• Published 2nd Feb 2016
  • 7,467 Views, 108 Comments

A Nightmarish arrival - TheImperialBrony

Charlie was dressing up for a Con when he was suddenly pulled into Equestria.

  • ...

The story must be told

By the time I woke up again, it was morning.

When I opened my eyes, I was in Fluttershy's house. The sun was drifting through the windows lighting up the room I was in. I was laying flat on the floor looking up at the ceiling. I sat up and looked around, the room I was in was a bit small compared to my size. In all honesty, I have no idea how they got me in here being what I am. Birdhouses doted the ceiling as small holes in the wall was placed every so often for little creatures. I also noticed a bed next to me and I figured that this was Fluttershy's bed. She was not in it, probably making breakfast and caring for the animals.

I got up, being careful to not cut the bed with my hands or scratch the floor. I had to crouch to move around, which was kinda hard to do since my belly being unable to bend or morph well. The floorboards creaked under my weight as I moved to the door. Getting through the door was like a mini adventure for me, it took so long just to fit through. It took about 10 minutes just to get through the dang thing, I almost cracked the doorway just as I was wiggling through.

Of all times to be big in a small space....

I could hear Fluttershy talking to someone else as well as other voices, possibly the others. I looked down the stairs....Well they were small just like everything in this house. It made me wounder more on how they managed to get me in here. I went down the steps in 3 steps of my feet, reaching the floor with a clank, I winced at the sound. The chatter in the kitchen had stopped once that sound was made by me. I started to move to the doorway slowly, clanking all the way. Once I had reached the kitchen door I saw all six of them around a table, they were all staring at me as I peered through the doorway with my head only and a hand on the doorway side.

"Darling why are you so unnerving?" Rarity comments get some nods of agreement from the others.

"Hey, I can't help who I am, like I said, I am a Nightmare." I reply.

"Yea...What did you mean by, you are a nightmare?" Twilight asked.

"Want to hear the story?" I ask looking at them. They nodded back to me. "Alright. My true full name is Nightmare Fredbear. I am called Nightmare because well....look at me, do I not look evil?" They looked me over before grimly nodding. "Plus umm...you may not want to hear this..."

"Aw...But I want to hear the rest of your tale..." Pinkie wined with a pout.

"Fine...I am a child's Nightmare. I hunt him down in his dream as he tries to survive for five nights. If he fails in the dream....he dies in reality." I said now glum. I heard a pop and a hissing sound as Pinkie's mane deflates as she looks mortified just like her friends. "I told you..."

"That's absolutely terrible!" Pinkie wailed.

"Why would you be like that?" Twilight comments.

"Sweet Celestia..." said Rarity with a hoof hovering over her mouth.

"Now that's just ain't right...." AJ comments hiding behind her hat.

The other two were just speechless. Just staring at me with wide eyes, Fluttershy especially. I could see her trembling. I looked down at myself, seeing the holes and the stomach-mouth, I pulled up my arms into view and looked at the sharp pointed fingers on each one.

I looked back up at them, they were now trying to comfort each other. "There are more of us...." I said, catching their attention once again. "Their names are, Foxy, Chica, Bonnie, and Freddy....though there is one more...." I put a finger to my lower jaw in thought. They had all looked up at me once I had started speaking again. "I am sorry that I am like this....I never chose this." I finished looking back down at my belly.

"C-Can we please talk about something else?" Pinkie asks looking at me.

"Yea, we can. What happen during when I was on the steps?" I asked looking back at them.

"Well...you started to twitch and then shake, it looked like you were in pain and was having trouble getting off the step." I nod at Twilight's statement. "We started to come near you but that's when your eyes started to glow extremely red, like evil red, and that's when you looked up and started screaming. It was so horrifying, I had never seen anyone in that much pain before..."

I felt like I was being torn apart from the inside...." I mumbled remembering the pain I felt, not fun...not. At. All.

"Then once your leg had gotten off the step, you fell over onto your back and passed out. I had to lift you here with my magic, then teleport you inside." Twilight continued.

I nodded. "Well that answers my question on how you got me to fit in here. Please don't put me in small spaces like that again."

Twilight nods.

I noticed that Rainbow was the only one being quiet this time, I looked at her as she sat in her seat, prodding at her food. She seemed out of it...

"Rainbow?" I asked lifting an arm to reach for her to put on her shoulder. She looked up in time to see it halfway to her before letting out a yelp and falling off her seat, as the others look at her from her new position on the floor.

"Sorry....just didn't have a good night sleep last night....And I am fine." she says getting back up and into her seat. She looks at me for a time before breaking away to finally eat.

They were still recovering from the tale I had told them as they ate. They asked me if I needed to eat, I said no, due to being a Nightmare and having no organs. Twilight looked over at me from where I was in the doorway, she started overlooking my form.

"I hate to pry but, what are in...those holes in your body?" she asks as the others look up and stare at me as well.

"Well, I am an animatronic, a thing of wires and metal, not flesh and bone. Made to entertain children....if they don't become a nightmare..." I explain.

"So....you are the Nightmare variant of an 'Animatronic'?" she asks again.

I nod glumly, I took note of the way she said Animatronic. "Animatronics are creations made from metal and wires, they are living technology basically."

"Ah.." They nod in understanding before going back to eating. Rainbow however, stared for a bit longer I noticed from the corner of my view.

After they had eaten breakfast, we headed out of the cottage to Ponyville. I look up to Celestia's sunrise lighting the new day. The mane six walked with me to there. Ponies that see us did the same as yesterday night as we passed. Whenever I looked at one, they coward under my gaze, trying to make themselves small by scrunching up into a ball.

'Am I really that terrifying?' I asked myself as we headed to the town hall.

I saw many ponies I know, one of my favorites, Octavia with Vinyl. The looks on their faces made me hate myself for scaring them. The rest of the mane six kept looking strait ahead toward the town hall. Pinkie was back in her original happy state, jumping as we walked. The reason we were going to the Town hall was so that they can introduce me to Ponyville's inhabitants, to help remove the scare factor they have for me.

Hopefully it works....