• Published 22nd Jan 2016
  • 1,469 Views, 60 Comments

If Fear Divides, Courage Unites - SoloBrony

A changeling pays Ponyville Elementary a visit to teach the foals about changelings. Just one catch: he's terrified of ponies.

  • ...

Welcoming Me

What would you do after a colossal screw-up like that? I'll tell you what I did. I went to a restaurant in town.

Not like my breakfast was going to fix itself. I didn't have the patience to try again, and to be honest, part of me also wanted to show my face around town. I guess I was still a little worked-up, though I wasn't sure why I was really upset in the first place. I was kind-of hoping that the mare from earlier would turn up.

So I could apologize to her for my outburst. I felt really bad about that.

So that's where I was; sitting at a restaurant, digging into an 'Apple fritter' (why did they capitalize that?), and feeling the strangest mixture of guilt and defiance. But mostly hunger. I heard a snicker from behind me, and almost jumped out of my seat.

"Good choice. Those things are always made with love."

Cheerilee walked around me and gestured at the seat across from me. I desperately tried to wipe sugar off of my face with a napkin while frantically gesturing at her to be seated and making a few vague noises of desperate assent.


But changelings do! Iunsectan; literally I want to scurry away into a dark corner like a bug. That pretty much nailed how I felt. It was just magnified when Cheerilee chuckled as she sat down. After I finished wiping off my face, I finally got around to processing her joke, and promptly planted my hoof between my eyes, smirking.

I'm going to end up bruising my face if I keep this up.

"Changelings eat normal food too, y'know."

Cheerilee chuckled nervously. "I know, I know."

A waiter came by, and Cheerilee placed an order for a daisy sandwich, indicating she would be staying awhile. I set my hoof down on the table and tried my best to look friendly, despite my nerves. She kept up her nervous little smile, and then gestured to the town as she spoke.

"You, ah, don't really come into town often, right? It's nice seeing you here."

"Oh, uh, you think so? Yeah, I tend to avoid it..."

She's trying to be polite; I can tell I'm making her nervous. I bet she just wants me to stop—

"Well, you shouldn't! I think it's good for ponies to see you around here."


"So, uh... you want me to come around more?"

She paused for a second, almost like she was embarrassed, and then nodded.

"You should. I was thinking—well, you should know that Mint stopped by my office today."


Cheerilee tilted her head in confusion.

"Yeah. Green pony with a white mane? She said she spoke to you..."



"... Oh."

Cheerilee seemed unaware of my rising sense of dread, and simply continued on, idly nodding at the waiter as he brought her food.

"She was very upset, but I've dealt with upset parents before. You don't need to worry."

"Oh. Thank you, I was really worried that I'd created a problem."

Cheerilee shook her head, smiling brightly.

"It's not like it was your idea to come to the school – you didn't even want to be there! I stand by my decision, anyway. If changelings and ponies are going to get along, we need to understand each other; I'm not going to let some paranoid pony make you feel unwelcome."

I flinched.

"Wait... you didn't chew her out, did you?"

Cheerilee paused, and glanced away. The gesture struck me as... sheepish? Embarassed?

"I may have gotten a little heated, if that's what you mean, but it was professional. I just wanted to make her understand how her behavior was causing problems."

I rubbed one of my temples with my hoof, feeling a conflict between emotions of pity, vindication, and guilt.

"Maybe, but... I kinda wish you hadn't. I mean, it wasn't her fault. She's just scared."

I looked at Cheerilee, conflicted. To my surprise, she just put on a small smile and shook her head lightly.

"That's charitable of you, Terrent, but I've had issues with that mare before. I think she just thought you were an easy target."

I thought back to that weird look on Mint's face, and I started to realize where I remembered it from – and it reminded me of why I didn't go back to the hive.

"Oh. So that's how it is."

We spent a short while in silence, eating. About halfway through her sandwich, Cheerilee set it back down on her plate and looked up at me.

"Mint said that you told her it was Twilight's idea for you to come speak at the school. That's not the whole story."

I ate the last of my Apple fritter and listened intently.

"The idea actually originally came from... from your roommate. Krittith."

"... of course it did."

I looked down at the table, smirking as Cheerilee continued on.

"Twilight liked the idea, so we set it up. I mean, he was a college professor – or, I mean, he acted as one for years. It seemed natural for him to do something pedagogical..."

I glanced up to see why Cheerilee had trailed off, and I could clearly see she was fidgeting and frowning a bit, glancing around.

I still make her really uneasy, I guess.

"Yeah, that was Krittith, alright. He was always rattling off some proverb or other. I remember him saying something about how 'relationships are built on understanding, so ponies and changelings need to understand each other'. Didn't think he meant it so literally, heh."

Cheerilee smiled, though I could see by her furrowed brow that her tension wasn't gone.

"Yeah. I, uh... I worried that it was a bit inconsiderate of Twilight to ask you to take his place, but you did a very good job."

I thought back to the exuberant, inquisitive foals. Sure, I got poked and prodded a good bit, but they seemed genuinely interested.

"I guess. Really, it seems like they do a good job teaching themselves; I was just there to answer their questions."

Cheerilee went quiet for a moment, staring at me with a contemplative expression. I immediately started to worry that I had offended her somehow.

"That's a good way to look at it. You know, Krittith always used to come around town; you should do it, too. That way, at least you're here to answer questions, right?"

She grinned at me, and I leaned back and thought about it.

"Well, I want the other changelings to feel welcome here. Despite everything that's happened, I feel like this is a good place for anyone to live, and I want them to know that their presence is appreciated. I guess if hanging out around town could do that, then..."

Oh crap that means hanging around a whole bunch of ponies who may form an angry mob or use me for target practice.

Wait, no, that's silly. They wouldn't do that, I've never even seen them do target-practice. Except that one pegasus. With her face.


Cheerilee had leaned forward, and was watching me expectantly.

"Then... I suppose I'll give it a try?"

"Good! I'm really glad to hear that. There's a festival coming up soon, and I'm one of the organizers – maybe you could get involved!"

"Hey, maybe so. That sounds nice."

I contemplated for a few more moments, and then I set my bits down on the table. My food was finished, and hers was nearly so. She seemed a little surprised, for some reason.

"I should go get to work on the house. I've let it sit for too long."

Her expression dropped a bit, and her voice was tinged with sympathy.

"Ah, the house you two were working on together, right? That must be hard."

I hesitated there for a few moments, but I was really sure what to say. I finally just settled on mumbling 'yeah' and turning to leave.

"Oh, Terrent. Before you go, uh..."

I glanced back at her, and I suddenly felt nervous.

She looks nervous. Why is she nervous? Should I be nervous? What's going on? Did she leave off the 'bad news' until the end?

She cleared her throat, glancing around, and then she locked eyes with me.

Oh no, oh no, oh no, what is it?

"Terrent, I was wondering if you would like to get dinner with me this evening?"

"Oh. Sure, that sounds great. See you later!"

I began to trot off, relief flowing over me.

Huh. That wasn't so bad. I mean, eating with her again sounds nice. She's good company. Wonder why she was so nervous?

Eh. Probably because I'm annoying or something.

I whistled a little tune as I walked the long path through town that led to the house.