• Published 9th May 2017
  • 11,256 Views, 298 Comments

Ill Winds - ClanCrusher

It had taken two failed invasions, an arduous civil war, a foalnapping, and the promise of a date, but Chrysalis can finally be counted among Equestria's allies. Unfortunately, the rest of her race might not be so easy to convince.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Curses and Connections

“Changeling magic,” said Chrysalis definitively. “She has all the signs, and from the feel of it, someone really powerful was behind it.”

I sighed, taking a seat on the opposite bed. The unicorn who had attacked me earlier was comatose, and the doctors had assured me that even if she hadn't been sedated, the magical exhaustion she'd inflicted on herself was going to keep her bedridden for several days. Even so, a guard was standing outside in the hall.

“Well that's hardly surprising,” I said finally. “But I distinctly remember you saying that no amount of brainwashing or mental control could overwhelm a pony's self-preservation or core morals.”

Chrysalis gave me a deadpan look. “Yes, I did say that. I believe that was also around the time you started showing me just how little I knew about my own magic.”

“Sorry, I'm just a little on edge right now. I thought we covered all of our bases when it came to security. I didn't think we'd have to worry about other ponies, too,” I replied sheepishly.

The Changeling Queen gestured towards the equals mark on the unconscious pony’s flank. “Near as I can tell, this mark is the cause. It feels like it's suppressing something. I can't even distinguish her original thoughts from the brainwashing.”

I took another look at the mark and sighed. “It looks like a curse mark. Celestia and Luna used them way back before Luna was banished to the moon to pacify and control prisoners, but I've never seen one just flat-out replace a cutie mark. This seems like something else entirely.”

“Whatever it is, it's apparently powerful enough to warp her sense of self to the point where she was ready to kill...unless you think she was a career assassin,” said Chrysalis with a derisive snort.

Before I could respond, the door to the hospital room was pushed open and Rainbow Dash entered with a folder clutched in her mouth. With a jerk of her head, she sent the file spinning onto the nearby table. “Not unless the bakery stores in Manehattan are a front for ninja training.”

Curious, I spread out the information on the table. There wasn't a whole lot to go on. “Sugar Belle, age eighteen. Foster foal, been with a few different foster families, but was sent back each time. Was attending a confectionery school until she ran away a few years ago and hadn’t been seen since.” Sighing, I rubbed my head with a hoof and added my own bit at the end. “Then suddenly reappears this morning with a curse mark and a thirst for blood.”

“So then who's responsible?” asked Rainbow pointedly.

I frowned and examined the unconscious unicorn again. “I can't necessarily rule out the possibility of a powerful Changeling Queen, but that curse mark has all the signs of powerful unicorn magic.”

“Are we talking stronger than you?” asked Rainbow, “Or just strong in general?”

“I...can't say for certain,” I admitted. “It is a complex piece of magic, though, and you don't learn complexity like that without years of study.”

“I can say for certain that a Changeling Queen is involved,” cut in Chrysalis. “And I'd bet all the love in Ponyville it's an Elder.”

Rainbow nodded. “I'll let Spitfire know. Can't be that many crazy-powerful unicorns around.”

My mouth opened, a comment about making sure she check with Sugar Belle's old foster home on my tongue, but I stopped myself before speaking. Rainbow was good at her job; she didn't need pointless reminders. “Thank you, Rainbow,” I said instead. “And thank you for reacting so quickly when she attacked.”

Rainbow hesitated at the door and I couldn't help but notice Chrysalis frown. “She never should have made it inside the boutique. I'm sorry.”

My horn was glowing before Rainbow could move another inch, sealing the door and holding it shut. “Rainbow, today wasn't your fault. It was an unforeseeable situation that you reacted to as best you could. Nopony could have expected more.” Even as I said it, though, I knew it was a lie. If anypony could demand more, it was Rainbow herself.

Rainbow rested her hoof on the door, not bothering to push against my magic. “Thanks, Twi, I promise not to beat myself up about it.”

I didn't need to see Chrysalis' eyeroll to know that was a lie, but I let it, and the door, go. “I'll see you tonight for the experiments,” I reminded her before she flew out of sight.

Idly, I gathered up the file on Sugar Belle, my mind already working out a letter to Celestia to tell her what little I'd learned. “What do you think, Chrysalis?” I asked suddenly.

