• Published 15th Jun 2012
  • 7,075 Views, 150 Comments

Grow Up, Apple Bloom - Lux

Apple Bloom makes a desperate attempt to get her cutie mark.

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Change Back

Chapter 13 – Change Back

The creaking sound of the wooden stairs signaled the arrival of Apple Bloom as she made her way down to the first floor. The slowness of her walk signaled to Applejack who was waiting patiently at the foot of the stairs that her sister was still apprehensive about changing back to a mare. It was no wonder to the orange mare. When Apple Bloom first experienced her first taste of the benefits to being a mare, there was no doubt she would have a tough time giving that up.
Applejack wondered as she waited for her sister if it was a really good idea to push Apple Bloom into changing back. She could stay a mare and eventually she would find her cutie mark and all would be well. But then Applejack realized that staying a mare would be just as bad as her sister would be robbed of her fillyhood. She would hate to see Apple Bloom look back five, ten, or even fifteen years from this time wondering what life would be like is she became a filly. All the missed opportunities, missed friendships, and missed experiences.

With a nod in agreement to her conscious, Applejack waited until appeared.

“Howdy, sis,” she said to Apple Bloom, “Are you ready for breakfast?”

“Sure am,” Apple Bloom said as she followed her sister in the kitchen.

“Oh wait,” Applejack said, “ah’ almost fergot to take a picture of you, fer nostalgia sake.”

She grabbed the camera off the table and pointed it at the yellow mare as she posed.

“Alright then, say apple!”

“Apple,” Apple Bloom said with a smile as her sister took a picture.

The two then ate together, both deep in thought. There was still the elephant in the room, the realization that in a short time Apple Bloom would be a filly.

“Apple Bloom, ah’ know yer thinkin’ about becommin’ a filly again. Ah’ just wanted to say that you don’ have to do this because of me, or Big Mag, or Granny Smith, or Zecora, or any other pony fer that matter. We’ll all still love you no matter what. But ah’ just want to make sure you made yer decision based on what yer heart tells you. So, sis, are you still up to becommin’ a filly again?”

Apple Bloom thought one more time about the decision. She knew her sister was just as concerned as she was about whether she should stay a mare or become a filly again. The two were so close that they shared each other’s triumphs, tragedies, and lives together.

“Ah’ still want to go through with it,” Apple Bloom said finally.

“Alright then, sis. Ah’ think Zecora’s going to be arrivin’ very soon.”

Just when Applejack said this, there was a knock on the door. Applejack went to the door with her sister it tow. The orange earth pony opened the door to see Zecora standing there with a smile on her face.

“Good morning Applejack and Apple Bloom. I hope my arrival wasn’t too soon. “

“Not at all, Zecora,” Applejack replied, “we were just finishin’ havin’ breakfast.”

“Then before I do begin, Apple Bloom are you ready to become a filly again?”

“Yes Zecora.”

“First we need an open space. Applejack, do you know of such a place?”

“Sure do. The livin’ room is nice an’ open. Let me move some things around. Can you help me, Apple Bloom?”

“Sure can sis,” Apple Bloom said as the two moved some furniture to the outer area, creating an open space.

“Now we need some things to make a soft bed. We don’t want Apple Bloom to hurt her head.”

Applejack pulled off the pillows from the couch while Apple Bloom grabbed a few pillows from the bedrooms. The center of the room looked like a big fluffy pile soft enough to sleep on.

“With these things done now Apple Bloom, can you now stand in the middle of the room?”

Apple Bloom walked over the pillow pile until she reached the center and stood.

Zecora then reached into a saddlebag and pulled out a small bottle containing a greenish liquid.

“And now Apple Bloom, you must drink this entire potion up. Until it’s finished, please do not stop.”

Apple Bloom took the bottle and drank the strange looking liquid. It tasted worse than anything she ever ate or drank before, worse than the rotten apple she tried or the medicine she was given by a doctor when she was sick with the flu. The taste lasted in her mouth even when she swallowed it and she could feel it burning down her throat. She gagged a couple times as Applejack looked on, worried Apple Bloom would get sick and lose her breakfast.

Suddenly Apple Bloom began to feel very dizzy. “Ah’m feeling kind of tired of a sudden sis,” she said as she began to sway back and forth in her body’s desperate struggle to maintain its balance, “Ah’ … think… ah’m… going to … lie down.”

With that Apple Bloom suddenly fell over and closed her eyes. Applejack was about to rush over to her sister’s side, when Zecora put a reassuring hoof on the earth pony.

“I thought that Apple Bloom would fall asleep, and fall asleep she did. That is why before we started we made this pillow bed.”

“Ah’ guess that worked out pretty fine. How long until Apple Bloom changes back?”

“That dear Applejack I do not know. I would, however, give it an hour or so.”

“So ah’ guess we have to wait then. Well there’s no use standin’ around fer it. We can wait in the kitchen then. Do you want anythin’, Zecora?”

“I would like to try some of Granny Smith’s apple flavored tea, that is if you have any.”

“One apple tea comin’ right up,” Applejack said as she fetched the pitcher and some glasses.

The pony and the zebra then conversed to pass the time. Zecora was interested in Applejack’s planting techniques that she could use for her herbs. Applejack asked about some simple cures for injuries if any should arise on the farm. Both were so busy talking that they didn’t realize the time.

“What a nice sleep that was,” a familiar voice was heard from the entry into the living room. The two looked and saw Apple Bloom standing there. “So did it work? Am I a filly again?”

Applejack and Zecora looked at each other with a smile before turning back to Apple Bloom.

“Ah’ think you should see fer yourself in yer bedroom mirror.”

Apple Bloom bounded up the stairs with the others behind her. She looked in the mirror and realized instantly the truth.
“It worked,” she said looking at her reflection in disbelief, “Thanks Zecora!”

“You’re welcome, Apple Boom. I was glad that I could help you.”

“Ah’ hope you learned somethin’ from this time,” Applejack said as she ruffed her sister’s mane.

“Ah’ sure did. Ah should be happy fer who ah’ am an’ not try to git my cutie mark the wrong way.”

“A wise thing for you to learn. With experiences like this, knowledge you ear. Now I must be getting back home really soon. Until we meet again, farewell Applejack and Apple Bloom.”

Apple Bloom then gave the zebra a loving hug before she departed down the path before disappearing from view.
“Ah’ have to go see Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. They’re probably missing me.”

“Hold on there sis,” Applejack said, “We got to do a few things before you go scamperin’ off with yer friends. First, give yer sister a hug!”

Apple Bloom smiled as the two lovingly embraced each other.

“Now, how ‘bout you help me git this livin’ room back to actually lookin’ like one.”

The sisters cleaned up and moved back the furniture to where things were. Although Apple Bloom wasn’t as strong as she was as a mare, she was still happy that she made the right decision.

“Well, ah’ guess you can go meet yer friends now. Just be back fer supper, ok?”

“Alright Applejack,” apple Bloom said and gathering her Crusader cape and a saddle bag headed through the orchard to the clubhouse and her friends.