• Published 4th Jun 2012
  • 6,013 Views, 170 Comments

A Behemoth in Equestria (cancelled) - Fanskapet

Follow the mad times of a confused Behemoth in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 2 A dragon maybe?

"Gah is there no end to this forest? we have been walking for hours and every time this pegasus wakes up, she sees me squeaks and fall unconcious again."
He said towards his little dog friend with a sigh.

Winona said laying her ears flat against her head.

"Yeah I know it`s not your fault."
He said as he sat down and put the unconcious pegasus down on the ground.

"Urf rurf?"
Winona barked and whimpered with a pleading look at the giant purple creature.

"What? are you hungry?"
He asked his little companion, getting an even more pleading look and more whimpers from it.

"Sorry, Winona was it?"
He asked getting a wagging tail as response.

"But I don`t have any food on me, I am actually getting hungry myself."
He said scratching his belly and looking around for anything eadible.

"Hmm Winona how about you stay with the pegasus and I go around search for eh anything at all?"
He asked the brown dog.


"Good girl, just I don`t know howl if you see a bear."
He said patting the dog with a finger, before walking further into the woods.

"Would help if i knew what this body could eat."
He thought as he walked around picking up flowers and other food looking herbs.

"Hmm maybe take some of it with me to the fainting pegasus, maybe i should try catch a bird or a rabbit for the dog."
He thought as he crouched low to see if he could spot some animals at all, scratching his beard as he didn`t notice a single evidence of wildlife.

"Guess I scared them all away, heh apparently a 5 meter tall purple horned dragon creature is not the most welcome sight anywhere."
He thought as he sat down and leaned his back against a tree.

"Wait if I am a dragon maybe I can breath fire?"
He thought as he put down the collected herbs next to the tree, walking towards a small clearing and taking a look around.

"Here it goes."
He said taking a deep breath and letting out a huge roar echoing through the forest.

"Hmm well not really a breath of fire, but atleast it was a pretty damn epic roar."
He said with a smile before taking another deep breath and letting out another loud roar.

"Oh wait, that was pretty stupid, the other ...ponies must have heard that one."
He thought to himself before picking up the herbs and heading back to the yellow pegasus and the brown little dog.

"Hope the pegasus didn`t hear the roars I made, would probably give it a heartattack."
He thought with a smile as he begun walking.

"Hmm would help if not every damn tree and stone looked the same."
He thought as he walked past the sixth rock with the same patch of moss looking like a big smile, before it hit him.

"I have been walking in circles?"
He thought as he put his hand to his face with a loud sigh.

"Wait i can try and call for the dog."
He thought with a smile before it fell a little.

"If I can only remember its name, Wilma? Wanda? crap."
He thought closing his eyes and sitting down, hitting his head with his right hand trying to remember the right name.

"Fine only one way to do this then, time to shout names at random."
He thought as he begun walking again.

"Hrm... Wilma!!.....Wanda!!!....Wilhelmina!!...............Winona!?"
He shouted at the top of his lungs hoping atleast one of the names were correct.

He heard in response after a few seconds of silence.

"Keep barking Winona!!"
He shouted picking up the herbs again and begun to walk towards the noise.


"That`s a good girl keep doing it!!"
He shouted back with a smile.



"Almost there Winona!"
He shouted as he pushed some bushes out of the way and finally saw the little dog.

"You are a life saver Winona, I am so glad you aren`t scared of my appearance and I never..... uh where is the pegasus?"
He asked as he finally reached the little dog and looked around.

Winona barked as she walked away.

"It is over here?"
He asked as he walked after the dog.

Winona barked as she jumped up onto an overturned tree.

"Okay, you lead me here now...."
He begun before hearing small whimpers coming from the other side of the tree.

Scratching his goateè with his other hand before leaning his head over the tree, only to spot the little yellow pegasus wedged between some branches.

"W-Winona is that y-you?"
He heard the little pegasus ask between her little whimpers.


"T-the monster didn`t get you? I am so unh relieved, b-but you have to get s-some help."
The pegasus whimpered.

"Guess she heard my roars then."
He thought before grabbing the tree with both hands and slowly turning it towards him.

Come on just a little more
He thought to himself before shouting out a big.
As he managed to roll the tree towards him with a loud cracking sound.

The pegasus squeaked as she was still stuck on the branches as the tree was rolled over.

"Eek! dragon p-please don`t eat me!"
She squeaked closing her eyes and curling up into a small yellow and pink shivering ball.

"Atleast she didn`t faint this time."
He thought narrowing his eyes and frowning at the little pink and yellow ball.

"Listen talking horse pony pegasus thingy, I wouldn`t save you just to eat you, I could`ve done it while you were unconcious, and for the record I am not a dragon, I think."
He said making the little fur ball lift her head to look at the purple creature infront of her.

"N-not a dragon?"
She asked with a voice that was almost a whisper.

"What? I only heard the word dragon and I don`t think I am one."
He said raising an eyebrow at the little pegasus.

"S-so you are not g-gonna eat me?"
She asked staring wide eyed at the creature.

"I think we have much to talk about little pegasus."
He said as he laid down on the ground resting his head on his arms, getting an unsure nod from the little pegasus.

Winona barked as she sat down next to the pegasus.

Vilefor said with a nod.

Hope i do good so far lol 10 likes is a record for me, still has no idea where i am going with this story though.