• Published 4th Nov 2016
  • 3,633 Views, 634 Comments

The NLAC Has To Deal With What?! - Odeinoichus

With summer fast approaching, there's bound to be plenty of clothes-free adventures for the NLAC. Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara continues to scheme against them with the help of her newest pawn, Scarlet Scribe. Will the club be able to survive?

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Adagio Explains About What?!

Chapter 22

Lemon Zest stirred in the massive pile of comforters that was covering her with a contented smile on her face. Slowly she became aware of her surroundings, she was not in her own room, and this also wasn’t Scribe’s room judging by the size of the bed.

Frowning slightly, she tried to remember what happened last night during the concert. Sapphire Shores had kicked it big time with some awesome faves, and some of the talent asked up on stage had been pretty decent. That friend of Aria Blaze’s proved to be extremely talented, judging by the applause.

Then her group had been called backstage, the rest of them tagging along for moral support. And there had been the large-chested barely wearing anything black-skinned woman with the glowing green eyes. A bottle of something-or-other she claimed was ginger ale and then…

A red-skinned arm moved from somewhere behind Lemon and suddenly draped over her waist pulling her tighter against someone in bed behind her. Someone who was equally as naked as her, had definite different parts poking into her behind, and was snuggling her something fierce.

Then the blue-skinned pillow she was using moved and Lemon’s eyes shot wide open. “What the hell?”

“Five more minutes, Pinkie.” Sonata rolled over out from under Lemon.

Lemon’s face struck the mattress underneath and she quickly took stock of her immediate surroundings. Scarlet Scribe was spooning her while he slept, still out of it and clearly not about to wake up anytime soon.

Sonata Dusk was next to her in the bed, strangely enough her hair was combed out and braided instead of in her traditional ponytail. A pink arm draped over her and was cupping one of her bare breasts which indicated where Pinkie was.

The bed they were in felt decidedly cramped, it seemed to be a king-sized number. The fact that her body didn’t feel sore in certain areas calmed her slightly, it meant she hadn’t gone all the way with Scribe after just one date. But then why were they all in the same bed together? Just what the hell had that Chrysalis woman given them?

“Ow!” Pinkie’s head popped up from behind Sonata and she glanced around confused. Her eyes were bloodshot and her hair was covered in multiple bows. “Not Ginger Ale!” she hissed as she reached up to clutch her head.

“Pinkie, who else is in this bed?” Lemon wondered.

Pinkie glanced at the Crystal Prep girl briefly and then counted heads. “I count five heads.”

“Well, six if you include what’s currently poking me in the back.” Lemon giggled at her little joke, she needed to otherwise she’d probably start screaming and it wouldn’t do her head any good. She’d snuck some alcohol before so it wasn’t as bad, but it was something she’d promised not to repeat anytime soon after her first binge night. The fact that someone had slipped them a mickey fin was testament to the fact that Chrysalis was not to be trusted.

“Are we at your place?” Pinkie asked.

Lemon shook her head. “Not mine or Scribe’s.”

Pinkie winced again and scrubbed her tongue with her finger. “Yucky, yuck. Well it isn’t my place either, which is where Sonata was staying too. Just where did we go and what did we do after meeting Chrysalis?”

Sonata snorted in her sleep. “Ria’s place.”

Pinkie glanced at her girlfriend. “Then that means.” She glanced past Scribe’s head and covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing out loud.

“Scribe better not turn over. Otherwise, he’s liable to get punched in the gut for his troubles.” Lemon twiddled her fingers with a slight blush. “I m-mean, I knew about the whole morning wood thing, but I didn’t realize he could get THAT excited…"

“Did this turn into one of Sonata’s double-dates after all?” Pinkie wondered.

Lemon shook her head. “I dunno... it doesn't feel like we had sex. How about you?”

Pinkie grimaced, but shook her head. “Nope. No happy afterglow pains here.” She didn’t offer any comments otherwise, but a part of her was glad for that. Having to explain to Maud that she accidentally lost her virginity to some guy after one glass of hard stuff would not have been pleasant.