“I think we're going to be seeing more security around here very shortly. Still, it's not like these 'assassins' are subtle. Not if they're anything like her. You could hide the curse mark under makeup, but you can't hide that completely dead look in their eyes. Finding them should be as simple as going up and starting a conversation.”

“I'll be sure to put Pinkie on full alert for new arrivals,” I said with a chuckle. “But I was actually talking about Rainbow.”

“She did exactly what she was supposed to do,” said Chrysalis simply. “If you expect her to do more, you'd have to remain in her sight at all times.”

And that seemed to be the end of it as far as she was concerned. “You're right. I'll see you tonight, then,” I said, getting to my hooves.

“Hmph. As if I'd leave your side after that fiasco. Rainbow wouldn't let me hear the end of it. Whatever meetings you have left, I'll accompany you.”

“That would be all of them,” I said flatly.

“If your friends are going to help us, they'll have to get used to my presence sooner or later.”


“You've got a letter from Celestia.” Spike's words greeted me as I ascended the stairs. For the first time in a long while I was actually considering putting it off. To her credit, Chrysalis had been on her best behavior around my friends, but after two invasions and two kidnapped sisters, there was some lingering animosity. Applejack’s meeting in particular had been rather strained.

Bracing myself for bleak news, I opened the scroll and wasn't disappointed.

My Dear Student Twilight,

Thank you for your timely and detailed report on the issue. This new form of mind-altering magic is most troubling, and while I fully intend to have Sugar Belle thoroughly examined, I will be certain that you are given full leave to examine and study her affliction in the hopes of finding a treatment or cure.

In addition, while Rainbow Dash's actions are praiseworthy, it is apparent that the current guard force is not adequate enough to secure Ponyville. Tomorrow, I will be sending the following guards based on Rainbow’s recommendations and placing them under her direction...

My eyes glazed over slightly as I looked through the list of names. I only recognized half of them, but I didn't need much more than Dash's opinion on the issue. “Yep. More guards on the way,” I said with a sigh, rolling up the scroll and placing it aside.

“Um, isn’t that a good thing?” asked Spike. “You were just attacked.”

“It's...complicated. Putting more guards around Ponyville might cause stress to the other ponies that live here. Celestia is trying her best to build bridges with the changelings, but it might be difficult for other ponies to accept that when they see all this increased security.”

“Not like they haven't earned their reputation,” grumbled the young dragon. “Chrysalis seems like the most reasonable one among them, and you had to beat her twice.”

That was admittedly a tough point to argue against, but at the same time, it was narrow-minded to think that the Elders or even Chrysalis were completely representative of the entire changeling race.

“Spike,” I began, thinking out my words carefully. “Do you remember the time when you went searching for other dragons to try and find yourself?”

Spike groaned. “Ugh, don't remind me...”

“Well, what if a pony met those dragons you found and assumed that you were the same? Petty, ill-tempered, and violent?”

Spike nodded thoughtfully. “I guess I see your point. Still, they did just try to attack you. Wouldn't at least a few more guards be a good idea?”

“Maybe,” I conceded. “Besides, it's not really my decision, and it's really not worth debating over with Celestia.” And in the immediate future it would help keep Ponyville safe. I had the talent and skill to fend off such attacks, but if they started targeting other ponies...

I was grateful to be distracted from my grim thoughts by a sudden knock at the door. The detection amulet wasn’t glowing, and a quick check confirmed that Rainbow was behind the door. “Come on in,” I called out, undoing the lock. “Spike? Get your supplies, we've got a lot of work to get through.”


“Is a full-spectrum shield really necessary?” asked Rainbow as I put the finishing touches on the violet barrier. “It's not like you're gonna be shooting lasers.”

“Standard practice for any experimental magic,” I replied. “Especially if you're in an area with other ponies. That's Starswirl's First Rule of Safety. I'll be honest, though, this particular experiment is probably going to be a little dull. All we're trying to do is see if I can bridge a mental connection to you.”

If I was being fully honest, Dash was probably a poor choice for the first test. Rarity would have been a better pick, as I was much more familiar with unicorn magic, but I was a bit reluctant to ask anything more of her today.

“So what exactly do you need me to do?” asked Rainbow once I'd turned away from the shield.

“Well, all you should have to do is manifest your magic.”

