• Published 8th May 2017
  • 1,542 Views, 9 Comments

Strange Town - general_bad

The Amount of runaway Teens is on the rise in the small town of Ponyville and nobody knows why. Nobody except Cross a Bad mannered highschool delinquent. Now he'll try to play the hero his own way as he fights off the monsters infesting his town.

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Chapter 4 - Back to our Usual Schedule? Part 6

Author's Note:

If your reading this... thanks.
it means you've read up to this point which i thought no one would ever do... besides me that is. i don't know what your reason for reading this far is, could be you have to much time, or you accidentally clicked on this chapter somehow.
this is the first story I've ever written so i know it's not great.

even if no one ever reads this it's fine, i planned to write this story no matter what. i had a story/idea and i wanted to throw it out there, even if no one ever sees it. this is more for me than it is for anyone else.

i may take a break just to write a one off as i have an idea that i want to throw out there, but besides that the next couple chapters are all planned out... but it takes awhile as my stories are all written by phone.

please leave feedback to help me write a better story.

Strange Town 004 part 6

(Selfish? Did she just call me Selfish?... I mean she's not wrong-... No,Wait! she called me Selfish Desire... As in my grandfather?) I thought as Big Mac gave me a quizzical look.

Granny Smith squinted her eyes as she studied me. After a moment she gave me a dismissive look before taking a seat. "Nah, No way ya Selfish, ya too young. He must be a shriveled up old man by now... Also he would never wear those garments or be a Feminist, not in his lifetime." Granny Smith remarked as she eyed my new shirt.

"Your right, I'm not Selfish Desire. I'm his Grandson, and usually I wouldn't wear clothes like this either but it's been a long and stressful day." I tiredly replied.

"So your Selfishs grandson huh? Well Selfishs grandson, ya got a name" Granny Smith asked.

"Everyone has a name" I replied as I approached the table and took a seat across from Granny Smith. "Cross is fine"

"Cross? Is that really ya name. Kinda a short... Odd too." Granny Smith asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Said the person named Granny Smith! I thinks it's obvious neither of us are using our real names" I Arrogantly replied.

"huh, not only do ya kinda look like your Grandfather, ya act like him to. Only difference bein Selfish was more boastful than angry. Although he was very standoffish." Granny said as she squinted, studying my body once again.

I was quick to reply. "Standoffish? I guess that's the nice way of saying he was a dick. So, how did you know my Grandfather?"

Granny Smiths attention turned to Big Mac. "Before that... Big Mac! You don't have to stick around. You probably have work ya need ta do." She said to Big Mac who was still standing by the door. As he went to leave he stopped. Turning back to face us, it looked like he was about to say something until Granny Smith cut him off. "I know. The girls should be back soon, if ya see them you'll tell em not to disturb us."

Nodding his head Big Mac left.

With a smile Granny Smith began to reminisce. "hmmm, well, back in the day Ponyville was a small town. Ya coul-"

"Ponyville still is a small town" I interrupted.

"Don't interrupt!" Granny Smith yelled at me with a glare before once again relaxing.
"Now where was I? Anyway, back then Sweet Apple Aches was still young. The whole apple family was working these here feilds ta grow the best and brightest Apples. Back then, locals would stop ta say hello, business was boomin, and we'ld hold big celebrations like no one."

"But what does that have to do with my Grand Father!" I impatiently asked.

"Hold ya horses, I'm just setting the picture." she replied. Seeing my impatient stare Granny Smith continued her story. "Now back then we'ld get help every now and again from the townsfolk. See, Raisin a big family like the apples took a lot a work, so some times a voluntary hand really helped. Your Grandfather, Selfish Desire would come give us a hand every now and again on the farm."

"What? But back then there weren't any roads or cars. He would of had to walk! Em I supposed to beleive he would walk from town to her just to help?" I asked in disbelief.

"It's not as far as you'ld think, the roads R just made funny. If ya know a couple short cuts ya can get from here to town in just over an hour, less if ya run." Granny Smith informed me.
"But your right, Selfish always had ulterior motives. Back then the whole Apple Family was living here and as you may have noticed our family, or the Apple girls in particular, are known for our natural beauty. Selfish was always tryin ta impress us, he was always boasting bout his trips into the Everfree Forrest and all his adventures"

"So, basically my Grand father hung around here... just to hit on you... and your family?" I hesitantly questioned.

"yup." She blatantly answered as she looked at a picture on the wall.

The picture containing many people seemed to be what I assumed was the apple family years ago. In the front was a young girl around my age with green skin and twin braid blond hair who looked familiar... (that girl was from the picture I found this morning in the box of my grandfather's old junk. Actually, I think that's Granny Smith).

