• Published 8th May 2017
  • 1,542 Views, 9 Comments

Strange Town - general_bad

The Amount of runaway Teens is on the rise in the small town of Ponyville and nobody knows why. Nobody except Cross a Bad mannered highschool delinquent. Now he'll try to play the hero his own way as he fights off the monsters infesting his town.

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Chapter 4 - Back to our Usual Schedule? Part 5

Author's Note:

i have the next couple chapters planned out but since this is all being written on a phone it's gonna be a while before they come out.

Please leave feedback either positive or negative to help me write a better story

Strange Town 004 part 5

I needed to find my mother and have her explain why I was absent on Wednesday as the note she had given me was useless. If I don't get her to call the Principal before 5 my life would become slightly harder... Repeating a year isn't so bad now that I think about it.

(I can't quite say I know when Mum gets off work as she stays late everyday. But given that much, she's most likely at city hall right now.) My mother, Charity Ball, works as an event planner for the city. Usually she's planning fundraisers, soup drives and other such events to help those less fortunate or to raise funds. Right now she's been helping set up Har-Fest, a farming themed festival that's taking place Saturday, two days from know including today. I don't have any interest in it but I'll be forced to go since mums been working on it for awhile.

As I get out from the sick bed I remember my appearance. My pants were covered in blood and my jacket, as well as part of my shirt, were basically torn apart. (I can't go into city hall looking like this... Well I could, but mum would worry). I thought to myself as I came up with a solution.

Right know students were all leaving school, meaning the hallways were overflowing with students. I opened the nurses door slightly to see the on coming traffic of students. "This is gonna take careful coordination, and every ounce of patience I've got! Now, who's roughly my size?........oh fuck it!" I impatiently say as I reached out the doorway and pull an unsuspecting boy into the nurses office. I wasn't in the mood to wait around.

Five minutes later I'm walking down the halls wearing a light red shirt with the word's 'This is what a Feminist looks like' printed on it. I also had a pair of Dark green cargo shorts that go halfway down my knees. Under my arm is my scrunched up jacket with the rest of its remains. (It's may not be my usual look. I probably look like a jackass... Well, I kinda em a jackass so I guess the look suits me... I should've just waited for the next guy) I thought as I made my way out the schools entrance

I was practically pushing students out of my way as I left the school building. Despite only attending 3 classes I was exhausted. Ignoring the complaints and whining of students, I force my way through the crowds. All I want to do is leave.

I was so glad to finally reach my car that I practically jumped into the drivers seat. Within seconds I had started up the car and was speeding off as students jumped out of the way to avoid getting run down.
I could faintly hear them calling out profanities as they narrowly avoided me.

(...I just want today to be over... Today was just one big disaster. I've never socialized more in my whole life as I did today, and I hate socializing!... I may had gotten some answers but I got about 3 times the amount of new questions... Not to mention all I did was make my situation worse. Now the creatures will be targeting me for real...) I annoyingly thought as I drove to city hall.
(on the bright side... I learnt the lighter will heal me, as to what extent or how is debatable... Either way that will come in handy.)

It was a quick drive as before I knew it I had arrived at city hall. (one last job and I'm done for the day. I'll put my problems aside until I'm home) I hopefully thought to myself as I parked my car before getting out and heading towards the entrance to City Hall.

City hall is a large white building with steps leading to the entrance. It's two stories high and is the oldest building in town... Technically Sweet Apple Aches is older, but it's barely on the towns boarder so I don't count it.
Across from city hall is the town square, a large park area with a fountain in the center. It's surrounded by the towns many local establishments and while not directly connected, most of our towns better know businesses like the library, the arcade, Sugar Cube Corner, and Natures Muse are only a few minutes away by foot.
Right know Town square is busy with people setting up pop up shops, decorations, tents, and a stage for the festival on Saturday, Har-Fest.

(It sucks I'm getting dragged to this hillbilly convention. Har-Fest, who's bright idea was it to celebrate the inbred dirty illiterates... And on a Saturday morning to! Well at least it's being done in the middle of town, maybe I can sneak off for a few minutes) I begrudgingly think as I enter City Hall.

