• Published 8th May 2017
  • 1,540 Views, 9 Comments

Strange Town - general_bad

The Amount of runaway Teens is on the rise in the small town of Ponyville and nobody knows why. Nobody except Cross a Bad mannered highschool delinquent. Now he'll try to play the hero his own way as he fights off the monsters infesting his town.

  • ...

Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies Part 6

Author's Note:

when i planned this story i didn't think it would be this long so early in.
i've barely even started the story which is why the main characters from the show have barely appeared/made an impact.

Strange Town 005 part 6

Chapter 5 - Friendship is Lies (part 6)

I had been naive to think I was out of danger. Just a moment ago my day had been going better than I could've hoped. My favourite jacked was repaired (well, replaced with a new look alike). My counselling sessions looked like they were gonna be cut down (although I had to take a hit to my pride and strike a deal with some guys). And I found my Grandfather's book that may hold answers I'm looking for (although if it helps me in any way is yet to be decided).

Yes, everything had been going better than expected... Unfortunately I knew that was all about to change. One thing I had thought I lucked out on was that no monsters had appeared to be hunting me as they did yesterday, which made me think I was in the clear... But that was naive of me. I had just left the Golden Oaks Library a moment ago and sitting against the hood of my car just at the end of the stairs leading to the Library was one of those darm bugs.

He was disguised and out of the range of my lighter but I had seen him before. He was the one I followed back to their hideout on Wednesday, back when I thought Flash Sentry had something to do with kids suddenly running away. This man in a suit was one of those darm bugs, and right now he was looking up at me with a serious expression.

(shit!... Calm down. I need to calm down) I thought as I took a deep breath. (this could be nothing, just a misunderstanding. I mean, they had all day to come after me as well as last night. Heck, they could just come for me tonight. What would be the Point of trying something in broad daylight.) I told myself. I wasn't sure why one would choose now to come for me or even if I was its target, but one thing was certain. I wasn't gonna find out by standing here.

Keeping my composure I made my way towards my car, as I did the lighter in my jacket pocket heated up. The man in the suits eyes followed me as I approached, closing in I noticed he had a mobile phone held against his ear.

"Hey!" I called out to the disguised bug sitting against my car. "get the Hell away from my car!" I didn't know if he was aware of me or not so for now I gonna act normal.

His glare intensified as I finally stood before him, his eyes were fierce yet calm, it was unsettling. My instincts were telling me to run, that this was a bad situation, worse than the last two. However I ignored it as I met his glare with my own.

Still sitting against the hood of my car he responded. "So your the one who killed my subordinates."

(Shit! He is here for me. But I wasn't expecting him to just come out and confront me. Why would he? He can't do anything in the open, people will see.)

He wasn't trying to hide his intentions, he wasn't even trying to hide the fact that he was some kind of inhuman monster from me. The street wasn't crowded but there were a few people around not to mention a car ever so often would drive past the Library. There was no way he could take his true form in front of all these witnesses, So why would he choose now to confront me.

Taking his eyes off me he began fiddling with his phone as he continued. "I heard you were dumb but I didn't think you were this dumb. Did you really think we would let you get away after what you did? Just knowing of our existence is bad enough, but to actually kill two of us... You've caused a lot more trouble than you realize."

"Trouble?" I confidently reply as I take a step towards him. Since he was sitting against the car slouching over I was taller than him.
"I haven't even began to cause you trouble. And as for calling me stupid, I may not be too smart but I'm not dumb enough to put myself in a situation were I can't fight back. Maybe you can't do anything to draw attention in public... but I won't let that hold me back!" I proudly shout as I take another step forwards throwing a swift punch at his face.

With his attention else where I could see he wasn't prepared. He was used to dealing with normal people, and a normal person wasn't about to start up a fight in the middle of the street. I wasn't like those people. I didn't care about reputation or causing a scene.
There was a brief pause of shock and surprise at the result of my sudden action... Unfortunately it was from me.

