start silently talking in hushed voices as if not to be heard, and before long they go quiet once again. That is until Scootaloo Decides to speak up. "Are you gonna Harvest our Organs?" "...What!?" Was all I could reply to the sudden question. "He's probably gonna dump our corpses into unmarked graves outside of town!" Sweety Belle, suddenly stated. "Or maybe sell us inta a child slave work camp! Mah Granny warned me 'bout those." Apple Bloom followed suite. ...I was silent, had I heard them correctly. Then with a shriek Scootaloo continued in a panic. "OR MAYBE HIS GONNA MOLEST US, HARVEST OUR ORGANS, AND THEN DUMP WHAT'S LEFT OF US IN WHITE WATER LAKE FOR THE FISH TO EAT!" The three were silent for a moment before suddenly screaming. (What the hell are they talking about! Why would they think... Oh no, did I maybe actually grab the wrong people?... Well I guess I did end up with two extra, but if one of them is Applebloom then they should realise where going to Har-Fest.) I thought before deciding to be more direct. "Shut up back there!" I told them off. This got them to suddenly go quiet as they then focused on me. "What the hells with all those scenarios?... The dumb ass in the costume is Applebloom... Right?" The three girls seemed scared and confused, the one I assumed was Applebloom nodded to my question. It took me a moment but I was finally putting things together. "You actually have no idea why I'm here, do you?" After a hesitant moment the three shook their heads. "So Big Mac didn't tell you anything?" I further questioned. This time they gave each other a confused look before Aplebloom spoke up. "Big Mac?... What does be have to do with this?" Annoyed, I continued. "Big Macs the one who sent me to get you. ...He seriously didn't call or text you to let you know he couldn't make it?" There was a moment of silence before she replied. "Big Mac? Mah big brother, Big Mac?... How would ya even know him?... Why would he even ask ya?" Sweety Belle then gasped. "He's lying, I saw this on the news. Kidnappers tell victims a family member asked them to pick them up and then their never seen again!" Rolling my eyes I replied. "If I tell you how I know Big Mac and why I'm playing taxi for him, will that make you all feel better and stop freaking out?" The three girls calmed down a bit before Applebloom replied back. "Yes. Okay, that would make us feel better." I took a deep breath and... Kept driving. After a minute Applebloom once again spoke up. "Well?... Aren't ya gonna tell us how ya know mah big brother?" "No." I simply replied with a sinister smile. The three once again became wide eyed and jittery as fear bad once again taken their imagination to crazy places. I probably could had made them feel more at ease, but I simply didn't care how they felt. I also wouldn't won't them to become slightly comfortable around me, I feel I've become far too social, the way Pinky Pie casually spoke to me today had really soured my mood today... Well, that and a lot of other things in my life. I couldn't remember when being antisocial had ever been this hard. A little bit later I arrived at my first destination as I began to slow to park the car. "This definitely isn't Har-Fest!" Scootaloo said in a panic as she looked out the window. "What nasty vile place did you bring us to!" She continued with some aggression. Applebloom then chimed in from the center. "What ever it is ya know it's not good. I just now it's a place full of evil." Sweety Belle looked out her window in confusion. "...were at the carousel boutique?" "...huh?" The other two replied in confusion. Scowling back at the three girls through the review mirror I say. "I'll be back in a minute. Don't touch anything." They were still confused as Scootaloo was the first to speak up. "Don't touch anything?... Don't you mean, don't get out of he car?" To which I replied. "I don't think that will be problem, unless you can figure a way to get the dumbass and her apple costume out of my car before I get back." I then get out and head into the carousel boutique. ________________________________________________________________ The three girl look amongst each other as cross disappears into the carousel boutique. Looking at Appleblooms costume Sweety Belle says. "He kinda has a point. I don't think we're gonna be able to get Applebloom through these doors." "Of course we can!" Scootaloo declared. "He was able to brute Force her in so all we gotta do is brute Force her out. How many kicks did it take him?... 9?... 10?... I'll do it 5!" She bragged as she raised five fingers. "No Way!" Applebloom protested. "I don't like bein kicked around. I put lotsa work inta makin mah costume and I don't want ya wreckin it!... Besides, with tha child lock doors we can't even open em." Taking a moment to think Scootaloo came up with an idea. "...how about we jump into the front seat and just use the front door?" "Similar problem." Sweety replied. Appleblooms costume still won't fit through the front chairs, and I doubt the doors are much wider on them either." "...oh! Just ditch the costume. Once you take it off we shouldn't have any problem getting out." Scootaloo suggested. "R ya crazy! What if someone sees me?" Applebloom suddenly complains. Both Sweety and Scootaloo looked at each other in confusion before Sweety spoke up. "Why would that be an issue." After an awkward silence Applebloom began to blush. "...I guess I neva told y'all 'bout this but, well, this costume isn't what y'all would call open or breezy. So it has a tendency to get hot under the collar, but I didn't wanna mess with the design so I figured since no one could me anyway... Well, I'm not wearin a whole lot under it." This was followed by another moment of silence as they weren't sure how to respond. soon after Scootaloo had another idea. "Well... It's not like all of us have to escape..." The other two were shocked as Sweety was first to respond. "You can't be serious Scootaloo! You can't be suggesting we just abandon Applebloom. Who knows what someone like Cross would do to her... Or her highly valuable organs!" Applebloom didn't like that last part. She was practically sweating bullets under her costume. "Hold on!" Scootaloo said before beginning to clarify. "I em saying we ditch her... But only for a minute. We're at the Carousel Boutique, all we gotta do is have me and Sweety Belle run inside and get help. Their open so either Your parents or your sister Rarity should be their." A glimmer of hope appears in their eyes as they realise it could actually work. Jumping over the seat both Sweety Belle and Scootaloo open the car door and hop out before they turn back to Applebloom, giving a look of encouragement that says, hold on. > Chapter 6 - Har-Fest part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 006 part 5 Chapter 6 - Har-Fest (part 5) I enter Carousel Boutique, the bell attached to the door chimes and I approach the counter. Being the only customer here it was quiet, it doesn't even seem like anyone has come in all day. No one is Manning the counter and it seems Rarity mustn't had heard the bell as she was most likely out back. I notice a rough looking vase on the counter with withering flowers in it, it seems that it has been glued back together as I soon realise it was the vase I 'Accidentally' smashed when Rarity refused me service. It was an ugly vase so I decided to do something that would benefit both me and Rarity. I guess doing a favour for Big Mac just put me in the helping mood, even I can do good things once in a while... This wasn't one of those times as I slid the vase off the desk once again as it toppled to the ground. 