I don't really know what goes on in city hall, all I know is that the mayor works up stairs probably doing nothing, and my mother works on the ground floor. I don't know her exact title but it's something along the lines of public events planner.
I use to come here quite often as a child due to the fact that my parent's worked long hours and they didn't trust me at home alone. Since dad's a doctor I couldn't go to work with him, so instead I ended up with mum and spent a lot of time in City hall. I would spend my time exploring the building and going places I wasn't supposed to. Because of this I'm pretty familiar with the layout of the building as well as the people working here. And just like with everyone else who's had the pleasure of meeting me, the staff of City Hall aren't too fond of me.

Seeing that the receptionist hasn't noticed me as she's too engrossed in her magazine I make my way to her desk. I know my way around but there's something I always like to do when I'm here, check in with the receptionist. Originally I would do this with good intention, to give them something to do... Now however, not so much.

As I approached the receptionist she still hadn't taken notice of me, so I decided to give her a hand. Slamming my hands on the table I Put on a gruff frantic voice and loudly say. "JUST WHAT KIND OF ESTABLISHMENT ARE YOU RUNNING WHEN THE RECEPTIONIST IS TO INCOMPETENT TO GREET GUESTS!!!"

The receptionist jumped to her feet, dropping her magazine on the table. The sudden interruption bringing her back to reality as she was quick to respond in a panic. "I'm so sorry! Welcome to City Hall how may I hel..."
After seeing me standing there with a smug grin on my face her expression slowly changes from panic to disgust. "oh!... It's you..." she begrudgingly says.

The receptionist is named Merry Go-Round, she's been working at city hall for a couple years now. She's a short woman who looks to be in her early 20's, she began working her straight out of highschool. Her red curly hair ran down to her shoulder and was quiet vibrant against her light green skin. She wore a white button up shirt and a grey businesses skirt. Over the years I've watched her optimism and bright personality deteriorate into a defeated lifeless shell of herself.

"Is that the way they teach you to greet people in reception school?" I snidely reply as I sit on the corner of her desk. "oh, that's right. There's no such thing as receptionist school because it's not a real profession. At best it's a intern position, something for someone to gain experience with. Say, isn't this your fifth year working her as a glorified help map!" I continued as fiddled with the things on her desk.

"I em not a glorified help map! My role her as a RECEPTIONIST is vital to the every day workings of city hall" Merry Go-Round boasted.

"yeah, that magazine wasn't going to read it's self. Talk about taking one for the team" I sarcastically replied.

"...what do you want?" she asked as she rolled her eyes. It was clear she wanted me to go away.

"personally I want to go home... But right now I saw you pitifully sitting around doing nothing and thought I'ld brighten up your day... But then I remembered I don't do things like that. So since I'm having a bad day I thought, heck why not spread my joy to others" I replied as I knocked over her pencil holder.

"...Well, how do I get you to go away?" she pleaded.

"Just jumping straight to it, fine! I need to see my mother, and while I could just walk to her office I felt I could pass a message from here. It gives you something to do and I get to annoy you. It's win win, So just call her up for me." I said as I hoped off her desk and held my hand out to receive the phone.

"... I can't..." Merry replied.

"why? I mean, if its cause you don't know how to operate a phone, well... I could beleive that" I said as I looked her up and down.

"I know how to operate a phone!... I can't call her because I don't have a phone" Merry answered. She must have seen my inquisitive looks as she continued. "I don't have a phone because your mother, Charity, stole it!"

"What? But all the phones in city hall use lan line connection. Did she unplug th-" I stop, now realising a tear in the wall the runs east along the wall, it was from cables being pulled through it.

"That darm Charity said she needed it and that it's not like I ever use it before she just yanked it, cords and all!" She complained.

"Yeah, she gets like that when she's focused... Or tired" I lazily replied as I began following the wall tear to my mother's office.

