• Published 19th Apr 2016
  • 11,796 Views, 231 Comments

Loveliest of Trees (Old) - Nordryd

**A rewrite** After helping the new student with his things after getting jumped by bullies, Fluttershy finds herself quite smitten. And the feeling might be mutual. One small act of kindness can change someone's entire life... no matter how damaged.

  • ...

Ch.16: Convalescence

Dear Twilight,

I decided I should probably write in the message book to update you on what’s going on back home. Things are going pretty well here. Spike and I are getting along just fine, and don’t worry, your castle is still standing. We haven’t burnt it down. Not yet anyways. Haha, but seriously, things are great. I’ve been trying to work on that materialization spell you showed me. Getting better, but it’s still very difficult to cast. Eventually, though! I got to spend my very first Nightmare Night with all of my friends. Fluttershy was basically clinging to me the entire night. It took a lot of coaxing to get her to even come out of her house. I guess she’s not a fan of Nightmare Night. I thought her jumpiness was pretty cute, though. It was a fun night.

We all miss you, and I hope you’re doing well! When you come back, we’ll work on the duplication spell. It’s your turn to struggle. Best wishes, and stay safe!

Your Best Friend,

The Sunday sun shined through the window of Coppermane's bedroom, making Sunset Shimmer cringe as she slowly opened her eyes. She rubbed the rocks and crust out of her eyes, and fixed her hair. She let out a yawn as she stretched her arms and legs out. When she relaxed, she heard… buzzing?

She looked in the direction of the sound, and her gaze landed on her backpack. She opened it up, and saw that her magical message book was buzzing. Who was sending a message? Twilight was still here. It couldn't be her. She opened the book, and was surprised to see "Dear Twilight" at the top. She opened it just in time to see whomever sign the bottom of the page. And the sender was… Coppermane?

It must be pony Coppermane sending this message. Sunset took a moment to read over the letter, and couldn't help but smile. She giggled when she read the part about Nightmare Night. It was fun to picture Fluttershy clinging to Coppermane all night. Sunset looked up at Coppermane and Fluttershy, sleeping together on the bed. Fluttershy laid on Coppermane's chest with his arms wrapped around her. She tried to see if their hands were glowing again, and to her amazement, they were! Coppermane's hands glimmered, making Fluttershy stir in her sleep. She nuzzled his chest, mumbling to herself before the glow dwindled, making her relax once again.

Sunset smiled at the sight. They looked so adorable right now. It was rare to see two people so… in love. How could you not smile when you saw them together?

Sunset sighed. As happy as she was, she couldn't help but feel a little jealous of Fluttershy's amazing relationship. Could Sunset ever have anything like that someday?

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard groaning coming from the bed. Coppermane was moving around, and his hands weren't glowing anymore. He was awake.

There was something curious about his groaning, though. It didn't sound like he was stretching. It sounded like he was in pain.

Coppermane suddenly made a gagging sound, and before Sunset's eyes, he bolted to the restroom. Unfortunately, in the process, he pushed Fluttershy off, waking her up.

Fluttershy shook her head and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Feeling a little flustered, she frantically looked around until her eyes landed on Sunset, the only other person who was awake.

"What's wrong with Coppermane?" Sunset asked.

"I-I don't know," Fluttershy asked.

Their questions were answered when they heard the sound of vomiting coming from the bathroom. Fluttershy gasped.

"Oh my goodness," Fluttershy cooed, rushing to the bathroom.

In Fluttershy's wake, Applejack stirred.

"Ugh… what in tarnation?" Applejack groaned. More unpleasant sounds came from the bathroom, making her and Sunset cringe.

Sunset sighed. "Morning, Applejack."

"Is everythin' alright?" Applejack asked, fixing her hair.

Down the hall, a very worried Fluttershy stood outside the bathroom door.

"Coppermane? A-Are you okay in there?" Fluttershy cooed. The response she received was violent coughing, followed by more vomiting. Fluttershy whimpered. Did Coppermane eat something that upset his stomach? She heard the toilet flush, and the sound of running water. After another violent coughing fit, the bathroom door finally opened. Fluttershy gasped upon seeing her Coppermane.