"Your right if ya think the young blond girls me. Back then we'ld always be down at the lake takin a swim or tendin the farm" Granny said as she watched me. "Unfortunately for Selfish his boastfulness and showing off would always get him into trouble with the men of the Apple family. But he was always fun ta be around, and when he was a handful the Apple family would always set him Straight."

(So he use to hang around here frequently, even gave them a hand. She also said he would boast about his trips into the Everfree Forrest. That's were he found the lighter, maybe he mentioned something.) I thought.
"So, My Grandfather, was he... Into anything strange." I hesitantly asked. I really should know to phrase my questions better by now.

"...Strange?... Well I wouldn't call it strange, but he sure did have a thing for girls with thick legs and strong hips. I think that's why he hung around us Apple girls a lot" Granny Smith answered.

(I do not want to go down this road. Besides, I doubt he would have told her anything of importance as the only reason he came here was cause he was trying to get laid. He probably just made things up to try and sound heroic.) I begrudgingly thought, wanting to change the subject.
"So, your farms family run?"

"Sure is" she proudly replied.

"You mentioned in your story that back then the whole family was here, so how many Apples are still around?" I asked as I looked out the window. I couldn't even see we're the farm ended as rows of apple trees stretched as far as I could see.
I didn't really care that much about my question or the answer I'ld be receiving. I just wanted to get as far away from the subject of my Grandfathers fetishes.

"Their are four of us" she replied.

Four excluding you and Big Mac! So six people run this farm? Well five since you probably can't do the physical labour." I asked for clarity.

"Nope. Four including me and Mac." she clarified.

"Four? So Macs parents and you two?" I asked, starting to question the stability of this farm as I once again looked to the endless rows of apple trees.

"Nope. Unfortunately Big Macs parents are no longer with us... just me and my grandkids" granny Smith replied like it was nothing.

At that moment the front door could be heard opening as someone called out "Granny, were home! Big Mac told us bout the worker from city hall so I'll take my lil sister upstairs and help her with her home work."

(home work?) I thought, thinking I must have misheard that.
"Hey, just out of curiosity how young are your grandkids?" I asked starting to feel something I hadn't felt in a long time.

After a second to think about it Granny Smith began to reply "Well, there all young enough that they go to high school. Big Macs The oldest, then there's Appl-"

"That's insane" I interrupted, I was having trouble believing what she had just told me. "Are you saying children run this farm! Can't you hire someone to help? How do you harvest these large fields, or deliver your harvest? And if Big Mac still goes to school how come I've never seen him there... I know I'm bad with names and faces but he kinda stands out. I'm sure I would've tried to pick a fight with him by now!"

Granny Smiths expression became disheartened as she replied. "Can't afford to hire anyone, back in the day we struggled as well. It's partially why volunteer help was always appreciated. We haven't needed to worry bout the harvest or delivery recently. For some reason most stores stopped buying there supply of apple's locally so demands been at an all time low these past few years. And as for Big Mac, well, his missed alot of school. I fear he'll be repeating this year. He works the hardest so his sisters don't have to. He wants them to get an education".

After a moment of silence she continued as she sadly stared into my eyes like a lonely puppy. "Were really counting on Har-Fest to turn things around for us. ...I really appreciated your Grandfather's help back in the day. It wasn't much but he did make things easier for us"

I caught the hints Granny Smith was throwing my way. She was asking if I'ld volunteerly work on the farm just like my grandfather did. And while I did like how tolerant Big Mac and Granny Smith were towards me, and that I genuinely felt bad for theses people. There was an issue. One bigger than my complicated life situation like monsters and failing school getting in the was.
"I can't help you, Because... I really, really... really don't want to" I honestly told Granny Smith with zero compassion.

Hearing my words Granny Smith rolled her eyes as her sad expression now resembled one of annoyance. "Would it help if I said I have a beautiful granddaughter. She has the biggest, strongest hips our families seen in years!"

"...I'm not my grandfather! You can't sway me with thick hips and southern charms!" I annoyingly replied.

Granny Smith wasn't ready to throw in the towel just yet however as she was quick to reply. "...Two granddaughters".
My glare must have answered her question as she revealed her trump card. "...and a Grandson?" she continued with a raised eyebrow. This only caused my glare to intensify.

After a moment of high tension glares being exchanged I remembered why I was there in the first place. "Look, I wanna go home at some point so let's hear your speech for Har-Fest already." I said as I took the stop watch out of my pocket.
"We just need your speech to be under 10 minutes... Actually, that should be real easy. Why was I even sent to do this?"

