• Published 30th Oct 2016
  • 1,065 Views, 14 Comments

Creatures of Deception - eggtosser

Changelings. When you hear that what do you think of? Mindless creatures who'll blindly follow their Queen? Evil and blood sucking parasites? What if you were wrong?

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Chapter 10 - Devious Turquoise

With the day starting to slowly turn to dusk, the sun begins to make its slow descent from the sky that paints the sky and the clouds in a gleaming, bright orange tint. The ponies of Ponyville are already making their ways back home for the preparation of night or closing up their shops as another long day of many pass. The ending of today is soothing and serene one, almost as if this is a surrealistic painting than reality. In a way, the sky is a painting, a canvas that is shared by both the Princess' to express themselves. Maybe it is why we associate the sky with emotions, because it is built upon them.

Tremor, who's walking next to me at a steady pace, has finally attained some sense of speed and is now calmly next to me on the way home. Zecora isn't with us, leaving our small group to return back to her tree house. She warned us not to return to the Everfree for now, fearing that it may place us in danger and interfere with whatever she is doing.

As Tremor and I silently make our way back to his home, my mind keeps going back to what Fritter told me in the Everfree Forest not too long ago. It is comforting to know that he and everyone else is safe. I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that my family is in trouble, but now I have no reason to fear. It may not mean that they are safe for good, but it does mean they are surviving through current conflicts.

I have a strange feeling we're going to with the rebellion, with all that is happening I will not be surprised. However, Chrysalis is a tough opponent and it will not be easy to eliminate her or her army she posses, but we as well have strong soldiers. I can only hope at this point that I can make it back before the fighting ends.

We arrive at out destination, finally able to let myself relax as I enter the household after, what can be classified as, a strange day. He flips a switch besides the door frame, igniting the lamps that start to glow in the hallway and surrounding rooms until all is brightly lit. Even the dust particles are now visible as they float and interweave within the air, swirling and dancing with each other. The door swings shut and the locks move into place, securing us from the outside.

Like all the other times, we both retire into the living room, Tremor lighting the fireplace that warms the air from the crackling fire while I make myself comfortable on the couch, Tremor sitting on the arm chair opposite. I don't know why but this feels different than before, there isn't a word to describe it other than 'it just is'. I can feel myself fidgeting and shifting in my place, which is unusual of me given how I'm always in control of myself. Luckily the pony in front of me doesn't seem to take any notice.

Overtime, I start to relax until I can finally hold myself still. Tremor, surprisingly, hasn't spoken a single word since we got here. By now he would've begun to strike a conversation or mock the day's events, but instead chooses to remain silent and stare at the fireplace.

"I really want to see a shiftler guys, they sound really cool but we haven't been able to find one yet," Tremor whines, making me jump slightly.

"Why's that? I thought we were trying to get rid of them," I ask.

"I guess we are, but they don't seem that bad to be honest. And plus, it isn't everyday you are sent to go investigate about shape shifting creatures, a once in a life time opportunity," he says with a hint of excitement.

"I guess it isn't," I mumble faintly, only just able to hear me.

"You okay? you've been a lot more quiet earlier than usual," Tremor asks worriedly.

"I guess I'm not feeling too well, all this is getting to me," sighing, I sit back against the couch as I let my eyes drift shut.

I mumble incomprehensible sounds to myself, not caring for what it means or what it can mean. I don't know what I'm doing but I just feel comfortable all of a sudden for some odd reason, and it seems like there isn't much I can do to make myself fee better. Quietly groaning annoyingly to myself, I let myself sit upright, sliding a hoof down the middle of my face as I drag my eyes open irritably.

"Hey, I have an idea. The sun's still out so why not go for walk a bit, you're obviously stressed out and it works to be outside," he suggests, already getting up as if knowing what I'm going to say next.

Without any objection, I silently agree with Tremor who is starting to drown the fire with a toss of a small jug of water found next to fireplace. I exit out of the front door into the cool air. The sun is closing the gap between itself and the horizon, casting long black shadows across the ground from the houses. The door shuts behind me and Tremor walks to my side, packing his keys away despite carrying nothing to store it away. It is a trait that ponies have which I don't apparently.

