• Published 30th Oct 2016
  • 1,065 Views, 14 Comments

Creatures of Deception - eggtosser

Changelings. When you hear that what do you think of? Mindless creatures who'll blindly follow their Queen? Evil and blood sucking parasites? What if you were wrong?

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Chapter 6 - The Everfree Conundrum

"So let me this straight, the reason that everything has gone quiet is because there is an 'unnatural' pheromone which is pushing away all the animals from this particular area of the Everyfree?" By the way Tremor is describing the situation at hoof, it definitely sounds suspicious, but I already have an idea of what's going on. "Seems legit."

"So far these changes have had a massive affect, but for why it is happening I'm still yet to connect. Whatever is causing this is not from here, therefore make sure to keep a close ear," Zecora replies, standing up to peer out a small window next a shelf filled with books. "I have an idea of what's occuring, one of which needs refering" She begins.

Zecora looks to the shelf and grabs a large, black book within her teeth. She takes it and drops it between Tremor and I with a loud bang, shaking the table that almost knocks off my empty bowl that is hanging just slightly off the edge. The cover of the strange book has a drawn symbol on it that shows little to no resemblance to those I've read in books, however the style instantly screams Zebra. Zecora quickly flips through the pages of the oversized book, showing early signs of ageing by the yellowing of the paper, as she mutters incomprehensible words underneath her breath.

She finally stops on a marked page before running the tip of her hoof over the line of symbols that is contained on said page, still muttering to herself as she reads through it. The words on the page intrigues me, even if I can't understand it. Zebra writing isn't that common outside of Zebrica, and even in the Chrysalis Hive there's only a couple of pages of zebra scriptures locked in the Royal Vault. This is the first time I've ever seen of zebra handwriting, and it's magnificent.

I take notice of the crudely drawn diagrams on the page, using them to at least give me a basic idea of what the topic could be. Unfortunately, there isn't enough to go on from the crude sketches of plants and animals. Zecora's hoof leaps over to the next page, skimming though small boxes of text around a large image. My breath hitches as the back of my throat runs dry, my composure almost faltering completely. It's impossible, there's no way she or any other zebra would be able possess this, it should've been destroyed! Yet, here it is staring directly at me.

An almost perfect portrait of a changeling.

"What you and I call them may differ, but to the zebra's they are known as Shiftlers. Beings with the ability to change form, a dangerous creature when it is to perform. They have't been seen in many years, but may be living among your peers. But though it isn't confirmed, we must be on a look out to be reaffirmed." She finishes to carry on reading through the literally symbolic text, but it doesn't matter anyway.

She continues to explain what she knows about them, what the book says, and the story behind the 'shiftlers'. If there is one thing I'm grateful for, most of the information they've acquired is false accept for the most obvious of truths. What we eat, where we live, what we do, it's all fabricated lies. But whatever the case, the full portrait of the changeling is disconcerting. It must be destroyed.

An uncomfortable silence rings through the house as Zecora finishes up and pours us and herself a cup of water. Looking at Tremor, I feel his emotions are neutral. He doesn't seemed concerned at all in light of this 'possible lead', but I can see the gears within his head whirring away, no doubt still processing all that had been given to him. Zecora, on the other hoof, is completely calm as she sips quietly at her water. Her eyes trace over me, and a small feeling of distrust emanates from her for a split second before vanishing. I give her an odd look, but she ignores it, closing her eyes as she drinks the rest of her water.

"Wait, so even if they do exist, how the hell are we supposed to catch one?" Tremor asks, finally coming back to senses.

"No other creature can produce such substance, but searching for them will still prove a nuisance." Zecora shakes her head with a sigh.

She's got one thing right, finding a changeling won't be easy, and she has one right under her muzzle without realising. I'd almost call it comical if it isn't for the fact my presence here is causing the others to stir up such a commotion. But for a hive such as Queen Chrysalis', while she has number, she doesn't have the best when it comes to most things outside harvesting and pretending to guard. If they continue this up, I don't see our secrecy lasting for much longer,

"So, what do you want us to do." Tremor questions as he stands up from his stool.

