• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 22,814 Views, 697 Comments

That Strange Stallion - Gunther the Green

There's a new pony in Ponyville but they just can't figure him out. He answers questions but that only crops up more questions.

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The Strange Way

That Strange Stallion

The Strange Way

While some ponies are content with just preparing for the celebration, either by themselves or with a few others, one pony had the assistance of her extended family. Her task was catering the celebration from the literal fruits of her labor and family namesake, apples. No pony knows apples better then the apple family and they were proud of it!

Right now the family was finishing up their meal and heading back out into the fields or in the kitchen cooking up some more food. One stetson wearing earth pony was counting the bushels of apples they'd harvested today. Which was a lot. But was it enough for the Summer Sun Celebration? Probably, but gotta make sure anyway.

"Ok, that is funny," a voice she didn't recognize said from behind her. She turned around and came face to face with a green stallion she'd never seen before looking at her hat with a goofy grin. Was he making fun of her hat?

"You got a problem with my head wear, mister?" she questioned the stranger.

"Nah, it's perfectly fine. I've got a friend who wears one like it, though his is white," well that was fine. If it reminded him of somepony from home, she could handle a little eyeball on her hat. "I'm Martin by the way, nice to meet-" he had started waving at her but the earth pony grabbed the hoof and gave it a firm shake.

"Well howdy there Martin. Name's Applejack, welcome to Sweet Apple Acres. Home of the Apple family. Now what brings ya'll out to our neck of the woods?" He didn't answer immediately and just stared at the hoof she shook with a confused look. What, did she offend him in some way? He better not start complaining about the dirt.

He eventually tore his gaze away from the hoof and stared off into the grove of trees, "Woods is right." He looked back at her with another grin, "I'm just exploring Ponyville since I'm gonna be here for a while. Saw a big apple orchard and thought, 'That looks like a fun place' and decided to pay it a visit. And boy was I surprised by all the ponies here." Of course, the Apple family is one of the bigger ones, "Kinda reminds me of when my family comes over for a reunion," right on the nose.

"Then you won't be surprised that this is a reunion too," they may be only here for the reunion, but they were determined to make their visit count.

"So what are they doing out there?" What else would they be doing?

"Ain't it obvious? They're bucking the apple trees, of course," she explained. That only gave him a more confused look.

"Ok, why?" Where in Equestria did this pony come from if he didn't know what bucking tree's was?

"To get the apples down of course. How the hay don't you know that?" He was an earth pony and he hadn't even heard of bucking in passing?

"Huh, well there are no farms near my hometown. All of our food is imported." Oh, so that's it, he's one of them big city ponies. Probably never worked a hard day in his life. Well she was sure to give him a taste of it today.

"Well how's about you try it yourself?" she walked away from the bushels of apples and towards some apple trees that hadn't been bucked yet.

"What do you mean?" he followed after her. She put some baskets around the tree for the apples to fall into.

"Ah mean what ah said," she waved a hoof at the tree, "You're gonna buck it." Simple and easy. Anypony could understand that.

"Ok," but he didn't immediately move and they stood in uncomfortable silence. "How do I do that?" Almost anypony then. Did she really need to explain how to buck a tree?

"Ya'll just go up to it, turn around and buck it." Three easy steps, let's see if he can follow them.

"Ok, walk up to the tree," he stepped up to it, turned around, "and buck it," he brought his legs up, but his form was terrible. The only thing he accomplished was kicking off the tree, sending his legs over his head, losing his balance and landing on his back.

"How'd I do boss?" Did he really want that answer?

"Well, with the fact that the tree didn't even shake and no apples fell, I'd say ya'll failed." No need to beat around the bush.

"Brutal honesty! I like that," he flipped over back onto his legs. "You know, I didn't think farmers got apples down from tree's by kicking them." Now he seemed to think he knew things about farming that she didn't.

"Oh ya? Then how would you like to do it? Shout at it?" she asked sarcastically. Ha, that'd be a laugh, have the tree shaking in fear. For some reason he looked up at the tree in thought. He wasn't honestly going to try and yell at it, was he?

"I'm gonna headbutt it," he suddenly said with determination while backing up.

"Say what?" she gave him a stare. She hoped he was joking. Nope, he went into a full gallop towards the tree with his head low. "Now hold on there-" but she was too late and he smashed head first into the tree. The tree quaked at the sudden impact and all the apples fell into the baskets. Huh, that worked apparently. Martin wobbled back and forth, having trouble staying on all four legs. She walked over to him and put a hoof on his shoulders to keep him steady. "Now why'd ya go and do a dumb thing like that?" She asked him. He was lucky he hadn't hurt himself that badly.

"Because it worked," she couldn't argue the results but she could definitely argue the method.

"Ya, and now ya got a bump on your noggin. Now I don't want to see you doing that again, ya hear me?" she asked him.

"Yes ma'am," he agreed. Good, ain't nopony gonna get hurt on her watch.

"Here, I'll show ya how it's done," she got a few more baskets around a different tree and gave it a quick buck. The apples came down easily. Years of practice showing through, "Now that's how ya do it."

He stared at her in amazement, "Wow, you make it look so simple."

"All it takes is a little hard work and practice," she stepped towards him again. He was better but still a little wobbly, "Why don't ya go back to town and rest, ya'll may need to sleep off that headache of yours."

"You sure? Maybe I can help out with something else here?" he offered. Applejack looked back at the rest of the farm in thought. Was there anything she needed done that he could help with? After a moment of contemplation, she decided that there wasn't and that she could handle the rest of it.

"Nah, I'm good, thanks though. It's mighty nice of you to offer," she meant that.

"Alrighty then. It was an interesting experience but I enjoyed it. Thank you, and good luck with your farm," he said while walking back towards town.

"Ha! Ah don't need no luck, ah got skills and experience," she declared with confidence.

"That too!" He called back.

She had a sudden thought, "Hey!" Applejack called out to him. He stopped and looked back at her with a confused look. She nosed one of the apples into the air and gave a swift kick, sending it flying towards him. With amazing ease he plucked the apple with a hoof. "Ya'll earned that!" she told him while waving a hoof. "Don't be a stranger now!" He gave her a big smile and waved back at her, apple in hoof, before walking off.

She gave a smile of her own, glad to show some city colt the rewards of good and honest work. He seemed like a good feller. A little kooky but that don't make a bad pony. Though she'd prefer he use his head in a little less literal matter. But maybe he'll show promise in something else someday.

Author's Note:

I can't tell if I'm getting better or worse. But this will be the last single point of view chapter for a long while, and hopefully that means that there will be more words like some of you have been asking. Unfortunately more words means that I shouldn't be able to upload daily, that's not to say I can't, just that it won't be likely. So wish me luck.
I'm tempted to put 'Mystery' as one of the tags, but I'll hold off until I get more of a feel of what I want out of the coming chapters.
I've noticed a certain question come up a few times so I thought I'd address it now. I will NOT have this specific story go all the way to the season finale of the Grand Galloping Gala. this will end before then. I won't say when. If I decide for a sequel, it will be after the season two premier after Discord. But I won't spoil anymore. So I hope you'll enjoy the bonus chapter as well.