My fist had quickly cut through the air as it swiftly made its to his face and hit... Nothing. Without paying attention, The moment I began to throw my punch he pushed himself forwards off my car and effortlessly ducked under my attack. I hadn't expected him to move so quickly, an now he was behind me and out of my line of vision.

Expecting the worst the braced for a counter attack as I spun around with my arms up defensively. I just made it in time as something came flying at my face. My reflexes were fast enough to grab it as I instinctively began to counter with a punch. Only to realise he wasn't even close to me. He was now sitting against the stairs leading up to the Library.

"I don't need to see you to figure out what your gonna do. We did spend a few weeks studying you after all, your very predictable." he said as he adjusted his suits cuffs and tie.
He then pointed to the thing I caught in my hand and continued. "it's for you!"

For a moment I wasn't sure what he was talking about. But I soon realized the thing I grabbed that came flying at my face was his mobile phone.
"what the Hell I this?"

Sighing heavily he continued. "that device is known as a mobile phone. You use it to communicate with others over long distances by holding it to your ear and-."

"I KNOW WHAT A PHONE IS!" I angrily interrupt. "I meant, what do you mean that it's for me?"

Sighing loudly again he continued. "...You use it to communicate over long distances, hold one end to your ear an speak into the other."

He was pissing me off, but before I could reply I heard a faint sound coming from the phone, I was hesitant but I held it against my ear. now able to hear the voice clearly my eyes shot open in shock.

"-elp, is anyone there?... Please help me!... I don't know where I am!" came a scared feminine voice, a voice I was very familiar with. ...It was my mother's voice.

The shock I felt was quickly filled with rage as I began to piece together what was going on. My mind began to be clouded with rage as the disguised bug stood up as he boardly looked at his watch. There was no sense of fear, no happiness, it was like he didn't care.
Full of rage I dashed at him, pulling my fist back to drive into his dumb face. This time I was putting everything I had into it, this ended now!

"lay so much as a finger on me and your mother will be killed" he coldly stated.

Just before it can connect I freeze. Just a few centimeters from his face yet he didn't even flinch. He didn't even show any reaction.

With that same cold stare he continued. "right know your mother, Charity Ball, is tied up in our new safe house with one of my own ready to slit her throat."

Backing off I consider my options. (Shit?... SHIT!... What do I do? What can I do.) I'm trying to think but it doesn't help that my emotions are a mess of anger and confusion.

Then I remember what happened earlier today when I was leaving city hall. It was brief, but for a moment the lighter reacted to a monster.
"You were there weren't you! Back at City hall."

"...oh, I was certain you hadn't seen me" he inquisitively replied.

my mother's voice could once again be heard on the phone, shifting my focus I hold the phone to my ear.
"son?... Son is that you?... I-I don't know where I'm right know... Please... Help me!"

"bastard!" I angrily shouted at him as I quickly formed a plan. "this changes nothing! All I gotta do is rip your head off before you tell your pal to slit her throat." I was staring to regain my composure as I continued. "Once I rip off your head I just gotta figure out where your little hide out is and do the same to your buddy!"

"Oh, is that right." he said as he checked his watch. "sorry to disappoint you but there not waiting to hear back from me. If I don't return in an hour your mum's dead. Besides, with no clues you wouldn't even know we're to begin to start searching. Not to mention you would also have to deal with me first. ...how much time would that leave you to start searching aimlessly."

It was hard to listen to. And not just because my mum was being held hostage... But because this was my fault. I wanted to tear this guy in half but if I did my mum was as good as dead.
(his right, I don't have the information or time. I'm completely out of options.)

"fine... What do we do know?" I begrudgingly say as I Drop my fighting stance.

"first I make a few things clear. Make any physical aggressions towards me, your mother dies. We don't make it back to the safe house in time, your moths dies. There very simple rules. Oh, and by the way we'll be walking, and it's a 40 minute walk, give or take. And you've already waisted 10 minutes by making me wait."