"Fine, now how did it go... Oh, right!" Granny replied, and with that I began timing her speech.
I wasn't particularly listening to her speech as I had my own issues on my mind. Every now and again I'ld nod my head or grunt to make it look like I was paying attention while time slowly past. She talked about the founding of Sweet Apple Aches as well as Ponyville, the hardships they've faced over the years, and the vicious root rot that almost wiped out the farm.

I hadn't realised how tired I was as I felt my consciousness fade in and out as she told her long boring stories. Today had been a very long and stressful day of hunting monsters, actually talking to others for once, trying to find out about my Grandfathers lighter/mystery book, and essentially kicking myself in the ass with my actions. Add the fact that I'm failing school, running errands for family, and letting down others like Blueblood. Mix them all together and you have Thursday! I need to get my priorities straight, focus on just one thing. There's so much I don't know, every answer leads to new question.

I kept thinking about my situation more and more as I sat there. No matter how i thought about it I was still unsure of how to proceed. What was the best course of action? what could I do? If there was some comfort to be found it was that the lighter had the ability to heal me... As to how, why, or to what extent would need to be tested. It certainly wasn't healing my stamina as I was tired... Actually it might, if I actually knew how it worked and how to use it.
At some point my head ended up resting on my arms as they laid on the table. I could still hear Granny Smith talking in the background as I zoned in and out hearing tibet's of what she was sayin.

The world around me finally faded to black as I rested my eyes... Only to emeidiatly come crashing back in around me as a jolt of pain surged through my forehead.


My head had slipped of my hands were it had been resting only to collide with the table. I quickly sit upright, regaining my composure and trying to make it look like I'm listening as a red mark forms on my forehead.

"-nd while the battle had been won the war would continue. It was up to me to calm th-" Granny Smith continued her speech, unaware of my actions.

Grabbing the stop watch I checked how long had pasted since she began. (15 minutes, That's close enough. I'll tell her to wrap it up and just cut it short for Saturday.) I thought as I turned my attention back to Granny Smith who was still in the middle of her speech that sounded more like a story. But before saying anything I noticed something outside the window behind her. It was dark.
(that can't be right, I got here around four and the sun doesn't set until after six! I was only out for fifteen minutes) I thought as I checked the stop watch. It was then that I realized what had happened. The stop watch only goes to fifteen minutes.

"Hey!" I interrupted Granny Smith. "Do you have a clock around here" I impatiently asked.

Suddenly stopping her story she replied. "huh, what's that now. A clock? Course we got a clock" she replied as she pointed above the doorway behind me.

Checking the time on the clock I saw it was ...7:30!.
"Wha?... I was out for three hours!... Wait, have you been talking this whole time?" I asked, surprised that her speech would be so long.

"Course I was, weren't ya payin attention? Ya seemed so mesmerized by my speech ya closed your eyes to better listen ta it didn't ya?" Granny Smith questioned, suspicious of my actions for the past three hours.

"Sure?... That's what I was doing" I lied, not making any effort to be convincing. "The main issue is your speech is only supposed to go for 10 minutes, 15 tops. It's just to greet everyone and make mention of the day. Not the ins and outs of apple farming. Or how your Family founded ponyville while traveling as nomadic folk, collecting and selling seeds while looking for a place to settle down? Or how you discovered zap apple's? A special breed of apple that only grows in these parts?... Why do I know all that?... Was I actually paying attention?!"

"15 minutes! I can't educate the youngins 'bout the importance of Apple farming in 15 minutes!" Granny Smith argued.

"Well your gonna have to! Also, your not suppose to educate. The purpose of the speech is to greet everyone" I replied.

"nu-uh, no way will I compromise on the importance of the history of apple's" she stubbornly replied as she crossed her arms.

(history of apple's? Is she referring to her family or actual apples? Either way I just wanna go home) I thought as I tried to figure out a solution.
"So as long as you get to tell your long story your happy?" I asked.

"Welllll... Basically" she replied.

"Fine! This is what we'll do. Prepare a ten minute speech to greet everyone and after you've given it we'll move you off the main stage and to a prepared area where you can tell your long stories" I answered wanting to go home.

"Ya can do that?" Granny Smith Questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Technically, No! But I'll tell them to do it or you'll burn down City Hall if they don't. Let's face it, your old, you have nothing to lose." I tiredly responded.

"hmmmm... Well what guarantee will I have that people will come listen. Some folk don't care much for listening ta an old woman's tales." she asked sceptical of the compromise.