His hair was unkempt, and his eyes were barely open. His shirt and pants were as disorderly as his hair. He looked heavily fatigued, leaning on the doorframe to support himself. He shivered as goosebumps crawled up his skin, despite the hallway being at room temperature.

"Oh, you poor thing," Fluttershy said, placing her hand on his heart. "Come back to bed, Coppermane. You need to lay down."

Fluttershy carefully led her sick boyfriend back to the bedroom. He groaned as he stumbled around, presumably from heavy-headedness. Fluttershy kept him stable as she led him to the bed. When they arrived, she saw that the commotion had woken everyone up.

"Here, lay down," Fluttershy said.

Coppermane groaned as his girlfriend helped him onto the bed. It felt like there was a rock thrashing around in his stomach. He remained still as Fluttershy felt around his face.

"Goodness, you're burning up," she cried. "We need to take your temperature. Do you have a thermometer?"

Coppermane shivered from a sudden wave of chills. "Um… c-cabinet above the utensils in the k-kitchen…"

Fluttershy pulled the blanket over him to keep him warm.

"You poor thing," she said, rubbing his chest. "I'll be right back, okay?"

She kissed his forehead before rushing downstairs. Another coughing fit struck Coppermane as he shivered from chills.

"Oh my…" Rarity said. "You look awful, darling."

"I think somebody partied a little too much last night!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Something tells me that's not why he's sick," Rainbow said.

Coppermane heard someone on the stairs, and in the blink of an eye, Fluttershy was back with a thermometer in hand. She sat beside him on the bed.

"Open up," Fluttershy said. Coppermane obeyed, and Fluttershy put the thermometer in his mouth. She felt around his head as she waited for the thermometer to beep. When it did, she took it out and looked at the number. Pinkie glanced over her shoulder.

"That's a big number," Pinkie said.

"Oh gosh…" Fluttershy brooded. "103.2." She put the thermometer back in its case, and pulled her phone out. She turned the flashlight on, and looked back at Coppermane. "Say 'Ah'," she said. Coppermane obliged as she shined the light in his mouth, looking at his throat. "Goodness… it's so red back there…"

Fluttershy turned the flashlight off, and brought her hand up to rub Coppermane's chest. He had another violent coughing fit, making his throat sting even more. Fluttershy whimpered and cupped his face with both hands, stroking his cheeks.

"My poor baby…" Fluttershy cooed.

"Did you eat something weird last night?" Rainbow asked. Coppermane shook his head.

"Maybe it's a bug goin' around," Applejack suggested.

"Maybe it's from being around everyone at the Formal," Sunset theorized. "Your body's probably not used to being around so many people at once."

"Is there anything we can do for you, Coppermane?" Twilight asked.

"What if we make you breakfast?" Pinkie said.

Coppermane coughed, groaning when he relaxed. "Pinkie… you don't have to do that. You've already cooked for us this weekend."

"I don't mind. I love cooking!" Pinkie said. "Is there anything you want?"

Coppermane sighed. It didn't look like she was going to change her mind.

"There should be stuff downstairs," Coppermane said weakly. "Surprise me."

"Ooh! I love surprises!" Pinkie exclaimed before she bolted downstairs.

"Why don't we help her out," Applejack said.

"Girls, you really don't have to do this," Coppermane said.

"Don't be silly, Coppermane," Rarity said. "You just relax, okay?"

"We're happy to help," Twilight said.

Coppermane couldn't help but smile. He felt a little guilty that his friends were going out of their way to help him, but it was great to know how much they cared.

"Thanks, girls," Coppermane said. "And tell Pinkie thanks for me as well, please?"

"Sure thing," Rainbow said before following everyone else downstairs, leaving Coppermane alone with Fluttershy.

"Here," Fluttershy said, taking his hand, "I'll help you downstairs."

Coppermane smiled as his beautiful girlfriend helped him up. He leaned on her as she carefully led him downstairs.

After a nice breakfast, everyone hung out in Coppermane's living room, talking amongst each other. They were all looking forward to a nice day of recuperation after an insane week.

