• Published 31st Aug 2016
  • 7,008 Views, 109 Comments

Rainbow's Foal Hypnosis - Zubric

The weekend had started out great for Rainbow Dash with a day off she hadn't had in a while. However, after Trixie's magic show, Rainbow starts acting differently. Little does the pegasus know that there is more behind this change then she knows

  • ...

Seconds With Sweet

It had been a week since Rainbow’s trip to Cloudsdale. and the athletic pegasus had been rather happy all the way through it. Even the hours of moving clouds around for a partly cloudy day, were filled with her idly humming or a skip in her step. She couldn't quite explain why, she just felt younger. Rainbow always pushed back the thought that Sweet’s session was the reason she was so carefree right now, but that only made her blush each time, the image of her padded tush always lingering. Not to mention waking up with the pacifier each morning no matter where she stored it (at least she wasn’t wetting the bed anymore, though for some reason she still found herself putting on a diaper before going to sleep).

One morning, Rainbow was feeling quite exhausted. The pegasus had gotten up early that morning (practically sunrise), and had been involved in moving the rainclouds off of Sweet Apple Acres. Needless to say, the weather pony was still drowsy, she never was much of a morning pony. After getting rid of the last cloud she rubbed her eyes and looked at the fields of apple trees below. “Mmm, too tired to go home.” She yawned, before she used the thermals to glide herself along, soon descending towards a nice big tree. Settling down on of one its big branches, Rainbo Dash got as comfortable as she could, and like a light switch fell back asleep, using a puff of cloud as a pillow. How anyone could sleep in a tree rather than a cloud was any pegsaus’ guess, but somehow Rainbow managed.

Rainbow’s sweet slumber was only interrupted by someone calling her name. “Rainbow!”

Rainbow mumbled something, unaware that drool was running down her chin.

“Rainbow!” The voice got louder, and a moment later the tree shook.

Rainbow wasn’t sleeping anymore! The pegasus’ eyes shot open, noting the hoof in her mouth split seconds before the shockwave rolled her off the branch, resulting in a faceplant to the earth below. A little dazed, Rainbow laid her haid for a second, groaning. “Ow,” She looked up, seeing Applejack with a raised eyebrow. “Ugh, Applejack? What the hay was that about?”

“Well I needed to talk to ya, but I can’t frankly climb up the tree to nudge you awake, so I bucked it,” Applejack confessed. “Sorry partner, didn’t know you’d fall off.”

Rainbow rubbed her head, then her eyes. “So what if i slept in one of your trees? I had way too early a morning. What’s so important that you couldn’t let me sleep?”She asked, she always hated being woken up from her naps.

Applejack blushed for some reason making Rainbow worried. “Well, I uh..saw you suckin’ on your hoof and droolin’,” She explained. “Usually you snore like a chainsaw, so I just thought I’d ask, what’s up with that?”

Rainbow just barely contained her shock, she couldn’t believe one of her friends had caught her doing something so infantile! “Uh, it’s nothing, probably just an odd dream or something. You know that can happen.” She replied nervously and bolted, leaving a rainbow trail in her wake!

The atheltic pegasus groaned, her cheeks constantly flushed as she quickly exited Sweet Apple Acres and flew into town, bolting around a few corners to ensure she’d lose Applejack if the farm pony tried to follow. Rainbow’s mad dash oddly enough ended right at Sweet Song’s house. “Phew that was...wait, why did I come here?” She wondered outloud.

Just as Rainbow finished speaking, the front door opened, and Sweet gasped. “Rainbow Dash, so good of you to stop by!” The mare pulled the filly into a hug. “Is something wrong, Dashie? Nanny can make it all better.”

Rainbow meeped at the hug, but also felt a strange sense of comfort. “I-I don’t know things are getting weird ever since...well you know.” She blushed.

This seemed to puzzle Sweet. “Weird how, dumpling?” She asked, as she unceremoniously took Rainbow’s hoof, leading her inside with little resistance from the filly.

“W-well somehow that pacifier you gave me keeps ending up in my mouth each night no matter what I do. Small critters keep drawing my attention, and just recently Applejack saw me drooling on my hoof.” Rainbow confessed, still blushing.

Sweet Song rubbed her chin for a moment, her muzzle narrowed in thought. “But Rainbow dumpling, don’t you like your binky?” She asked.

