• Published 25th Feb 2016
  • 2,869 Views, 29 Comments

After the Rampage - twilightsparkle3562

Scorpan returns to Equestria to help the Princesses and their subjects recover from Tirek's rampage. However, he also tries to help Discord get back in the good graces of those he betrayed by siding with Tirek.

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Chapter 10: When Two Foes Meet

After making several more visits to atone for his actions, Discord and Scorpan returned to Canterlot the following morning with Discord still feeling bitter over Shining Armor's attitude towards him. Little did Discord know that Shining Armor had been summoned to Canterlot by order of Celestia and Luna in an effort to end the bitter feud that was between them.

"We've returned, my friends," said Scorpan as he walked over and hugged the two sisters after landing with Discord following behind. "Discord has atoned for his actions quicker than I thought that he would."

"Indeed," remarked Discord, who produced a halo and a harp, strumming it. "Despite having a few hiccups along the way. You'd be surprised at how they welcomed us at Appleloosa."

As he spoke, Discord tried to mimic the whinnying motion that Braeburn made whenever he welcomed outsiders to the small western town. Of course, he couldn't do it without transforming, so he did and thus was able to do it.

"Uh, yes," said Scorpan, scratching the back of his neck. "We've had our moments, particularly with the Pegasus ponies as well as the Earth ponies. They showed that creatures like my brother would not be tolerated in any way. The damage was far greater than I could have possibly imagined."

It was at this moment that Celestia and Luna both looked at each other and nodded that something else needed to be done concerning both Discord and the pony who had in for him ever since Tirek's escape.

"I believe that there is one more piece of damage that needs to be fixed," said Celestia, who motioned for the two guards standing at the throne room doors to open it with their magic and on the other side were Cadence and Shining Armor. Seeing Shining Armor made Discord feel very upset internally and very bitter.

"What is he doing here?" asked Discord, quietly teleporting to Celestia and giving her a hard stare in her eyes. "Are you out of your mind? Why would you invite somepony with a grudge against me?"

"Discord," said Scorpan, causing Discord to turn his attention towards him. "I'd advise you to realize that this feud that you have with this stallion was not only started by my brother, but also by you yourself. The time has come for you to make up and move on with your lives."

Shining Armor then walked up to Discord and he knew that he wanted to just blast Discord to kingdom come with his magic, but he couldn't do such a thing. Not with Celestia, Luna and especially Cadence in his presence. The young prince of the Crystal Empire took in a deep sigh and nervously walked up to Discord.

"Look, Discord," said Shining Armor. "I've been doing a lot of thinking and…"

"Uh, Uh, Uh," interrupted Discord, waiving a lion finger at Shining Armor's face. "I think you know what you are here for."

Discord then produced a bullseye around his chest, much to the dismay of Scorpan and the Princesses. In his mind, Discord thought that this was it: Shining Armor had come to destroy him once and for all.

"Stand down, Discord," ordered Scorpan, trying to get Discord to see sense. "I think Shining Armor may have something else to say to you. At least give him a chance to say his peace."

Doing as he was told, Discord snapped his fingers and the target disappeared. However, he still had his doubts of whether this unicorn was really doing this as an act to trick him. Then again, Discord was once a master of chaos who did all of this long ago.

"All right, you have my attention," he said, his eyes locking onto Shining Armor. "Say what you need to say, Shining Armor."

"Discord, I have been doing some thinking," began Shining Armor. "Yes, I know you think that I want to destroy you and I have thought about it."

Discord then processed the bullseye again in an effort to just end the suffering that he had been causing Shining Armor. However, Celestia used her magic to snatch the bullseye away and lock Discord's body in a freeze.

"Don't jump to conclusions, Discord," cried Cadence. "Shining Armor does not want to destroy you. He knows what he did was wrong, but you have to at least give him a chance to say his peace."

"Indeed," agreed Shining Armor. "I've realized over time that destroying you would not erase the pain of Tirek's escape. If I did, what good would that do? It would only cause more pain and suffering. I don't want any more of that, Discord and you know it."

"Is this a trick?" cried Discord. "Because if it is, I can at least fight back against you."

As Discord spoke, Celestia used her magic to grip Discord tighter than his ancient body could take.

"I don't want to fight, Discord," cried Shining Armor. "If I do want to fight you, then I have already done so when I unleashed my fury on you at Twilight's castle. I want us to start over for the sake of my wife and my sister. Will you accept my friendship?"

Discord thought about it for a second and then with a snap of his fingers, he disappeared from view, refusing to believe a word that came out of Shining Armor's mouth. Discord's sudden disappearance caught everyone by surprise.

"I don't understand," cried Shining Armor. "Why doesn't he believe me?"

"It's your protective nature," remarked Luna. "You have always been one who is known for a protective nature. I'm afraid that unless if changes his ways, then I'm afraid it is only a matter of time before he never forgives you."

Shining Armor refused to believe such a thing and began to think of a way to try again. He knew that Discord needed to be forgiven and the only way to do that was to talk to him in a setting for just the two of them.

"Then I have to find him," said Shining Armor, firmly looking back to the others.

"Who knows where he could have gone?" wondered Cadence. "He could have gone anywhere."

"I will find him," said Shining Armor, running to the doors in search of Discord. "I will get through to him if it is the last thing I ever do."

Without anyone saying another word, Shining Armor darted out of the throne room and into the streets of Canterlot, desperate to find Discord and put the past behind them…