'SMASH!' the vase once again exploded on impact as water and glass cover the floor. A loud sigh comes from the back room before the door opens and Rarity enters. She wasn't surprised or shocked, if anything she looked tired, tired and angry. Her hair was a mess and her clothes were just as bad... While I wasn't too sure I think she may had been wearing the same ones last night when I dropped off my jacket. With a grumpy even somewhat deranged tone Rarity said. "Well it's about time you showed up." "Is my jacket ready yet?" I asked with a tone that implied this to be a major inconvenience to me. We were both ignoring the vase "It's been ready since 6 in the morning!" Rarity angrily stated as she marched towards me. "Is that really something to brag about? That you did the job your paid to do." I replied to her whinny complaint. "You should really think about taking my advice and working on your customer service skills... So how about you quit patting yourself on the back and get my jacket." For a moment she just scowled at me before a sinister smirk made its way on to her face. "Oh don't worry Cross, you'll get it. This time I can personally promise you'll get 'EXACTLY' what you asked for!" As she left for the back room she chuckled like mad woman. Rolling my eyes I find myself once again missing the original tailors of the store. (Getting my clothes fixed never used to be this irritating. Maybe I should start looking into finding a new tailor? Although it's unlikely I'll find another in this small town. Why does she have to make such a simple task into some drama? All she does is complain and overreact.) But my inner complaining is cut short as out of nowhere a country song starts to play. Looking around to find and silence it I soon realise that I'm the source. Reaching into my pocket I pull out Appleblooms phone. (I completely forgot I had this. I confiscated it from Apple girl when she tried to call the cops and use the whole stranger danger routine when I grabbed her... Which I now realise wasn't because she was trying to avoid Har-Fest. Well, what's done is done. It doesn't matter anyway, I was sent to bring her there by Big Mac so that's what I'm doing.) Looking at the phone it reads, Jack. (Jack?... Oh! I think she means Mack! As in Big Mac... Or is it spelt M A C K?... Either way she misspelt it, but that's what I would expect from some country bumpkin. Big Macs probably just calling to find out where she is. Rarity should be back in just a second so I'll just quickly update him.) The phone model is similar to mine but was red. This meant I knew how to answer it, and pushing the green phone button I did just that. "Yo! It's Cross. I have Applebloom!" With that quick update I hung up, knowing that if I didn't then Big Mac would probably talk my ear off. At that same exact moment Rarety came back into the room with what I assumed was my jacket. "Here you are cross. Hopefully you'll find I met your request." Rarity said with a smug tone. Grabbing it off the counter I reply. "Well it's about darm time. Hopefully this time you made one that won't fall apart so-... What the hell?" Picking it up and unfolding it I realise their are some changes to my jacket compared to how it was. The main and most noticeable one being the colour was off. Instead of being all black it also contained large patches of grey, brown and even dark blues. This was because as indicated by the giant stitches all throughout it, it was many different jackets roughly stitched together. Even the white fur along the sleeve ends and colour were all different compared to each other. the only things she seemed to get right were the large hidden pockets on the inside and the misprinted crucifix logo on the back that was made up of directional arrows. The Logo being the only original part I was able to salvage. Turning my gaze back to Rarety I ask. "The hell is this?" She looks almost over joyed at my reaction. "It's 'EXACTLY' what you asked for. I believe your words were something like. 'it better be done by tomorrow morning, and I don't care if you have to Frankenstein one together from other jackets'." She flashed a smug smile before continuing as she pressed some buttons on the cash register. "So will you be paying cash or credit?" For a moment I just scowled at her in silence as the tension between us grew. Then with no hesitation I threw on the patched up Chimera Jacket. "Cash!" Was all I replied with before taking money from my wallet and placing it on the counter. "...What?" Despite how unfazed she was earlier she now seemed confused and thrown off. She thought that like the last time, I had no intention to pay. "Your actually going to pay me?... For that?..." "Of course I am." I plainly stated as I took something's from my pockets and moved them into those of my jacket. "paying for your skills and services are the most basic understanding of trade, and the amount you receive reflects their worth." "...Th- thank you?..." Rarity found herself even more confused. (That sounded like a compliment... Was that actually a compliment? I never thought some one as Brutish as Cross could even say something remotely nice.) Rarity thought with a slight blush as she watched him stretch and move around in the jacket to see how it felt. She actually felt a little bad for purposely making it look so bad. "...Cross, are you sure your fine with it?... If you don't like it I could probably... Definitely, make it better than that." "Nah, this will do. ...Actually, I think this works out better for me." I reply as I finish various movements to see how well the jacket fits. It wasn't as comfortable as it once was but it worked well enough. Rarity was still puzzled by my unexpected acceptance of this terrible jacket and looked like she still had more to ask me. However we were interrupted as the door suddenly flew open as Scootaloo and Sweety Belle come running in. In a rush Sweety Belle calls to Rarity. "Rarity! Rarity! You gotta help us! We were just finishing up our rehearsal when!