"before we head there, is it alright if I put some junk in the boot of my car?" I ask as I wave the heavy brown book around.

"it's up to you how much time you waste. You don't even have to come with me, although you have to be willing to never see your mother again... alive that is." he replied as he once again looked at his watch.

Ignoring his threat I when to the back of my car and popped the boot. (I'll do as you say for now but the second I have a chance, I'll smash your head in with my crowbar.) I maliciously thought as I placed my grandfathers book in the boot. But as I searched for my reliable weapon I realised something.
(oh no!... I left the crowbar in the school auditorium yesterday. After that monster stabbed me with his claws I was to focused on going to the nurses office I forgot to retrieve it.)

Emptying my jackets pockets I looked at everything I had. The only things I could use were the lighter and my car keys. Not exactly the most damaging choice of weapons.
(At least the lighter patches me up... It will also protect me against their magic bull shit... Maybe I can take a fatal blow and play dead while the lighter fixes me, once they get board they may leave me alone? No, I don't know the extent of the healing the lighter provides, or even how it works. It's just kinda been doing things automatically, I can't guarantee it will do as I want.)

Dumping anything I thought would be useless into my boot, I took the lighter, car keys, my mobile phone, before I made my way back to the disguised monster in a suit.

"You ready to go?" he asked. Although he didn't wait for a reply as he began leading the way.
I followed a few meters behind him which didn't seem to bother him in the least. He was pretty confident there was nothing I could do which pissed me off even more.

Deciding to try and gather some information I began asking questions. While I would prefer to be smashing his head in over having a conversation, my options were limited.
"you said this place was about 40 minutes away by foot, just were abouts is it that were going?"

He didn't reply. So I asked another question.

"you said this place was your new safe house, not another safe house, That means you set it up recently. I'm sure there's more of you monsters than the ones from the safe house that got discovered, so why not just move into theirs?" I continued to question.

Once again he didn't respond as we turned a corner and began to walk down another street. However I could sense that my question had gotten on his nerve as he seemed a bit annoyed. But this may had just been from having to deal with me. The last two creatures I came across looked down on humans quite a bit.

"your not too talkative are you? The last two of your kind were a lot more talkative." I smugly said. "Although all they really said was, Oh god... Please don't smash our worthless heads in." I was taunting him, trying to get a reaction.

However my taunt did nothing, if anything he seemed more calm. This left me confused. But after a few seconds he replied.
"I don't really understand how you killed Knockoff or Mirror Match, but I do understand that your dangerous. This won't be like those times, you won't have a chance to fight back."

As we continued to walk I continued asking questions and trying to taunt him, but he refused to respond. I couldn't even get a small reaction out of him like I did before.
While we walked I also kept an eye out for anything I could use as a weapon, I'm confident in my physical ability but there armour like skin is an issue. Right now the only thing I had on me were my keys, and I had my doubts in there usefullness. Unfortunately anything I saw that could be a potential weapon was just out of reach, and I doubted he would allow me to bring a weapon. Although I suspected that he thought I already had one, he was just confident that it wouldn't make a difference... And maybe he was right.

After a considerable amount of time, probably 40 minutes I didn't have a watch, we arrived at a huge warehouse. It was in a not so good area in town. Not as run down as Bullworks street were their old safe house was, but still considerably neglected.

He held one hand out to me indicating to stop as he pulled out his phone with the other.
"before we go in there's something I need to take care of" he said as he began dialing a number.

After a moment the cold expression on his face became one of remorse as he began to talk to someone on the other line. "Hello! Boss it's me!... Yeah. Sorry, but my lunch break might run a little long. Some punk kid is causing a bit of a disturbance and I'm gonna be needed to file a report to police as a witness... Yes! I'm sorry... I won't make a habit out of it. ...thank you... It shouldn't be more than half an hour... Thanks... Bye!"
Hanging up the phone his cold expression returned.

"the Hell was that about?" I asked confused as to what he was doing.