As I left Merry sat back down in her chair, glad that I was finally gone. "That shitty brat, who does he think he is to talk down to me. Hasn't he ever heard that he should respect his elders! That whole family's messed up if you ask me... Well at least I can get back to my afternoon reading. Hopefully it'll brighten my mood." Merry said to her self as she searched for her magazine.
"Where is it? It was her just a moment ago when...! Oh you little BRAT!" She screamed, realizing I had snatched her magazine.

I was down the hall and round a corner on my way to my mother's office when I faintly heard Merry Go-Round's angry scream. Chuckling to myself I took the snatched magazine out from under my shirt to examine it. (Vanity... Darm it, it's a fashion magazine. Well, maybe I can give it to mum) I thought as I arrived at her office.

I didn't bother knocking before entering the room. The office was a mess. Files and paper where all over the floor, desk, and couch. My mother was impatiently rifling through a phone book as I noticed a busted up phone with cords hanging out the back lying on her desk as I approached her. "...Hey" I cautiously said.

"huh?... Drifting?... Drifting!... Right on time!" She replied as she finally noticed me. Her sudden jolt of happiness making me somewhat uneasy. "What's with the pink shirt? It makes you look like a-"

"a jackass! I know... Also it's not pink, it's lightish red!" I interrupted. "What do you mean, Right on time? What are you talking about? was I supposed to come here after school?" I responded, suddenly unsure if I was supposed to be here.

Her care free response could only be trouble. "That doesn't matter, what matters is that your here now. I need you to do me a little favour. You see I ca-"

"STOP!" I interrupted. "last time you asked me for a LITTLE favour I wound up at some back water mud farm, where I was forced to listen to country and do meanial labour for the whole day. Because of that I missed school and I'm now being threatened with the prospect of repeating if you don't call Principle Celestia and vouch for me!"

"...what about the note I gave you?" she mindlessly responded.

"It wasn't in English!... Or any other language!" I exhaustively replied.

"So basically your in a pretty tough spot right now and I'm the only one who can bail you out" Mum responded thoughtfully... For some reason I was feeling uncomfortable.

"...yeah" I replied.

"Well sure, I can do that. Afterall, your so willing to help with my favour how could I say no." she happily replied as she began searching through her desk draw.

"I never said I'ld hel-... Wait. Are you black mailing me?" I asked now understanding why I was feeling uncomfortable. Mum usually has ways to make me do what she wants.

"No! Don't be silly... It's an ultimatum" she said as she put a stop watch on her desk.

"...Fine. But it better be quick" I begrudgingly accepted.

"Don't worry, it should take 10 minutes, 15 tops. I need you to go listen to one of the speakers practice their speech for Har-Fest. I've been trying to call and do it over the phone but no ones picking up." she reassured me.

"Well, I guess that sounds simple enough" I said.

"Good, the speaker is the main guest of Har-Fest. Granny Smith!" she replied with enthusiasm, enthusiasm I'm sure she was faking to get me in a good mood to go along with this... Not like I had a choice.

"I have a Granny Smith? Where does she live?" I questioned.

I wasn't kept in the dark for too long as mum was eager to answer my questions... Almost too eager. "She's not related to you, everyone just calls her that. And as for where she lives. well, your already familiar with it".

A few minutes later.

"Sweat Apple Aches! Why the hell does it have to be out there! It's like an hour away." I complained as I stormed down the stairs of City Hall. No matter how much I wanted today to be done with it just continued to drag on. I had things I needed to process and plan but for now they'ld need to be pushed to the back of my mind until I could get home. One thing that was on my mind however was my ruined jacket lying on the passenger seat. Since this task is gonna take 2 hours travel time plus however long the task itself will ACTUALLY take, I decided I should deal with my jacket first.

Dumping the magazine I acquired on the passenger seat under the torn jacket. My destination was the Carousel Boutique, a local clothing store run by... People... I don't know there names, heck, I met a lot of people today who's names I probably forgot. I'm not much for fashion and the only reason I know of this store is because Blueblood told me about it after a job. Before that, during my first year in highschool whenever my clothes got torn up from fights, which was quite a lot. Nurse Caramel Heart would roughly patch em up... For a fee.
Back then I lost most of my fights, I was inexperienced and weak. Even the fights I won I didn't walk away unscathed. But in time I got good, real good. Eventually I made a name for myself and others began backing down from my challenges. Because of that it's been awhile since I needed my clothes fixed... It's been along time since I lost... It's been along time since I was in a serious fight... If I don't include these past few days that is.

