• Published 2nd Feb 2016
  • 7,467 Views, 108 Comments

A Nightmarish arrival - TheImperialBrony

Charlie was dressing up for a Con when he was suddenly pulled into Equestria.

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Night one: Rainbow Dash

The night when Fredbear passed out from the steps. Rainbow's cloud house.

Rainbow's POV

I arrived back home after we had lifted Fredbear to Flutter's cottage. By Celestia that was some hard work. I arrived home tired and sweating. I moved through my home to the bedroom. It had a single door and a closet in the middle, right in front of the bed, with two windows on the other walls.

I pulled away my blanket and landed on the pillow. I looked at the clock before falling to sleep, 11:47. That long?! It took us that long to get him from the ground to Flutter's?! Gosh, I wish he never touched the steps.

I felt myself drifting away into dreamland, for a long needed sleep....

I groaned as I woke from my slumber to the blaring alarm next to my bed. It read, 12:01. I raised my head to better look at it as my eyes focused on it. "The hay?" I whispered to myself as I stared at the alarm. I switched it off to rid me of that annoying sound so I can go back to my blissful sleep....


I perked back up from my bed at the sound and looked to my door. It was open, I thought I closed it when I went to sleep, perhaps I was too tired to notice. I pulled back the covers and walked over to the door to close it again....


I froze at once. My hoof was on the knob to pull the door shut when I heard the sound again, coming from the hall. I looked out into the darkness, searching for something.

Something in my mind clicked.

I slammed the door shut and heard a scratching sound against the cloud door. I held the door shut and closed my eyes to hope whatever is behind that door leaves. The sound ends after a good minute. I open my eyes, shivering in fear I backed away from the door to the small candle I had near my bedside and lit it.

Holding it with my wing, I kept watch on the door. I heard a creak and whipped my head to the closet, it moved a small amount. I walked to the closet door with candle in wing, and opened it.....

And shut it immediately, after I saw a head appear out of it. I leaned against the door, blocking it from opening. I was sweating and breathing hard, it felt like I had gone to the sun and back. One look at the head was all I needed to know what it was...

It was a giant creature that looked similar to Fredbear but instead, with a head of a fox, that had sharp teeth and missing skin.

I shuddered at the memory of the head. I turned my head to look at the closed closet, I opened it back up slowly to find nothing there. Just empty space and full of clothing as well as other items. I peered inside to further look and found the same results. I closed the closet as I turned back around to the bed.


"Again?" I groaned as I headed to the doorway. I looked down the hall and listened.....


I gasped and closed the door hard as I could as I heard banging on the other side of it. "You will not be getting me! You know who I am?! I am Rainbow Dash!!! Fastest, bravest, and strongest flyer in Equestria!!" I yelled as I held the door shut. After a while the banging stopped once again. I kept the door shut for good reasons. I headed back to the bed, watching the cloud door as I did. I hopped on the bed, still holding the candle in my wing. I scanned the room, looking at the closet then the door, the closet then the door and so on. Then I heard a new sound....


I tilted my head at the sound, with my ears swiveling to pinpoint it. My ears fell flat and my eyes going wide as I found out where it was....

Under me.....

I jumped and flew off the bed tot he closet entrance and turned to face my bed. I watched as a hook appeared from under it, then a claw, then.....its head....and its body......

I stared up at it as it rose to its full height. Its eyes were a reddish-brown as it looked down at me. Its long tongue in its mouth moved around and kept hanging out of it from the side, making it more menacing as it stared at me.

I never show my fear...

I charged at it...

It did in turn, releasing a bellow so loud that I put my ears down for the whole time.

It leaped....

I never saw it coming....

This is the end....

I closed my eyes in wait for it to come.....




I opened my eyes to see the roof of my room. I was breathing hard and sweating heavily under the covers. I moved my head around to face the clock that was beeping.


I turned back to the ceiling and laid there in my bed covers....thinking about what just happen.....

I thought for a few minutes till I came to a conclusion.....

"I survived the night...."

Author's Note:

Night one: RD done...
What do you guys thing should be the next one for Night two?
Mane six only....