We take off into a random direction at a slow canter, although in reality I am merely just following Tremor through the lifeless and silent roads. Quickly, the houses disappear to make way for single stretch of dirt road that leads to a large pink building at the edge of Ponyville. Equipped at the front is a small playground. It is probably a school house considering it is the closest thing they have here which resembles an actual school of some sorts.

We pass it, continuing down the dirt path which ends at a much larger playground, this one fenced off with multi-coloured wooden fence, consisting of: many pairs of swings, seesaw, multiple climbing frames and circular spinning things on top of a smooth bark covered ground. I start to question why we're here at a children's playground, but I stop myself as Tremor casually waltzers in. I hesitate but eventually following him in as my legs take me instinctively to the swings, the only thing I care for in a park. The chains holding the black plastic seat is makes me shiver is the cold metal rubs against my sides, but I disregard. Tremor takes his place on vacant swing next to mine.

I let myself gently rock myself, using my legs just to give myself a soft push as I lean against one of the chains. This is nice, being outside in the silent and peaceful ambiance. Even though if I'd usually be alone, Tremor's presence isn't unwanted. To be honest, I prefer him being here with me instead of being out here alone.

"Feeling better?" he asks looking at me.

"Y-yeah," I reply quietly. "Thank you."

"Huh, for what? I didn't even do anything," Tremor comments confusingly.

"For everything, ever since I got here. You've helped me a lot so I think you at least deserve a thanks," I state warmly, looking up to him with sincere eyes.

He blushes, giving a big smile of appreciation. "No problem. Although, I guess I have to thank you as well. I quite enjoy having you around, your nice to talk to and have as company. After Cloudsdale most my friends I lost contact with and it was quite lonely, and after you came I started to become, unlonely again and interesting? So thank you for coming."

I can feel my face start to warm up unexpectedly. I turn away, hiding my flushed face from sight, but even as I do that I can feel my eyes being drawn back to Tremor like some sort of magnet. It takes me almost all of my will power to draw my attention else where, preferably the ground. My entire face just keeps getting warmer the more I try to force myself not to stare.

What is this? I need pull myself together, need to regain control.

"Oh boy, I forgot I have work tomorrow. I need to go, you coming or are you stay?" Tremor asks while jumping off his swings, panic leaking ever so slightly into his voice.

"I'll stay for a bit," I reply slowly. I'm going to need these few moments by myself.

"Whatever you say, I bid you farewell until the next time we meet," he says gleefully before flying off, each pump of his wings becoming fainter and fainter before silencing.

I let of a groan as I dig my head into my hooves out of annoyance with myself. What is happening with me? Never before has this occurred so why is it now? Is it because I did something? It makes no sense, it's indescribable sensation which is nothing like anything I've felt before whether it is through feeding from somepony or experiencing it myself. I just don't know what to make of it.

The internal quarrel I'm having with myself is failing to get me anywhere for an answer, but somehow it is only making myself feel worse as I start to get more confuse with myself.

It probably is nothing, a passing reaction that'll go away by itself over time. But even trying to think of a conclusion isn't getting me anywhere either, it, for some reason, doesn't feel right, as if I am rejecting my own lie. It sort of ironic now that I think about it. A changeling, who is built upon lies, is failing on lying to themselves. Maybe I'll come to terms with whatever it is, but for now I just wish for a clear head before I turn myself into a soup.

As I'm about to close my eyes delve away from my internal conflicts, a silent high pitched screech comes from behind me. Twisting around, I find that it is only Lyra who is walking pass the gate towards me with a sincere smile on her face as she sees I acknowledge her presence. She takes her place on the same swing Tremor once occupied.

"So, how is he?" she questions with strange enthusiastic curiosity.

"What do you mean?" I reply, dreading where she is taking this conversation.

"Well, I'm just asking that is all. Do you think he is nice?" Lyra leans in, awaiting my answer.

I stare at her questioningly, slightly put off by her eager personality. I shake my head clear, deciding to play along with whatever game she is trying to play in hopes I gain some understanding about her sudden interest in me. Seriously, we only met a few hours ago and she is already all over me. Okay, that might be an over-exaggeration, however it certainly feels like that given the way she acts and interacts with me.