"I was calling my boss and letting him know that I would be running late coming back. This is actually my lunch break." he casually answered as he put his phone away.

"you have a job? Also you've been following me for quite awhile, just how long is your lunch break?" I replied.

"don't hurt yourself trying to figure it out. Our way is to capture a member of society and take them back to our hive were their drained of happy emotions, specifically love. In the mean time we replace them and collect said emotions from those they associate with." he replied.
"and if you must know. My lunch break is only 45 minutes. I had one of my subordinates fill in for me, but since this takes priority I had him return a few minutes ago."

His sudden willingness to answer my question had me confused. He had been very quiet on our way here.
"what's with you answering my questions now? And if your way is to take people place in society your doing a pretty shitty job, your practically just grabbing kids left and right when you get the chance. Not exactly keeping a low profile."

"it's over. The least I can do is give you a bit of closer. A little education can't hurt you... Although I guess it can. Your in this predicament because you know too much." he replied, but before continuing he became a little disheartened. "and as much as I hate to admit it, your right. We are doing a unsatisfactory job at replacing people... But there's nothing I can do about it. These methods... These orders come from my superior. The ones I was given command of don't even know how to do their job as infiltrators. They break character far too often, they don't know anything about there target such as schedule or social status, and there technique is amateurish... Transforming clothes onto you is unnecessary, they should just wear the actual clothing, make it a prop and get into character. Do everything your model does, even basic living routines."
As he uttered that final sentence he began to open the large gate door to the warehouse.

What he said had me confused. I never though of their being some kind of command structure for these creatures. Although I didn't really know anything about them... It was also odd to hear him vent his frustrations. But this showed that he thought this was over, that he had nothing to worry about.

Once the large warehouse door was open he stepped in. The warehouse was poorly illuminated, the only source of light came from the open door and the skylights in the room. Despite the poor lighting I could make out enough of the area.
There were lots of boxes and crates stacked upon each other all lining the walls. I would guess this warehouse was either used for storage, or items would be brought hear for packaging before being shipped off. But one thing was certain, no ones been here for a long time given the amount of dust that's been collected. The center of the warehouse was a open dusty space with one wide crate in the center with a few items on it, the most notable being a bag of sugar and two cups. I was sure they contained sugar mixed with water like they did back on Bullworks street. There were a few random patches of dust free zones scattered about, probably were boxes used to be before being moved about by the monsters to make room for themselves.

The suited monster signaled me to follow him in. As I passed through the door I noticed a lock and chain on the door it was probably used to lock the big door but whomever owned the warehouse clearly neglected to do so as the unlocked lock sat on the chain.
After I enter the suited monster closed the door behind me. A large green flame then enveloped his body, removing his disguise.

Just like the others I had seen he had glassy eyes and a dark armored body. The only difference I really noticed was that he still wore his suit and that cold uncaring stare. For some reason seeing this thing in clothes felt much more uneasy.

As we got further inside my eyes adjusted and more things came into prospective. It had been practically invisible giving its dark black body but there was another one of those monsters sitting on a small crate next to the large one in the center of the room. But the thing that quickly caught my attention was what was further in the back. A woman tied to a chair, gagged and blindfolded. Charity Ball, my mother.

I felt angry, so angry I could explode. I felt like ripping them apart piece by piece. I felt like painting the walls with their blood using there limbs as brushes... But most of all... I felt helpless...

As I will began to waver I noticed there was something behind my mother on the wall, it was a large green pod. The same type of pod the missing students had been stored in.

"thanks for filling in for me at work Copy Cat. Now let's get this over with already... I need to get back to work" the suited monster said as he walked passed my mother. The other monster who appeared to be named Copy Cat grabbed my mother's chair and dragged her out of the way of the pod.

"Hold on!" I interrupted. "...just what exactly are you planning on doing?"

"it's rather simple." the suited monster stated. "if you want your mother to live, simply get in the pod."

"...and then what? What happens to my mum? Will you let her go?" I cautiously asked.

