• Published 10th Jan 2017
  • 4,830 Views, 285 Comments

Reformation Brigade - Metool Bard

Crystal Prep needs a friendship makeover. And who better to give it one than Discord and the Dazzlings? Yeah, it appears Sunset didn't really think this through.

  • ...

A Dazzling Rebirth

"So, that's pretty much what Dean Cadence wanted to see me about. Pretty cool, huh?"

Sonata's explanation was met with a collection of blank stares from all around the cafeteria table. Sugarcoat took a long, deliberate sip from her apple juice, adding to the awkward tension.

"Sonata, I understand you're excited, but could you try to slow down, please?" asked Sunset.

"And try not to talk with your mouth full," Aria added.

Sonata nodded and took in a deep breath, oblivious to the fact that there was still food in her mouth. She let out a violent cough.

"Ah, sheesh," Aria groaned. She got up from her seat, walked up behind Sonata, and smacked her back forcefully. With one loud cough, Sonata managed to dislodge the food from her windpipe.

"Th-thanks, Aria," Sonata gasped, patting her chest.

"And you wonder why I call you two idiots so much," Adagio snarked.

"To be fair, having food and air travel down the same pipe is highly inconvenient," Sugarcoat stated plainly. "I find myself choking once or twice a year. It's not a matter of intelligence; it's the fault of our flawed anatomy."

"I think we're getting off-topic," said Indigo. "So, I take it your meaning with Cadence went well?"

Sonata took a moment to recover before responding. "Oh, totally. She was happy that I'm getting help from my friends, and she even said that if we try singing, we could discover our true selves and tap into our magic!"

Adagio raised an eyebrow. "Singing? Sonata, our singing voices were destroyed. That's not going to work."

"Oh, ye of little faith," Sunny Flare chastised. "Barely on the stage, yet already you have cold feet. It's perfectly natural, of course. Even a star like myself is not immune to the pressures of stage fright." Her face suddenly lit up as she bowed her head in reverence. "But if you three were truly meant to be in the spotlight, then ye, 'twould be my honor to sign all of you up for auditions tomorrow."

"Yay! You Shadowbolt guys are the best!" Sonata cheered.

Aria smirked. "You know, she might have a point, Adagio. Wasn't our original goal to make everyone adore us with our music? Maybe this is the way to go."

Adagio simply continued to sulk, mumbling something under her breath.

"There really is no pleasing you, is there?" asked Sour Sweet.

Indigo gave Sour Sweet a pointed look. "Sour..."

Sour Sweet's expression brightened as she fluttered her eyelashes at Adagio. "What I mean is that we're trying so very hard to help you. Would it be so bad if you showed us some appreciation~?"

Adagio gave Sour Sweet a quick glance before letting out a huff. Sour Sweet's cheerful demeanor vanished in an instant.

"Let it go, Sour," said Indigo. "I'm sure she'll come around eventually."

"I certainly hope so," said Sunset, poking at her salad with her fork. "It would give me one less thing to worry about."

Sonata blinked as something suddenly struck her. "Oh, yeah! Forgot to mention. Dean Cadence might want to have a word with you later, Sunset."

Sunset looked up. "Really? Did she say what it was about?"

"Well, you remember that Slitherquick woman?"


"She was trying to sit in on our meeting, so Discord kinda sorta made her go away."

Sunset frowned and took out her phone. "Discord..."

"The number you are dialing is not in service," came an automated response. "Please take a deep breath, count to ten, and try again later."

Sunset massaged the bridge of her nose between her fingers. "Discord, I promise I'm not mad at you. I just want to know what you did."

One of the beets in Sunset's salad started to rock back and forth on its own accord. It then sprang into the air, sprouting several limbs and Discord's face.

"I assure you, Smitty. Fanny Slitherquick still has her health," he said. "Though maybe now she'll think twice before eavesdropping on my friends."

Sugarcoat's brow crinkled. "Now this is peculiar. That's two days in a row that Slitherquick has been trying to stick her nose where it doesn't belong."

