• Published 4th Nov 2016
  • 3,633 Views, 634 Comments

The NLAC Has To Deal With What?! - Odeinoichus

With summer fast approaching, there's bound to be plenty of clothes-free adventures for the NLAC. Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara continues to scheme against them with the help of her newest pawn, Scarlet Scribe. Will the club be able to survive?

  • ...

The Rich Family Has What?!

Chapter 13

The Milk family estate was a good three-hour drive out of Canterlot in a small suburb area that was less rural and more classic architecture. Dairy Milk and her family continued to live in an opulent home that was the size of a small palace or fortress. Much of it had been modernized, however it did pre-date the founding of modern culture.

The view from here was impossibly beautiful, though wasted on many of the denizens of the estate. Diamond, however, could still enjoy everything she could see. In the distance was the mountain of Canter; named for the ancient tribes of people who first came to this place and settled here. A large palace was visible amongst the perpetual ring of clouds that encircled the mountain.

Very few were aware of this castle. According to Rich family records it had once been known as Castrum Somnium. Translated into English; Castle of Dreams. Diamond Tiara had longed to visit it in her youth, but was told in no uncertain terms that such a trek was dangerous and forbidden.

Shifting in her sunning chair with her bikini on, she turned over and ignored the beautiful gaze with a shake of her head. She had far more pressing thoughts on her mind than old dreams and childish foolishness.

Dairy Milk emerged from the house in a long robe and strode over to the poolside. “Good afternoon, Diamond.”

“Good afternoon, Grandmother.” Diamond did her best to keep her tone cordial. It was not easy.

“Your mother has told me of some troubling things.”

Diamond clenched her teeth. “I can handle this, Grandmother.”

“Considering you shattered one of my antiques this morning while discussing something on the telephone, I hardly think so.” Dairy quirked her brow expectantly.

Diamond sighed. “I can assure you, grandmother, that I have this well under control. My personal minion shall ensure my goal is reached.”

Dairy smirked and removed her robe revealing a one-piece swimming suit that hugged every curve quite nicely. In spite of her advanced years, Dairy Milk still had a very fine figure and even occasionally dated.

Diamond did not want to think even remotely about that. “You aren’t going to ask what that goal is?”

Dairy shook her head. “I’m an old pro at this game, Diamond dear; forcing the issue will only result in more tight lipped non-committal remarks.” Sliding into the pool Dairy Milk floated contently on her back, basking in the sun’s rays.

Diamond knew the game well. Her grandmother wasn’t the only one. Unfortunately, Diamond was still young and had not mastered it fully. “It’s just a stupid after-school club issue, grandmother. The three girls I’ve spoken of before have started something that disrupts the school. Disrupts my plans for attaining control of the school. It’s just plain disruptive!”

Dairy frowned. “Then why not tell your mother?”

“Because I don’t need her help!” Diamond shrieked.

“What could this club involve that would be so all-consuming, my dear?” Dairy questioned delicately.

“Perverse, degenerate exhibitionism—” Diamond stopped herself as she realized she had been played.

Dairy shifted so she was treading water and shot Diamond Tiara a glare. “That sounds like something your mother would most definitely be interested in.”

Diamond shot to her feet and stomped on the hard cement around the pool. Ignoring the pain she tilted her shades down so she could direct her glare fully at her grandmother. “I refuse to go running to mother for help this time. I will use my skills. I will succeed in exposing this club to the Vice-Principal and then it shall be destroyed!”

Dairy cackled at the young girl’s outburst. “You certainly sound like a true Rich. You’ll go far, my dear. However, your outburst proves that you are not thinking this through properly.”

Diamond rolled her eyes. “I’m so sure.”

Dairy moved to the edge of the pool and pulled herself out. “Listen to someone who has been where you are, Diamond. I commend that fact that you’re trying to expose something you feel strongly against, but you are allowing emotion, rather than logic, guide your actions.

“Stop trying so hard to impress your mother by asserting your independence. Trust me; it won’t get you very far. She struggled with the same issues and still fails, at times, to see it when her plans fail to go as she expects.”

