• Published 30th Oct 2016
  • 1,065 Views, 14 Comments

Creatures of Deception - eggtosser

Changelings. When you hear that what do you think of? Mindless creatures who'll blindly follow their Queen? Evil and blood sucking parasites? What if you were wrong?

  • ...

Chapter 3 - Memories

The long and narrow caves digs deep through Earth's crust, pitch black accept for the dim light being created by the bio-luminescent creatures who've made this their home. These cave systems branch out into other tunnels that lead deeper into the ground. At the center of the cave system opens up into the large underground city, the home of the Chrysalis Hive.

Stalactites hang from the ceiling like traps waiting dormant for it to be triggered from unwanted guests. Large pillars of stone reach out from the ground to grab the ceiling, with carvings of depictions of changeling, names of historical events and important changelings of time. The walls are shaped into large cathedral like structures, housing royalty and guards who are trained within them. Houses, made of stone brick, are built on the surface next to the water reservoirs and the bridges that arch over them. All around, changelings flying through the air and walking the streets, the entire populace up and active whether to do work, protect the hive or raise the future generations of changelings.

I am within the crowd of the busy miners, excavating through the Earth, expanding the size of our home to house the ever increasing population of changelings. Even through the pitch black, our sight was not impaired to deny our duty to our hive. The dark abyss of a labyrinth is our home to us and only us, intruders be damned ff they set hoof into our hive.

I work with the miners along side next to my dad, my third time working within the mining sector while he shows me the roots until I can work on my own. It is strenuous labour but it is one of the many sacrifices we must make in the name of the hive, and it is up to me to play my role in that cause.

"Why are digging here? We've been here for a week," I ask tiredly, grunting with every swing of my pickaxe.

"I'm not sure. I just supervise the workers her, they don't really tell me anything but to carry on digging." He chuckles to himself while he swings his large pickax against the black stone.

We both pause as I notice a group of other miners running back from deeper within mine. "GET OUT!" They shout in alarm.

What are they talking about? All of a sudden, the Earth begins to rumble as the tunnel seems to roar violently.

"Run Silver. RUN!" He pushes me forward, forcing me to drop my pickax and gallop with him.

I begin sprinting with the rest of the miners with my dad following behind, panic setting in from my confusion and fear. A small glimpse behind me and my eyes widen, there, chasing after me, is a large wave of rubble and rock collapsing from the ceiling. Large boulders careening through the narrow strip of tunnel, smashing away the supports and equipment and consuming changelings too slow to outrun it. I force my legs to run fast, push beyond its limits as death chases after me. But it is no use, even at my fastest I am still too slow. I won't make it in time, there's no possible way.

I feel myself being enveloped in a tingly green glow, the weight on my hooves being lifted, being lifted just off the ground before being propelled forward out of the collapsing mine. My head collides head against the gravelly ground but my hard helm absorbs most of the impact which leaves me dazed.

A wave of dust and tiny stones rushes over me in a large cloud, painting me and everyling else in a grey coat of dust. This cloud doesn't get very far, and begins to form a thin layer on the surface, revealing the catastrophic event to the onlookers further away. Nearby changelings flew in to assist those who were lucky enough to escape, those who were unfortunate enough to be underneath a large boulder were extracted and carried away hastily to the close by medical center.

I let out a low groan as weakly push myself onto my haunches and the now damaged helmet slides off my head, splitting into two as it thuds against the small jutting rocks. My head hurts, I can feel it heavily pulsing underneath my skull like a hammer. A word enters my head.

"Dad?" I call in a low voice, shaking away my dizziness.

"Dad?" I call once more, waiting for the voice of my father to soothe my ringing ears.

The reply doesn't come. All I can hear are the sounds of countless wings buzzing in the air, the endless distressful and painful shouting. None of which were my dad's voice.

"Dad," my hooves pushes me onto all four against the dizzying forces now acting onto my nimble legs. "Dad," I spin around, searching the crowds of changelings for that one face to appear and tell me he's alright. "Dad!" Panic begins to set in. "Dad!"


I shoot upwards with cold sweat, my eyes darting between each corner of the room in urgency. A bedside table, a wardrobe, a desk. I'm in Ponyville, it's just another nightmare. Sighing heavily, I remove the duvet covers from around me, sliding off the bed and dragging myself to the small window. Unlocking the silver latches, I lift open the stiff window which lets the cool air of night flood into the bedroom.

Leaning against the cracked window frame, I watch the calm town from above, bathed in the soft limelight of the moon descending from behind the horizon to make room for the ever expanding orange glow of the sun. Already, the birds are awake for the day. It's so peaceful and quiet. I don't think I've ever felt such tranquility in my life, to see the sun and moon like this is a gift.

"This is what we're missing," I mumble to myself. "Why do we even still live in those forsaken tunnels?"

Taking one last look at the sleeping village, I silently sneak out of my room while taking great care not to wake up Tremor in the other room. I open the front door, and into the night I begin to travel aimlessly through the town. Even during the struggles of war, one can still take the time to cherish beauty. But with the light of dawn ever so slowly approaching, I don't dare avert back to my normal form in case somepony is already awake and out.