The blush on the athlete's cheeks only grew stronger. ‘Well yes, but it still uncool. I mean granted I have been more relaxed and joyful lately, but I’m also acting like a foal in public!” She suddenly clung to Sweet as if the mare’s embrace would protect her.

Sweet Song gently moved her hoof down Rainbow’s mane and back. “Oh my. It’s okay little filly, no need to fear. You are safe here.” She gently cooed, as she comforted Rainbow.

Rainbow hardly noticed much of anything as the soothing patting continued for a minute in silence. She closed her eyes, sighing as her worries lessened and no longer felt afraid of anypony finding out what she’d done. Without even feeling the transition, the mare found herself laying back on the changing table once more.

“Shhh, it’s okay Rainbow Dumpling. Just let Nanny Sweet get you all nice and comfy, okay?” Sweet cooed, getting out the same flurry white diaper from before.

Rainbow slumped back, her limbs easily spread as her tail was threaded through the back hole. She had to admit, she did like the smell of the foal powder as it was deposited onto her rump, the entire delicate care was comforting in a way. The padding soon pressed around her nethers and was taped into place all nice and snug. Holding still, she watched Sweet check if it was on right, before Sweet helped her up.

“Good filly, everything is okay now,” Sweet comforted, before setting a red pacifier with rainbow coloured handle into her filly’s mouth, immediately watching it bob up and down. “There, there, shhh.” She helped Rainbow down onto the padded floor, giving her a quick hug.

Rainbow flopped onto her stomach, suckling happy on the binky. It didn’t seem like she would want to get up. “Why is this so soothing?” She wondered. “This can't be right, can it?” Her thoughts were interrupted, as Sweet nuzzled her.

“You okay?” Sweet asked, her tone sounding just like a mother comforting her filly after a bad dream.

The padded mare blushed, noting how motherly Sweet was being. It reminded her of how she used to let her own mom read her a bedtime story, something she’d insisted she was too old for by the time she left for her first flight camp.

Rainbow kicked her hind legs, causing crinkles. This couldn't be right. She was a big filly, she could care for herself. Yet, here she was, wrapped in a protective garment and being watched by somepony else. The fact she was even considering this treatment was working was pulling Rainbow in so many directions. “I don’t want to be a foal!” She whined, feeling a diaper pat.

“It’s okay Rainbow, in this room you're safe. And no matter how you act inside this place, nothing will change outside,” Sweet cooed, as she petted her filly. “Are you hungry, Dashie? I have something special in mind if you are.”

Rainbow stuck her tongue out. “Foal food, icky.” She replied, rolling over to lay on her back. She looked at the ceiling, noticing the glow in the dark stars scattered about.

Sweet giggled. “No, it not foal food, but it will remind you of your mommy..”

Rainbow wasn’t sure what Sweet meant, as she watched Sweet trot out the nursery door and down the hall. Rainbow’s hoof felt the padding again. “Why do I feel so happy wearing this thing?” She thought, as she quickly got up and waddled to the toy chest picking up the Daring Do plushie. The plushie just seem to bring the inner child out of her as she snuggled it against her cheek. She then yawned and laid down in the crib, a task that was made much easier by the fact that this time she remembered her wings.

About a minute later Sweet Song came back into the nursery, a baby bottle with a pink nipple floating in her magic. Rainbow turned her head to look. “A-a bottle?” She asked, as with a slow head tilt she sat up.

“Indeed, a nice warm baba, full of yummy milk.” Sweet replied, as she leaned the filly back on one of her forelegs, supporting Rainbow’s head while the other moved the nipple into the filly’s mouth. Not a word had to be said as the diapered mare began to suckle on it naturally, just like her pacifier. She could still see the blush flushed across her foal’s muzzle while watching the liquid drain.

Rainbow held her plush in her left foreleg her tongue tasting the odd flavor of the milk while it ran down her throat. It was creamier than normal milk, yet it flowed just the same. The mystery was laid to rest, as the filly closed her eyes and continued to gulp it down, leaning back into the supportive hoof. Moments passed and in the blink of an eye she fell back asleep cutely, but still suckling her milk. The quick cat nap only last about ten minutes before she opened her eyes and blushed. “Mmm, sorry. Had a early morning and I’m still tired.” She apologized as the filly shifted her padding about, making it loudly crinkle.