-..... What the heck is that?!" The moment she saw me Sweety suddenly stopped in her tracks and pointed at my jacket. Scootaloo looks to her with a deadpan expression. "You can't be serious?... Is this really the time to talk about Cross's ugly jacket. What about Applebloom? ...Actually, it is hard not too stare. That is bad." Surprised and concerned Rarity questioned. "Applebloom?... What about Applebloom? "Now hold on Rarity. Sweaty Belle here just asked a question, I feel it would be rude of us to just ignore such an inquisitive young girl." I calmly reply, purposely getting Sweetys name wrong. "Actually my name is Swee-" "I see you noticed my jacket." I interrupted Sweety. "You've probably seen me around town in a similar jacket just like this one." "...we go to the same school." Scootaloo states. Ignoring her I continued. "Well you see, unfortunately Wear and tear had left my jacket in a less than acceptable state. So I figured I knew of a place that could patch it up for me, the Carousel Boutique. Recently the original owners have allowed their daughter, Rarity Belle, to run and manage the place during certain hours. So I payed her... Hey Rarity, how much did I pay you?" Counting the money Rarity's eyes go wide. "235 dollars!?" "Right, so I payed her 235 dollars. And for that 235 dollars she patched up my jacket this well." I continued as I made sure they had a good view of the horribly patched together mess that was my jacket. "So?... What do you think." There was a moment of silence. Sweety was the first to respond. "...I think you got ripped off, it looks terrible. And a patch up job shouldn't cost much or look so rough either " She then turned her attention to Rarity with a look of disappointment. "I can't believe this is how your running the business when your in charge... I know your new to it but this is just bad business." Scootaloo turned to Rarity with a similar response. "I thought you were supposed to be good at this? That looks like something Sweety would do." That last part got her a glare from Sweety. "No wait... it's not what you... he isn't..." Surprised Rarity began to explain only to constantly trip over her words as she didn't know where to begin. Then a look of realisation appeared on her face as she stared at me. "...that's why your fine with it. Because your planning to use it to Sully my businesses reputation." There was a growing look of panic on her as she then began to plead. "Please, don't wear that in public. You could ruin my business if you start telling people of this. In fact, Give me back that jacket." She quickly reaches over the counter to grab my sleeve but I move out of arms reach. With a smug smirk I reply. "You really should have more confidence in your work, and why wouldn't I brag about your level of quality to everyone I meet. Word of mouth is one of he best ways to drum up business in a small town like this, I'm practically doing you a favour. ...Actually, now that I think about it isn't Har-Fest today? Their would be hundreds of people from in and out of town their, and I bet they have a stage set up and everything. I could probably announce your business to everyone from there and show them the quality level of work you do." Their was a looked of defeat in Rarity's eyes. Her plan was backfiring more than she could have ever imagined. "You can't, be serious! You can have your money back, please, just take it." She says as she hands my cash out. "Hmmmm?... Now was it 235 or 335 I gave you?" I loudly ponder. "You-... You can't be serious." A Wide eyed Rarity responds. But my sinister gaze is all the reply she needs. "Of course you are." She then takes out another extra hundred from the register and hands it to me. "There! Are you good now!?" "Well, it's good... For a start." I say as I put the money in my wallet. A look of discomfort is plastered on her face as she replies. "A start?... What else could you want from me?" With a fearful look she raises her arms over her breasts. "...are you planning on doing something sexual!?" With an annoyed look I reply. "No!... Why do people think I'm gonna-... Look, obviously this jacket sucks, I want a new one by Monday morning. But I'm tired of always having to come here so just find me in the car park. Also, I want you to bring me all your notes you've taken for school this year right now. "All my notes? Wouldn't it make more sense to bring you just the ones for the classes we share?" She asked. "Until recently you didn't exist to me, so if we share more classes besides shop I wouldn't know. Besides, even if we don't share classes your notes may still be of use to me. Oh, and I don't need your math notes, I'm good for math." I replied. "And until I get a new jacket I'm keeping this one." Frustrated but backed into a corner, Rarity agreed. See disappeared up the stairs for a moment before coming back with a small stack of books for me. Snapping back to her senses now that me and Rarity we're finished, Sweety said with urgency. "Applebloom!... I almost forgot. Rarity, we need your help, were being kidnapped!" "You are?" Rarity questioned. "Yes!" Scootaloo answered. To which Rarity asked. "...Right now?" "Yes!" Sweety replied. Rarity then looked around the calm uneventful room for a moment. "... Are you sure?" "YES!" The two replied urgently in unison. Not caring I begin to leave with my not great jacket and the stack of Raritys school books. "He's trying to get away!... Really slowly." Sweety called out. Scootaloo then threw herself in front of me and held out her arms too block the path. "I'm not letting you go anywhere!" "Oh no..." I lazily said." ...A child, how ever will I get past this... If only I-." My sentence ends abruptly as I simply walk through Scootaloo, knocking her out if my way. "Quickly Rarity!" Sweety says as she grabs Rarity by the hand and begins to pull her after me. "It will all make sense when you see Cross's car!" "Hold on Sweety, your not making much sense. Just give a second to lock up." Rarity replies. ____________________________________________________ From the back of my car Applebloom sees us slowly coming out as the stores door open "Where's Rarity. Is help on tha way?" "Don't worry! We got this under control!" Scootaloo calls as she's currently wrapped around my foot in an attempt to slow me down as I drag her behind me. To which a disheartened Applebloom replies. "From here it doesn't seem like ya got it all unda control." Soon we're followed by Sweety and Rarity. Catching sight the farm girl, Rarity suddenly rushes up to my car. "Applebloom?... Why is Applebloom in the back of your car?!" "I know what your thinking." I responded as I place the school books in the boot of the car.. "How did she fit when her costume is so big? Well you would be surprised how far a little force can go." "That's not what I meant." Rarity replied. "I meant what possible reason is she in your car at all, not how but why?" Sweety then interrupted. "I told you already, he's kidnapping us!" Rolling my eyes I say. "It's closer to forced transportation than kidnapping. I don't have any intention of keeping her." "Why?!" A shocked Rarity questions. I'm surprised I even have to answer that. "Well I'm not much of a people person to begin with, but she's pretty annoying. And the whole speaking in broken English thing just gets on my nerves, who-". "I mean why are you taking here?!" Rarity clarified. "Oh, Big Mac asked me to." I answered. "You know Big Mac?" Rarity questioned, seeming even more confused. Sweety then jumped in. "of course he