Sonata gulped, eyes darting every which way. "You don't think she's, spying on us, do you?"

Sugarcoat shook her head. "I don't know. It just raises too many questions. Crystal Prep already has cameras installed all over the building. If Principal Cinch wanted to monitor us, she already has the means to do so. Why interfere with Dean Cadence's duties as well?"

"Who cares?" Lemon Zest said with a shrug. "It's not like Slitherquick can get anything useful out of Dean Cadence. Not with this chill dude on our side." She gestured to Discord.

Discord twirled his goatee around his finger for a while before shrugging his shoulders. "Food for thought, I suppose. I can do some reconnaissance and dig up some more dirt, if you want."

Sunset sighed. "Seeing as you're probably just going to do it anyway, I don't see the point of saying no. Just be careful, okay?"

"That's eight, Smitty. But thanks for your concern."

With that, the beet reverted to its original shape and landed back in Sunset's salad bowl. Adagio scoffed.

"You really think he'll listen to you?" she asked incredulously.

Sunset shrugged. "You can't say he's not trying." She then smiled. "Let me worry about Discord, Adagio. You just focus on finding your true self."

Adagio huffed. "You're not the boss of me."

"Dagi, she's trying to be nice to you," Sonata scolded.

"Besides, she's right," Aria added.

Adagio merely growled in response. Lemon Zest shrugged.

"Maybe she'll change her tune once you guys nail that big audition tomorrow," she said.

"You say that as if it's an inevitability," said Sugarcoat, adjusting her glasses.

"You can't fault Lemon for being optimistic, Sugarcoat," said Indigo. "I'm sure you guys will do great."

"Wanna bet?" Adagio asked.

Indigo smirked. "Tempting. But I don't make sucker's bets like that. After all, if you wanted to win the bet, you'd have to fail. So either way, you'd lose. That simply isn't fair."

"She's got you there, Adagio," said Aria smugly.

Adagio let out another growl in response. Sugarcoat sighed.

"Confidence is an amazing thing, but we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves," she cautioned. "Let's wait and see what happens tomorrow before we make any judgements."

"Agreed," said Sunny Flare.

With that, the Sirens and Shadowbolts continued with their lunch, mentally preparing themselves for the rest of the day. Sunset continued to pick at her food, a torrent of thoughts and worries swirling around in her head.

You were right, Twilight. This place is pretty intense, she mused. I don't know how you managed to survive here without friends. I need mine now more than ever...


The next morning, Sonata was skipping down the halls of Crystal Prep and humming to herself.

"See, Adagio? She doesn't sound that bad," said Aria. "We can do this."

"She's just humming, Aria. Anyone can hum," Adagio muttered. She then gave Sonata a stern look. "And stop acting like that. People are staring at us."

"Maybe they're weirded out by the fact that someone's in such a good mood at this school, amiright?" Lemon Zest joked, raising her hand. "C'mon, up top!"

Adagio groaned and stormed off ahead. Lemon Zest blinked before rubbing the back of her head.

"Dude. Harsh," she said.

"Ah, don't mind Dagi. Once she sees that she can use her magic again, she'll be happy as a clam!" Sonata chirped.

"So you do know what metaphors are," said Sugarcoat, arching an eyebrow.

"I wouldn't look into it that much," said Aria with a shrug. "This is just how Sonata is."

"I think that's a good sign," said Sunset with a nod. "C'mon, let's get to the auditorium."

"Catch you guys on the flip," said Lemon Zest, giving the Sirens a thumbs-up. "You're gonna be awesome."

"I remain, cautiously optimistic," said Sugarcoat, adjusting her glasses. "We should get to our classes. Let us know how it goes."