Coppermane laid on the couch with his head in Fluttershy's lap. His fever gave him harsh chills, despite having a blanket wrapped around him. His random coughing spells were made even more painful by his raw, irritated throat. His stomach wasn't as bad as it was before, but he still had a wastebasket next to him, just in case. His sore throat made his voice quiet and raspy. His head was heavy and his muscles were feeble, but laying in his girlfriend's lap was helping a little. She looked down at him with a pretty, sympathetic smile as she brushed his hair. Her affection helped to comfort him a little, despite his condition.

"Well, are we about ready to head out, girls?" Flash asked.

"Yes, I think it's about that time," Rarity said. "We should let the poor darling rest."

"Wait, Coppermane can't drive. How will we all fit in your car?" Twilight asked.

"I can walk," Rainbow said.

"Me too," Applejack said.

"Are you sure, girls?" Coppermane asked. "I can handle a few minutes of driving." He broke into another coughing fit.

"No, Coppermane. Absolutely not," Fluttershy said. "You're in no condition to drive."

"Don't worry, Cop," Rainbow said.

"Rainbow and I could use the exercise anyway," Applejack said.

Coppermane sighed. Even if they did want a ride, Fluttershy probably wasn't going to allow it. He shouldn't worry her, so why bother arguing?

"Alright, if you insist," Coppermane said.

"Well, that makes room for two people, but there were three of us in Coppermane's car," Sunset said.

"Oh… well… I was actually hoping I could stay here," Fluttershy said.

"Stay here?" Coppermane asked.

"Of course!" Fluttershy said.

"Why?" Coppermane asked.

Fluttershy smiled, and started brushing his hair. "So I can take care of you."

Coppermane's eyes went wide. "Oh, thanks Fluttershy, but you don't have to do that. You've had a crazy week. You deserve a day to unwind."

Fluttershy stroked his cheek. "Coppermane, don't be silly. You're sick. I can't relax knowing you're suffering. I want to help you get better."

Coppermane was about to protest again, but was stopped by a sudden wave of chills. Fluttershy whimpered, bringing him into her embrace.

Sunset giggled. "Coppermane, you might as well let her stay. She's not going to take no for an answer."

"You'll be better in no time with Fluttershy around!" Pinkie exclaimed. "She'll take super good care of you!"

Coppermane pondered for a moment, and looked up at his girlfriend. She had a pretty smile on her face.

"You sure?" Coppermane asked. "I don't want you to get sick too."

Fluttershy nodded. "I'm positive. Besides, I get to spend more time with you!"

Coppermane certainly wasn't going to argue with that. She had the sweetest smile on her face. How could he say no to a pretty face like that?

"Well… okay," Coppermane said, making her beam. Another wave of chills hit, sending goosebumps up his skin. He heard Fluttershy whimper, and felt her squeeze him in her arms.

"It's okay. I'm here," she said, brushing his hair.

Rarity giggled. "You two are just adorable," she said, making the couple blush. "Don't worry, Coppermane. You're in very good hands."

Coppermane smiled before breaking into another coughing fit.

"Hope y'all feel better, Coppermane," Applejack said.

"Get well soon, Cop," Rainbow said.

Everyone else bid farewell, and left the house, eager for their day of recuperation. Fluttershy and Coppermane remained on the couch together, alone once again.

"You don't have to do this, y'know," Coppermane said.

"It's fine, Coppermane," Fluttershy said, stroking his cheek. "I don't mind at all. I'm happy to take care of you."

Coppermane gave his girlfriend a smile. "You're the best."

Fluttershy blushed. "I'll go get you some ibuprofen and water. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Coppermane shook his head. "That's just fine, thank you."

"Okay, I'll be right back," Fluttershy said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. She substituted her lap for a pillow, and got up to go to the kitchen. As she sifted through the cabinets, she heard Coppermane shivering, prompting her to pick up the pace. She brought the water and medicine back over to him, and went upstairs to grab another blanket.