"...We'll put a daycare sign up. That way kids are forced to listen to you, for the next few hours your in charge. And if your quick enough you can trap the parents too, most people are to polite tell an old woman to shut up." I suggested.

"Hmmm... That might actually work. Alright, ya got yourself a deal" Granny Smith agreed, her tone becoming more positive.

"Good! Because I wanna go home!" I bluntly stated as I stood up. "Well, unless there's anything else... Were done" I continued as I turned to leave.

"Cross?" Granny Smith Called from behind me. "It was Cross, right? Well anyway, Selfish and I may not have always gotten along but I did consider him a friend. If ya ever find yourself with too much free time Sweet Apple Aches could always use an extra pair of hands."

"Yeah... Probably never coming back here but..." I tried to think of something positive to leave on but I'm not very good at that. So instead I walked out, raising a hand goodbye as I left.

It didn't take me long to reach my car. Big Mac was no where to be seen, he must have finished up his work for the day as his truck was gone too. I was decently rested from my earlier nap so I wasn't gonna have any trouble driving home, I was starving though. My Drive home felt longer than the drive to the farm, but at least the radio wasn't playing any country.

While uneventful I eventually arrived home. The lights were on in the house meaning someone was home. As I entered the house I could smell food, pizza to be specific.

As soon as I entered the house I heard my mother's voice. "oh, Drifting? your home early." she was sitting on couch eating a slice of pizza.

"Early? You said it was only gonna be 10 minutes... 15 tops!" I begrudgingly replied.

"Yeah, but I actually thought it would take 6 hours. I spent all morning trying to convince that old lady to cut her speech down to 10 minutes. I got so frustrated I destroyed the phone and had to replace it with the receptionists... Except I ruined the lan connection so couldn't actually replace it. Did the same for the receptionists phone. Talk about a rough day." mum replied.

"Yeah... Rough..." I sarcastically responded as I grabbed a slice of pizza And took a seat on the couch. The TV was playing but nothing interesting was on.
"Where's dad?"

"hmm, Selfless?... His still at work" mum replied, half paying attention. "oh, right. After I called Principle Celestia your dad called and said his gonna be home late...oh! He also mentioned you were looking for a book your Grandfather wrote. The one with the stupidly long title"

I was mid bite as I heard what mum said. "What? Do you know where it is?" I asked giving her my full attention.

"The Weird, Wacky and Wonderful encyclopedia of Creatures, Creations, and Culture from Another World. Another Time or What Time Forgot! Vol 1-ish." mum said as she took another bite. "No wonder he couldn't sell it. With a name that stupidity long who would wanna publish it, it's just not marketable... As for where it is. Your father donated it to Golden Oaks library years ago. He's a man of science, he hates all that science fiction nonsense. If it contained fiction he threw it out. He never even let me read you children books when you were little."

"Yeah, I noticed. That's why I keep my comics hidden" I replied as I thought back to my childhood bed time stories of 'the Art of War' and 'Sectrets of the Human Body'.

"You know, most boys your age would hide their porn instead of comics" Mum casually replied.

"...I don't think he would care if I had porn mags. Actually, I'm afraid he might give me his old ones" I replied as I thought about my talk with him this morning.
"Anyway, enough about that. You said the book was donated to Golden Oaks Library! Would it still be there?" I excitedly asked.

"...Yeah, should be. Didn't think you'ld be so excited about it though" mum replied suspicious of my unusually good mood.

"I have my reasons" I replied. (Finally, a clue. It could still be nothing but at least it'll cross of something on my to do list.)

"Good timing too, the library recently reopened. Only problem is its run by a volunteers so there only open after 3." mum said grabbing another slice of pizza.

(3!... That's when school finishes. So I'll have to wait until after school anyway... It's kind of an odd time though... Oh well, it's better than nothing) I thought as I continued to eat.

When I was done eating I told mum what she needed to do for Granny Smith at Har-Fest. While sceptical about Granny Smiths threat to burn down City Hall she wasn't gonna risk it, so she agreed to do it. She did however seem a little down that she hadn't thought about it before, blaming it on a lack of sleep.

I watched a bit more TV before deciding to head off to bed. While I was already well rested I was stressed about what to do about my bug problem. But with a possible clue in the form of my grandfathers book, I figured the best/only thing I could do was make it until after school tomorrow and hope it led somewhere.

(Today was a lot more eventful then I anticipated. Tomorrow I'll sort out what I need to do, but for now I need a proper good night's sleep. While I may have gained more questions than answers I em moving forwards, I just need to be more organized) I thought as I turned out my lights and went to bed.