"We must, until the time is right, wait, I do not know yet when they'll appear at this rate." The zebra replies, closing her colossus book of (probably) creatures. "It is best for you two to go, only until I call is when we'll know."


Tremor and I make a safe trek back to Ponyville safely, though it didn't stop me from feeling somewhat paranoid. Despite what seems to be normalcy, a voice in the back of mind tells me otherwise. There is a likely chance that they're watching me right now, masking themselves so I can't sense them, tracking my every movement with close tabs. At least once we get to Ponyville those eyes will retreat for some time.

With a sea of unanswered questions and too much going happening one after another, it is almost impossible for me to focus anymore. The situation is escalating to absurdity at a rate I can't imagine. Whether this is Chrysalis becoming more daring and desperate, or someling in higher command is giving out unauthorised commands, it needs to stop before someling does something they'll regret. I'm letting this stress get to me again; I can feel it shaking my insides like a fearful, quivering nymph.

Entering Tremor's house, I immediately climb my way to the guest bedroom, jumping onto the bed and digging my head into the pillow in cry of frustration. I flip, letting my eyes wander onto the dull ceiling as my mind tries to comprehend and make some sense from the chaos and turmoil coursing through my head like a symphony of disharmony. They shouldn't be doing this, not like this, it's way out of line, it just doesn't make sense.

Sighing, I switch back to my changeling form in a flash of green flames that lights up the room in a ghostly green glow. Tremor isn't home because he apparently he needed to deal with unsaid business so it's safe to be in my natural form, although I will have to avert back once he arrives of course. I can't risk compromising myself. As much as I like looking and feeling like as pony, it feels nice to, every once in a while, embrace my changeling heritage. Though the feeling of my chitin and carapace against a soft surface like a mattress is rather uncomfortable, it is almost like I am breathing fresh air when I am changeling once more. It is who I am. I am Silver, the daughter to Bedrock Breaker and a soldier of the rebellion.

I spend many long moments on the bed doing nothing, not even thinking anymore, just letting my eyes gaze around the bland room that has managed to attract my wavering attention. My brain, now too tired to even think, feels like I'm listening to a professor teaching a physics class on the Braggs Equation or whatever you call it. Oh how I love the luxury to just age my character to bypass school altogether. It don't need to know about numbers, as long as I have a good memory I'll be surviving better.

What if though? I can stay here as Sharp Point, a permanent resident in Ponyville who's temporary shelter is with Tremor. That isn't bad, maybe it can be a fresh start for me and-. Arhg! No, don't you dare start thinking about it! I sound like a coward. I am not a coward. But then what am I doing? Hiding? Isn't that what it means to be a coward? To avoid the main conflict when I can be fighting in it. It's not like I can leave to join the fight, it will be a death trap. To even enter the hive will be suicide, there's no doubt Queen Chrysalis is homing down on anything out of line. I'm waiting, that's what I'm doing. I'm being smart, letting the air cool down before I make a silent yet swift return. But when will that right time be? Will I overdue my return so much that it will classify me as a coward? Will I even not want to fight anymore so I can just live here happily? No! What am I even saying! I can't stay here, at least not forever. I'm still a changeling, a liability, a-

The raging war snaps at an instant to the sound of Tremor's front door. Finally realising my surroundings, the room is much darker than when I first came in here, and after looking outside, I can see the sun is only just beginning to set beyond the rolling hills. The sky showing off its many hues of orange and blue as little white dots start appearing in the darkening sky, signalling the approaching night and moon. I don't think of many things as beautiful, but this has to be one of them. Not allowing myself to be too memorised, I switch back to Sharp Point.

Sighing, I roll off my bed and start making my way downstairs to see Tremor. As I enter the kitchen, I see him unpacking what looks like food items from a plastic bag and placing them into their respective container. He doesn't notice me at first so I clear my throat to get his attention.

"Oh hi. I'm making spaghetti hay bolognaise, hope it's okay, there isn't that much apart from that." He says.