doesn't! It's obviously a lie!" "Well you can believe me or not, I don't care. But your options are either riding in the car with Applebloom or... I don't know? It's Saturday, go do whatever you want. I say as I Unlock the the back door. The moment I open the backdoor Applebloom rushes it, only to instantly get stuck in the door frame. Both of her friends quickly try to pull her through, Scootaloo pulled Applebloom and Sweety pulled Scootaloo. "Indicisive huh?." I say as they struggle in vain. "Guess I'll have to choose for you." I continued as I moved behind sweaty, then with one swift kick to her back I push her and Scootaloo into the car which also knocked Applebloom to the otherside. I then close the door and lock it. Rarity suddenly steps in as she tried to open the door, which ended in failure. "I can't believe you! You actually are kidnapping my sister and her friends." "I just explained that... Wait, sister?... Now that I think about it you two do Look like idiots. And you bother have Belle for a last name." I lazily reply. "That's right, Sweety Belle is my sister." Rarity said as she then quickly jumps in front to block my path to the car. "And obviously I'm not just gonna let you take my sister!... Unsupervised." "What?" Both me and Sweety Questioned. Rarity trying to look sad continued. "Well your heading to Har-Fest anyway, and your story about getting Applebloom for Big Mac is just sketchy." Rolling my eyes and just wanting go already I reply. "Well... I guess I don't see a reason why not." I reply as I casual go to the passenger side and use my key on the door. "What? Really?... Your not just tricking me again, are you?" She questions cautiously. "Do you really think I would do that again? You just saw me unlock the door for you." I reassured her as I then got into the drivers seat. "I guess I em being a little overly suspicious. I guess someone like you is bound to have a soft spot ...even if it is very small." She says as she pulls the handle. However she found it wasn't unlocked. "You have gotta be kidding me!" She angrily snaps. Rolling my eyes I responded. "Don't jump to any conclusions yet. like I said, you clearly saw me unlock it. It's just being stubborn, jiggle the handle." Taking a deep breath Rarity calmed down. "I'm sorry Cross l, I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions... It's just, you always put me on edge." She tries jiggling the handle but it doesn't budge. "Hold on, I'll start up the car and see if anything changes." I suggest, although their still isn't any change. "Still locked." Rarity complains. "Wellllll,... how about now?" I ask. "Nothing." Rarity says as another attempt fails she then looks to me for advice and notices something. "Hoooow.... Aboooout.... Now?" I ask as Rarity watches me. She noticed I wasn't doing anything but sitting there, all I did was call out. "Cross?... It kinda looks like your not doing anything to unlock the door." She questions, a slow realisation dawning on her. "You know what? I think I blew a flux capacitor, that's why it's still locked." I suggest. With a shocked expression Rarity questioned. "Flux capacitor?... Did you just make tha-" "WHAT!" I interrupted. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" "What do you mean you can't hear me?" A frustrated Rarity asked. "I mean I can't hear you... Over the sound of me driving away." I answered with a smug grin. And at that moment I began driving away. "Noooo, again!... No!... Noooooo!... Nooooooooooooooo! You son of a-" was the last thing I heard Rarity say as we left her behind. This left a smile on my face. "Wait! Wait! Wait!.... How did you do that?" Scootaloo questioned. "We saw you unlock the door for her. "You idiot. How did you get out of the car originally?" I asked, hoping she would use her brain. Not getting it yet Scootaloo replied. "We jumped the seats and got out through the passenger side-... Oh! It was already unlocked so you actually locked it." ______________________________________________________ It wasn't too long before we arrived at Har-Fest. Just as I thought it was even more crowded now. Luckily there was still parking outside nature's Muse so we walked from their. Making it to the event grounds I sighed a breath of relief. Before turning to Applebloom. "Well, I did my part and got you here so I don't need you anymore." The three girls looked kinda confused as Applebloom then spoke up. "wait, seriously, we can just go? You actually just planned to bring us here?" "Basically." I simply answered as I took out Appleblooms phone and tossed it to her. A confused Sweety then said. "well if that's all you wanted why all the aggression and hostility?" "You were the ones who made it difficult. I was just there for the farm brat but it seemed easier to just take you all. And don't get the wrong idea, think of this as just a one off thing... I'm not usually this nice!" I reply as I then walk away into the crowd. "...But you weren't nice... I was on the constant verge of a panic attack." Scootaloo says as I disappeared into the crowd. ___________________________________________________ It took some time but I managed to find the sweet apple acres store, I noticed that I was managing to find my way around a bit easier. Big Mac was still behind the counter looking stressed out as I approached. "You do realise making such a panicked expression is bad for business? What is it with the terrible state of retail in this town?... Well, you can stop stressing out, I got your sister here. She was a pain in the ass but it's done." Big Mac suddenly jumps to his feet in surprise, he looks glad that I finally made it back as he then quickly darts his head from right to left as if searching for something around me. Soon his expression begins to lose that relief and slowly curls into a grumpy expression before focusing on me. "The hells your problem?... I did what you wanted, Appleblooms here now." I told him. He only scanned the area once more with his eyes before giving me another slightly more intense glare. "...oh!" I exclaimed finally understanding. "When you said you wanted me to bring Applebloom here, you actually meant here, as in directly to you." All Big Mac replied with was a nod. "You can't blame that all on me, you should be more clear when giving directions. Besides, does it really matter. She's here somewhere so your bound to run into her sometime, it may not be exactly what you wanted but I consider this favour complete." I say as I dust my hands off. "So then, now that I did you a favor I'm hoping your a little more accepting of mine." I continued as I reminded him of our deal. He still looked annoyed but he lowered his intensity and relaxed his shoulders enough to tell me to go ahead. Looking him dead in he eyes I began. "I wanna help out around sweet apple aches." For a moment their was silence, then Big Mac flashed me a look of confusion. He was aware of my dislike of the farm so he was curious as to why I would want to be there. "I won't be vague or give you the run around." I said as I began to answer his