• Published 30th Oct 2016
  • 1,065 Views, 14 Comments

Creatures of Deception - eggtosser

Changelings. When you hear that what do you think of? Mindless creatures who'll blindly follow their Queen? Evil and blood sucking parasites? What if you were wrong?

  • ...

Chapter 7 - Planning ahead

The next morning I find myself roaming the streets of Ponyville, without purpose accept for just wanting to wander instead of locking myself in an empty house. Okay, maybe my trip isn't all that purposeless; I managed to get a directions from a pony named Carrot Top who told me where the local library is. Given the current circumstances, it'll be useless to even try search for those changelings, assuming they are still here of course, which is probably most likely. I don't know how, but I think Zecora will somehow pull through on the dangerous mission she now embarks on. She knows the Everfree more than I do, and it'd be suicidal of me to think I'll survive there.

While traversing through the streets, I've been keeping a close eye on everypony within the town in case of any suspicious activity. Whether it is a good thing or not, I haven't been able to detect any changelings or even changeling magic residue which is making me believe that they're been watching from afar, or are avoiding touching down on the pony's turf all together. When changeling use their magic, like all magic users, invisible magical residue is left behind that is almost undetectable. However, we can only detect such thing if it is of changeling origin; it will slip completely undetectable if a unicorn pony were to complete a spell. That being said, it looks as if this town has been untouched by them. At least I'm not going to be running into any traps in this case, which I am willing to accept.

The library is meant to be near, on the right of the sweet shop I've just passed if my memory is working. Turning right, into a large open road that continues to leader deeper into ponyville, I continue moving as ponyvillians greet me with their hearty smiles and massive grins. At the end of the road, it opens into a small area that has a single large tree in the center. But this isn't any tree though, like Zecora's, it looks to have been hollowed out and transformed into a residents place. If it weren't for the fact that there was a sign outside of that read 'Golden Oak Library', I would've ignored. I do remember seeing this on the first day I came here, now that I think about it, but I didn't even realize that it was a library until now.

Without anything else to hinder my progression, I make my way to the tree library, letting myself in as soon as I reach the front door. Upon entry, I am instantly bombarded by the unexpected contrast of colours. The whole interior is a blinding shade of pink, depressions in the wall acting like bookshelves to store the many multi-coloured books of all sizes. The center of the library holds a circular pink table that has a large, wooden, and sculpted head of what I can only assume is windigo. A staircase near the back leading upwards into the second floor, which I assume leads to more of the same thing. Apart from that, the remaining space is left unfilled, leaving a lot of open space that can allow a changeling to fly with ease. Strangely there seems to be no librarian to look oversee those who may visit, maybe they went out and will back soon or are busy. With that conclusion, I begin skimming through the selections of literature. Though this may prove difficulty as the books are ordered in size than the contents themselves.

To be honest, I don't even know why I am here. I guess I just need a place to go, somewhere which doesn't make me feel as if I am isolating myself from everything. I do like to read, it is something I used to do a lot when I was a nymph growing within the caverns of the hive, to read about the world I was denied to see. Although, after my dad died... I lost that passion. Sure, I am still a curious one with a slight thirst of adventure, but now it isn't as driving as before. But after I joined infiltrators, my adventurous nature once again flickered into existence as I was finally able to see and feel the world I spent my whole nymphhood researching about.

I still remember my first reaction when I finally saw the outside world for the first time, I don't I've ever smiled so much in my life ever since he went. To me it was everything, to see the world we live in and explore all it had to offer; I finally got the chance. The work me and dad had done for so long had finally paid off, their training about the outside world was obsolete to me because I already knew the world from the outside in. I ramble a lot on my head don't I? It happens frequently, it is what keeps me afloat from falling down, to just talk to myself so I can distract myself from the memories. Maybe it is one of the reasons I joined the rebellion, to find a long lost purpose, to make my dad proud. He loathed Queen Chrysalis, ever since she came to the throne she has been changing the hive for the worse. I wander if he's proud for standing against her...


I jump, not expecting to hear from anypony. I twist my head to see Twilight Sparkle on the staircase, slowly coming down with books floating in her magic. What's she doing here?

