Discord and Shining Armor had ended their rivalry against each other, for the sake of Shining Armor's impending daughter who was to be born at any time. Discord had also found to have wanted to move on from this as well, wanting to restore his good name to Equestria. He had succeeded in a way, by travelling all over Equestria and helping those affected by Tirek's rampage to get back on their feet.
But all of it would not have been possible if it weren't for Scorpan, who was now in the process of returning to his homeland. However, Scorpan did have one little bit of business to take care of down in Tartarus which was to say to Tirek that he had proven his imprisoned brother wrong. Creatures like him needed to understand the magic of friendship just as much as the ponies of this land.
"Are you certain that you cannot stay any longer, Scorpan?" asked Celestia as she lowered the sun from the top of Canterlot castle. "There are many of my subjects who may need your help."
"My time here is at an end, Celestia," replied Scorpan. "I have done what needed to be done in terms of helping Discord get back into the good graces of your subjects. Everything that has been done is going to be left in your hands now. You know very well that I cannot stay here forever."
Celestia sighed heavily as she closed her eyes. Scorpan was more than just a non-pony creature, he was a friend to her and it was thanks to Scorpan that Discord was able to make up for his actions and it was thanks to Scorpan that Discord and Shining Armor were now on much friendlier terms.
"I am aware of that, Scorpan," said Celestia. "It's just that…"
"What is it?" wondered Scorpan as he wiped away a tear from Celestia's eyes. "Is there something important you want to say to me?"
"Well, I want us to be together on a frequent basis," answered Celestia. "Luna and I haven't seen you in forever and even I need somepony to turn to for advice."
The hulking gargoyle knew that Celestia and he needed to be together again. It had been over a thousand years since Tirek was imprisoned and it was only a few days since he escaped and was re-imprisoned. True, Twilight and her friends were the idols of Equestria, but as happy as Celestia was of her youngest equal, she never had anypony to look up to herself and this giant creature was just that.
"Celestia," chuckled Scorpan. "Don't be so silly. You know very well that I can return and we can always keep in touch. I am a friend of your subjects and I will promise you with my life, that I will return one day when creatures like my brother aren't conquering Equestria for their own free gain. We have so much to catch up on."
Celestia smiled at this and felt a little better at her old friend's reassurance. Scorpan had done so much for Equestria in a short period of time and she began to realize that this was only the beginning of things to come for her and him. After pulling each other into an embrace, Scorpan gave Celestia one last look before turning towards the west and lifting off into the sky.
As he left, Scorpan wondered if maybe he should have stayed longer in Equestria. But, he couldn't because Equestria needed time, time to recover from what Tirek had caused and Scorpan knew that he needed to say his peace to Tirek one last time. Besides, he gave his word to Celestia that he would one day return to resume their long distance relationship. For now though, his work was done.
"So, you've decided to show your face again?" remarked Tirek sneeringly as Scorpan landed in front of his cage. "Why have you come back after you disowned me?"
"I came to tell you that I have cleaned up the mess that you had made in Equestria," said Scorpan in a stern sounding voice. "I have especially redeemed Discord and made him see the light."
But, Tirek didn't say anything and only let out a loud huff.
"I'm not surprised that he is redeemed," huffed Tirek, the sounds of his shackles piercing the silence that was around his prison. "Discord was and always be a creature who is weak in the eyes of Equestria."
"Not from how I view it," remarked Scorpan. "No matter what you say to me or anypony else, it will fall on deaf ears Tirek. Everything you have done has been erased and while the ponies of Equestria continue to live, you will rot in this cell until you die."
Tirek was not listening to this and was ignoring everything that Scorpan was saying. He had his dreams and goals still inside of him and they would remain there as long as he was alive.
"So you say," said Tirek. "Well, I know that I will escape again one day and finish what I started."
Scorpan could only chuckle at this, knowing that his pathetic excuse of a brother was merely bluffing. Tirek did not take this humorous reaction well and could only growl with a low tone.
"Tirek, you just don't get it, do you?" laughed Scorpan, before banging the front of Tirek's cage with his paw. "You will never escape Tartarus again. If you were to escape, Cerberus would kill you and make your body into its own personal toy. And even if you were to die, your soul would still remain down here. Equestria is safe from creatures like you, Tirek. Discord will remain in Equestria because he understands the magic of friendship, just like I do. You will never learn the meaning of it and that's why you will stay here forever."
Scorpan then turned to leave, but Tirek was not done with him yet.
"Brother!" cried Tirek, his face still brooding with fury. "You can deny it all you want, but I will escape this prison again one day and I will finish what I had started whether you like it or not. You will be sorry for not freeing me when you had the chance."
"Farewell, Tirek," said Scorpan, with his back still turned to Tirek and his wings unfolding. "My hate will die with you."
Before his brother could utter another word, Scorpan lifted off into the dark caverns of Tartarus, knowing that everything had be done to remove Tirek's actions and that Discord was back in the good graces of those who had come to know him.
Scorpan's work was done and who knew when he would return to Equestria again. But, only time would tell when that day would come.
Great story. Love the introduction of Scorpan and his interactions with Tirek. However its a shame that it was sidelined at the end to focus more on Discord. Don't get me wrong. Discord is great here. But it would be a great dynamic if Scorpan and Discord like discussed with one another about how their respective betrayals have shaped them now
The story, while good, felt a little rushed at we don't even see Discord talking to the Mane 6 with only a passing comment that he helped them.
Overall, an okay story to read.
Jay Baruchel as Scorpan.