• Published 12th Aug 2017
  • 2,369 Views, 148 Comments

Failed Confessions to an Oblivious Friend - FerociousCreation

With her love for Sky Stinger overwhelming the mare, Vapor Trail attempts to confess her feelings to him. However, every time she tries to, something goes ary. Will she be able to tell Sky her emotions? Or with divine intervention prevent her?

  • ...

A Failed Confession


“Come in,” Spitfire’s voice spoke, sounding bored. Slowly, Vapor Trail opened the door to her captain’s office. Various awards stuck to the wall in their own cases, along with various pictures and posters representing the Wonderbolts along the walls. The captain sat at her chair, staring down at papers, scribbling on them. She wasn’t wearing any attire as she did her work. Turning her slate faced gaze to the white pegasus, Spitfire said, “Daydreamer, we need to talk about your performance.”

“I had a feeling,” she sniffed, wiping any beads of tears that rested on her eyelids.

Putting down her pen, Spitfire placed her arms on her desk, but not removing her current expression. “What’s the matter, newbie? Daydreams gettin’ to ya?”

“It’s not import-”

“It is now!” Spitfire brought her hoof down on the table with a light thud. Vapor Trail flinched at the short burst of noise. “You were doing very well for your first day, I am willing to admit. Even I was impressed to see you lead a V formation so quickly.” At least Sky was right about Spitfire complimenting me about my flying, Vapor Trail thought, not as intimidated with the yellow leader. “And then, somehow, you had your head somewhere else and you lost your ability to fly.”

“I know…”

“And now I need to know what is going on through that head of yours.” Resting her elbows on the desk, Spitfire raised her hooves to her chin. “Because clearly something is bothering you. I can see it in your eyes. You have been crying.” No longer wanting to hold the serious mask to her face, Spitfire stood up and walked over to her Wonderbolt member. She put on a frown and asked, “So what’s up? Your information is confidential with me.”

“I-” Vapor Trail’s throat cramped hard with sadness and the tears started flowing again.

“Can’t handle the pressure? Sore muscles? Family pet run over by a cart?” Spitfire asked, trying to list off any possibilities of the mare’s distraught attitude. “Need more practice? Because I don’t think so.”

“It’s none of those things captain,” Vapor Trail shook her head. “It is more personal than that…”

“Got a guy on your mind?” Unable to take the pain, the white pegasus clenched her eyes tightly. “Bingo,” Spitfire muttered. “So what happened? Did he break your heart?” Craning her neck left and right, Spitfire’s neck cracked loudly. “Would you like for me to give him something to remember?” She grinned widely, ready to bring hurt to the stallion daring to turn down a Wonderbolt.

“It’s Sky,” Vapor Trail squeaked. “He has been on my mind… Perhaps a little more than often…” Vapor Trail dared to look at her captain with sad, pathetic eyes, and saw Spitfire standing in thought.

“Hmm… So you like him, huh?” Vapor Trail nodded, her face flushed and ears folded back. “Did you ask him out and he turned you down? Because right now it seems like it.”

“I don’t know actually…” Vapor Trail rubbed her shoulder, unsure of what happened when she told Sky she really really liked him.

“How so?” the captain hummed, turning her head in confusion.

“Well, at lunch, I told Sky Stinger that I really really liked him and I said that I always want to be around him.” The shy mare’s face flushed with red as she told Spitfire what had happened before she was summoned. “And then- he said that he feels the same way, but then Sky turned around and asked me if you were interested in anypony.”

Unable to hold her concerned face, Spitfire couldn’t help but snicker. “heh... heheha… Hahaha... AAAHHHAAAHAAAAAGGGGHHHH!” Vapor Trail took a few steps back, not sure what to make of her captain’s hysterical attitude. Trying to contain herself, Spitfire chuckled, “W-was he trying to ask me out?” With her funny bone tickled a bit too much, she wheezed as she continued to laugh loudly. “As if!” After finally regaining her composure, Spitfire said to Vapor Trail, “I am really sorry, but that is truly hilarious. Your friend has no chance with me, nor do I have anypony on my mind.”

Something inside of Vapor Trail made part of her shattered heart piece itself back together. However, there was still one nagging question. “But I don’t understand. How could he tell me he feels the same way, and then ask me if you were interested in somepony?”

Again, Spitfire chuckled for a moment, still finding humor in Sky Stinger trying to get together with her. “Sorry, it’s still funny.” Clearing her throat and then placing her serious face on, the captain said, “It seems to me that you had a failed confession to an oblivious friend.”

“Y-you think so?!” Vapor Trail’s ears perked up, hoping Spitfire's words were true.

“One-hundred percent!” she smiled. “What you said was a true confession of emotions. If I didn’t know that, perhaps I need a lesson on what emotions are.”

“Yeay!” Vapor Trail’s voice cracked with happiness as she started to bounce up and down.

“Alright, alright, Daydreamer…” Spitfire muttered, grabbing the bouncy mare by the torso. Looking at her teammate with a serious stare, Spitfire said, “Normally I would have a problem with Wonderbolt’s dating each other. If a relationship would turn south, it could ruin a flyer’s attitude, possibly causing some unneeded drama.” Vapor Trail nodded, understanding the captain’s issue. “However, time and time again, throughout Wonderbolt history, many have come into the team and fell in love with another performer. And things normally work out.” A shy smile grew on the white pegasus’ lips, thinking of past romances she knew nothing about. “In fact, it does increase a flyer’s attitude and confidence, making both members fly even better.”

“So you are okay about me asking Sky if we can be special someponies?” Vapor Trail asked, a spark of hope igniting inside her breast.

Walking over to her desk, Spitfire took a seat in her chair. “I will have a problem if you continue to daydream about him and it affects your flying negatively. And I will have an even bigger issue if both of you worsen your flying because of a romantic relationship.”

“I understand, captain!” Vapor Trail nodded with a firm tone in her voice.

“Good. Now get out of my office, Daydreamer.” Despite any possible malice, Spitfire gave a sincere smile to Vapor Trail as the white mare left her.

Author's Note:

This is the last time I feel generous and post another early chapter...