“What the fuck did Chrysalis do anyway?” Lemon wanted to get out of bed, mostly because she had the urge to empty her bladder. But it felt so nice being cuddled up next to Scribe. Plus, she didn’t feel like she had enough energy to move just yet.

Pinkie sighed. “I remember her asking if we wanted to try some liquid love to celebrate Coloratura signing her contract. Next thing I remember is washing Sonata’s hair so Scribey could braid it, after that it’s kind of fuzzy.”

“That’s more then I remember.” Lemon chuckled and then winced as her entire head protested the sudden loud noise escaping her. “I don’t recognize what it is, but that liquid love should be labeled as a biological weapon.”

Pinkie nodded briefly. Her eyes slowly widened as she noticed the clock hanging on the wall. “It’s almost ten AM!” she shouted.

A pillow slapped her in the face from where Aria was lying. Sonata jerked awake with a howl of pain. Scribe mumbled something about shutting up until the room stopped spinning and resumed sleeping.

“Fuck, I have an exam this afternoon,” Lemon cursed as she disentangled herself from Scribe’s arms and quickly hopped to the foot of the bed so she could escape.

“Shower’s on the right,” Sonata told her.

Lemon nodded and rushed out of the room, grabbing her clothes as she did so.

Aria grunted and rolled over. Unfortunately, Scribe turned over at the exact same time seeking another warm body to cuddle. A swift knee to the family jewels instantly awoke the red-skinned male.

FUCK!” Scribe screamed as he instantly snapped awake.

Sonata rolled her eyes and turned to Pinkie. “Emergency ice kit in the freezer over there,” she told her.

Pinkie nodded and quickly scampered out of the bed.

“What the hell is her problem?” Scribe blinked back tears and suddenly became aware of the migraine behind his eyes. “Shit.”

“Yeah, Aria hits in her sleep. Especially when she’s got a hangover.” Sonata grinned cheerfully as she patted Scribe on the back.

Pinkie popped back over with an ice pack in her hands.

Sonata snatched it and gently placed it against Scribe’s beleaguered balls.


“It’s going to be cold dummy,” Sonata chastised.

Scribe whimpered slightly and then noticed the time. “Well the morning’s shot, and I probably just added three more days of detention to my sentence for missing morning classes.”

Pinkie shrugged. “I’ll be right there with you. At least we don’t have any exams today.”

Scribe reluctantly nodded in agreement. “So… why are we all in Aria’s bed? And how come it looks like I went to town on all of your hair?”

Sonata took a deep breath. “After Coloratura sang her heart out and wowed the crowd, so much so that she got an encore and standing ovation, Sapphire Shores’ manager Chrysalis stepped out on stage and asked her to come to Sapphire Shores’ trailer, Coloratura asked all of us to come with for total moral support, and because she was really nervous. Aria and I went with her because Chrysalis is over a thousand years old and can’t be trusted with any female or male entertainers.

"Don’t ask, it’s a long story and I don’t want to get into it, anyway you three tagged along, Chrysalis convinced Coloratura to sign a contract as her agent with promises of stardom and a scholarship to help pay off the rest of her schooling for the next two years, then she pulled out the Liquid Love. It really is Liquid Love by the way, Chrysalis uses some kind of love magic similar to Changelings, but it’s way different from Equestrian Changelings. Anyway, you four drank it unquestioningly, not wanting to be left behind I took some too, leaving Aria the last holdout, but she took a few sips of it too after Coloratura guilt-tripped her.

Sonata took another breath. “Then we all started giggling and laughing and seeing weird hallucinations, so Aria forced us all to come back here, even Coloratura, though judging by the fact she’s not here I don’t think she stayed the night. You got loopy and started sniffing Ria’s hair again, she shoved me at you and told you to just fucking braid my hair or something, Pinkie and I washed it, you started singing a really funny song about hair while you braided mine, then Pinkie wanted to get involved too, so you tried to braid hers, but her unnatural poof wouldn’t let you do anything, so frustratedly you turned on Lemon’s hair…

“And to make a long story short.”

“Too late,” Scribe muttered.

“All four of us fell asleep in Aria’s bed naked because washing and braiding hair with clothes on is just silly.” Sonata beamed happily and cluelessly at the young man.

Scribe sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Well, at least we didn’t do anything else last night.”