“Err...like how?”

“Picture that feeling in your body right before you do something like bursting a cloud.”

Rainbow closed her eyes and concentrated. At the same moment, I activated my Aura Sight, smiling as I saw the stray wisps of emotion surrounding her and Chrysalis. “Great. Now, Chrysalis, gently try to link with her.”

The Changeling Queen nodded and her horn began to glow as well, her head inclining towards Rainbow Dash. A small frown appeared as her magic tried to connect. “I don't think I've ever tried this with a pegasus before,” she murmured as she carefully probed at Dash's mind.

“What, you can't handle it?”

“Hardly. I was merely mentioning that it was different.”

“Girls, focus please,” I interrupted. “Rainbow, can you feel her presence?”

“Little bit. Kinda like an itch on the back of my head.”

“Good, focus on that. We want to be very slow and careful with this.”

Minutes crawled by as Rainbow and Chrysalis sat there, the Changeling Queen probing and pushing gently with her magic while Rainbow tried not to fidget. I could tell she was restless, but she remained sitting and concentrating without so much as a sound while I looked on with my Aura Sight.

“You have a very strong self-image,” said Chrysalis, breaking the silence. “It's a little overwhelming.”

“Yeah, I know I’m awesome,” said Rainbow with a grin.

Privately, I wondered if Chrysalis was substituting 'self-image' for 'ego', but I held my tongue.

“Don't try to force it,” I warned. “Let it draw you in. You're almost there.”

'Almost' turned out to be another ten minutes of silence. Even I was starting to get a bit anxious by now, wondering if the gentle approach had any merit at all. Suddenly, Rainbow gasped and opened her eyes. From the way Chrysalis smiled, I could tell they were likely having some sort of mental conversation. Letting out a breath, I moved from my position, wincing slightly as one of my legs informed me that it had fallen asleep.

“Okay, now for the tricky part.”

Letting my horn glow, I quickly found the familiar connection I shared with Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen's magic merging with my own. Now all that was left for me was to use Chrysalis as the 'bridge' to try and connect with Rainbow. Finding her was the easy part. Just like the queen had said, Rainbow's self-confidence shone like a beacon. Simply feeling it was inspiring in a way.

This was all a prelude to the main event, though. Slowly, I reached out and tried to feel Rainbow's mind, working to keep my excitement in check. This was the foundation upon which everything else would be built. Holding my breath, I waited as her pegasus magic wrapped around me, letting Rainbow's consciousness and thoughts connect naturally with mine. Finally, I gave a mental signal to Chrysalis, and she withdrew.

Suddenly, trying to hold onto the connection was like trying to stand on ice covered in grease. My mental grip faltered and Rainbow’s presence faded. A sharp pain in my head caused me to yelp, and then the connection was gone.

Groaning slightly, I rubbed my head with a hoof. Rainbow seemed to be fine. “What? What happened? Are you okay?”

“It's nothing, don't worry,” I assured the pegasus quickly. “Just some magical feedback, I'll be fine.”

“Really? That sounded more like a violent rejection,” mused Chrysalis.

“Hey, I'd never reject Twilight!”

“Don't worry, Rainbow, I didn't expect to get this on the first try,” I said quickly. “Let's try again. I'll go for a different approach and let Chrysalis maintain the bridge for a bit longer.”

As it turned out, the second and third times were little different than the first, although it was getting easier for Rainbow to connect with Chrysalis each time. By the sixth time, my head was starting to hurt. “I need to try a different tactic,” I said finally. “I keep running into a wall of some kind.”

“Why not let Rainbow try and connect with you?” asked Chrysalis. “She could be subconsciously guarding herself. Even I am finding it difficult to get a read on her emotional state.”

Rainbow sighed, looking a bit glum.

“It's not unexpected,” I assured her. “There could very well be thoughts and memories you wouldn't want anypony to see. Maybe even memories you don't want to remember.”

“Then why were you able to connect with Chrysalis so easy?”

“That was...a bit of an accident,” admitted the Changeling Queen uncomfortably.

“So why not just do that again?”

“Because that method is potentially dangerous,” I explained. “I don't want to take any chances doing something I can't fix.”

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Rainbow stretched her wings and sat down in front of me. “Let's try it again,” she said firmly. “I know I felt something last time. I'll try to reach you.”

