• Published 31st Aug 2016
  • 7,008 Views, 109 Comments

Rainbow's Foal Hypnosis - Zubric

The weekend had started out great for Rainbow Dash with a day off she hadn't had in a while. However, after Trixie's magic show, Rainbow starts acting differently. Little does the pegasus know that there is more behind this change then she knows

  • ...

A Visit To Home

An unfortunate warmth greeted Rainbow Dash as she woke up the next morning. She groaned slightly, suckling on the binky for a few moment while her eyes tracked the mobile. It was an odd relaxing sensation and for a moment, she almost forgot where she was. The sensation only lasted just long enough for the pegasus to fully wake up. She would never admit it, but she did feel rather well rested. Bot that yesterday had been all that taxing but still. The flushed cheeks continued to adorn her muzzle as she sat up and shifted once more. Not long after, Sweet came trotting in, the smell of coffee overwhelming the foal powder smell of the nursery.

“Good morning little filly,” Sweet cooed lowering the gate for the filly. “I bet you slept well,” Rainbow nodded and was taken to the table swiftly still suckling loudly on the pacifer which kept her quiet. “Don’t worry I’ll get you all cleaned and out of that diapee so you can a be big filly,” She smiled, as she reached up and booped the filly’s nose before laying her down.

The cleaning didn’t take very long, as Rainbow was very eager to get out of said diaper. Soon she felt nice and fresh again and was helped to her hooves. “Uh Th-thank...I guess,” Rainbow mumbled, she followed Sweet Song to her kitchen and eagerly poured herself a cup of the fresh brewed black coffee. The instant buzz made her brain spark and come to life, making her fully awake. She watched Sweet eat some of the pancakes while at the same time nuzzling Tank. “It was something alright last night but never happening again, no way!” She vowed to her tortoise, as she poured a heap of syrup upon her buttery pancakes and began to dive in. Rainbow was never one for neat eating when not at some fancy dinner, and thus she got syrup on her muzzle a little, more than usual due to the childish nature.

The sight of course, made Sweet smile. “Oh, you never know Rainbow,” She winked. “When are you free again?” She asked while pouring another cup of coffee.

“Uh, well, next three days are full of all kinds of stuff. But why would I want to come back? Y-you can’t make me!” Rainbow vowed, as she blushed once more and finished her eating quickly. She couldn't help but let out a giggle at Sweet cleaned her face off, just like one would a filly. In truth Rainbow was way too embarrassed to even mention what had transpired yesterday to her friends (or that part of her actually didn’t mind it all that much, at least minus the diaper part), she had a reputation to uphold and Wonderbolts certainly didn’t wear diapers, with the possible exception of the long fly or show.

Sweet Song just smiled, keeping calm as she ruffled Rainbow’s mane while walking her to the door. “Like I said, this is supposed to be relaxing, Dashie,” She cooed, as she opened the door for the filly while looking outside. “Don’t get into trouble now. Oh, and Rainbow Dumpling, do use your pacifer every night if possible. You know it helps you relax.”

Rainbow blushed while her eye twitched. “N-no way!” She protested, even though the thought of suckling it made her smile a bit. The pegasus shook her head and gave Sweet a quick hug before dashing out and taking to the air taking Tank with her. With a quick glance at the clock tower, she flew along to the park to meet up with her friends for a pony pet playdate.

Applejack was the first to wave at her as she approached, tossing a stick for Wononna. “Hey Rainbow, how’s it goin’?” She asked her friend and athletic rival.

Rainbow undid the leash on Tank’s collar and smiled. “Oh, you know, same old stuff. Well other then volunteering to help a Junior Speedsters fundraiser Can’t leave our future flyers hanging, can I?” She beamed proudly. “I even get to wear a reserve uniform.”

“That’s great to hear, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity commented while dangling a toy mouse around for her cat, Opal. “It’s alway nice to do charity work. I’ve often found my works for charity to be among my most inspired.”

Rainbow nodded happily as she nuzzled Tank. But the reserve uniform wasn’t the only reason she was happy to attend the fundraiser. She knew it also gave her the opportunity to visit her mother and her father while she was in Cloudsdale, but she’d never told any of her friends about her homesickness and she didn’t plan on doing so now. “Plus, you know I can show those junour flyer how real flyers do things,” She boasted ever so slightly. “Oh do I have some sweet tricks thought out!”

