• Published 30th Oct 2016
  • 1,065 Views, 14 Comments

Creatures of Deception - eggtosser

Changelings. When you hear that what do you think of? Mindless creatures who'll blindly follow their Queen? Evil and blood sucking parasites? What if you were wrong?

  • ...

Chapter 5 - Not without a fight

I can still feel the tingling sensation triggered at the back of my neck, refusing to leave me be as we traverse through the daylight. Every now and again, I take short looks around, specifically towards the dark alleyways and side streets, to reassure myself that we're not being followed. However, I'm starting to worry about the fact of what I can't see.

Most of the roads are vacant and barren, even the shop keepers have chosen to close early to join in on the event seeing as their customers won't be going anywhere any time soon. And with the more time I take in analysing our surroundings, the more vulnerabilities I can spot as a consequence to the lack of ponies.

But with Sugar Cube Corner located near the outskirts of town, it only takes us a few minutes of walking before Tremor and I are outside of Ponyville and on the path that leads deep into the Everfree Forest. Built extremely close to the most dangerous natural anomaly in Equestria, it is surprising that Ponyville still stands. Even my adaption to see even in the most darkest of places becomes obsolete in the Everfree, and with the dense and thick foliage obscuring whatever demons may lie beyond the wall of the terrifying sickly shade of green, there is no telling what may greet us. I can hear, see, and feel the power of the Everfree. The darkness that it represents and boasts, the pulsating energy that radiates deep within its heart can send even the most strongest and courageous running for mountains.

I've read stories about this unknown place, not only about its mortifying nature that stands out like a beacon, but the dark history behind it. If I remember correctly, this was the location where Celestia and Luna once lived over a millennia ago before she was imprisoned on the moon after declaring war with the Solar Sister. After her banishment to the moon, fragments of the Nightmare purged and practically reanimated the forest in dark magic, almost like necromancy. After that, everything turned obscure as no one dared to enter the forest. There are stories telling that even the most powerful of changelings who have tried to fight off the Everfree have fallen to the might of the forest.

Tremor sees my uneasiness, and he stops be just before the treeline to console me. "Are you okay?" He asks. I nod silently, an obvious lie. This is suicidal, and apparently the zebra lives in here? This death trap of a location is somehow their home. "Don't worry, if anything comes, I'll protect you," He says giving me a sincere smile.

"I know."

"Stay close," he advises before taking one step forward into the Everfree, letting the darkness consume him whole as he disappears within it.

I hesitate, but after mustering all my willpower, I reluctantly but quickly catch up towards him. The fur on my body stands tall as the cold leaves rub against it, leaving me with a cold and empty feeling inside of me. As I eventually catch up with Tremor into an opening, I gasp at the terrifyingly beautiful sight of the forest. It's an alien world, an unseen sight that screams discovery and danger at first glance. Everything, even the blooming flowers, are of a petrifying dark shade compared too their bright counterparts. The trees are thick and jagged, its branches protruding from the bark like spikes climbing upwards into the somber canopy that lurks above. Light is scarce, being denied access from the impenetrable roof. Ferns and shrubbery are scattered across the slightly damp ground, limiting my range of sight which is making me feel more tense as time agonizingly slowly ticks by.

As much as the curious nymph inside of me wants to explore, to poke at the different unidentifiable plant and insect life, I fear that it will do more harm than I can bare to deal with at this point. I jolt upwards at the sound of rustling bushes, yet there is nothing I can see hidden behind walls of foliage. Tremor, who is casually strolling through the forest, isn't even phased by the danger he is putting himself in. He's so calm, yet he has an aura of strength surrounding him. Sighing, I raise my head up and follow his lead deeper into the Everfree while keeping a watchful eye over us. At least one of us has to be cautious about this ordeal.

He unexpectedly stops me, glaring into the what seems like nothingness. It is only now that I realize that there is something, or someone, close by. Tremor must have the same idea as me as we wait silently, his now piercing eyes searching through dense forestry in search for its target. He creeps extremely slowly forward, keeping his watchful glare out in front of him. It isn't until the sound of bushes and twigs snapping that stops us in our tracks as three hooded ponies, or what looks like ponies, reveal themselves. But I know better, these are no ponies.