“Oh you are? Are you relaxed and happy?” Sweet asked as she patted Rainbow’s back in a rhythm.

Rainbow nodded. “I guess so. I don’t see how suckling on a bottle is...oh right, nursing.” She realized. She could still remember accidentally walking in on Miss Cake while she had been feeding the twins in such a way. To be fair it was her own fault for flying through an open window.

“Indeed, in fact it was my own milk you just enjoyed.” Sweet smiled, as she booped the filly’s nose and continued patting her back.

“Beh!” Rainbow stuck her tongue out, blushing. “W-what bu-but you're not even pregnant! You have to take pills to do that otherwise and why would you do that?!” She shivered at the thought, considering that meant Sweet had planned this along with this big nursery. The amount of effort that had gone into it was impressing even Rainbowherself. “She must have really wanted to help me relax.” She thought, looking back at Sweet just as she burped.

“Smart little cookie aren’t you, yes you are!” Sweet cheered, praising Rainbow and giving the padding a soft pat, making it russle once again. “Tell me, Rainbow Dumpling, do you have any plans for today? Nanny wants to be sure she’s not keeping you from your friends.”

“I-I was planning to go over to hang with PInkie Pie later today. I really can’t stay long.” Rainbow replied, she didn’t even consider why she wasn't just insisting on leaving right now! To rip the padding off and just go! Such a thought was muddied a bit when Sweet set the pacifier back in her mouth.

“Oh can’t you stay at least til three, my little foal?” Sweet asked her filly.

Rainbow looked up at the clock, she saw that she had at least five hours, “W-well I guess I can stay until then. B-but I’m not a foal!” She protested.

“Hehe, just like a little filly to act all grown up when she doesn't have to be.” Sweet teased. She pinched Rainbow’s cheek, watchomg the foal hug her plushie closer while suckling on the pacifer

Another yawn escaped Rainbow’s mouth, cauisng her to nearly drop her binky.

“Aw, I think you need to take a nap first.” Sweet instructed, as she laid Rainbow back fully on the pillow, pulling the pink blanket over her.

The pegasus snuggled into the sheets closing her eyes. “Y-yeah that sound nice.” Rainbow yawned again, suckling slow but steady on the pacifier, as her eyes began to close.

Rainbow walked into the castle, smiling at everything seeming so bright. “Hey girls I’m here!” She called out, soon seeing her friends come out into the open.

PInkie giggled, pointing at Rainbow. “Aww, isn’t that cute?”

Rainbow was confused when Rarity nodded “Oh indeed, such a cute filly really should have something to match that thing.”

“What are you-” Rainbow began, but was cut off as something rubbery was inserted into her mouth, she realized it was a pacifier! “Mmmp!” She muffled in fright staring back at the fluffy padding on her rear with her mark on it. “NO!” Her friends laugh at her, as she tugged on the tabs to try and remove the diaper. But it was no good, the diaper wouldn’t budge!

Twilight came over, slapping Rainbow’s hoof! “No, bad filly!” A quick glow of her horn later and Rainbow yelped, her ear held in her friend’s magic, as was she dragged to the timeout corner.

“Oh no no no! Let go! Stop it!’ She whined. “Not a foal!” She protested, as she sat in the stool.

“I thought she’d be way cooler than this. I guess I was wrong, she ain’t nothin’ more than a little foal.” Applejack said in a teasing tone.

Rainbow squirmed, trying to turn around, and panicking even more! The world around her spun as her friends laughter filled her ears! “No! Stop it, stop it!” She thrashed about in protest. “STOP!”

Rainbow bolted up from the crib! Her blanket knocked off as she panted, while shaking a bit! It didn’t take long for Sweet to come hurrying in. “Rainbow, what’s wrong?!” She asked.

When Sweet came up and set the bars down, Rainbow latched onto her, shivering. She usually never let a bad dream get to her, but this was different. “N-nightmare.” She whimpered, picking up her pacifier and setting it back in for more comfort.

Sweet pulled the filly close resting Rainbow’s head on her shoulder. Her hoof once more gently patted up and down along her back. “Shhh, it’s just a bad dream, it can’t hurt you.”

Rainbow’s body still shivered and she buried her head into the caretaker’s fur. “My friends can’t find out about this! They’d think I was weird.”