question. "I almost got my ass kicked the other day, it was completely one sided. It was then that I realised I'm not as great I thought I was, but don't be mistaken, I em great. It might be more accurate to say that I'm lacking. I let myself go a bit once I reached the top at highschool and I now realise my stamina is one of my weakest features. I could just exercise but... Well, if I'm still being honest. I wanna kick your ass. But I'm not 100% confident I could do that now... And that pisses me off." Big Mac almost snickered at that last part which annoyed me. "Well, how about it?" I pushed. Looking off to the side I could see Big Mac was deep in thought. On one hand he was telling himself he was in desperate need of more hands around the farm, however, on the other hand did it have to be this guy? He knew how unpleasant it would be to have me around. I could already tell how this was going. Big Mac was similar to me in one way, he was use to doing things by himself. This meant he wouldn't feel such a need to just accept help because it's there, he could and would turn me down. I needed to sweeten the deal... But I didn't have anything, at least nothing he would want... Money maybe... (Darm it, at this rate he'll turn me down.) I Thought as I slowly watched Big Mac deep In thought. (I'll fell pissed off if it turns out I did him a favor for nothing. If I was more of a people person like Valkyrie I could probably negotiate better. Back when he negotiated his deal with me he found what I wanted before hand and even threw his friend under the bus to get what he wanted... Wait, that's it!) Before Big Mac could answer with his refusal I cut in. "...I probably wasn't clear but it won't just be me helping around the farm." This got his attention as he gave a look of intrigue. "There's another guy... I mean, two guys I know who actually wanna do it to. Their kinda skinny so they wanna get big like you." I somewhat lied, the only true part of my statement was that I knew two other guys. However the extended offer got him to change his mind as he somewhat begrudgingly agreed as he shook my hand. It was decided that I could start tomorrow around 8 in the morning. All I needed to do now was somehow convince Valkyrie and Slow Dancer to go along with this. > Chapter 6 - Har-Fest part 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Town 006 part 6 Chapter 6 - Har-Fest (part 6) I now found myself with another odd problem as I walked throughout Har-Fest. I was looking for Valkyrie and Slow Dancer but that wasn't the problem. The issue was I had gotten Big Mac to agree to let me do physical work on his farm with the condition that both Valkyrie and Slow Dancer also helped... Something I promised they would do without their consent or knowledge. So now I had to come up with a way to convince them to waste their Sunday on a farm working for free. (My go to move would usually be to threaten violence. But thanks our stupid deal I can't actually do that to force them to get what I want... Maybe I could pay them? No, my funds are finite. If this becomes a regular thing I will quickly run out of funds. The best thing would be to convince them that it's their idea or at least in their best interest... But how the hell would I even go about doing that? ...Valkyrie does get bullied, so maybe I could convince him that this is to put on some muscle and-) Suddenly my chain of thought is interrupted as I get a bad feeling. My instincts scream at me to jump back as I get the sudden feeling in my gut that I'm in danger. The lighter wasn't heating up or reacting in anyway so I knew this danger wasn't magical in nature. before I can even think about it my body reacts on my instincts and I jump back by a meter. Suddenly strands of blond hair rush past me, it was a person. They kept going for about a meter before hitting the ground, the form of their body looked as if they had just tried to tackle me. They quickly recover and get back to their feet before giving me a murderous glare. The crowd of people surroundings us realise something is off as they make room, forming a circle of empty space around us as the crowd quickly become onlookers who curiously watch the commotion as it begins. "CROSS!!!" The blonde person who tried to tackle me shouts. It took me a moment but I soon realise who it is. It's the country bumpkin from school, Applejack, and she looked pissed... Although this wasn't anything new to me, as far as I know she always looked like that. "...Farmer Barbie..." I lazily replied with zero enthusiasm. Usually one to welcome a hostile conflict I just didn't care for it right now, I was busy. My uninterested demeanor only seemed to piss her off more as her glare intensified. "WHERE IS APPLEBLLOM!?" "Applebloom?... The short country red haired girl?" With a raised eyebrow I replied before looking around. I had no idea where this was coming from, as far as I could tell the only connection between the two is that like a few others such as Valkyrie, Big Mac, and other unnamed kids at my school that I didn't care about, they lived outside of town and are what I refer to as back water red necks. "What's up with country bumpkin all wanting Applebloom?... Is she some kinda prophesied red neck that will bring about a new age of marrying your own cousins?" I mocked. "I won't ask again! Where is she!?" Applejack demanded to know, ignoring my words as she then looked like she was ready to fight. I just rolled my eyes, to say I didn't care was an understatement. "I don't really care why your suddenly gunning for me, but I guess I can answer your question. I don't know where Applebloom is." Applejack was hesitating. While I'm not really a trustworthy person she seemed to believe me somewhat. "...You... You serious!? You really don't have her?" Shrugging I reply. "You clearly don't have a brain but you do have two eyes. How about you start using those." She once again ignored my insult as she looks around, soon her guard begins to drop. "You don't have her?... Then where is she?" "The hell would I know. Har-Fest is huge, she could be anywhere, and that's assuming she even stuck around... Although I guess to a farm girl like her this is probably like Christmas." I replied. Seeing how little I cared Applejack completely dropped her guard. Even the crowd had lost interest earlier and moved on. Soon a familiar country jingle begins as a frantic Applejack pulls out a mobile phone and answers it. "Sis!?... Where are ya?.... You are!... What 'bout that text ya sent me?... Do you have any idea how much trouble ya caused?... Stay put! I'll come ta ya." She then shot another glare my way. "...maybe I was a bit hasty... But I don't apologise." "Apologies?... For what? Stumbling around and tackling the floor?" I replied. That seemed to annoy her, whatever this was she hated that I wasn't taking her seriously. She even looked as if she felt stupid before she quickly straightened herself up before quickly walking off as she made sure to avoid eye contact. For a situation that quickly escalated, it quickly fizzled out even