They're all wearing torn rags that are covering their body from head to hoof, doing little to even hide their false colourful bodies underneath. The only female in the group is a small and flimsy looking changeling, her body suggesting that she is more trained for scouting than actual combat. The same can be said for the second changeling, although he is only slightly bigger. The much larger and muscular one, I assume, is their leader as he places himself ahead of his two subordinates. Strangely, all of them are Earth Ponies. You'd think for a trio that they would have one of each of the three pony species, apparently they must've underestimated what a rebel soldier can do.

The leader steps forward with a menacing glare. "Give it up," he begins in a low and commanding voice. "You're out numbered, might as well save us and your friend the trouble and come with us quietly."

"Like she is!" Tremor shouts, offended by the disguised stallion's words.

"Hmm, you're a bit feisty now aren't you?" He says. "This is your last chance, come with us, we will even let your pony friend without problems." There is no way in Tartarus I'm going to go back to the hive, let alone be imprisoned there. If he thinks he's going to capture that easily then he has another thing coming.

"Go buck yourself," I growl at him, flashing my teeth aggressively. "I know perfectly well what will happen," I hiss defiantly towards the three.

"Have it your way." He says finally before his two silent companions rush forward towards me.

The first one, a small and skinny mare who's yellow fur is poking from the makeshift garment, comes in swinging a hoof towards my face. Her movements are slopping and amateurish, the attack predictable and easy to read. I quickly duck underneath it, managing to get tangled in my mane instead of its intended target. Her first mistake, leaving her head unprotected. My left hoof quickly ascends before connecting with the underside of her jaw with a crunch . As I rise, I throw a hook with my right hoof to the side of the head that sends her careening to the ground. Seems likes that the healing process seems to have done a number on my leg. I like it.

As I turn back to face the second changeling, I find that he is already swinging at me; there isn't enough time to dodge his attack. Tremor tackles him to the ground with a loud thud before he can get a direct hit on me. The offending changeling starts swinging his hooves sporadically to get Tremor off him, but to no avail. The female is slowly getting up but seems to have no intention of fighting any longer. Obviously they're recruits, both of their movements are like new born, sluggish and readable with barely any power. And the fact that they're already giving up or failing to even get a hit off of their opponents, this is just sad. I forcefully push her too one side causing her to collapse back down to the ground. No point in hitting her anymore, the fight is already over.

The leader, I notice, is just observing. Why isn't he fighting? As I'm about to question him, he speaks, "Well it look like we were right," he takes a look at Tremor who still has the Changeling struggling underneath him. "No point delaying any further, fall back!" And just like, him and the limping changeling are retreating into the darkness and vanishing out of sight. Tremor, looking up in surprise, is thrown off the pinned changeling who starts sprinting off to regroup with his comrades.

They know I'm here now, maybe that was their purpose. Not to capture us or bring me back to their hive, but to scout Ponyville to discover my whereabouts. That explains so many things, but what happens now that they know where I am? Will they send more changeling's after me, or will they wait until they can find a perfect opportunity to grab me when I least expect me? As predictable as they are, their tactics are so spontaneous that I don't know what they're going to do next.

"You okay?" Tremor asks, his tone distressed but still calm at the same time.

"Y-yeah." I look back in the general direction they ran off. I can't sense their presence anywhere anymore. "They thought they could fight, they thought wrong," though something tells me that they're the signal for what next is going to come.

"You're not bad of a fighter out there if I do say so myself, could use somepony like you." Is he offering me a job?

Before I can ask what he meant by that statement, he quickly diverts the topic. "We should carry on moving before they come back with reinforcements."

I nod in agreement before we carry on moving, the only difference now is that we are on high alert in case of another ambush. But as time passes, I begin doubting that they will strike again.

"Do you know who they are?" He asks.

"Not a clue," I respond. They are definitely aren't the same ones that chased me out of the hive, that's for sure. Their disguises are none that I know of, and so are their voices indistinguishable.

"I can't say that I haven't run into bandits before, but I can tell you from experience that they're and really annoying gits."

"That's an understatement of the century," I comment which earns a small chuckle from him.

If only I could share his amusement, but whenever I look at him a pang of guilt shivers up my spine. He is offering help to me, someone who he has never met before, and I fear that my presence may be the thing which will get him hurt.