Diamond turned away from the wisdom of her grandmother. “They snatched up my best minion! They corrupted her! Now she works for them against me!”

“Ah, Silver Spoon I presume?”

Diamond spun back and stared in shock. “You know?”

Dairy laughed. “I know far more than you give me credit for. For example: I know that you convinced that young man you used to hang out with to pull a mean prank on your former friend. Miss Breeze. That her accident torments him now because of it. And that you prefer it that way so that you can keep him fully under control.”

Diamond’s fear-filled expression left little to question concerning the truth of these statements.

Dairy smirked and moved to sit down near Diamond. “It’s high time I tell you a very simple truth concerning the Rich and the Milk families. We pride ourselves on many things. Chief among them is our natural ability to manipulate and control those beneath us.

“We can trace our lineage through seventy generations, clear to the ancient advisors of the former Monarchy. Information has always been the coin of the realm, and while times have changed our family still remains in the thick of it”

“But, I don’t understand!” Diamond walked slowly back to sit down on her tanning chair.

“You’re still coming into your gifts. Learning who to trust. I’m sorry to say that Silver Spoon hurt you deeply.” Dairy Milk sighed. “She was the first one who actively betrayed you, wasn’t she?”

Diamond nodded with a soft gasp of breath. “I thought she would always work for me. Do whatever I wanted. She adored me and I used that perfectly to control her, just like mother does to father.”

Dairy laughed at that and it was a very cruel laugh indeed. “And that’s your problem. Trying to do the same thing as your mother. Silver Spoon adored you, but you failed to cultivate it properly. The reason why Filthy Rich obeys your mother is because she keeps his…” Dairy trailed off and abruptly started coughing. “Ah, that is to say, she keeps him on a very tight leash. Did you ever copulate with the Spoon girl?”

Diamond’s cheeks flushed angrily and she wrapped her arms across her chest in obvious disgust. “I-I never—”

“And that’s why Little Miss Spoon developed a backbone. You didn’t give her what she longed for: intimacy and affection.” Dairy smirked. “…or what she fooled herself into believing she wanted.”

“That sounds vile and cruel.”

“Never show such weakness again!” Dairy snapped angrily.

Diamond flinched at the sudden slap, and tried to ignore the sting in her cheek. “Grandmother?” she asked, mystified.

Dairy Milk rose to her full imposing height. “Diamond Tiara! We are the seekers of truth! The gatherers of knowledge. We ensure this world is exposed to the harsh truths some would attempt to hide. It is not cruelty which drives us, but the Goddess-given right to ensure everything remains as it is meant to!”

Diamond shook her head in disbelief. “Grandmother, you run a candy company!” she reminded.

Dairy shook her head in turn and sighed. “A front my dear. Legitimate business works so much better than organized crime for achieving personal wealth.”

“That’s… crazy!” Diamond flung her arms wide in frustration.

“It is, isn’t it?” Dairy smirked.

Diamond narrowed her gaze on her grandmother. “Are you trolling me, grandmother?” she asked.

Dairy’s smirk widened and she broke into a fit of giggles. “Now do you see how you’ve been sounding?”

Diamond slumped into her seat and shot her Grandmother an angry look. “Well played.”

“What’s so special about this club that you feel the need to expose it? You claimed it was perverse Why do you believe that?”

“I’m still not telling mother. But I will let you know, if you promise not to say anything,” Diamond requested.

“I swear, darling. Now tell nana Dairy everything.”

Diamond nodded. Leaning forward she began to explain everything that had been troubling her of late.

Filthy Rich grinned as he hung up the phone and leaned back with a satisfied smirk on his face.

“I take it from your expression that you succeeded.” Spoiled turned a page over in her work folder and continued to study the stories for next week’s release without glancing up.

“I just secured the land where Camp Everfree is situated. I can make a great deal of money from making that dismal little camp into a proper resort.” Filthy’s tone was smug.

Spoiled rolled her eyes. “If you say so. I wouldn’t trust anything if Deputy Mayor Scorpan told Discord to give you that information.”

