• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 3,138 Views, 88 Comments

Waking Nightmares - Kelvin Shadewing

A college student deals with halucinations of the pony kind.

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Chapter 3

Waking Nightmares

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit work of fan fiction. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Hasbro.

Chapter 3

Programming class went by much like physics did: Twilight had promised to keep quiet, but continually asked questions whenever something caught her interest. I'd actually managed to swat her when no one was looking, but that only shut her up for a minute.

I didn't have any other classes scheduled for today, except a late math, so after a quick lunch of a chicken sandwich with fries and a fruit cup, I sought out the campus psychiatrist, Dr. Meredith Straus.

As I sat in the waiting room, Pinkie Pie sat on the receptionist's desk and played with her hair... the receptionist's hair, I mean. The lady's hair was actually moving as the mare's hoof flicked it, but she was totally oblivious like everyone else. I figured this must mean any physical change in the environment by the ponies must have been in my head, or possibly aided by a coincidental breeze.

Twilight was staring at me the whole time, actually looking sorry for what I was going through. Her sorrowful look made me want to talk to her, but I wasn't alone, so I couldn't.

No doubt sensing my emotions, Twilight spoke to me. "I'm sorry about all this. I know it must be awkward for you."

"No. Really?" I muttered back.

Twilight chuckled with her mouth closed, bunching up her shoulders. "Nice one. But really, I can see how this is all very stressful to you. I mean, Rainbow jumping you in front of your peers, Pinkie being random... me asking questions at the wrong time."

"Boy, you really do know how I feel," I whispered, making sure the receptionist wasn't listening, "And I'm sorry, but I really can't believe you're real. As much as I love you girls, it isn't healthy for me to have imaginary friends. I have to get rid of you."

Twilight pouted. "I understand."

I checked the receptionist, who was staring into a book and facing the other direction. Taking this opportunity, I put my hand on Twilight's head and stroked down her back. "Twi? Would you tell Fluttershy I didn't mean to upset her, and I'm sorry?"

The unicorn smiled back at me. "Of course. I'm sure she knows, but I'll tell her anyway."

She nuzzled my hand, and I couldn't help blushing a bit. Despite being imaginary, I could still feel her soft fur and the warmth from her body. Feeling her texture was even weirder considering she looked perfectly smooth and had an outline.

"Dr. Straus will see you now," the receptionist said.

I thanked her and went into the office. Despite closing the door behind me, Twilight and Pinkie were right there with me all the same.

Dr. Straus gave me a warm smile and waved at the traditional psychiatrist's couch. "Hello. Please, take a seat."

"Thanks for seeing me. I'm David " I said, sitting on the couch and twiddling my thumbs in my lap.

"It's no problem," she said, scooting her roling chair closer as she held a clipboard in one hand, and put a pen to her mouth with the other. She bit the cap and popped it off with her teeth, then put it on the other end of the pen. "Now then, what's bothering you? I'm guessing you're stressed about the fall finals?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe. Not sure what the cause is, really, but something really weird is happening to me."

"Tell me about it."

"Well... since I was little, about ten, maybe, I've had these sort of hallucinations for a few minutes after waking up. Like, sometimes I'd see things out of a video game or a movie that I know can't be real."

"That's not unheard of. Some people continue to dream a few moments after waking up. Mostly caused by sleep deprivation. It's rarely a cause for alarm as long as it's just simple images."

"Yeah, well..." I glanced at Twilight who looked solemnly at me, "I'm still having them."

Dr. Straus scrawled something on her notepad. "Well, most people who experience this sort of thing seldom outgrow it--"

"No, no," I cut in, "I mean, it's happening right now. Like right this minute."

She looked over her glasses at me, a gesture that confused me to no end. How did making someone blurry help the situation at all. "You mean they appeared now?"

I shook my head. "No, I mean, since I woke up, I've been seeing..." I paused. Saying ponies this early on would surely lose her. "...seeing them. All day long."

Dr. Straus put her clipboard down and looked directly at me. "Who are you seeing?"

I facepalmed and exhaled under my hand. I wanted to laugh. Hard. I wished I was joking, and then she'd berate me for wasting her time, and then I could get on with my normal life. But I was dead freaking serious as my next words quietly came out of my mouth.

"Have you ever watched My Little Pony?"

She stared at me, blinking once. "Excuse me?"

"Have you ever watched," I said a bit louder, "a cartoon show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?"

She smiled understandingly. "I see. Don't worry, David, I'm well aware of the brony community. In fact, my son's a brony."

"He is?" I asked.

"Yes, he is," Dr. Straus said, "And, no, I'm not against it. I think it's a much healthier interest than most of the other garbage on television these days."

"Well," Twilight spoke up, "That makes things easier. Maybe she'll even want to talk to me?"

"Nice try, chicky," I said to Twilight.

"Excuse me?" Dr. Straus said.

"Ooooooh, busted!" Pinkie laughed.

"N-not you!" I stammered, putting my hands up defensively, "I meant... well..." I sighed and looked down at my shoes. "The thing is... I'm seeing the ponies right now."

Dr. Straus was clearly concerned at hearing this. "Did they speak to you? And you responded?" Her voice sounded alarmed.

I glanced from her to Twilight, to Pinkie, then back to Straus. "Yeah. I've been talking to them all day. Why?"

The look on Dr. Straus' face told me that what I said was bad news. She was about to speak, but was interupted by a buzzing noise. She checked her pager, and her eyes widened even more. "Oh, gosh, I'm late!" She put the pager away and stood up. "I'm sorry, David, but I really, must go. Listen to me, no matter what, you must not interact with these hallucinations. If you do, you'll fuel them."

"O-OK... what's going on?" I asked.

"I'm late for a meeting with a disabled student. I'm very sorry to leave you like this, David. We'll pick this up later, I promise."

"Alright," I said solemnly, "Tomorrow?"

"Yes, I have an open slot tomorrow at two."

"OK, I'll be here."

The four of us, the two humans and the two ponies, exited the office. Straus and I said our goodbyes, and I stood outside the main campus building, watching her drive off.

"So, what's the plan?" Twilight asked me.

"The plan?" I said, not looking at her. "The plan hasn't changed. I'm ignoring you until you disappear, and there is nothing you can do about it."

Author's Note:

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