faster. I just stood their for a moment as I wondered if it had even happened. ...I was confused. Annoyed, but confused. "THAT'S HIM! HE'S THE ONE!" came another familiar voice from behind. Turning around I quickly find myself in another situation. There was some disgruntled guy in a green shirt pointing to me... Which wasn't an issue. However, besides him was the one who was in charge of and even planned Har-Fest... My mother. "Given your story I suspect it must have been this guy." My mother, Charity, said to him. Her tone was much calmer than his. "This trouble maker has gotten a bit of a reputation for being disruptive." "Disruptive?... Trouble maker?..." I questioned. "I feel like your underselling me if those are the words used to describe me." The stranger had a smug grin on his face as he got in mine. "You probably thought I was just gonna let it go!? That you could just push me around and get off Scot free!? ...Well guess what, that's not happening because I did just what I said I would do! I found the most important person here and I told on you!" ...It probably sounded tougher in his head. My reaction wasn't what he was expecting. For a solid moment I just blankly stared at him before then clutching my chin in thought. "...hmmmm?..." Still excited he continued. "Well! Don't you have anything to say! Aren't you sorry you messed with me! Regret any life decisions recently!" "...should I know you?" I blankly question. He's speechless as he stood there with his mouth open. His smug look becomes one filled with anger. "Don't try and play dumb! There's no way your getting out of this!" Suddenly my expression changes to one of shock which seemed to delight him. "I know you! Your that super whinny annoying guy I manhandled in front of his girlfriend!" I was glad to now realise what was going on, that confusing situation with Applejack just moments ago had me feeling kinda lost. That only pissed him off. He could see I wasn't threatened or intimidated at all by him finding the highest authority he could and tattling on me. Also he was pissed that I really hadn't recognised him. He then turned to Charity. "You gotta do something! This... Thug! He Assaulted and kidnapped me, dragging me all over the place for a simple cupcake! ... clearly his insane!" Looking between me and he disgruntled man, charity had a look of confusion. "This kid? Are you absolutely certain?" "OF COURSE I EM!" He shouted. Still confused, charity replied. "but his only a kid... And can you really call it kidnapping if the one doing it is a kid?" There was a long silent look from the man before he responded. "......YES!" "Well, alright.... I guess I'll have t take care of this. This is why we hire security, for situations like this." She continued as she pulled out a walkee talkee. "Ha! Hear that you little brat!" He gloated. "Looks like your ass is out of here!" I just rolled my eyes. "Hey we got a bit of a problem over by the home made soaps and honey's" Charity said as she began waving a hand in the air. "You see me?!... Good!... Anyway, we got a disruptive guest who's ruining it for everyone and needs to be removed... immediately!" Suddenly security began moving in from every direction, their blue vests and sunglasses easy to see as they were weaving through the crowd. All of them were pretty big guys who looked like they started more fights then they stopped. The jack ass in the green shirt looked as excited as a kid in a candy store at the prospect of seeing me get tossed out. "Make sure not to disrupt any of the other guests." charity Continued to give orders over he walkee talkee. "This guy's been a huge pain in the ass, so don't be afraid to get ruff with him. I want this green shirted weirdo out of here. his harassing my son!" "This is what happens when a kid like you messes with adults! You get... Wait?... Son?!" Suddenly he realises what my mother Charity had said. The security wasn't coming for me, they were here for him. Suddenly a look of panic is present on his face. Once again he was having a bad time. "This brat is your son!? That's unfair! You can't just-! You can't-!" YOU BITCH!!!" in his panic with the closing in security, he turned to my mum and pulled back his fist to strike her. Seeing this I quickly get ready to step in and take him down from the side. But before he even begins to throw his punch he freezes for a moment, then all of a sudden he stumbles back a few meters. Something was off, there was something red coming out if his nose.... blood. The look on his face wasn't anger or panic anymore, instead he looked dizzy and disoriented. "AHHHHH!!!" He suddenly began to scream as even more blood shit from his nose. "Wha...? Is your nose broken?" I questioned out loud. "Awwww, darm it!" Mum complained from beside me as I then turned to face her. She was looking at the her sleeve, around her elbow there was a red splotch on her white sleeve. "I thought I would be fast enough... Why does this always happens when I wear my favourite clothes! And I just had to wear white today!" Her complaint sounded way to relatable. But more importantly I figured out what happened, before he could even throw a single punch mum had quickly brought her elbow up and caught him right in the face. ...but I didn't even notice because of how fast she was. She had even completely hidden her intent to do so. I was amazed... It had been awhile since I had seen her get physical with someone. Suddenly three security guards jump the guy and quickly take him down. They then bring him back up and restrain him. "...y-you can't... Do this!... I-it's, poli-ce brutality!..." He struggled to complain. One of the security members chuckle's. "Police?... We ain't cops. We're a local private security force hired for events like this. You can complain to our boss but I doubt that will do any good, as far as were concerned, our boss is who ever pays our checks. Speaking of which, we were small time before we started receiving gigs like this, our growth was also helped by certain donations received from a certain member at City Hall." He finished with a nudge from his head directed at mum. "What can I say, I worry about public safety." Charity said as she rubbed saliva against the blood splotch to remove it, to no avail. They then cuff him as charity approaches him, annoyed that the stain is not coming out. "It was dumb of you to try and attack a worker of City Hall... But not as dumb as what you did right after being restrained. You attempted to break free in the Ally between the I.T. store and that new frozen yogurt place, You seemed like a mad man so security had to get rough with you... Really left a lot of bruises!" I noticed one of the security guards nod to another when she said that. "..wha... What are you talking abou_!!!" He didn't finish his sentence as he was then gagged with a baton. As they then began dragging him off he realised it just happened to be towards the I.T. and frozen yogurt place she mentioned. The last thing I saw of him was this look of realisation filled with dread. Once they are gone Mum