Sonata giggled and pointed at Aria’s hair, which was combed straight and permed into a frizzy new style.

Scribe paled slightly. “Is she going to kick me again when she wakes up to see that?”

Sonata grew thoughtful for a moment and then shook her head. “She fell asleep in this room, and I guess you play with hair in your sleep.”

Pinkie frowned briefly. “Actually, I think we woke him up in the middle of the night when Aria came in and fell asleep.”

“Oh yeah, we wanted to make him feel better because he couldn’t do anything with your hair.”

Scribe got out of bed and headed for the door. “I am going to take a shower, hope to hell I don’t bruise after that kick, and then get to school before Celestia decides she needs to send out the truancy officer on us.”

Pinkie giggled. “Principal Celestia doesn’t have a truancy officer.” Her phone started to buzz. “That’s probably Rainbow Dash worried that Sonata did something to me.” Pinkie hopped out of bed and quickly fished out her phone.

Sonata stuck her tongue out at the phone. “I haven’t done anything to you yet,” she complained. “We haven’t even gotten to first base.”

Pinkie nodded sadly. “I know… but you did get to second base with Scribey.”

Sonata blinked. “Oh yeah.” She smirked at the young man and shot him a sultry wink.

“Pinkie Promise!” he reminded.

Sonata nodded solemnly.

Scribe picked up his discarded clothing and headed out the door, still clutching the ice pack to his crotch and walking with an awkward limp.

Pinkie sighed. “This entire date thing has turned into one big I-don’t-know-what. I had fun, Sonata, but some of it could have been handled better.”

Sonata smiled fondly. “Yep, best first date ever. Glad we could make it memorable for those two.”

Pinkie found herself nodding in agreement. “Why does Aria have her own three-story town house?”

Sonata laughed. “All three of us own our own property, but we love each other in our own ways and live together at Dagi’s place more often than not. Ria uses this place when she needs to get away from us.”

Pinkie shot Sonata a look, it wasn’t a disappointed look, but it was a look. “Then why did you need to crash at my place?”

Sonata laughed nervously. “Ummm, I may have torn my house down and built a taco restaurant in its place a few decades back. On the plus side, I get a load of money in rent from the manager and can eat as many tacos as I want when I order.”

Pinkie shook her head. “Silly Sonata.” Moving closer she gave her girlfriend a big hug and kissed her.

A silent pair of bloodshot eyes glared at them both from under the covers. The words didn’t need to be said and both girls quickly fled from Aria’s wrath. Smirking slightly, she cuddled back under the covers and let out a contented sigh as she started to drift back to sleep. Then she realized that she was feeling a familiar happy pain. Groaning she reached up to rub the bridge of her nose.

That would explain what happened to Coloratura. Fuck; she was going to have to have words with that girl when they met up later to discuss what happened last night. Especially if she slipped and let out any passionate moans during the dirty deed in the other room. And she was trying not to complicate their weird semi-relationship thing with make-out sex. Stupid sexy Rara.

Abacus Cinch briefly examined the proposal from Cadance. It was formally written up and worded appropriately, however, it did seem to be leaving out some crucial information. With a quiet sigh she waved aside at the other woman.

“Is that a yes?”

“I see no real reason to deny them access to a private room. It keeps the spread of this ‘magic’ contained. Most of the student body continues to adhere to the regulations and desires of the faculty. This small group is the most… troublesome. However, as I said I see no reason to deny them this private room.” Abacus rubbed the bridge of her nose after removing her glasses. “I do not need another visit from Mister Discord, or worse, Superintendent Sombra.”

Cadance paled at this revelation. “Sombra is the Superintendent now?” She fidgeted nervously and tugged at her skirt feeling a slight sense of dirtiness at the thought of someone like him with such power.

Cinch merely nodded. “The man claims to be his own son, but you and I were both students of Crystal Prep, we saw his activities. We know there is more to him than seems to be the case, but we both agreed to avoid any difficulties because of this.”

Cadance offered a quiet nod and quickly retrieved the paper on Cinch’s desk. “I’ll relay the good news to Sugarcoat.” She turned to leave, but hesitated. “And Abacus, it’s nice to see you putting aside the typical responses such an event would result in.” Leaving the room Cadance did not see the slow spread of a smile across Cinch’s face.