I soon arrived at the carousel boutique. The store was a white large two stories building sandwiched between two other business. In the front window were some mannequins in what I assume is the latest fashion. Grabbing the remains of my jacket I enter the store, as the door opens a bell chimes.

The inside of the store is fairly large, racks of clothes line the walls of the store with a few more mannequins here and there. A few vases full of flowers have been set up around the room for decorating as well as a smaller one for the counter which is current unoccupied. Behind the counter is a door with I sign that reads 'Staff Only' on it, a similar sign can also be seen on a staircase next to the counter that leads to the second storey.

Hearing the sound of the bell, the door behind the counter opens as a white skinned purple hair girl emerges. "Welcomed to the Carousel Boutique. What may I help you wi-. Oh!... Cross! It's you... What do you want? And what's with the shirt?" the girl said as her welcoming tone quickly shifted to a more hostile one.

"Wow! Let's hope your skills as a tailor are better than your customer service! Seriously, why can't people get the greeting right... And you talk to me like I should know you but I'm fairly positive the people who usually served me were much older" I stated.

"...You must be joking? We attend the same school!" The girl replied.

"So do hundreds of other kids" I bluntly respond.

"I stopped you and Applejack from coming to blows on Monday" she replied.

"..your not Sunset Shimmer! ...Are you?" I asked as I squinted my eyes to get a better look at her.

"No! I was there too... You asked me for wood today during shop class!" She replied, somewhat annoyed at me not recognizing her.

"I asked everyone in that class for wood, except my group. So now I'm certain your not Bulk, Ditzy, or Applejack... Or me." I sarcastically replied.

"I CALLED YOUR JACKET AN ABOMINATION!" The girl impatiently shouted at me. She was clearly annoyed that I couldn't remember her.

"ohhhh! Your that idiot who held her entire group back. And here I thought I was socially inept." I said as I finally recognized her. My words however only seemed to annoy the girl further. "So what!" I bluntly continued.

"What?... Your the one who asked me how I know you!" she replied, Irritated by me

"And you could have simply just said it's because you do. I didn't need times and places" I bluntly answered. The girls frustration was clear on her face, I could tell she was at her limit. "look... girl, I don't care! I just need something fixed up. Think you could do that."

Taking a deep breath the girl regained her composure. "My name is not girl, I've told you bstore. It's Rarety! Rarety Belle! And my answer is No!"

"No?... No because you don't have the skill, Rarety?... Fine, then get one of the older couple from the back to help me" I said.

"I have the skill! I just refuse to accept your business" she stated.

"What!" I frustratingly said.

"Your a brute and a bully. I won't do a job for someone like you, someone who picked on Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belles friend and the little sister of my friend." Rarety proudly proclaimed.

"Whats a Sweetie belle?... Who's Applebloom?... You've lost me." I say without any idea of what shes talking about.

"Back on Monday!... You were gonna hurt Applebloom!..." she angrily answered.

"These last few days have been a blur." I bluntly stated. "... Well what about the older couple. If you won't help, get them for me."

"That older couple you are used to seeing are my parents! They aren't in, and they won't be for the rest of the day. You see, I've started to run the business after school hours. My parents decided it would give me experience in running a business so I decide who we do and DON'T do business with. Even if you come before school I'll inform them that your black listed" she confidently stated.

I could see I were this was heading, I needed to change my approach. "Wait... Could you just here me out?"

"...I'll give you one chance to change my mind" Rarety sternly replied. With that I placed the torn up jacket on the counter before her. "What is this? Wait is this your signature outdated jacket? It's in even worse condition than earlier."

"It is my jacket, long story short it's ruined" I answered disheartened. "I've never told any one but it's like a part of me" I continued. I could see the girls expression begin to soften.
"It's always given me confidence. Actually, whenever I'm without it I turn into a clutz."