Pinkie giggled, while Gummy hung from her mane. “Yeah, just don’t go crashing into the ground and ending up the hospital.”

Rainbow couldn't help but chuckle at that. “Hey, that only happened once!” Hoping to take her mind off such a memory, she approached Angel Bunny, and lightly petted his head, letting out a coo (she was glad Fluttershy appeared to not notice).

Fluttershy sat there, feeding a squirrel some nuts she found while looking over at Rainbow. “I don’t mean to pry, but what were you busy with the other day? If you don’t mind me asking that is?”

The pegasus bit her lip while trying to respond. “You know... stuff. Just got kind of busy.” She tried to spitt out the thought, which was just on the tip of her tounge but always seemed to sip her train of thought. Her hooves shifted about for a moment. “It’s personal.” she finally manage to spit out with a groan.

Fluttershy tilted her head, finding Rainbow’s delayed response a bit odd, but decided to let it be, as she watched Rainbow pet Angel Bunny. “Oh, okay, I just curious.” She said, as she spotted her friend drooling just a little, but Rainbow seemed to catch what she was doing before Fluttershy could comment.

After a bit of playtime, Rainbow took a seat next to Twilight, as the group gathered around for a picnic. “So, uh how’s Trixie been?” She asked while snacking on the macaroni cookies.

“Oh she quite talented. She seems rather interested in looking up things on the mind oddly enough.” Twilight commented.

Mind control might have something to do with that. She’s probably the reason why I’ve been acting like a foal, probably bribed Sweet to tell her about my audio therapy and decided to upgrade it.” Rainbow thought while gobbling down her treat. “Are you sure hypnosis isn't mind control?”

“Only when it’s illegal, like subverting someone’s free will,” Twilight explained. “Are you still holding a grudge for what Trixie did to you on stage? Even Trixie says it was just an act.”

“She’s pretty stubborn when it comes to losin’.” Applejack quipped, getting an eyeroll from Rainbow in return.

“N-no, just wanted to be absolutely sure.” Rainbow protested. Yet again, some odd force kept diverting her topics, causing her to avoid the issue all together. The pegasus groaned internally while continuing to enjoy her sandwich.

By the end of the meal, Rarity coughed and got Rainbow’s attention, floating a napkin over to her. ‘You got a little something..um all over your face actually.” She commented, prompting another blush from the speedster.

“Wow, you ate as messy as Twilight with a hay burger!” PInkie blurted out.

Rainbow eeped and continued to blush as she cleaned her face off. “Hehe, I guess I was a bit more hungry than I thought.” She commented, she hadn’t noticed how she’d been eating at all.

The group continued to idly chat, while enjoying the fine morning. Before they all eventually went their seperate ways, including Rainbow Dash who had to fly back to her house to drop off Tank and put on her reserve outfit.

Rainbow took in a deep breath and smiled, arriving in Cloudsdale around one o-clock. Her small overnight bag sat on her back as she flew through the floating city. She hummed as she did a few quick flips while heading for her old house. “I should have time to chat for a bit before I have to get to the fundraiser.” The pegasus thought, as with a sharp turn she dived, down before landing with a poof upon the front deck of her parents’ house. It wasn’t anything, just your typical two story Cloudsdale house.

Rainbow’s quick knocking was soon answered, as her father, Blue Streak, answered the door while moving a few strands of his similar rainbow colored mane out of his eyes. “Oh, Rainbow, what a surprise!” He exclaimed, as he pulled his daughter into a hug and giving her head a sudden nuggy. “Hehe, how’s it going, slugger?” He teased, remembering the nickname he’d given to his young sports lovr.

Rainbow giggled at her dad’s antics, he was just being his usual charming self. “Hehe, hey Dad. Just thought I’d drop my stuff off before heading to my charity event is all,” She explaine. She entered the main lobby of the house and stared around.. “Is Mom home?” She asked.

Blue Streak nodded, flying up the stairs. “I’ll go get her, wait right here.” It only took a moment for Rainbow’s mother, Firefly, to come down the stairs and hug her filly.

“Rainbow, so nice to see you!” Firefly exclaimed, as she kissed her’s daughter forhead. Rainbow blushed, even though she felt happy to recieve such attention. Her mom always was the smothering type. It was kind of embarassing in public but right now Rainbow didn’t mind it that much, and she couldn't help but smile while nuzzling her mom.