turns to me. "Someone's having an unusually eventful day!" "...Are you talking about me or that guy who's about to get his ass kicked?" I ask, genuinely not sure. "You of course." Mum replied. "Usually at events like this you just show up and stick to some quiet corner until it's all over." "Me?... Eventful? If by that you mean that some guy was complaining about me then I think you'll find your mistaken. I'm always getting people coming to me with their petty complaints when I do something they don't like." I argued. "Oh!" Mum replied in a tone that said it was I who was mistaken. "I wasn't talking about just one small event... But it sounds like you consider today to be just as any other, so if that's the case why don't we see just how your days usually go?" She then pulled out a notepad before continuing. "This morning you arrived with 2 other boys, however your part ways instantly and you head to a bakery, Sugar Cube Corner. It's closed so you then head to Har-Fest where you aimlessly wandered around until you force another attendant to show you where the stall for Sugar Cube Corner is located. Speaking with the boss of the stall seems to cause him to become enthusiastic as he and his wife later watch you from afar as you have a conversation with his young female employee. At a point in the conversation you leave only to come back moments latter, this brought joy to the stores boss and his wife. Upon ending the conversation for good with the young female employee you are approached by her bosses which you shoo off before then moving on to a child watch area run by Granny Smith who you thnn converse with. From there you then locate the store set up by Sweet apple acres and meet with her Grandson Big Mac. Next you appeared to leave the fair grounds only to come back later with three young girls, one of which was Big Macs little sister and a Jacket that appears to have been put together by a child. You meet with Big Mac once more and are soon confronted by-" "Okay, stop!... I get it" I interrupted. "But more importantly, What was all that! Have you been spying on me?" "Of course I have." She plainly stated. "I already told you this morning, I have eyes and ears everywhere." "...okay... But why?" I questioned. "Isn't that obvious. Because I worry about you." She once again plainly stated. "I always keep an eye on you, didn't you know? ... anyway, the only reason I'm bringing it up this time is... Well, it's unusual. All of a sudden your more social then you've ever been. Your not shy and have never had an issue talking to some one... But it's never been the same person twice, And only one guy tried to get you thrown out. Something's changed." "Your over analysing it." I somewhat lied. Sure things had been weird the last few days but I was done with that... Although most of today's events were unrelated to demon bugs. "Maybe... But no." Mum said as she moved her face closer to mine. "Something's different... But it's nothing big. Your eyes... They have a different look. What you have found isn't something you had in a while.... A goal?" "A goal?... Your not making any sense. You have been getting enough sleep recently, right?" A asked her with general concern. Mum moved back a bit. "Well, either way, your moving forward once again. And I'm sure your dad's gonna be happy to hear your talking to girls... Even the the ones who try to fight you." She jokingly said as she began to walk off. "And make sure to eat something, I noticed you haven't had anything since you got here." "DON'T TELL DAD ANYTHING!" I called to her as she disappeared into the crowd. I was positive that would only lead to more bad advice from my father. Also, While I didn't entirely agree with what mum said she did make some sense... I hadn't eaten in a while. Moving through crowds once again I manage to find where the majority of food stalls are set up. There were plenty of stalls to choose from and while deciding I noticed Sugar Cube corners stall was here, it annoyed me of how easy it was to find now that I wasn't looking for it. However before I could make up my mind on what to get I spotted Valkyrie and Slow Dancer at one of the many tables scattered about. I headed towards them with the intent to convince them to somehow work on Sweet Apple Acres... On a Sunday... And for no pay or any incentive. I absolutely had no idea how I was gonna do this but I felt like getting it out of he way as soon as possible. As I got closer I noticed Slow Dancer had a box of hot chips, so I decided to make use of one of the perks of friendship I had seen in the school cafeteria, I took a hand full of his chips. "Yo! What's the normal thing friends do when one requires the other to do unpaid time consuming manual labour in the hot sun with no incentives what so ever?" "THE HELL!? Darm it, you can't just stick your dirty hand in my food! I don't know what diseases your carr-!" Slow Dancer angrily began shouting at me uncharacteristically. But he stopped suddenly before giving me a closer look. "Cross?" "Huh?... Yeah it's me, who else did you think I was!" I replied. He gave an intense look at my new jacked for a solid moment before replying. "Honestly, with that worn out jacket I thought you were just some homeless guy. ...well, either way I don't want you grabbing my food. These sweet potato chips were pricey, so get your own!... But seriously, what's with the homeless guy jacket? I know you didn't have your jacket this morning but don't tell me you wanted one so bad you mugged a homeless guy?" "Mugged a homeless guy? You mean recently... Then no. My jacket was gotten elsewhere but I'm not at liberty to say. And don't be so stingy about the chips, friends let friends bum off their lunch all the time." I answered. "Not at liberty? Sounds like you did get it from some homeless guy." Slow Dancer responded. "And even if friends do do that, I don't consider you a friend.. also they take like one, not a whole hand full!" "You don't consider us friends, Huh?... You know what?... Neither do I!" I replied as I grabbed another chip from him in spite. "Besides, you can think what you want but Valkyries got my back on his one, right Valky-!" I suddenly stop as I turned and faced Valkyrie. I hadn't noticed as I walked over earlier but Valkyrie wasn't his usual chipper optimistic self... He also wasn't in the same healthy neatly dressed condition I had last seen him in this morning. He was slouched over the table with what appeared to be an ice cream in it's wrapper held against a black eye. His dumbass cowboy hat had appeared to have been roughed up and his brown cowboy jacket with tassels on the arms was torn around the collar and a sleeve was missing. I had been so focused on my own problem I hadn't noticed him until now. "What happened here?" I asked out of curiosity rather then concern. "I was right." Slow Dancer simply stated. However, seeing my look of confusion he elaborated. "I told him trying to use you was a bad idea that could only backfire, it's just common sense." "Well obviously. But that doesn't explain, well, this... And