"What are you doing?" She says, her voice leaking with a bit of suspicion.

"I-I'm just... looking?" Twilight looks to be apprehensive, although I don't recall doing anything which would result in this sought of tone, maybe she is just surprised as I am to see me here.

"You do know this is my house, right?"

"Your house?" I question nervously, not liking or sure where this is going.

"Yes, my house. It is against the law to break into someone's property, even if you know that person?"

"B-but, I thought this was a library though." What is the sign outside that says Golden Oak Library, does it even mean anything or did somepony put it up to confuse new ponies into breaking into her house, the pony's house who controls the most powerful element: magic?

Her expressions changes to confusion, but after a moment it changes to realization before her face flushes red with embarrassment. It's relatively easy to read emotions through facial expressions. "Oh, yes, about that, I may have forgot." She says, rubbing the back of her neck while giving my a sheepish smile. How does one forget they live in a library? "I haven't seen anypony come to look for a book here even since I moved in, and I may have, well, forgotten that this is a library."

How do I even reply to this? Twilight Sparkle, protege of Princess Celestia and Element of Magic, has forgotten she lives in a library and is apparently one of the most feared ponies. I know I met her earlier and she has proved friendly, but for a unicorn who has excelled in magic, to see that she can forget the most obvious details is making me question everything. But then again, everything here has proven surprising but oddly nice. Although I still believe that hanging around these ponies puts me at risk, no matter how friendly their demeanor may be, we're still monsters to them even if they don't even know. There have been cases where a changeling's disguise have dropped due to unforeseen and inexplainable magical anomalies, I can't risk it happening it to me as well.

"I need to go." I tell her, quickly walking towards the door.

"Already?" She asks. I turn back to nod. "Well stay safe, and sorry about earlier, I didn't expect to see anyone."

Shutting the door behind I let out a sigh; going back to the house feels like an ideal solution. I believe I will need to get myself a job sooner or later, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to attain one which fits within my skill set of combat, seeing as ponyville won't need one. I can try for a botanist with the knowledge I have gained over the pass few years, however I'm guessing I'm going to need some sort of certificate showing my skill within that area of study, which I don't have. Anyways, after I figure that out that, I'll need to find a permanent place to live in. Of course, this assuming I live and the rebellion is over. Even if we win and we overthrow Queen Chrysalis for good, I won't be returning back to the hive. My home is out here in the open and in the nature filled environment, not trapped beneath the surface, in the darkness where the sun doesn't shine. If we fail to achieve our goal then I'll still try to find refuge here from Chrysalis. They will kill off the rest of the rebels as the hive rebuilds itself and replenishes the lost.

I play a dangerous game, and so does tens upon tens do as well, a game of power and who'll lead the hive for future generations to come. In our hive's history, it was unheard of to see changelings going against their king or queen, but somewhere along the line it has changed and now we have to fight for our diminishing freedom. The same freedom loyalists believe they still and will have, fighting blindly with Chrysalis with hope that she'll protect them when the time comes. The though itself is foolish, let alone to follow them through.

I arrive at the front door of the house and I enter through it, my body missing and yearning for the sunlight and the warmth that comes with it. But as I'm about to head upstairs, something stops me, a sense of uneasiness as the observational part of me kicks into gear. If I closed all the doors in the house before I left, then why is the far one open and lit. Someone has broken in, but it doesn't feel like a changeling. It's a robber. Slowly and stealthily, I creep towards the open door where the noises of movement of coming from, like a panther. I hide behind the door frame, keeping myself concealed by the silhouette of it. To my disadvantage I'm unable to see what's on the other side.

Unexpectedly, the hoofsteps starts becoming louder and closer as the perpetrator nears the doorway I am hiding at. Taking a deep breath, I stare expectantly at the shadow of my target as it envelops the floor in black. Counting my breaths, I prepare to leap and immobilize whoever this may be. The steps are much closer, literally seconds from passing me. I close me eyes. 1... 2... 3... I can feel a small amount of wind pass me which can only mean one they. 4... 5! I pounce on top the pony who buckles straight into the ground with a yelp of shock and surprise, securing his left foreleg.