“I missed you!” Rainbow exclaimed and hugged her mom more, smelling the rosey scent on her mom’s mane. Her mother happily hugged back nuzzling too.

“It has been a while, hasn’t it?” Firefly asked, petting Rainbow’s mane. The other mare nodded, snuggling into her mom for a few moments longer before letting go.

“Y-yeah, I got a little home sick and... well, the opportunity kind of presented itself,” Rainbow explained, as she happily took her bag into the guest room, setting it near the bed. “Maybe I’ll stay another day, just to enjoy the company. Maybe two if you don’t mind.” She offered.

Firefly smiled while standing in the doorway. “Not at all, Rainbow Dash, always happy to have family back in the house. It’s been lonely not having any of our foals around, we’d appreciate the company.”

“Yeah, hasn’t changed much since I was here last,” Rainbow observed, then she remembered.” Hey did you get to see a flight show in Canterlot at all? I got the chance to fly with Spitfire and Soarin and all the other Wonderbolts, it was awesome!” She beamed while doing a small flip.

“Your father saw it when he was on a business trip,” Firefly smiled. “He says you did a great job, and he looks forward to seeing you become an offical Wonderbolt someday.”

Pride built up in Rainbow as she puffed out her chest. “Yeah, I’m awesome! And I can’t wait to graduate from the reserves! When I do, you and Dad are getting front row seats to my first show!” She gave her mom another hug. “Well, I guess should be going now, don’t wanna be late. I’ll be back in a few hours!” She replied, zipping down the stairs and grabbing a quick cup of coffee before heading out.

The charity event went smoothly, Rainbow even got recognition for her Sonic Rainboom. It was great fun meeting and talking with the parents of the Junior Speedsters, but it was very exhausting too, participating in some of the children’s games really wore out Rainbow Dash (even though she found she really enjoyed playing them, somehow they made her feel like a kid again).

When Rainbow landed back at her parents house it was nearly suppertime. A good thing too, as her tummy began to let out whines of protest. Rainbow entered the house swiftly and gave Firefly a hug, nuzzling into her without really noticing how cuddly she was acting. Her mom didn’t seem to care all that much.

“I take it the event went well?” Firefly asked patting her wing on Rainbow’s back.

Rainbow nodded wiping some sweat from her forehead. “Oh yeah, it was great, what’s for dinner?” She asked, sounding almost like a filly again.

Both Firefly and Streak giggled at this and headed for the dinner table.

The smell of fresh biscuits and mashed potatoes greeted Rainbow’s nose. She smiled, while sitting down. “Do you have an apron?” She asked, then blinked at what she said.

“You mean a bib? Hehe, maybe,” Firefly giggled. “It’s been ages since you wore one at dinner. Probably since you graduated pull-ups.”

“Uh y-yeah, uh never mind.” Rainbow blushed, shifting about in her seat.

But Firefly still got up and moved to a cupboard in the far corner of the kithcne, looking in a bottom drawer. “Nonsense, Rainbow, I have few left from when you were a foal, might be a bit small though.” She commented and took notice of Rianbow’s blushing cheeks as she tried to tie the pink apron on her filly. Rainbow meeped but oddly let her mom do so. It was rather smal, but it would stop any droplets.

“Uh, w-well thanks,” Rainbow replied, asse scooped peas onto her plate and heard her mom giggle. “S-so, heard anything from my sisters?” She asked, hoping to change the subject.

“Oh they’re doing great. Sunbeam won another pageant,” Firefly commented, then she saw Rainbow roll her eyes. “Now Rainbow, I know you're not into being covered in makeup, but that’s no reason to scoff at it.”

Rainbow chuckled but apologized. “Sorry, guess if I can handle Rarity, I can take it. Besides, a little lipstick never hurt anypony,” She dug into her potatoes, some getting on her muzzle as she ate. Her parents watched her getting some mess on the bib too, but both were too surprised to say anything. Rainbow wiped off her muzzle quickly upon realizing her mistake. “Hehe oops, sorry. Guess I was hungry,’ She blushed, mentally facehoofing along with a groan.