that... Also that."I replied as I pointed out Valkyries damages, Valkyrie would shy away as I did. Slow Dancer seemed more than happy to explain the details further. "Recently Valkyrie has developed a bit of a thing for a country girl, it's the whole reason he came dressed like a sheriff who enjoys musicals. He had a plan, an unreasonable one, but a plan non the less. Despite her subtle and... direct ways of telling him she's just not interested he followed her around all day trying to woo her in attempts that ended in much humor for me... Despite his well meaning yet absolute annoying courtship she always politely turned him away..." "Is this story gonna be much longer cause I was actually hoping to grab something to eat." I impatiently replied. Rolling his eyes Slow Dancer continued. "Anyway, recently you struck that stupid deal with Valkyrie to pretend to be friends and he wasted no time spreading that rumor. The fact that you saved his ass from spear wing also helped make it sound real. This next part is a little light on details because I was getting my order of chips as it happened, but, next thing I know the girl pulls out her phone. A few seconds later she asks Valkyrie if he really is friends with you which he more than gladly brags about, then she's kicking his ass before she takes off. ...that's all I know, the moment you were brought up she became hostile." "Yeah, I have that effect on most people." I simply reply "But now we're at what I'm sure will be my favourite part." A more than happy Slow Dancer continued. Hesitantly Valkyrie turned to me. "...Cross?... I was thinking... About our deal, can-... Can we call it off? ...Slow was right. This was a bad idea, this was never going to work. This was my one chance to be around her, my chance to get to know her... And now it's gone." I noticed just how happy Slow Dancer was to hear that as he took a satisfying bite from a chip. He watched me intensely, awaiting my annoyance. I didn't take long to think, there was only one answer I could give "K..." I simply stated. A surprised Slow Dancer was quick to respond. "Huh! ...What?! that's all you have to say?" It now seemed Slow Dancer was the one annoyed "Yeah, I mean, obviously." I once again simply responded. "I mean, if you look at my track record with having friends than you will clearly see it was 0 seconds. ...The fact that it didn't fall apart within he first 5 minutes was already a miracle in it's self, but for this to continue I was gonna need to somehow pull off an even bigger one. I say we cut ties here and save me gas money from having to drive you two home." "I guess that makes sense.... In a backwards kinda way." Slow replied. "...What do you mean by, you were gonna need a bigger miracle?" Valkyries asked out of pure curiosity. Seeing how little I cared about us ending our deal he gained some confidence. "And what was all that stuff about unpaid work and manual labour?" "Huh? Oh that." I began to reply. "I won't go into too much detail but recently I realised I've kinda lost my edge. Long story short I know this guy, kinda. Big Mac, he runs a farm, Sweet Apple Acres, and for reasons I offered to give a hand and work there unpaid in my free time. Their is a gain but it's one of self improvement. Problem is he know I'm an ass so he only agreed if I could get more people to help. That was where you two came in but I had no idea how I was gonna convince you. It would've been long hours of manual labour in the hot son for no pay... But I would have needed a miracle to convince you to do it and theirs no way I was gonna make that happen." "OF COURSE WE WILL HELP! THAT'S JUS WHAT FRIENDS DO!" an overly excited Valkyrie happily shouted. "............huh?" Was my response. "....wait, what just happened? Did I just slip into an alternate reality where my situation was reversed?" "Darm it!..... No! How?!" Slow Dancer complained. He seemed to know more about this than me. "...okay... So what's going on here?" I ask the two. With an annoyed look Slow Dancer continued. "The girl Valkyries into... She lives at Sweet Apple Acres. ...How the hell do you even know Big Mac? I thought your supposed to be anti-social!" (A girl that lives a Sweet Apple Acres? ...Applebloom! Appleblooms kicked his ass? Well he is kinda a push over.) I thought to myself. "Now I can be around her all day!" An excited Valkyrie told himself. "She may not like me now but if she sees me enough I can break her down!" "...Okay, that was surprisingly easy." I stated out loud more to myself then the others. "....I guess I got my miracle and annoyed Slow Dancer. I don't know how I feel about this, but if this feeling is happiness then I think I'm feeling genuine happiness for the first time in, well, a year. ...lets keep this going, quick! what else does Slow Dancer hate?" "He hates home made soaps!" An excited Valkyrie replied to Slow Dancers annoyance. "Then let's go buy a bunch of handmade soap's!" I replied... Actually enjoying myself... Which was weird After that I stuck with the two, I didn't particularly have any interest in Har-Fest but it wasn't like I could just go home, Mum wanted me here. It was also around this time I started to notice something strange happening, unlike earlier in the day Time began to fly by. I just did what I usually did like making fun of the rednecks and the majority of Har-Fest, but it was somehow different with others... I mean, they weren't exactly with me on my ideals, except for Slow Dancer... But it was a different experience. Having them around also meant I could try more different food as we shared, even though they were against sharing food at first... And at the end. We even ended up watching Applebloom and her little friends play about the founding of Ponyville... Which was full of may historical inaccuracies from what I could remember from Granny Smith telling me how it went. Neither Valkyrie or Slow seemed to appreciate me pointing out the errors either, although they seemed surprised that I knew at all... Until Slow suggested I was lying to mess with them, which sounds like something I would do so I don't fault him. I was a little surprised at how Valkyrie didn't seem to care when Applebloom started performing considering how much of a deal he made about her all day. before I knew it the sun had set and Har-Fest was coming to an end as stores slowly began to pack up, disappearing one by one. As part of our agreement I drove Valkyrie back home, Slow Dancer decided to walk from Valkyries, saying something about him rather not wanting me to know where he lives... Like I cared. Soon I was home, surprisingly exhausted. I set an alarm for really early in the morning before laying in bed and contemplating my day. It was... Different, yet very similar to how things had recently been. I don't know if I actually enjoyed myself at Har-Fest or if doing something different was just the sorta change I needed to take my mind off some things... But perhaps mum was right, I did now have some thing I was lacking, a goal...? Maybe?... At least I felt I was moving forward.