Abacus grinned as she approached the window and glanced out upon Crystal Prep’s grounds. “Cadance can be so naïve at times. Still, she is a worthy successor for when I inevitably retire. Then she too will realize the stress of running such a school, catering to the parents of the student body and their beliefs. Adhering strictly to reputation, having to attend those pathetic fundraising events.” Rolling her eyes, Cinch turned to the filing cabinet and removed a new folder. It was time to return to work.

Indigo Zap glared at the other three girls. She had no idea why Lemon was so late today, but she was really fed up with the underhanded bullshit Sugarcoat practiced when she felt she was doing the best for the good of the group. Since when was Sugarcoat in charge anyway?

“Sunny, please tell me you didn’t shun me and Lemon on Monday because Sugarcoat fed you some BS line.”

Sunny Flare flinched at the tone in Indigo’s voice. “To be perfectly precise, that is not the case at all.”

Sugarcoat lounged in her birthday suit, going over her flash cards for the exam coming up in another hour. “As I explained to you this morning, I felt the proper tactic was to approach each of you separately. Sunny and Sour were first because they experienced naturism during the photo shoot on Saturday. And were most put out by it afterwards. Explaining the goal of this new study group meant having to approach the most vocal against it in certain stages.”

“I still can’t believe you hung out with Lemon and Scribe topless.” Sour stared at Indigo in brief awe. Her eyes shone with mirth.

“I’m a girl, there’s nothing wrong with going topless around your friends.” Indigo said defensively.

Sunny shook her head. “You’re still hiding something.”

Indigo slammed the top of the table with a growl. “I’ll tell you, if I want to, when I feel I’m ready! Not before!”

Sunny nodded. “Point made.”

Sour giggled as she bent down to pick up some of the flash cards. “So, Lemon went out on a date with Scribey last night, how good for her!” she hissed.

Sunny sighed at Sour’s obvious jealousy. “Do we need to have the talk again?”

Sour flinched. “I’m good.”

Dean Cadence walked into the room with a smile, Lemon Zest trailing after her practically out of breath. “Good news, girls, Principal Cinch agreed with your appointment to this room.”

Sugarcoat nodded gratefully to the Dean.

“Sorry I’m late guys, word of advice, never drink anything called Liquid Love.”

Cadence’s eye twitched. “Miss Zest, are you aware that Liquid Love is a very powerful alcoholic aphrodisiac?”

Lemon fidgeted slightly. “Didn’t before, do now.” She rubbed at her head briefly. “Really hope I can get through this exam without passing out from the pain.” Then she blinked. “Wait, aphrodisiac?”

Cadence glanced down at the girl with a hint of disapproval. “Were you alone with anyone after drinking the stuff?”

Lemon shook her head. “No, I mean I was on a date with Scarlet Scribe, but we also had Pinkie Pie and Sonata tagging along. Although, Aria and Coloratura were off by themselves for a while. I wonder?”

“Where’d you get Liquid Love?” Sunny spoke up before the Dean could continue her lecture.

Lemon sighed. “Chrysalis signed a new talent at the Sapphire Shores thing in the park last night, she gave it to us to celebrate. Conveniently forgot to leave out the fact that it was alcohol. Or an aphrodisiac.”

Cadence shook her head and gently patted Lemon’s shoulder in sympathy. “You have my sympathies, that woman…” she trailed off without saying more and offered a smile to the group. “Well, now that you’re free to practice your lifestyle choice in this room. I wish you luck on your exam. Sugarcoat, please remember to get dressed again before leaving.”

Sugarcoat nodded. “Of course, Dean Cadence.”

Cadence left and Sunny locked the door.

“So, how did it go?” Sour asked excitedly. “Was Scribey the perfect little gentleman?”

Lemon shook her head. “Sorry, girls, I can’t tell you anything. I made a vow on friendship not to tell anybody about what happened.” She smiled and let out a giddy squeal. “But it was the Best. First Date. Ever!”

“Now you’ve got to spill,” Sunny insisted.