"Well, I do admit he is quite nice. I do enjoy spending time with him whenever we do choose to sit around. He's fun and he sort of reminds me of my younger self," slowly I can feel a smile raise the more I speak, but I don't know why.

"It sounds like you two are really good friends?" she asks, craning in even further and grinning like a devious foal.

"Yeah, we're very good friends."

"Have you maybe been thinking about taking it to the next level?"

Next level? What does she mean by that? I don't remember relations being measured in levels when I was in training. Actually from what I cam remember back in relation classes, ponies' relationships go in stages. First it starts off as simply being acquaintances, but then if they're good to each other then they'll eventually become friends then eventually very close friends. Finally, if the two ponies are extremely close, then they may then choose to go into a romantic relationship...

WAIT WHAT! "No, no no! There's no way that I can do that!" I frantically deny while trying to keep myself from falling off the jangling swings. "It wouldn't even be possible," because he's a pony and I'm a changeling.

"Hey, I'm just saying, you two look cute together," she smirks, winking deviously before hopping off making her exit as everything is starting to be come visibly darker quickly. "Anyways, I'm gonna go. Try not to have too much fun!"

I'm about to shout out a retort, however I quickly stop myself. She is only trying to provoke me into responding. The turquoise mare quickly moves out of sight, leaving me, once again, alone with the quickly darkening sky. Sighing, I follow Lyra's example and I, as well, remove myself from my spot and begin returning back home.

A full on relationship with Tremor? It wouldn't even work, given how different our species are and how we survive, something as daring as that would be seen as suicidal than anything else. It doesn't mean changelings can't feel love, we can feel it. But we can't create the love energy we need to survive unlike ponies, that is why we can't live off a love between two changelings.

However, a romantic relationship doesn't seem all that bad. Even though though logic side of me is screaming that something like that is stupid, another side is arguing to risk it all... What am I even saying, it is a suicidal and worthless endeavour. And plus, I'll be endangering myself and every other changeling. I groan out loud, lightly smacking myself on the head.

"I need to get some sleep," at least sleep is something both my mind and my body can agree on. This has been a hectic day for me, I really do need some rest.


Closing the front door behind me, I trudge upstairs into my small little room. As soon as enter my room, my body collapses onto the thin bed and I let out a sigh of relief as now my body can finally relax. The sun has fully descended from the sky and everything is pitch black accept for the faint light creeping in through the window. My hoof unconsciously stretches out from my exhausted body to the handle of the window I never never knew existed and, just managing to reach it, I twist it and lightly push it open. Instantly, I can feel the room cool, the outside air rushing in like an opened valved.

The door to my room slowly opens then Tremor creeps in. I look at him, which he takes as an invitation to come in with a mug in balancing on his back with the support of his wings. He gingerly places the mug on the small bedside table before sitting down on the edge of the other end of the bed.

"You feeling better?"

I hum in response into the pillow, too tired to provide a proper reply or even turn my head to give a proper reply.

"Do you want to have lunch together again? Because, you know, the last we had was interrupted like everything else I try to do," he chuckles to himself.

I look to him, just able to see his flushed faced which he thinks is disguised in the darkness. I smile faintly, "sure."

He beams at me, showing off his teeth as if it is a something to be proud of. Tremor whispers something but it is too inaudible to make out. Sitting up, I grab the mug in between my hooves. I lift it to my lips and I down the contents into my throat, letting the cool water slide down my throat which makes my body shudder in reply.

As the last drop disappears, I pass the now empty mug to Tremor. He wishes me goodnight before leaving me to rest, closing the door before moving downstairs. Quickly, my body starts to relax once more and I doze off into sleep.

Author's Note:

This one took quite a bit to come out. I'm not entirely sure what to think about this, not sure how good I am taking this but I hope it's alright. The next chapter may not come out in a bit as I am working on something else. So yeah, if you see mistakes feel free to comment them down below. Anyways, enjoy life.

- King of Eggs

P.S. I am also trying this thing called, planning which is something I've never done before. So far it is working well.