The cool air has a sedative affect on me, relaxing me as my conscious recovers after re-living my past once again during my sleep. I find comfort within the silence of the sleeping village, warding off my anxiety and stress brought on by my troubled nymphhood. The water that had condensate over night seeps into my hooves, making them cold and slightly damp with each step.

I find a small gazebo sitting next to a water fountain, sending out gentle streams of water up into the air before landing into the bowl that is feeding it, near a much taller building like a tower. I sit down inside and and let my head rest against one of the wooden supports, letting my eyes gaze randomly as I'm lost in thought. I still remember the day my dad died and the days that came after, fresh in my head like it was just yesterday. I didn't want to believe it but I knew he was gone, and no prayer or wish will bring him back no matter how hard I try. I let out a solemn sigh, closing my eyes. It still hurts, even when I tell myself I need to move on, a part of me refuses to let go.

"Hey, you okay?"

I jump in surprise; turning my head I catch sight of Tremor standing just outside of the gazebo. "W-what are you doing?"

"I saw you leave, so I followed you to make sure you were alright."

"But I thought you-."

"Nope, I usually wake up this early."

I turn away from, letting out a small huff in response as I curled up tightly on my seat. Tremor enters slowly into the gazebo, sitting close to me while having the right mind to not disturb me as I sulk. "It's kind of creepy that you followed me through town," I mutter underneath my breath

"I wouldn't go as far to say that it's creepy, just concerned about your health and safety," he responds softly. "Speaking about health and safety, how's your hoof?"

Why is Tremor so concerned for me? Is it because I am, technically speaking, his patient, thus I'm his responsibility I heal correctly. He has done all of this for me, yet asks so little in return. His kindness eludes me. Why can't there be more ponies or changelings like him?

"My hoof is fine, it doesn't hurt as much as before," the elixirs which Tremor provided me have proven more to be more effective than I thought. The pain has subsided almost completely, save for a really dull ache, and I can now move my injured limb, barely. It's still very stiff and causes a lot of discomfort.

He smiles and nods. We stay silent, letting the calmness of the early morning take over as my thoughts once again brushes over the subject of the passing of my dad. Shaking my head, I divert my thinking processes someplace else. I like it out here in Ponyville. It's so peaceful and filled with love, miles away from the industrial cities. What if I move here? After it is all over, to finally detach myself from the hive to finally live free from those caves. But what about those I'll behind in the process? I don't want to abandon my friends, not like that, not after all that we've been through after travelling through hell and back.

"Have you met Pinkie Pie yet?" He asks out of the blue.

"The Pink One?" That pony is strange, she seems to lack any and all restraints, and is... impossible for lack of a better word. Although, I'll re-evaluate my opinion on her once I get a real chance to observe the mare's behaviour from slightly further than a safe distance away.

"Yeah, just a warning, she might have something planned."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll have to find out." He says, chuckling ominously to himself.

Well that doesn't sounds suspicious. I'm not sure whether I should be worried or not. Wait, I swear The Pink One mentioned something about a party somewhere during her rush of a speech, could that be what he is talking about? I've never been to a party before, but I don't know if I should go or not. Well, maybe I should. I'm probably going to end up staying here longer than I plan for, so it is best if I make a good impression to the inhabitants of this town.

We stay like this together quietly for much longer, admiring the rising sun as it starts to peek over the distant mountains. It's so beautiful, it is as if the sky is exploding into hundreds of shades of orange as it shines its warm, brilliant and lifting rays of light down onto the Earth. The last of the surviving stars in the sky extinguish to the deep blue ocean.

Slowly, the residences of Ponyville finally wake from their slumber, filling the streets as market vendors and store owners open their shops. The silence is broken by friendly chatter, that it is at acceptable volume which doesn't overload my ears. I stretch out my legs, taking note the lack of pain in my right hoof. I also may have to thank that zebra as well, even if that potion wasn't made directly for me, it is their extremely skilled art of potion brewing which is healing me. I thank Tremor for staying with me and I start to make my way back to his house, although he seems insistent with coming with me as my leg has yet to fully heal.

When we arrive back, he makes a small breakfast of hay bacon and beans. After that finishing off my plate, he leaves for work and will be returning back in the afternoon. So leaving me by myself and with nothing to do, I choose to scan every corner of Ponyville, creating a mental map of every road, back alley way, hiding spots and vantage points I can find in the event that Chrysalis's guards come looking for me here. Though it isn't likely for them to wander in like me, knowing the dangers that follow, it doesn't mean that they will not try in a desperate attempt to eliminate me from the equation.

By the time I return from my gallivant, Tremor is already at home relaxing in the living room. It seems like I've been out for longer that I thought. As I approach him, he jumps up to attention, startled from my unseen and unexpected presence.

"Hey, there's something I want to show in Sugar Cube Corner," he says excitedly, fighting the bounce in his hooves.

Tremor is oddly more overly happy than usually, making me question what he has plan. "Sure." I answer while giving a strange look.

I follow him out of the house, walking a pace just slightly slower than his. I can't help but notice, but why does the town feel empty all of a sudden?

Author's Note:

Well, this took a while. I'm not entirely sure about this chapter, but don't worry it'll get better from here. Just a bit of backstory here for this changeling and know you know her real name. YAY!

-King of Eggs

P.S I just wanted to write P.S

P.S.S If you find any errors please tell me :P