"Who are you!" He shouts threateningly as he struggles to get up from my grasp. Wait, hold on a sec, I know this voice.



"Sharpy?" Since when did he call me that?

"What are you doing on me?" His voice more calmed but slightly annoyed.

I quickly jump off him and he slowly gets up after unexpectedly being assaulted by me. "I though you were someone else." I say, my face fully flushed with embarrassment. "I may have mistaken you for a... robber."

"A robber?" He asks, sounding amused, which I reply with a small nod.

"I thought you out at work still, so when I came in I though you were getting robbed so I decided to take action before anything bad could occur, although it seems backfired slightly. Sorry about that as well."

"Hey no need to worry about, you had good intentions at least and, plus, getting hurt is usually a part of my job. And the reason I am back, by the way, is because our equipment was malfunctioning and we couldn't find anypony to fix it. They thought it'd be too dangerous to carry on without them so they called off work today until they can get somepony to look at it." He explains. At least he isn't angry about it, he is quite friendly about it.

After that he changes topic and starts talking casually with me, describing his day today and speaking about the news. The way he describes things can miraculously make the absolute mundane sound like the best thing he has ever done. The more I learn about him, the more childish he is, but at the same time the more comfortable and enjoyable it is to be around him is. He's so happy, too happy, and carefree, it's amazing. He sort of reminds me my dad. Sigh, I wish he were still alive.

A few hours pass since that 'small' incident, but it seems to been forgotten entirely by him. We are both are sitting in the living room with cups of water, still deep in conversation as we kill the time we still have left. To be honest I'm just happy to just sit down and listen to him, my input isn't even needed to keep his streak alive as he draws more topics from the endless ocean.

"And from that day on, Prince Blue Blood was known as the biggest Canterlot snob out of all the elites." He finishes as if it some sort of ghost story, waving his hooves in front of him before settling down moments later.

"And ponies like him?" I ask, astonished someone like him, who isn't a griffon, (no offense but your race is the reason why we don't come to Griffon Stone) even exists.

"I wouldn't say liked, but he has an interesting sort of relationship with the other celebrities and elites, whether they are healthy or not are up to debate." Tremor replies, smiling. "Also I wander, because there isn't much to eat, do you want to head out? I know a place here you'll enjoy." He offers.

Looking outside, I realize the sun is going to be setting soon. Time certainly has a way to lose track of itself. "Sure, I wouldn't mind, what is this place?" There are a few restaurants dotted around ponyville, all of which seem promising, so I don't mind visiting one considering that I haven't actually had a meal since this morning.

"You'll see, let get my bits and we can begin to head there." He leaves the room before coming back with a bag of bits secured around his neck by a thread, and we start making our way outside. His expression seems to have exploded tenfold after I accepted his offer, probably just as famished as I, I suppose. "Ladies first," he says mockingly as he holds the front door open.

I role my eyes to childish acts although I flash him a smile of amusement as he quickly follows behind. Now that I think about it, I actually look forward for this outing. It'll be fun, especially if Tremor is here, I can see myself enjoying myself. Maybe It isn't bad to start planning ahead for my future, a home and a fresh start. Even though I already am in a way, I mean until the day I die where I will have the freedom I crave so much. With Tremor helping me, I can see myself living long in the long and predicted future.

Lets be sure not to waste any chances, maybe it could change the fate of everyling for better.

Author's Note:

Okay, maybe a few days late but it is finally out. It took me a while to figure out how I was going to write this chapter but now I know and now I have done it, whether it is done well is up to you to decide.

I guess it is safe to say that the romance tag is finally coming into action, I have no idea how to write romance but lets do it anyways. I'm going to make this short because I need to go bed and I have school tomorrow. And on the subject of schools, it is my holidays soon so I will have more time to write so make sure to remind me to get off my plot and get stuff done. Anyways, enjoy life.

- King of Eggs

P.S. I am really tired. Also, just an off topic note, I want to make a Snowdrop story :P So many idea, not enough time xD