While travelling through the darkened forest, I kept a keen eye watching over our surroundings without incident. The paranoia now greatly diminished, with no changeling sense, or out of the ordinary sounds, or movement, it is as if the forest has come to a standstill. But then, from out of the darkness, a faint light can be seen coming from behind a wall of trees.

"Here we are," Tremor states brightly as we approach the luminous home of his zebra friend.

We find ourselves on the front porch of zebra's home, and to my surprise there is no hut. Instead is a large tree that looks like it has been carved out to give it the resemblance of one, with a door and windows which releases a soft orange glow. When I look closer, there isn't even glass, they're literally round holes with two pieces of wood crossing over each other. The front door is decorated with what I think are charms and peculiar looking objects, some of them looking like tiny masks which emote a range of different expression. Pleasantly, there is a small lantern hanging above the entrance.

Tremor knocks quietly, and for a while responded until I could hear the sound of hooves resonating from within the tree house. The door opens to reveal a female zebra, adorning large ear rings and an unfathomable amount of golden bracelets around her legs and neck. While it doesn't seem to hinder the zebra's movement, there's no doubt in my mind that it's to protect her most vulnerable parts from the dangers that lurk in the forest.

"Ah, Tremor, it is so nice to see you. Please come in as I make you some stew."

I give an odd look to Tremor, telling me to follow him into Zecora's home. Surprisingly, the place is surprisingly spacious and homely, of course not accounting for the creepy masks that hang from the ceiling and being displayed on shelves.

"I see you have brought a guest, please, do not feel oppressed. While my masks may cause confusion and fright, I can assure you that they do not bite." She gives a warming smile before turning back to cauldron sitting in the center of the large room, which I assume is full of her so called 'stew'. "It looks like the pegasus has made a new friend, usually alone he comes to me to spend," she says out loud while stirring the thick, bubbling liquid.

"Yep, and that smells good! Sharp Point, I would like to introduce Zecora. Zecora this is my friend Sharp Point." He says enthusiastically.

"Sharp Point How do you do? It is very nice to meet you."

As I observe the zebra, something about her stands out to me like a sore hoof. It doesn't make any sense to me, yet here it is being displayed as if it is casual practice. Why is she rhyming?

"I'm fine."

"So what brings you here? You don't visit this time of year. Would it be about this mare, who is now within your care?"

Wait, how does she even know that he's taking care of me while I am still recovering? "Looks speak for themselves, even from the tiniest of elves." What is that even meant to mean!

Zecora smiles knowingly at me, almost mocking me. This is going to be a long visit.

"Zecora, I need to ask you something." Tremor begins. Zecora hums while grabbing three bowls within her mouth and placing them on a nearby table, filling each bowl with a creamy liquid full off a variety of coloured blocks of what I hope is edible food. "Have you noticed anything weird happening here recently? Maybe strange ponies, or the fact the Everfree is much quieter than it should be."

"I thought that it is no coincidence, strangely I can count their absence. I have a theory so please, enjoy the stew with ease. But do not expect to be pleased."

Author's Note:

So, another chapter, more stuff, still have no clue if I am doing this right. I have attempted to write a bit of action into this, but I don't think I have succeeded well. Anyways, it has been quite a while since the last chapter update. When I said things are going to be slow, I didn't expect it to be this slow. I guess FTL is just too addictive, as well as my new found love for the quantum realm of quantum mechanics/physics/theory. Still, despite all that, this turning out really enjoyable to write still so expect more... eventually.

So as always, if you notice any mistakes within this chapter, feel free to comment bellow. Or don't... Whatever floats your boat I guess. Not sure what to expect in the next chapter still, but hopefully we are able to delve into the history of changelings. Maybe, no idea.

Also, MERRY EARLY CHRISTMAS! I know it is the 2nd, or 3rd, or 4th... BUT STILL! I literally can't be bothered with it. We just do it for the presents.

Okays I think I dragged you on long enough so I'll end this AN or however you're meant to say it here. So anyways, enjoy life.

P.S. I might actually be going Saturday schooling at the Royal College of Music so that will also decrease the amount of time I can use to write stuff. But, don't expect it to take too much. Goodbye.