Filthy tugged at his suit’s lapels and shot his wife a glare. “Don’t remind me. His source was legitimate though: Miss Gloriosa let the tax payments for land ownership fall too far in arrears. It was a simple matter to acquire the title deed through my usual dummy corporation. She had no idea who she was signing it over to.” Filthy grinned deviously at his final comment and leaned back further to prop his legs up on his desk.

“Filthy, you know I don’t like you tarnishing the furniture!” Spoiled snapped.

Filthy grumbled under his breath and put his feet back down.

“I don’t care if it is your desk, it is in my mother’s home and is worth more than that cheap suit you call designer fabric.” Spoiled flipped another page and glanced briefly over at her husband.

“This is not cheap!” Filthy snapped. “Young Miss Rarity is quite a talent. Miss Pommel swears by her. Once she’s agreed to the terms of that contract I’ll be in on another brilliant fashion designer’s little venture into the world of big business.”

“No doubt with your usual percentage cut.” Spoiled laughed at the expression on Filthy’s face. “Just be sure that’s all you want a piece of.”

Filthy recoiled in disgust. “I may have my dalliances, Spoiled dear, but even I wouldn’t dream of such a thing. She’s far too young and I learned long ago to never mix business with pleasure. I married you, didn’t I?”

Spoiled snarled from the jab at their less than ideal situation.

Filthy chuckled under his breath. “Seriously though, that was unlike you, my dear. Is something on your mind?”

“Diamond isn’t confiding in me yet.” Spoiled sighed. “I did go a bit out of line with that comment.”

Filthy shrugged. “At least you don’t have to apologize to the girl for saying it. She wasn’t here after all.”

Spoiled nodded. “Ordinarily, I wouldn’t have dreamed of accusing you of such thoughts. I fear this situation with Diamond on top of my continued attempts to unravel the secrets surrounding Mayor Tirek have put me off my game.”

Filthy rolled his eyes. “Your stubborn belief in some kind of hidden conspiracy at city hall is worse than some of the issues Diamond has.”

“There’s something!” Spoiled pronounced. “I know there is! I can’t put my finger on it, but… can you honestly tell me that you remember the last time we had any sort of election?”

Filthy sighed. “Two summers ago when they appointed you as Head of the School Board.”

“That’s different.” Spoiled waved her hand in dismissal. “There hasn’t been an honest election of Mayor or any other high ranking politician since as long as I’ve been in Canterlot.”

Filthy got to his feet and moved across the room. He placed his hands on Spoiled’s shoulders and gave them a brief squeeze. “If you say so, dear.”

Dairy suddenly entered the room completely in hysterics. She was laughing so hard her face was changing colour.

Filthy and Spoiled both eyed her uncertainly.

Diamond followed her in with an angry glare. “It’s not funny!”

“What in heaven’s name is going on now?” Spoiled questioned. “Mother, why are you laughing so hard?”

Dairy kept laughing loudly, unable to talk. “Did you ever explain about those little trips you and Filthy take every four years?” Dairy collapsed into a seat after asking her question, bursting into another round of laughter.

Filthy’s face flushed with slight embarrassment. “Those are none of her business!”

“Mother! Why would you bring that up, of all things?” Spoiled averted her gaze from Diamond’s sudden intrigued expression, her cheeks slightly red.

“Because your… ha, ha, ha, ha, ha… your daughter…. Ha, ha, ha, ha! Diamond thinks naturism is all about being an exhibitionist with some kind of perverse desire to subvert the lives of others around them!”

“I am not a naturist!” Spoiled denied vehemently. “It costs a pretty penny to attend those resorts. And it is purely to keep up proper appearances amongst the social elite.”

Diamond’s face paled in sudden shock. “You and daddy—” Gasping, Diamond turned and ran from the room.

“Also makes great stress relief.” Filthy’s expression glazed over with remembered visions of times spent attending Blueblood’s latest party.

“Mother!” Spoiled snapped. “Diamond has no reason to learn of what I and Filthy choose to do in order to maintain certain respective contacts outside of Canterlot.”

Dairy stopped laughing so hard and shot her daughter a shrewd look. “And I’m sure you don’t enjoy attending those little contact sessions,” she noted bemusedly.