"Sure thing," said Sunset with a wave. She and the Sirens then parted way with Lemon Zest and Sugarcoat as they stepped into the auditorium. Once inside, Sunset couldn't help but be awestruck. Unlike Canterlot High's gymnasium, walking down the aisles of Crystal Prep's auditorium was like walking down the aisles of an actual theater. Rows upon rows of cushioned seats stretched all the way down the hall, and the floors were lined with velvet carpeting. Even the stage itself was professionally designed, complete with riggings and scaffolds. Standing on stage was none other than Sunny Flare, who waved at the Sirens happily. Next to her was a stuffy-looking gentleman with curly peach hair, wearing a blue blazer and a pair of glasses fit over his eyes. He held a small clipboard under his arm.

"I bid all of you welcome to our fine stage," said Sunny Flare with a curtesy. "Allow me to introduce you to Professor Svengallop. He's the drama club's director."

"Sunny Flare tells me you three are interested in singing roles," said Svengallop, looking over his clipboard. "I must say, it is rather strange for Canterlot High students to audition for parts in Crystal Prep's theater troupe."

"Dean Cadence said that it would help us find out our true selves!" Sonata cheered. "And that means—"

She trailed off as Sunset and Aria gave her a stern look. Svengallop coughed.

"Well, I'm glad to see your enthusiasm," he said. "However, enthusiasm does not always have talent behind it. I'm counting on you three to really impress me."

"This is a bad idea," Adagio hissed in Aria's ear.

"We don't know that," Aria hissed back.

Svengallop turned his attention to Sunset. "Are you auditioning as well?"

Sunset blinked. "Oh, me? N-no, sir. I just came to watch."

"At the expense of missing your other classes?" Svengallop inquired, raising an eyebrow.

Sunset stood her ground. "Dean Cadence knows that I've taken it upon myself to look after these three. You can ask her yourself."

Svengallop looked at Sunny Flare, who simply shrugged.

"Very well. I'll get confirmation from the dean later," said Svengallop, looking down at his clipboard. "For now, let's see what you girls have got. Sonata Dusk, you're first."

He descended from the stage and took a seat in the front row. Sunset, Adagio, and Aria made sure to find seats as well. Sonata gulped and nervously made her way up the stage. Sunny Flare smiled at her.

"You'll be fine," she said, patting Sonata on the shoulder. "Just remember. It's through the diaphragm, not the nose. Don't let your nerves get the better of you. And speak with conviction and passion."

"Sunny Flare?"

"Coming, Professor Svengallop!" Sunny Flare called out. She gave Sonata a wink. "As we say in the trade, break a leg."

Sonata blinked. "But, I don't wanna break my legs."

Sunny Flare sighed. "Seriously? Okay, just, do your best."

She marched down the stage, leaving Sonata all alone. Sonata stared off into the rows upon rows of empty seats, swallowing hard. She then looked over at Adagio and Aria.

"Anytime you're ready, Ms. Dusk," said Svengallop, jotting down notes in his clipboard.

Sonata took in a deep breath and nodded. She closed her eyes and began to sing:

"Ahh ah ah, ahh ah,
Ahh ah ah, ahh ah~..."

Soon enough, the entire room was filled with the sound of Sonata's haunting, hypnotic melody. It didn't take long for Sunset to recognize the tune. It was the very same notes the Sirens used to hypnotize their prey all those months ago. But unlike before, she couldn't detect any malice in the melody. If anything, it sounded rather somber and gentle. Inviting, even. Almost as though Sonata was but a lonely little maiden out at sea, singing out to those who would hear her, hoping to find a friend.

"Astounding," Svengallop whispered. "Such control, such elegance. She should be on the road!"

Sunset perked up as she heard a slight whimper from a few seats away. She turned her head and gasped. For the first time, Adagio Dazzle was not sulking. She was staring up at Sonata, eyes wide with wonder. A single tear trickled down her cheek.

"You okay, Adagio?" Aria asked.

Adagio sniffled. "I-it's been so long. But, she's singing it so beautifully. H-how? I-I thought that—"

Aria smirked. "Now's the part where I say 'I told you so.'"

Adagio let out a small chuckle. "I suppose you're right, for once."

Sonata's face lit up as she saw Aria and Adagio's smiling faces. A great warmth began to form deep within her chest. The warmth spread throughout her body, reaching from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. She began to tremble, giddy with anticipation as the warm feeling built up to a crescendo. And just as it reached its peak, it happened.