“It’s alright, Rainbow, I didn’t know you missed my home cooking that much,” Firefly smiled, she always had a tedency to be nice and carefree (although she was never one to shy away from being stern either, as her children could remember many a trip over her knees). “Kind or reminds me of when you were a wee filly-”

“Eep!” Rainbow zipped away in a flash as her cheeks flared, making her parents very confused at her reaction! She closed the door to her room and screamed into her pillow. “Ugh, get it together, Rainbow!” She told herself. She thought for several moments, and remembered yesterday with Sweet, particularly being treated like an actual foal even to the point of being diapered. “Sweet’s involved somehow I just know it.” She thought.

Needing a break from her troubles, Rainbow got up and walked towards the stairs to the basement, unaware that her mom silently watched he,r as she descended into the maze of cardboard boxes and nick nacks. Rainbow wasn't sure what she was looking for, she just wanted to peek around and explore. Some part of her even imagined it as a Daring Do adventure, exploring a temple of lost riches.

The good thing about cloud houses was, they tended to absorb light pretty well making even basements bright enough to see in without a flashlight or electrical lighting. Still, the cavern of boxes was quiet the opportunity for Rainbow. She crouched along the floor, eyeing each box as she moved along. checking for nonexistent traps. A faint giggled escaped Rainbow’s mouth again, as she checked in a few boxes, finding old forgotten books. “Wow, Mom sure kept a lot of stuff.” She thought, as she dusted off the faded cover of a foal storybook. The cute brown filly on the cover carrying a basket in her mouth stared back at the mare with a carefree grin. The image made Rainbow smile right back, as a ping of nostalgia echoed in her mind. Suddenly, she found herself remembering a memory from when she was five years old.

It was a calm summer evening in Cloudsdale. Rainbow Dash had just been fed her supper, and her foalsitter was trying to put pajamas on her. Rainbow was fussy of course, she was give years old and at the age where she refused to go to bed before her mom came home. She kicked away once more. “I wan Mama!” She whined.

Swirly Sweet, the white coated teen pegasus mare with a light blue and mane tail styled in short locks, blue eyes, and a toilet seat cutie mark sighed, trying to pull her back (she was both a foalsitter and toilet training coach, though she was the former much more than latter). “Rainbow, your mommy might be late coming home,” She attempted to explain. “So we need to get you into bed, or you’ll get cranky. And nopony likes a cranky foal. Besides, you’ve eaten, used the potty, and bathed without your mommy around. Can’t you go to bed without her?”

“Nu, I wan Mama!” Rainbow protested, stomping her hooves about and tossing a plushie at her foalsitter.

Just as Swirly was about to reply, Firefly came into the doorway, smiling. “Guess who’s home early?” Firefly sang, holding her hooves out as Rainbow ran into them.

“Mommy!” Rainbow happily exclaimed, as she nuzzled into her mom’s fur while beaming wide.

“Aww, I’m here Dashie,” Firefly replied, as she nuzzled her filly. You’re suppose to be in bed, silly filly.”

“But I wanna see you, I missed you.” Rainbow whined, as her mom patted the fresh nighttime diaper she wore, prompting a few crinkles from the padding.

“I missed you too, Rainbow,” Firefly smiled. “But I got you a present!” She cooed, and delighted in seeing her filly smile wider.

Rainbow bounced about on her hooves. “What is it?!” She asked, as hopped on her hind legs, leaning on her mommy with glee. Moments later her mom pulled out a story book that had a cute brown filly on the cover. “Hehe, pretty filly,” Rainbow commented. She was unable to read much, but loved to have stories be read to her.

“Yes Rainbow, mommy got you a new bedtime story but you have to be in bed for me to read it.” Firefly explained. This of course got Rainbow to co-operate, much to Swirly Sweet’s surprise and relief.

Rainbow swiftly put on her white pjs with cartoonish Wonderbolts printed on them. The fabric made the bulge of her nighttime diaper very obvious, as the young filly was set on her bed.

Firefly got Rainbow tucked in and smiled, as she moved to sit down on the bed and read the new bedtime story Her foal shifted and got comfy, looking at the pretty pictures of the brown filly from the cover at some kind of picnic.

With her full attention on the story, Rainbow listened closely, all the while hugging her teddy bear with both hooves. Her mom’s voice was soothing and fun to listen to, as she was slowly lulled to sleep by the story.