Spoiled’s cheeks flushed. “I’m certainly not proud of it, mother!”

“I understand why you wouldn’t be, considering how the both of you were raised. Quite conservative as I recall, but then again I should know, I did most of the raising. No thanks to your good-for-nothing father.”

Spoiled sighed. “Whatever. That’s no reason to explain that to Diamond. What she must think of me.”

“Stop putting on airs!” Dairy got up and glared at her daughter. “You aren’t a prude in spite of appearances to the contrary.”

“Yes, but we weren’t going to explain to Diamond the benefits of keeping such an open mind when dealing with those in power.” Spoiled sighed.

Filthy nodded. “Yes, it can be rather difficult to understand what you have to deal with when you’re running a company. Let alone two of them. Attending Blueblood’s occasional nude soirées is the least offensive thing we have to put up with. Don’t even get me started on what Chrysalis is into.”

Dairy frowned briefly. “Funny you should mention her. Isn’t she the one heading your fashion corporation?”

“Let’s not get off topic!” Spoiled shot her husband and mother a glare. “Now why should you bring up this thing to Diamond now?”

Dairy pursed her lips thoughtfully a sour expression on her face. “I did promise not to tell you. Diamond has discovered naturist clubs through… outside sources, shall we say? And I’m afraid she’s of the misguided belief that such things are perverse and should be destroyed.”

“That depends on the club.” Filthy shook his head. “Personally, most of the ones I’ve attended have been rather tame. Blueblood isn’t as wild as some of my other business associates.”

Spoiled realized immediately how Diamond might have learned of such things and her eyes narrowed even as they flashed with sudden understanding. “I believe it is time for me to get involved with my daughter’s extracurricular activities.”

“What?” Filthy blinked in surprise. “Whatever do you mean, Spoiled dear?”

“Hush, Filthy!” Spoiled closed her file on the Mayor and rose to her feet, an intense gleam in her eyes. “Mother is going to work.”

Dairy shook her head. “Damn shrewd daughter of mine. This isn’t going to end well.”

“I still don’t understand, Dairy,” Filthy pointed out. “What won’t end well?”

“Don’t you have someone’s life to ruin, son-in-law?” Dairy demanded.

Grumbling, Filthy left the room with more questions than answers.

Discord stood at the base of Mount Canter with a smile as he took the opportunity to stretch. It wasn’t very often that he got to visit this particular mountain. The place stood a fair distance from Canterlot proper and it gave off an ominous appearance with the perpetual cloud coverage.

He was here for a purpose. One that was a necessary evil in the long run. It was time to report to her majesty. The reigning monarch of the Realm was most insistent on many things, chief amongst them the punctuality of these curious reports she tasked him with. As it was his duty to pass on what the Board of Regents had learned during their tenure, here he was, ready to do his noble part.

Pausing briefly he reached out and brushed a hand over his face to wipe away several age-lines creeping up.

Why so serious?”

Discord almost jumped at the familiar voice in his ear. “I do wish you wouldn’t do that, me.”

Where’s the fun in being predictable?”

"True.” Discord smiled. “Time to pay a visit to her majesty. Can’t play right now… I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m getting too old for this cloak and dagger stuff.”

This might cheer you up, then. Your little firecracker Spoiled Rich is about to lay the cards out on the table for her daughter.”

Discord blinked. “Hmmmm that does sound much more entertaining than a little climb up a mountain to an imposing mystical palace of mystery and world-building backstory. I wonder why we’re even in this particular setting?”

Probably to artificially drum up the word count. Or to break up the constant presence of the Rich family. You know, I ordinarily don’t mind those sorts of people or ponies - they can be such fun to mess with - but even I can only take so much of them before I feel the overwhelming urge to banish them to a different dimension for a few decades.”

“Spoiled is quite sharp. She’s already putting the pieces together about the Board of Regents. Might even earn her spot on it if she unlocks the truth.” Discord chuckled before he approached the strange staircase cut into the side of the mountain.

I think we’re getting far too off track. Ah well, I suppose we’ll just have to let them see Spoiled getting involved with the plotting now.”

