• Published 4th Jun 2012
  • 6,012 Views, 170 Comments

A Behemoth in Equestria (cancelled) - Fanskapet

Follow the mad times of a confused Behemoth in Equestria

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Chapter 1 Waking up in a new body.

"Ow my head."
He said as he opened his eyes, to look around seeing as he laid in what looked like a crater in a forest.

"Great now I know that magic didn`t work as planned."
He said as he tried to roll over on his stomach instead, shaking his head wildly trying to get it to clear, seeing two large things just outside his view, reaching up an arm to take whatever it is on his head away, stopping his movements as his hand came into view, blinking a few times seeing as his hands had become a pair of purple claws, looking down on himself seeing his entire body seemed to be muscular and covered in short purple fur.

"Hmm seems the spell did more than just teleport me."
He said to himself trying to stand up only to fall back into a half-crouched position clutching his head.

"Ow I need a mirror."
He said as he begun walking on all four out of the crater.

"Weird how natural it feels to be walking on all four, I really hope there`s someone or something to help me out here."
He thought shaking his head again as it stil felt foggy, taking a deep breath before he begun to get out of the crater and walking towards a nearby tree.

"Maybe I could try out these claws atleast."
He said to himself as he begun scratching at the tree, smiling to himself seeing how easy it was to tear of the bark from the tree, then looking up at the tree comparing himself to it.

"Hmm seems I`m almost 4 or 5 meters tall standing on my back legs."
He said to himself looking at the tree he just scratched, before clutching his head in his hand.

"Ow hope I don`t got a concussion, I better find a way out of this forest atleast."
He said shaking his head again, before taking another deep breath as he looked up towards the sky, spotting a small column of smoke rising above the trees.

"Great someone actually living in this forest."
He said with a smile as he begun walking towards the column of smoke, switching between walking upright and walking on all fours.

"Weird how walking on both 2 and 4 legs feels equally easy."
He thought after walking for what felt like an hour, only to stop and clutch his head in his hands.

"Ow still hurts."
He said as he sat down trying to shake his head clear, before deciding it`s no point, sighing as he got up again and started walking towards the column of smoke, seeing he was almost there now he started walking a bit faster, before stopping about 20 meters from were the smoke came from.

"Hmm maybe it`s not the best to just rush in and scare whoever lives in this forest, my appearance may not be the most welcome sight."
He thought as he sat down looking at himself again.

"Still no idea what I am, a dragon maybe?"
He thought scratching his chin feeling a small goatee, before snapping to attention as he heard the sounds of hooves coming closer, deciding to sneak closer to see whoever it is, before greeting whoever it is, in whatever friendly way this form can, crawling closer on his belly to make sure he doesn`t get seen, stopping behind some bushes to wait for whoever it is to come into view.

"Looks like a hut of some sort carved out of a tree."
He thought as he finally saw were the smoke was coming from, hearing some weird jibberish as the sound of hooves came closer, only seeing what appears to be a zebra with a mohawk and gold rings on it`s legs, but no sign of whoever owns the hut.

"Great first person I am near and whoever it is, is mad enough to give a makeover to a zebra."
He thought as to his surprise he saw the zebra walk inside the hut, still hearing some weird jibberish thinking it must be some kind of song, but still no sign of the hut owner, he rose up from his crawling position to get a better look around hoping he doesn`t scare whoever is singing.

"Whoever was talking is probably in here."
He thought as he looked inside a window, only seeing what appeared to be the zebra talking and pouring some contents in a big cauldon.

"Okay either I got brain damage or something weird is going on."
He thought as he rolled his eyes at the obvious answer, before he begun backing away from the window, shaking his head unsure if what he saw was real.

"Wonder if there`s a town full of horses too, heh that would just be madness."
He thought to himself as he begun walking in the opposite direction from the zebra hut, walking for what felt like hours before he stopped at a small river, taking a look at his reflection in the water, seeing what appeared to be a small fin on his back, and what looked like a blonde mane.

"Well hello sexy one, kinda looks like a dragon, wonder if I can breath fire."
He thought as he opened his mouth and seeing long white fangs, running his tongue along the teeths and giving his reflection a big grin.

"Seems i have horns too, must be the ones I tried to reach when i woke up, kinda gives me a demonic look, maybe I`m a cross between a dragon and a demon? sure hope I`m not some kind of slug"
He thought as he raised up on his hind legs to get a better view of himself, only to clutch his head again and fall back on his stomach.

"Argh why does my head hurt so much?"
He growled to himself before shoving his head in the cold water.

"Ah atleast the cold water helps a little."
He thought as he pulled his head back up, and laying himself on his side propping his head on his forearms and looking out over the water.

"Woof woof."

"Woof woof you too......wait what?"
He said as he turned his head spotting a small brown dog with a red scarf looking at him.

"Oh hello little dog, are you lost too?"
He asked as he sat up and held out a hand towards the dog, before remembering his new form and putting his hand back down on the ground.

The dog said as it tilted its head as it looked at the strange creature.

"So are you lost or can you find your way back?"
He asked the little dog.

"Arf aroo woof woof."

"Would help if I could speak dog."
He said looking at the little dog still wagging its tail at him.


"Want to walk with me for a while?"
He asked the dog.


"Yeah I think so too, let us see if we can find our way out togheter."
He said as he begun walking with the dog happily jumping around and wagging its tail.

"Lovely forest don`t you think?"
He said towards his new found little dog friend.


"Love the scarf."
He said after a moment of walking.

"Did I really just compliment a dog?"
He thought looking at the dog running next to him.

"Hmm maybe there is a name tag or something on the dog."
He thought sitting down on his hind legs to pick up the dog, getting a *woof?* from it, as he lift it up with his left hand.

"Hmm there`s a name on the scarf, Winona....is that your name or the owner?"
He asked the dog in his left hand, getting what he could swear was a nod as an answer from the dog.

"Wait it also has Sweet Apple Acres stitched in, ah must be your home."
He said with a smile.

"Atleast have a name and a place to search for now, detetive, dectective, eh whatever work success."
He thought still holding the dog in his hand.

"Winooonaaa please come back!"
A weak voice called out.

"Is that your owner?"
He asked the dog.


"Winona please, Applejack will be furious."

"Over here, I found your dog!!"
He called out, turning his head towards where the voice was coming from, expecting to see a girl coming into view, instead a small yellow pegasus with a pink mane and tail walked into view, who froze up at the sight of of the big purple creature holding Winona in a clawed hand.

The little pegasus said as it begun to shiver violently.

"Interesting ponies can talk in this land? world? wherever I am."
He thought as he looked at the little pony.

"Uh hello?"
He said with a unsure smile as he put down the dog, and lowered his head towards the little pegasus who just stood there shivering, reaching out a hand to see if it was stil alive, only for it to whimper and fall over on its back with a goat sound.

"Wow instant rigor mortis? and did it just sound like a goat?"
He said taking the little pegasus in its hand and putting it against his ear.

"Well atleast it got a heartbeat."
He said turning towards the dog.

"Well better take her with us."
He said holding the pegasus in one arm as they begun walking towards the way it came from.

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