"It's okay I guess." I reply weakly. I don't even feel the energy anymore, I just want today to be over.

He doesn't even seem to pick up from my voice as he continues to doing what he was.

Maybe a nice walk will do? Yeah, I'd like that. So leaving him to his business, I exit Tremor's home and I begin trotting down a random direction, following the road to where ever it may lead. I find the area is awfully too familiar to me, before turning a corner to see the town's local gingerbread house: Sugar Cube Cor-


"AHH!" I launch backwards, but I calm once I realise it is only Pinkie Pie.

"Is that how you greet ponies? AHH! to you to. Sorry, Sugar Cube Corner is closed for the night, however I always bring with me a batch of cookies just in case! You never know!" She says excitedly, bouncing up and down while presenting a tray of cookies that seems to have materialised from nothing.

Even though I don't feel hungry, those cookies look good, I take one and slowly munch on it. "Thank you." I tell her. Though that mare is extremely weird, especially for a element of harmony, I have to admit that she isn't bad. The embodiment of happiness. And out of all the six, I'd say she's the most comfortable to be around even despite the fact that almost giving me a hear attack, or actually will give me one in the very near future.

"You look down, I don't like down. I always make sure ponies are up, why are you down, down is bad?" As I said, a bit out of the blue with her wording.

"Complications I guess, can't really talk about it." I reply flatly.

"You can tell me, talking makes ponies feel better." Is it just me or does she look visibly down?

"I can't." I can't say anything to her.

"Pretty please."




"Please, please, please!"

"No Pinkie."

"Why not?"

"Because I can't, okay!" I shout, unable to hold back my irritation any longer towards the mare.

Pinkie Pie gasps and her face falls, her mane literally deflating so it is hanging from her head limply instead of its cotton candy... thing. Tears begin to well in the corners of her eyes, threatening to unleash wild throws of sobs. "I only want to help you though, isn't that what friends do?" She whimpers dejectedly.

"You think of me as your friend?" She considers me as her friends even though we barely know each other?

"Of course, I'm friends with everypony in this town, and you are a part of that everypony." She replies.

"But, you barely know me."

"The better the reason to get to know you I suppose," her voice sounds so sad, the mare once full of happiness now sunken into despair.

"I'm sorry," I tell her softly.

She looks up to face me with large, watery eyes; her emotions stink with depression and guilt. " I know," she says before turning and walking away to Sugar Cube Corner with her head hanging low.

I watch her walk the rest of the way. Not even bothering to look, she enters inside.

She is annoyingly pushy on the subject of my own personal feelings and I don't like that, but I know she is like that because she wants to help me. She feels genuine concern seeing me like this, and the selflessness of her personality won't allow it. I can see why she is laughter, because she is here to make everyone happy no matter what. But not me though, I've lost almost everything, and I might even lose my own life by the end of it all. I don't want to go back, but there are changelings back in the hive who need me. It's my duty.

Sighing, I look to the stars. With all that I have so far, I must wait for the time where my orders will come and I will return back to the war. But if there's one thing I need to do first, it's that I need to kick these changelings out of here, but it's easier said than done. I can't find them on my own, I don't know this forests. But I know a pony and a zebra who can...

I need Zecora's and Tremor's help won't I?

This won't end well.

Author's Note:

So another chapter... I wasn't even planning of writing this but I managed to. Somehow. There isn't much going on here I think, I don't even know exactly what I'm writing :P Happens a lot. There won't be a chapter next week because I need to be studying for my tests coming this Monday all the to Friday. I will try to get something done, but it won't be much.

If you can see places for improvements or areas need correcting, don't be afraid to comment. Don't worry, I don't bite. Remember, those who want to hate my works will not be tolerated if you can't do it properly. So if you to hate on me, make sure that it is comprehensible. I wander how many other authors actually tell haters to actually try to hate instead of just out right kicking them out. Man it feels great to be different. Well I'm hungry.

Anyways, enjoy life.

- King of Eggs

P.S. There maybe stuff next chapter. What do I mean by stuff, i mean words.