• Published 25th Feb 2016
  • 2,869 Views, 29 Comments

After the Rampage - twilightsparkle3562

Scorpan returns to Equestria to help the Princesses and their subjects recover from Tirek's rampage. However, he also tries to help Discord get back in the good graces of those he betrayed by siding with Tirek.

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Chapter 4: Discord Meets Scorpan

Upon being summoned from his realm of chaos, Discord teleported himself into Canterlot and carefully tried to avoid any unwanted attention from the already tense royal guards. With each guard that walked by, Discord grew more and more worried. He then realized that why he should be afraid to begin with? He was the master of chaos, but a retired enemy of Equestria. So, he snapped his fingers and assumed the disguise of one of the guards.

"They shouldn't be afraid of me," Discord thought as he snuck towards the doors of Canterlot Castle. "Perhaps if I stay in this disguise until I get to the throne room, then I will be unnoticed. Let's just hope it works. I need to do what Morgan sys I need to do, if I am to get back into the graces of everypony in Equestria."

Meanwhile, Scorpan and Celestia had made their way down to the throne room and waited anxiously for Discord to arrive. Even though Discord declared that he was no longer using his magic for evil, Celestia had to be on her guard, for she could possibly discover that Discord was probably faking his claim that he was no longer going to be using his magic for evil.

"He should be arriving at any moment," said Celestia, quietly as she sat nervously on her throne, her left front hoof tapping nervously. "Not all of the night guards know of his retirement from evil, Scorpan."

"Discord is the master of chaos," remarked Scorpan. "I know he will do anything to answer your call, Celestia. However, I can't make any promises that he would succeed in coming here alone."

"What do you mean?" wondered Celestia. "You think that somepony…?"

"Will take notice of his arrival into Canterlot," finished Scorpan. "Particularly your sister, Luna. As far as I know, she has been known to have a volatile temper."

Celestia could very well understand the temper that Luna was known to have. In fact, she was glad to know that Luna wasn't here to witness this meeting. If she were here, Luna would have used her powerful Alicorn magic to destroy Discord in retaliation for betraying Equestria, right there in front of her and their closest friend next to Starswirl the Bearded himself.

Just then, the doors of Canterlot's throne room opened and Discord's disguise of one of Luna's guards was still in effect as he entered the throne room. However, neither Celestia nor Scorpan were aware that it was indeed Discord, they thought that it was one of the night guards, probably with news of something that happened in Canterlot.

"Scorpan, I presume," said the pony in Discord's voice as Scorpan looked down with keen interest while Discord shedded his night guard disguise.

"So, you have decided to come and redeem yourself," the gargoyle remarked as Discord produced a halo and a harp. "I am pleased with your decision."

"Well, I want to at least make up for what I did," replied Discord as snapped the halo and harp away. "Not everypony will forgive me, but I want to do something to say that I am sorry for what I did. Surely, you both understand that?"

"We do, Discord," said Celestia, stepping down from her throne. "But, as you have said yourself, not everypony will forgive you. However, simply saying that you are sorry isn't good enough on the level of your actions."

Discord then began to think back to what Morgan, the magic mirror had said to him that he was Benedict Arnold, a traitor to Equestria just as he was a traitor to his own kind. In fact, he wish that he could just teleport Morgan to Canterlot, but decided against it, knowing that this was a matter that concerned him and the two others standing in front of him now.

"I know firsthoof how that feels," sighed Discord. "I actually have been doing some of that, remember? Repairing all the windows in Canterlot hall; helping to remake all of Twilight's dresses with Fluttershy and Rarity, so at least that is a start."

"Indeed, it is," said Scorpan, walking over to Discord and placing a paw on him. "But, now you have to convince all of Equestria that you are sorry. What I have come to do is to clean up the mess that my despicable and pathetic excuse for a brother of mine had made. Since you were the one who helped make the mess, Discord. You will help me in cleaning it up."

Just then, Discord snapped into a black maid's outfit with a feather duster in his lion's paw, much to Scorpan's displeasure, as a way of saying that he didn't do anything cleaning related.

"Fine, fine," he said, in a sarcastic way. "But, I don't do windows."

Discord then remembered that he did do windows when he restored all the windows he and Tirek defaced in Canterlot. So, he snapped his lion's paw and caused the maid's outfit to disappear.

"Oh, wait," he said, sheepishly while shrugging his shoulders. "I did do windows, so that is pretty irrelevant right now."

"Indeed," muttered Scorpan as they all noticed Luna flying back to Canterlot as she was now returning from her duties. "Then, we must leave at once. The quicker we set out on what we have to do, the better. Come, Discord."

So, Discord and Scorpan made their way to one of the open windows and were just about to leave when Celestia stopped them before they could make their move.

"Wait!" she called, causing the two creatures to over to her. "Good luck to you both."

"We will be back soon," replied Scorpan as he readied his wings. "And Equestria will be one step in its recovery progress."

Celestia watched as Scorpan and Discord took to the air, with Discord assuming the form of a bird so that he could keep up with the gargoyle. Where they would go first was up to them, depending on the location that was greatly affected by what Discord and Tirek had done.

Just then, right after the two non-pony creatures had left, Luna entered the throne room eager to allow her sister to assume her duty of raising the sun. However, she couldn't help but notice that it seemed like someone that she despised greatly had just been in with her sister.

"Sister, I saw somepony in here," Luna hissed with keen interest. "Was it Discord?"

Knowing that Luna's hot temper would get the best of both of them. Celestia knew that she needed to tell Luna the truth of what Discord was trying to do.

"It was, but you have to hear me out on what he is trying to do," pleaded Celestia, raising her wings in worry. "He is trying to redeem himself."

"And you believed him, sister?" retorted Luna, stamping her foot down hard on the floor. "Discord must be punished for his actions and…"

"Luna, please!" cried Celestia, trying to get through to her. "We have to believe Discord will redeem himself. Scorpan is helping him and…"

This made Luna stop in her tracks and realize that Scorpan...the brother of Lord Tirek…was helping Discord redeem himself for his actions.

"Sister, did you say that Scorpan was here?" she gasped. "Then, why is he…?"

"We have to trust Scorpan in making Discord see the error of his ways," said Celestia, trying to keep her faith in check as she walked back to the window and looked up to seeing Scorpan and Discord flying off into the night as she activated her magic to raise the sun. "Besides, they could use a little of my light to help see their way."

Luna watched as her sister raised the sun, still unconvinced that Discord could change his ways. But, only time would tell before Scorpan would succeed in completing his quest to help Equestria move on from his brother's rampage…