"well... I must say you do seem different when your not insulting someone" Rarety said as her anger faded, she seemed almost apathetic towards me. "I've differently would have never described you as a... clutz was it?

In a sad tone I continued. "yeah, it's kind embarrassing how different I act. I just lose all my confiden-... OH NO!... Whoops"

"...huh? What do you mean whoo-" Before Rarety can finish her sentence she's interrupted by a loud sound.


For a moment the rooms quiet as Rarety stares at the floor beside her. The ground is covered in glass, water and flowers as the remains of the brocken vase of flowers now cover the floor. Turning her attention to where the vase was a moment ago Rarety sees my hand now there. "di... Did you jus-" Rarety Freezes up as she looks upon my face. Any emotion or warmth that was there a moment ago is now replaced with a cold empty expression as I stare deeply into her eyes.

"Like I said... whoops." I coldly repeat. "Without my jacket I'm just a big clumsy clutz"

"are... Are you trying to intimidate me?"Rarety asks with uncertainty.

"Intimidate? Clearly that was an accident" I coldly reply not even trying to hide my intent. "It's like I said, I'm a clutz. I should really try to be careful, there's no telling when I migh- OH NO!!!... Well isn't this just the worst?."

"What are you talking about?" Rarety impatiently asks.

"Well isn't that obvious" I say as I point towards my feet. "To think I would trip over a loose shoe lace, and into this mannequin" I say as I lazily walk towards a mannequin. Raretys eyes go wide as she sees were this is going.

"Hold on a second! Let's not do anything hasty!" she says as her confidence fades.

"What a shame?" I say as I ignore her and place a hand on the dress the mannequin is wearing. "I don't see a brand name on this dress, could it be it was hand made by the Taylor?"

"That's right... I made it" Rarety nervously answered as she watched from behind the counter.

"I don't know much about dresses but I'm guessing it must have taken hours, Just look at the fine HAND stitching. You must have put a lot of time and effort into creating this... It's such a shame I fell and tore it, huh?" I coldly asked.

"WAIT.... Cross, you win... I'll repair your jacket, just leave my designs alone" Rarety begrudgingly said.

"Really! Wow, thanks Rarety. Just knowing your willing to help me restored my confidence a little" I said with fake enthusiasm as I turned to leave. "but only until tomorrow... Let's say, 8:45 before school"

"Tomorrow!?" Rarety said as she lifted up and examined the ruined jacket. "there's no way I could have this ready by then, it's not even good enough to be used as an oil rag!"

"You like experience, just think of this as a last minute order from your biggest client" I arrogantly replied as I left the store. For a few minutes Rarety continued to stand there.
I probably could've handled the situation a little better than I did, unfortunately for Rarety I was in a bad mood.

My mood didn't improve during my long drive to Sweet Apple Acres, especially when I realized all local radio stations were playing country to promote Har-Fest.
After what felt like ages I finally arrived at my location. Gone were gravel roads and civilization. Passing through the entrance I parked besides the barn. I could see Big Macs truck in front of the barn as he carried bales of hay off his truck and into the barn.

Getting out of my car I approached Big Mac. "YO!" I call to Big Mac to get his attention. I could tell he was suprised to see me as he probably thought we would never meet again. heck, I didn't think I'ld see him again.

He finished loading a bale of hay onto his truck as I approached. Once close enough I could see his questioning stair, he was probably curious as to why I was back. "I'm just here on business for Har-Fest preparations." I began to explain. "I'm here to see a Granny Smith about a speech or something... I'm not related to her. Apparently that's just what people call her. Charity Ball was supposed to come do this but she... Well, I don't think she wanted to. Honestly, this farms in the middle of nowhere. It takes to long just to travel to and from here." I bluntly state.

My blunt honesty doesn't seem to bother him as his focus is elsewhere. he raises an eyebrow in confusion as his gaze is fixed on my 'this is what a feminist looks like' pink shirt.

"Don't be smart ass" I reply to his look as a smile creeps onto his face. "Just shut up and show me where Granny Smith is!"