Discord nodded as he began his climb. “Do keep me informed. Diamond Tiara is crucial to your little experiment after all.”

“Diamond Tiara!”

Diamond flinched and spun around quickly after wiping away the last remnants of the stray tears that had escaped. “Mother!”

Spoiled marched into Diamond’s room and took a seat on the edge of the bed. “Naturism is perfectly normal in the right social circles. There is nothing perverse or vile about those who practice it. Especially if they happen to be wealthier than you.”

“But mother!” Diamond flinched once more at the stony gaze her mother shot her.

“Be that as it may. It is certainly not an acceptable outlet for an after school club.”

“Grandmother promised not to tell!” Diamond stomped her foot angrily.

“Give your mother a little credit, Diamond.” Spoiled crossed her legs. “Now then. Start explaining.”

Diamond let out another sigh and once again explained everything.

Spoiled patiently listened to the entire semi-scandalous affair without offering comment, her mind was already hard at work. Her next meeting with Celestia and Discord would play out quite differently. At last she had the inklings of something that could force a change in the way things were done at Canterlot High.

“And that’s the whole story, mother.”

Spoiled rubbed the bridge of her nose and let out a disappointed groan. “The picture of a list being typed by Sweetie Belle does not prove the rumors circulating the school true.”

“I’m not an idiot, mother! I sent my best minion in to ascertain the truth from a subjective point of view and he confirmed the existence of a naturist club this morning over the telephone.”

“Mister Scribe isn’t stupid either. Do you understand the legal ramifications of what you propose?” Spoiled questioned.

Diamond nodded. “Of course; those three lesser class brats will be expelled. I’ll have the juiciest story of my entire school paper career, and the rest of the student body will be so humiliated they’ll be easy pickings once I assume the crown at this year’s Fall Formal.”

“Plus, your teacher will be fired and arrested. Your principal and vice-principal will be brought in front of the School Board for disciplinary action. I’ll be forced to get involved, and we’ll more than likely need to find replacement applicants for all three positions.” Spoiled let out another sigh as she leaned back slightly. “And that means bringing in even more people to help control the spread of gossip surrounding magic in Canterlot.”

“But mother.” Diamond pouted. “I need to do this.”

Spoiled frowned. “It means that much to you to destroy the morale of the entire student body?”

“Well if you put it like that.” Diamond shook her head. “Of course it does!”

Spoiled smiled and reached to stroke Diamond’s hair with genuine affection. “And Filthy doesn’t believe you’re worthy as an heir.”

“What?” Diamond blinked in surprise.

“Now then. If you’re going to do this you are going to do it properly. You will need sources. Proof. Everything. I’m not certain Scarlet Scribe alone will be up to the task at hand. Why not use that other girl you used to hang out with?” Spoiled suggested.

Diamond eyed her mother in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Lily Breeze of course. Mister Discord’s adopted Granddaughter.”

“Why would I need to use her?” Diamond demanded angrily.

“I should think it were obvious,” Spoiled grinned and rose to her feet. “They couldn’t stop her from bringing a camera in unobserved. You might even say it would be… permanently attached.”

Diamond blinked, slowly realizing the truth behind her mother’s suggestion. “Lily’s wheelchair! They can’t take that away from her, and if we had one of your spy cameras affixed to it…”

“We’d have all the proof you need to blow this story wide open.” Spoiled grinned.

Diamond rushed forward and embraced her mother. Seconds later she realized her mistake and rapidly moved away. “Thank you, mother. I should have remembered Lily, but I guess it was just too easy to dismiss her potential while I still had Silver Spoon around.”

“Yes. There is, however, still the matter of your grades.” Spoiled folded her arms over her chest.

“If I pass all of my exams will you drop that?” Diamond asked.

“I’ll think about it.”

Immensely happier now that she had a potential plan that could not fail, she rushed off to resume tanning.

Spoiled sighed and momentarily covered her face with her hand as she considered exactly what she was doing. She was essentially helping her daughter resolve a petty dispute against a trio of urchins intent on upsetting the delicate balance of things.