Looking toward Chrysalis, I waited for her nod before closing my eyes and letting my horn glow. “Alright, just go slowly. Chrysalis will keep the bridge up until you can hear me.”


All three of us jumped slightly at the sudden sound of Spike's burp. Sheepishly, the young dragon held out the scroll he'd belted up.

“Thank you, Spike,” I said with a small giggle, the tension now thoroughly drained from the room. The brief feeling of levity quickly turned to annoyance as I read the message. “Oh come on, really?”

“What? What now?” asked Rainbow.

“Celestia is moving up the timetable for negotiations. She wants us in Canterlot the day after tomorrow.”

“I thought that was an inevitability,” remarked Chrysalis.

“It also means I can't be using magic that might potentially put us under for days at a time.”

“Err...us?” asked Rainbow.

“Well, me,” I corrected. “The point is, we're going to have to wait before doing anything taxing or potentially draining.”

There was a slight, disappointed sigh from Chrysalis and surprisingly, one from Rainbow as well. “Right. Day after then. C'mon, Queenie, I'll escort you next door.”

“I should still be able to give your scheduled magic lesson tomorrow, Chrysalis,” I added as the pair left.

“I look forward to it, as always,” she replied before the door clicked shut, leaving me with Spike.

“So is this an actual magic lesson you have planned, or is this just another excuse for Chrysalis to flirt with you?”

“Spike,” I growled warningly.

“What? Last time she did that transformation and you-”

“Finish that sentence and I'll replace your ice-cream supply with fat-free frozen yogurt.”

“I'll be good...”

“Glad to hear it. Now, I need to send a message to Celestia.”


Rainbow jerked awake as something small and hard impacted the side of her head. Eyes open, she groaned at the light coming through her window and frowned at the stone that had sunk slightly into her cloud bed. Finally, she turned her attention to the window itself. Her frown only deepened when she saw who it was.

“I have a door, you know!”

“I knocked; you didn't answer,” replied the Changeling Queen matter-of-factly.

“That's because I was sleeping.”

“You've already had eight hours.”

“It's called energy conservation.”

“For what, exactly? Your job? Remind me what that was, again?”

Muttering curses beneath her breath, the pegasus rose from her bed and walked to the window, blinking rapidly in the sunlight. “You know there are other ponies who can watch you besides me, right?”

“But none nearly as entertaining. Besides, I wish to tour Ponyville.”

Rainbow blinked, puzzled. “Huh? Why? Haven't you infiltrated this place like a dozen times already?”

“True, some of my changelings are familiar with this place, but I haven't actually looked around first-hoof.”

The pegasus sighed. That definitely sounded like something she should be supervising. “As long as you don't mind stares, whispering, and the occasional dramatic fainting, sure. I'll give you the grand tour.”

“It is only natural for a Queen to draw attention wherever she goes,” said Chrysalis with an exaggerated air.

Letting out a groan, Rainbow gathered her magic in her hooves and pulled at the clouds on either side of the window, quickly transforming it into a wall. “Starting to miss my weatherwork already.”


“How come you don't just turn yourself into a pegasus so you can fly better? No offense, but those insect wings aren't really built for catching air.” They were the first words that had broken almost two straight minutes of silence.

“Flying has never been one of my hobbies; flying quickly even less so.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Come on, Chryssie, I'm moving at a turtle's pace here.”

“Just because I can give myself different limbs doesn't mean I have the muscle memory to use them. Cadance was the first pony with wings I'd ever disguised myself as...for an extended period of time, at least.”

“Sounds like a waste to me. Heck, you could change your body into the perfect flying machine.”

Chrysalis seemed thoughtful. “Perhaps, but just because I could imitate your body doesn't mean I could use pegasus magic as well as you do.”

Rainbow couldn't help but grin a bit at the compliment, turning over in the air and lazily flying with her forehooves behind her head. “So what stopped you from learning?”

“The same thing that stopped me from properly learning unicorn magic. No teacher and no time to experiment. My changelings always had to come first.”

Rainbow twisted in the air and slowed her flight, pulling up next to the Changeling Queen. “So is this, like...the first time you've ever had free time?”

Chrysalis pondered that as her translucent wings buzzed rapidly just to keep up with Dash's normal pace. “I suppose you could say that, yes. There's always been something in the hive to manage that holds my attention.”

