• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 3,008 Views, 67 Comments

Love is Magic - Lux

Can Twilight Sparkle find the love of her life?

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Chapter 9 – Applejack

Mystic woke up early again eager for the day to start. He remembered how Twilight was going to show him her other friends and fellow Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Although his assignment by Princess Luna was to report on the Elements, his goal shifted to him wanting to get to know them so that he could get to know Twilight more. A pony’s friends spoke volumes on their own personality. Usually a pony would be friends with those who shared common interests with them. No doubt this bond of friendship was an effective way to heighten the power of the Elements.

He made his way downstairs after getting ready, surprised to see Twilight already up and read.

“Oh, hi there Mystic,” she said, “sleep well?”

“Hello Twilight. I slept well. You’re up earlier that before.”

“Well, I don’t stay up every night to study, only occasionally. And I wanted to be up on time so we can get a full day of meeting my friends. Now, I’m not sure if we can get to meeting all of them, so maybe we’ll try meeting three today and two tomorrow. On the second day you can also complete your report on my element. Does that sound ok to you?”

“Sounds fine to me,” Mystic said.

“Ok, so let’s get breakfast and we’ll be on our way.”

After another round of breakfast and conversation the two were getting to know each other more. Mystic learned through the time at Twilight’s house that the mare liked learning not just by books but by her own discovery like going on nature walks and stargazing. Twilight learned that Lore liked learning by visiting museums. He preferred learning about ponies rather than natural history.

Finally the two were ready to head out for the tour of meeting the friends.

“Ok. So which friend are we going to meet first then?”

“I think I’ll let you meet Applejack first. She’s an earth pony who lives on a farm just outside of Ponyvile called Sweet Apple Acres. It’s the friend from here, so I figure we’ll start there and work our way back.”

“That’s a good plan. Lead the way then Twilight!”

The two traveled down the streets towards Sweet Apple Acres. Mystic was looking around to get a full sense of the town. It was the first time he was able to see most of it, and Twilight was happy to act as a tour guide, pointing out important places and the ponies that lived there. In the short walk, the stallion learned where the Town Hall, café, bookstore, inn, ice cream store, and other places were, and he took good mental notes, slowly building an image of the map of the town in his mind.

Finally the two reached the outskirts of the town where the farm sat on a hill. The hill was dotted with hundreds maybe thousands of apple trees. They passed through the entryway where a sign proudly declared the name of the farm. Walking along the path, the two saw the barn, farm house, and other buildings come into view.

There an orange earth pony wearing a cowboy hat was standing nearby a tree next to the house. With a swift kick to the truck with her back legs, the apples shook loose and fell into the baskets below.

“Hi Applejack,” Twilight said as the other mare was taking a break.

“Well howdy Twilight,” Applejack said. She then noticed her unicorn friend wasn’t alone. “An’ who’s this pony you’ve got there?”

“Oh this is my new friend, Mystic. He’s a student of Princess Luna and is studying the Elements of Harmony. Mystic, this is my friend, Applejack.”

“Pleasure to meet you Mystic,” Applejack said as she suddenly seized the hoof of the stallion and began to shake it forcefully, making Mystic’s body shake up and down, “Any friend of mah friend is mah friend as well.”

At last the orange mare let go as Mystic tried to steady himself.

“Err… So can I talk to you about being an Element of Harmony?”

“You sure can, but how ‘bout we walk an’ talk. Ah’ got some trees to buck. If you an’ Twilight want to help, that would be much appreciated.”

“Sure,” the two unicorns said as they followed Applejack around the barn and into the orchard. The three then saw a big red earth pony stallion hitched up to a wagon.

“Now this here, mystic, is mah brother, Big Macintosh. Say hi to Twilight and Mystic, Big Mac.”

“Hello,” Big Mac said simply.

“Ah’ have other member of mah family here, but Granny Smith is sleepin’ an’ mah younger sister, Apple Bloom, is in school. So ah’m goin’ to be bucking some trees then. Mystic and Twilight, if you can dump the apples into the wagon with yer levitation magic, that’ll save a load of time.”

The three set to work going through the trees. Thankfully Mystic had regained his magic power enough to assist in emptying the baskets.

“So, you had some questions ‘bout bein’ an Element of Harmony?”

“Well, for starters, which Element are you?”

“Ah’m the Element of Honesty,” Applejack said proudly.

“And do you think that the element best fits you?”

“Ah’d like to think it does. Honesty is an important quality fer me an’ mah family. We like to give ponies the truth an’ we certainly don’ like any cheaters. Trust is an important quality with any relationship. Not havin’ trust is like a tree with no roots.”

“Did anything change when you became a bearer of the Element?”

“Not much personally, except it gave me an excuse to go out on some wild adventures. An’ of course, ah’ wouldn’t have met some great friends like Twilight here without those Elements. So, do you have enough fer yer study thing?”

“I think I do.”

“Well if you need anythin’ else, you know where to find me. Now, let’s git back to the barn then. Ah’ think we have a big enough load of apples fer this time.”

The four ponies made their way back to the barn. Suddenly Applejack grabbed Mystic and pulled him aside behind a stack of boxes.

“Ah’ like you Mystic, so ah’m going to let you in on a little advice. You like Twilight, right?”

“What,” Mystic said at how forthright Applejack was.

“Don’ play the fool to me. Ah’ve seen the way Twilight looks at you and how you look at her. It doesn’t take an egghead like Twilight to see that you two want to be more than just friends. So mah advice is to be honest with her. Tell her how you really feel ‘bout her. Ah’ can tell you the honesty will be a great way to show her how much you care. Think you can try that?”

“I’ll try,” Mystic said.

“Well alright then. An’ be careful around my friend. Ah’d wouldn’t to see her heart broken.”

The two then went around the boxes where Twilight were waiting.

“Everything ok you two?”

“Yep,” Applejack said, “everythin’ is fine and dandy.”

“Ok,” Twilight said, “we have to get going now Applejack so Mystic can see the others.”

“Ok then,” the orange mare said, “Ah’ll be seein’ you later ah’ guess. Nice meetin’ you Mystic.”

“You too, Applejack.”

The two unicorns then waved goodbye and journeyed down the dirt road out of the farm. Mystic’s mind was a buzz with information, not only about Applejack and the Element of Honesty, but what she said about being honest to Twilight.