"Here," Fluttershy said, draping him in another blanket. The sudden draft gave him chills, but after Fluttershy tucked him in, he settled with a relaxed sigh. Fluttershy smiled, and leaned in only to be stopped by Coppermane's hand.

"No, don't kiss me. You'll get sick too," Coppermane said, only to have Fluttershy move his hand away and kiss him anyways. Coppermane just chuckled, making Fluttershy blush.

"If you need anything, I'm right here, okay?" Fluttershy said.

"Thanks, Fluttershy," Coppermane said, taking her hand, interlacing his fingers with hers. "Really… thank you so much."

Fluttershy smiled and kissed his hand. "Of course, Coppermane."

She began brushing his hair, and saw his eyes slowly close. It took no time at all for him to drift off. Even after he was asleep, she continued stroking his hair. She had no intention of leaving his side.

"Sweet dreams, my handsome prince," Fluttershy said, giving his warm cheek a kiss. "I love you."

Sunset ==> Fluttershy, 4:31 PM
How is everything?

Fluttershy ==> Sunset, 4:38 PM
He's a little better. His throat is less sore, and his stomach has settled. His fever is still high though. Poor thing.

Sunset ==> Fluttershy, 4:44 PM
I probably don’t have to ask, but you’ve been taking good care of him, right?

Fluttershy ==> Sunset, 4:59 PM
Absolutely! I gave him a back massage earlier, and made him some chai tea. It’s the only kind he likes. He’s not much of a tea drinker. I’m just watching him nap now. He’s so cute when he’s asleep!

Sunset ==> Fluttershy, 5:02 PM
Haha, I knew we left him in good hands. Do you need anything, or are you good?

Fluttershy ==> Sunset, 5:16 PM
Actually, if you don’t mind, I wanted to make him some chicken soup, but he’s missing some ingredients. Can you bring some things over? If it’s not too much trouble. You don’t have to if you don't want to.

Sunset ==> Fluttershy, 5:20 PM
Sure! I can run to the store for you, I don’t mind at all. Just text me a list of what you need, and I’ll be over there as soon as possible.

Fluttershy ==> Sunset, 5:24 PM
Are you sure? You probably have other things to do, right? I don't want to impose.

Sunset ==> Fluttershy, 5:26 PM
Fluttershy, it’s fine, I promise. I'm not doing anything important right now. I asked you if you needed anything, didn’t I? Send me a list, and I’ll be over there soon with whatever you need ;)

Fluttershy ==> Sunset, 5:30 PM
Well, okay. I need carrots, broccoli, onions, and chicken broth. Thank you so much, Sunset!

Sunset ==> Fluttershy, 5:34 PM
You got it! I’ll be over there as soon as possible.

Fluttershy ==> Sunset, 5:36 PM
See you soon, and thank you so much again!


Fluttershy perked up. Sunset was here! Fluttershy quickly, but quietly, made her way to the door. She opened it up to see her fiery-haired best friend standing on the other side holding grocery bags.

“Hey,” Sunset said.

“Hello,” Fluttershy said in a hushed voice. “Come on in, but quietly. He’s still asleep.”

“Oh, okay,” Sunset said before walking in. She entered the living room, and saw Coppermane sleeping peacefully on the couch, just like he was when she first left.

“Isn’t he just adorable when he’s asleep?” Fluttershy said with a big smile on her face, making Sunset chuckle.

“Where can I put these?” Sunset asked.

“On the table is fine,” Fluttershy said. Sunset did just that, but unfortunately, the commotion woke Coppermane up, as indicated by another coughing fit.

Fluttershy immediately walked over to him. “Hi, Coppermane,” she said, putting her hand over his heart. “Did you have a good nap?”

“Mmmhmm,” Coppermane said in a hoarse voice, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He heard commotion coming from the kitchen, and was surprised to see a familiar fiery, red-and-yellow hairdo. “Sunset Shimmer?”

Sunset heard her name, and turned around to see Coppermane looking at her.

“Oh, sorry, did I wake you up?” Sunset asked.

“No, you’re fine,” Coppermane said. “What’re you doing here?”