“Then it sounds to me like you're in the perfect position to get a new hobby,” said Rainbow Dash, confidently. “And I think I have an idea!”

The Changeling Queen gave her a skeptical look. “This had best not get my ambassadorial privileges revoked...”

“I'm almost certain it won't. Come on!”

Sighing, Chrysalis followed the pegasus’ flight path toward Carousel Boutique.


Mere seconds after the bell chimed, Rarity was making her way out of the back room, a warm smile on her face. “Welcome! Is there anything I can...” Her voice trailed off as she saw who had entered. “Rainbow? What brings you here?”

The pegasus rolled her eyes. “Don't sound so surprised. I can make social visits once in awhile.”

“Really? I was under the impression you had been avoiding this place ever since I tried to brush out your tail.”

Rainbow grimaced slightly. “Okay, maybe, but in my defense you were acting like Twilight had cast a Want-It-Need-It spell on me.”

Rarity chuckled nervously. “It's just...you have such a unique mane color-”

“Anyway, I'm not here for me, I'm here for her.” Stepping aside, Rainbow let the mare who had been standing behind her come into view. “This is Silver Lining, one of the new pegasus guards. We're headed back to Canterlot tomorrow and she needs a new dress uniform.”

The silver-maned pegasus stepped forward and smiled, holding out a hoof for Rarity. “A pleasure to meet you. Rainbow has said much about your talent.”

“Every word of it true, I assure you,” replied Rarity, shaking the offered hoof. “Fortunately, I have some spare time today. Let's get some measurements.”

Expertly wielding the measuring tape with her magic, Rarity wrapped it around Silver Lining's barrel before moving to her legs, thoroughly checking each-

Rarity paused, looking at the numbers she had written down. Was one of Silver’s legs longer than the other three? Frowning slightly, she carefully measured each one again, crossing out the first measurements when she came back with different results. Did she look taller now? Shaking her head, the unicorn re-measured the pegasus’ barrel. Two inches? How did she miss two inches?

“Is something wrong?” asked Silver Lining.

“No! Nothing at all,” said Rarity quickly, putting on her glasses this time as she measured Silver’s legs a third time. This time, all of them matched.

“So what is my size?” asked the black-coated pegasus as the measuring tape moved on to her neck.

“Thirty around the middle, dear.”

“Are you sure? I could have sworn I was a couple inches smaller than that.”

Rarity's eye twitched slightly as she measured once again, her eyes widening as she saw the pegasus was correct, and she hadn't been sucking in her stomach or anything. “Well...it seems you are correct,” said Rarity with a cough. “My apologies.”

Skipping past the legs this time, Rarity started on the neck again, only to find-

“Alright, how are you doing that?” she snapped, flinging the tool away.

“Doing what?” she replied innocently.

“Pffft...bahahaha!” Behind the pegasus, Rainbow suddenly keeled over laughing.

It didn't take long for Rarity to put the pieces together. “Pranks, Chrysalis? Really now?”

In a blaze of green fire, Chrysalis was suddenly standing there, a wry smile on her face.

“Most amusing,” said Rarity, her tone flat as she gave the laughing pegasus a stern look. “I can see Rainbow is being a wonderful influence on you.”

“I do try and imitate the best,” said Chrysalis.

“Oh please, that was awesome and you know it,” cut in Rainbow.

“Clever, certainly,” said Rarity, a thought occurring to her as she looked back to Chrysalis. “Say, are any of your changelings looking for work? It would be helpful to have someone around who can help me fit different sizes.”


Fluttershy hummed softly to herself as she flew around outside her house, distributing food to the various creatures residing there. It was a task she had done so often it was practically second nature, and the animals were already waiting.

“Here you go, Mr. Bear,” she said sweetly, receiving a rumbling growl in return. “And an extra portion for you, Mr. Cat, since you've been on your best behavior.”


Taking a second to pet his head with one of her wings, Fluttershy moved on to the dog lying next to him. “And for you, Ms. Doggy,” she said, placing a bowl in front of the scruffy stray.

The dog stood up and sniffed the food before gently pushing it away with her nose. “No, thank you, I'm quite full.”

“Oh, that's okay, I'll just take-eeeeek!”