A blue glow emanated from Sonata's being. She began to levitate into the air. Her ponytail shot forth, growing several feet longer. Silky fins sprouted from her back. Two glowing nubs poked out of her forehead, giving way to two blue pony ears. And all the while, Sonata just kept singing. Not even Svengallop's clipboard falling to the ground with a clack was enough to break her concentration.

Sunset was absolutely stunned. She wasn't sure how to feel. She was proud of Sonata to be sure, but she was also deathly afraid of how Svengallop was taking this sudden development. Fearing the worst, she glanced over at her peers. Aria was laughing merrily, hugging Adagio and pointing at Sonata.

"Way to go, Sonata! That's our girl!" she cheered.

Adagio let out a laugh of her own, tears now flowing freely down her cheeks. Sunny Flare was completely awestruck, her eyes shimmering in the light of Sonata's transformation. Svengallop's mouth was hanging wide open, his clipboard and pen resting at his feet. Sunset could feel a smile forming on her face. Perhaps things weren't so bleak after all.

"Sonata Dusk, please report to the principal's office. Sonata Dusk, to the principal's office, please."

And just like that, the spell was broken. Sonata's unbridled joy was replaced by a wave of fear and panic. Her pony form vanished in a shower of sparkles. Aria scowled.

"Hey, what gives?" she snarled, as if expecting an answer from the intercom. "Sonata didn't do anything wrong!"

Sunny Flare wasn't fairing much better. She began hyperventilating, pacing up and down the aisle and muttering to herself.

"Th-this cannot be so. Ye, she was not the best student, but we helped her. All of us. How can she be in trouble? Were all our efforts for naught?! Were our fears correct all along?! Oh heavens. Oh woe. I-I feel faint..."

Sunset watched as Sunny Flare swooned right into her lap. By this time, Professor Svengallop had recovered from his shock.

"Um, I-I'm truly sorry, Ms. Dusk. Y-you were quite wonderful, honestly," he stammered. "But, if Principal Cinch needs you for something, I would suggest you go see her. I'm sure it's nothing serious."

"B-but, what'd I do?" Sonata squeaked.

"You're just going to be in more trouble if you ignore it," said Svengallop sternly.

Unable to argue, Sonata heaved a great sigh and descended from the stage. She gave Aria a pleading look. Aria sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Okay, fine," she said, getting up from her seat. She took Sonata's hand and led her out of the auditorium. Adagio gave Sunset a dark look.

"If I find out that Discord is behind this, it's your head," she threatened.

"I-it wasn't him. It couldn't have been," Sunset insisted. "Sonata's his friend."

Adagio huffed and marched out of the auditorium. Sunny Flare slowly came to.

"S-Sunset? Prithee, why are you holding me so?" she asked. After a pause, she bolted upright. "Oh heavens above! Sonata!" She turned to Svengallop. "Professor, you didn't let her leave, did you?!"

Svengallop snorted. "What choice did I have? I can't go against Principal Cinch; you know that."

Sunny Flare gasped and struck a dramatic pose. "Oh, alas! Alas, poor Sonata! What did she ever do to deserve such a fate?! How will we tell the others?! I-I just might faint again."

"Don't, do that," said Sunset, holding Sunny Flare steady. "Look, best-case scenario, it's nothing. Worst-case scenario, we'll figure something out."

"And prithee, what do we do now?" Sunny Flare inquired.

Sunset bit her lip. "Now, we go see Dean Cadence."

Sunny Flare nodded. "Indeed. She can fix this, surely." She then curtsied to Svengallop. "My humblest apologies, Professor Svengallop."

"N-no need, Sunny Flare. You did nothing wrong," said Svengallop, although even he didn't sound so sure.

With little more than a nod, Sunset escorted Sunny Flare out of the auditorium. So many emotions ran through Sunset's mind, it was hard for her to keep track of them all.

This isn't right, she thought. One thing at a time, though. I just hope we're not too late...