“She brought ingredients over so I could make you some chicken soup,” Fluttershy said sweetly.

Coppermane rose an eyebrow. “You’re… gonna make me soup?”

“Of course!” Fluttershy said. “Soup always helps when you’re sick, especially with a sore throat.”

Coppermane could only smile. He put his hand over hers. “You’re the best. Thank you so much.”

Fluttershy gave him a sweet smile. “Do you need anything else before I get started?”

“Nope, I’m good. Thanks,” Coppermane said with a smile.

Fluttershy smiled and gave him one more kiss on the cheek before adjourning to the kitchen to cook Coppermane’s soup. Coppermane couldn’t help himself from gawking at Fluttershy as she walked away. She had such a gorgeous figure.

“Do you two mind if I stick around for a little bit? I was kind of bored back home,” Sunset said.

“Not at all!” Fluttershy said with a smile, cutting up some celery.

“You can stay for as long as you want,” Coppermane said, coughing a little bit. Sunset smiled and walked over to Coppermane.

“Looks like Fluttershy’s been taking good care of you,” Sunset said, sitting down next to him.

Coppermane chuckled. “No kidding,” he said in a rough voice, folding his legs to make room for Sunset. He tried sitting up, but his heavy-headedness caused him to fall on the back of the couch. He wrapped his blanket around him to guard against chills. “Maybe I should get sick more often.”

Sunset giggled. “Something tells me Fluttershy wouldn’t like that too much.”

Coppermane chuckled. “Yeah, probably not. Hey, thanks for bringing soup ingredients over.”

“No problem! Always glad to help,” Sunset said. “How are you feeling?”

Coppermane sighed, shivering a little bit as more shivers hit. “Well, as I’m sure you can tell, my throat still hurts, but at least my stomach has settled. Still running a fever though."

“Well, you’re better than you were this morning,” Sunset said.

“True. And at least Fluttershy’s here,” Coppermane said, his eyes wandering over to the pink-haired beauty in the kitchen. She hummed as she went about her work, making Coppermane’s heart dance. She had the sweetest little voice. His princess was so beautiful.

“Hey, Coppermane?” Sunset said, breaking Coppermane out of his trance.

Coppermane blinked, looking back at Sunset. “Hmm?”

“Can I ask you something?” Sunset said. “I mean, as long as it won’t be too much on your throat.”

“I’ll manage,” Coppermane said with a smirk, coughing a little bit. “What is it?”

“I just wanted to ask how it felt to win Fall Formal Prince,” Sunset asked.

Coppermane’s face lit up. “Oh, Fall Formal Prince? Well, it definitely unexpected, but a huge honor. Pinkie Pie can be quite devious sometimes, can’t she?” he said, making Sunset chuckle. “But most of all, I have the most perfect princess I could ask for.” He glanced over at Fluttershy again, catching her looking at him. She blushed a little bit, and blew him a kiss and a cute wave. Coppermane could only chuckle, waving back. He returned his attention to Sunset. “Although, I’m sure you must know what it’s like to win Fall Formal Princess, right?”

Sunset’s heart dropped. “Wh-What?”

“Well, I remember seeing your face in Principal Celestia’s office on my first day. Three years in a row, huh?” Coppermane said.

Sunset bit her lip. “Um… c-can we… not talk about that?”

“Why not? Three times in a row? You should be proud!”

“Coppermane… please…”

“You must’ve been pretty popular, huh?”


“I mean, three consecutive years?”

“There’s nothing to be proud about, Coppermane, so can you please just drop it?” Sunset snapped.

Coppermane flinched at her outburst. “Um… I’m sorry… d-did I say something?”

Sunset looked at him with a scowl. “I was just asking you a question. No need to take shots at me…”

“Take shots?” Coppermane said. “I… I wasn’t trying to offend you or anything.”

“You know I don’t like being reminded of… the old me,” Sunset said.

“The old you? Sunset, what are you talking about?” Coppermane asked.

“Don’t act like you don’t know…” Sunset said, holding herself in her arms.

“Sunset, I don’t know, I seriously don’t,” Coppermane said. He paused when he noticed something in her eye. A tear? “Sunset, what’s wrong? What did I say?”