Rainbow chuckled, staring at the worn binding and bits of clear tape that held the book together. She may not have had the best recollection of everything she’d done as a foal/young filly, but she did remember that the old story book she was now holding had been read to her countless times, and it had been one of her favorites. As if handling a fresh snowflake, Rainbow’s hoof slowly opened the cover, flipping through a few pages as she looked at the familiar drawings. There were no words to describe how nice it felt to just hold such a childhood memory in her hooves again.

Upon setting the book back in the box, Rainbow’s eyes fell upon the other container nearby labeled ‘Toys’. Rainbow wings twitched as she went over and opened the cupboard box, various old foal toys greeted her. She cooed, and a in daze picked out a monkey plush that rattled when shaken. She giggled ever so slightly, as shook it again. “Hehe, I remember this little guy.” Rainbow thought, she shook it a few more times before setting it back and gasped, eyes going wide, as she pulled out a soft rose red blanket and nuzzled it! “My blankie!” She giggled, while smiling. Her hoof felt the still soft cottony pattern, and it made her feel safe as she embraced it.

Instantly, Rainbow started to feel better, almost forgetting her odd behaviour during dinner. Carrying the blanket with her, she fluttered back up the stairs, only to run into her mom. She let out a meep, clinging her blanket tightly for security just as she’d done as a child.

Firefly stared at the foal blanket with a raised eyebrow. “Hmm, is that your old blanket?” She asked her daughter, before she smiled. “You used to love carrying that thing around with you everywhere, it was so cute.”

Rainbow blushed, before pulling her mom in hug. Suddenly, before she could even process it, the words slipped out. “T-this may sound odd b-but... um…. can you read me a bedtime story and cuddle me for a bit?” She meeped quietly. “What am I doing?!” She thought, even though the idea of being cuddled by her mother felt oddly comforting and reassuring.

Firefly paused for a moment, her head tilted with an equally puzzled expression upon her face. But seeing how Rainbow was holding the blanket made her sympathize with her daughter. She may not get another chance to do something like this, and Rainbow had always been her favorite child. “Alright, Rainbow, if that’s what you want.” She sweetly told her, petting her daughter on the forehead.

Rainbow blushed but found her body slumping against her mother and nuzzling lightly. “Th-thanks.” She replied, as she held her blanket and the two proceeded to the guest bedroom. Once on the bed her mother pulled Rainbow in close causing the filly to grin and relax even more. Rainbow proceeded to reach into her bag, she pulled out a Daring Do novel with a bookmark sticking out. “Can you read me a chapter or two of Daring Do and The Ring of Destiny?” She asked, as she leaned on her mother while sighing contently.

Firefly noticed the odd behaviour, but simply took it as her daughter needing comfort over something that she wasn't willing to talk about. Plus her snuggling her blanket reminded Firefly of so long ago, when her little filly believed there were monsters under her bed. Extending her wing over her filly, Firefly opened the book and found the page Rainbow had marked. Her tender voice began to read the chapter, even trying voices for the characters just like when she had read to her filly many years ago, doing it as much for her as for Rainbow sake.

Rainbow didn’t object to the voices, it only made the experience more fun somehow. Sure it was childish but Rainbow just felt it was...right somehow. She slumped more while being read to, closing her eyes as well. Nearly an hour of reading passed before Firefly nudged her filly awake. “Hu-huh, what?” Rainbow blushed.

“Wow, you must be exhausted, Rainbow,” Firefly observed, as she closed the book and set it down. “I’ll let you get some sleep, and in the morning I’ll fix you breakfast if you’d like.” She gave her filly another hug, and a kiss on the forehead.

Rainbow bit her lip having to fight the urge to ask to be tucked in. She swallowed a lump in her throat .”Y-yeah, night Mom.” She rushed over and gave her mom one last hug before the door closed.

Rainbow sighed pulling the sheets back to climb into bed. Her hooves froze for a brief moment as she reached into her bag and snatched up the pacifier, popping it in between her lips. She suckled it, hardly registering what she had done, as she climbed in while feeling a wave of bliss wash over her. The soothing thucking echoed in her ears as she closed her eyes, soon dozing from fatigue. Her hooves snuggled her foal blanket close as a faint coo was heard before she fully went to sleep.

(Author's note: So yeah about two more chapters to go. A finale chapter and a aftermath one of sorts. Now that the tricky bit.)