She would have to report this development to Mister Discord. He might not like it, considering how fond he was of Celestia and Luna; the fact remained, though, that a naturist club was definitely not permissible on school grounds. No exceptions.

She felt this particular problem was beneath her notice. Still, she wasn’t head of the biggest paper in Canterlot without reason. And as head of the School Board it was her sworn duty to ensure the safety of the school, the students and the faculty. Short of a parental petition, she didn’t see this ending well for anybody. But it was her duty.

“After this is over I must remember to sit down with Diamond Tiara and explain to her that naturism is perfectly healthy. In the right social circles, of course. Perhaps introducing her to Blueblood’s young son would help. Heaven knows they practice it openly enough.”

Spoiled left Diamond Tiara’s room, as she had some work to finish up downstairs. Then she’d have to find time to get her daughter one of the special cameras she used for the paper when hunting down scandals for exposés.

Discord frowned as he stood in front of the ancient drawbridge of the castle high atop Mount Canter. “That was a little anti-climactic.”

You’re the one who introduced them to Blueblood, after all."

“Poor Diamond Tiara. She’s probably looking at naturism as some sort of plague right now. Spreading far and wide and infecting her own family,” Discord chuckled.

Isn’t it though?”

Discord shook his head. “I hardly would call it that.”

Let’s look at the facts, other me: Sunset Shimmer came to your world. She actively practices naturism. Being a pony, this isn’t anything wrong to her. She discovers others who enjoy and practice it openly. Then, conveniently enough, young Sweetie Belle stumbles into it and introduces it to her friends. Then her friends introduce the notion of a club. And it takes off from there. Sounds rather infectious to me.”

“Is there a reason you’ve adopted the voice of the audience?” Discord asked his other self.

It’s chaos at its finest. What’s not to love about it?” Laughter filled the air.

Discord chuckled alongside the disembodied voice of the other Discord causing an echo to float down from the mountain top. “I suppose you have a valid point.”

“Discord, who are you talking to?” A young woman wearing a long cloak was standing suddenly outside the castle. She brushed a hand through her hair and glanced around as if expecting to find someone; the light glinted off of a six-sided earring shaped like a star on one side of her face.

Discord waved his hand dismissively. “Nobody important, Clover my dear.”

“Well, hurry up and stop dawdling. Her majesty wants a progress report on the status of things.” Clover turned around to face the now open drawbridge and marched swiftly into the castle.

Was that?”

“Yes.” Discord followed after the younger looking woman while he whispered aside to the presence of his other half.

Oh Princess Twilight would have a fit if she found out. May I push her along into this?”

Discord shook his head. “Not just yet. Save that for another time.” Vanishing into the castle Discord smirked as he adopted a frail and elderly guise once again, this time a long staff appearing in his hand as he stooped over and ventured past the few guards on sentry duty.

Far below the castle and some distance away from the base of the mountain Filthy Rich suddenly stormed into the study where Spoiled had resumed working on her stories.

“Canterlot High has a Club about What?” he demanded at the top of his lungs.

Discord, still observing the events playing out while his human counterpart did his thing, let out a long suffering sigh. “Couldn’t resist it, could you?”

Couldn’t resist what? Discord, you’re not making any sense.”

The Great and Powerful Trixie agrees.”

Discord let out a sigh. “Just keep enjoying the show, and pass the popcorn.”

That was Clover the Clever! And that’s Commander Hurricane, oh my goodness, that’s Princess Platinum! Discord, this world is beyond belief, you have got to explain it to me so I can share it with Twilight!”

No you don’t, Starlight, now sit down and stop interrupting, I’m trying to share this moment of ultimate triumph with all of you. And you’re making me regret sharing this little long-game the other me and myself have been working on since the Sirens lost their powers.”

Oh fine! But once we’re done with this silly ‘movie’ night you’re going to help me discuss this dimension with Princess Twilight!”

Discord sighed. “The things I do to unwind and spread of bit of harmless chaos around....”

Author's Note:

Apologies for the week-long delay. There were some technical difficulties on the editing side. We should be able to get the next chapter back to it's normal weekly release schedule.