Indigo nodded. “Yeah, we don’t have boyfriends yet, so we’re forced to live through you and Scribey vicariously.”

Sugarcoat cleared her throat.

Sour smirked. “Present company excluded due to familial clauses.”

Sugarcoat bowed her head in gratitude. “I have only one question: Did Scribe treat you properly?”

Lemon sighed contentedly and giggled. “Boy did he ever… I could have done without the drunken hair styling and serenading with that weird seventies song of his though.”

Sunny blinked. “So Scribey styles hair when he’s drunk?”

Lemon nodded sharply. “Yep.”

Sour covered her mouth and snickered into it. “So much blackmail potential.”

Indigo frowned slightly. “What seventies song?”

Lemon laughed some more and pulled out her phone. “Ladies, I present to you Scarlet Scribe’s rendition of Hair. From the musical of the same name.”

Adagio Dazzle strode confidently into the school newspaper room near the end of the day and smirked as she slid into the seat behind the desk. The students in this school were utterly worthless. Sunset Shimmer and her friends notwithstanding, they all seemed readily willing to accept that she belonged here.

She was still somewhat unnerved concerning the source of the amulet she was currently wearing, but it wasn’t an immediate concern at the moment. She had decided on how to go about exposing the club to Zecora’s father, which was why she was waiting for Diamond Tiara to explain her little plan.

The door opened and two students entered. Adagio watched the boy pause in sudden surprise at her presence there, while the girl rolled up to a desk indifferently and fished a camera out of one of the drawers.

“Some of little Di-Di’s minions I take it?” Adagio commented with a sultry little smirk.

“As if.” The wheelchair-bound girl shot a glare at her.

The male nervously fingered something in his pocket. Adagio recognized that she might be compromised because of this. She opened her mouth and started to sing. The girl in the wheelchair let out a cry of pain as her necklace started to glow.

The boy rushed over to her in concern. “Lily!”

Adagio quirked her brow slightly and then broke into a wide smile. “My, my, my, I didn’t realize you’d already laid claim to him, little Windigo.”


The boy stared between the pair of them confused.

Adagio chuckled and brushed her hood back revealing her massive head of tempting hair.

The boy instantly started to twitch at the sight of her. “Damnit.”

Adagio nodded. “I thought so.” Climbing to her feet she approached the wheelchair-bound girl. “Didn’t they even tell you what that little pendant is?”

The girl clutched at it nervously. “It was my mother’s. You don’t need to know what Grandpa Discord told me.”

Adagio clicked her tongue and struck a pose, one hand on her hip thrust forward, the other stroking the amulet around her neck with a bemused smirk on her lips. “Discord has grandkids now, guess the old fool would need somebody to take up the mantle eventually.”

“Adagio Dazzle, why are you here?” The boy stepped forward protectively.

Adagio rolled her eyes. “I’m here to help your boss, or wasn’t it obvious when I called that hot little piece of ass Di-Di?”

The boy reeled back in shock.

Lily trembled angrily in her chair.

Adagio laughed. “As far as your little talisman, I know more about it than you do.”

“No way!” Lily snapped angrily at the lead Siren.

Scribe once again tried to protect Lily.

Adagio rolled her eyes and shoved him out of the way. Leaning down she whispered into Lily’s ear while stroking her hair. “Your talisman houses Equestrian magic, the essence of a Windigo to be precise. They were similar to Sirens, in that they spread negativity and strife, Starswirl – the pathetic bearded know-it-all – wanted to harness and study magic from all corners of Equestria.”

“Why are you telling me this?” Lily pulled her hair out from Adagio’s grip and glared at her.

“Windigos are like distant cousins, that makes you and me related.”

“Get away from her!” Scribe leapt forward and shoved Adagio back.

Adagio hissed and swung her arm slamming him in the head and sending him down easily.

Lily shrieked angrily. “Bitch!” Her eyes started glowing with magic and the dark aura appeared again around Scribe.

Adagio slid onto Lily’s desk and grabbed her by the face staring into her eyes.

Lily felt strange. Her energy seemed to be slowly sapping away, and then she saw the glow beneath Adagio’s neckline.