“Coppermane, you know damn well what—” Sunset stopped herself. Her expression softened as she had an epiphany. He didn’t know. He was telling the truth. He had no idea what she was talking about because he never knew the old Sunset Shimmer. He had no idea what a horrible person she used to be. She was so used to her classmates bringing up her Fall Formal Princess streak in order to berate her. She failed to remember that he’s never had to put up with the old Sunset Shimmer. Now, she may have offended him by snapping at him.

“Coppermane… I… I’m so sorry for snapping at you,” Sunset said.

Coppermane smiled, easing Sunset’s mind a little.

“You’re fine. Sorry for… whatever I said,” Coppermane said. “But… if you don’t mind me asking… what exactly did I say to upset you?”

Sunset bit her lip. Has nobody told him about the old her? Part of her felt relieved. He didn’t know about how awful she used to be. He didn’t know about all her mistakes. He only knew about the Sunset Shimmer seeking redemption. The nice version. She almost didn’t want apprise him. She wanted to maintain the illusion that she’s always been a decent person. What would he think of her if she revealed who she used to be? Would she lose another good friend?

“Sunset, talk to me. What did I say? How bad could it possibly be?” Coppermane said.

Oh, it’s pretty bad, Coppermane.

Sunset thought realistically for a moment. If he stayed at CHS, he was inevitably going to find out. That day has been secured in the annals of CHS history forever, and one way or another, he’d learn the truth. If he was going to find out, better learn from her than someone else.

Sunset sighed. “Coppermane… um… there’s something you don’t know about me.”

Coppermane rose his eyebrow. “Would it have to do with this ‘Old You’?”

Sunset’s shoulders tensed. “Actually… it has everything to do with that."

“I'm listening,” Coppermane said.

Sunset took a deep breath, and proceeded to tell Coppermane all about her old self. She told him all about how she’s from Equestria, just like Twilight. Power was all she craved, and when she didn’t get what she wanted, she fled to this world. She told him all about how she ruled all of CHS with an iron fist. Whenever she didn’t get her way, she would use scare tactics and force to make it otherwise. She told him about how she dated Flash Sentry for a time, not because she liked him, but just to make herself more popular. Then, the fateful day when Twilight showed up. She told him all about that year’s Fall Formal, and how she turned into a “raging she-demon”, and realized how much of a monster she truly was. Now reformed, she tried to seek acceptance once again, but everyone resented her, and rightfully so. Basically everyone in CHS held a grudge against her, with the exception of Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy.

“The old me was just… awful…” Sunset said, feeling a warm streak on her face as a single tear travelled down.

Coppermane was moved. Apparently, he’s only ever known the “good” Sunset Shimmer. He never knew the “bad” version. And was she crying? He could barely make out a tear running down her face.

"A lot of people still look at me and see a monster," Sunset said, continuing, "After the incident, I just felt so alone. I was scared to even approach the girls for a while, just because I was afraid they would hate me. I mean, I’ve won most of everyone’s trust back to some degree, but there’s still a fair number of classmates who hate me, and they have every right to. Who wouldn’t hate after everything I’ve done?”

“Hey, don’t say that,” Coppermane said. “There’s plenty of people who wave at you and say hi. I’ve seen it for myself when we walk to Physics together.”

Sunset sighed. “I just can’t help but feel like everyone still has a deep-seated grudge against me. On the surface, they might like me, but deep down…”

“Sunset, don’t think like that,” Coppermane said. “I’m sure if given some time, they’ll warm up to you.”

“Coppermane, let me ask you something,” Sunset said, “How would you feel if one day, Hoops and Score came up to you, and said they’ve changed their ways. What if they tried to be your friend? Think about that. After all the horrible things they’ve done to you… after almost completely separating you from your friends… separating you from Fluttershy… how would you feel?”