Without saying anything Big Mac passes by me and begins to lead me out of the Barn and towards the large two stories house. (I could've sworn I saw the prick smirking as he passed me. Probably thinking of some smart ass remark) I thought as I followed.

"As convenient as it is I'm a little surprised I managed to run into you again" I said to Big Mac as we made our way to the house which was most likely used as the office. "I figured with how big this farm is I would've ran into one of the other workers" I continued. For a moment Big Mac stopped and gave me a confused look before continuing. It was then that I realized something. "ya know, its kinda weird. Even though I spent almost all of yesterday here I didn't see any other workers on the farm... But that can't be right, a farm this big does have others working on it, right?" I questioned.

It was a dumb question. Surely a farm the size of Sweet Apple Aches must have more than one person to run it. But despite my logical reasoning I couldn't help but feel like this place was empty. I mean, couldn't one of the othere workers had helped deliver the decorations to City Hall yesterday?

Big Mac was quick to respond to my question. "yup...".
His answer may had been short but did answer my question. even if it wasn't very detailed it did tell me that others did indeed work here... Even if I never saw them.

Without knocking Big Mac opened the door of the house and entered with me in toe. The door led to a long hallway that seemed to branch into every other room of the house, there were even a set of stairs that led to the second stoorie. The hallway walls were covered with framed pictures of people, most seemed to be taken somewhere on the farm.
Our destination seemed to be at the end of the hall.

As we past doorways in the hall I managed to have a brief glance of the other rooms. The first room to my left contained a couch and TV with what looked like a... VHS player?. (was that a VHS player? Who still has one of those).
Besides that there were also a coffee table, a bookcase, framed photos on the wall, and other small furnishings and bits that would make up.... Well, a lounge room.

Another room, this time to my right, contained a washing machine, cleaning supplies, and dirty laundry?... I could also see a door that led to the toilet.
Right next to that room was a room containing a combination shower and bathtub. Next to the tub was a sink and along the wall was a towel rack. There were a few discarded garments on the floor that looked like they belonged to a female.

The final room to my left right next to the stairs was closed so I was unable to see into it.

We quickly arrived at the room at end of the hall. The room was large, countertop cupboards ran along the wall. A fridge and stove had been placed against the wall, a microwave rested on the countertop. There was also a sink with dishes in it, and a door that led outside.
In the center of the room was a large round table, an elderly woman with green skin and long grey hair tied in a bun sat at the table. She wore a long green dress with a white and red apron over it.

This room felt like the other rooms I had breifly seen, it felt... Lived in. I knew this farm is old so I had assumed the business was just run from this old house. But there were no break rooms or filing rooms, This wasn't some business like I'ld assumed. Big Mac didn't work here, he lived here. This was a family business run from the family farm.
(I feel like an idiot for not noticing earlier. The only person I've seen working here despite the size of the farm is Big Mac. I've also only seen Big Macs truck as well, no delivery trucks or personal vehicles of other workers... I know I'm slow but this was stupid even for me. This family run farm is probably common knowledge." I thought as I mentally kicked myself.

Big Mac entered the room, before he had a chance to say anything he was cut off by who I assumed was Granny Smith.

"No need ta explain, I could hear em pulling up. Side's, his mouth ain't broken so he can introduce himself" Granny Smith interrupted.

Moving around Big Mac I entered the room. "I'm here on unofficial business for City hall. I'm here to make sure your speech for Har-Fest doesn't turn into you rambling about the good old days for 3 hours... I'm not paid hourly, or at all at that, so lets try to wrap this up so I can go" I casually said.

A jolt of pain went threw me as Big Mac kneed me to the right thigh. "OWWW! Darm it Big Mac!" the irritatingly spat at him as he glared at me.
"rude? I wasn't being rude! I'll have you know I was quite polite!" I replied to his glare knowing what it was about. After hearng my response His expression slightly changed, although still a glare.
"polite compared to how I usually em" I replied to his new glare.

Hearing the screech of a chair against the wooden flooring I turn my attention back to Granny Smith who is know standing. The elderly woman looks shocked as she looks towards me with wide eyes before muttering. "Selfish?... Selfish Desire?"