Fluttershy's yelp sent the birds flying and the food she'd been holding scattered as she dropped it in surprise, hiding behind the feed bag and staring at the innocent-looking dog.

“Bark? Woof? Affectionate whine?”

“Eep!” More food scattered as the pegasus buried herself in one of the bags.

Moments later, the sound of Rainbow's laughter came from the trees, the pegasus quickly flying to her side and putting a calming hoof on the bag. “Hehe...sorry, Fluttershy, I couldn't resist. Are you okay?”

Slowly, the timid pegasus withdrew from the bag, looking between Dash and the dog. “Oh, um...that was you?”

“Huh? Nope.” In a burst of green flame, the dog suddenly transformed into Chrysalis. “It was her.”


Chrysalis looked at the trembling bag, giving Rainbow a questioning look. “Was that a bit much?”

“Nah, she'll be fine. Fluttershy has wanted me to prank her ever since I let slip that I thought she couldn't take it!”

“Well, I suppose the animals got a good laugh out of it,” mused Chrysalis.

The trembling bag stilled and suddenly Fluttershy’s pink mane became visible again. “Really?” Her voice was soft, but there was a sudden intensity to her words, and her eyes were fixated on the queen.

Chrysalis looked surprised at the unexpected attention. “Well, it's easy enough to read their emotional state.”

As if a switch had been flipped, Fluttershy was quickly standing next to the Changeling Queen, her voice excited. “Wow, that's amazing! Can every changeling do that? I thought I was the only pony that could understand them! Oh...um, sorry about your other subjects, though, I have no idea why Mr. Bear chased them away...”

Chrysalis looked helplessly toward Rainbow Dash, who only grinned. “Well, Flutters, Chryssie and I have the day off today, so I'm sure she'd be happy to answer any questions you have.”

“You traitor,” grumbled Chrysalis as Fluttershy began to unleash a barrage of animal-related questions, her previous nervousness completely forgotten.


Applejack knew even before she approached the tree exactly where she needed to kick for maximum impact. Applebucking was an art she knew so well she could have done it in her sleep. Heck, she actually had done it in her sleep on a few occasions. It wasn't a stretch to say that the only other pony who could match her talent buck for buck was her brother.

Turning on her forehooves, Applejack struck the tree, not even watching as the apples fell into the pre-arranged buckets. Just as she was about to walk on to the next tree, though, a small cough caught her attention. Turning to face her brother, Applejack followed the direction of his outstretched hoof to where a single apple was still hanging.

Frowning, the farm pony returned to the tree, giving it a light tap with her hoof, watching the stubborn fruit shudder on the branch before she turned and kicked again, a bit harder this time. The branches shook and the tree shuddered, but the ripe apple stayed firmly in place.

Big Mac turned, clearing his throat unconvincingly.

“You laughing at me, Big Mac?” snapped Applejack.

“Nope!” he replied quickly.

Glaring at the tree, Applejack let out a snort before turning and striking with all her strength, the bark cracking slightly beneath her hooves.

“Waaah!” THUD!

Blinking in surprise, Applejack watched as Rainbow and Chrysalis suddenly came tumbling from the tree, the pegasus landing on top of the changeling in a heap. With a final shudder, the stubborn apple came down, bonking Rainbow on the head. “Ow.”

“Perhaps next time we might simply hide in the next tree over?” suggested Chrysalis with as much dignity as she could muster.

“Hey, you were the one who slipped!”

“'Scuse me,” said Applejack, glaring at the two.

“Oh hey, Applejack, good to see ya. Bye!” In a burst of rainbow colors, the pegasus was gone, leaving Chrysalis behind.

“Oh that little...” Her gaze turned back to the farm ponies. “There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this,” she assured them. “I'll be sure to let you know when I think of it. Bye!”

Her horn lit up and the queen teleported away in a flash of green.


A solid minute of silence passed as Rainbow and Chrysalis looked at Sugarcube Corner from a fair distance away. “Think of anything yet?” asked Rainbow.

“Nothing,” said the Changeling Queen glumly. “You?”

“I've been trying to get one up on Pinkie Pie for years now,” grumbled Rainbow Dash. “Nothing ever seems to work. Anytime I think I've got something, her Pinkie Sense gives me away.”

“Have you tried-”


“You didn't even let me finish.”