Coppermane opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Sunset let her head hang low, looking shameful. She was looking away from Coppermane, but he could still see the sheer amount of regret in her eyes. He saw something he never expected to see from a girl like Sunset: fear. However, after hearing about everything she’s been through, seeing Sunset so scared didn’t seem that unusual anymore. He saw a tear run down her face as she looked down. Coppermane was seeing under the surface, deeper into Sunset’s true feelings. He looked at Sunset’s dispirited expression, and saw one thing: guilt.

Wow… poor Sunset…

Beneath that tough, pretty exterior was a sensitive, vulnerable girl.

Coppermane thought about Sunset’s question. What if Hoops and Score tried to be his friend after everything they’ve done to him?

“Well, I see your point, Sunset. I won’t deny that I would be rather taken aback if they tried to be my friend after all this,” Coppermane said. “But, I think after some time passes, and if they really try, I could warm up to them.”

“Really?” she asked, looking back up at Coppermane. “Even after everything they’ve done to you… you could forgive them? You would give them a second chance?”

Coppermane shrugged. “Forgiveness would definitely take a long time, but a second chance? I believe everyone deserves a second chance. And… if it makes you feel any better…” he said, putting his hand on Sunset’s shoulder, “For someone who never knew the old Sunset Shimmer, you’re one of the coolest girls I’ve ever met, and it’s seriously hard for me to imagine you being anything other than awesome.”

Sunset's eyes went wide. She managed a small, yet genuine smile. “Y-You really think so?”

“I know so,” Coppermane said.

Sunset's smile was short-lived, despite Coppermane's compliments. “I don’t know. It’s just hard sometimes…”

Coppermane looked at Sunset with worry. Seeing Sunset like this was really tugging on his heartstrings. “Well, Sunset, if you ever need help, your friends are always here for you. Rest assured we all love you, and we’ll always stand up for you if someone berates you for your mistakes. And if you ever want to talk about these things, or if you just want to vent, I’ll listen to every word. Trust me… I know what it’s like to be alone.”

Sunset sighed. “Coppermane, how could you possibly know what it’s like to have everyone hate you? You have no idea what it’s like to be all by yourself with nobody t—” she stopped when she had another epiphany. Her eyes went wide. Once again, she failed to realize something. Coppermane knows exactly what it’s like to be all alone. To have everybody hate you, and in his case, unconditionally hate you. Coppermane knew almost verbatim what it felt like. The agony from his experiences is what fueled his revelations at the musical showcase. It’s why he was so scared of the group when they first met. It’s what allowed him to invoke the magic of friendship, and unlock his element. It’s why he fell for Fluttershy, the first person to give him a chance. Sure, the rest of Sunset’s friends tried to be sympathetic and compassionate towards her, but in reality, they’ve never experienced the torment firsthand. Coppermane has. He could actually feel for her, and Sunset realized she could feel for him too. He knew exactly what it’s like. Sunset cursed herself inside. How could she be so ignorant?

“Coppermane… I… I’m so sorry…I totally forgot—”

“It’s fine,” Coppermane said. “That’s all history now, and your past is too. There’ll always be people who don’t like you, Sunset. Just remember that for every person who isn’t very fond of you, there’s a friend out there who cares about you and adores you… including me. Remember who you truly are: a nice, cool, beautiful, awesome girl, who I know would do anything for her friends. And we would do anything for you. You’re a good person, Sunset. Don’t let a few negative opinions make you forget that, because in my opinion… you’re a great friend,” he said with a wink.

Sunset felt her eyes welling up again. It was so flattering to hear a good friend praise her like this. He was right. Her friends would always be there to help ease her pain. To reassure her that she’s not a monster. They always have been…

Coppermane spoke up again. “Hey… um… I’m sorry for bringing up the Fall Formal Princess thing. I didn’t think it would stir so many memories.”

Sunset stifled a faint chuckle. “It’s fine. I’m sorry I snapped at you. I forgot that you never even knew the old me. But… I’m actually kind of glad you know about her now.” She pulled Coppermane into a big hug, completely ignoring the fact that he was sick. “Thank you so much…”

Coppermane was a little surprised at first, but soon smiled and warmly reciprocated. “Anytime, Sunset. Remember, if you have any problems, we’re always here for you.”