Adagio licked her lips hungrily. “Windigo magic and Siren magic are a little incompatible, but it is negative energy. So. Much. POWER!” Adagio’s back arched slightly and she twitched with pleasure.

Lily broke free of her grasp and lashed out with an arm.

Adagio caught her arm and laughed. “Listen, we don’t have to be enemies.”

Lily bared her teeth and growled low in her throat.

Adagio sighed. “Look, the Windigo magic in your pendant is unique. I was there when Starswirl first brought it here and gave it to a young woman. He didn’t explain it very well to her, but she did eventually master it. Everyone gifted with magic by Starswirl mastered it.”

“I already heard about most of this from Grandpa Discord.” Lily rolled her eyes and angrily crossed her arms over her chest.

Adagio smiled secretively. “Did he happen to mention that once properly charged that pendant could allow you to walk again?”

Lily jerked back in shock. “What?” she gasped.

Adagio reached down and traced Lily’s lips with her index finger. “It seems as though Discord knows better than to reveal all the secrets of your birthright.”

Lily leaned back skeptically. “What birthright? I’m not a Windigo.”

Adagio nodded. “You’re right, you aren’t a Windigo. You’re something more,” she said once again leaning closer to the girl so she could whisper. “Starswirl wanted to study the magic behind Disharmony, everything the Tree of Harmony and the precious Elements worked to control. Keep it from once again unbalancing, Equestria exists in a world of magical equilibrium. It requires a delicate balance, and since this world had no magic he chose to study it here, where it proved weaker.”

Lily clutched her pendant confusedly. “I still don’t understand why you’re telling me all of this.”

Adagio sighed. “Mostly to give you something else to think about so you won’t go blabbing to the Rainbooms that I’m here.”

Lily grit her teeth and trembled frustratedly. “Why does this have to happen to me?”

Adagio slid across the desk and glanced down to make sure the boy was still unconscious. “I’ve wondered myself the same thing for close to a thousand years.” Kicking Scribe across the face to make sure he stayed out-of-it she found herself being lifted off the desk by very strong arms.

Lily glared at her. “Stop hurting my friend!”

“If you insist.”

Lily took a few breaths to compose herself. “How do I harness this magic to allow me to walk again?”

Adagio smiled, bait set and hooked. “I’ll tell you if you keep him in check, and promise not to alert the Rainbooms to my presence.”

Lily bit her bottom lip as she struggled with the moral ramifications of ignoring the danger that the Siren represented. Slowly her gaze fell upon the old photo Scribe kept on his desk of her when she wasn’t trapped in this chair. Scribe wouldn’t agree with this, he was already almost ready to officially ditch Diamond Tiara. And judging by the implications Adagio had made earlier she was definitely up to no good with Diamond.

But if she could harness Equestrian magic so she wouldn’t need this damn chair anymore? She wouldn’t feel so useless. “I... promise.”

Adagio grinned and patted the other girl on the top of her head. “Good little Windigo, now then, pay very close attention, because this is all I know about Starswirl’s plans and it’s the only time I’m ever going to say it.”

Discord felt a cold chill down his spine and he glanced up from more busy work to study the nearby journal. His Draconequus counterpart wasn’t speaking to him at the moment. Eyes narrowing, he glanced over to the spell monitoring device that was designed to alert him to any problems at Canterlot High.

What he saw did not instill him with great pleasure.

“It was always dangerous allowing Lily to go back to the school while Adagio was still a threat.” A little voice whispered into his ear.

Discord sighed. “A necessary evil, one I am altogether not proud of.”

Screwball stepped into the room. “Is everything ok with Lily, daddy?”

Discord shook his head. “I’m afraid the temptress has met with our little Lily, Screwy.”

Screwball pulled a wicked-looking baseball bat out of nowhere. “I think Lucille's thirsty!”

Discord chuckled and snapped his fingers sending the bat away. “Oh, don’t you worry my dear. Once this particular problem is dealt with, young Miss Dazzle is going to learn not to meddle with my family.”

Screwball pouted. Then she clapped her hands together excitedly. The gleam in his eye and the tone of his voice proved that Discord was just as much the master manipulator he’d always been. Adagio Dazzle didn’t know what was in store for her in the slightest.