“Your friends aren’t here to see you, Rainbow, please calm down.” Sweet replied, sounding more concerned than usual. Something was up, but Rainbow never said anything. The caretaker and filly cuddled together for a few minutes until the filly had calmed herself enough, steadly sucking the pacifer.

“Play with me, Sweet?” Rainbow asked cutely, snuggling the Daring Do plushie once more.

“Sure thing little Rainbow, just let go and be happy,” Sweet obliged, as she got out a stuffed teddy bear from the toy chest and moved it toward the Daring Do plushie. “Grr, you look tasty!”

The filly squeaked and giggled, running away with the plushie! “Eep, no she not!”

The two ppnies played a game of tag, while having an adventure around the nursery. The foal had a adorable waddle every time she moved and was tripped by Sweet some time later. Driving like a snake with fangs, the caretaker sank her lips into Rainbow exposed belly button and blew a raspberry, getting a much rewarding squeal out of the diapered mare.

Rainbow kept kicking about as she was very ticklish, almost as much as on her hooves (which is why she seldom liked ponies touching them). “Haha, no, stop!” She squeaked again and howled, as another long raspberry was blown on her tummy. Luckily, she didn’t wet herself this time as she gasped for breath when Sweet stopped.

The caretaker mare beamed happily. “Good filly, I’m having fun too.” She massaged Rainbow’s tummy, watching the filly lean her head back and suckle on the pacifier.

Rainbow had to admit, despite the diaper she was rather soothed by such attention. Then She looked up again. “Sweet, why am I acting like a foal?” The filly lisped while letting the mare massage her tummy.

“Cause it’s the treatment, dear,” Sweet explained, as she mumbled something under her breath, then spoke again. “Don't worry, my filly, you can always come over anytime. I’ll always be ready to help you unwind.”

“B-but-” Rainbow protested. She stopped mid thought, unsure how to respond, until something suddenly came to her. “T-this isn’t right, Sweet-” She groaned.

“-Rainbow Dumpling, just relax and call me nanny til you leave.” Sweet interrupted as she patted the diaper.

“Okay nanny.” Rainbow obeyed, as got up and hugged Sweet while sighing.

Through some miracle, Rainbow managed to stay completely dry for the next two hours.

Sweet was impressed. “Aww, my filly’s still dry. Let us try using the potty, shall we?” She mothered, leading the foal by the hoof once more to the bathroom.

Rainbow blushed but obeyed, even though she knew where the bathroom was and how to use the toilet. For some reason, being escorted along by Sweet Song brought back memories of when her parents or her foalsitter would do the same for her as a young filly.

Once in the bathroom, Sweet slid the padding off of Rainbow’s rump and sat her filly on the toilet like she was a potty training toddler. Rainbow expected to find this embarassing, and a part of her did. But she failed to take any action to stop the treatment.

“Go potty, Dumpling.” Sweet cooed, while watching closely. It took a solid minute for Rainbow to start peeing into the toilet, but once she did she felt incredibly relieved, especially when she ended up pooping as well.

Once Rainbow was done, Sweet clapped her hooves. “Such a good little foal for using the potty. Now, let Nanny Sweet clean you up, Rainbow Dumpling.”

Rainbow obliged as Sweet wiped her rump clean with toilet paper and flushed the toilet (which Rainbow found oddly fascinating for some reason).Then, after washing her hooves in the bathroom sink, Sweet helped Rainbow do the same.

After the “potty break” Sweet held her filly’s hoof while heading for the front door. “I hope you had fun today, Rainbow. My little filly is so full of energy.” She cooed, as pinched the mare’s cheek.

Rainbow eeped and pulled back. “H-hey stop it!” She protested, not realizing she sounded like an embarrassed filly whining at her mother. She took a quick breath, smiling back at Sweet before zooming off into the sky.

Rainbow did a few flips and random tricks to keep herself focused before moving towards Twilight’s castle. “I really need to talk to Twilight,” She thought to herself. Despite her embarrassment over the situation, things were clearly getting out of hoof and Rainbow was determined to stop them before they got any worse. “This stops now!

Author's Note:

Nearing the final stretch. Seems Rainbow is stubborn to admit she likes being cuddled. Trixie sure in for a surprise