Sunset’s revelations added a whole new dimension to her that Coppermane never expected to see, but he was glad he could now.

“Coppermane! Your soup’s ready!” Fluttershy said.

Coppermane perked up upon hearing Fluttershy's sweet voice. He released Sunset, and saw Fluttershy walking over to him with a bowl in hand.

“Thank you so much, Fluttershy,” Coppermane said.

Fluttershy smiled, handing the bowl to Coppermane. "You're very welcome," she said, blowing him a kiss.

Coppermane's mouth watered at the aroma. He took his first spoonful. Wow…Fluttershy really could cook! His taste buds danced at the flavors. He swallowed, and the hot broth hit the abraded area of his throat, sending a soothing sensation throughout his body.

“Ahh… that’s the stuff…” Coppermane said.

Fluttershy giggled at his blissful face. “Sunset, would you like some?”

Sunset’s face lit up. “Sure, why not?”

Fluttershy smiled and went back to the kitchen to get Sunset and herself some soup.

“I love her so much,” Coppermane said, making Sunset giggle.

Sunset migrated to the armchair so Coppermane and Fluttershy could sit together. Fluttershy brought a bowl back for herself and Sunset, and the three spent the rest of the evening eating soup, talking, and watching a couple movies.

Coppermane was sick today, but it was still an amazing day, all thanks to his friends and beautiful princess.

It was a good thing Sunset stuck around, because she could drive Fluttershy home. The three of them stood in the foyer while Fluttershy gave Coppermane some last minute instructions.

“Remember, take some ibuprofen before you go to sleep, okay? And drink plenty of fluids,” Fluttershy said.

“Okay,” Coppermane said, but she wasn’t done.

“Text me with your temperature in the morning, and tell me how you feel.”

“Alright,” Coppermane said, chuckling a little. “I’ll do all those things.”

“And make sure you get plenty of sleep, okay?”

“Yes, Fluttershy, I promise,” Coppermane said. “Jeez, are you my girlfriend, or my mom?”

Fluttershy giggled as her face turning a slight shade of red. “I only want you to get better.”

“I know, I know. I just like teasing you,” Coppermane said. “Hey… um… thanks for taking care of me today. I really appreciate it.”

Fluttershy smiled. “You're very welcome, Coppermane.” She lifted her head to give him a kiss on the cheek. “I love you.”

Coppermane lifted his hand to touch his cheek, warm from her sweet lips. “I love you too.” Another coughing fit struck him, making Fluttershy whimper as she placed her hand on his heart. Coppermane smiled at her condolence. “I’ll be fine, I promise. You should probably be going. I’m sure Angel and all your pets miss you.”

Fluttershy giggled, and gave him one more kiss on the cheek before she joined Sunset at the door. Sunset opened it up, and Fluttershy started to follow her out, but she couldn’t help herself from sneaking one more glance at her boyfriend. She turned around, only to catch him checking her out. She noticed his eyes were aimed a bit… lower than usual. He saw her glance back, and quickly darted his vision away, biting his lip. His face turned to a bright shade of red. Fluttershy’s cheeks went rosy as well, but she couldn’t help but giggle. He was so adorable when he blushed! He looked back up at her, and his face went even redder when he saw her smiling at him. Fluttershy blew him a kiss.

“I love you… my prince,” Fluttershy said.

Coppermane’s heart fluttered. Hearing those words… it was music to his ears.

Coppermane blew a kiss back, making her blush. “I love you too… my princess.”

Fluttershy’s heart did a pirouette. She would never get tired of hearing him say those heavenly words. She gave him one more wave before walking out the door to join Sunset in her car, closing the front door behind her.

Why did he get so embarrassed when she caught him looking at her? She's his girlfriend. He’s allowed to check her out… right?

Either way, Coppermane knew he was the luckiest guy in the world to have a girl as lovely as Fluttershy. Her smile was the most beautiful thing in the world to him.

Following his girlfriend’s instructions, he immediately started getting ready for bed. Tomorrow would be his first day of school after the showcase and Formal, assuming he felt better.

What did his classmates think about him now?