“Didn't have to. She's got a Pinkie Sense for when you put something extra in her sweets or food.”

“Well what about-”


Chrysalis' eye twitched. “You can't possibly know what I'm about to say.”

“If you disguise yourself as somepony she knows, she'll immediately notice the differences. If it's somepony she doesn't know, you'll get a Pinkie Party.”

Chrysalis was silent for a long moment. “Alright, what am I thinking of now?”

“Something completely unrelated to potential pranks.”

“Ooh, did somepony say pranks?”

Chrysalis sucked in a breath, just barely resisting the urge to jump, as the pink party pony seemed to materialize next to them. “Are you two scheming something? Can I help?”

Rainbow Dash groaned, smacking her muzzle with a hoof. “See? This happens every time!”

“Whaaat? What did I do?” asked Pinkie Pie innocently. “Were you trying to prank me again, Dashie? I could go back inside and pretend I didn't see you! Aww, c'mon, don't leave!”


“Don't tell me you don't have any ideas for Twilight,” said Chrysalis as she finished one of the cupcakes Pinkie had insisted she take before they finally got away.

“Twilight's tricky,” said Rainbow thoughtfully. “You want to try and land somewhere between mild panic and full-on crazy. It's no fun for anypony if you land on either extreme.” Tossing the remainder of her cupcake in the air, Rainbow caught in her mouth and swallowed.

“I'll bet there's a story behind that.”

“And about a half-dozen friendship reports, too. One time, we bought all the quills from Quills and Sofas right as we knew she was running out. I was pretty sure she was going to turn Ponyville upside-down in her rampage.”

Chrysalis chuckled. “That does seem like something she'd do.”

Rainbow sighed. “Maybe it's best we spare her for now. Kinda doubt talking with Queen Aurum tomorrow is going to be any less stressful than last time.”

The Changeling Queen looked toward the library window, squinting slightly. “Do you think she's watching us right now?”

Rainbow glanced at the window and nodded. “Oh yeah, definitely. She's trying to be sneaky, but I think she keeps forgetting about my perfect vision.”

“Perhaps we don't need to do anything at all. Maybe just give her something to think about.”

“Oh yeah? Like wha-mmhh!”


“You're staring at them again,” said Spike irritably.

Flustered, I turned my attention back to the travel checklist. “Sorry, Spike, it just feels like those two are scheming something.”

“Like what?” asked the young dragon curiously.

“I dunno, but I definitely know scheming when I see it.”

“Well, what are you going to do if they are?”

“Stock up on quills, hide my supply of visible ink, check my food constantly, and magically stick all of the dust covers onto the books so they can't be switched around. I've got a checklist under the bed.”

Spike groaned. “Wouldn't it be easier to just ask for a ceasefire if you're that worked up about it?”

“Spike, I can't just tell my friend to stop doing something she enjoys so much. And I definitely don't want to be ‘that pony’ who can't take a little bit of pranking now and then.”

Beneath his breath, I could just barely make out Spike saying, “But you are that pony.”

Instead of responding, I turned my attention back to the window, watching Dash and Chrysalis eating cupcakes and talking. “You know, Spike, maybe you're right. That does seem more like a bonding thing. Maybe I'm looking into this a bit too...oh...”

Cheeks red, I turned suddenly in my seat, completely focused on my list. “Let's get back to the prep work then!”

“What happened?”

“Nothing! Absolutely nothing!” I said a little too quickly, yanking the window shade down with my magic.

“Right, sure, if you say so,” said my assistant with a roll of his eyes.


Rainbow licked her lips as Chrysalis pulled back from the kiss, grinning as she saw the window blind had been jerked down. “Yeah...I think you got her pretty good.”

“You say it as though I did that only to prank Twilight.”

Rainbow let out a huff, her cheeks tinged a slight red. “I still think you're crazy if you think Twi's ever gonna go for this.”

Chrysalis simply smiled. “I remember my hive saying much the same thing about approaching Celestia. Fortunately for all of us, I'm a bit too stubborn to accept the status quo.”

Rainbow chuckled and reached forward to wipe a bit of frosting off Chrysalis' muzzle before licking it off her own hoof. “Yeah, well, I still say this is gonna blow up in our faces.”

“I'll bet you twenty bits and a lovely lavender unicorn it doesn't.”

“You're on.”