"No! ...she's goes in a pod to." the suited monster answered me.

"What kind of deals that!" I angrily replied, As I marched up behind him as he stood before the pod

With a cold unemotional stare he answered. "it's better than the alternative. If you refuse we kill both you and your mother."
He then walked passed me to the center of the room. Pausing as he reached me to look down at me before continuing pass me.

My mother was shivering with fear as she stayed tied to a chair, the monster named Copy Cat standing besides her as he hissed at me aggressively.

I needed to figure out a plan, some way for me and mum to escape. I flet trapped, helpless. I tried to take this on alone and now suffered for it... Not like I knew anyone who could help. But it looked like I had dug my own grave and now I had to sleep in it.

Stepping up to the pod I turn around. Seeing my mother and the monsters all my anger faded, It had transformed into sadness. I was out of my league. My spirit began to accept my fate. As I thought back, back to how I had gotten myself into this mess.

It started when I tried to ruin Flash Sentrys reputation... No. It started when I inherited my Grandfathers lighter... No! There was no exact start. Everything had led to this. It all might seem like a few small details to others, but they were important to me.
My first fight... inheriting my Grandfathers old junk... My search for excitement... My love of solitude... My arrogance and pride... My loving parents an how they chose to raise me... Even the people I hate like Principal Celestia and flash Sentry... Blueblood... That overly tolerant Big Mac... It all led here.

(No!... That didn't all lead here. Those are things that made me into Who I am. ...A narcissistic self absorbed overly prideful loner who looks down on others! And why am I like that. Because I'm better than everyone!) I proudly thought as I looked the suited monster in the eyes with a defiant stare. He must had felt my spirit burning as I he stiffened up.

(there must be a way. Come on, think!...) but no matter how I thought about it it seemed hopeless. My spirit began to waver once again as I considered my situation. (even if I did fight back... Could I win against two? I struggled with one at a time. With the lighters healing maybe... But I couldn't fight and protect mum... Wasn't there anything, maybe if I had done something differently this could all have been avoided.)

Understanding there was no way out I thought back to everything I had learnt. From my first encounter to right now. Was there anything I could have done differently... Would I have done differently.

Seconds felt like hours as I stood there and thought

"...oh..." I defeatedly said as hung my head in defeat. This was all because of me. Maybe it could had been avoided, but it wasn't.
"hey... Is it alright if I say... Can I talk to my mum for a sec?" I asked, feeling down on myself.

"Why?" the suited monster asked with a raised eyebrow.

"...do you know what it feels like to lose?... Sometimes you really let down the one who matters to you the most." I replied as I defeatedly looked to the ground, slightly hunched over.

"I'll let you say your goodbyes." He said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Slowly walking over to my mum I felt like kicking myself. How could I have let this happen. As I reached her I kneeled down on one knee and undid her gag and blindfold. The rope tying her to the chair was quite thick, It would take some time to undo, Too much time.

"...son?... Cross?... Were are we?... What's happen-" my mother began before I cut her off by raising a finger.

"...There's something I wanna say... No! I have to say." I sorrowly began. "I'm stupid... A big dumb idiot... Maybe if I was smarter this could all have been avoided... But I'm not. I always make rash decisions and never consider the consequences... I let pride get in my way and cause more trouble then I should-"

"is this gonna be long?" the suited monster interrupted. "I do need to get back to work you know."

I didn't reply and soon began to continue.
"I've always refused help from others and activity made things harder for myself to try and feel a rush of excitement I once felt. I even give up on things I don't understand, calling them stupid and not giving it a proper go... Long story short. I fuck up a lot." I said as I pulled out the lighter in one hand and my car keys in the other, examining them.
"I thought I could punch my way out of this and drive the two of us to safety, were we would live happily ever after... But that's just stupid... I'm no hero."

With an understanding smile my mother replies. "son... You don't have to apologize to me... I will always forgive you. No matter what happens." there was a moment were we just stayed there as she lovingly looked over me with a caring smile.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I replied.

