• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 3,011 Views, 67 Comments

Love is Magic - Lux

Can Twilight Sparkle find the love of her life?

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Back to Basics

Chapter 6 – Back to Basics

Mystic awoke the next morning rested and ready to begin learning magic from Twilight. He expected that Twilight was already up and ready for me as she definitely appeared to be like the organized type. But as he walked past her room, the closed door indicated that she was still asleep. For a moment the unicorn thought he should go in and try to wake her up, but that would definitely startle her. Considering her ability to cast spells that was definitely not a good idea.

He decided to first floor for her to wake up. Thankfully he wasn’t bored, as there were plenty of books to read. One in particular was an open book that lay on the table in front of him. Mystic always had an attraction to open books. It was as if they were just begging to be read. The fact that it looked older further peaked his curiosity.

The spells were indeed advanced in this book, so advanced that Mystic wondered how anypony could cast them. He then read the title: How to Find You Ideal Soul Mate. The stallion stared at the title. “Who is looking for a soul mate? Maybe Twilight is trying to help out a friends find one. She couldn’t be looking for one herself, could she? Nah, she probably has a stallion friend already with that cute body of hers and how smart she is.”

Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by a creaking sound of the floor above me, indicating that Twilight was awake. He heard a groan as Twilight half stumbled half down the stairs.

“Sorry I was late,” Twilight said acting like she missed his birthday or something really important, “I must have studied too much last night and I must have slept in.” She looked embarrassed as her face was red and she nervously paced.

“Twilight, it’s ok,” he said, “Don’t worry. I just got up a few minutes ago, so it’s no big deal.”

“You’re right,” she said as she tried calming herself, “I just don’t like being tardy, especially with some pony I need to meet.”

“So, what’s this book here,” Mystic said pointing at the one he was previously reading, “Was that what you were studying last night?”

Twilight looked in shocked at the book on the table. She quickly closed it with her magic, making an audible thud.

“It’s nothing. Just something I was… reading a little.”

Clearly Twilight looked nervous about the book, like she was trying to hide something from him. He guessed it had something to do with the Soul Mate Finding spell. Maybe she was looking for a pony to date. Still it was just a book, nothing really personal. For a friendly pony, Mystic noticed she wasn’t that good expressing her feelings.

“So, how about breakfast before we get started then,” Mystic said.

“Oh sure,” she said snapping out of her being upset, “let me get you something. I can’t think when I have an empty stomach.”

“Me neither,” he replied as she went into the kitchen. About a few minutes later she returned with a plate of what looked like granola bars.

“Hey, this is good,” the unicorn said.

“Thanks,” Twilight said, “I been trying to learn how to bake and Pinkie Pie gave me an idea to try and make these fruit and grain bars. They’re really easy to make and really tasty.”

After breakfast and some light conversation, Mystic was ready to start learning magic. By that time Spike was up.

“Spike, I need you to find any basic level books on magic.” Twilight said to the waiting dragon.

“Ok, I’ll get the books on…” he stopped before getting to the shelf and looked at Twilight, “Wait a minute. You want basic level books?”

“It’s for teaching Mystic Study,” Twilight said.

“You mean he can’t do magic,” the dragon said with a snicker.

"Spike, that’s not nice,” Twilight scolded him.

“Ok. Ok,” Spike said as he collected the books, “here you go then. Do you need anything else?”

“Not at this time, Spike. You can go see if Rarity or the others need help.”

With a smart salute, Spike walked out the door leaving just Twilight and Mystic again.

Twilight then started chuckling as she arranged the stack of books, looking for which one to start with.

“What’s so funny,” Mystic asked.

“Well, I’m a student and now I’m a teacher. If my teacher could only see me now.”

“Who’s your teacher,” Mystic said.

“Princess Celestia,” she said as she set aside a book and flipped through another with her magic.

"Wait. You’re a student of Princess Celestia,” he asked in shock.

“Yes, that’s her. Didn’t you know that she was my teacher, Mystic?”

“Not really,” the stallion said, “I mean I knew that Luna heard about you and how Princess Celestia said you were special, but I never figured that you were her student. But I guess since Luna had a student, Celestia would have one. What’s Celestia like being a teacher.”

She’s a very nice teacher,” Twilight said, “She’s very wise and patient, and kind. I was her student ever since I got my cutie mark. I guess she saw something special about me.”

“Well you do seem to know a lot about magic,” Mystic said, “I guess that’s like what happened to me when Princess Luna decided to be my teacher.”

“Maybe,” Twilight said with a smile as she looked at a book, ‘Ah! He we go. This looks like a good book to start.”

She placed the book in front of me. The cover has two cute unicorns cavorting outside with the words, “My First Magic Book.”

“Wait a minute. Is this a foal’s book?”

“Err… oops,” Twilight said as she moved to another book. Mystic wondered if Spike planted that book as a prank.

“Here we are,” Twilight said as then produced what looked more like a textbook that said “Spellcasting 101.”

“This was actually the first book I used in Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. It brings back many memories. You should read that later to supplement what I’m teaching you. Anyway, let’s begin with some basics. Magic isn’t good or evil but neutral. It’s kind of like fire. Fire can be used to help cook and keep warn but it can also hurt and destroy. The next thing is that magic needs three things: the intent, the will, and the energy. First, it needs an intent, or what you want it to do. You also need the will or the belief that your spell will work, otherwise it won’t. Lastly, you need energy to do a spell. Do you have any questions?”

"I think I’m ok so far.”

“Ok so let’s try something,” she said as she floated over a quill from the nearby table, “I want you to try to move the quill with your mind. Now you know your intent and you should have the energy, so all you need is the will. So I want you to close your eyes and just focus on the quill and nothing else. As you do this, feel the energy building within you until you feel like you’re ready to release it. Then, focus on your goal of moving that quill and your energy should release on its own. So, give it a try!”

Mystic tried to relax as he closed my eyes. He let everything else out of my mind and focused just on that quill. He then felt a warm tingling sensation in his body, getting stronger as he focused. It then felt like his forehead was starting to get warm, but he didn’t pay attention. As the stallion focused more he pictured also in my mind Twilight standing there saying, “you can do this. You can do this.”

“Mystic. Open your eyes,” Twilight suddenly said excitedly.

“What,” he said as he opened them. Mystic then looked up and saw the feather quill hovering in mid air.

“I’m doing it! Twilight, I’m doing it!”

Suddenly he lost my focus and the feather floated back down, landing on my head.

“Well, I did it,” he said.

“Great job,” Twilight said as she laughed while removing the feather, “now, let’s break for lunch. There’s lots more for you to learn and do Mystic.”