"Huh?" my mother began to reply. "I said it doesn't matter how bad you-" however she froze as she noticed the cold emotionless glare I was giving her.

"there must me some kind of misunderstanding" I maliciously reply. "That apology wasn't for you!... It's for me."

At that Exact moment I thrust my car keys right into my mother's throat. her eyes go wide in a mix of pain and fear. The two monster standing 8 meters beside us are shocked by my actions. With the force I generated, the keys cut into her like a knife through butter.
Quickly jerking the knife to the side as I cut her throat wide open as a torrent of blood washes over me, spraying from the wound. That blood however is green.

Raising the lighter into the air I activate it. A green flame emerges as a green mist like substance is dragged from both my mother and the two monsters.
My mother's body begins to rapidly change. Becoming just like the monsters as her clothes disappear, being replaced with a dark armoured skin. Her arms and legs become thicker as her features lose their femininity, becoming more masculine.

Were my mother had once been now sits a monster, the life quickly draining from it. I rise to my feet and slowly turn to the remaining two as my anger returns to me. The one called Copy Cat is practically frothing with anger while the suited monster is oddly paralyzed with fear. His shocked eyes locked on the lighter as he sat on the crate in the center of the room.
I feel the blood on my face heat up and turn to dust as an intense heat can be felt behind me as the monster who's throat I cut open combusts, turning to dust.

As a sinister smile creeps on to my face I say. "One bug down... Two to go."

Filled with anger, the Monster named Copy Cat madly dashes towards me with its claws raised and mouth wide open, it's razor sharp teeth ready to tear into my flesh. While it comes towards me I turn around and place a foot up on the chair that my fake mum was on to give me some leverage as I tear a wooden armrest off. The tear isn't clean as the side that was torn off is jagged with many sharp points, just as I wanted it.

Close enough, the charging monster leaps at me in an animalistic fashion. As it flies at me I turn towards it. taking a strong step towards it with one hand on the blunt end of the armrest, and the other on the side of it. I thrust the jagged edge of the wooden armrest towards its open mouth.

Blinded by its rage, the monster swings its sharp claws at me. Five of which on its right hand pierce my left shoulder while the other hand barely miss, but tear my jackets fabric on the right shoulder.
But while he did that, the jagged wood cuts through the monsters mouth and tears right through the back of its head.

"you might be armoured on the outside, but inside your just as fleshy as me" I boast as pain shoots through my shoulder.

For a second it hangs loosely on the armrest I hold as life disappears from its eyes. As the strength from its eyes disappear, its arms go limp, pulling the claws from my left shoulder as blood begins to pour down my arm.
I then toss the armrest to the side, the monster still attached along with it. From the corner of my eye it burst into green flames, it's body quickly braking down and turning to dust.

With it dead my attention was directed at my final obstacle. The suited monster.
Compared to my first encounters with these creatures, the two I killed were easy. But that was because unlike back then I was calm, I knew what to expect. I spotted opportunitys and took advantage of there arrogance and rashness.

But something wasn't right. As I looked at the suited monster something felt off. The look of fear he had but a moment ago was completely gone, replaced with a look of releaf. Not what I was expecting from someone who had four of his allies killed.

Looking oddly happy the suited monster lazily gets off the box as he stands up. Once again my instinct to me that I should run, that the door is still unlocked, that I should try to get around him and escape. Seeing this monster in human clothings is unsettling enough, it doesn't help that my instincts tell me there's a reason for that.

The blood poring from my shoulder had stopped as the wound closed itself up. I could feel heat traveling from the lighter in my jacket pocket through my body to My shoulder. In another moment I would be 100%.

With an unsettling smile the monster says. "for a moment I thought I was fated to die no matter what." before becoming much more serious as it looks directly at me.

As he did my instincts once again scream at me to run. Half of me is ready to squash this bug while the other half wants to run. But one thing was certain. He was all that stood before me now.